Python tensorflow.python.framework.dtypes 模块,uint8() 实例源码


项目:PyFaceRecognizer    作者:Hironsan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,

        dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype
        if dtype not in (dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32):
            raise TypeError('Invalid image dtype %r, expected uint8 or float32' %dtype)

        self._num_examples = images.shape[0]

        if dtype == dtypes.float32:
            # Convert from [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0].
            images = images.astype(np.float32)
            images = np.multiply(images, 1.0 / 255.0)
        self._images = images
        self._labels = labels
        self._epochs_completed = 0
        self._index_in_epoch = 0
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _RGBToGrayscale(self, images):
    is_batch = True
    if len(images.shape) == 3:
      is_batch = False
      images = np.expand_dims(images, axis=0)
    out_shape = images.shape[0:3] + (1,)
    out = np.zeros(shape=out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    for batch in xrange(images.shape[0]):
      for y in xrange(images.shape[1]):
        for x in xrange(images.shape[2]):
          red = images[batch, y, x, 0]
          green = images[batch, y, x, 1]
          blue = images[batch, y, x, 2]
          gray = 0.2989 * red + 0.5870 * green + 0.1140 * blue
          out[batch, y, x, 0] = int(gray)
    if not is_batch:
      out = np.squeeze(out, axis=0)
    return out
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testUpDown(self):
      x_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([2, 3, 1])
      y_np = np.array([[4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([2, 3, 1])

      for use_gpu in [False, True]:
        with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
          x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_np.shape)
          y = image_ops.flip_up_down(x_tf)
          y_tf = y.eval()
          self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, y_np)
        import sys, pdb, traceback
        type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def disabled_testRandomLeftRight(self):
    x_np = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([1, 2, 1])
    num_iterations = 500

    hist = [0, 0]
    with self.test_session():
      x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_np.shape)
      y = image_ops.random_flip_left_right(x_tf)
      for _ in xrange(num_iterations):
        y_np = y.eval().flatten()[0]
        hist[y_np] += 1

    # Ensure that each entry is observed within 4 standard deviations.
    four_stddev = 4.0 * np.sqrt(num_iterations / 2.0)
    self.assertAllClose(hist, [num_iterations / 2.0] * 2, atol=four_stddev)

  # NOTE(yaroslavvb):
  # This test expects each evaluation of a "random" tensor to produce different
  # result. However in imperative mode, a tensor is fixed in value
  # so the eval gives same result each time
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testResizeDownArea(self):
    img_shape = [1, 6, 6, 1]
    data = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4,
            4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,
            128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4,
            5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
            30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5,
            5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
    img_np = np.array(data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(img_shape)

    target_height = 4
    target_width = 4
    expected_data = [73, 33, 23, 39,
                     73, 33, 23, 39,
                     14, 16, 19, 21,
                     14, 16, 19, 21]

    with self.test_session():
      image = constant_op.constant(img_np, shape=img_shape)
      y = image_ops.resize_images(image, target_height, target_width,
      expected = np.array(expected_data).reshape(
          [1, target_height, target_width, 1])
      resized = y.eval()
      self.assertAllClose(resized, expected, atol=1)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _RGBToGrayscale(self, images):
    is_batch = True
    if len(images.shape) == 3:
      is_batch = False
      images = np.expand_dims(images, axis=0)
    out_shape = images.shape[0:3] + (1,)
    out = np.zeros(shape=out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    for batch in xrange(images.shape[0]):
      for y in xrange(images.shape[1]):
        for x in xrange(images.shape[2]):
          red = images[batch, y, x, 0]
          green = images[batch, y, x, 1]
          blue = images[batch, y, x, 2]
          gray = 0.2989 * red + 0.5870 * green + 0.1140 * blue
          out[batch, y, x, 0] = int(gray)
    if not is_batch:
      out = np.squeeze(out, axis=0)
    return out
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def disabled_testRandomLeftRight(self):
    x_np = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([1, 2, 1])
    num_iterations = 500

    hist = [0, 0]
    with self.test_session():
      x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_np.shape)
      y = image_ops.random_flip_left_right(x_tf)
      for _ in xrange(num_iterations):
        y_np = y.eval().flatten()[0]
        hist[y_np] += 1

    # Ensure that each entry is observed within 4 standard deviations.
    four_stddev = 4.0 * np.sqrt(num_iterations / 2.0)
    self.assertAllClose(hist, [num_iterations / 2.0] * 2, atol=four_stddev)

  # NOTE(yaroslavvb):
  # This test expects each evaluation of a "random" tensor to produce different
  # result. However in imperative mode, a tensor is fixed in value
  # so the eval gives same result each time
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _convert(self, original, original_dtype, output_dtype, expected):
    x_np = np.array(original, dtype=original_dtype.as_numpy_dtype())
    y_np = np.array(expected, dtype=output_dtype.as_numpy_dtype())

    with self.test_session():
      image = constant_op.constant(x_np)
      y = image_ops.convert_image_dtype(image, output_dtype)
      self.assertTrue(y.dtype == output_dtype)
      self.assertAllClose(y.eval(), y_np, atol=1e-5)

  # NOTE(yaroslavvb): disable this test because it looks at op inputs
  # def testNoConvert(self):
  #   # Make sure converting to the same data type creates only an identity op
  #   with self.test_session():
  #     image = constant_op.constant([1], dtype=dtypes.uint8)
  #     image_ops.convert_image_dtype(image, dtypes.uint8)
  #     y = image_ops.convert_image_dtype(image, dtypes.uint8)
  #     self.assertEquals(y.op.type, 'Identity')
  #     self.assertEquals(y.op.inputs[0], image)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def disabled_testRandomLeftRight(self):
    x_np = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([1, 2, 1])
    num_iterations = 500

    hist = [0, 0]
    with self.test_session():
      x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_np.shape)
      y = image_ops.random_flip_left_right(x_tf)
      for _ in xrange(num_iterations):
        y_np = y.eval().flatten()[0]
        hist[y_np] += 1

    # Ensure that each entry is observed within 4 standard deviations.
    four_stddev = 4.0 * np.sqrt(num_iterations / 2.0)
    self.assertAllClose(hist, [num_iterations / 2.0] * 2, atol=four_stddev)

  # NOTE(yaroslavvb):
  # This test expects each evaluation of a "random" tensor to produce different
  # result. However in imperative mode, a tensor is fixed in value
  # so the eval gives same result each time
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testResizeDownArea(self):
    img_shape = [1, 6, 6, 1]
    data = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4,
            4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,
            128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4,
            5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
            30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5,
            5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
    img_np = np.array(data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(img_shape)

    target_height = 4
    target_width = 4
    expected_data = [73, 33, 23, 39,
                     73, 33, 23, 39,
                     14, 16, 19, 21,
                     14, 16, 19, 21]

    with self.test_session():
      image = constant_op.constant(img_np, shape=img_shape)
      y = image_ops.resize_images(image, target_height, target_width,
      expected = np.array(expected_data).reshape(
          [1, target_height, target_width, 1])
      resized = y.eval()
      self.assertAllClose(resized, expected, atol=1)
项目:Text-Classification-with-Tensorflow    作者:jrzaurin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,documents,labels,dtype=dtypes.float32,seed=None):

        seed1, seed2 = random_seed.get_seed(seed)
        np.random.seed(seed1 if seed is None else seed2)

        dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype
        if dtype not in (dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32):
          raise TypeError('Invalid dtype %r, expected uint8 or float32' % dtype)

        assert documents.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], (
            'documents.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (documents.shape, labels.shape))

        self._num_examples = documents.shape[0]
        self._documents = documents
        self._labels = labels
        self._epochs_completed = 0
        self._index_in_epoch = 0
项目:polyaxon    作者:polyaxon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_image(self, image_format, image_shape):
        """Generates an image and an example containing the encoded image.

            image_format: the encoding format of the image.
            image_shape: the shape of the image to generate.

            image: the generated image.
            example: a TF-example with a feature key 'image/encoded' set to the
                serialized image and a feature key 'image/format' set to the image
                encoding format ['jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG', 'raw'].
        num_pixels = image_shape[0] * image_shape[1] * image_shape[2]
        image = np.linspace(0, num_pixels - 1, num=num_pixels).reshape(image_shape).astype(np.uint8)
        tf_encoded = self._encode(image, image_format)
        example = example_pb2.Example(features=feature_pb2.Features(feature={
            'image/encoded': self._encode_bytes_feature(tf_encoded),
            'image/format': self._string_feature(image_format)

        return image, example.SerializeToString()
项目:LifelongVAE    作者:jramapuram    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_mnist(path, kind='train'):
        ''' From '''
        import os
        import struct
        import gzip
        import numpy as np

        """Load MNIST data from `path`"""
        labels_path = os.path.join(path,
                                   % kind)
        images_path = os.path.join(path,
                                   % kind)

        with, 'rb') as lbpath:
            labels = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8)

        with, 'rb') as imgpath:
            images = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(len(labels), 784)

        return images, labels
项目:cloudml-samples    作者:GoogleCloudPlatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_images(filename):
  """Extract the images into a 4D uint8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth]."""
  print('Extracting', filename)
  with open(filename, 'rb') as f, gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2051:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST image file: %s' %
                       (magic, filename))
    num_images = _read32(bytestream)
    rows = _read32(bytestream)
    cols = _read32(bytestream)
    buf = * cols * num_images)
    data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    data = data.reshape(num_images, rows, cols, 1)
    return data
项目:cloudml-samples    作者:GoogleCloudPlatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_labels(filename, one_hot=False, num_classes=10):
  """Extract the labels into a 1D uint8 numpy array [index]."""
  print('Extracting', filename)
  with open(filename, 'rb') as f, gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2049:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST label file: %s' %
                       (magic, filename))
    num_items = _read32(bytestream)
    buf =
    labels = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    if one_hot:
      return dense_to_one_hot(labels, num_classes)
    return labels
项目:cloudml-samples    作者:GoogleCloudPlatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
    """Construct a DataSet.
    one_hot arg is used only if fake_data is true.  `dtype` can be either
    `uint8` to leave the input as `[0, 255]`, or `float32` to rescale into
    `[0, 1]`.
    dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype
    if dtype not in (dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32):
      raise TypeError('Invalid image dtype %r, expected uint8 or float32' %
    if fake_data:
      self._num_examples = 10000
      self.one_hot = one_hot
      assert images.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], (
          'images.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (images.shape, labels.shape))
      self._num_examples = images.shape[0]

      # Convert shape from [num examples, rows, columns, depth]
      # to [num examples, rows*columns] (assuming depth == 1)
      assert images.shape[3] == 1
      images = images.reshape(images.shape[0],
                              images.shape[1] * images.shape[2])
      if dtype == dtypes.float32:
        # Convert from [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0].
        images = images.astype(numpy.float32)
        images = numpy.multiply(images, 1.0 / 255.0)
    self._ids = numpy.arange(start_id, start_id + self._num_examples)
    self._images = images
    self._labels = labels
    self._epochs_completed = 0
    self._index_in_epoch = 0
项目:tensorflow_mnist_cloudml    作者:mainyaa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_images(filename):
  """Extract the images into a 4D uint8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth]."""
  print('Extracting', filename)
  with open(filename, 'rb') as f, gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2051:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST image file: %s' %
                       (magic, filename))
    num_images = _read32(bytestream)
    rows = _read32(bytestream)
    cols = _read32(bytestream)
    buf = * cols * num_images)
    data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    data = data.reshape(num_images, rows, cols, 1)
    return data
项目:tensorflow_mnist_cloudml    作者:mainyaa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_labels(filename, one_hot=False, num_classes=10):
  """Extract the labels into a 1D uint8 numpy array [index]."""
  print('Extracting', filename)
  with open(filename, 'rb') as f, gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2049:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST label file: %s' %
                       (magic, filename))
    num_items = _read32(bytestream)
    buf =
    labels = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    if one_hot:
      return dense_to_one_hot(labels, num_classes)
    return labels
项目:tensorflow_mnist_cloudml    作者:mainyaa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
    """Construct a DataSet.
    one_hot arg is used only if fake_data is true.  `dtype` can be either
    `uint8` to leave the input as `[0, 255]`, or `float32` to rescale into
    `[0, 1]`.
    dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype
    if dtype not in (dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32):
      raise TypeError('Invalid image dtype %r, expected uint8 or float32' %
    if fake_data:
      self._num_examples = 10000
      self.one_hot = one_hot
      assert images.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], (
          'images.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (images.shape, labels.shape))
      self._num_examples = images.shape[0]

      # Convert shape from [num examples, rows, columns, depth]
      # to [num examples, rows*columns] (assuming depth == 1)
      assert images.shape[3] == 1
      images = images.reshape(images.shape[0],
                              images.shape[1] * images.shape[2])
      if dtype == dtypes.float32:
        # Convert from [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0].
        images = images.astype(numpy.float32)
        images = numpy.multiply(images, 1.0 / 255.0)
    self._ids = numpy.arange(start_id, start_id + self._num_examples)
    self._images = images
    self._labels = labels
    self._epochs_completed = 0
    self._index_in_epoch = 0
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_images(f):
  """Extract the images into a 4D uint8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth].

    f: A file object that can be passed into a gzip reader.

    data: A 4D unit8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth].

    ValueError: If the bytestream does not start with 2051.

  with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2051:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST image file: %s' %
    num_images = _read32(bytestream)
    rows = _read32(bytestream)
    cols = _read32(bytestream)
    buf = * cols * num_images)
    data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    data = data.reshape(num_images, rows, cols, 1)
    return data
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_labels(f, one_hot=False, num_classes=10):
  """Extract the labels into a 1D uint8 numpy array [index].

    f: A file object that can be passed into a gzip reader.
    one_hot: Does one hot encoding for the result.
    num_classes: Number of classes for the one hot encoding.

    labels: a 1D unit8 numpy array.

    ValueError: If the bystream doesn't start with 2049.
  with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2049:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST label file: %s' %
    num_items = _read32(bytestream)
    buf =
    labels = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    if one_hot:
      return dense_to_one_hot(labels, num_classes)
    return labels
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
    """Construct a DataSet.
    one_hot arg is used only if fake_data is true.  `dtype` can be either
    `uint8` to leave the input as `[0, 255]`, or `float32` to rescale into
    `[0, 1]`.
    dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype
    if dtype not in (dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32):
      raise TypeError('Invalid image dtype %r, expected uint8 or float32' %
    if fake_data:
      self._num_examples = 10000
      self.one_hot = one_hot
      assert images.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], (
          'images.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (images.shape, labels.shape))
      self._num_examples = images.shape[0]

      # Convert shape from [num examples, rows, columns, depth]
      # to [num examples, rows*columns] (assuming depth == 1)
      if reshape:
        assert images.shape[3] == 1
        images = images.reshape(images.shape[0],
                                images.shape[1] * images.shape[2])
      if dtype == dtypes.float32:
        # Convert from [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0].
        images = images.astype(numpy.float32)
        images = numpy.multiply(images, 1.0 / 255.0)
    self._images = images
    self._labels = labels
    self._epochs_completed = 0
    self._index_in_epoch = 0
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_labels(f, one_hot=False, num_classes=10):
  """Extract the labels into a 1D uint8 numpy array [index].

    f: A file object that can be passed into a gzip reader.
    one_hot: Does one hot encoding for the result.
    num_classes: Number of classes for the one hot encoding.

    labels: a 1D unit8 numpy array.

    ValueError: If the bystream doesn't start with 2049.
  with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2049:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST label file: %s' %
    num_items = _read32(bytestream)
    buf =
    labels = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    if one_hot:
      return dense_to_one_hot(labels, num_classes)
    return labels
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
    """Construct a DataSet.
    one_hot arg is used only if fake_data is true.  `dtype` can be either
    `uint8` to leave the input as `[0, 255]`, or `float32` to rescale into
    `[0, 1]`.
    dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype
    if dtype not in (dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32):
      raise TypeError('Invalid image dtype %r, expected uint8 or float32' %
    if fake_data:
      self._num_examples = 10000
      self.one_hot = one_hot
      assert images.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], (
          'images.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (images.shape, labels.shape))
      self._num_examples = images.shape[0]

      # Convert shape from [num examples, rows, columns, depth]
      # to [num examples, rows*columns] (assuming depth == 1)
      if reshape:
        assert images.shape[3] == 1
        images = images.reshape(images.shape[0],
                                images.shape[1] * images.shape[2])
      if dtype == dtypes.float32:
        # Convert from [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0].
        images = images.astype(numpy.float32)
        images = numpy.multiply(images, 1.0 / 255.0)
    self._images = images
    self._labels = labels
    self._epochs_completed = 0
    self._index_in_epoch = 0
项目:hasy-experiments    作者:MartinThoma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
        Construct a DataSet.

        one_hot arg is used only if fake_data is true.  `dtype` can be either
        `uint8` to leave the input as `[0, 255]`, or `float32` to rescale into
        `[0, 1]`.
        dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype
        if dtype not in (dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32):
            raise TypeError(('Invalid image dtype %r, expected uint8 or '
                             'float32') % dtype)
        if fake_data:
            self._num_examples = 10000
            self.one_hot = one_hot
            assert images.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], (
                'images.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (images.shape,
            self._num_examples = images.shape[0]

            # Convert shape from [num examples, rows, columns, depth]
            # to [num examples, rows*columns] (assuming depth == 1)
            if reshape:
                assert images.shape[3] == 1
                images = images.reshape(images.shape[0],
                                        images.shape[1] * images.shape[2])
            if dtype == dtypes.float32:
                # Convert from [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0].
                images = images.astype(np.float32)
                images = np.multiply(images, 1.0 / 255.0)
        self._images = images
        self._labels = labels
        self._epochs_completed = 0
        self._index_in_epoch = 0
项目:forward    作者:yajun0601    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_images(f):
  """Extract the images into a 4D uint8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth].

    f: A file object that can be passed into a gzip reader.

    data: A 4D uint8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth].

    ValueError: If the bytestream does not start with 2051.

  with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2051:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST image file: %s' %
    num_images = _read32(bytestream)
    rows = _read32(bytestream)
    cols = _read32(bytestream)
    buf = * cols * num_images)
    data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    data = data.reshape(num_images, rows, cols, 1)
    return data
项目:forward    作者:yajun0601    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_labels(f, one_hot=False, num_classes=10):
  """Extract the labels into a 1D uint8 numpy array [index].

    f: A file object that can be passed into a gzip reader.
    one_hot: Does one hot encoding for the result.
    num_classes: Number of classes for the one hot encoding.

    labels: a 1D uint8 numpy array.

    ValueError: If the bystream doesn't start with 2049.
  with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2049:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST label file: %s' %
    num_items = _read32(bytestream)
    buf =
    labels = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    if one_hot:
      return dense_to_one_hot(labels, num_classes)
    return labels
项目:forward    作者:yajun0601    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
    """Construct a DataSet.
    one_hot arg is used only if fake_data is true.  `dtype` can be either
    `uint8` to leave the input as `[0, 255]`, or `float32` to rescale into
    `[0, 1]`.
    dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype
    if dtype not in (dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32):
      raise TypeError('Invalid image dtype %r, expected uint8 or float32' %
    if fake_data:
      self._num_examples = 10000
      self.one_hot = one_hot
      assert images.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], (
          'images.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (images.shape, labels.shape))
      self._num_examples = images.shape[0]

      # Convert shape from [num examples, rows, columns, depth]
      # to [num examples, rows*columns] (assuming depth == 1)
      if reshape:
        assert images.shape[3] == 1
        images = images.reshape(images.shape[0],
                                images.shape[1] * images.shape[2])
      if dtype == dtypes.float32:
        # Convert from [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0].
        images = images.astype(numpy.float32)
        images = numpy.multiply(images, 1.0 / 255.0)
    self._images = images
    self._labels = labels
    self._epochs_completed = 0
    self._index_in_epoch = 0
项目:forward    作者:yajun0601    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_images(f):
  """Extract the images into a 4D uint8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth].

    f: A file object that can be passed into a gzip reader.

    data: A 4D uint8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth].

    ValueError: If the bytestream does not start with 2051.

  with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2051:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST image file: %s' %
    num_images = _read32(bytestream)
    rows = _read32(bytestream)
    cols = _read32(bytestream)
    buf = * cols * num_images)
    data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    data = data.reshape(num_images, rows, cols, 1)
    return data
项目:forward    作者:yajun0601    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_labels(f, one_hot=False, num_classes=10):
  """Extract the labels into a 1D uint8 numpy array [index].

    f: A file object that can be passed into a gzip reader.
    one_hot: Does one hot encoding for the result.
    num_classes: Number of classes for the one hot encoding.

    labels: a 1D uint8 numpy array.

    ValueError: If the bystream doesn't start with 2049.
  with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2049:
      raise ValueError('Invalid magic number %d in MNIST label file: %s' %
    num_items = _read32(bytestream)
    buf =
    labels = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    if one_hot:
      return dense_to_one_hot(labels, num_classes)
    return labels
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testBasicRGBToGrayscale(self):
    # 4-D input with batch dimension.
    x_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 10, 1]],
                    dtype=np.uint8).reshape([1, 1, 2, 3])

    # 3-D input with no batch dimension.
    x_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 10, 1]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([1, 2, 3])
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testAdjustNegativeHue(self):
    x_shape = [2, 2, 3]
    x_data = [0, 5, 13, 54, 135, 226, 37, 8, 234, 90, 255, 1]
    x_np = np.array(x_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    delta = -0.25
    y_data = [0, 13, 1, 54, 226, 59, 8, 234, 150, 255, 39, 1]
    y_np = np.array(y_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    with self.test_session():
      x = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_shape)
      y = image_ops.adjust_hue(x, delta)
      y_tf = y.eval()
      self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, y_np)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testAdjustPositiveHue(self):
    x_shape = [2, 2, 3]
    x_data = [0, 5, 13, 54, 135, 226, 37, 8, 234, 90, 255, 1]
    x_np = np.array(x_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    delta = 0.25
    y_data = [13, 0, 11, 226, 54, 221, 234, 8, 92, 1, 217, 255]
    y_np = np.array(y_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    with self.test_session():
      x = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_shape)
      y = image_ops.adjust_hue(x, delta)
      y_tf = y.eval()
      self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, y_np)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testTwiceSaturation(self):
    x_shape = [2, 2, 3]
    x_data = [0, 5, 13, 54, 135, 226, 37, 8, 234, 90, 255, 1]
    x_np = np.array(x_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    saturation_factor = 2.0
    y_data = [0, 5, 13, 0, 106, 226, 30, 0, 234, 89, 255, 0]
    y_np = np.array(y_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    with self.test_session():
      x = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_shape)
      y = image_ops.adjust_saturation(x, saturation_factor)
      y_tf = y.eval()
      self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, y_np)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testIdempotentLeftRight(self):
    x_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([2, 3, 1])
    for use_gpu in [False, True]:
      with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
        x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_np.shape)
        y = image_ops.flip_left_right(image_ops.flip_left_right(x_tf))
        y_tf = y.eval()
        self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, x_np)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testLeftRight(self):
    x_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([2, 3, 1])
    y_np = np.array([[3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 1]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([2, 3, 1])

    for use_gpu in [False, True]:
      with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
        x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_np.shape)
        y = image_ops.flip_left_right(x_tf)
        y_tf = y.eval()
        self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, y_np)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testIdempotentUpDown(self):
    x_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([2, 3, 1])

    for use_gpu in [False, True]:
      with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
        x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_np.shape)
        y = image_ops.flip_up_down(image_ops.flip_up_down(x_tf))
        y_tf = y.eval()
        self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, x_np)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testTranspose(self):
    x_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([2, 3, 1])
    y_np = np.array([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([3, 2, 1])

    for use_gpu in [False, True]:
      with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
        x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_np.shape)
        y = image_ops.transpose_image(x_tf)
        y_tf = y.eval()
        self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, y_np)

  # def testPartialShapes(self):
  #   p_unknown_rank = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.uint8)
  #   p_unknown_dims = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.uint8,
  #                                          shape=[None, None, None])
  #   p_unknown_width = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.uint8, shape=[64, None, 3])

  #   p_wrong_rank = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.uint8, shape=[None, None])
  #   p_zero_dim = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.uint8, shape=[64, 0, 3])

  #   for op in [image_ops.flip_left_right,
  #              image_ops.flip_up_down,
  #              image_ops.random_flip_left_right,
  #              image_ops.random_flip_up_down,
  #              image_ops.transpose_image]:
  #     transformed_unknown_rank = op(p_unknown_rank)
  #     self.assertEqual(3, transformed_unknown_rank.get_shape().ndims)
  #     transformed_unknown_dims = op(p_unknown_dims)
  #     self.assertEqual(3, transformed_unknown_dims.get_shape().ndims)
  #     transformed_unknown_width = op(p_unknown_width)
  #     self.assertEqual(3, transformed_unknown_width.get_shape().ndims)

  #     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'must be three-dimensional'):
  #       op(p_wrong_rank)
  #     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'must be > 0'):
  #       op(p_zero_dim)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def disabled_testRandomUpDown(self):
    x_np = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([2, 1, 1])
    num_iterations = 500

    hist = [0, 0]
    with self.test_session():
      x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_np.shape)
      y = image_ops.random_flip_up_down(x_tf)
      for _ in xrange(num_iterations):
        y_np = y.eval().flatten()[0]
        hist[y_np] += 1

    # Ensure that each entry is observed within 4 standard deviations.
    four_stddev = 4.0 * np.sqrt(num_iterations / 2.0)
    self.assertAllClose(hist, [num_iterations / 2.0] * 2, atol=four_stddev)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testDoubleContrastUint8(self):
    x_shape = [1, 2, 2, 3]
    x_data = [0, 5, 13, 54, 135, 226, 37, 8, 234, 90, 255, 1]
    x_np = np.array(x_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    y_data = [0, 0, 0, 62, 169, 255, 28, 0, 255, 135, 255, 0]
    y_np = np.array(y_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    self._testContrast(x_np, y_np, contrast_factor=2.0)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testHalfContrastUint8(self):
    x_shape = [1, 2, 2, 3]
    x_data = [0, 5, 13, 54, 135, 226, 37, 8, 234, 90, 255, 1]
    x_np = np.array(x_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    y_data = [22, 52, 65, 49, 118, 172, 41, 54, 176, 67, 178, 59]
    y_np = np.array(y_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    self._testContrast(x_np, y_np, contrast_factor=0.5)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testPositiveDeltaUint8(self):
    x_shape = [2, 2, 3]
    x_data = [0, 5, 13, 54, 135, 226, 37, 8, 234, 90, 255, 1]
    x_np = np.array(x_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    y_data = [10, 15, 23, 64, 145, 236, 47, 18, 244, 100, 255, 11]
    y_np = np.array(y_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    self._testBrightness(x_np, y_np, delta=10. / 255.)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testNegativeDelta(self):
    x_shape = [2, 2, 3]
    x_data = [0, 5, 13, 54, 135, 226, 37, 8, 234, 90, 255, 1]
    x_np = np.array(x_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    y_data = [0, 0, 3, 44, 125, 216, 27, 0, 224, 80, 245, 0]
    y_np = np.array(y_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    self._testBrightness(x_np, y_np, delta=-10. / 255.)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testResizeUpBicubic(self):
    img_shape = [1, 6, 6, 1]
    data = [128, 128, 64, 64, 128, 128, 64, 64,
            64, 64, 128, 128, 64, 64, 128, 128,
            50, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 100,
            50, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 100,
            50, 50, 100, 100]
    img_np = np.array(data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(img_shape)

    target_height = 8
    target_width = 8
    expected_data = [128, 135, 96, 55, 64, 114, 134, 128,
                     78, 81, 68, 52, 57, 118, 144, 136,
                     55, 49, 79, 109, 103, 89, 83, 84,
                     74, 70, 95, 122, 115, 69, 49, 55,
                     100, 105, 75, 43, 50, 89, 105, 100,
                     57, 54, 74, 96, 91, 65, 55, 58,
                     70, 69, 75, 81, 80, 72, 69, 70,
                     105, 112, 75, 36, 45, 92, 111, 105]

    with self.test_session():
      image = constant_op.constant(img_np, shape=img_shape)
      y = image_ops.resize_images(image, target_height, target_width,
      resized = y.eval()
      expected = np.array(expected_data).reshape(
          [1, target_height, target_width, 1])
      self.assertAllClose(resized, expected, atol=1)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _SimpleColorRamp():
  """Build a simple color ramp RGB image."""
  w, h = 256, 200
  i = np.arange(h)[:, None]
  j = np.arange(w)
  image = np.empty((h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
  image[:, :, 0] = i
  image[:, :, 1] = j
  image[:, :, 2] = (i + j) >> 1
  return image
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testConvertBetweenInteger(self):
      # Make sure converting to between integer types scales appropriately
      with self.test_session():
        self._convert([0, 255], dtypes.uint8, dtypes.int16, [0, 255 * 128])
        self._convert([0, 32767], dtypes.int16, dtypes.uint8, [0, 255])
        # itensor is tf.int32, but attr "T" is set to tf.int16
      import pdb;
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testConvertBetweenIntegerAndFloat(self):
    # Make sure converting from and to a float type scales appropriately
    with self.test_session():
      self._convert([0, 1, 255], dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32,
                    [0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1])
      self._convert([0, 1.1 / 255.0, 1], dtypes.float32, dtypes.uint8,
                    [0, 1, 255])
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testBasicRGBToGrayscale(self):
    # 4-D input with batch dimension.
    x_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 10, 1]],
                    dtype=np.uint8).reshape([1, 1, 2, 3])

    # 3-D input with no batch dimension.
    x_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 10, 1]], dtype=np.uint8).reshape([1, 2, 3])
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testAdjustPositiveHue(self):
    x_shape = [2, 2, 3]
    x_data = [0, 5, 13, 54, 135, 226, 37, 8, 234, 90, 255, 1]
    x_np = np.array(x_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    delta = 0.25
    y_data = [13, 0, 11, 226, 54, 221, 234, 8, 92, 1, 217, 255]
    y_np = np.array(y_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    with self.test_session():
      x = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_shape)
      y = image_ops.adjust_hue(x, delta)
      y_tf = y.eval()
      self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, y_np)
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testHalfSaturation(self):
    x_shape = [2, 2, 3]
    x_data = [0, 5, 13, 54, 135, 226, 37, 8, 234, 90, 255, 1]
    x_np = np.array(x_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    saturation_factor = 0.5
    y_data = [6, 9, 13, 140, 180, 226, 135, 121, 234, 172, 255, 128]
    y_np = np.array(y_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(x_shape)

    with self.test_session():
      x = constant_op.constant(x_np, shape=x_shape)
      y = image_ops.adjust_saturation(x, saturation_factor)
      y_tf = y.eval()
      self.assertAllEqual(y_tf, y_np)