Python sympy 模块,I 实例源码


项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_paper_part_frac(degree):
    from ..partialfrac import thetas_alphas_to_expr_complex
    from sympy import Float, I
    # Values above are negative what we expect. It also only includes one of
    # each complex conjugate, which is fine so long as we pass in the positive
    # imaginary parts for the thetas.
    thetas = [-Float(r) + Float(i)*I for r, i in

    alphas = [-Float(r) + Float(i)*I for r, i in

    [alpha0] = [Float(r) + Float(i)*I for r, i in

    return thetas_alphas_to_expr_complex(thetas, alphas, alpha0)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_paper_thetas_alphas(degree):
    from sympy import Float, I

    thetas = [-Float(r) + Float(i)*I for r, i in
    thetas = thetas + [i.conjugate() for i in thetas]

    alphas = [-Float(r) + Float(i)*I for r, i in
    alphas = alphas + [i.conjugate() for i in alphas]

    [alpha0] = [Float(r) + Float(i)*I for r, i in

    return thetas, alphas, alpha0
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prudnikov_misc():
    assert can_do([1, (3 + I)/2, (3 - I)/2], [S(3)/2, 2])
    assert can_do([S.Half, a - 1], [S(3)/2, a + 1], lowerplane=True)
    assert can_do([], [b + 1])
    assert can_do([a], [a - 1, b + 1])

    assert can_do([a], [a - S.Half, 2*a])
    assert can_do([a], [a - S.Half, 2*a + 1])
    assert can_do([a], [a - S.Half, 2*a - 1])
    assert can_do([a], [a + S.Half, 2*a])
    assert can_do([a], [a + S.Half, 2*a + 1])
    assert can_do([a], [a + S.Half, 2*a - 1])
    assert can_do([S.Half], [b, 2 - b])
    assert can_do([S.Half], [b, 3 - b])
    assert can_do([1], [2, b])

    assert can_do([a, a + S.Half], [2*a, b, 2*a - b + 1])
    assert can_do([a, a + S.Half], [S.Half, 2*a, 2*a + S.Half])
    assert can_do([a], [a + 1], lowerplane=True)  # lowergamma
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_use():
    assert use(0, expand) == 0

    f = (x + y)**2*x + 1

    assert use(f, expand, level=0) == x**3 + 2*x**2*y + x*y**2 + + 1
    assert use(f, expand, level=1) == x**3 + 2*x**2*y + x*y**2 + + 1
    assert use(f, expand, level=2) == 1 + x*(2*x*y + x**2 + y**2)
    assert use(f, expand, level=3) == (x + y)**2*x + 1

    f = (x**2 + 1)**2 - 1
    kwargs = {'gaussian': True}

    assert use(f, factor, level=0, kwargs=kwargs) == x**2*(x**2 + 2)
    assert use(f, factor, level=1, kwargs=kwargs) == (x + I)**2*(x - I)**2 - 1
    assert use(f, factor, level=2, kwargs=kwargs) == (x + I)**2*(x - I)**2 - 1
    assert use(f, factor, level=3, kwargs=kwargs) == (x**2 + 1)**2 - 1
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints):
        returns a tuple represeting a complex numbers


        >>> from sympy import I
        >>> (7 + 9*I).as_real_imag()
        (7, 9)
        >>> ((1 + I)/(1 - I)).as_real_imag()
        (0, 1)
        >>> ((1 + 2*I)*(1 + 3*I)).as_real_imag()
        (-5, 5)
        sargs, terms = self.args, []
        re_part, im_part = [], []
        for term in sargs:
            re, im = term.as_real_imag(deep=deep)
        return (self.func(*re_part), self.func(*im_part))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pow_eval():
    # XXX Pow does not fully support conversion of negative numbers
    #     to their complex equivalent

    assert sqrt(-1) == I

    assert sqrt(-4) == 2*I
    assert sqrt( 4) == 2
    assert (8)**Rational(1, 3) == 2
    assert (-8)**Rational(1, 3) == 2*((-1)**Rational(1, 3))

    assert sqrt(-2) == I*sqrt(2)
    assert (-1)**Rational(1, 3) != I
    assert (-10)**Rational(1, 3) != I*((10)**Rational(1, 3))
    assert (-2)**Rational(1, 4) != (2)**Rational(1, 4)

    assert 64**Rational(1, 3) == 4
    assert 64**Rational(2, 3) == 16
    assert 24/sqrt(64) == 3
    assert (-27)**Rational(1, 3) == 3*(-1)**Rational(1, 3)

    assert (cos(2) / tan(2))**2 == (cos(2) / tan(2))**2
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_p():
    assert Px.hilbert_space == L2(Interval(S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity))
    assert qapply(Px*PxKet(px)) == px*PxKet(px)
    assert PxKet(px).dual_class() == PxBra
    assert PxBra(x).dual_class() == PxKet
    assert (Dagger(PxKet(py))*PxKet(px)).doit() == DiracDelta(px - py)
    assert (XBra(x)*PxKet(px)).doit() == \
    assert represent(PxKet(px)) == DiracDelta(px - px_1)

    rep_x = represent(PxOp(), basis=XOp)
    assert rep_x == -hbar*I*DiracDelta(x_1 - x_2)*DifferentialOperator(x_1)
    assert rep_x == represent(PxOp(), basis=XOp())
    assert rep_x == represent(PxOp(), basis=XKet)
    assert rep_x == represent(PxOp(), basis=XKet())

    assert represent(PxOp()*XKet(), basis=XKet) == \
        -hbar*I*DiracDelta(x - x_2)*DifferentialOperator(x)
    assert represent(XBra("y")*PxOp()*XKet(), basis=XKet) == \
        -hbar*I*DiracDelta(x - y)*DifferentialOperator(x)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_scalars():
    x = symbols('x', complex=True)
    assert Dagger(x) == conjugate(x)
    assert Dagger(I*x) == -I*conjugate(x)

    i = symbols('i', real=True)
    assert Dagger(i) == i

    p = symbols('p')
    assert isinstance(Dagger(p), adjoint)

    i = Integer(3)
    assert Dagger(i) == i

    A = symbols('A', commutative=False)
    assert Dagger(A).is_commutative is False
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_quantum_fourier():
    assert QFT(0, 3).decompose() == \
        SwapGate(0, 2)*HadamardGate(0)*CGate((0,), PhaseGate(1)) * \
        HadamardGate(1)*CGate((0,), TGate(2))*CGate((1,), PhaseGate(2)) * \

    assert IQFT(0, 3).decompose() == \
        HadamardGate(2)*CGate((1,), RkGate(2, -2))*CGate((0,), RkGate(2, -3)) * \
        HadamardGate(1)*CGate((0,), RkGate(1, -2))*HadamardGate(0)*SwapGate(0, 2)

    assert represent(QFT(0, 3), nqubits=3) == \
        Matrix([[exp(2*pi*I/8)**(i*j % 8)/sqrt(8) for i in range(8)] for j in range(8)])

    assert QFT(0, 4).decompose()  # non-trivial decomposition
    assert qapply(QFT(0, 3).decompose()*Qubit(0, 0, 0)).expand() == qapply(
        HadamardGate(0)*HadamardGate(1)*HadamardGate(2)*Qubit(0, 0, 0)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_Pauli():
    #this and the following test are testing both Pauli and Dirac matrices
    #and also that the general Matrix class works correctly in a real world
    sigma1 = msigma(1)
    sigma2 = msigma(2)
    sigma3 = msigma(3)

    assert sigma1 == sigma1
    assert sigma1 != sigma2

    # sigma*I -> I*sigma    (see #354)
    assert sigma1*sigma2 == sigma3*I
    assert sigma3*sigma1 == sigma2*I
    assert sigma2*sigma3 == sigma1*I

    assert sigma1*sigma1 == eye(2)
    assert sigma2*sigma2 == eye(2)
    assert sigma3*sigma3 == eye(2)

    assert sigma1*2*sigma1 == 2*eye(2)
    assert sigma1*sigma3*sigma1 == -sigma3
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_Znm():
    th, ph = Symbol("theta", real=True), Symbol("phi", real=True)
    from import n,m

    assert Znm(0, 0, th, ph) == Ynm(0, 0, th, ph)
    assert Znm(1, -1, th, ph) == (-sqrt(2)*I*(Ynm(1, 1, th, ph)
                                  - exp(-2*I*ph)*Ynm(1, 1, th, ph))/2)
    assert Znm(1, 0, th, ph) == Ynm(1, 0, th, ph)
    assert Znm(1, 1, th, ph) == (sqrt(2)*(Ynm(1, 1, th, ph)
                                 + exp(-2*I*ph)*Ynm(1, 1, th, ph))/2)
    assert Znm(0, 0, th, ph).expand(func=True) == 1/(2*sqrt(pi))
    assert Znm(1, -1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (sqrt(3)*I*sqrt(-cos(th)**2 + 1)*exp(I*ph)/(4*sqrt(pi))
                                                    - sqrt(3)*I*sqrt(-cos(th)**2 + 1)*exp(-I*ph)/(4*sqrt(pi)))
    assert Znm(1, 0, th, ph).expand(func=True) == sqrt(3)*cos(th)/(2*sqrt(pi))
    assert Znm(1, 1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (-sqrt(3)*sqrt(-cos(th)**2 + 1)*exp(I*ph)/(4*sqrt(pi))
                                                   - sqrt(3)*sqrt(-cos(th)**2 + 1)*exp(-I*ph)/(4*sqrt(pi)))
    assert Znm(2, -1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (sqrt(15)*I*sqrt(-cos(th)**2 + 1)*exp(I*ph)*cos(th)/(4*sqrt(pi))
                                                    - sqrt(15)*I*sqrt(-cos(th)**2 + 1)*exp(-I*ph)*cos(th)/(4*sqrt(pi)))
    assert Znm(2, 0, th, ph).expand(func=True) == 3*sqrt(5)*cos(th)**2/(4*sqrt(pi)) - sqrt(5)/(4*sqrt(pi))
    assert Znm(2, 1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (-sqrt(15)*sqrt(-cos(th)**2 + 1)*exp(I*ph)*cos(th)/(4*sqrt(pi))
                                                   - sqrt(15)*sqrt(-cos(th)**2 + 1)*exp(-I*ph)*cos(th)/(4*sqrt(pi)))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
        from sympy import log, expand_mul, Dummy, exp_polar, I
        s, z = self.args
        if s == 1:
            return -log(1 + exp_polar(-I*pi)*z)
        if s.is_Integer and s <= 0:
            u = Dummy('u')
            start = u/(1 - u)
            for _ in range(-s):
                start = u*start.diff(u)
            return expand_mul(start).subs(u, z)
        return polylog(s, z)

###################### HURWITZ GENERALIZED ZETA FUNCTION ######################
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fdiff(self, argindex=4):
        if argindex == 1:
            # Diff wrt n
            raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
        elif argindex == 2:
            # Diff wrt m
            raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
        elif argindex == 3:
            # Diff wrt theta
            n, m, theta, phi = self.args
            return (m * C.cot(theta) * Ynm(n, m, theta, phi) +
                    sqrt((n - m)*(n + m + 1)) * C.exp(-I*phi) * Ynm(n, m + 1, theta, phi))
        elif argindex == 4:
            # Diff wrt phi
            n, m, theta, phi = self.args
            return I * m * Ynm(n, m, theta, phi)
            raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_root():
    from import x, y, z
    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)

    assert root(2, 2) == sqrt(2)
    assert root(2, 1) == 2
    assert root(2, 3) == 2**Rational(1, 3)
    assert root(2, 3) == cbrt(2)
    assert root(2, -5) == 2**Rational(4, 5)/2

    assert root(-2, 1) == -2

    assert root(-2, 2) == sqrt(2)*I
    assert root(-2, 1) == -2

    assert root(x, 2) == sqrt(x)
    assert root(x, 1) == x
    assert root(x, 3) == x**Rational(1, 3)
    assert root(x, 3) == cbrt(x)
    assert root(x, -5) == x**Rational(-1, 5)

    assert root(x, n) == x**(1/n)
    assert root(x, -n) == x**(-1/n)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fourier_transform(f, x, k, a, b, name, simplify=True):
    Compute a general Fourier-type transform
        F(k) = a int_-oo^oo exp(b*I*x*k) f(x) dx.

    For suitable choice of a and b, this reduces to the standard Fourier
    and inverse Fourier transforms.
    from sympy import exp, I, oo
    F = integrate(a*f*exp(b*I*x*k), (x, -oo, oo))

    if not F.has(Integral):
        return _simplify(F, simplify), True

    if not F.is_Piecewise:
        raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'could not compute integral')

    F, cond = F.args[0]
    if F.has(Integral):
        raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'integral in unexpected form')

    return _simplify(F, simplify), cond
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_special_denom():
    # TODO: add more tests here
    DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x), Poly(t, t)]})
    assert special_denom(Poly(1, t), Poly(t**2, t), Poly(1, t), Poly(t**2 - 1, t),
    Poly(t, t), DE) == \
        (Poly(1, t), Poly(t**2 - 1, t), Poly(t**2 - 1, t), Poly(t, t))
    # assert special_denom(Poly(1, t), Poly(2*x, t), Poly((1 + 2*x)*t, t), DE) == 1

    # issue 3940
    # Note, this isn't a very good test, because the denominator is just 1,
    # but at least it tests the exp cancellation case
    DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x), Poly(-2*x*t0, t0),
        Poly(I*k*t1, t1)]})
    assert special_denom(Poly(1, t0), Poly(I*k, t0), Poly(1, t0), Poly(t0, t0),
    Poly(1, t0), DE) == \
        (Poly(1, t0), Poly(I*k, t0), Poly(t0, t0), Poly(1, t0))
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prudnikov_misc():
    assert can_do([1, (3 + I)/2, (3 - I)/2], [S(3)/2, 2])
    assert can_do([S.Half, a - 1], [S(3)/2, a + 1], lowerplane=True)
    assert can_do([], [b + 1])
    assert can_do([a], [a - 1, b + 1])

    assert can_do([a], [a - S.Half, 2*a])
    assert can_do([a], [a - S.Half, 2*a + 1])
    assert can_do([a], [a - S.Half, 2*a - 1])
    assert can_do([a], [a + S.Half, 2*a])
    assert can_do([a], [a + S.Half, 2*a + 1])
    assert can_do([a], [a + S.Half, 2*a - 1])
    assert can_do([S.Half], [b, 2 - b])
    assert can_do([S.Half], [b, 3 - b])
    assert can_do([1], [2, b])

    assert can_do([a, a + S.Half], [2*a, b, 2*a - b + 1])
    assert can_do([a, a + S.Half], [S.Half, 2*a, 2*a + S.Half])
    assert can_do([a], [a + 1], lowerplane=True)  # lowergamma
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_use():
    assert use(0, expand) == 0

    f = (x + y)**2*x + 1

    assert use(f, expand, level=0) == x**3 + 2*x**2*y + x*y**2 + + 1
    assert use(f, expand, level=1) == x**3 + 2*x**2*y + x*y**2 + + 1
    assert use(f, expand, level=2) == 1 + x*(2*x*y + x**2 + y**2)
    assert use(f, expand, level=3) == (x + y)**2*x + 1

    f = (x**2 + 1)**2 - 1
    kwargs = {'gaussian': True}

    assert use(f, factor, level=0, kwargs=kwargs) == x**2*(x**2 + 2)
    assert use(f, factor, level=1, kwargs=kwargs) == (x + I)**2*(x - I)**2 - 1
    assert use(f, factor, level=2, kwargs=kwargs) == (x + I)**2*(x - I)**2 - 1
    assert use(f, factor, level=3, kwargs=kwargs) == (x**2 + 1)**2 - 1
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints):
        returns a tuple representing a complex number


        >>> from sympy import I
        >>> (7 + 9*I).as_real_imag()
        (7, 9)
        >>> ((1 + I)/(1 - I)).as_real_imag()
        (0, 1)
        >>> ((1 + 2*I)*(1 + 3*I)).as_real_imag()
        (-5, 5)
        sargs, terms = self.args, []
        re_part, im_part = [], []
        for term in sargs:
            re, im = term.as_real_imag(deep=deep)
        return (self.func(*re_part), self.func(*im_part))
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_4149():
    assert (3 + I).is_complex
    assert (3 + I).is_imaginary is False
    assert (3*I + S.Pi*I).is_imaginary
    # as Zero.is_imaginary is False, see issue 7649
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    assert (3*I + S.Pi*I + y*I).is_imaginary is None
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    assert (3*I + S.Pi*I + p*I).is_imaginary
    n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    assert (-3*I - S.Pi*I + n*I).is_imaginary

    i = Symbol('i', imaginary=True)
    assert ([(i**a).is_imaginary for a in range(4)] ==
            [False, True, False, True])

    # tests from the PR #7887:
    e = S("-sqrt(3)*I/2 + 0.866025403784439*I")
    assert e.is_real is False
    assert e.is_imaginary
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pow_eval():
    # XXX Pow does not fully support conversion of negative numbers
    #     to their complex equivalent

    assert sqrt(-1) == I

    assert sqrt(-4) == 2*I
    assert sqrt( 4) == 2
    assert (8)**Rational(1, 3) == 2
    assert (-8)**Rational(1, 3) == 2*((-1)**Rational(1, 3))

    assert sqrt(-2) == I*sqrt(2)
    assert (-1)**Rational(1, 3) != I
    assert (-10)**Rational(1, 3) != I*((10)**Rational(1, 3))
    assert (-2)**Rational(1, 4) != (2)**Rational(1, 4)

    assert 64**Rational(1, 3) == 4
    assert 64**Rational(2, 3) == 16
    assert 24/sqrt(64) == 3
    assert (-27)**Rational(1, 3) == 3*(-1)**Rational(1, 3)

    assert (cos(2) / tan(2))**2 == (cos(2) / tan(2))**2
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_p():
    assert Px.hilbert_space == L2(Interval(S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity))
    assert qapply(Px*PxKet(px)) == px*PxKet(px)
    assert PxKet(px).dual_class() == PxBra
    assert PxBra(x).dual_class() == PxKet
    assert (Dagger(PxKet(py))*PxKet(px)).doit() == DiracDelta(px - py)
    assert (XBra(x)*PxKet(px)).doit() == \
    assert represent(PxKet(px)) == DiracDelta(px - px_1)

    rep_x = represent(PxOp(), basis=XOp)
    assert rep_x == -hbar*I*DiracDelta(x_1 - x_2)*DifferentialOperator(x_1)
    assert rep_x == represent(PxOp(), basis=XOp())
    assert rep_x == represent(PxOp(), basis=XKet)
    assert rep_x == represent(PxOp(), basis=XKet())

    assert represent(PxOp()*XKet(), basis=XKet) == \
        -hbar*I*DiracDelta(x - x_2)*DifferentialOperator(x)
    assert represent(XBra("y")*PxOp()*XKet(), basis=XKet) == \
        -hbar*I*DiracDelta(x - y)*DifferentialOperator(x)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_expressions():
    assert residue(1/(x + 1), x, 0) == 0
    assert residue(1/(x + 1), x, -1) == 1
    assert residue(1/(x**2 + 1), x, -1) == 0
    assert residue(1/(x**2 + 1), x, I) == -I/2
    assert residue(1/(x**2 + 1), x, -I) == I/2
    assert residue(1/(x**4 + 1), x, 0) == 0
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_expressions_failing():
    assert residue(1/(x**4 + 1), x, exp(I*pi/4)) == -(S(1)/4 + I/4)/sqrt(2)

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)
    assert residue(exp(z)/(z - pi*I/4*a)**n, z, I*pi*a) == \
        exp(I*pi*a/4)/factorial(n - 1)
    assert residue(1/(x**2 + a**2)**2, x, a*I) == -I/4/a**3
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_5654():
    assert residue(1/(x**2 + a**2)**2, x, a*I) == -I/(4*a**3)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_bug():
    assert hyperexpand(hyper((-S(1)/3, S(1)/2), (S(2)/3, S(3)/2), -z)) == \
        -z**S('1/3')*lowergamma(exp_polar(I*pi)/3, z)/5 \
        + sqrt(pi)*erf(sqrt(z))/(5*sqrt(z))
    assert hyperexpand(meijerg([S(7)/6, 1], [], [S(2)/3], [S(1)/6, 0], z)) == \
        2*z**S('2/3')*(2*sqrt(pi)*erf(sqrt(z))/sqrt(z) - 2*lowergamma(
                       S(2)/3, z)/z**S('2/3'))*gamma(S(2)/3)/gamma(S(5)/3)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randcplx(offset=-1):
    """ Polys is not good with real coefficients. """
    return _randrat() + I*_randrat() + I*(1 + offset)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def can_do_meijer(a1, a2, b1, b2, numeric=True):
    This helper function tries to hyperexpand() the meijer g-function
    corresponding to the parameters a1, a2, b1, b2.
    It returns False if this expansion still contains g-functions.
    If numeric is True, it also tests the so-obtained formula numerically
    (at random values) and returns False if the test fails.
    Else it returns True.
    from sympy import unpolarify, expand
    r = hyperexpand(meijerg(a1, a2, b1, b2, z))
    if r.has(meijerg):
        return False
    # NOTE hyperexpand() returns a truly branched function, whereas numerical
    #      evaluation only works on the main branch. Since we are evaluating on
    #      the main branch, this should not be a problem, but expressions like
    #      exp_polar(I*pi/2*x)**a are evaluated incorrectly. We thus have to get
    #      rid of them. The expand heuristically does this...
    r = unpolarify(expand(r, force=True, power_base=True, power_exp=False,
                          mul=False, log=False, multinomial=False, basic=False))

    if not numeric:
        return True

    repl = {}
    for n, a in enumerate(meijerg(a1, a2, b1, b2, z).free_symbols - set([z])):
        repl[a] = randcplx(n)
    return tn(meijerg(a1, a2, b1, b2, z).subs(repl), r.subs(repl), z)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_meijerg():
    # carefully set up the parameters.
    # NOTE: this used to fail sometimes. I believe it is fixed, but if you
    #       hit an inexplicable test failure here, please let me know the seed.
    a1, a2 = map(lambda n: randcplx() - 5*I - n*I, range(2))
    b1, b2 = map(lambda n: randcplx() + 5*I + n*I, range(2))
    b3, b4, b5, a3, a4, a5 = map(lambda n: randcplx(), range(6))
    g = meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z)

    assert ReduceOrder.meijer_minus(3, 4) is None
    assert ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(4, 3) is None

    g2 = meijerg([a1, a2], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4, a2], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(a2, a2).apply(g, op), g2, z)

    g2 = meijerg([a1, a2], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4, a2 + 1], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(a2, a2 + 1).apply(g, op), g2, z)

    g2 = meijerg([a1, a2 - 1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4, a2 + 2], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(a2 - 1, a2 + 2).apply(g, op), g2, z)

    g2 = meijerg([a1], [a3, a4, b2 - 1], [b1, b2 + 2], [b3, b4], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_minus(
        b2 + 2, b2 - 1).apply(g, op), g2, z, tol=1e-6)

    # test several-step reduction
    an = [a1, a2]
    bq = [b3, b4, a2 + 1]
    ap = [a3, a4, b2 - 1]
    bm = [b1, b2 + 1]
    niq, ops = reduce_order_meijer(G_Function(an, ap, bm, bq))
    assert == (a1,)
    assert set(niq.ap) == set([a3, a4])
    assert == (b1,)
    assert set( == set([b3, b4])
    assert tn(apply_operators(g, ops, op), meijerg(an, ap, bm, bq, z), z)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _combine_inverse(lhs, rhs):
        Returns lhs - rhs, but treats arguments like symbols, so things like
        oo - oo return 0, instead of a nan.
        from sympy import oo, I, expand_mul
        if lhs == oo and rhs == oo or lhs == oo*I and rhs == oo*I:
            return S.Zero
        return expand_mul(lhs - rhs)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_4822():
    z = (-1)**Rational(1, 3)*(1 - I*sqrt(3))
    assert z.is_real in [True, None]
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_6631():
    assert ((-1)**(I)).is_real is True
    assert ((-1)**(I*2)).is_real is True
    assert ((-1)**(I/2)).is_real is True
    assert ((-1)**(I*S.Pi)).is_real is True
    assert (I**(I + 2)).is_real is True
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pow_eval_X1():
    assert (-1)**Rational(1, 3) == Rational(1, 2) + Rational(1, 2)*I*sqrt(3)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_sympy__physics__secondquant__Dagger():
    from sympy.physics.secondquant import Dagger
    from sympy import I
    assert _test_args(Dagger(2*I))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_exp():
    assert refine(exp(pi*I*2*x), Q.integer(x)) == 1
    assert refine(exp(pi*I*2*(x + Rational(1, 2))), Q.integer(x)) == -1
    assert refine(exp(pi*I*2*(x + Rational(1, 4))), Q.integer(x)) == I
    assert refine(exp(pi*I*2*(x + Rational(3, 4))), Q.integer(x)) == -I
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log(expr, assumptions):
        if ask(Q.real(expr.args[0]), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.positive(expr.args[0]), assumptions):
               return False
        # XXX it should be enough to do
        # return ask(Q.nonpositive(expr.args[0]), assumptions)
        # but ask(Q.nonpositive(exp(x)), Q.imaginary(x)) -> None;
        # it should return True since exp(x) will be either 0 or complex
        if expr.args[0].func == C.exp:
            if expr.args[0].args[0] in [I, -I]:
                return True
        im = ask(Q.imaginary(expr.args[0]), assumptions)
        if im is False:
            return False
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exp(expr, assumptions):
        a = expr.args[0]/I/pi
        return ask(Q.integer(2*a) & ~Q.integer(a), assumptions)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sympy_atoms_namespace(expr):
        """For no real reason this function is separated from
        sympy_expression_namespace. It can be moved to it."""
        atoms = expr.atoms(Symbol, NumberSymbol, I, zoo, oo)
        d = {}
        for a in atoms:
            # XXX debug: print 'atom:' + str(a)
            d[str(a)] = a
        return d
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_rsolve_hyper():
    assert rsolve_hyper([-1, -1, 1], 0, n) in [
        C0*(S.Half - S.Half*sqrt(5))**n + C1*(S.Half + S.Half*sqrt(5))**n,
        C1*(S.Half - S.Half*sqrt(5))**n + C0*(S.Half + S.Half*sqrt(5))**n,

    assert rsolve_hyper([n**2 - 2, -2*n - 1, 1], 0, n) in [
        C0*rf(sqrt(2), n) + C1*rf(-sqrt(2), n),
        C1*rf(sqrt(2), n) + C0*rf(-sqrt(2), n),

    assert rsolve_hyper([n**2 - k, -2*n - 1, 1], 0, n) in [
        C0*rf(sqrt(k), n) + C1*rf(-sqrt(k), n),
        C1*rf(sqrt(k), n) + C0*rf(-sqrt(k), n),

    assert rsolve_hyper(
        [2*n*(n + 1), -n**2 - 3*n + 2, n - 1], 0, n) == C1*factorial(n) + C0*2**n

    assert rsolve_hyper(
        [n + 2, -(2*n + 3)*(17*n**2 + 51*n + 39), n + 1], 0, n) == None

    assert rsolve_hyper([-n - 1, -1, 1], 0, n) == None

    assert rsolve_hyper([-1, 1], n, n).expand() == C0 + n**2/2 - n/2

    assert rsolve_hyper([-1, 1], 1 + n, n).expand() == C0 + n**2/2 + n/2

    assert rsolve_hyper([-1, 1], 3*(n + n**2), n).expand() == C0 + n**3 - n

    assert rsolve_hyper([-a, 1],0,n).expand() == C0*a**n

    assert rsolve_hyper([-a, 0, 1], 0, n).expand() == (-1)**n*C1*a**(n/2) + C0*a**(n/2)

    assert rsolve_hyper([1, 1, 1], 0, n).expand() == \
        C0*(-S(1)/2 - sqrt(3)*I/2)**n + C1*(-S(1)/2 + sqrt(3)*I/2)**n

    assert rsolve_hyper([1, -2*n/a - 2/a, 1], 0, n) == None
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_target_matrix(self, format='sympy'):
        if format == 'sympy':
            return Matrix([[1, 0], [0, exp(Integer(2)*pi*I/(Integer(2)**self.k))]])
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Invalid format for the R_k gate: %r' % format)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _represent_ZGate(self, basis, **options):
            Represents the (I)QFT In the Z Basis
        nqubits = options.get('nqubits', 0)
        if nqubits == 0:
            raise QuantumError(
                'The number of qubits must be given as nqubits.')
        if nqubits < self.min_qubits:
            raise QuantumError(
                'The number of qubits %r is too small for the gate.' % nqubits
        size = self.size
        omega =

        #Make a matrix that has the basic Fourier Transform Matrix
        arrayFT = [[omega**(
            i*j % size)/sqrt(size) for i in range(size)] for j in range(size)]
        matrixFT = Matrix(arrayFT)

        #Embed the FT Matrix in a higher space, if necessary
        if self.label[0] != 0:
            matrixFT = matrix_tensor_product(eye(2**self.label[0]), matrixFT)
        if self.min_qubits < nqubits:
            matrixFT = matrix_tensor_product(
                matrixFT, eye(2**(nqubits - self.min_qubits)))

        return matrixFT
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def omega(self):
        return exp(2*pi*I/self.size)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def omega(self):
        return exp(-2*pi*I/self.size)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _eval_commutator_YGate(self, other, **hints):
        return I*sqrt(2)*(ZGate(self.targets[0]) - XGate(self.targets[0]))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _eval_commutator_ZGate(self, other, **hints):
        return -I*sqrt(2)*YGate(self.targets[0])
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _eval_commutator_YGate(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(2)*I*ZGate(self.targets[0])
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _eval_commutator_ZGate(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(2)*I*XGate(self.targets[0])
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _eval_commutator_XGate(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(2)*I*YGate(self.targets[0])
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sympy_to_scipy_sparse(m, **options):
    """Convert a sympy Matrix/complex number to a numpy matrix or scalar."""
    if not np or not sparse:
        raise ImportError
    dtype = options.get('dtype', 'complex')
    if isinstance(m, Matrix):
        return sparse.csr_matrix(np.matrix(m.tolist(), dtype=dtype))
    elif isinstance(m, Expr):
        if m.is_Number or m.is_NumberSymbol or m == I:
            return complex(m)
    raise TypeError('Expected Matrix or complex scalar, got: %r' % m)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_x():
    assert X.hilbert_space == L2(Interval(S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity))
    assert Commutator(X, Px).doit() == I*hbar
    assert qapply(X*XKet(x)) == x*XKet(x)
    assert XKet(x).dual_class() == XBra
    assert XBra(x).dual_class() == XKet
    assert (Dagger(XKet(y))*XKet(x)).doit() == DiracDelta(x - y)
    assert (PxBra(px)*XKet(x)).doit() == \
    assert represent(XKet(x)) == DiracDelta(x - x_1)
    assert represent(XBra(x)) == DiracDelta(-x + x_1)
    assert XBra(x).position == x
    assert represent(XOp()*XKet()) == x*DiracDelta(x - x_2)
    assert represent(XOp()*XKet()*XBra('y')) == \
        x*DiracDelta(x - x_3)*DiracDelta(x_1 - y)
    assert represent(XBra("y")*XKet()) == DiracDelta(x - y)
    assert represent(
        XKet()*XBra()) == DiracDelta(x - x_2) * DiracDelta(x_1 - x)

    rep_p = represent(XOp(), basis=PxOp)
    assert rep_p == hbar*I*DiracDelta(px_1 - px_2)*DifferentialOperator(px_1)
    assert rep_p == represent(XOp(), basis=PxOp())
    assert rep_p == represent(XOp(), basis=PxKet)
    assert rep_p == represent(XOp(), basis=PxKet())

    assert represent(XOp()*PxKet(), basis=PxKet) == \
        hbar*I*DiracDelta(px - px_2)*DifferentialOperator(px)