def on_callback_query(self, msg): query_id, self.request_chat_id, query_data = telepot.glance(msg, flavor='callback_query') self.mongo.chat_id = self.request_chat_id self.store_contacts(msg) self.known_user = self.is_user_known() self.__debug_print('>') self.__debug_print('> callback') self.__debug_print(msg) to_send_msg, keyboard = self.process_command(query_data) if to_send_msg is None: await self._editor.editMessageReplyMarkup(reply_markup=keyboard) self.waiting_for_menu_action = True else: await self._cancel_last() sent = await self.sender.sendMessage(to_send_msg, reply_markup=keyboard, parse_mode='Markdown') self._editor = telepot.aio.helper.Editor(self.bot, sent) self._edit_msg_ident = telepot.message_identifier(sent) self.waiting_for_menu_action = False
def edit_msg_news(msg): """ Edit last message sent to all users """ for user in get_user_list(): try: edited = telepot.message_identifier(TEMP[user]['sent']) bot.editMessageText(edited, msg, parse_mode="Markdown") except: continue return 1
def delete_msg_news(): """ Delete last message sent to all users """ for user in get_user_list(): try: edited = telepot.message_identifier(TEMP[user]['sent']) bot.deleteMessage(edited) except: continue return 1
def print_search(self, keyboard, msg): sent = self.sender.sendMessage("Showing results for '" + msg['text'] + "'", reply_markup=keyboard) self._editor = telepot.helper.Editor(self.bot, sent) self._edit_msg_ident = telepot.message_identifier(sent)
def get_translate(self, text): text = text.replace("text:", "") blob = TextBlob(text) lan = blob.detect_language() if lan != 'en': sentp = blob.translate(to="en") else: sentp = blob.translate(to="fa") sent = self.sender.sendMessage(str(sentp)) self._editor = telepot.helper.Editor(self.bot, sent) self._edit_msg_ident = telepot.message_identifier(sent)
def save_link(msg): entry = Link.create( user=msg.get('from').get('username'), message=msg.get('text'), time=unix_time_to_python_time(msg.get('date')), link=get_link(msg) ) entry.save() # This dictionary keeps track of how fire a track is. # The key is the message_identifier of the message containing the link, the value is a list # of the message_identifier of the fuego display and a list of IDs that have sent fuegos.
def get_fuego(msg): callback_data = str(telepot.message_identifier(msg)) markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=[ [InlineKeyboardButton(text='up-fuego \U0001f525', callback_data=callback_data)] ]) user = get_user_identifier(msg) bot_msg = bot.sendMessage(msg["chat"]["id"], user + ' with the new hotness!\n', reply_markup=markup) fuego_count[callback_data] = [telepot.message_identifier(bot_msg), [], []]
def on_callback_query(msg): query_id, chat_id, query_data = telepot.glance(msg, flavor='callback_query') # print(msg) # print(query_data) print('Recieved query ' + query_id) url = msg['message']['reply_to_message']['text'].split(' ')[1] msg_idf = telepot.message_identifier(msg['message']) callback_text = '' global delay if query_data == 'save': if delay != '': if datetime.datetime.now() > delay: r = requests.get('https://archive.fo/') html = r.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') submitid = soup.find('input').get('value') headers = { 'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.99 Safari/537.36' } values = { 'submitid': submitid, 'url': url, 'anyway': '1' } r = requests.post('https://archive.fo/submit/', data=values, headers=headers) uri = r.text archive_uri = uri.split('"')[1] delay = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=3) if 'archive.fo' in archive_uri: pass else: callback_text = 'Something went wrong, let @raku_cat know' else: callback_text = 'Saving on cooldown, please try again in a few miniutes.' else: uri = msg['message']['text'] foo, keyboard = link_handler(url) dt = uri.split('/')[3] dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') timegate = 'https://archive.fo/timegate/' mc = MementoClient(timegate_uri=timegate, check_native_timegate=False) if query_data == 'back': try: archive_uri = mc.get_memento_info(url, dt).get('mementos').get('prev').get('uri')[0] except AttributeError: callback_text = 'No older archives or something went wrong.' elif query_data == 'next': try: archive_uri = mc.get_memento_info(uri, dt).get('mementos').get('next').get('uri')[0] except AttributeError: callback_text = 'No newer archives or something went wrong.' try: bot.editMessageText(msg_idf, archive_uri) except: pass try: bot.editMessageText(msg_idf, archive_uri, reply_markup=keyboard) except: pass bot.answerCallbackQuery(query_id, text=callback_text) print('Responding to callback ' + query_id)
def on_chat_message(self, msg): content_type, chat_type, self.request_chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) self.mongo.chat_id = self.request_chat_id self.store_contacts(msg) self.known_user = self.is_user_known() self.__debug_print('>') # self.__debug_print(msg) if self.waiting_for_menu_action is True: await self._cancel_last() self.waiting_for_menu_action = False any_commands = self.has_command(msg) if 'text' not in msg: msg['text'] = '±notext±' if chat_type == 'private': keyboard = {'hide_keyboard': True} to_send_msg = self.say('pocket_error') self.visit_time += 1 inbox = msg['text'] if any_commands and (self.known_user or (not self.known_user and inbox != '/start Done' and inbox != '/start')): to_send_msg, keyboard = self.process_command(inbox) else: if self.known_user: urls, tags = self.get_urls_and_tags(msg) if len(urls) > 0 or len(tags) > 0: to_send_msg, keyboard = await self.add(urls, tags, inbox) if len(urls) > 0 and self.audio is True: filename = self.need_audio() if filename is not None: f = open(join('audio', filename), 'rb') await self.sender.sendVoice(f, reply_markup=keyboard) else: self.messages.append(msg) to_send_msg, keyboard = self.say('nothing'), {'hide_keyboard': True} else: to_send_msg = self.make_authorization() # Send message. Always update keyboard and always `Markdown` mode. Be careful messages # with `_` in text are dagerous. sent = await self.sender.sendMessage(to_send_msg, reply_markup=keyboard, parse_mode='Markdown') self._editor = telepot.aio.helper.Editor(self.bot, sent) self._edit_msg_ident = telepot.message_identifier(sent)