def poll(self): """ Message polling process. """ self.polling_from_tg() while True: try: m = self.queue.get() if m is None: break self.logger.info("Got message from queue\nType: %s\nText: %s\n----" % (m.type, m.text)) threading.Thread(target=self.process_msg, args=(m,)).start() self.queue.task_done() self.logger.info("Msg sent to TG, task_done marked.") except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error occurred during message polling") self.logger.error(repr(e)) self.bot.stop() self.poll() self.logger.debug("Gracefully stopping %s (%s).", self.channel_name, self.channel_id) self.bot.stop() self.logger.debug("%s (%s) gracefully stopped.", self.channel_name, self.channel_id)
def _get_episode_info(self, tvdb_id: int, episode: Episode) -> tv_info.EpisodeInfo: attempt = 1 sleep_tm = 1 while 1: try: return tv_info.EpisodeInfo(self.tvdb, tvdb_id, episode.season, episode.num) except (ConnectionError, BadData): self._logger.warning( 'tvdb server in trouble; attempt={} sleep={}'.format(attempt, sleep_tm), exc_info=True) time.sleep(sleep_tm) attempt += 1 if sleep_tm < 60: sleep_tm *= 2 except Exception: self._logger.exception('unknown error') return
def send_tg(self, msg: str): for i in self.chat_ids: attempt = 1 sleep_tm = 1 while 1: try: self.bot.sendMessage(i, msg, parse_mode='Markdown') except telegram.error.NetworkError: self._logger.warning( 'telegram servers in trouble; attempt={} sleep={}'.format( attempt, sleep_tm)) time.sleep(sleep_tm) attempt += 1 if sleep_tm < 60: sleep_tm *= 2 continue except telegram.TelegramError: self._logger.exception('failed sending telegram') break
def signalHandler(self, signal, frame): # always disable buzzer if self.config['buzzer']['enable']: gpio = self.config['buzzer']['gpio'] self.GPIO.output(gpio, 0) self.GPIO.cleanup() msg = 'Caught signal %d, terminating now.' % signal self.logger.error(msg) for owner_id in self.config['telegram']['owner_ids']: try: self.bot.sendMessage(chat_id=owner_id, text=msg) except Exception as e: pass sys.exit(1)
def webhook (request, bot_token): #verifico la validità del token bot = DjangoTelegramBot.getBot(bot_id=bot_token, safe=False) if bot is None: logger.warn('Request for not found token : {}'.format(bot_token)) return JsonResponse({}) try: data = json.loads(request.body.decode("utf-8")) except: logger.warn('Telegram bot <{}> receive invalid request : {}'.format(bot.username, repr(request))) return JsonResponse({}) dispatcher = DjangoTelegramBot.getDispatcher(bot_token, safe=False) if dispatcher is None: logger.error('Dispatcher for bot <{}> not found : {}'.format(bot.username, bot_token)) return JsonResponse({}) try: update = telegram.Update.de_json(data, bot) dispatcher.process_update(update) logger.debug('Bot <{}> : Processed update {}'.format(bot.username, update)) # Dispatch any errors except TelegramError as te: logger.warn("Bot <{}> : Error was raised while processing Update.".format(bot.username)) dispatcher.dispatchError(update, te) # All other errors should not stop the thread, just print them except: logger.error("Bot <{}> : An uncaught error was raised while processing an update\n{}".format(bot.username, sys.exc_info()[0])) finally: return JsonResponse({})
def error(bot, update, error): logger.warn('Update "%s" caused error "%s"' % (update, error))
def main(): #define bot bot = telegram.Bot(TOKEN) # Create the EventHandler and pass it your bot's token. updater = Updater(TOKEN) # Get the dispatcher to register handlers #bot.GetUpdate() dp = updater.dispatcher # on different commands - answer in Telegram print("Loading Modules") #init module for mod in commands: print(mod.name) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler(mod.name,mod.cb,pass_args=mod.args)) dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.status_update.new_chat_members,onJoinHandler)) # log all errors dp.add_error_handler(error) # Start the Bot updater.start_polling(clean=True) # Run the bot until the you presses Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT, # SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since # start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully. updater.idle()
def telegram_posts_sender(self): while True: time_to_wait = (self.wait_seconds // 3) + 1 posts_to_sent = Crawler.get_post_to_send() grouped_posts = groupby(posts_to_sent, key=lambda x: x.to_send_id) pending_msgs_to_send = False for chat_id, posts in grouped_posts: pending_msgs_to_send = True posts = list(posts)[:self.post_chunk] if settings.DEBUG: print('Sending {} new posts to chat {}'.format(len(posts), chat_id)) for post in posts: try: self.telegram.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=post.description) if post.image: try: self.telegram.sendPhoto(chat_id=chat_id, photo=post.image) except BadRequest: self.send_error('ERROR sending picture to {}'.format(post)) post.status = 'SENT' except RetryAfter as e: # Flood control exceeded. Retry in 175 seconds self.send_error('RetryAfter error, waiting {} seconds'.format(e.retry_after)) time_to_wait = max(e.retry_after, time_to_wait) post.status = 'ERROR' except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() error_stack = 'Send_updates ERROR: {}\n'.format(e) error_stack += "".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) self.send_error(error_stack) post.status = 'ERROR' Crawler.save_posts(posts) if pending_msgs_to_send: sleep_time = 3 else: sleep_time = time_to_wait gevent.sleep(sleep_time)
def send_error(self, text): """ Sending text using telegram and error channel :param text: text to be sent """ try: self.telegram.sendMessage(chat_id=settings.ERRORS_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID, text=text) except Exception as e: print('Error trying to send the error to a ErrorChat {}'.format(e)) print(text)
def send_help(bot, chat_id, command, error=""): if command not in help_messages: raise Exception('Unknown command: ' + command) message = "" if error != "": message = "Error: " + error + "\n" message += help_messages[command] try: __actual_send_message(chat_id=chat_id, bot=bot, text=message, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) except TelegramError as e: raise e
def send_error(bot, chat_id, name): if name not in error_messages: raise Exception('Unknown error messages: ' + name) __actual_send_message(bot, chat_id=chat_id, text=error_messages[name])
def __init__(self, queue, mutex, slaves): """ Initialization. Args: queue (queue.Queue): global message queue slaves (dict): Dictionary of slaves """ super().__init__(queue, mutex) self.slaves = slaves try: self.bot = telegram.ext.Updater(getattr(config, self.channel_id)['token']) except (AttributeError, KeyError): raise ValueError("Token is not properly defined. Please define it in `config.py`.") mimetypes.init(files=["mimetypes"]) self.admins = getattr(config, self.channel_id)['admins'] self.logger = logging.getLogger("plugins.%s.TelegramChannel" % self.channel_id) self.me = self.bot.bot.get_me() self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(WhitelistHandler(self.admins)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.CommandHandler("link", self.link_chat_show_list, pass_args=True)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.CommandHandler("chat", self.start_chat_list, pass_args=True)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.CommandHandler("recog", self.recognize_speech, pass_args=True)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.CallbackQueryHandler(self.callback_query_dispatcher)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.CommandHandler("start", self.start, pass_args=True)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.CommandHandler("extra", self.extra_help)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.CommandHandler("help", self.help)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.CommandHandler("unlink_all", self.unlink_all)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.CommandHandler("info", self.info)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler( telegram.ext.RegexHandler(r"^/(?P<id>[0-9]+)_(?P<command>[a-z0-9_-]+)", self.extra_call, pass_groupdict=True)) self.bot.dispatcher.add_handler(telegram.ext.MessageHandler( telegram.ext.Filters.text | telegram.ext.Filters.photo | telegram.ext.Filters.sticker | telegram.ext.Filters.document | telegram.ext.Filters.venue | telegram.ext.Filters.location | telegram.ext.Filters.audio | telegram.ext.Filters.voice | telegram.ext.Filters.video, self.msg )) self.bot.dispatcher.add_error_handler(self.error) self.MUTE_CHAT_ID = self.MUTE_CHAT_ID.format(chat_id=self.channel_id) # Truncate string by bytes # Written by Mark Tolonen # http://stackoverflow.com/a/13738452/1989455
def _reply_error(bot, update, errmsg): """ A wrap that directly reply a message with error details. Returns: telegram.Message: Message sent """ return bot.send_message(update.message.chat.id, errmsg, reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id)
def check_token(token: str): from telegram.error import InvalidToken import string if token is None: return if len(token) != 48: raise InvalidToken() for symbol in token: if symbol not in string.hexdigits: raise InvalidToken()
def main(): from pip import main as pip_main print("Setting up SpinEverydayBot...") ver = version.split()[0].split('.') if not (int(ver[0]) >= 3 and int(ver[1]) >= 6): exit("ERROR: You need to install Python 3.6 or newer to use this bot") try: import telegram except ImportError: print("WARNING: 'python-telegram-bot' package is not installed. Installing...") if pip_main(['install', 'python-telegram-bot']) != 0: exit("""ERROR: An error occurred while installing packages. Check that you're running this script as root or administrator""") import telegram del telegram try: import TeleSocketClient del TeleSocketClient except ImportError: if input("Do you want to use TeleSocket Service? (y/N): ").lower().strip() == "y": print("WARNING: 'TeleSocketClient' package is not installed. Installing...") if pip_main(['install', 'TeleSocketClient']) != 0: exit("""ERROR: An error occurred while installing packages. Check that you're running this script as root or administrator""") import TeleSocketClient del TeleSocketClient if not path.exists("config.py"): print("WARNING: 'config.py' doesn't exist, copying example...") copy("config_example.py", "config.py") input("Now change example values to yours in file 'config.py' and press <Enter>") check_config() print("Setup finished") print("Now you can run your bot via 'python3.6 bot.py' command") exit(0)