def fc_net(inp, layers, out_layers, scope, lamba=1e-3, activation=tf.nn.relu, reuse=None, weights_initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer(uniform=False)): with slim.arg_scope([slim.fully_connected], activation_fn=activation, normalizer_fn=None, weights_initializer=weights_initializer, reuse=reuse, weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(lamba)): if layers: h = slim.stack(inp, slim.fully_connected, layers, scope=scope) if not out_layers: return h else: h = inp outputs = [] for i, (outdim, activation) in enumerate(out_layers): o1 = slim.fully_connected(h, outdim, activation_fn=activation, scope=scope + '_{}'.format(i + 1)) outputs.append(o1) return outputs if len(outputs) > 1 else outputs[0]
def encoder(x): # Variational posterior q(y|x), i.e. the encoder (shape=(batch_size, 200)) net = slim.stack(x, slim.fully_connected, [512, 256]) # Unnormalized logits for number of classes (N) seperate K-categorical distributions logits_y = tf.reshape(slim.fully_connected(net, FLAGS.num_classes*FLAGS.num_cat_dists, activation_fn=None), [-1, FLAGS.num_cat_dists]) q_y = tf.nn.softmax(logits_y) log_q_y = tf.log(q_y + 1e-20) return logits_y, q_y, log_q_y
def decoder(tau, logits_y): y = tf.reshape(gumbel_softmax(logits_y, tau, hard=False), [-1, FLAGS.num_cat_dists, FLAGS.num_classes]) # Generative model p(x|y), i.e. the decoder (shape=(batch_size, 200)) net = slim.stack(slim.flatten(y), slim.fully_connected, [256, 512]) logits_x = slim.fully_connected(net, 784, activation_fn=None) # (shape=(batch_size, 784)) p_x = bernoulli(logits=logits_x) return p_x
def get_model(self, inputs): # get the normalizer function and parameters normalizer_fn, normalizer_params = _get_normalizer(self.is_training, self.use_bn, self.use_ln) winit = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer() binit = tf.constant_initializer(0) with tf.variable_scope(self.scope): with slim.arg_scope([slim.fully_connected], activation_fn=self.activation, weights_initializer=winit, biases_initializer=binit, normalizer_fn=normalizer_fn, normalizer_params=normalizer_params): layers = slim.stack(inputs, slim.fully_connected, self.sizes, scope="layer") output_size = self.latent_size * self.double_features return slim.fully_connected(layers, output_size, activation_fn=None, normalizer_fn=None, weights_initializer=winit, biases_initializer=binit, scope='projection')
def actor_network(): ''' Actor network, including policy gradient equation and optimizer ''' with tf.variable_scope('policy'): # Inputs state = tf.placeholder('float', [None, OBS_WIDTH]) # batch_size x obs_width actions = tf.placeholder('float', [None, NUM_ACTIONS]) # batch_size x num_actions advantages = tf.placeholder('float', [None, 1]) # batch_size x 1 # 3-layer fully-connected neural network mlp_out = slim.stack(state, slim.fully_connected, [6, NUM_ACTIONS], weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(scale=A_REG_SCALE)) # Network output probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(mlp_out) good_probabilities = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(probabilities, actions), reduction_indices=[1]) eligibility = tf.log(good_probabilities) * advantages # Loss & optimizer data_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(eligibility) reg_losses = slim.losses.get_regularization_losses(scope='policy') reg_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_losses) total_loss = data_loss + reg_loss optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(ACTOR_LR).minimize(total_loss) return probabilities, state, actions, advantages, optimizer
def critic_network(): ''' Critic network, including loss and optimizer ''' with tf.variable_scope('value'): # Inputs state = tf.placeholder('float', [None, OBS_WIDTH]) # batch_size x obs_width newvals = tf.placeholder('float', [None, 1]) # batch_size x 1 # 4-layer fully-connected neural network calculated = slim.stack(state, slim.fully_connected, [6, 6, 1], weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(scale=C_REG_SCALE)) # Error value diffs = calculated - newvals # Loss & optimizer data_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(diffs) reg_losses = slim.losses.get_regularization_losses(scope='value') reg_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_losses) total_loss = data_loss + reg_loss optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(CRITIC_LR).minimize(total_loss) return calculated, state, newvals, optimizer, total_loss ######################################## # Training and inference processes ########################################
def encoder(self, x): """ Convolutional variational encoder to encode image into a low-dimensional latent code If config.conv == False it is a MLP VAE. If config.use_vae == False, it is a normal encoder :param x: sequence of images :return: a, a_mu, a_var """ with tf.variable_scope('vae/encoder'): if self.config.conv: x_flat_conv = tf.reshape(x, (-1, self.d1, self.d2, 1)) enc_hidden = slim.stack(x_flat_conv, slim.conv2d, self.num_filters, kernel_size=self.config.filter_size, stride=2, activation_fn=self.activation_fn, padding='SAME') enc_flat = slim.flatten(enc_hidden) self.enc_shape = enc_hidden.get_shape().as_list()[1:] else: x_flat = tf.reshape(x, (-1, self.d1 * self.d2)) enc_flat = slim.repeat(x_flat, self.config.num_layers, slim.fully_connected, self.config.vae_num_units, self.activation_fn) a_mu = slim.fully_connected(enc_flat, self.config.dim_a, activation_fn=None) if self.config.use_vae: a_var = slim.fully_connected(enc_flat, self.config.dim_a, activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid) a_var = self.config.noise_emission * a_var a = simple_sample(a_mu, a_var) else: a_var = tf.constant(1., dtype=tf.float32, shape=()) a = a_mu a_seq = tf.reshape(a, tf.stack((-1, self.ph_steps, self.config.dim_a))) return a_seq, a_mu, a_var
def decoder(self, a_seq): """ Convolutional variational decoder to decode latent code to image reconstruction If config.conv == False it is a MLP VAE. If config.use_vae == False it is a normal decoder :param a_seq: latent code :return: x_hat, x_mu, x_var """ # Create decoder if self.config.out_distr == 'bernoulli': activation_x_mu = tf.nn.sigmoid else: activation_x_mu = None with tf.variable_scope('vae/decoder'): a = tf.reshape(a_seq, (-1, self.config.dim_a)) if self.config.conv: dec_upscale = slim.fully_connected(a, int(np.prod(self.enc_shape)), activation_fn=None) dec_upscale = tf.reshape(dec_upscale, [-1] + self.enc_shape) dec_hidden = dec_upscale for filters in reversed(self.num_filters): dec_hidden = slim.conv2d(dec_hidden, filters * 4, self.config.filter_size, activation_fn=self.activation_fn) dec_hidden = subpixel_reshape(dec_hidden, 2) x_mu = slim.conv2d(dec_hidden, 1, 1, stride=1, activation_fn=activation_x_mu) x_var = tf.constant(self.config.noise_pixel_var, dtype=tf.float32, shape=()) else: dec_hidden = slim.repeat(a, self.config.num_layers, slim.fully_connected, self.config.vae_num_units, self.activation_fn) x_mu = slim.fully_connected(dec_hidden, self.d1 * self.d2, activation_fn=activation_x_mu) x_mu = tf.reshape(x_mu, (-1, self.d1, self.d2, 1)) # x_var is not used for bernoulli outputs. Here we fix the output variance of the Gaussian, # we could also learn it globally for each pixel (as we did in the pendulum experiment) or through a # neural network. x_var = tf.constant(self.config.noise_pixel_var, dtype=tf.float32, shape=()) if self.config.out_distr == 'bernoulli': # For bernoulli we show the probabilities x_hat = x_mu else: x_hat = simple_sample(x_mu, x_var) return tf.reshape(x_hat, tf.stack((-1, self.ph_steps, self.d1, self.d2))), x_mu, x_var
def build_model(self): # Encoder q(a|x) a_seq, a_mu, a_var = self.encoder(self.x) a_vae = a_seq # Initial state for the alpha RNN dummy_lstm = BasicLSTMCell(self.config.alpha_units * 2 if self.config.learn_u else self.config.alpha_units) state_init_rnn = dummy_lstm.zero_state(self.config.batch_size, tf.float32) # Initialize Kalman filter (LGSSM) self.kf = KalmanFilter(dim_z=self.config.dim_z, dim_y=self.config.dim_a, dim_u=self.config.dim_u, dim_k=self.config.K, A=self.init_vars['A'], # state transition function B=self.init_vars['B'], # control matrix C=self.init_vars['C'], # Measurement function R=self.init_vars['R'], # measurement noise Q=self.init_vars['Q'], # process noise y=a_seq, # output u=None, mask=self.mask, mu=self.init_vars['mu'], Sigma=self.init_vars['Sigma'], y_0=self.init_vars['a_0'], alpha=self.alpha, state=state_init_rnn ) # Get smoothed posterior over z smooth, A, B, C, alpha_plot = self.kf.smooth() # Get filtered posterior, used only for imputation plots filter, _, _, C_filter, _ = self.kf.filter() # Get a from the prior z (for plotting) a_mu_pred = tf.matmul(C, tf.expand_dims(smooth[0], 2), transpose_b=True) a_mu_pred_seq = tf.reshape(a_mu_pred, tf.stack((-1, self.ph_steps, self.config.dim_a))) if self.config.sample_z: a_seq = a_mu_pred_seq # Decoder p(x|a) x_hat, x_mu, x_var = self.decoder(a_seq) # Compute variables for generation from the model (for plotting) self.n_steps_gen = self.config.n_steps_gen # We sample for this many iterations, self.out_gen_det = self.kf.sample_generative_tf(smooth, self.n_steps_gen, deterministic=True, init_fixed_steps=self.config.t_init_mask) self.out_gen = self.kf.sample_generative_tf(smooth, self.n_steps_gen, deterministic=False, init_fixed_steps=self.config.t_init_mask) self.out_gen_det_impute = self.kf.sample_generative_tf(smooth, self.test_data.timesteps, deterministic=True, init_fixed_steps=self.config.t_init_mask) self.out_alpha, _, _, _ = self.alpha(self.a_prev, state=state_init_rnn, u=None, init_buffer=True, reuse=True) # Collect generated model variables self.model_vars = dict(x_hat=x_hat, x_mu=x_mu, x_var=x_var, a_seq=a_seq, a_mu=a_mu, a_var=a_var, a_vae=a_vae, smooth=smooth, A=A, B=B, C=C, alpha_plot=alpha_plot, a_mu_pred_seq=a_mu_pred_seq, filter=filter, C_filter=C_filter) return self