def attention_weights(features, tau=10.0, num_hidden=512): """computing attention weights Args: features: [B,N,F] Returns: [B,N] tensor with soft attention weights for each sample """ B, N, F = features.get_shape().as_list() with tf.variable_scope('attention'): x = tf.reshape(features, [-1, F]) x = slim.fully_connected(x, num_hidden, scope='fc0') x = slim.fully_connected(x, 1, activation_fn=None, scope='fc1') x = tf.reshape(x, features.get_shape()[:2]) alpha = tf.reshape(slim.softmax(x / tau), [B,N,]) return alpha
def _add_seglink_layers(self): all_seg_scores = [] all_seg_offsets = [] all_within_layer_link_scores = [] all_cross_layer_link_scores = [] for layer_name in self.feat_layers: with tf.variable_scope(layer_name): seg_scores, seg_offsets, within_layer_link_scores, cross_layer_link_scores = self._build_seg_link_layer(layer_name) all_seg_scores.append(seg_scores) all_seg_offsets.append(seg_offsets) all_within_layer_link_scores.append(within_layer_link_scores) all_cross_layer_link_scores.append(cross_layer_link_scores) self.seg_score_logits = reshape_and_concat(all_seg_scores) # (batch_size, N, 2) self.seg_scores = slim.softmax(self.seg_score_logits) # (batch_size, N, 2) self.seg_offsets = reshape_and_concat(all_seg_offsets) # (batch_size, N, 5) self.cross_layer_link_scores = reshape_and_concat(all_cross_layer_link_scores) # (batch_size, 8N, 2) self.within_layer_link_scores = reshape_and_concat(all_within_layer_link_scores) # (batch_size, 4(N - N_conv4_3), 2) self.link_score_logits = tf.concat([self.within_layer_link_scores, self.cross_layer_link_scores], axis = 1) self.link_scores = slim.softmax(self.link_score_logits) tf.summary.histogram('link_scores', self.link_scores) tf.summary.histogram('seg_scores', self.seg_scores)
def det_net(features, num_resnet_blocks, num_resnet_features, num_keep, in_size, nms_kind='greedy', scope=None): with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'DetNet'): out_size = features.get_shape()[1:3] x = nnutil.stack(features, num_resnet_blocks, num_resnet_features, downsample=False) with tf.variable_scope('seg'): seg_logits = slim.conv2d(x, 2, [1, 1], activation_fn=None, weights_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-1), scope='logits') seg_preds = slim.softmax(seg_logits) with tf.variable_scope('reg'): # TODO: use reg masks instead reg_preds = slim.conv2d(x, 4, [1, 1], weights_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=1e-3), activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, scope='reg_preds') with tf.variable_scope('boxes'): boxes_proposals = reg_to_boxes(reg_preds, in_size, out_size) boxes_preds = compute_detections_batch(seg_preds, boxes_proposals, num_keep, nms_kind=nms_kind) return seg_preds, reg_preds, boxes_proposals, boxes_preds
def build(self, net): self.logits = slim.fully_connected( net, self.num_classes, activation_fn=None) self.prediction = slim.softmax(self.logits)
def build_from_logits(self, logits): self.logits = logits self.prediction = slim.softmax(self.logits)
def loss(y_true_pixel, y_pred_pixel, y_true_link, y_pred_link, training_mask): ''' return pixel loss and link loss add OHEM mode ''' pixel_shape = tf.shape(y_pred_pixel) pixel_label = tf.cast(tf.reshape(y_true_pixel,[pixel_shape[0],-1]), dtype = tf.int32) pixel_pred = tf.reshape(y_pred_pixel, [pixel_shape[0],-1, 2]) pixel_scores = slim.softmax(pixel_pred) pixel_neg_scores = pixel_scores[:,:,0] pixel_pos_mask, pixel_neg_mask = get_pos_and_neg_masks(pixel_label) pixel_selected_mask = OHNM_batch(14, pixel_neg_scores, pixel_pos_mask, pixel_neg_mask) n_seg_pos = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(pixel_pos_mask, tf.float32)) # classification_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels = pixel_label, logits = pixel_pred)) # classification_loss *= 2 #cls_mining_loss_function with tf.name_scope('ohem_pixel_loss'): def has_pos(): pixel_loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = pixel_pred, labels = pixel_label) return tf.reduce_sum(pixel_loss * pixel_selected_mask)/n_seg_pos def no_pos(): return tf.constant(.0) classification_loss = tf.cond(n_seg_pos > 0, has_pos, no_pos) #link_pos and link_neg loss function link_shape = tf.shape(y_pred_pixel) total_link_loss = [] with tf.name_scope('link_loss'): for i in range(8): y_link = y_true_link[:,:,:,i] pred_link = y_pred_link[:, :, :, 2 * i: 2 * (i + 1)] link_label = tf.cast(tf.reshape(y_link, [-1]), dtype = tf.int32) link_pred = tf.reshape(pred_link, [-1, 2]) link_loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = link_pred, labels = link_label) link_pos_mask, link_neg_mask = get_pos_and_neg_masks(link_label) W_pixel = tf.reshape(pixel_selected_mask, [-1]) W_link_pos = tf.cast(link_pos_mask, dtype = tf.float32) * W_pixel W_link_neg = tf.cast(link_neg_mask, dtype = tf.float32) * W_pixel link_pos_n = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(W_link_pos, dtype = tf.float32)) link_neg_n = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(W_link_neg, dtype = tf.float32)) link_pos_loss = tf.reduce_sum(link_loss * W_link_pos)/link_pos_n link_neg_loss = tf.reduce_sum(link_loss * W_link_neg)/link_neg_n total_link_loss.append(link_pos_loss + link_neg_loss) weight_link_loss = tf.reduce_sum(total_link_loss) tf.summary.scalar('classification_loss', classification_loss) tf.summary.scalar('link_loss', weight_link_loss) return weight_link_loss + 2 * classification_loss
def _construct_sequence(batch): hidden, boxes = batch # initializing the state with features states = [hidden[0]] # TODO: make this dependent on the data # TODO: make it with scan ? for t in range(1, T): # find the matching boxes. TODO: try with the soft matching function if c.match_kind == 'boxes': dists = nnutil.cdist(boxes[t-1], boxes[t]) idxs = tf.argmin(dists, 1, 'idxs') state_prev = tf.gather(states[t-1], idxs) elif c.match_kind == 'hidden': # TODO: actually it makes more sense to compare on states dists = nnutil.cdist(hidden[t-1], hidden[t]) idxs = tf.argmin(dists, 1, 'idxs') state_prev = tf.gather(states[t-1], idxs) elif c.match_kind == 'hidden-soft': dists = nnutil.cdist(hidden[t-1], hidden[t]) weights = slim.softmax(dists) state_prev = tf.matmul(weights, states[t-1]) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown match_kind: %s' % c.match_kind) def _construct_update(reuse): state = tf.concat(1, [state_prev, hidden[t]]) # TODO: initialize jointly reset = slim.fully_connected(state, NFH, tf.nn.sigmoid, reuse=reuse, scope='reset') step = slim.fully_connected(state, NFH, tf.nn.sigmoid, reuse=reuse, scope='step') state_r = tf.concat(1, [reset * state_prev, hidden[t]]) state_up = slim.fully_connected(state_r, NFH, tf.nn.tanh, reuse=reuse, scope='state_up') return state_up, step try: state_up, step = _construct_update(reuse=True) except ValueError: state_up, step = _construct_update(reuse=False) state = step * state_up + (1.0 - step) * state_prev states.append(state) return tf.pack(states)
def resnet_v2(inputs, blocks, num_classes=None, global_pool=True, model_type='vanilla', scope=None, reuse=None, end_points=None): with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'resnet_v2', [inputs], reuse=reuse) as sc: if end_points is None: end_points = {} end_points['inputs'] = inputs end_points['flops'] = end_points.get('flops', 0) net = inputs # We do not include batch normalization or activation functions in conv1 # because the first ResNet unit will perform these. Cf. Appendix of [2]. with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d], activation_fn=None, normalizer_fn=None): net, current_flops = flopsometer.conv2d_same( net, 64, 7, stride=2, scope='conv1') end_points['flops'] += current_flops net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=2, scope='pool1') # Early stopping is broken in distributed training. net, end_points = resnet_act.stack_blocks( net, blocks, model_type=model_type, end_points=end_points) if global_pool or num_classes is not None: # This is needed because the pre-activation variant does not have batch # normalization or activation functions in the residual unit output. See # Appendix of [2]. net = slim.batch_norm(net, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, scope='postnorm') if global_pool: # Global average pooling. net = tf.reduce_mean(net, [1, 2], name='pool5', keep_dims=True) if num_classes is not None: net, current_flops = flopsometer.conv2d( net, num_classes, [1, 1], activation_fn=None, normalizer_fn=None, scope='logits') end_points['flops'] += current_flops end_points['predictions'] = slim.softmax(net, scope='predictions') return net, end_points