def _safe_scalar_div(numerator, denominator, name): """Divides two values, returning 0 if the denominator is != 0. Args: numerator: A scalar `float64` `Tensor`. denominator: A scalar `float64` `Tensor`. name: Name for the returned op. Returns: 0 if `denominator` == 0, else `numerator` / `denominator` """ numerator.get_shape().with_rank_at_most(1) denominator.get_shape().with_rank_at_most(1) return control_flow_ops.cond( math_ops.equal( array_ops.constant(0.0, dtype=dtypes.float64), denominator), lambda: array_ops.constant(0.0, dtype=dtypes.float64), lambda: math_ops.div(numerator, denominator), name=name)
def __init__( self, dtypes, shapes=None, capacity=10, shared_name='feeding_queue'): self._dtypes = dtypes self._shapes = shapes self._shared_name = shared_name self._capacity = capacity self._local_q = data_flow_ops.FIFOQueue(capacity=self._capacity, dtypes=self._dtypes, shapes=self._shapes, name=self._shared_name, shared_name=self._shared_name) self._num_remote_feeds = 0 # Fake do-nothing operation that's used to prevent remote queues # from being closed, and as a workaround for b/32749157 self._fake_op = array_ops.constant('dummy close', name='feeder_fake_op').op self._feeding_event = threading.Event()
def _safe_scalar_div(numerator, denominator, name): """Divides two values, returning 0 if the denominator is 0. Args: numerator: A scalar `float64` `Tensor`. denominator: A scalar `float64` `Tensor`. name: Name for the returned op. Returns: 0 if `denominator` == 0, else `numerator` / `denominator` """ numerator.get_shape().with_rank_at_most(1) denominator.get_shape().with_rank_at_most(1) return control_flow_ops.cond( math_ops.equal( array_ops.constant(0.0, dtype=dtypes.float64), denominator), lambda: array_ops.constant(0.0, dtype=dtypes.float64), lambda: math_ops.div(numerator, denominator), name=name)
def test_get_output_alternatives_single_no_default(self): prediction_tensor = constant_op.constant(["bogus"]) provided_output_alternatives = { "head-1": (constants.ProblemType.LINEAR_REGRESSION, {"output": prediction_tensor}), } model_fn_ops = model_fn.ModelFnOps( model_fn.ModeKeys.INFER, predictions=prediction_tensor, output_alternatives=provided_output_alternatives) output_alternatives, _ = saved_model_export_utils.get_output_alternatives( model_fn_ops) self.assertEqual({"head-1": (constants.ProblemType.LINEAR_REGRESSION, {"output": prediction_tensor})}, output_alternatives)
def _apply_transform(self, input_tensors, **kwargs): """Applies the transformation to the `transform_input`. Args: input_tensors: a list of Tensors representing the input to the Transform. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, unused here. Returns: A namedtuple of Tensors representing the transformed output. """ d = input_tensors[0] if self.strip_value is np.nan: strip_hot = math_ops.is_nan(d) else: strip_hot = math_ops.equal(d, array_ops.constant([self.strip_value], dtype=d.dtype)) keep_hot = math_ops.logical_not(strip_hot) length = array_ops.reshape(array_ops.shape(d), []) indices = array_ops.boolean_mask(math_ops.range(length), keep_hot) values = array_ops.boolean_mask(d, keep_hot) sparse_indices = array_ops.reshape( math_ops.cast(indices, dtypes.int64), [-1, 1]) shape = math_ops.cast(array_ops.shape(d), dtypes.int64) # pylint: disable=not-callable return self.return_type(ops.SparseTensor(sparse_indices, values, shape))
def _event_shape(self): return array_ops.constant([], dtype=dtypes.int32)
def __call__(self, input_data, input_h, input_c, params, is_training=True): """Run the forward step for the RNN model. Args: input_data: the input sequence to the RNN model. input_h: the initial hidden state for h. input_c: the initial hidden state for c. This is only relevant for LSTM. params: the parameter buffer created for this model. is_training: whether this operation will be used in training or inference. Returns: output: the output sequuence. output_h: the final state for h. output_c: the final state for c. This is only relevant for LSTM. """ if self._rnn_mode != "lstm": # For model that doesn't take input_c, replace with a dummy tensor. input_c = array_ops.constant([], dtype=dtypes.float32) output, output_h, output_c, _ = gen_cudnn_rnn_ops.cudnn_rnn( input=input_data, input_h=input_h, input_c=input_c, params=params, rnn_mode=self._rnn_mode, input_mode=self._input_mode, direction=self._direction, dropout=self._dropout, seed=self._seed, seed2=self._seed2, is_training=is_training) return (output, output_h, output_c) # TODO(zhengxq): add reading and writing canonical weights.
def _apply_transform(self, input_tensors, **kwargs): """Applies the transformation to the `transform_input`. Args: input_tensors: a list of Tensors representing the input to the Transform. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, unused here. Returns: A namedtuple of Tensors representing the transformed output. """ d = input_tensors[0] if self.strip_value is np.nan: strip_hot = math_ops.is_nan(d) else: strip_hot = math_ops.equal(d, array_ops.constant([self.strip_value], dtype=d.dtype)) keep_hot = math_ops.logical_not(strip_hot) length = array_ops.reshape(array_ops.shape(d), []) indices = array_ops.boolean_mask(math_ops.range(length), keep_hot) values = array_ops.boolean_mask(d, keep_hot) sparse_indices = array_ops.reshape( math_ops.cast(indices, dtypes.int64), [-1, 1]) shape = math_ops.cast(array_ops.shape(d), dtypes.int64) # pylint: disable=not-callable return self.return_type( sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(sparse_indices, values, shape))
def constant(value, dtype=None, axes=None, name=None): """Creates a constant tensor. If `axes` includes any strings, shape is inferred from `value`. Otherwise, the sizes of the given `axes` are used to set `shape` for `tf.constant`. See tf.constant for more details. Args: value: The input tensor. dtype: The type of the returned tensor. axes: Optional Axes, list of strings or list of objects coercible to Axis objects. By default, axes are assumed to be an empty list (i.e., `value` is treated as a scalar). name: Optional op name. Returns: The tensor with elements set to zero. """ with ops.name_scope(name, 'lt_constant', [value]) as scope: if axes is None: axes = [] if isinstance(axes, core.Axes): axes = axes.values() if any(isinstance(ax, string_types) for ax in axes): # need to infer shape shape = None else: # axes already indicate shape axes = [core.as_axis(a) for a in axes] shape = [a.size for a in axes] op = array_ops.constant(value, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, name=scope) return core.LabeledTensor(op, axes)
def test_get_output_alternatives_none_provided(self): prediction_tensor = constant_op.constant(["bogus"]) model_fn_ops = model_fn.ModelFnOps( model_fn.ModeKeys.INFER, predictions={"some_output": prediction_tensor}, output_alternatives=None) output_alternatives, _ = saved_model_export_utils.get_output_alternatives( model_fn_ops) self.assertEqual( {"default_output_alternative": (constants.ProblemType.UNSPECIFIED, { "some_output": prediction_tensor})}, output_alternatives)
def test_get_output_alternatives_empty_provided_with_default(self): prediction_tensor = constant_op.constant(["bogus"]) model_fn_ops = model_fn.ModelFnOps( model_fn.ModeKeys.INFER, predictions={"some_output": prediction_tensor}, output_alternatives={}) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: saved_model_export_utils.get_output_alternatives(model_fn_ops, "WRONG") self.assertEqual("Requested default_output_alternative: WRONG, but " "available output_alternatives are: []", str(e.exception))
def test_get_output_alternatives_empty_provided_no_default(self): prediction_tensor = constant_op.constant(["bogus"]) model_fn_ops = model_fn.ModelFnOps( model_fn.ModeKeys.INFER, predictions={"some_output": prediction_tensor}, output_alternatives={}) output_alternatives, _ = saved_model_export_utils.get_output_alternatives( model_fn_ops) self.assertEqual( {"default_output_alternative": (constants.ProblemType.UNSPECIFIED, { "some_output": prediction_tensor})}, output_alternatives)
def test_build_all_signature_defs_legacy_input_fn_not_supported(self): """Tests that legacy input_fn returning (features, labels) raises error. serving_input_fn must return InputFnOps including a default input alternative. """ input_features = constant_op.constant(["10"]) input_ops = ({"features": input_features}, None) input_alternatives, _ = ( saved_model_export_utils.get_input_alternatives(input_ops)) output_1 = constant_op.constant(["1"]) output_2 = constant_op.constant(["2"]) output_3 = constant_op.constant(["3"]) provided_output_alternatives = { "head-1": (constants.ProblemType.LINEAR_REGRESSION, { "some_output_1": output_1 }), "head-2": (constants.ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION, { "some_output_2": output_2 }), "head-3": (constants.ProblemType.UNSPECIFIED, { "some_output_3": output_3 }), } model_fn_ops = model_fn.ModelFnOps( model_fn.ModeKeys.INFER, predictions={"some_output": constant_op.constant(["4"])}, output_alternatives=provided_output_alternatives) output_alternatives, _ = (saved_model_export_utils.get_output_alternatives( model_fn_ops, "head-1")) with self.assertRaisesRegexp( ValueError, "A default input_alternative must be provided"): saved_model_export_utils.build_all_signature_defs( input_alternatives, output_alternatives, "head-1")
def test_make_export_strategy(self): """Only tests that an ExportStrategy instance is created.""" def _serving_input_fn(): return array_ops.constant([1]), None export_strategy = saved_model_export_utils.make_export_strategy( serving_input_fn=_serving_input_fn, default_output_alternative_key="default", assets_extra={"from/path": "to/path"}, as_text=False, exports_to_keep=5) self.assertTrue( isinstance(export_strategy, export_strategy_lib.ExportStrategy))
def __call__(self, input_data, input_h, input_c, params, is_training=True): """Runs the forward step for the RNN model. Args: input_data: the input sequence to the RNN model. input_h: the initial hidden state for h. input_c: the initial hidden state for c. This is only relevant for LSTM. params: the parameter buffer created for this model. is_training: whether this operation will be used in training or inference. Returns: output: the output sequuence. output_h: the final state for h. output_c: the final state for c. This is only relevant for LSTM. """ if self._rnn_mode != "lstm": # For model that doesn't take input_c, replace with a dummy tensor. input_c = array_ops.constant([], dtype=dtypes.float32) output, output_h, output_c, _ = gen_cudnn_rnn_ops.cudnn_rnn( input=input_data, input_h=input_h, input_c=input_c, params=params, rnn_mode=self._rnn_mode, input_mode=self._input_mode, direction=self._direction, dropout=self._dropout, seed=self._seed, seed2=self._seed2, is_training=is_training) return (output, output_h, output_c)
def _padding(sequences, num_unroll): """For a dictionary of sequences, pads tensors to a multiple of `num_unroll`. Args: sequences: dictionary with `Tensor` values. num_unroll: int specifying to what multiple to pad sequences to. Returns: length: Scalar `Tensor` of dimension 0 of all the values in sequences. padded_sequence: Dictionary of sequences that are padded to a multiple of `num_unroll`. Raises: ValueError: If `num_unroll` not an int or sequences not a dictionary from string to `Tensor`. """ if not isinstance(num_unroll, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError("Unsupported num_unroll expected int, got: %s" % str(num_unroll)) if not isinstance(sequences, dict): raise TypeError("Unsupported sequences expected dict, got: %s" % str(sequences)) for key, value in sequences.items(): if not isinstance(key, six.string_types): raise TypeError("Unsupported sequences key expected string, got: %s" % str(key)) if not sequences: return 0, {} sequences_dict = {} for key, value in sequences.items(): sequences_dict[key] = ops.convert_to_tensor(value) lengths = [array_ops.shape(value)[0] for value in sequences_dict.values()] length = lengths[0] all_lengths_equal = [ control_flow_ops.Assert( math_ops.equal(l, length), [string_ops.string_join( ["All sequence lengths must match, but received lengths: ", string_ops.as_string(lengths)])]) for l in lengths] length = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(all_lengths_equal, length) unroll = array_ops.constant(num_unroll) padded_length = length + ((unroll - (length % unroll)) % unroll) padded_sequences = {} for key, value in sequences_dict.items(): # 1. create shape of paddings # first dimension of value will be increased by num_paddings to # padded_length num_paddings = [padded_length - array_ops.shape(value)[0]] # the shape of the paddings that we concat with the original value will be # [num_paddings, tf.shape(value)[1], tf.shape(value)[2], ..., # tf.shape(value)[tf.rank(value) - 1])] padding_shape = array_ops.concat(0, ( num_paddings, array_ops.shape(value)[1:])) # 2. fill padding shape with dummies dummy = array_ops.constant("" if value.dtype == dtypes.string else 0, dtype=value.dtype) paddings = array_ops.fill(dims=padding_shape, value=dummy) # 3. concat values with paddings padded_sequences[key] = array_ops.concat(0, [value, paddings]) return length, padded_sequences
def test_build_all_signature_defs(self): input_features = constant_op.constant(["10"]) input_example = constant_op.constant(["11"]) input_ops = input_fn_utils.InputFnOps({ "features": input_features }, None, {"default input": input_example}) input_alternatives, _ = ( saved_model_export_utils.get_input_alternatives(input_ops)) output_1 = constant_op.constant(["1"]) output_2 = constant_op.constant(["2"]) output_3 = constant_op.constant(["3"]) provided_output_alternatives = { "head-1": (constants.ProblemType.LINEAR_REGRESSION, { "some_output_1": output_1 }), "head-2": (constants.ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION, { "some_output_2": output_2 }), "head-3": (constants.ProblemType.UNSPECIFIED, { "some_output_3": output_3 }), } model_fn_ops = model_fn.ModelFnOps( model_fn.ModeKeys.INFER, predictions={"some_output": constant_op.constant(["4"])}, output_alternatives=provided_output_alternatives) output_alternatives, _ = (saved_model_export_utils.get_output_alternatives( model_fn_ops, "head-1")) signature_defs = saved_model_export_utils.build_all_signature_defs( input_alternatives, output_alternatives, "head-1") expected_signature_defs = { "serving_default": signature_def_utils.regression_signature_def(input_example, output_1), "default_input_alternative:head-1": signature_def_utils.regression_signature_def(input_example, output_1), "default_input_alternative:head-2": signature_def_utils.classification_signature_def(input_example, output_2, None), "default_input_alternative:head-3": signature_def_utils.predict_signature_def({ "input": input_example }, {"output": output_3}), # "features_input_alternative:head-1": # signature_def_utils.regression_signature_def(input_features, # output_1), # "features_input_alternative:head-2": # signature_def_utils.classification_signature_def(input_features, # output_2, None), # "features_input_alternative:head-3": # signature_def_utils.predict_signature_def({ # "input": input_features # }, {"output": output_3}), } self.assertDictEqual(expected_signature_defs, signature_defs)