Python sympy 模块,sin() 实例源码


项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n): = 2
        self.dim = n

        n2 = fr(n, 2) if n % 2 == 0 else fr(n-1, 2)
        pts = [[
            [sqrt(fr(2, n+2)) * cos(2*k*i*pi / (n+1)) for i in range(n+1)],
            [sqrt(fr(2, n+2)) * sin(2*k*i*pi / (n+1)) for i in range(n+1)],
            ] for k in range(1, n2+1)]
        if n % 2 == 1:
            sqrt3pm = numpy.full(n+1, 1/sqrt(n+2))
            sqrt3pm[1::2] *= -1
        pts = numpy.vstack(pts).T

        data = [(fr(1, n+1), pts)]

        self.points, self.weights = untangle(data)
        self.weights *= volume_unit_ball(n)
项目:pymoskito    作者:cklb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lie_derivative(self):
        Lfh = pm.lie_derivatives(self.h, self.f, self.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(Lfh, [self.h])

        Lfh = pm.lie_derivatives(self.h, self.f, self.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(Lfh, [self.h,
                                          - sp.sin(self._x1)*sp.cos(self._x2)])
        Lfh = pm.lie_derivatives(self.h, self.f, self.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(Lfh, [self.h,
                                          - sp.sin(self._x1)*sp.cos(self._x2)]),
                                       - sp.cos(self._x1)*sp.cos(self._x2)
                                   + sp.sin(self._x1)*(
                                       - 4*self._x1*self._x2
                                       + sp.sin(self._x1)*sp.sin(self._x2)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_3210():
    eqs = (sin(2)*cos(3) + sin(3)*cos(2),
        -sin(2)*sin(3) + cos(2)*cos(3),
        sin(2)*cos(3) - sin(3)*cos(2),
        sin(2)*sin(3) + cos(2)*cos(3),
        sin(2)*sin(3) + cos(2)*cos(3) + cos(2),
        sinh(2)*cosh(3) + sinh(3)*cosh(2),
        sinh(2)*sinh(3) + cosh(2)*cosh(3),
    assert [trigsimp(e) for e in eqs] == [
        cos(1) + cos(2),
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_simplify_other():
    assert simplify(sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2) == 1
    assert simplify(gamma(x + 1)/gamma(x)) == x
    assert simplify(sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2 + factorial(x)/gamma(x)) == 1 + x
    assert simplify(
        Eq(sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2, factorial(x)/gamma(x))) == Eq(1, x)
    nc = symbols('nc', commutative=False)
    assert simplify(x + x*nc) == x*(1 + nc)
    # issue 6123
    # f = exp(-I*(k*sqrt(t) + x/(2*sqrt(t)))**2)
    # ans = integrate(f, (k, -oo, oo), conds='none')
    ans = I*(-pi*x*exp(-3*I*pi/4 + I*x**2/(4*t))*erf(x*exp(-3*I*pi/4)/
        (2*sqrt(t)))/(2*sqrt(t)) + pi*x*exp(-3*I*pi/4 + I*x**2/(4*t))/
        (2*sqrt(t)))*exp(-I*x**2/(4*t))/(sqrt(pi)*x) - I*sqrt(pi) * \
        (-erf(x*exp(I*pi/4)/(2*sqrt(t))) + 1)*exp(I*pi/4)/(2*sqrt(t))
    assert simplify(ans) == -(-1)**(S(3)/4)*sqrt(pi)/sqrt(t)
    # issue 6370
    assert simplify(2**(2 + x)/4) == 2**x
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_powsimp_polar():
    from sympy import polar_lift, exp_polar
    x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
    p, q, r = symbols('p q r', polar=True)

    assert (polar_lift(-1))**(2*x) == exp_polar(2*pi*I*x)
    assert powsimp(p**x * q**x) == (p*q)**x
    assert p**x * (1/p)**x == 1
    assert (1/p)**x == p**(-x)

    assert exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y) == exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)) == exp_polar(x + y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)*p**x*p**y) == \
        (p*exp_polar(1))**(x + y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)*p**x*p**y, combine='exp') == \
        exp_polar(x + y)*p**(x + y)
    assert powsimp(
        exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)*exp_polar(2)*sin(x) + sin(y) + p**x*p**y) \
        == p**(x + y) + sin(x)*exp_polar(2 + x + y) + sin(y)
    assert powsimp(sin(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y))) == \
    assert powsimp(sin(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)), deep=True) == \
        sin(exp_polar(x + y))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_collect_order():
    a, b, x, t = symbols('a,b,x,t')

    assert collect(t + t*x + t*x**2 + O(x**3), t) == t*(1 + x + x**2 + O(x**3))
    assert collect(t + t*x + x**2 + O(x**3), t) == \
        t*(1 + x + O(x**3)) + x**2 + O(x**3)

    f = a*x + b*x + c*x**2 + d*x**2 + O(x**3)
    g = x*(a + b) + x**2*(c + d) + O(x**3)

    assert collect(f, x) == g
    assert collect(f, x, distribute_order_term=False) == g

    f = sin(a + b).series(b, 0, 10)

    assert collect(f, [sin(a), cos(a)]) == \
        sin(a)*cos(b).series(b, 0, 10) + cos(a)*sin(b).series(b, 0, 10)
    assert collect(f, [sin(a), cos(a)], distribute_order_term=False) == \
        sin(a)*cos(b).series(b, 0, 10).removeO() + \
        cos(a)*sin(b).series(b, 0, 10).removeO() + O(b**10)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_besselsimp():
    from sympy import besselj, besseli, besselk, bessely, jn, yn, exp_polar, cosh, cosine_transform
    assert besselsimp(exp(-I*pi*y/2)*besseli(y, z*exp_polar(I*pi/2))) == \
        besselj(y, z)
    assert besselsimp(exp(-I*pi*a/2)*besseli(a, 2*sqrt(x)*exp_polar(I*pi/2))) == \
        besselj(a, 2*sqrt(x))
    assert besselsimp(sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*x**(S(1)/4)*exp(I*pi/4)*exp(-I*pi*a/2) *
                      besseli(-S(1)/2, sqrt(x)*exp_polar(I*pi/2)) *
                      besseli(a, sqrt(x)*exp_polar(I*pi/2))/2) == \
        besselj(a, sqrt(x)) * cos(sqrt(x))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(S(-1)/2, z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(besseli(a, z*exp_polar(-I*pi/2))) == \
        exp(-I*pi*a/2)*besselj(a, z)
    assert cosine_transform(1/t*sin(a/t), t, y) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*besselj(0, 2*sqrt(a)*sqrt(y))/2
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_2827_trigsimp_methods():
    measure1 = lambda expr: len(str(expr))
    measure2 = lambda expr: -count_ops(expr)
                                       # Return the most complicated result
    expr = (x + 1)/(x + sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2)
    ans = Matrix([1])
    M = Matrix([expr])
    assert trigsimp(M, method='fu', measure=measure1) == ans
    assert trigsimp(M, method='fu', measure=measure2) != ans
    # all methods should work with Basic expressions even if they
    # aren't Expr
    M = Matrix.eye(1)
    assert all(trigsimp(M, method=m) == M for m in
        'fu matching groebner old'.split())
    # watch for E in exptrigsimp, not only exp()
    eq = 1/sqrt(E) + E
    assert exptrigsimp(eq) == eq
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_call():
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    # See the long history of this in issues 1927 and 2006.

    raises(TypeError, lambda: sin(x)({ x : 1, sin(x) : 2}))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: sin(x)(1))

    # No effect as there are no callables
    assert sin(x).rcall(1) == sin(x)
    assert (1 + sin(x)).rcall(1) == 1 + sin(x)

    # Effect in the pressence of callables
    l = Lambda(x, 2*x)
    assert (l + x).rcall(y) == 2*y + x
    assert (x**l).rcall(2) == x**4
    # TODO UndefinedFunction does not subclass Expr
    #f = Function('f')
    #assert (2*f)(x) == 2*f(x)

    assert (Q.real & Q.positive).rcall(x) == Q.real(x) & Q.positive(x)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_hypersum():
    from sympy import simplify, sin, hyper
    assert simplify(summation(x**n/fac(n), (n, 1, oo))) == -1 + exp(x)
    assert summation((-1)**n * x**(2*n) / fac(2*n), (n, 0, oo)) == cos(x)
    assert simplify(summation((-1)**n*x**(2*n + 1) /
        factorial(2*n + 1), (n, 3, oo))) == -x + sin(x) + x**3/6 - x**5/120

    assert summation(1/(n + 2)**3, (n, 1, oo)) == -S(9)/8 + zeta(3)
    assert summation(1/n**4, (n, 1, oo)) == pi**4/90

    s = summation(x**n*n, (n, -oo, 0))
    assert s.is_Piecewise
    assert s.args[0].args[0] == -1/(x*(1 - 1/x)**2)
    assert s.args[0].args[1] == (abs(1/x) < 1)

    m = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)
    assert summation(binomial(m, k), (k, 0, m)) == 2**m
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pend():
    q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u')
    qd, ud = dynamicsymbols('q u', 1)
    m, l, g = symbols('m l g')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    P = Point('P')
    P.set_vel(N, -l * u * sin(q) * N.x + l * u * cos(q) * N.y)
    kd = [qd - u]

    FL = [(P, m * g * N.x)]
    pa = Particle('pa', P, m)
    BL = [pa]

    KM = KanesMethod(N, [q], [u], kd)
    KM.kanes_equations(FL, BL)
    MM = KM.mass_matrix
    forcing = KM.forcing
    rhs = MM.inv() * forcing
    assert expand(rhs[0]) == expand(-g / l * sin(q))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dot_different_frames():
    assert dot(N.x, A.x) == cos(q1)
    assert dot(N.x, A.y) == -sin(q1)
    assert dot(N.x, A.z) == 0
    assert dot(N.y, A.x) == sin(q1)
    assert dot(N.y, A.y) == cos(q1)
    assert dot(N.y, A.z) == 0
    assert dot(N.z, A.x) == 0
    assert dot(N.z, A.y) == 0
    assert dot(N.z, A.z) == 1

    assert dot(N.x, A.x + A.y) == sqrt(2)*cos(q1 + pi/4) == dot(A.x + A.y, N.x)

    assert dot(A.x, C.x) == cos(q3)
    assert dot(A.x, C.y) == 0
    assert dot(A.x, C.z) == sin(q3)
    assert dot(A.y, C.x) == sin(q2)*sin(q3)
    assert dot(A.y, C.y) == cos(q2)
    assert dot(A.y, C.z) == -sin(q2)*cos(q3)
    assert dot(A.z, C.x) == -cos(q2)*sin(q3)
    assert dot(A.z, C.y) == sin(q2)
    assert dot(A.z, C.z) == cos(q2)*cos(q3)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_cross_different_frames():
    assert cross(N.x, A.x) == sin(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.x, A.y) == cos(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.x, A.z) == -sin(q1)*A.x - cos(q1)*A.y
    assert cross(N.y, A.x) == -cos(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.y, A.y) == sin(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.y, A.z) == cos(q1)*A.x - sin(q1)*A.y
    assert cross(N.z, A.x) == A.y
    assert cross(N.z, A.y) == -A.x
    assert cross(N.z, A.z) == 0

    assert cross(N.x, A.x) == sin(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.x, A.y) == cos(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.x, A.x + A.y) == sin(q1)*A.z + cos(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(A.x + A.y, N.x) == -sin(q1)*A.z - cos(q1)*A.z

    assert cross(A.x, C.x) == sin(q3)*C.y
    assert cross(A.x, C.y) == -sin(q3)*C.x + cos(q3)*C.z
    assert cross(A.x, C.z) == -cos(q3)*C.y
    assert cross(C.x, A.x) == -sin(q3)*C.y
    assert cross(C.y, A.x) == sin(q3)*C.x - cos(q3)*C.z
    assert cross(C.z, A.x) == cos(q3)*C.y
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_vector_pretty_print():

    # TODO : The unit vectors should print with subscripts but they just
    # print as `n_x` instead of making `x` a subscritp with unicode.

    # TODO : The pretty print division does not print correctly here:
    # w = alpha * N.x + sin(omega) * N.y + alpha / beta * N.z

    pp = VectorPrettyPrinter()

    expected = u(' 2\na  n_x + b n_y + c\u22c5sin(\u03b1) n_z')

    assert expected == pp.doprint(v)
    assert expected == v._pretty().render()

    expected = u('\u03b1 n_x + sin(\u03c9) n_y + \u03b1\u22c5\u03b2 n_z')

    assert expected == pp.doprint(w)
    assert expected == w._pretty().render()
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_expand():
    m0 = Matrix([[x*(x + y), 2], [((x + y)*y)*x, x*(y + x*(x + y))]])
    # Test if expand() returns a matrix
    m1 = m0.expand()
    assert m1 == Matrix(
        [[x*y + x**2, 2], [x*y**2 + y*x**2, x*y + y*x**2 + x**3]])

    a = Symbol('a', real=True)

    assert Matrix([exp(I*a)]).expand(complex=True) == \
        Matrix([cos(a) + I*sin(a)])

    assert Matrix([[0, 1, 2], [0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0]]).exp() == Matrix([
        [1, 1, Rational(3, 2)],
        [0, 1, -1],
        [0, 0, 1]]
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_function_series1():
    """Create our new "sin" function."""

    class my_function(Function):

        def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
            return cos(self.args[0])

        def eval(cls, arg):
            arg = sympify(arg)
            if arg == 0:
                return sympify(0)

    #Test that the taylor series is correct
    assert my_function(x).series(x, 0, 10) == sin(x).series(x, 0, 10)
    assert limit(my_function(x)/x, x, 0) == 1
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_function_series2():
    """Create our new "cos" function."""

    class my_function2(Function):

        def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
            return -sin(self.args[0])

        def eval(cls, arg):
            arg = sympify(arg)
            if arg == 0:
                return sympify(1)

    #Test that the taylor series is correct
    assert my_function2(x).series(x, 0, 10) == cos(x).series(x, 0, 10)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _compute_transform(self, F, s, x, **hints):
        from sympy import postorder_traversal
        global _allowed
        if _allowed is None:
            from sympy import (
                exp, gamma, sin, cos, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh,
                coth, factorial, rf)
            _allowed = set(
                [exp, gamma, sin, cos, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth,
                 factorial, rf])
        for f in postorder_traversal(F):
            if f.is_Function and f.has(s) and f.func not in _allowed:
                raise IntegralTransformError('Inverse Mellin', F,
                                     'Component %s not recognised.' % f)
        strip = self.fundamental_strip
        return _inverse_mellin_transform(F, s, x, strip, **hints)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sine_cosine_transform(f, x, k, a, b, K, name, simplify=True):
    Compute a general sine or cosine-type transform
        F(k) = a int_0^oo b*sin(x*k) f(x) dx.
        F(k) = a int_0^oo b*cos(x*k) f(x) dx.

    For suitable choice of a and b, this reduces to the standard sine/cosine
    and inverse sine/cosine transforms.
    F = integrate(a*f*K(b*x*k), (x, 0, oo))

    if not F.has(Integral):
        return _simplify(F, simplify), True

    if not F.is_Piecewise:
        raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'could not compute integral')

    F, cond = F.args[0]
    if F.has(Integral):
        raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'integral in unexpected form')

    return _simplify(F, simplify), cond
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_transform():
    a = Integral(x**2 + 1, (x, -1, 2))
    fx = x
    fy = 3*y + 1
    assert a.doit() == a.transform(fx, fy).doit()
    assert a.transform(fx, fy).transform(fy, fx) == a
    fx = 3*x + 1
    fy = y
    assert a.transform(fx, fy).transform(fy, fx) == a
    a = Integral(sin(1/x), (x, 0, 1))
    assert a.transform(x, 1/y) == Integral(sin(y)/y**2, (y, 1, oo))
    assert a.transform(x, 1/y).transform(y, 1/x) == a
    a = Integral(exp(-x**2), (x, -oo, oo))
    assert a.transform(x, 2*y) == Integral(2*exp(-4*y**2), (y, -oo, oo))
    # < 3 arg limit handled properly
    assert Integral(x, x).transform(x, a*y).doit() == \
        Integral(y*a**2, y).doit()
    _3 = S(3)
    assert Integral(x, (x, 0, -_3)).transform(x, 1/y).doit() == \
        Integral(-1/x**3, (x, -oo, -1/_3)).doit()
    assert Integral(x, (x, 0, _3)).transform(x, 1/y) == \
        Integral(y**(-3), (y, 1/_3, oo))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trig_cotcsc_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral
    integrand = integrand.subs({
        1 / sympy.sin(symbol):,
        1 / sympy.tan(symbol): sympy.cot(symbol),
        sympy.cos(symbol) / sympy.tan(symbol): sympy.cot(symbol)

    if any(integrand.has(f) for f in (sympy.cot,
        pattern, a, b, m, n = cotcsc_pattern(symbol)
        match = integrand.match(pattern)

        if match:
            a, b, m, n = match.get(a, 0),match.get(b, 0), match.get(m, 0), match.get(n, 0)
            return multiplexer({
                cotcsc_cotodd_condition: cotcsc_cotodd,
                cotcsc_csceven_condition: cotcsc_csceven
            })((a, b, m, n, integrand, symbol))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dup_clear_denoms():
    assert dup_clear_denoms([], QQ, ZZ) == (ZZ(1), [])

    assert dup_clear_denoms([QQ(1)], QQ, ZZ) == (ZZ(1), [QQ(1)])
    assert dup_clear_denoms([QQ(7)], QQ, ZZ) == (ZZ(1), [QQ(7)])

    assert dup_clear_denoms([QQ(7, 3)], QQ) == (ZZ(3), [QQ(7)])
    assert dup_clear_denoms([QQ(7, 3)], QQ, ZZ) == (ZZ(3), [QQ(7)])

    assert dup_clear_denoms(
        [QQ(3), QQ(1), QQ(0)], QQ, ZZ) == (ZZ(1), [QQ(3), QQ(1), QQ(0)])
    assert dup_clear_denoms(
        [QQ(1), QQ(1, 2), QQ(0)], QQ, ZZ) == (ZZ(2), [QQ(2), QQ(1), QQ(0)])

    assert dup_clear_denoms([QQ(3), QQ(
        1), QQ(0)], QQ, ZZ, convert=True) == (ZZ(1), [ZZ(3), ZZ(1), ZZ(0)])
    assert dup_clear_denoms([QQ(1), QQ(
        1, 2), QQ(0)], QQ, ZZ, convert=True) == (ZZ(2), [ZZ(2), ZZ(1), ZZ(0)])

    assert dup_clear_denoms(
        [EX(S(3)/2), EX(S(9)/4)], EX) == (EX(4), [EX(6), EX(9)])

    assert dup_clear_denoms([EX(7)], EX) == (EX(1), [EX(7)])
    assert dup_clear_denoms([EX(sin(x)/x), EX(0)], EX) == (EX(x), [EX(sin(x)), EX(0)])
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_output_arg_c():
    from sympy import sin, cos, Equality
    x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
    r = Routine("foo", [Equality(y, sin(x)), cos(x)])
    c = CCodeGen()
    result = c.write([r], "test", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0][0] == "test.c"
    expected = (
        '#include "test.h"\n'
        '#include <math.h>\n'
        'double foo(double x, double &y) {\n'
        '   y = sin(x);\n'
        '   return cos(x);\n'
    assert result[0][1] == expected
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_output_arg_f():
    from sympy import sin, cos, Equality
    x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
    r = Routine("foo", [Equality(y, sin(x)), cos(x)])
    c = FCodeGen()
    result = c.write([r], "test", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0][0] == "test.f90"
    assert result[0][1] == (
        'REAL*8 function foo(x, y)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(out) :: y\n'
        'y = sin(x)\n'
        'foo = cos(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_maxima_functions():
    assert parse_maxima('expand( (x+1)^2)') == x**2 + 2*x + 1
    assert parse_maxima('factor( x**2 + 2*x + 1)') == (x + 1)**2
    assert parse_maxima('2*cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2') == 2*cos(x)**2 + sin(x)**2
    assert parse_maxima('trigexpand(sin(2*x)+cos(2*x))') == \
        -1 + 2*cos(x)**2 + 2*cos(x)*sin(x)
    assert parse_maxima('solve(x^2-4,x)') == [-2, 2]
    assert parse_maxima('limit((1+1/x)^x,x,inf)') == E
    assert parse_maxima('limit(sqrt(-x)/x,x,0,minus)') == -oo
    assert parse_maxima('diff(x^x, x)') == x**x*(1 + log(x))
    assert parse_maxima('sum(k, k, 1, n)', name_dict=dict(
        n=Symbol('n', integer=True),
        k=Symbol('k', integer=True)
    )) == (n**2 + n)/2
    assert parse_maxima('product(k, k, 1, n)', name_dict=dict(
        n=Symbol('n', integer=True),
        k=Symbol('k', integer=True)
    )) == factorial(n)
    assert parse_maxima('ratsimp((x^2-1)/(x+1))') == x - 1
    assert Abs( parse_maxima(
        'float(sec(%pi/3) + csc(%pi/3))') - 3.154700538379252) < 10**(-5)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def derivatives_in_spherical_coordinates():
    X = (r, th, phi) = symbols('r theta phi')
    curv = [[r*cos(phi)*sin(th), r*sin(phi)*sin(th), r*cos(th)], [1, r, r*sin(th)]]
    (er, eth, ephi, grad) = MV.setup('e_r e_theta e_phi', metric='[1,1,1]', coords=X, curv=curv)

    f = MV('f', 'scalar', fct=True)
    A = MV('A', 'vector', fct=True)
    B = MV('B', 'grade2', fct=True)

    print('f =', f)
    print('A =', A)
    print('B =', B)

    print('grad*f =', grad*f)
    print('grad|A =', grad | A)
    print('-I*(grad^A) =', -MV.I*(grad ^ A))
    print('grad^B =', grad ^ B)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def derivatives_in_spherical_coordinates():
    X = (r, th, phi) = symbols('r theta phi')
    curv = [[r*cos(phi)*sin(th), r*sin(phi)*sin(th), r*cos(th)], [1, r, r*sin(th)]]
    (er, eth, ephi, grad) = MV.setup('e_r e_theta e_phi', metric='[1,1,1]', coords=X, curv=curv)

    f = MV('f', 'scalar', fct=True)
    A = MV('A', 'vector', fct=True)
    B = MV('B', 'grade2', fct=True)

    print('f =', f)
    print('A =', A)
    print('B =', B)

    print('grad*f =', grad*f)
    print('grad|A =', grad | A)
    print('-I*(grad^A) =', (-MV.I*(grad ^ A)).simplify())
    print('grad^B =', grad ^ B)
项目:qiskit-sdk-py    作者:QISKit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def real(self, nested_scope=None):
        """Return the correspond floating point number."""
        op = self.children[0].name
        expr = self.children[1]
        dispatch = {
            'sin': sympy.sin,
            'cos': sympy.cos,
            'tan': sympy.tan,
            'asin': sympy.asin,
            'acos': sympy.acos,
            'atan': sympy.atan,
            'exp': sympy.exp,
            'ln': sympy.log,
            'sqrt': sympy.sqrt
        if op in dispatch:
            arg = expr.real(nested_scope)
            return dispatch[op](arg)
            raise NodeException("internal error: undefined external")
项目:qiskit-sdk-py    作者:QISKit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sym(self, nested_scope=None):
        """Return the corresponding symbolic expression."""
        op = self.children[0].name
        expr = self.children[1]
        dispatch = {
            'sin': sympy.sin,
            'cos': sympy.cos,
            'tan': sympy.tan,
            'asin': sympy.asin,
            'acos': sympy.acos,
            'atan': sympy.atan,
            'exp': sympy.exp,
            'ln': sympy.log,
            'sqrt': sympy.sqrt
        if op in dispatch:
            arg = expr.sym(nested_scope)
            return dispatch[op](arg)
            raise NodeException("internal error: undefined external")
项目:prototype    作者:chutsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def two_wheel_2d_model(x, u, dt):
    """Two wheel 2D motion model

    x :

    u :

    dt :


    gdot = np.array([[u[0, 0] * cos(x[2, 0]) * dt],
                     [u[0, 0] * sin(x[2, 0]) * dt],
                     [u[1, 0] * dt]])

    return x + gdot
项目:prototype    作者:chutsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def two_wheel_3d_model(x, u, dt):
    """Two wheel 3D motion model

    x :

    u :

    dt :


    g1 = x[0, 0] + u[0] * cos(x[3, 0]) * dt
    g2 = x[1, 0] + u[0] * sin(x[3, 0]) * dt
    g3 = x[2, 0] + u[1] * dt
    g4 = x[3, 0] + u[2] * dt

    return np.array([g1, g2, g3, g4])
项目:prototype    作者:chutsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def two_wheel_3d_deriv():
    """ """
    x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 = sympy.symbols("x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7")
    dt = sympy.symbols("dt")

    # x1 - x
    # x2 - y
    # x3 - z
    # x4 - theta
    # x5 - v
    # x6 - omega
    # x7 - vz

    # x, y, z, theta, v, omega, vz
    f1 = x1 + x5 * sympy.cos(x4) * dt
    f2 = x2 + x5 * sympy.sin(x4) * dt
    f3 = x3 + x7 * dt
    f4 = x4 + x6 * dt
    f5 = x5
    f6 = x6
    f7 = x7

    F = sympy.Matrix([f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7])
    pprint(F.jacobian([x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7]))
项目:prototype    作者:chutsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linearity_index_inverse_depth():
    """Linearity index of Inverse Depth Parameterization"""
    D, rho, rho_0, d_1, sigma_rho = sympy.symbols("D,rho,rho_0,d_1,sigma_rho")
    alpha = sympy.symbols("alpha")
    u = (rho * sympy.sin(alpha)) / (rho_0 * d_1 * (rho_0 - rho) + rho * sympy.cos(alpha))  # NOQA

    # first order derivative of u
    u_p = sympy.diff(u, rho)
    u_p = sympy.simplify(u_p)

    # second order derivative of u
    u_pp = sympy.diff(u_p, rho)
    u_pp = sympy.simplify(u_pp)

    # Linearity index
    L = (u_pp * 2 * sigma_rho) / (u_p)
    L = sympy.simplify(L)

    print("u: ", u)
    print("u': ", u_p)
    print("u'': ", u_pp)
    # print("L = ", L)
    print("L = ", L.subs(rho, 0))
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_epath_apply():
    expr = [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 4), z)]
    func = lambda expr: expr**2

    assert epath("/*", expr, list) == [[(x, 1, t), 2], [(3, y, 4), z]]

    assert epath("/*/[0]", expr, list) == [([x, 1, t], 2), ([3, y, 4], z)]
    assert epath("/*/[1]", expr, func) == [((x, 1, t), 4), ((3, y, 4), z**2)]
    assert epath("/*/[2]", expr, list) == expr

    assert epath("/*/[0]/int", expr, func) == [((x, 1, t), 2), ((9, y, 16), z)]
    assert epath("/*/[0]/Symbol", expr, func) == [((x**2, 1, t**2), 2),
                 ((3, y**2, 4), z)]
    assert epath(
        "/*/[0]/int[1:]", expr, func) == [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 16), z)]
    assert epath("/*/[0]/Symbol[1:]", expr, func) == [((x, 1, t**2),
                 2), ((3, y**2, 4), z)]

    assert epath("/Symbol", x + y + z + 1, func) == x**2 + y**2 + z**2 + 1
    assert epath("/*/*/Symbol", t + sin(x + 1) + cos(x + y + E), func) == \
        t + sin(x**2 + 1) + cos(x**2 + y**2 + E)
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_call():
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    # See the long history of this in issues 5026 and 5105.

    raises(TypeError, lambda: sin(x)({ x : 1, sin(x) : 2}))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: sin(x)(1))

    # No effect as there are no callables
    assert sin(x).rcall(1) == sin(x)
    assert (1 + sin(x)).rcall(1) == 1 + sin(x)

    # Effect in the pressence of callables
    l = Lambda(x, 2*x)
    assert (l + x).rcall(y) == 2*y + x
    assert (x**l).rcall(2) == x**4
    # TODO UndefinedFunction does not subclass Expr
    #f = Function('f')
    #assert (2*f)(x) == 2*f(x)

    assert (Q.real & Q.positive).rcall(x) == Q.real(x) & Q.positive(x)
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_hypersum():
    from sympy import sin
    assert simplify(summation(x**n/fac(n), (n, 1, oo))) == -1 + exp(x)
    assert summation((-1)**n * x**(2*n) / fac(2*n), (n, 0, oo)) == cos(x)
    assert simplify(summation((-1)**n*x**(2*n + 1) /
        factorial(2*n + 1), (n, 3, oo))) == -x + sin(x) + x**3/6 - x**5/120

    assert summation(1/(n + 2)**3, (n, 1, oo)) == -S(9)/8 + zeta(3)
    assert summation(1/n**4, (n, 1, oo)) == pi**4/90

    s = summation(x**n*n, (n, -oo, 0))
    assert s.is_Piecewise
    assert s.args[0].args[0] == -1/(x*(1 - 1/x)**2)
    assert s.args[0].args[1] == (abs(1/x) < 1)

    m = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)
    assert summation(binomial(m, k), (k, 0, m)) == 2**m
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_cross_different_frames():
    assert cross(N.x, A.x) == sin(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.x, A.y) == cos(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.x, A.z) == -sin(q1)*A.x - cos(q1)*A.y
    assert cross(N.y, A.x) == -cos(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.y, A.y) == sin(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.y, A.z) == cos(q1)*A.x - sin(q1)*A.y
    assert cross(N.z, A.x) == A.y
    assert cross(N.z, A.y) == -A.x
    assert cross(N.z, A.z) == 0

    assert cross(N.x, A.x) == sin(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.x, A.y) == cos(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(N.x, A.x + A.y) == sin(q1)*A.z + cos(q1)*A.z
    assert cross(A.x + A.y, N.x) == -sin(q1)*A.z - cos(q1)*A.z

    assert cross(A.x, C.x) == sin(q3)*C.y
    assert cross(A.x, C.y) == -sin(q3)*C.x + cos(q3)*C.z
    assert cross(A.x, C.z) == -cos(q3)*C.y
    assert cross(C.x, A.x) == -sin(q3)*C.y
    assert cross(C.y, A.x) == sin(q3)*C.x - cos(q3)*C.z
    assert cross(C.z, A.x) == cos(q3)*C.y
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n, index):
        self.dim = n
        if index == 2:
   = 2
            r = sqrt(3) / 6
            data = [
                (1.0, numpy.array([numpy.full(n, 2*r)])),
                (+r, _s(n, -1, r)),
                (-r, _s(n, +1, r)),
            assert index == 3
   = 3
            n2 = n // 2 if n % 2 == 0 else (n-1)//2
            i_range = range(1, 2*n+1)
            pts = [[
                [sqrt(fr(2, 3)) * cos((2*k-1)*i*pi / n) for i in i_range],
                [sqrt(fr(2, 3)) * sin((2*k-1)*i*pi / n) for i in i_range],
                ] for k in range(1, n2+1)]
            if n % 2 == 1:
                sqrt3pm = numpy.full(2*n, 1/sqrt(3))
                sqrt3pm[1::2] *= -1
            pts = numpy.vstack(pts).T

            data = [(fr(1, 2*n), pts)]

        self.points, self.weights = untangle(data)
        reference_volume = 2**n
        self.weights *= reference_volume
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n):
        self.weights = numpy.full(n, 2*sympy.pi/n)
        self.points = numpy.column_stack([
            [sympy.cos(sympy.pi * sympy.Rational(2*k, n)) for k in range(n)],
            [sympy.sin(sympy.pi * sympy.Rational(2*k, n)) for k in range(n)],
            ]) = n - 1
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gen4_1():
    pts = 2 * sqrt(5) * numpy.array([
        [cos(2*i*pi/5) for i in range(5)],
        [sin(2*i*pi/5) for i in range(5)],
    data = [
        (fr(7, 10), numpy.array([[0, 0]])),
        (fr(3, 50), pts),
    return 4, data

# The boolean tells whether the factor 2*pi is already in the weights
项目:pymoskito    作者:cklb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, settings):

        params = sp.symbols('x1, x2, x3, x4, tau')
        x1, x2, x3, x4, tau = params
        x = [x1, x2, x3, x4]
        h = sp.Matrix([[x1]])
        f = sp.Matrix([[x2],
                       [st.B * x1 * x4 ** 2 - st.B * st.G * sin(x3)],
                       [(tau - 2 * st.M * x1 * x2 * x4
                         - st.M * st.G * x1 * cos(x3)) / (
                        st.M * x1 ** 2 + st.J + st.Jb)]])

        q = sp.Matrix(pm.lie_derivatives(h, f, x, len(x) - 1))
        dq = q.jacobian(x)

        if dq.rank() != len(x):
            raise Exception("System might not be observable")

        # gets p = [p0, p1, ... pn-1]
        p = pm.char_coefficients(self._settings["poles"])

        k = p[::-1]
        l = dq.inv() @ k

        mat2array = [{'ImmutableMatrix': np.array}, 'numpy']
        self.h_func = sp.lambdify((x1, x2, x3, x4, tau), h, modules=mat2array)
        self.l_func = sp.lambdify((x1, x2, x3, x4, tau), l, modules=mat2array)
        self.f_func = sp.lambdify((x1, x2, x3, x4, tau), f, modules=mat2array)

        self.output = np.array(self._settings["initial state"], dtype=float)
项目:pymoskito    作者:cklb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self._x1, self._x2 = sp.symbols("x y")
        self.x = sp.Matrix([self._x1, self._x2])
        self.f = sp.Matrix([-self._x2**2, sp.sin(self._x1)])
        self.h = sp.Matrix([self._x1**2 - sp.sin(self._x2)])
项目:pymoskito    作者:cklb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, settings):
        Trajectory.__init__(self, settings)

        # calculate symbolic derivatives up to order n
        t, a, f, off, p = sp.symbols("t, a, f, off, p")
        self.yd_sym = []
        harmonic = a * sp.sin(2 * sp.pi * f * t + p) + off

        for idx in range(settings["differential_order"] + 1):
            self.yd_sym.append(harmonic.diff(t, idx))

        # lambdify
        for idx, val in enumerate(self.yd_sym):
            self.yd_sym[idx] = sp.lambdify((t, a, f, off, p), val, "numpy")
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_sin():
    e = sin(x).lseries(x)
    assert next(e) == x
    assert next(e) == -x**3/6
    assert next(e) == x**5/120
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_5183():
    s = (x + 1/x).lseries()
    assert [si for si in s] == [1/x, x]
    assert next((x + x**2).lseries()) == x
    assert next(((1 + x)**7).lseries(x)) == 1
    assert next((sin(x + y)).series(x, n=3).lseries(y)) == x
    # it would be nice if all terms were grouped, but in the
    # following case that would mean that all the terms would have
    # to be known since, for example, every term has a constant in it.
    s = ((1 + x)**7).series(x, 1, n=None)
    assert [next(s) for i in range(2)] == [128, -448 + 448*x]
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_finite_diff():
    assert finite_diff(x**2 + 2*x + 1, x) == 2*x + 3
    assert finite_diff(y**3 + 2*y**2 + 3*y + 5, y) == 3*y**2 + 7*y + 6
    assert finite_diff(z**2 - 2*z + 3, z) == 2*z - 1
    assert finite_diff(w**2 + 3*w - 2, w) == 2*w + 4
    assert finite_diff(sin(x), x, pi/6) == -sin(x) + sin(x + pi/6)
    assert finite_diff(cos(y), y, pi/3) == -cos(y) + cos(y + pi/3)
    assert finite_diff(x**2 - 2*x + 3, x, 2) == 4*x
    assert finite_diff(n**2 - 2*n + 3, n, 3) == 6*n + 3
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_functions():
    assert residue(1/sin(x), x, 0) == 1
    assert residue(2/sin(x), x, 0) == 2
    assert residue(1/sin(x)**2, x, 0) == 0
    assert residue(1/sin(x)**5, x, 0) == S(3)/8
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_epath_select():
    expr = [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 4), z)]

    assert epath("/*", expr) == [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 4), z)]
    assert epath("/*/*", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]
    assert epath("/*/*/*", expr) == [x, 1, t, 3, y, 4]
    assert epath("/*/*/*/*", expr) == []

    assert epath("/[:]", expr) == [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 4), z)]
    assert epath("/[:]/[:]", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]
    assert epath("/[:]/[:]/[:]", expr) == [x, 1, t, 3, y, 4]
    assert epath("/[:]/[:]/[:]/[:]", expr) == []

    assert epath("/*/[:]", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]

    assert epath("/*/[0]", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4)]
    assert epath("/*/[1]", expr) == [2, z]
    assert epath("/*/[2]", expr) == []

    assert epath("/*/int", expr) == [2]
    assert epath("/*/Symbol", expr) == [z]
    assert epath("/*/tuple", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4)]
    assert epath("/*/__iter__?", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4)]

    assert epath("/*/int|tuple", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4)]
    assert epath("/*/Symbol|tuple", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4), z]
    assert epath("/*/int|Symbol|tuple", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]

    assert epath("/*/int|__iter__?", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4)]
    assert epath("/*/Symbol|__iter__?", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4), z]
    assert epath(
        "/*/int|Symbol|__iter__?", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]

    assert epath("/*/[0]/int", expr) == [1, 3, 4]
    assert epath("/*/[0]/Symbol", expr) == [x, t, y]

    assert epath("/*/[0]/int[1:]", expr) == [1, 4]
    assert epath("/*/[0]/Symbol[1:]", expr) == [t, y]

    assert epath("/Symbol", x + y + z + 1) == [x, y, z]
    assert epath("/*/*/Symbol", t + sin(x + 1) + cos(x + y + E)) == [x, x, y]
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_trigsimp1():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')

    assert trigsimp(1 - sin(x)**2) == cos(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1 - cos(x)**2) == sin(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2) == 1
    assert trigsimp(1 + tan(x)**2) == 1/cos(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1/cos(x)**2 - 1) == tan(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1/cos(x)**2 - tan(x)**2) == 1
    assert trigsimp(1 + cot(x)**2) == 1/sin(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1/sin(x)**2 - 1) == 1/tan(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1/sin(x)**2 - cot(x)**2) == 1

    assert trigsimp(5*cos(x)**2 + 5*sin(x)**2) == 5
    assert trigsimp(5*cos(x/2)**2 + 2*sin(x/2)**2) == 3*cos(x)/2 + S(7)/2

    assert trigsimp(sin(x)/cos(x)) == tan(x)
    assert trigsimp(2*tan(x)*cos(x)) == 2*sin(x)
    assert trigsimp(cot(x)**3*sin(x)**3) == cos(x)**3
    assert trigsimp(y*tan(x)**2/sin(x)**2) == y/cos(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cot(x)/cos(x)) == 1/sin(x)

    assert trigsimp(sin(x + y) + sin(x - y)) == 2*sin(x)*cos(y)
    assert trigsimp(sin(x + y) - sin(x - y)) == 2*sin(y)*cos(x)
    assert trigsimp(cos(x + y) + cos(x - y)) == 2*cos(x)*cos(y)
    assert trigsimp(cos(x + y) - cos(x - y)) == -2*sin(x)*sin(y)
    assert ratsimp(trigsimp(tan(x + y) - tan(x)/(1 - tan(x)*tan(y)))) == \
        sin(y)/(-sin(y)*tan(x) + cos(y))  # -tan(y)/(tan(x)*tan(y) - 1)

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x + y) + sinh(x - y)) == 2*sinh(x)*cosh(y)
    assert trigsimp(sinh(x + y) - sinh(x - y)) == 2*sinh(y)*cosh(x)
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x + y) + cosh(x - y)) == 2*cosh(x)*cosh(y)
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x + y) - cosh(x - y)) == 2*sinh(x)*sinh(y)
    assert ratsimp(trigsimp(tanh(x + y) - tanh(x)/(1 + tanh(x)*tanh(y)))) == \
        sinh(y)/(sinh(y)*tanh(x) + cosh(y))

    assert trigsimp(cos(0.12345)**2 + sin(0.12345)**2) == 1
    e = 2*sin(x)**2 + 2*cos(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(log(e)) == log(2)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_trigsimp1a():
    assert trigsimp(sin(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)/cos(2)**2) == tan(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(tan(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)*cos(2)**2) == sin(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(cot(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*sin(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)*cos(2)
    assert trigsimp(tan(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/sin(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/cos(2)
    assert trigsimp(cot(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/cos(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/sin(2)
    assert trigsimp(cot(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*tan(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(sinh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/cosh(2)) == tanh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(tanh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*cosh(2)) == sinh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(coth(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*sinh(2)) == cosh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(tanh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/sinh(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/cosh(2)
    assert trigsimp(coth(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/cosh(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/sinh(2)
    assert trigsimp(coth(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*tanh(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)