Python sys 模块,coinit_flags() 实例源码


项目:w4py    作者:Cito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def InstallInWebKit(appServer):
    # This function gets called by the app server during initialization.
    if not appServer.setting('EnableCOM', False):
        return  # enabling COM was not requested

    # This must be done BEFORE pythoncom is imported -- see the book mentioned above.
    import sys
    sys.coinit_flags = 0

    # Get the win32 extensions
    import pythoncom

    # Set references to the COM initialize and uninitialize functions
    appServer._initCOM = pythoncom.COINIT_MULTITHREADED
    appServer.initCOM = pythoncom.CoInitializeEx
    appServer.closeCOM = pythoncom.CoUninitialize

    # Monkey-patch this instance of the appServer

    # Grab references to the original initThread and delThread bound
    # methods, which we will replace
    appServer.originalInitThread = appServer.initThread
    appServer.originalDelThread = appServer.delThread

    # Create new versions of initThread and delThread which will call the
    # old versions

    def newInitThread(self):
        # This must be called at the beginning of any thread that uses COM
        # Call the original initThread

    def newDelThread(self):
        # Call the original delThread
        # Uninitialize COM

    # Replace the initThread and delThread methods with our new versions
    import new
    appServer.initThread = new.instancemethod(newInitThread, appServer, appServer.__class__)
    appServer.delThread = new.instancemethod(newDelThread, appServer, appServer.__class__)

    print 'COM has been enabled.'