Python sympy 模块,tan() 实例源码


项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pow_eval():
    # XXX Pow does not fully support conversion of negative numbers
    #     to their complex equivalent

    assert sqrt(-1) == I

    assert sqrt(-4) == 2*I
    assert sqrt( 4) == 2
    assert (8)**Rational(1, 3) == 2
    assert (-8)**Rational(1, 3) == 2*((-1)**Rational(1, 3))

    assert sqrt(-2) == I*sqrt(2)
    assert (-1)**Rational(1, 3) != I
    assert (-10)**Rational(1, 3) != I*((10)**Rational(1, 3))
    assert (-2)**Rational(1, 4) != (2)**Rational(1, 4)

    assert 64**Rational(1, 3) == 4
    assert 64**Rational(2, 3) == 16
    assert 24/sqrt(64) == 3
    assert (-27)**Rational(1, 3) == 3*(-1)**Rational(1, 3)

    assert (cos(2) / tan(2))**2 == (cos(2) / tan(2))**2
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trig_product_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral

    sectan = sympy.sec(symbol) * sympy.tan(symbol)
    q = integrand / sectan

    if symbol not in q.free_symbols:
        rule = TrigRule('sec*tan', symbol, sectan, symbol)
        if q != 1:
            rule = ConstantTimesRule(q, sectan, rule, integrand, symbol)

        return rule

    csccot = * sympy.cot(symbol)
    q = integrand / csccot

    if symbol not in q.free_symbols:
        rule = TrigRule('csc*cot', symbol, csccot, symbol)
        if q != 1:
            rule = ConstantTimesRule(q, csccot, rule, integrand, symbol)

        return rule
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trig_tansec_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral

    integrand = integrand.subs({
        1 / sympy.cos(symbol): sympy.sec(symbol)

    if any(integrand.has(f) for f in (sympy.tan, sympy.sec)):
        pattern, a, b, m, n = tansec_pattern(symbol)
        match = integrand.match(pattern)

        if match:
            a, b, m, n = match.get(a, 0),match.get(b, 0), match.get(m, 0), match.get(n, 0)
            return multiplexer({
                tansec_tanodd_condition: tansec_tanodd,
                tansec_seceven_condition: tansec_seceven,
                tan_tansquared_condition: tan_tansquared
            })((a, b, m, n, integrand, symbol))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trig_cotcsc_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral
    integrand = integrand.subs({
        1 / sympy.sin(symbol):,
        1 / sympy.tan(symbol): sympy.cot(symbol),
        sympy.cos(symbol) / sympy.tan(symbol): sympy.cot(symbol)

    if any(integrand.has(f) for f in (sympy.cot,
        pattern, a, b, m, n = cotcsc_pattern(symbol)
        match = integrand.match(pattern)

        if match:
            a, b, m, n = match.get(a, 0),match.get(b, 0), match.get(m, 0), match.get(n, 0)
            return multiplexer({
                cotcsc_cotodd_condition: cotcsc_cotodd,
                cotcsc_csceven_condition: cotcsc_csceven
            })((a, b, m, n, integrand, symbol))
项目:qiskit-sdk-py    作者:QISKit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def real(self, nested_scope=None):
        """Return the correspond floating point number."""
        op = self.children[0].name
        expr = self.children[1]
        dispatch = {
            'sin': sympy.sin,
            'cos': sympy.cos,
            'tan': sympy.tan,
            'asin': sympy.asin,
            'acos': sympy.acos,
            'atan': sympy.atan,
            'exp': sympy.exp,
            'ln': sympy.log,
            'sqrt': sympy.sqrt
        if op in dispatch:
            arg = expr.real(nested_scope)
            return dispatch[op](arg)
            raise NodeException("internal error: undefined external")
项目:qiskit-sdk-py    作者:QISKit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sym(self, nested_scope=None):
        """Return the corresponding symbolic expression."""
        op = self.children[0].name
        expr = self.children[1]
        dispatch = {
            'sin': sympy.sin,
            'cos': sympy.cos,
            'tan': sympy.tan,
            'asin': sympy.asin,
            'acos': sympy.acos,
            'atan': sympy.atan,
            'exp': sympy.exp,
            'ln': sympy.log,
            'sqrt': sympy.sqrt
        if op in dispatch:
            arg = expr.sym(nested_scope)
            return dispatch[op](arg)
            raise NodeException("internal error: undefined external")
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_8247_8354():
    from sympy import tan
    z = sqrt(1 + sqrt(3)) + sqrt(3 + 3*sqrt(3)) - sqrt(10 + 6*sqrt(3))
    assert z.is_positive is False  # it's 0
    z = S('''-2**(1/3)*(3*sqrt(93) + 29)**2 - 4*(3*sqrt(93) + 29)**(4/3) +
        12*sqrt(93)*(3*sqrt(93) + 29)**(1/3) + 116*(3*sqrt(93) + 29)**(1/3) +
        174*2**(1/3)*sqrt(93) + 1678*2**(1/3)''')
    assert z.is_positive is False  # it's 0
    z = 2*(-3*tan(19*pi/90) + sqrt(3))*cos(11*pi/90)*cos(19*pi/90) - \
        sqrt(3)*(-3 + 4*cos(19*pi/90)**2)
    assert z.is_positive is not True  # it's zero and it shouldn't hang
    z = S('''9*(3*sqrt(93) + 29)**(2/3)*((3*sqrt(93) +
        29)**(1/3)*(-2**(2/3)*(3*sqrt(93) + 29)**(1/3) - 2) - 2*2**(1/3))**3 +
        72*(3*sqrt(93) + 29)**(2/3)*(81*sqrt(93) + 783) + (162*sqrt(93) +
        1566)*((3*sqrt(93) + 29)**(1/3)*(-2**(2/3)*(3*sqrt(93) + 29)**(1/3) -
        2) - 2*2**(1/3))**2''')
    assert z.is_positive is False  # it's 0 (and a single _mexpand isn't enough)
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pow_eval():
    # XXX Pow does not fully support conversion of negative numbers
    #     to their complex equivalent

    assert sqrt(-1) == I

    assert sqrt(-4) == 2*I
    assert sqrt( 4) == 2
    assert (8)**Rational(1, 3) == 2
    assert (-8)**Rational(1, 3) == 2*((-1)**Rational(1, 3))

    assert sqrt(-2) == I*sqrt(2)
    assert (-1)**Rational(1, 3) != I
    assert (-10)**Rational(1, 3) != I*((10)**Rational(1, 3))
    assert (-2)**Rational(1, 4) != (2)**Rational(1, 4)

    assert 64**Rational(1, 3) == 4
    assert 64**Rational(2, 3) == 16
    assert 24/sqrt(64) == 3
    assert (-27)**Rational(1, 3) == 3*(-1)**Rational(1, 3)

    assert (cos(2) / tan(2))**2 == (cos(2) / tan(2))**2
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trig_product_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral

    sectan = sympy.sec(symbol) * sympy.tan(symbol)
    q = integrand / sectan

    if symbol not in q.free_symbols:
        rule = TrigRule('sec*tan', symbol, sectan, symbol)
        if q != 1 and rule:
            rule = ConstantTimesRule(q, sectan, rule, integrand, symbol)

        return rule

    csccot = * sympy.cot(symbol)
    q = integrand / csccot

    if symbol not in q.free_symbols:
        rule = TrigRule('csc*cot', symbol, csccot, symbol)
        if q != 1 and rule:
            rule = ConstantTimesRule(q, csccot, rule, integrand, symbol)

        return rule
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trig_tansec_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral

    integrand = integrand.subs({
        1 / sympy.cos(symbol): sympy.sec(symbol)

    if any(integrand.has(f) for f in (sympy.tan, sympy.sec)):
        pattern, a, b, m, n = tansec_pattern(symbol)
        match = integrand.match(pattern)

        if match:
            a, b, m, n = match.get(a, 0),match.get(b, 0), match.get(m, 0), match.get(n, 0)
            return multiplexer({
                tansec_tanodd_condition: tansec_tanodd,
                tansec_seceven_condition: tansec_seceven,
                tan_tansquared_condition: tan_tansquared
            })((a, b, m, n, integrand, symbol))
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trig_cotcsc_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral
    integrand = integrand.subs({
        1 / sympy.sin(symbol):,
        1 / sympy.tan(symbol): sympy.cot(symbol),
        sympy.cos(symbol) / sympy.tan(symbol): sympy.cot(symbol)

    if any(integrand.has(f) for f in (sympy.cot,
        pattern, a, b, m, n = cotcsc_pattern(symbol)
        match = integrand.match(pattern)

        if match:
            a, b, m, n = match.get(a, 0),match.get(b, 0), match.get(m, 0), match.get(n, 0)
            return multiplexer({
                cotcsc_cotodd_condition: cotcsc_cotodd,
                cotcsc_csceven_condition: cotcsc_csceven
            })((a, b, m, n, integrand, symbol))
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_complicated_jl_codegen():
    from sympy import sin, cos, tan
    name_expr = ("testlong",
            [ ((sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z))**3).expand(),
            cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))))
    result = codegen(name_expr, "Julia", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0][0] == "testlong.jl"
    source = result[0][1]
    expected = (
        "function testlong(x, y, z)\n"
        "    out1 = sin(x).^3 + 3*sin(x).^2.*cos(y) + 3*sin(x).^2.*tan(z)"
        " + 3*sin(x).*cos(y).^2 + 6*sin(x).*cos(y).*tan(z) + 3*sin(x).*tan(z).^2"
        " + cos(y).^3 + 3*cos(y).^2.*tan(z) + 3*cos(y).*tan(z).^2 + tan(z).^3\n"
        "    out2 = cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))))\n"
        "    return out1, out2\n"
    assert source == expected
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_complicated_m_codegen():
    from sympy import sin, cos, tan
    name_expr = ("testlong",
            [ ((sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z))**3).expand(),
            cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))))
    result = codegen(name_expr, "Octave", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0][0] == "testlong.m"
    source = result[0][1]
    expected = (
        "function [out1, out2] = testlong(x, y, z)\n"
        "  out1 = sin(x).^3 + 3*sin(x).^2.*cos(y) + 3*sin(x).^2.*tan(z)"
        " + 3*sin(x).*cos(y).^2 + 6*sin(x).*cos(y).*tan(z) + 3*sin(x).*tan(z).^2"
        " + cos(y).^3 + 3*cos(y).^2.*tan(z) + 3*cos(y).*tan(z).^2 + tan(z).^3;\n"
        "  out2 = cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))));\n"
    assert source == expected
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_m_output_arg_mixed_unordered():
    # named outputs are alphabetical, unnamed output appear in the given order
    from sympy import sin, cos, tan
    a = symbols("a")
    name_expr = ("foo", [cos(2*x), Equality(y, sin(x)), cos(x), Equality(a, sin(2*x))])
    result, = codegen(name_expr, "Octave", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0] == "foo.m"
    source = result[1];
    expected = (
        'function [out1, y, out3, a] = foo(x)\n'
        '  out1 = cos(2*x);\n'
        '  y = sin(x);\n'
        '  out3 = cos(x);\n'
        '  a = sin(2*x);\n'
    assert source == expected
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def futrig(e, **kwargs):
    """Return simplified ``e`` using Fu-like transformations.
    This is not the "Fu" algorithm. This is called by default
    from ``trigsimp``. By default, hyperbolics subexpressions
    will be simplified, but this can be disabled by setting


    >>> from sympy import trigsimp, tan, sinh, tanh
    >>> from sympy.simplify.simplify import futrig
    >>> from import x
    >>> trigsimp(1/tan(x)**2)

    >>> futrig(sinh(x)/tanh(x))

    from sympy.simplify.fu import hyper_as_trig

    e = sympify(e)

    if not isinstance(e, Basic):
        return e

    if not e.args:
        return e

    old = e
    e = bottom_up(e, lambda x: _futrig(x, **kwargs))

    if kwargs.pop('hyper', True) and e.has(C.HyperbolicFunction):
        e, f = hyper_as_trig(e)
        e = f(_futrig(e))

    if e != old and e.is_Mul and e.args[0].is_Rational:
        # redistribute leading coeff on 2-arg Add
        e = Mul(*e.as_coeff_Mul())
    return e
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_trig():
    assert theq(theano_code(sympy.sin(x)), tt.sin(xt))
    assert theq(theano_code(sympy.tan(x)), tt.tan(xt))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trig_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral
    if isinstance(integrand, sympy.sin) or isinstance(integrand, sympy.cos):
        arg = integrand.args[0]

        if not isinstance(arg, sympy.Symbol):
            return  # perhaps a substitution can deal with it

        if isinstance(integrand, sympy.sin):
            func = 'sin'
            func = 'cos'

        return TrigRule(func, arg, integrand, symbol)

    if integrand == sympy.sec(symbol)**2:
        return TrigRule('sec**2', symbol, integrand, symbol)
    elif integrand ==**2:
        return TrigRule('csc**2', symbol, integrand, symbol)

    if isinstance(integrand, sympy.tan):
        rewritten = sympy.sin(*integrand.args) / sympy.cos(*integrand.args)
    elif isinstance(integrand, sympy.cot):
        rewritten = sympy.cos(*integrand.args) / sympy.sin(*integrand.args)
    elif isinstance(integrand, sympy.sec):
        arg = integrand.args[0]
        rewritten = ((sympy.sec(arg)**2 + sympy.tan(arg) * sympy.sec(arg)) /
                     (sympy.sec(arg) + sympy.tan(arg)))
    elif isinstance(integrand,
        arg = integrand.args[0]
        rewritten = ((**2 + sympy.cot(arg) * /
                     ( + sympy.cot(arg)))

    return RewriteRule(
        integral_steps(rewritten, symbol),
        integrand, symbol
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tansec_pattern(symbol):
    a, b, m, n = make_wilds(symbol)
    pattern = sympy.tan(a*symbol)**m * sympy.sec(b*symbol)**n

    return pattern, a, b, m, n
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_trig(func, arg, integrand, symbol):
    if func == 'sin':
        return -sympy.cos(arg)
    elif func == 'cos':
        return sympy.sin(arg)
    elif func == 'sec*tan':
        return sympy.sec(arg)
    elif func == 'csc*cot':
    elif func == 'sec**2':
        return sympy.tan(arg)
    elif func == 'csc**2':
        return -sympy.cot(arg)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_trigsubstitution(theta, func, rewritten, substep, integrand, symbol):
    func = func.subs(sympy.sec(theta), 1/sympy.cos(theta))

    trig_function = list(func.find(TrigonometricFunction))
    assert len(trig_function) == 1
    trig_function = trig_function[0]
    relation = sympy.solve(symbol - func, trig_function)
    assert len(relation) == 1
    numer, denom = sympy.fraction(relation[0])

    if isinstance(trig_function, sympy.sin):
        opposite = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        adjacent = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.asin(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.cos):
        adjacent = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        opposite = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.acos(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.tan):
        opposite = numer
        adjacent = denom
        hypotenuse = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 + numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.atan(relation[0])

    substitution = [
        (sympy.sin(theta), opposite/hypotenuse),
        (sympy.cos(theta), adjacent/hypotenuse),
        (sympy.tan(theta), opposite/adjacent),
        (theta, inverse)
    return _manualintegrate(substep).subs(substitution).trigsimp()
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_intrinsic_math1_codegen():
    # not included: log10
    from sympy import acos, asin, atan, ceiling, cos, cosh, floor, log, ln, \
        sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, N
    name_expr = [
        ("test_fabs", abs(x)),
        ("test_acos", acos(x)),
        ("test_asin", asin(x)),
        ("test_atan", atan(x)),
        ("test_cos", cos(x)),
        ("test_cosh", cosh(x)),
        ("test_log", log(x)),
        ("test_ln", ln(x)),
        ("test_sin", sin(x)),
        ("test_sinh", sinh(x)),
        ("test_sqrt", sqrt(x)),
        ("test_tan", tan(x)),
        ("test_tanh", tanh(x)),
    numerical_tests = []
    for name, expr in name_expr:
        for xval in 0.2, 0.5, 0.8:
            expected = N(expr.subs(x, xval))
            numerical_tests.append((name, (xval,), expected, 1e-14))
    for lang, commands in valid_lang_commands:
        if lang == "C":
            name_expr_C = [("test_floor", floor(x)), ("test_ceil", ceiling(x))]
            name_expr_C = []
        run_test("intrinsic_math1", name_expr + name_expr_C,
                 numerical_tests, lang, commands)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_complicated_codegen():
    from sympy import sin, cos, tan, N
    name_expr = [
        ("test1", ((sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z))**7).expand()),
        ("test2", cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))))),
    numerical_tests = []
    for name, expr in name_expr:
        for xval, yval, zval in (0.2, 1.3, -0.3), (0.5, -0.2, 0.0), (0.8, 2.1, 0.8):
            expected = N(expr.subs(x, xval).subs(y, yval).subs(z, zval))
            numerical_tests.append((name, (xval, yval, zval), expected, 1e-12))
    for lang, commands in valid_lang_commands:
            "complicated_codegen", name_expr, numerical_tests, lang, commands)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    fun1 = cos(x)*sin(y)
    fun2 = sin(x)*sin(y)
    fun3 = cos(y) + log(tan(y/2)) + 0.2*x

    Plot(fun1, fun2, fun3, [x, -0.00, 12.4, 40], [y, 0.1, 2, 40])
项目:performance    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bench_integrate():
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    f = (1 / tan(x)) ** 10
    return integrate(f, x)
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_trig():
    assert theq(theano_code(sympy.sin(x)), tt.sin(xt))
    assert theq(theano_code(sympy.tan(x)), tt.tan(xt))
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def manual_diff(f, symbol):
    """Derivative of f in form expected by find_substitutions

    SymPy's derivatives for some trig functions (like cot) aren't in a form
    that works well with finding substitutions; this replaces the
    derivatives for those particular forms with something that works better.

    if f.args:
        arg = f.args[0]
        if isinstance(f, sympy.tan):
            return arg.diff(symbol) * sympy.sec(arg)**2
        elif isinstance(f, sympy.cot):
            return -arg.diff(symbol) ***2
        elif isinstance(f, sympy.sec):
            return arg.diff(symbol) * sympy.sec(arg) * sympy.tan(arg)
        elif isinstance(f,
            return -arg.diff(symbol) * * sympy.cot(arg)
        elif isinstance(f, sympy.Add):
            return sum([manual_diff(arg, symbol) for arg in f.args])
        elif isinstance(f, sympy.Mul):
            if len(f.args) == 2 and isinstance(f.args[0], sympy.Number):
                return f.args[0] * manual_diff(f.args[1], symbol)
    return f.diff(symbol)

# Method based on that on SIN, described in "Symbolic Integration: The
# Stormy Decade"
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tansec_pattern(symbol):
    a, b, m, n = make_wilds(symbol)
    pattern = sympy.tan(a*symbol)**m * sympy.sec(b*symbol)**n

    return pattern, a, b, m, n
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_trigsubstitution(theta, func, rewritten, substep, restriction, integrand, symbol):
    func = func.subs(sympy.sec(theta), 1/sympy.cos(theta))

    trig_function = list(func.find(TrigonometricFunction))
    assert len(trig_function) == 1
    trig_function = trig_function[0]
    relation = sympy.solve(symbol - func, trig_function)
    assert len(relation) == 1
    numer, denom = sympy.fraction(relation[0])

    if isinstance(trig_function, sympy.sin):
        opposite = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        adjacent = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.asin(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.cos):
        adjacent = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        opposite = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.acos(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.tan):
        opposite = numer
        adjacent = denom
        hypotenuse = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 + numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.atan(relation[0])

    substitution = [
        (sympy.sin(theta), opposite/hypotenuse),
        (sympy.cos(theta), adjacent/hypotenuse),
        (sympy.tan(theta), opposite/adjacent),
        (theta, inverse)
    return sympy.Piecewise(
        (_manualintegrate(substep).subs(substitution).trigsimp(), restriction)
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_intrinsic_math1_codegen():
    # not included: log10
    from sympy import acos, asin, atan, ceiling, cos, cosh, floor, log, ln, \
        sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, N
    name_expr = [
        ("test_fabs", abs(x)),
        ("test_acos", acos(x)),
        ("test_asin", asin(x)),
        ("test_atan", atan(x)),
        ("test_cos", cos(x)),
        ("test_cosh", cosh(x)),
        ("test_log", log(x)),
        ("test_ln", ln(x)),
        ("test_sin", sin(x)),
        ("test_sinh", sinh(x)),
        ("test_sqrt", sqrt(x)),
        ("test_tan", tan(x)),
        ("test_tanh", tanh(x)),
    numerical_tests = []
    for name, expr in name_expr:
        for xval in 0.2, 0.5, 0.8:
            expected = N(expr.subs(x, xval))
            numerical_tests.append((name, (xval,), expected, 1e-14))
    for lang, commands in valid_lang_commands:
        if lang.startswith("C"):
            name_expr_C = [("test_floor", floor(x)), ("test_ceil", ceiling(x))]
            name_expr_C = []
        run_test("intrinsic_math1", name_expr + name_expr_C,
                 numerical_tests, lang, commands)
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_complicated_codegen():
    from sympy import sin, cos, tan, N
    name_expr = [
        ("test1", ((sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z))**7).expand()),
        ("test2", cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))))),
    numerical_tests = []
    for name, expr in name_expr:
        for xval, yval, zval in (0.2, 1.3, -0.3), (0.5, -0.2, 0.0), (0.8, 2.1, 0.8):
            expected = N(expr.subs(x, xval).subs(y, yval).subs(z, zval))
            numerical_tests.append((name, (xval, yval, zval), expected, 1e-12))
    for lang, commands in valid_lang_commands:
            "complicated_codegen", name_expr, numerical_tests, lang, commands)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _futrig(e, **kwargs):
    """Helper for futrig."""
    from sympy.strategies.tree import greedy
    from sympy.strategies.core import identity
    from sympy.simplify.fu import (
        TR1, TR2, TR3, TR2i, TR14, TR5, TR10, L, TR10i,
        TR8, TR6, TR15, TR16, TR111, TR5, TRmorrie, TR11, TR14, TR22,
    from sympy.core.compatibility import ordered, _nodes

    if not e.has(C.TrigonometricFunction):
        return e

    if e.is_Mul:
        coeff, e = e.as_independent(C.TrigonometricFunction)
        coeff = S.One

    Lops = lambda x: (L(x), x.count_ops(), _nodes(x), len(x.args), x.is_Add)
    trigs = lambda x: x.has(C.TrigonometricFunction)

    tree = [identity,
        TR3,  # canonical angles
        TR1,  # sec-csc -> cos-sin
        TR12,  # expand tan of sum
        lambda x: _eapply(factor, x, trigs),
        TR2,  # tan-cot -> sin-cos
        [identity, lambda x: _eapply(_mexpand, x, trigs)],
        TR2i,  # sin-cos ratio -> tan
        lambda x: _eapply(lambda i: factor(i.normal()), x, trigs),
        TR14,  # factored identities
        TR5,  # sin-pow -> cos_pow
        TR10,  # sin-cos of sums -> sin-cos prod
        TR11, TR6, # reduce double angles and rewrite cos pows
        lambda x: _eapply(factor, x, trigs),
        TR14,  # factored powers of identities
        [identity, lambda x: _eapply(_mexpand, x, trigs)],
        TR10i,  # sin-cos products > sin-cos of sums
        [identity, TR8],  # sin-cos products -> sin-cos of sums
        [identity, lambda x: TR2i(TR2(x))],  # tan -> sin-cos -> tan
            lambda x: _eapply(expand_mul, TR5(x), trigs),
            lambda x: _eapply(
                expand_mul, TR15(x), trigs)], # pos/neg powers of sin
            lambda x:  _eapply(expand_mul, TR6(x), trigs),
            lambda x:  _eapply(
                expand_mul, TR16(x), trigs)], # pos/neg powers of cos
        TR111,  # tan, sin, cos to neg power -> cot, csc, sec
        [identity, TR2i],  # sin-cos ratio to tan
        [identity, lambda x: _eapply(
            expand_mul, TR22(x), trigs)],  # tan-cot to sec-csc
        TR1, TR2, TR2i,
        [identity, lambda x: _eapply(
            factor_terms, TR12(x), trigs)],  # expand tan of sum
    e = greedy(tree, objective=Lops)(e)

    return coeff*e
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match_div_rewrite(expr, i):
    """helper for __trigsimp"""
    if i == 0:
         expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, sin, cos,
            _midn, tan, _idn)
    elif i == 1:
         expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, tan, cos,
            _idn, sin, _idn)
    elif i == 2:
         expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, cot, sin,
            _idn, cos, _idn)
    elif i == 3:
         expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, tan, sin,
            _midn, cos, _midn)
    elif i == 4:
         expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, cot, cos,
            _midn, sin, _midn)
    elif i == 5:
         expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, cot, tan,
            _idn, _one, _idn)
    # i in (6, 7) is skipped
    elif i == 8:
         expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, sinh, cosh,
            _midn, tanh, _idn)
    elif i == 9:
         expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, tanh, cosh,
            _idn, sinh, _idn)
    elif i == 10:
        expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, coth, sinh,
            _idn, cosh, _idn)
    elif i == 11:
        expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, tanh, sinh,
            _midn, cosh, _midn)
    elif i == 12:
        expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, coth, cosh,
            _midn, sinh, _midn)
    elif i == 13:
        expr = _replace_mul_fpowxgpow(expr, coth, tanh,
            _idn, _one, _idn)
        return None
    return expr
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def manualintegrate(f, var):
    """manualintegrate(f, var)

    Compute indefinite integral of a single variable using an algorithm that
    resembles what a student would do by hand.

    Unlike ``integrate``, var can only be a single symbol.


    >>> from sympy import sin, cos, tan, exp, log, integrate
    >>> from sympy.integrals.manualintegrate import manualintegrate
    >>> from import x
    >>> manualintegrate(1 / x, x)
    >>> integrate(1/x)
    >>> manualintegrate(log(x), x)
    x*log(x) - x
    >>> integrate(log(x))
    x*log(x) - x
    >>> manualintegrate(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2 * x)), x)
    >>> integrate(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2 * x)))
    RootSum(4*_z**2 + 1, Lambda(_i, _i*log(2*_i + exp(x))))
    >>> manualintegrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x), x)
    >>> integrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x), x)
    >>> manualintegrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x)**3, x)
    cos(x)**7/7 - cos(x)**5/5
    >>> integrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x)**3, x)
    cos(x)**7/7 - cos(x)**5/5
    >>> manualintegrate(tan(x), x)
    >>> integrate(tan(x), x)
    -log(sin(x)**2 - 1)/2

    See Also

    return _manualintegrate(integral_steps(f, var))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_complicated_codegen_f95():
    from sympy import sin, cos, tan
    x, y, z = symbols('x,y,z')
    name_expr = [
        ("test1", ((sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z))**7).expand()),
        ("test2", cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))))),
    result = codegen(name_expr, "F95", "file", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0][0] == "file.f90"
    expected = (
        'REAL*8 function test1(x, y, z)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: y\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: z\n'
        'test1 = sin(x)**7 + 7*sin(x)**6*cos(y) + 7*sin(x)**6*tan(z) + 21*sin(x) &\n'
        '      **5*cos(y)**2 + 42*sin(x)**5*cos(y)*tan(z) + 21*sin(x)**5*tan(z) &\n'
        '      **2 + 35*sin(x)**4*cos(y)**3 + 105*sin(x)**4*cos(y)**2*tan(z) + &\n'
        '      105*sin(x)**4*cos(y)*tan(z)**2 + 35*sin(x)**4*tan(z)**3 + 35*sin( &\n'
        '      x)**3*cos(y)**4 + 140*sin(x)**3*cos(y)**3*tan(z) + 210*sin(x)**3* &\n'
        '      cos(y)**2*tan(z)**2 + 140*sin(x)**3*cos(y)*tan(z)**3 + 35*sin(x) &\n'
        '      **3*tan(z)**4 + 21*sin(x)**2*cos(y)**5 + 105*sin(x)**2*cos(y)**4* &\n'
        '      tan(z) + 210*sin(x)**2*cos(y)**3*tan(z)**2 + 210*sin(x)**2*cos(y) &\n'
        '      **2*tan(z)**3 + 105*sin(x)**2*cos(y)*tan(z)**4 + 21*sin(x)**2*tan &\n'
        '      (z)**5 + 7*sin(x)*cos(y)**6 + 42*sin(x)*cos(y)**5*tan(z) + 105* &\n'
        '      sin(x)*cos(y)**4*tan(z)**2 + 140*sin(x)*cos(y)**3*tan(z)**3 + 105 &\n'
        '      *sin(x)*cos(y)**2*tan(z)**4 + 42*sin(x)*cos(y)*tan(z)**5 + 7*sin( &\n'
        '      x)*tan(z)**6 + cos(y)**7 + 7*cos(y)**6*tan(z) + 21*cos(y)**5*tan( &\n'
        '      z)**2 + 35*cos(y)**4*tan(z)**3 + 35*cos(y)**3*tan(z)**4 + 21*cos( &\n'
        '      y)**2*tan(z)**5 + 7*cos(y)*tan(z)**6 + tan(z)**7\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test2(x, y, z)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: y\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: z\n'
        'test2 = cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))))\n'
        'end function\n'
    assert result[0][1] == expected
    assert result[1][0] == "file.h"
    expected = (
        'REAL*8 function test1(x, y, z)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: y\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: z\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test2(x, y, z)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: y\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: z\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
    assert result[1][1] == expected
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy import tan
        arg = sympify(arg)

        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.NegativeOne
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.Zero
            elif arg.is_negative:
                return -cls(-arg)
            if arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
                return S.NaN

            i_coeff = arg.as_coefficient(S.ImaginaryUnit)

            if i_coeff is not None:
                if _coeff_isneg(i_coeff):
                    return -S.ImaginaryUnit * tan(-i_coeff)
                return S.ImaginaryUnit * tan(i_coeff)
                if _coeff_isneg(arg):
                    return -cls(-arg)

            if arg.func == asinh:
                x = arg.args[0]
                return x/sqrt(1 + x**2)

            if arg.func == acosh:
                x = arg.args[0]
                return sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1) / x

            if arg.func == atanh:
                return arg.args[0]

            if arg.func == acoth:
                return 1/arg.args[0]
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trig_substitution_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral
    a = sympy.Wild('a', exclude=[0, symbol])
    b = sympy.Wild('b', exclude=[0, symbol])
    theta = sympy.Dummy("theta")

    matches = integrand.find(a + b*symbol**2)
    if matches:
        for expr in matches:
            match = expr.match(a + b*symbol**2)
            a = match[a]
            b = match[b]

            a_positive = ((a.is_number and a > 0) or a.is_positive)
            b_positive = ((b.is_number and b > 0) or b.is_positive)
            x_func = None
            if a_positive and b_positive:
                # a**2 + b*x**2. Assume sec(theta) > 0, -pi/2 < theta < pi/2
                x_func = (sympy.sqrt(a)/sympy.sqrt(b)) * sympy.tan(theta)
                # Do not restrict the domain: tan(theta) takes on any real
                # value on the interval -pi/2 < theta < pi/2 so x takes on
                # any value
                restriction = True
            elif a_positive and not b_positive:
                # a**2 - b*x**2. Assume cos(theta) > 0, -pi/2 < theta < pi/2
                constant = sympy.sqrt(a)/sympy.sqrt(-b)
                x_func = constant * sympy.sin(theta)
                restriction = sympy.And(symbol > -constant, symbol < constant)
            elif not a_positive and b_positive:
                # b*x**2 - a**2. Assume sin(theta) > 0, 0 < theta < pi
                constant = sympy.sqrt(-a)/sympy.sqrt(b)
                x_func = constant * sympy.sec(theta)
                restriction = sympy.And(symbol > -constant, symbol < constant)
            if x_func:
                # Manually simplify sqrt(trig(theta)**2) to trig(theta)
                # Valid due to assumed domain restriction
                substitutions = {}
                for f in [sympy.sin, sympy.cos, sympy.tan,
                          sympy.sec,, sympy.cot]:
                    substitutions[sympy.sqrt(f(theta)**2)] = f(theta)
                    substitutions[sympy.sqrt(f(theta)**(-2))] = 1/f(theta)

                replaced = integrand.subs(symbol, x_func).trigsimp()
                replaced = replaced.subs(substitutions)
                if not replaced.has(symbol):
                    replaced *= manual_diff(x_func, theta)
                    replaced = replaced.trigsimp()
                    secants = replaced.find(1/sympy.cos(theta))
                    if secants:
                        replaced = replaced.xreplace({
                            1/sympy.cos(theta): sympy.sec(theta)

                    substep = integral_steps(replaced, theta)
                    if not contains_dont_know(substep):
                        return TrigSubstitutionRule(
                            theta, x_func, replaced, substep, restriction,
                            integrand, symbol)
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def manualintegrate(f, var):
    """manualintegrate(f, var)

    Compute indefinite integral of a single variable using an algorithm that
    resembles what a student would do by hand.

    Unlike ``integrate``, var can only be a single symbol.


    >>> from sympy import sin, cos, tan, exp, log, integrate
    >>> from sympy.integrals.manualintegrate import manualintegrate
    >>> from import x
    >>> manualintegrate(1 / x, x)
    >>> integrate(1/x)
    >>> manualintegrate(log(x), x)
    x*log(x) - x
    >>> integrate(log(x))
    x*log(x) - x
    >>> manualintegrate(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2 * x)), x)
    >>> integrate(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2 * x)))
    RootSum(4*_z**2 + 1, Lambda(_i, _i*log(2*_i + exp(x))))
    >>> manualintegrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x), x)
    >>> integrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x), x)
    >>> manualintegrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x)**3, x)
    cos(x)**7/7 - cos(x)**5/5
    >>> integrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x)**3, x)
    cos(x)**7/7 - cos(x)**5/5
    >>> manualintegrate(tan(x), x)
    >>> integrate(tan(x), x)
    -log(sin(x)**2 - 1)/2

    See Also

    return _manualintegrate(integral_steps(f, var))
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ansi_math1_codegen():
    # not included: log10
    from sympy import (acos, asin, atan, ceiling, cos, cosh, floor, log, ln,
        sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, Abs)
    x = symbols('x')
    name_expr = [
        ("test_fabs", Abs(x)),
        ("test_acos", acos(x)),
        ("test_asin", asin(x)),
        ("test_atan", atan(x)),
        ("test_ceil", ceiling(x)),
        ("test_cos", cos(x)),
        ("test_cosh", cosh(x)),
        ("test_floor", floor(x)),
        ("test_log", log(x)),
        ("test_ln", ln(x)),
        ("test_sin", sin(x)),
        ("test_sinh", sinh(x)),
        ("test_sqrt", sqrt(x)),
        ("test_tan", tan(x)),
        ("test_tanh", tanh(x)),
    result = codegen(name_expr, "C89", "file", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0][0] == "file.c"
    assert result[0][1] == (
        '#include "file.h"\n#include <math.h>\n'
        'double test_fabs(double x) {\n   double test_fabs_result;\n   test_fabs_result = fabs(x);\n   return test_fabs_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_acos(double x) {\n   double test_acos_result;\n   test_acos_result = acos(x);\n   return test_acos_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_asin(double x) {\n   double test_asin_result;\n   test_asin_result = asin(x);\n   return test_asin_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_atan(double x) {\n   double test_atan_result;\n   test_atan_result = atan(x);\n   return test_atan_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_ceil(double x) {\n   double test_ceil_result;\n   test_ceil_result = ceil(x);\n   return test_ceil_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_cos(double x) {\n   double test_cos_result;\n   test_cos_result = cos(x);\n   return test_cos_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_cosh(double x) {\n   double test_cosh_result;\n   test_cosh_result = cosh(x);\n   return test_cosh_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_floor(double x) {\n   double test_floor_result;\n   test_floor_result = floor(x);\n   return test_floor_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_log(double x) {\n   double test_log_result;\n   test_log_result = log(x);\n   return test_log_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_ln(double x) {\n   double test_ln_result;\n   test_ln_result = log(x);\n   return test_ln_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_sin(double x) {\n   double test_sin_result;\n   test_sin_result = sin(x);\n   return test_sin_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_sinh(double x) {\n   double test_sinh_result;\n   test_sinh_result = sinh(x);\n   return test_sinh_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_sqrt(double x) {\n   double test_sqrt_result;\n   test_sqrt_result = sqrt(x);\n   return test_sqrt_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_tan(double x) {\n   double test_tan_result;\n   test_tan_result = tan(x);\n   return test_tan_result;\n}\n'
        'double test_tanh(double x) {\n   double test_tanh_result;\n   test_tanh_result = tanh(x);\n   return test_tanh_result;\n}\n'
    assert result[1][0] == "file.h"
    assert result[1][1] == (
        '#ifndef PROJECT__FILE__H\n#define PROJECT__FILE__H\n'
        'double test_fabs(double x);\ndouble test_acos(double x);\n'
        'double test_asin(double x);\ndouble test_atan(double x);\n'
        'double test_ceil(double x);\ndouble test_cos(double x);\n'
        'double test_cosh(double x);\ndouble test_floor(double x);\n'
        'double test_log(double x);\ndouble test_ln(double x);\n'
        'double test_sin(double x);\ndouble test_sinh(double x);\n'
        'double test_sqrt(double x);\ndouble test_tan(double x);\n'
        'double test_tanh(double x);\n#endif\n'
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_complicated_codegen_f95():
    from sympy import sin, cos, tan
    x, y, z = symbols('x,y,z')
    name_expr = [
        ("test1", ((sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z))**7).expand()),
        ("test2", cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))))),
    result = codegen(name_expr, "F95", "file", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0][0] == "file.f90"
    expected = (
        'REAL*8 function test1(x, y, z)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: y\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: z\n'
        'test1 = sin(x)**7 + 7*sin(x)**6*cos(y) + 7*sin(x)**6*tan(z) + 21*sin(x) &\n'
        '      **5*cos(y)**2 + 42*sin(x)**5*cos(y)*tan(z) + 21*sin(x)**5*tan(z) &\n'
        '      **2 + 35*sin(x)**4*cos(y)**3 + 105*sin(x)**4*cos(y)**2*tan(z) + &\n'
        '      105*sin(x)**4*cos(y)*tan(z)**2 + 35*sin(x)**4*tan(z)**3 + 35*sin( &\n'
        '      x)**3*cos(y)**4 + 140*sin(x)**3*cos(y)**3*tan(z) + 210*sin(x)**3* &\n'
        '      cos(y)**2*tan(z)**2 + 140*sin(x)**3*cos(y)*tan(z)**3 + 35*sin(x) &\n'
        '      **3*tan(z)**4 + 21*sin(x)**2*cos(y)**5 + 105*sin(x)**2*cos(y)**4* &\n'
        '      tan(z) + 210*sin(x)**2*cos(y)**3*tan(z)**2 + 210*sin(x)**2*cos(y) &\n'
        '      **2*tan(z)**3 + 105*sin(x)**2*cos(y)*tan(z)**4 + 21*sin(x)**2*tan &\n'
        '      (z)**5 + 7*sin(x)*cos(y)**6 + 42*sin(x)*cos(y)**5*tan(z) + 105* &\n'
        '      sin(x)*cos(y)**4*tan(z)**2 + 140*sin(x)*cos(y)**3*tan(z)**3 + 105 &\n'
        '      *sin(x)*cos(y)**2*tan(z)**4 + 42*sin(x)*cos(y)*tan(z)**5 + 7*sin( &\n'
        '      x)*tan(z)**6 + cos(y)**7 + 7*cos(y)**6*tan(z) + 21*cos(y)**5*tan( &\n'
        '      z)**2 + 35*cos(y)**4*tan(z)**3 + 35*cos(y)**3*tan(z)**4 + 21*cos( &\n'
        '      y)**2*tan(z)**5 + 7*cos(y)*tan(z)**6 + tan(z)**7\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test2(x, y, z)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: y\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: z\n'
        'test2 = cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(x + y + z))))))))\n'
        'end function\n'
    assert result[0][1] == expected
    assert result[1][0] == "file.h"
    expected = (
        'REAL*8 function test1(x, y, z)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: y\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: z\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test2(x, y, z)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: y\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: z\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
    assert result[1][1] == expected