def _check_ssl_cert(self, cert, key): # Check SSL-Certificate with openssl, if possible try: exit_code = subprocess.call( ["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-noout", "-in", cert], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError: exit_code = 0 if exit_code is 0: try: self.httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket( self.httpd.socket, certfile=cert, keyfile=key, server_side=True) except ssl.SSLError as error: self.logger.exception('Failed to init SSL socket') raise TelegramError(str(error)) else: raise TelegramError('SSL Certificate invalid')
def get_telegram_bot(): """ Creates a telegram bot instance. Returns: telegram.Bot: The bot instance. Raises: TelegramConfigurationError: If the telegram bot was not properly configured. """ logger = logging.getLogger() try: return Bot(Config().telegram_token) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError, TelegramError) as exc: logger.error("Telegram token not present or invalid: '%s'", str(exc)) raise TelegramConfigurationError("Telegram token not " "present or invalid.")
def botupdated_message(bot, job): """ Defining a command to notify the user and tell them what updates have been released It is called at every execution ONLY if there are documents in a specific db collection """ messages = list(DATABASE.messages.find()) DATABASE.messages.remove() invalid_chatid = [] for message in messages: for chat_id in USERS['telegramID']: try: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, parse_mode='HTML', text=message['text']) except TelegramError: invalid_chatid.append(chat_id) for chat_id in invalid_chatid: USERS['telegramID'].remove(chat_id) unsubscribe_user(chat_id, 'telegramID')
def test_editMessageCaption(self): self.mockbot.editMessageCaption(chat_id=12, message_id=23) data = self.mockbot.sent_messages[-1] self.assertEqual(data['method'], "editMessageCaption") self.assertEqual(data['chat_id'], 12) self.mockbot.editMessageCaption( inline_message_id=23, caption="new cap", photo=True) data = self.mockbot.sent_messages[-1] self.assertEqual(data['method'], "editMessageCaption") with self.assertRaises(TelegramError): self.mockbot.editMessageCaption() with self.assertRaises(TelegramError): self.mockbot.editMessageCaption(chat_id=12) with self.assertRaises(TelegramError): self.mockbot.editMessageCaption(message_id=12)
def process_update(obj, update): if isinstance(update, TelegramError): obj.dispatch_error(None, update) else: for group in obj.groups: for handler in obj.handlers[group]: try: if handler.check_update(update): handler.handle_update(update, obj) except Exception as e: try: obj.dispatch_error(update, e) except Exception: obj.logger.exception( 'An uncaught error was raised while ' 'handling the error')
def updateChatList(bot, job): logger.debug("-----------------------updatedChatList--------------------") logger.info("Updating the chat list") results = mDatabase.groups.find() for doc in results: try: chat = bot.getChat(chat_id = doc['_id']) logger.info("Chat %s (%s) responded." % (chat.title, chat.id)) mDatabase.groups.find_one_and_update({'_id':doc['_id']}, { '$set' : {'title':chat.title}}) except TelegramError: logger.info("Not yet removing %s (%s) from the database, it is not responding" % (doc['title'],doc['_id'])) #mDatabase.groups.remove({'_id':doc['_id']}) except: logger.info("Other error when checking %s (%s), check networking" % (doc['title'],doc['_id']))
def updateChatList(bot, job): logger.debug("-----------------------updatedChatList--------------------") logger.info("Updating the chat list") results = MDB.groups.find() for doc in results: try: chat = bot.getChat(chat_id = doc['_id']) logger.info("Chat %s (%s) responded." % (chat.title, chat.id)) admins = [chatmember.user.id for chatmember in bot.getChatAdministrators(chat_id=doc['_id'])] MDB.groups.find_one_and_update({'_id':doc['_id']}, { '$set' : {'title':chat.title, "admins":admins}}) except TelegramError as te: logger.warning("Removing %s (%s) from the database, it is not responding, re-add the bot if this is incorrect." % (doc['title'],doc['_id'])) logger.debug("Error received: %s" % (str(te))) MDB.groups.remove({'_id':doc['_id']}) except: logger.info("Other error when checking %s (%s), check networking" % (doc['title'],doc['_id']))
def respondToMessageQuery(self, message): senderId = message.from_user.id chatId = message.chat.id messageId = message.message_id expression = message.text errorMessage = None try: imageStream, pdfStream = self._latexConverter.convertExpressionToPng(expression, senderId, str(messageId)+str(senderId), returnPdf=True) self._bot.sendDocument(chatId, pdfStream, filename="expression.pdf") self._bot.sendPhoto(chatId, imageStream) except ValueError as err: errorMessage = self.getWrongSyntaxResult(expression, err.args[0]) except TelegramError as err: errorMessage = self._resourceManager.getString("telegram_error")+str(err) self.logger.warn(errorMessage) finally: if not errorMessage is None: self._bot.sendMessage(chatId, errorMessage) self.logger.debug("Answered to message from %d, chatId %d, expression: %s", senderId, chatId, expression)
def send_tg(self, msg: str): for i in self.chat_ids: attempt = 1 sleep_tm = 1 while 1: try: self.bot.sendMessage(i, msg, parse_mode='Markdown') except telegram.error.NetworkError: self._logger.warning( 'telegram servers in trouble; attempt={} sleep={}'.format( attempt, sleep_tm)) time.sleep(sleep_tm) attempt += 1 if sleep_tm < 60: sleep_tm *= 2 continue except telegram.TelegramError: self._logger.exception('failed sending telegram') break
def delete_message(self, chat=None, message_id=None, message=None): """Deletes message Args: chat(Optional[int|str]): chat ID or '@channel_name' message_id(Optional[int]): ID of message to be deleted message(Optional[:class:`telegram.Message`]): message to be deleted Returns: bool: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise Raises: ValueError: if ``chat``, ``message_id`` and ``message`` are ``None`` """ if (chat is None or message_id is None) and message is None: raise ValueError('Either `chat` and `message_id` or `message` must be given') if message is not None: chat = message.chat_id message_id = message.message_id try: return self._bot.delete_message(chat, message_id) except TelegramError as e: logger.exception('Exception was raised while deleting message', exc_info=e) return False
def ban_member(self, chat, user_id=None, user=None): """Bans chat member Args: chat(int|str): chat ID or '@channel_name' user_id(Optional[int]): user ID to be banned user(Optional[:class:`telegram.User`]): user to be banned Returns: bool: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise Raises: ValueError: if both ``user_id`` and ``user`` were (not) given """ if (user_id is None and user is None) or (user_id is not None and user is not None): raise ValueError('Either `user_id` or `user` must be given') if user is not None: user_id = user.id try: self._bot.kick_chat_member(chat, user_id) except TelegramError as e: logger.exception('Exception was raised while kicking member', exc_info=e) return False return True
def unban_member(self, chat, user_id=None, user=None): """Unbans chat member Args: chat(int|str): chat ID or '@channel_name' user_id(Optional[int]): user ID to be unbanned user(Optional[:class:`telegram.User`]): user to be unbanned Returns: bool: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise Raises: ValueError: if both ``user_id`` and ``user`` were (not) given """ if (user_id is None and user is None) or (user_id is not None and user is not None): raise ValueError('Either `user_id` or `user` must be given') if user is not None: user_id = user.id try: self._bot.unban_chat_member(chat, user_id) except TelegramError as e: logger.exception('Exception was raised while unbanning member', exc_info=e) return False return True
def is_image(stream): """Check if the content file is an image by analyzing its headers. Args: stream (str): A str representing the content of a file. Returns: str: The str mimetype of an image. """ image = imghdr.what(None, stream) if image: return 'image/%s' % image raise TelegramError('Could not parse file content')
def _bootstrap(self, max_retries, clean, webhook_url, allowed_updates, cert=None): retries = 0 while 1: try: if clean: # Disable webhook for cleaning self.bot.deleteWebhook() self._clean_updates() sleep(1) self.bot.setWebhook( url=webhook_url, certificate=cert, allowed_updates=allowed_updates) except (Unauthorized, InvalidToken): raise except TelegramError: msg = 'error in bootstrap phase; try={0} max_retries={1}'.format(retries, max_retries) if max_retries < 0 or retries < max_retries: self.logger.warning(msg) retries += 1 else: self.logger.exception(msg) raise else: break sleep(1)
def process_update(self, update): """ Processes a single update. Args: update (object): """ # An error happened while polling if isinstance(update, TelegramError): self.dispatch_error(None, update) else: for group in self.groups: for handler in self.handlers[group]: try: if handler.check_update(update): handler.handle_update(update, self) break # Dispatch any errors except TelegramError as te: self.logger.warn('A TelegramError was raised while processing the ' 'Update.') try: self.dispatch_error(update, te) except Exception: self.logger.exception('An uncaught error was raised while ' 'handling the error') finally: break # Errors should not stop the thread except Exception: self.logger.exception('An uncaught error was raised while ' 'processing the update') break
def add_error_handler(self, callback): """ Registers an error handler in the Dispatcher. Args: handler (function): A function that takes ``Bot, Update, TelegramError`` as arguments. """ self.error_handlers.append(callback)
def dispatch_error(self, update, error): """ Dispatches an error. Args: update (object): The update that caused the error error (telegram.TelegramError): The Telegram error that was raised. """ for callback in self.error_handlers: callback(self.bot, update, error)
def filter_by_hashtag(bot, update, db, users_state): user_id = update.message.from_user.id users_state[user_id] = dict() users_state[user_id]['channels'] = dict() keyboard = [] keyboard_row = [] for channel in db.query(Channel).filter(Channel.owner_id == str(user_id)).order_by(Channel.created_at.desc()): try: channel_chat = bot.get_chat(chat_id=channel.channel_id) users_state[user_id]['channels'][channel_chat.title] = channel.channel_id keyboard_row.append(channel_chat.title) if len(keyboard_row) == 2: keyboard.append(keyboard_row) keyboard_row = [] except telegram.TelegramError: logger.warning('filter_by_hashtag: cannot get title of channel {}'.format(channel.channel_id)) traceback.print_exc() if len(keyboard_row) != 0: keyboard.append(keyboard_row) update.message.reply_text('???????? ?????', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True)) return ASKED_CHANNEL_ID_IN_FILTER_BY_HASHTAG
def test_editMessageReplyMarkup(self): self.mockbot.editMessageReplyMarkup(chat_id=1, message_id=1) data = self.mockbot.sent_messages[-1] self.assertEqual(data['method'], "editMessageReplyMarkup") self.assertEqual(data['chat_id'], 1) self.mockbot.editMessageReplyMarkup(inline_message_id=1) data = self.mockbot.sent_messages[-1] self.assertEqual(data['method'], "editMessageReplyMarkup") self.assertEqual(data['inline_message_id'], 1) with self.assertRaises(TelegramError): self.mockbot.editMessageReplyMarkup() with self.assertRaises(TelegramError): self.mockbot.editMessageReplyMarkup(chat_id=12) with self.assertRaises(TelegramError): self.mockbot.editMessageReplyMarkup(message_id=12)
def broadcast(bot, update): to_send = update.effective_message.text.split(None, 1) if len(to_send) >= 2: chats = sql.get_all_chats() or [] for chat in chats: try: bot.sendMessage(int(chat.chat_id), to_send[1]) sleep(0.1) except TelegramError: print("Couldn't send broadcast to {}, group name {}".format(chat.chat_id, chat.chat_name), file=sys.stderr)
def registerMe(bot, update): if not checkValidCommand(update.message.text, bot.username): return if not checkTypeGroup(update): update.message.reply_text("This only works in groups the bot is in. If you would like to add the bot to a group, do so and then send /registerme") return #userDict = createUserDict(update.message.from_user) userDict = update.message.from_user.id logger.debug("New User: %s" % str(userDict)) mDatabase.groups.update({'_id':update.message.chat.id}, {'$addToSet':{'users':userDict}, '$set':{'title':update.message.chat.title}}, upsert=True) logger.info("Register Me called for %s (%s)" % (update.message.chat.title, update.message.chat.id)) keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Register Me!", callback_data="RegisterMe")]] markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) reply_text = "If you would like to register with this bot for this group, send /registerme, or click the button below." try: bot.sendMessage(chat_id = update.message.chat.id, text = reply_text, reply_markup = markup) except TelegramError as TE: logger.error("Caught this from registerMe: %s" % str(TE))
def forwardToAll(bot, list_of_chats, from_chat_id, message_id): logger.debug("List of chats to forward a message to: %s" % list_of_chats) if not list_of_chats: #If there are no chats to foward to. return for chat in list_of_chats: try: bot.forward_message(chat_id=chat, from_chat_id=from_chat_id, message_id=message_id) except TelegramError as te: logger.debug("Unable to send message to %s from %s. May want to remove it, or resolve the thread." %(chat, from_chat_id)) logger.debug("Error from forward to all: %s" % te)
def alertAdmins(bot, username): admins = [] logger.debug('alerting admins:') for group in MDB.groups.find(): logger.debug("Admins in group %s: %s" %(group['title'], group['admins'])) admins += group['admins'] admins = set(admins) for admin in admins: try: bot.send_message(chat_id=admin, text="%s is sending feedback, send /cancel to select and respond to them." % username) except TelegramError as te: logger.debug("Not all admins are interacting with the bot.") logger.debug("Error in alert Admins: %s" % te)
def _bootstrap(self, max_retries, clean, webhook_url, allowed_updates, cert=None): retries = 0 while 1: try: if clean: # Disable webhook for cleaning self.bot.delete_webhook() self._clean_updates() sleep(1) self.bot.set_webhook( url=webhook_url, certificate=cert, allowed_updates=allowed_updates) except (Unauthorized, InvalidToken): raise except TelegramError: msg = 'error in bootstrap phase; try={0} max_retries={1}'.format(retries, max_retries) if max_retries < 0 or retries < max_retries: self.logger.warning(msg) retries += 1 else: self.logger.exception(msg) raise else: break sleep(1)
def start(self): """Thread target of thread 'dispatcher'. Runs in background and processes the update queue. """ if self.running: self.logger.warning('already running') return if self.__exception_event.is_set(): msg = 'reusing dispatcher after exception event is forbidden' self.logger.error(msg) raise TelegramError(msg) self._init_async_threads(uuid4(), self.workers) self.running = True self.logger.debug('Dispatcher started') while 1: try: # Pop update from update queue. update = self.update_queue.get(True, 1) except Empty: if self.__stop_event.is_set(): self.logger.debug('orderly stopping') break elif self.__exception_event.is_set(): self.logger.critical('stopping due to exception in another thread') break continue self.logger.debug('Processing Update: %s' % update) self.process_update(update) self.running = False self.logger.debug('Dispatcher thread stopped')
def dispatch_error(self, update, error): """Dispatches an error. Args: update (:obj:`str` | :class:`telegram.Update` | None): The update that caused the error error (:class:`telegram.TelegramError`): The Telegram error that was raised. """ for callback in self.error_handlers: callback(self.bot, update, error)
def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.boundary = choose_boundary() for t in FILE_TYPES: if t in data: self.input_name = t self.input_file = data.pop(t) break else: raise TelegramError('Unknown inputfile type') if hasattr(self.input_file, 'read'): self.filename = None self.input_file_content = self.input_file.read() if 'filename' in data: self.filename = self.data.pop('filename') elif hasattr(self.input_file, 'name'): # on py2.7, pylint fails to understand this properly # pylint: disable=E1101 self.filename = os.path.basename(self.input_file.name) try: self.mimetype = self.is_image(self.input_file_content) if not self.filename or '.' not in self.filename: self.filename = self.mimetype.replace('/', '.') except TelegramError: if self.filename: self.mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type( self.filename)[0] or DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE else: self.mimetype = DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE
def is_image(stream): """Check if the content file is an image by analyzing its headers. Args: stream (:obj:`str`): A str representing the content of a file. Returns: :obj:`str`: The str mime-type of an image. """ image = imghdr.what(None, stream) if image: return 'image/%s' % image raise TelegramError('Could not parse file content')
def send_text_message(self, chat, text, markdown=False, html=False, reply_to=None, force_reply_to=False, **kwargs): """Sends message Notes: For now, this method supports only sending message with markdown or HTML parsing Args: chat(int|str): chat ID or '@channel_name' text(str): text to send markdown(Optional[bool]): parse text as markdown html(Optional[bool]): parse text as html reply_to(Optional[int]): ID of message to reply to force_reply_to(Optional[bool]): Replies to message even in private chats Returns: int|bool: message_id if message was sent, ``False`` otherwise Raises: ValueError: if ``markdown`` and ``html`` are both ``True`` """ if markdown and html: raise ValueError('`markdown` and `html` are self-exclusive') if markdown: parse_mode = ParseMode.MARKDOWN elif html: parse_mode = ParseMode.HTML else: parse_mode = None if reply_to and self.is_private_chat(chat) and not force_reply_to: reply_to = None try: msg = self._bot.send_message(chat, text, parse_mode=parse_mode, reply_to_message_id=reply_to, **kwargs) except TelegramError as e: logger.exception('Exception was raised while sending message', exc_info=e) return False return msg.message_id
def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.boundary = choose_boundary() if 'audio' in data: self.input_name = 'audio' self.input_file = data.pop('audio') elif 'document' in data: self.input_name = 'document' self.input_file = data.pop('document') elif 'photo' in data: self.input_name = 'photo' self.input_file = data.pop('photo') elif 'sticker' in data: self.input_name = 'sticker' self.input_file = data.pop('sticker') elif 'video' in data: self.input_name = 'video' self.input_file = data.pop('video') elif 'voice' in data: self.input_name = 'voice' self.input_file = data.pop('voice') elif 'certificate' in data: self.input_name = 'certificate' self.input_file = data.pop('certificate') else: raise TelegramError('Unknown inputfile type') if hasattr(self.input_file, 'read'): self.filename = None self.input_file_content = self.input_file.read() if 'filename' in data: self.filename = self.data.pop('filename') elif hasattr(self.input_file, 'name'): # on py2.7, pylint fails to understand this properly # pylint: disable=E1101 self.filename = os.path.basename(self.input_file.name) try: self.mimetype = self.is_image(self.input_file_content) if not self.filename or '.' not in self.filename: self.filename = self.mimetype.replace('/', '.') except TelegramError: self.mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(self.filename)[0] or DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE
def _start_polling(self, poll_interval, timeout, read_latency, bootstrap_retries, clean, allowed_updates): """ Thread target of thread 'updater'. Runs in background, pulls updates from Telegram and inserts them in the update queue of the Dispatcher. """ cur_interval = poll_interval self.logger.debug('Updater thread started') self._bootstrap(bootstrap_retries, clean=clean, webhook_url='', allowed_updates=None) while self.running: try: updates = self.bot.getUpdates( self.last_update_id, timeout=timeout, read_latency=read_latency, allowed_updates=allowed_updates) except RetryAfter as e: self.logger.info(str(e)) cur_interval = 0.5 + e.retry_after except TelegramError as te: self.logger.error("Error while getting Updates: {0}".format(te)) # Put the error into the update queue and let the Dispatcher # broadcast it self.update_queue.put(te) cur_interval = self._increase_poll_interval(cur_interval) else: if not self.running: if len(updates) > 0: self.logger.debug('Updates ignored and will be pulled ' 'again on restart.') break if updates: for update in updates: self.update_queue.put(update) self.last_update_id = updates[-1].update_id + 1 cur_interval = poll_interval sleep(cur_interval)
def assign_user_alias_step2(bot, update, chat_data): message = update.effective_message chat_id = update.effective_chat.id markup = [] first_message = bool(update.message) page = chat_data[message.message_id]['pages'] if not first_message else 1 user_ids = get_user_ids() start = 10 * (page - 1) if page > 1 else 0 end = start + 10 if start + 10 < len(user_ids) else len(user_ids) for i in range(start, end, 2): j = i + 1 try: user1 = bot.get_chat_member(chat_id=user_ids[i], user_id=user_ids[i]).user username1 = '@' + user1.username if user1.username else user1.first_name except TelegramError: username1 = 'ID: ' + str(user_ids[i]) row = [InlineKeyboardButton(username1, callback_data='USER_ALIAS_%s' % str(user_ids[i]))] if j < len(user_ids): try: user2 = bot.get_chat_member(chat_id=user_ids[j], user_id=user_ids[j]).user username2 = '@' + user2.username if user2.username else user2.first_name except TelegramError: username2 = 'ID: ' + str(user_ids[j]) row.append(InlineKeyboardButton(username2, callback_data='USER_ALIAS_%s' % str(user_ids[j]))) markup.append(row) markup = markup_append_pagination(bot, update, user_ids, markup, page, 'USER_ALIAS') markup.append([InlineKeyboardButton('?? ' + _('Skip'), callback_data='USER_ALIAS_%s' % str(0))]) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(markup) text = '?? ' + _('Ok, is this user on Telegram?') if not first_message: msg = bot.edit_message_text(text, chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode='Markdown') elif len(user_ids) == 0: msg = bot.send_message(chat_id, _('No results')) else: msg = bot.send_message(chat_id, text, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode='Markdown') chat_data[msg.message_id] = dict() chat_data[msg.message_id]['pages'] = page if message.reply_to_message: cldbid = chat_data['alias_cldbid'][str(message.reply_to_message.message_id)][1] del chat_data['alias_cldbid'][str(message.reply_to_message.message_id)] bot.delete_message(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message.reply_to_message.message_id) chat_data['alias_cldbid'][str(msg.message_id)] = message.text, cldbid
def notify_news(bot, job): """Defining method that will be repeated over and over""" translation = { 'disim': 'Disim', 'univaq': 'Univaq', 'discab_general': 'Discab', 'discab_biotechnology': 'Biotecnologie', 'discab_medical': 'Discab Medicina', 'discab_motor_science': 'Scienze Motorie', 'discab_psychology': 'Psicologia', 'mesva_general': 'Mesva', 'mesva_medical': 'Mesva Medicina', 'mesva_environmental_science': 'Scienze Ambientali', 'mesva_biological_science': 'Scienze Biologiche' } checked = check_news() unread_news = checked['unread_news'] pulled_news = checked['pulled_news'] invalid_chatid = [] for section in unread_news: if unread_news[section]: news_to_string = "<b>"+translation[section]+"</b>\n\n" utils.NEWS = pulled_news utils.store_news(pulled_news) for item in unread_news[section]: news_to_string += ('- <a href="{link}">{title}</a>\n' '\t<i>{description}</i>\n\n').format(**item) for chat_id in utils.USERS[section]: try: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, parse_mode='HTML', disable_web_page_preview=True, text=news_to_string) except TelegramError: invalid_chatid.append(chat_id) for chat_id in invalid_chatid: utils.USERS[section].remove(chat_id) utils.unsubscribe_user(chat_id, section)
def lock(bot, update, args): chat = update.effective_chat message = update.effective_message if can_delete(chat, bot.id): if len(args) >= 1: if args[0] in LOCK_TYPES: sql.update_lock(chat.id, args[0], locked=True) message.reply_text("Locked {} messages for all non-admins!".format(args[0])) elif args[0] in RESTRICTION_TYPES: sql.update_restriction(chat.id, args[0], locked=True) message.reply_text("locked {}".format(args[0])) members = users_sql.get_chat_members(chat.id) if args[0] == "messages": for mem in members: try: bot.restrict_chat_member(chat.id, mem.user, can_send_messages=True) except TelegramError: pass elif args[0] == "media": for mem in members: try: bot.restrict_chat_member(chat.id, mem.user, can_send_messages=True, can_send_media_messages=True) except TelegramError: pass elif args[0] == "other": for mem in members: try: bot.restrict_chat_member(chat.id, mem.user, can_send_messages=True, can_send_media_messages=True, can_send_other_messages=True) except TelegramError: pass elif args[0] == "previews": for mem in members: try: bot.restrict_chat_member(chat.id, mem.user, can_send_messages=True, can_send_media_messages=True, can_add_web_page_previews=True) except TelegramError: pass else: message.reply_text("I'm not an administrator, or haven't got delete rights.")
def config(token, db_url, op_name, values): operation, name = op_name try: digestbot = hdbot.HDBot(token, db_url) cfg = digestbot.get_config() logging.info("Using configuration at %s", db_url) except Exception as e: raise CLIError(e) with contextlib.closing(digestbot): if operation == '--add' and name == 'chat': # validation if len(values) < 2: raise CLIError("Not enough arguments for --add chat") # get values name = values[0] email = values[1] # validations util.validate_username(name, exception=CLIError) util.validate_email_address(email, exception=CLIError) # get extra values if provided try: extra = dict(v.split('=') for v in values[2:]) except ValueError: raise CLIError("Bad format in extra values for --add chat") # ensure the format @groupname name = '@'+name if name[0] != '@' else name # get chat_id try: tgchat = digestbot.get_chat(name) except TelegramError: raise CLIError("chat '%s' not found" % name) # add this chat to the config database try: if cfg.has_chat(tgchat.id): if confirm("Chat %s already in config, you are about to update it.\n" "Do you want to continue?" % name, default=True): whatdone = 'updated' else: raise CLIError("Configuration aborted by user") else: whatdone = 'added' cfg.add_chat(chat_id=tgchat.id, name=name[1:], sendto=email, **extra) print("config: chat %s was %s" % (name, whatdone)) except TypeError as e: raise CLIError(e)
def _start_polling(self, poll_interval, timeout, read_latency, bootstrap_retries, clean, allowed_updates): # """ # Thread target of thread 'updater'. Runs in background, pulls # updates from Telegram and inserts them in the update queue of the # Dispatcher. # """ cur_interval = poll_interval self.logger.debug('Updater thread started') self._bootstrap(bootstrap_retries, clean=clean, webhook_url='', allowed_updates=None) while self.running: try: updates = self.bot.get_updates( self.last_update_id, timeout=timeout, read_latency=read_latency, allowed_updates=allowed_updates) except RetryAfter as e: self.logger.info(str(e)) cur_interval = 0.5 + e.retry_after except TelegramError as te: self.logger.error("Error while getting Updates: {0}".format(te)) # Put the error into the update queue and let the Dispatcher # broadcast it self.update_queue.put(te) cur_interval = self._increase_poll_interval(cur_interval) else: if not self.running: if len(updates) > 0: self.logger.debug('Updates ignored and will be pulled ' 'again on restart.') break if updates: for update in updates: self.update_queue.put(update) self.last_update_id = updates[-1].update_id + 1 cur_interval = poll_interval sleep(cur_interval)
def process_update(self, update): """Processes a single update. Args: update (:obj:`str` | :class:`telegram.Update` | :class:`telegram.TelegramError`): The update to process. """ # An error happened while polling if isinstance(update, TelegramError): try: self.dispatch_error(None, update) except Exception: self.logger.exception('An uncaught error was raised while handling the error') return for group in self.groups: try: for handler in (x for x in self.handlers[group] if x.check_update(update)): handler.handle_update(update, self) break # Stop processing with any other handler. except DispatcherHandlerStop: self.logger.debug('Stopping further handlers due to DispatcherHandlerStop') break # Dispatch any error. except TelegramError as te: self.logger.warning('A TelegramError was raised while processing the Update') try: self.dispatch_error(update, te) except DispatcherHandlerStop: self.logger.debug('Error handler stopped further handlers') break except Exception: self.logger.exception('An uncaught error was raised while handling the error') # Errors should not stop the thread. except Exception: self.logger.exception('An uncaught error was raised while processing the update')