def nearest_stations(bot, update, count=5): with open('allstations.csv', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as infile: csv_reader = csv.reader(infile, delimiter=';') stations = [(int(row[0]), float(row[1]), float(row[2]), row[3]) for row in csv_reader] # distance sorting based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/28368926 by Sergey Ivanov coord = (float(update.message.location.latitude), float(update.message.location.longitude)) pts = [geopy.Point(p[1], p[2], p[0]) for p in stations] sts = [p[3] for p in stations] onept = geopy.Point(coord[0], coord[1]) alldist = [(p, geopy.distance.distance(p, onept).m) for p in pts] nearest = sorted(alldist, key=lambda x: (x[1]))[:count] nearest_points = [n[0] for n in nearest] nearest_distances = [n[1] for n in nearest] nearest_sts = [sts[int(n.altitude)] for n in nearest_points] msg = 'Nächstgelegene Stationen:' for s, d, p in zip(nearest_sts, nearest_distances, nearest_points): msg += '\n{} (<a href="https://www.google.de/maps?q={},{}">{:.0f}m</a>)'.format(s, p.latitude, p.longitude, d) reply_keyboard = [[telegram.KeyboardButton(text='/Abfahrten {}'.format(n))] for n in nearest_sts] bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg, parse_mode='HTML', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True))
def execute(self, chat_id, bot: Bot, update: Update): handled = False if update.message.text in self._buildings_dict: handled = True building_identifier = self._buildings_dict[update.message.text] classrooms = self.get_classroom_source().get_classrooms_in_building(building_identifier) keyboard_button = [] counter = 0 row = -1 for classroom in classrooms: if counter == 0: keyboard_button.append([]) row += 1 keyboard_button[row].append(KeyboardButton("/"+classroom.get_name().lower())) counter += 1 if counter == 3: counter = 0 keyboard_button.append(["/buildings"]) reply_keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard_button) bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="Available classrooms", reply_markup=reply_keyboard) return handled
def trade_cmd(bot, update): reply_msg = "Buy or sell?" buttons = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.BUY.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.SELL.clean()) ] cancel_btn = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=2, footer_buttons=cancel_btn)) update.message.reply_text(reply_msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.TRADE_BUY_SELL # Save if BUY or SELL order and choose the currency to trade
def trade_buy_sell(bot, update, chat_data): chat_data["buysell"] = update.message.text reply_msg = "Choose currency" cancel_btn = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] # If SELL chosen, then include button 'ALL' to sell everything if chat_data["buysell"].upper() == KeyboardEnum.SELL.clean(): cancel_btn.insert(0, KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.ALL.clean())) reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(coin_buttons(), n_cols=3, footer_buttons=cancel_btn)) update.message.reply_text(reply_msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.TRADE_CURRENCY # Show confirmation to sell all assets
def trade_price(bot, update, chat_data): chat_data["price"] = update.message.text reply_msg = "How to enter the volume?" buttons = [ KeyboardButton(config["trade_to_currency"].upper()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.VOLUME.clean()) ] cancel_btn = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.ALL.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=2, footer_buttons=cancel_btn)) update.message.reply_text(reply_msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.TRADE_VOL_TYPE # Save volume type decision and enter volume
def orders_choose_order(bot, update): buttons = list() # Go through all open orders and create a button if orders: for order in orders: order_id = next(iter(order), None) buttons.append(KeyboardButton(order_id)) else: update.message.reply_text("No open orders") return ConversationHandler.END msg = "Which order to close?" close_btn = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=1, footer_buttons=close_btn)) update.message.reply_text(msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.ORDERS_CLOSE_ORDER # Close all open orders
def bot_cmd(bot, update): reply_msg = "What do you want to do?" buttons = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.UPDATE_CHECK.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.UPDATE.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.RESTART.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.SHUTDOWN.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.SETTINGS.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=2)) update.message.reply_text(reply_msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.BOT_SUB_CMD # Execute chosen sub-cmd of 'bot' cmd
def chart_cmd(bot, update): reply_msg = "Choose currency" buttons = list() for coin, url in config["coin_charts"].items(): buttons.append(KeyboardButton(coin)) cancel_btn = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=3, footer_buttons=cancel_btn)) update.message.reply_text(reply_msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.CHART_CURRENCY # Get chart URL for every coin in config
def settings_cmd(bot, update): settings = str() buttons = list() # Go through all settings in config file for key, value in config.items(): settings += key + " = " + str(value) + "\n\n" buttons.append(KeyboardButton(key.upper())) # Send message with all current settings (key & value) update.message.reply_text(settings) cancel_btn = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] msg = "Choose key to change value" reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=2, footer_buttons=cancel_btn)) update.message.reply_text(msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.SETTINGS_CHANGE # Change setting
def keyboard_cmds(): command_buttons = [ KeyboardButton("/trade"), KeyboardButton("/orders"), KeyboardButton("/balance"), KeyboardButton("/price"), KeyboardButton("/value"), KeyboardButton("/chart"), KeyboardButton("/history"), KeyboardButton("/funding"), KeyboardButton("/bot") ] return ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(command_buttons, n_cols=3)) # Generic custom keyboard that shows YES and NO
def start(bot, update): """ Shows an welcome message and help info about the available commands. """ me = bot.get_me() # Welcome message msg = _("Hello!\n") msg += _("I'm {0} and I came here to help you.\n").format(me.first_name) msg += _("What would you like to do?\n\n") msg += _("/support - Opens a new support ticket\n") msg += _("/settings - Settings of your account\n\n") # Commands menu main_menu_keyboard = [[telegram.KeyboardButton('/support')], [telegram.KeyboardButton('/settings')]] reply_kb_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(main_menu_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True) # Send the message with menu bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg, reply_markup=reply_kb_markup)
def settings(bot, update): """ Configure the messages language using a custom keyboard. """ # Languages message msg = _("Please, choose a language:\n") msg += "en_US - English (US)\n" msg += "pt_BR - Português (Brasil)\n" # Languages menu languages_keyboard = [ [telegram.KeyboardButton('en_US - English (US)')], [telegram.KeyboardButton('pt_BR - Português (Brasil)')] ] reply_kb_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(languages_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True) # Sends message with languages menu bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg, reply_markup=reply_kb_markup)
def __init__(self, token, host, port, cert, cert_key, working_dir): self.token = token self.host = host self.port = port self.cert = cert self.cert_key = cert_key self.bot = telegram.Bot(self.token) self.app = Flask(__name__) self.context = (self.cert, self.cert_key) self.working_dir = working_dir self.kb = [[telegram.KeyboardButton('Offer me a coffee'), telegram.KeyboardButton('Source Code'), telegram.KeyboardButton('Vote Me')]] self.kb_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(self.kb, resize_keyboard=True)
def get_keyboard(): contact_button = KeyboardButton('?????????? ??????', request_contact=True) location_button = KeyboardButton('??????????', request_location=True) reply_keyboard = [['???????? ??????', '??????? ????????'], [contact_button, location_button]] return reply_keyboard
def get_keyboard(): contact_button = KeyboardButton('?????????? ??????', request_contact=True) button2 = KeyboardButton('??????????', request_location=True) reply_keyboard = [['???????? ??????', '??????? ????????'], [contact_button, button2]] return reply_keyboard
def start(bot, update): hiKey = KeyboardButton("Hi", callback_data="Bonjour") howRU = KeyboardButton("How are you?") bye = KeyboardButton("Bye") introduce = KeyboardButton("I'm Gutsy") keyboard = [ [hiKey, howRU], [bye, introduce] ] reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text('Please choose:', reply_markup=reply_markup)
def createKeyboard(self, strKeys): keyboard = [] for row in strKeys: newRow = map(KeyboardButton, row) keyboard.append(newRow) return keyboard
def __init__(self, booking: Booking): classrooms_source = booking.get_classroom_source() keys = [] self._keyboard = None for building in classrooms_source.get_all_buildings(): building_command = "/" + building.get_name().lower().replace(" ", "_") keys.append([KeyboardButton(building_command)]) if len(keys) > 0: self._keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keys) super().__init__(booking, ["buildings"], False, exact_match=True)
def value_cmd(bot, update): reply_msg = "Choose currency" footer_btns = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.ALL.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(coin_buttons(), n_cols=3, footer_buttons=footer_btns)) update.message.reply_text(reply_msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.VALUE_CURRENCY # Choose for which currency you want to know the current value
def funding_cmd(bot, update): reply_msg = "Choose currency" cancel_btn = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(coin_buttons(), n_cols=3, footer_buttons=cancel_btn)) update.message.reply_text(reply_msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.FUNDING_CURRENCY # Choose withdraw or deposit
def keyboard_confirm(): buttons = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.YES.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.NO.clean()) ] return ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=2)) # Create a list with a button for every coin in config
def coin_buttons(): buttons = list() for coin in config["used_coins"]: buttons.append(KeyboardButton(coin)) return buttons # Check order state and send message if order closed
def downloader(self, message, chat_id, user): try: curr_dir = self.working_dir + '/' + str(chat_id).replace("-", "") os.chdir(curr_dir) RequestUrl = 'http://www.youtubeinmp3.com/fetch/index.php?format=json&video=%s' % (message) JsonVideoData = json.load(urlopen(RequestUrl)) self.bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text = 'Downloading ' + JsonVideoData['title'] + '...', reply_markup = self.kb_markup); f = urlopen(JsonVideoData['link'], JsonVideoData['title'].replace('/', '').encode('utf-8').strip() + '.mp3') fulltitle = (curr_dir + '/' + JsonVideoData['title'].replace('/', '') + '.mp3') fulltitle = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', fulltitle).encode('utf-8').strip() with open(fulltitle, 'wb') as mp3: mp3.write(f.read()); with open(fulltitle) as mp3: self.bot.sendAudio(chat_id=chat_id, audio=mp3) os.remove(fulltitle); with open('log', 'a') as f: f.write(message + " " + str(datetime.now().time())) f.write("\n"); f.close() url_data = urlparse.urlparse(message) if url_data.hostname == 'youtu.be': video = url_data.path[1:] else: query = urlparse.parse_qs(url_data.query) video = query["v"][0] VideosUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&relatedToVideoId=%s&type=video&key=xx' % video VideosJson = json.load(urlopen(VideosUrl)) videokb = [[telegram.KeyboardButton('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='+VideosJson['items'][0]['id']['videoId'])], [telegram.KeyboardButton('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='+VideosJson['items'][1]['id']['videoId'])], [telegram.KeyboardButton('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='+VideosJson['items'][2]['id']['videoId'])], [telegram.KeyboardButton('Offer me a coffee'), telegram.KeyboardButton('Source Code'), telegram.KeyboardButton('Vote Me')] ] videokb_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(videokb, resize_keyboard=True) self.bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text = 'Here on the keyboard there are some related videos, in order:\n\n1) ' + VideosJson['items'][0]['snippet']['title'] + '\n\n2) ' + VideosJson['items'][1]['snippet']['title'] + '\n\n3) ' + VideosJson['items'][2]['snippet']['title'], reply_markup = videokb_markup); except ValueError as e: self.bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text = 'Video not found on the database of www.youtubeinmp3.com, but you can download the mp3 (and update the database) by using this link: '); RequestUrl = 'http://www.youtubeinmp3.com/download/?video=%s' % (message) self.bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text = RequestUrl) except Exception as e: if str(e) != "101": self.bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text = 'Something went wrong, maybe the video does not exists,\nif the error persist send the code in the next message to the developer, Telegram: @aakagoree') self.bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text = str(chat_id)) #print str(e) with open('log', 'a') as f: f.write("!!EXCEPTION!!! " + message + " " + str(datetime.now().time()) + " " + str(e)) f.write("\n"); f.close() finally: os.chdir(self.working_dir)
def orders_cmd(bot, update): update.message.reply_text("Retrieving orders...") # Send request to Kraken to get open orders res_data = kraken_api("OpenOrders", private=True) # If Kraken replied with an error, show it if res_data["error"]: error = btfy(res_data["error"][0]) update.message.reply_text(error) logger.error(error) return # Reset global orders list global orders orders = list() # Go through all open orders and show them to the user if res_data["result"]["open"]: for order_id, order_details in res_data["result"]["open"].items(): # Add order to global order list so that it can be used later # without requesting data from Kraken again orders.append({order_id: order_details}) order_desc = trim_zeros(order_details["descr"]["order"]) update.message.reply_text(bold(order_id + "\n" + order_desc), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: update.message.reply_text("No open orders") return ConversationHandler.END reply_msg = "What do you want to do?" buttons = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CLOSE_ORDER.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CLOSE_ALL.clean()) ] close_btn = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=2, footer_buttons=close_btn)) update.message.reply_text(reply_msg, reply_markup=reply_mrk) return WorkflowEnum.ORDERS_CLOSE # Choose what to do with the open orders
def history_cmd(bot, update): update.message.reply_text("Retrieving history data...") # Send request to Kraken to get trades history res_trades = kraken_api("TradesHistory", private=True) # If Kraken replied with an error, show it if res_trades["error"]: error = btfy(res_trades["error"][0]) update.message.reply_text(error) logger.error(error) return # Reset global trades list global trades trades = list() # Add all trades to global list for trade_id, trade_details in res_trades["result"]["trades"].items(): trades.append(trade_details) if trades: # Sort global list with trades - on executed time trades = sorted(trades, key=lambda k: k['time'], reverse=True) buttons = [ KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.NEXT.clean()), KeyboardButton(KeyboardEnum.CANCEL.clean()) ] # Get number of first items in list (latest trades) for items in range(config["history_items"]): newest_trade = next(iter(trades), None) total_value = "{0:.2f}".format(float(newest_trade["price"]) * float(newest_trade["vol"])) msg = get_trade_str(newest_trade) + " (Value: " + total_value + " EUR)" reply_mrk = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=2)) update.message.reply_text(bold(msg), reply_markup=reply_mrk, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) # Remove the first item in the trades list trades.remove(newest_trade) return WorkflowEnum.HISTORY_NEXT else: update.message.reply_text("No item in trade history", reply_markup=keyboard_cmds()) return ConversationHandler.END # Save if BUY, SELL or ALL trade history and choose how many entries to list