Python talib 模块,BBANDS 实例源码


项目:base_function    作者:Rockyzsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def boll():

    print upper,middle,lower
    print diff1
    print diff2
项目:zStock    作者:superxhy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BOLL_CN(close,timeperiod=20, nbdev=2, isDEV=False):
        stddev = nbdev
        if not isDEV:
            devfix =  np.sqrt(1.0*timeperiod/(timeperiod-1))
            stddev = nbdev * devfix
        bollUPPER, bollMIDDLE, bollLOWER = tl.BBANDS(
                    #close narray 
                    #time default 20
                    # number of non-biased standard deviations from the mean
                    # Moving average type: simple moving average here
        return bollUPPER, bollMIDDLE, bollLOWER

项目:quant    作者:yutiansut    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Bollinger_Bands(security_list, timeperiod=5, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2):
    # ????????????
    if isinstance(security_list, str):
        security_list = [security_list]
    # ?? Bollinger Bands
    security_data = history(timeperiod * 2, '1d', 'close',
                            security_list, df=False, skip_paused=True)
    upperband = {}
    middleband = {}
    lowerband = {}
    for stock in security_list:
        upperband[stock], middleband[stock], lowerband[stock] = talib.BBANDS(
            security_data[stock], timeperiod, nbdevup, nbdevdn)
    return upperband, middleband, lowerband

# ?????
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __recountBoll(self):
        if self.inputBollLen < EMPTY_INT: return

        l = len(self.lineBar)

        if l < min(7, self.inputBollLen)+1:
                             format(len(self.lineBar), min(7, self.inputBollLen)+1))

        if l < self.inputBollLen+2:
            bollLen = l-1
            bollLen = self.inputBollLen

        # ????????Bar
        listClose=[x.close for x in self.lineBar[-bollLen - 1:-1]]
        upper, middle, lower = ta.BBANDS(numpy.array(listClose, dtype=float),
                                         timeperiod=bollLen, nbdevup=self.inputBollStdRate,
                                         nbdevdn=self.inputBollStdRate, matype=0)


    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:base_function    作者:Rockyzsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cycle_process(event):
    cycle = event.widget.get()

    upperband, middleband, lowerband = ta.BBANDS(close, timeperiod=5, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
    ax1, ax2 = axes[0], axes[1]
    axes[0].plot(close, 'rd-', markersize=3)
    axes[0].plot(upperband, 'y-')
    axes[0].plot(middleband, 'b-')
    axes[0].plot(lowerband, 'y-')
    axes[0].set_title(cycle, fontproperties="SimHei")

    if cycle == '??????——???????':
        real = ta.HT_DCPERIOD(close)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif cycle == '??????,??????????':
        real = ta.HT_DCPHASE(close)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif cycle == '??????——????':
        inphase, quadrature = ta.HT_PHASOR(close)
        axes[1].plot(inphase, 'r-')
        axes[1].plot(quadrature, 'g-')
    elif cycle == '??????——????':
        sine, leadsine = ta.HT_SINE(close)
        axes[1].plot(sine, 'r-')
        axes[1].plot(leadsine, 'g-')
    elif cycle == '??????——???????':
        integer = ta.HT_TRENDMODE(close)
        axes[1].plot(integer, 'r-')

# ????
项目:base_function    作者:Rockyzsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def statistic_process(event):
    statistic = event.widget.get()

    upperband, middleband, lowerband = ta.BBANDS(close, timeperiod=5, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
    ax1, ax2 = axes[0], axes[1]
    axes[0].plot(close, 'rd-', markersize=3)
    axes[0].plot(upperband, 'y-')
    axes[0].plot(middleband, 'b-')
    axes[0].plot(lowerband, 'y-')
    axes[0].set_title(statistic, fontproperties="SimHei")

    if statistic == '????':
        real = ta.LINEARREG(close, timeperiod=14)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif statistic == '??????':
        real = ta.LINEARREG_ANGLE(close, timeperiod=14)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif statistic == '??????':
        real = ta.LINEARREG_INTERCEPT(close, timeperiod=14)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif statistic == '??????':
        real = ta.LINEARREG_SLOPE(close, timeperiod=14)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif statistic == '???':
        real = ta.STDDEV(close, timeperiod=5, nbdev=1)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif statistic == '??????':
        real = ta.TSF(close, timeperiod=14)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif statistic == '??':
        real = ta.VAR(close, timeperiod=5, nbdev=1)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')

# ????
项目:base_function    作者:Rockyzsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def math_operator_process(event):
    math_operator = event.widget.get()

    upperband, middleband, lowerband = ta.BBANDS(close, timeperiod=5, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
    ax1, ax2 = axes[0], axes[1]
    axes[0].plot(close, 'rd-', markersize=3)
    axes[0].plot(upperband, 'y-')
    axes[0].plot(middleband, 'b-')
    axes[0].plot(lowerband, 'y-')
    axes[0].set_title(math_operator, fontproperties="SimHei")

    if math_operator == '?????????':
        real = ta.MAX(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif math_operator == '????????????':
        integer = ta.MAXINDEX(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(integer, 'r-')
    elif math_operator == '?????????':
        real = ta.MIN(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif math_operator == '????????????':
        integer = ta.MININDEX(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(integer, 'r-')
    elif math_operator == '????????????':
        min, max = ta.MINMAX(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(min, 'r-')
        axes[1].plot(max, 'r-')
    elif math_operator == '???????????????':
        minidx, maxidx = ta.MINMAXINDEX(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(minidx, 'r-')
        axes[1].plot(maxidx, 'r-')
    elif math_operator == '??':
        real = ta.SUM(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
项目:catalyst    作者:enigmampc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expected_bbands(self, window_length, k, closes):
        """Compute the expected data (without adjustments) for the given
        window, k, and closes array.

        This uses talib.BBANDS to generate the expected data.
        lower_cols = []
        middle_cols = []
        upper_cols = []

        ndates, nassets = closes.shape

        for n in range(nassets):
            close_col = closes[:, n]
            if np.isnan(close_col).all():
                # ta-lib doesn't deal well with all nans.
                upper, middle, lower = [np.full(ndates, np.nan)] * 3
                upper, middle, lower = talib.BBANDS(


        # Stack all of our uppers, middles, lowers into three 2d arrays
        # whose columns are the sids. After that, slice off only the
        # rows we care about.
        where = np.s_[window_length - 1:]
        uppers = np.column_stack(upper_cols)[where]
        middles = np.column_stack(middle_cols)[where]
        lowers = np.column_stack(lower_cols)[where]
        return uppers, middles, lowers
项目:dash-technical-charting    作者:plotly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_BBANDS(self, timeperiod=20, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0,
               types=['line_dashed_thin', 'line_dashed_thin'],
               colors=['tertiary', 'grey_strong'], **kwargs):
    """Bollinger Bands.

    Note that the first argument of types and colors refers to upper and lower
    bands while second argument refers to middle band. (Upper and lower are
    symmetrical arguments, hence only 2 needed.)

    if not self.has_close:
        raise Exception()

    utils.kwargs_check(kwargs, VALID_TA_KWARGS)
    if 'kind' in kwargs:
        kwargs['type'] = kwargs['kind']
    if 'kinds' in kwargs:
        types = kwargs['type']

    if 'type' in kwargs:
        types = [kwargs['type']] * 2
    if 'color' in kwargs:
        colors = [kwargs['color']] * 2

    name = 'BBANDS({},{},{})'.format(str(timeperiod),
    ubb = name + '[Upper]'
    bb = name
    lbb = name + '[Lower]'
    self.pri[ubb] = dict(type='line_' + types[0][5:],
    self.pri[bb] = dict(type='area_' + types[1][5:],
                        color=colors[1], fillcolor='fill')
    self.pri[lbb] = dict(type='area_' + types[0][5:],
                         color=colors[0], fillcolor='fill')
     self.ind[lbb]) = talib.BBANDS(self.df[].values,
                                   timeperiod, nbdevup, nbdevdn, matype)
项目:quantdigger    作者:andyzsf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _boll(self, data, n):
        """ ??????????? """
        data = transform2ndarray(data)
        upper, middle, lower =  talib.BBANDS(data, n, 2, 2)
        return (upper, middle, lower)
项目:gdax-trader    作者:mcardillo55    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_bbands(self, period_name, close):
        timeperiod = 20
        upperband_1, middleband_1, lowerband_1 = talib.BBANDS(close, timeperiod=timeperiod, nbdevup=1, nbdevdn=1, matype=0)

        self.current_indicators[period_name]['bband_upper_1'] = upperband_1[-1]
        self.current_indicators[period_name]['bband_lower_1'] = lowerband_1[-1]

        upperband_2, middleband_2, lowerband_2 = talib.BBANDS(close, timeperiod=timeperiod, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)

        self.current_indicators[period_name]['bband_upper_2'] = upperband_2[-1]
        self.current_indicators[period_name]['bband_lower_2'] = lowerband_2[-1]
项目:autoxd    作者:nessessary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BOLL(closes, matype=MA_Type.EMA):
    matype: ???????? ????????????? EMA??2??SMA?4?????????
    return upper, middle, lower"""
    closes = np.array(closes)
    return talib.BBANDS(closes, timeperiod=20, matype=matype)
项目:BlackCoffee    作者:IMYin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bbands(df):
    if len(df) > 100:
        close = df.close.values
        upperband, middleband, lowerband = tl.BBANDS(close, timeperiod=5, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
    return upperband, middleband, lowerband
项目:BlackCoffee    作者:IMYin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bbands_info(df):
    calculate bbands quotation.
    :param df:
    :return: close, upperband, middleband, lowerband
    close = get_close_data(df)
    upperband, middleband, lowerband = ta.BBANDS(close, timeperiod=5, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
    return pd.DataFrame({u'close': df.close[-view_days:],
                         u'upperband': upperband[-view_days:],
                         u'middleband': middleband[-view_days:],
                         u'lowerband': lowerband[-view_days:]})
项目:DataAnalysis    作者:IMYin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bbands(sorted_data):
    close,high,low,ma5,ma10,ma20 = get_case_data(sorted_data)
    upperband, middleband, lowerband = ta.BBANDS(close, timeperiod=5, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
    operator = ''
#    score = 0
    index_b = (close[-1]-lowerband[-1]) / (upperband[-1]-lowerband[-1])
#    print "%b is : " + str(index_b)
    if index_b > 1:
        operator += 'S%'
#        score -= 10
    elif index_b <= 0 :
        operator += 'B%'
#        score += 10

    up = upperband[-1] - upperband[-2]
    down = lowerband[-2] -lowerband[-1]
    if up > 0 and down > 0:
        if up > down:
            operator += 'BO'
        elif up < down:
            operator += 'SO'

    if ma5[-1] > ma10[-1] and ma10[-1] > ma20[-1]:
        if upperband[-1] < upperband[-2]:
            operator += 'S!'
    return (operator,index_b)
#initial the date
项目:base_function    作者:Rockyzsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def overlap_process(event):
    overlap = event.widget.get()

    upperband, middleband, lowerband = ta.BBANDS(close, timeperiod=5, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
    ax1, ax2 = axes[0], axes[1]
    axes[0].plot(close, 'rd-', markersize=3)
    axes[0].plot(upperband, 'y-')
    axes[0].plot(middleband, 'b-')
    axes[0].plot(lowerband, 'y-')
    axes[0].set_title(overlap, fontproperties="SimHei")

    if overlap == u'???':
    elif overlap == u'????????':
        real = ta.DEMA(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'??????? ':
        real = ta.EMA(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'??????——?????':
        real = ta.HT_TRENDLINE(close)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'???????????':
        real = ta.KAMA(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'?????':
        real = ta.MA(close, timeperiod=30, matype=0)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'MESA???????':
        mama, fama = ta.MAMA(close, fastlimit=0, slowlimit=0)
        axes[1].plot(mama, 'r-')
        axes[1].plot(fama, 'g-')
    elif overlap == u'????????':
        real = ta.MAVP(close, periods, minperiod=2, maxperiod=30, matype=0)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'???????':
        real = ta.SMA(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'????????(T3)':
        real = ta.T3(close, timeperiod=5, vfactor=0)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'????????':
        real = ta.TEMA(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'?????? ':
        real = ta.TRIMA(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')
    elif overlap == u'???????':
        real = ta.WMA(close, timeperiod=30)
        axes[1].plot(real, 'r-')

# ????