def _apply_dense(self, grad, var): lr_t = math_ops.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta1_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta2_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) epsilon_t = math_ops.cast(self._epsilon_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) clip_multiplier_t = math_ops.cast(self.clip_multiplier_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) clip_epsilon_t = math_ops.cast(self.clip_epsilon_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) v = self.get_slot(var, "v") # clip gradient so that each value exceeds its previous maximum by no more than clip_multiplier if self.clip_gradients: clipVal = v * clip_multiplier_t + clip_epsilon_t grad = clip_ops.clip_by_value(grad, -clipVal, clipVal) # m := beta1 * m + (1 - beta1) * g_t m = self.get_slot(var, "m") m_t = state_ops.assign(m, beta1_t * m + (1. - beta1_t) * grad, use_locking=self._use_locking) # v := max(beta2 * v , abs(grad)) v_t = state_ops.assign(v,math_ops.maximum(beta2_t * v, math_ops.abs(grad)), use_locking=self._use_locking) # variable -= learning_rate * m_t / (epsilon_t + v_t) # we do not use bias-correction term for the first moment; it does not give observable benefit var_update = state_ops.assign_sub(var, lr_t * m_t / (v_t+epsilon_t), use_locking=self._use_locking) return control_flow_ops.group(*[var_update, v_t, m_t])
def he_normal(seed=None): """He normal initializer. It draws samples from a truncated normal distribution centered on 0 with `stddev = sqrt(2 / fan_in)` where `fan_in` is the number of input units in the weight tensor. Arguments: seed: A Python integer. Used to seed the random generator. Returns: An initializer. References: He et al., http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852 """ return VarianceScaling( scale=2., mode='fan_in', distribution='normal', seed=seed)
def he_uniform(seed=None): """He uniform variance scaling initializer. It draws samples from a uniform distribution within [-limit, limit] where `limit` is `sqrt(6 / fan_in)` where `fan_in` is the number of input units in the weight tensor. Arguments: seed: A Python integer. Used to seed the random generator. Returns: An initializer. References: He et al., http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852 """ return VarianceScaling( scale=2., mode='fan_in', distribution='uniform', seed=seed) # Compatibility aliases # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def test_normal_entropy_sample_form_gets_approximate_answer(self): # Tested by showing we get a good answer that is not exact. with self.test_session(): dist = distributions.Normal(loc=1.11, scale=2.22) mc_entropy = entropy.entropy_shannon( dist, n=1000, form=entropy.ELBOForms.sample, seed=0) exact_entropy = dist.entropy() self.assertEqual(exact_entropy.get_shape(), mc_entropy.get_shape()) # Relative tolerance (rtol) chosen 2 times as large as minimim needed to # pass. self.assertAllClose(exact_entropy.eval(), mc_entropy.eval(), rtol=0.01) # Make sure there is some error, proving we used samples self.assertLess(0.0001, math_ops.abs(exact_entropy - mc_entropy).eval())
def test_default_entropy_falls_back_on_sample_if_analytic_not_available(self): # Tested by showing we get a good answer that is not exact. with self.test_session(): # NormalNoEntropy is like a Normal, but does not have .entropy method, so # we are forced to fall back on sample entropy. dist_no_entropy = NormalNoEntropy(loc=1.11, scale=2.22) dist_yes_entropy = distributions.Normal(loc=1.11, scale=2.22) mc_entropy = entropy.entropy_shannon( dist_no_entropy, n=1000, form=entropy.ELBOForms.sample, seed=0) exact_entropy = dist_yes_entropy.entropy() self.assertEqual(exact_entropy.get_shape(), mc_entropy.get_shape()) # Relative tolerance (rtol) chosen 2 times as large as minimim needed to # pass. self.assertAllClose(exact_entropy.eval(), mc_entropy.eval(), rtol=0.01) # Make sure there is some error, proving we used samples self.assertLess(0.0001, math_ops.abs(exact_entropy - mc_entropy).eval())
def testNoGlobalStep(self): optimizers = [ "SGD", gradient_descent.GradientDescentOptimizer, gradient_descent.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1) ] for optimizer in optimizers: with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: x = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, []) var = variable_scope.get_variable( "test", [], initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(10)) loss = math_ops.abs(var * x) update_var = variable_scope.get_variable( "update", [], initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(10)) update_op = state_ops.assign(update_var, 20) train = optimizers_lib.optimize_loss( loss, global_step=None, learning_rate=0.1, optimizer=optimizer, update_ops=[update_op]) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() session.run(train, feed_dict={x: 5}) self.assertEqual(9.5, var.eval()) self.assertEqual(20, update_var.eval())
def testNoGlobalStepWithDecay(self): optimizers = [ "SGD", gradient_descent.GradientDescentOptimizer, gradient_descent.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1) ] for optimizer in optimizers: with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g): x = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, []) var = variable_scope.get_variable( "test", [], initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(10)) loss = math_ops.abs(var * x) update_var = variable_scope.get_variable( "update", [], initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(10)) update_op = state_ops.assign(update_var, 20) with self.assertRaisesRegexp( ValueError, "global_step is required for learning_rate_decay_fn"): optimizers_lib.optimize_loss( loss, global_step=None, learning_rate=0.1, learning_rate_decay_fn=_no_op_learning_rate_decay_fn, optimizer=optimizer, update_ops=[update_op])
def test_log_abs_det(self): self._maybe_skip("log_abs_det") for use_placeholder in False, True: for shape in self._shapes_to_test: for dtype in self._dtypes_to_test: if dtype.is_complex: self.skipTest( "tf.matrix_determinant does not work with complex, so this " "test is being skipped.") with self.test_session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess: sess.graph.seed = random_seed.DEFAULT_GRAPH_SEED operator, mat, feed_dict = self._operator_and_mat_and_feed_dict( shape, dtype, use_placeholder=use_placeholder) op_log_abs_det = operator.log_abs_determinant() mat_log_abs_det = math_ops.log( math_ops.abs(linalg_ops.matrix_determinant(mat))) if not use_placeholder: self.assertAllEqual(shape[:-2], op_log_abs_det.get_shape()) op_log_abs_det_v, mat_log_abs_det_v = sess.run( [op_log_abs_det, mat_log_abs_det], feed_dict=feed_dict) self.assertAC(op_log_abs_det_v, mat_log_abs_det_v)
def _sqrt_log_det_core(self, diag_chol_c): """Finish computation of Sqrt[Log[Det]].""" # Complete computation of ._log_det and ._batch_log_det, after the initial # Cholesky factor has been taken with the appropriate batch/non-batch method # det(M + VDV^T) = det(D^{-1} + V^T M^{-1} V) * det(D) * det(M) # = det(C) * det(D) * det(M) # Multiply by 2 here because this is the log-det of the Cholesky factor of C log_det_c = 2 * math_ops.reduce_sum( math_ops.log(math_ops.abs(diag_chol_c)), reduction_indices=[-1]) # Add together to get Log[det(M + VDV^T)], the Log-det of the updated square # root. log_det_updated_sqrt = ( log_det_c + self._diag_operator.log_det() + self._operator.log_det()) return log_det_updated_sqrt
def __init__(self, df, loc, scale, validate_args=False, allow_nan_stats=True, name="StudentTWithAbsDfSoftplusScale"): parameters = locals() parameters.pop("self") with ops.name_scope(name, values=[df, scale]) as ns: super(StudentTWithAbsDfSoftplusScale, self).__init__( df=math_ops.floor(math_ops.abs(df)), loc=loc, scale=nn.softplus(scale, name="softplus_scale"), validate_args=validate_args, allow_nan_stats=allow_nan_stats, name=ns) self._parameters = parameters
def testNumericOps(self): for dtype in self.numeric_types: self._testUnary( math_ops.abs, np.array([[2, -1]], dtype=dtype), expected=np.array([[2, 1]], dtype=dtype)) self._testUnary( math_ops.negative, np.array([[-1, 1]], dtype=dtype), expected=np.array([[1, -1]], dtype=dtype)) self._testUnary( math_ops.square, np.array([[-2, 3]], dtype=dtype), expected=np.array([[4, 9]], dtype=dtype)) self._testUnary( array_ops.zeros_like, np.array([[4, 3], [2, 1]], dtype=dtype), expected=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]], dtype=dtype))
def _apply_sparse(self, grad, var): lr_t = math_ops.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta1_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta2_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) epsilon_t = math_ops.cast(self._epsilon_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) clip_multiplier_t = math_ops.cast(self.clip_multiplier_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) clip_epsilon_t = math_ops.cast(self.clip_epsilon_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) v = self.get_slot(var, "v") v_slice = array_ops.gather(v, grad.indices) #clip gradient so that each value exceeds its previous maximum by no more than clip_multiplier clipped_values = grad.values if self.clip_gradients: clipVal = v_slice * clip_multiplier_t + clip_epsilon_t clipped_values = clip_ops.clip_by_value(grad.values, -clipVal, clipVal) # m := beta1 * m + (1 - beta1) * g_t m = self.get_slot(var, "m") m_t_values = beta1_t * array_ops.gather(m, grad.indices) + (1 - beta1_t) * clipped_values m_t = state_ops.scatter_update(m, grad.indices, m_t_values, use_locking=self._use_locking) # v := max(beta2 * v , abs(grad)) v_t_values = math_ops.maximum(beta2_t * v_slice, math_ops.abs(clipped_values)) v_t = state_ops.scatter_update(v, grad.indices, v_t_values, use_locking=self._use_locking) # variable -= learning_rate * m_t / (epsilon_t + v_t) # we do not use bias-correction term for the first moment; it does not give observable benefit var_update = state_ops.scatter_sub(var, grad.indices, lr_t * m_t_values / (v_t_values + epsilon_t), use_locking=self._use_locking) return control_flow_ops.group(var_update, v_t, m_t)
def abs(x): """Element-wise absolute value. Arguments: x: Tensor or variable. Returns: A tensor. """ return math_ops.abs(x)
def mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred): return K.mean(K.abs(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1)
def mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred): # Equivalent to MAE, but sometimes easier to interpret. diff = K.abs((y_true - y_pred) / K.clip(K.abs(y_true), K.epsilon(), None)) return 100. * K.mean(diff, axis=-1)
def __call__(self, x): regularization = 0. if self.l1: regularization += K.sum(self.l1 * K.abs(x)) if self.l2: regularization += K.sum(self.l2 * K.square(x)) return regularization
def call(self, inputs, mask=None): pos = K.relu(inputs) if K.backend() == 'theano': neg = (K.pattern_broadcast(self.alpha, self.param_broadcast) * (inputs - K.abs(inputs)) * 0.5) else: neg = -self.alpha * K.relu(-inputs) return pos + neg
def _object_list_uid(object_list): object_list = _to_list(object_list) return ', '.join([str(abs(id(x))) for x in object_list])
def _ndtr(x): """Implements ndtr core logic.""" half_sqrt_2 = constant_op.constant( 0.5 * math.sqrt(2.), dtype=x.dtype, name="half_sqrt_2") w = x * half_sqrt_2 z = math_ops.abs(w) y = math_ops.select(math_ops.less(z, half_sqrt_2), 1. + math_ops.erf(w), math_ops.select(math_ops.greater(w, 0.), 2. - math_ops.erfc(z), math_ops.erfc(z))) return 0.5 * y
def absolute_difference(predictions, targets, weight=1.0, scope=None): """Adds an Absolute Difference loss to the training procedure. `weight` acts as a coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is simply scaled by the given value. If `weight` is a tensor of size [batch_size], then the total loss for each sample of the batch is rescaled by the corresponding element in the `weight` vector. If the shape of `weight` matches the shape of `predictions`, then the loss of each measurable element of `predictions` is scaled by the corresponding value of `weight`. Args: predictions: The predicted outputs. targets: The ground truth output tensor, same dimensions as 'predictions'. weight: Coefficients for the loss a scalar, a tensor of shape [batch_size] or a tensor whose shape matches `predictions`. scope: The scope for the operations performed in computing the loss. Returns: A scalar `Tensor` representing the loss value. Raises: ValueError: If the shape of `predictions` doesn't match that of `targets` or if the shape of `weight` is invalid. """ with ops.name_scope(scope, "absolute_difference", [predictions, targets]) as scope: predictions.get_shape().assert_is_compatible_with(targets.get_shape()) if weight is None: raise ValueError("`weight` cannot be None") predictions = math_ops.to_float(predictions) targets = math_ops.to_float(targets) losses = math_ops.abs(math_ops.sub(predictions, targets)) return compute_weighted_loss(losses, weight)
def _l1_loss(self): """Computes the (un-normalized) l1 loss of the model.""" with name_scope('sdca/l1_loss'): sums = [] for name in ['sparse_features_weights', 'dense_features_weights']: for weights in self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[name]): with ops.device(weights.device): sums.append( math_ops.reduce_sum( math_ops.abs(math_ops.cast(weights, dtypes.float64)))) sum = math_ops.add_n(sums) # SDCA L1 regularization cost is: l1 * sum(|weights|) return self._options['symmetric_l1_regularization'] * sum
def _log_prob(self, x): return (-math.log(2.) - math_ops.log(self.scale) - math_ops.abs(x - self.loc) / self.scale)
def _prob(self, x): return 0.5 / self.scale * math_ops.exp( -math_ops.abs(x - self.loc) / self.scale)
def _cdf(self, x): y = x - self.loc return (0.5 + 0.5 * math_ops.sign(y) * (1. - math_ops.exp(-math_ops.abs(y) / self.scale)))
def assert_close( x, y, data=None, summarize=None, message=None, name="assert_close"): """Assert that that x and y are within machine epsilon of each other. Args: x: Numeric `Tensor` y: Numeric `Tensor` data: The tensors to print out if the condition is `False`. Defaults to error message and first few entries of `x` and `y`. summarize: Print this many entries of each tensor. message: A string to prefix to the default message. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: Op raising `InvalidArgumentError` if |x - y| > machine epsilon. """ message = message or "" x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") y = ops.convert_to_tensor(y, name="y") if x.dtype.is_integer: return check_ops.assert_equal( x, y, data=data, summarize=summarize, message=message, name=name) with ops.name_scope(name, "assert_close", [x, y, data]): tol = np.finfo(x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype).resolution if data is None: data = [ message, "Condition x ~= y did not hold element-wise: x = ", x.name, x, "y = ", y.name, y ] condition = math_ops.reduce_all(math_ops.less_equal(math_ops.abs(x-y), tol)) return control_flow_ops.Assert( condition, data, summarize=summarize)
def _shard_indices(self, keys): key_shape = keys.get_shape() if key_shape.ndims > 1: # If keys are a matrix (i.e. a single key is a vector), we use the first # element of each key vector to determine the shard. keys = array_ops.slice(keys, [0, 0], [key_shape[0].value, 1]) keys = array_ops.reshape(keys, [-1]) indices = math_ops.mod(math_ops.abs(keys), self._num_shards) return math_ops.cast(indices, dtypes.int32)
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None): shape = array_ops.concat(0, ([n], self.batch_shape())) # Sample uniformly-at-random from the open-interval (-1, 1). uniform_samples = random_ops.random_uniform( shape=shape, minval=np.nextafter(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype(-1.), self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype(0.)), maxval=1., dtype=self.dtype, seed=seed) return (self.loc - self.scale * math_ops.sign(uniform_samples) * math_ops.log(1. - math_ops.abs(uniform_samples)))
def assert_close( x, y, data=None, summarize=None, message=None, name="assert_close"): """Assert that that x and y are within machine epsilon of each other. Args: x: Numeric `Tensor` y: Numeric `Tensor` data: The tensors to print out if the condition is `False`. Defaults to error message and first few entries of `x` and `y`. summarize: Print this many entries of each tensor. message: A string to prefix to the default message. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: Op raising `InvalidArgumentError` if |x - y| > machine epsilon. """ message = message or "" x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") y = ops.convert_to_tensor(y, name="y") if data is None: data = [ message, "Condition x ~= y did not hold element-wise: x = ", x.name, x, "y = ", y.name, y ] if x.dtype.is_integer: return check_ops.assert_equal( x, y, data=data, summarize=summarize, message=message, name=name) with ops.name_scope(name, "assert_close", [x, y, data]): tol = np.finfo(x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype).eps condition = math_ops.reduce_all(math_ops.less_equal(math_ops.abs(x-y), tol)) return control_flow_ops.Assert( condition, data, summarize=summarize)
def _inverse_log_det_jacobian(self, y): # pylint: disable=unused-argument abs_diag = math_ops.abs(array_ops.matrix_diag_part(self.scale)) return -math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.log(abs_diag), reduction_indices=[-1])
def modrelu(z, b, comp): if comp: z_norm = math_ops.sqrt(math_ops.square(math_ops.real(z)) + math_ops.square(math_ops.imag(z))) + 0.00001 step1 = nn_ops.bias_add(z_norm, b) step2 = math_ops.complex(nn_ops.relu(step1), array_ops.zeros_like(z_norm)) step3 = z/math_ops.complex(z_norm, array_ops.zeros_like(z_norm)) else: z_norm = math_ops.abs(z) + 0.00001 step1 = nn_ops.bias_add(z_norm, b) step2 = nn_ops.relu(step1) step3 = math_ops.sign(z) return math_ops.multiply(step3, step2)
def absolute_difference(weights=1.0, name='AbsoluteDifference', scope=None, collect=True): """Adds an Absolute Difference loss to the training procedure. `weights` acts as a coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is simply scaled by the given value. If `weights` is a `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size]`, then the total loss for each sample of the batch is rescaled by the corresponding element in the `weights` vector. If the shape of `weights` matches the shape of `predictions`, then the loss of each measurable element of `predictions` is scaled by the corresponding value of `weights`. Args: weights: Optional `Tensor` whose rank is either 0, or the same rank as `labels`, and must be broadcastable to `labels` (i.e., all dimensions must be either `1`, or the same as the corresponding `losses` dimension). name: operation name. scope: operation scope. collect: whether to collect this metric under the metric collection. Returns: A scalar `Tensor` representing the loss value. """ def inner_loss(y_true, y_pred): losses = math_ops.abs(math_ops.subtract(y_pred, y_true)) return losses return built_loss(inner_loss, weights, name, scope, collect)
def huber_loss(weights=1.0, clip=0.0, name='HuberLoss', scope=None, collect=True): """Computes Huber Loss for DQN. [Wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huber_loss) [DeepMind link](https://sites.google.com/a/deepmind.com/dqn/) Args: weights: Coefficients for the loss a `scalar`. scope: scope to add the op to. name: name of the op. collect: add to losses collection. Returns: A scalar `Tensor` representing the loss value. Raises: ValueError: If `predictions` shape doesn't match `labels` shape, or `weights` is `None`. """ def inner_loss(y_true, y_pred): delta = math_ops.abs(math_ops.subtract(y_pred, y_true)) losses = math_ops.square(delta) if clip > 0.0: losses = tf.where(delta < clip, 0.5 * losses, delta - 0.5) return losses return built_loss(inner_loss, weights, name, scope, collect)
def _prepare(self, grads_and_vars): """""" if self._lr is None: sTy = 0 sTs = 0 yTy = 0 for g_t, x_tm1 in grads_and_vars: if g_t is None: continue with ops.name_scope('update_' + x_tm1.op.name), ops.device(x_tm1.device): if isinstance(g_t, ops.Tensor): g_tm1 = self.get_slot(x_tm1, 'g') s_tm1 = self.get_slot(x_tm1, 's') y_t = (g_t-g_tm1) sTy += math_ops.reduce_sum(s_tm1*y_t) sTs += math_ops.reduce_sum(s_tm1**2) yTy += math_ops.reduce_sum(y_t**2) else: idxs, idxs_ = array_ops.unique(g_t.indices) g_t_ = math_ops.unsorted_segment_sum(g_t.values, idxs_, array_ops.size(idxs)) g_tm1 = self.get_slot(x_tm1, 'g') g_tm1_ = array_ops.gather(g_tm1, idxs) s_tm1 = self.get_slot(x_tm1, 's') s_tm1_ = array_ops.gather(s_tm1, idxs) y_t_ = (g_t_-g_tm1_) sTy += math_ops.reduce_sum(s_tm1_*y_t_) sTs += math_ops.reduce_sum(s_tm1_**2) yTy += math_ops.reduce_sum(y_t_**2) sTy = math_ops.abs(sTy) self._lr = sTs / (sTy + self._eps) #=============================================================
def _logexpm1(x): """Stably calculate log(exp(x)-1).""" with ops.name_scope("logsumexp1"): eps = np.finfo(x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype).eps # Choose a small offset that makes gradient calculations stable for # float16, float32, and float64. safe_log = lambda y: math_ops.log(y + eps / 1e8) # For gradient stability return array_ops.where( math_ops.abs(x) < eps, safe_log(x) + x/2 + x*x/24, # small x approximation to log(expm1(x)) safe_log(math_ops.exp(x) - 1))
def absolute_difference(predictions, labels=None, weights=1.0, scope=None): """Adds an Absolute Difference loss to the training procedure. `weights` acts as a coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is simply scaled by the given value. If `weights` is a tensor of size [batch_size], then the total loss for each sample of the batch is rescaled by the corresponding element in the `weights` vector. If the shape of `weights` matches the shape of `predictions`, then the loss of each measurable element of `predictions` is scaled by the corresponding value of `weights`. Args: predictions: The predicted outputs. labels: The ground truth output tensor, same dimensions as 'predictions'. weights: Coefficients for the loss a scalar, a tensor of shape [batch_size] or a tensor whose shape matches `predictions`. scope: The scope for the operations performed in computing the loss. Returns: A scalar `Tensor` representing the loss value. Raises: ValueError: If the shape of `predictions` doesn't match that of `labels` or if the shape of `weights` is invalid. """ with ops.name_scope(scope, "absolute_difference", [predictions, labels, weights]) as scope: predictions.get_shape().assert_is_compatible_with(labels.get_shape()) predictions = math_ops.to_float(predictions) labels = math_ops.to_float(labels) losses = math_ops.abs(math_ops.subtract(predictions, labels)) return compute_weighted_loss(losses, weights, scope=scope)
def testInvalidGlobalStep(self): with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g): x = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, []) var = variable_scope.get_variable( "test", [], initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(10)) loss = math_ops.abs(var * x) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): optimizers_lib.optimize_loss( loss, global_step=constant_op.constant( 43, dtype=dtypes.int64), learning_rate=0.1, optimizer="SGD") with self.assertRaises(TypeError): optimizers_lib.optimize_loss( loss, global_step=variable_scope.get_variable( "global_step", [], trainable=False, dtype=dtypes.float64, initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer( 0.0, dtype=dtypes.float64)), learning_rate=0.1, optimizer="SGD") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): optimizers_lib.optimize_loss( loss, global_step=variable_scope.get_variable( "global_step", [1], trainable=False, dtype=dtypes.int64, initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer( [0], dtype=dtypes.int64)), learning_rate=0.1, optimizer="SGD")
def setUp(self): super(CoreUnaryOpsTest, self).setUp() self.ops = [ ('abs', operator.abs, math_ops.abs, core.abs_function), ('neg', operator.neg, math_ops.negative, core.neg), # TODO(shoyer): add unary + to core TensorFlow ('pos', None, None, None), ('sign', None, math_ops.sign, core.sign), ('reciprocal', None, math_ops.reciprocal, core.reciprocal), ('square', None, math_ops.square, core.square), ('round', None, math_ops.round, core.round_function), ('sqrt', None, math_ops.sqrt, core.sqrt), ('rsqrt', None, math_ops.rsqrt, core.rsqrt), ('log', None, math_ops.log, core.log), ('exp', None, math_ops.exp, core.exp), ('log', None, math_ops.log, core.log), ('ceil', None, math_ops.ceil, core.ceil), ('floor', None, math_ops.floor, core.floor), ('cos', None, math_ops.cos, core.cos), ('sin', None, math_ops.sin, core.sin), ('tan', None, math_ops.tan, core.tan), ('acos', None, math_ops.acos, core.acos), ('asin', None, math_ops.asin, core.asin), ('atan', None, math_ops.atan, core.atan), ('lgamma', None, math_ops.lgamma, core.lgamma), ('digamma', None, math_ops.digamma, core.digamma), ('erf', None, math_ops.erf, core.erf), ('erfc', None, math_ops.erfc, core.erfc), ('lgamma', None, math_ops.lgamma, core.lgamma), ] total_size = np.prod([v.size for v in self.original_lt.axes.values()]) self.test_lt = core.LabeledTensor( math_ops.cast(self.original_lt, dtypes.float32) / total_size, self.original_lt.axes)
def _log_abs_determinant(self): if self._is_spd: diag = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(self._chol) return 2 * math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.log(diag), reduction_indices=[-1]) abs_det = math_ops.abs(self.determinant()) return math_ops.log(abs_det)
def _assert_non_singular(self): return check_ops.assert_positive( math_ops.abs(self.multiplier), message="LinearOperator was singular")
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None): shape = array_ops.concat(([n], self.batch_shape()), 0) # Sample uniformly-at-random from the open-interval (-1, 1). uniform_samples = random_ops.random_uniform( shape=shape, minval=np.nextafter(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype(-1.), self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype(0.)), maxval=1., dtype=self.dtype, seed=seed) return (self.loc - self.scale * math_ops.sign(uniform_samples) * math_ops.log(1. - math_ops.abs(uniform_samples)))
def _cdf(self, x): z = self._z(x) return (0.5 + 0.5 * math_ops.sign(z) * (1. - math_ops.exp(-math_ops.abs(z))))
def _batch_log_det(self): rank = array_ops.size(self._shape_arg) last_dim = math_ops.cast( array_ops.gather(self._shape_arg, rank - 1), dtype=self.dtype) log_det = (last_dim * math_ops.log(math_ops.abs(self._scale)) * array_ops.ones(self.batch_shape(), dtype=self.dtype)) log_det.set_shape(self.get_batch_shape()) return log_det
def _batch_sqrt_log_abs_det(self): rank = array_ops.size(self._shape_arg) last_dim = math_ops.cast( array_ops.gather(self._shape_arg, rank - 1), dtype=self.dtype) sqrt_log_abs_det = 0.5 * last_dim * math_ops.log( math_ops.abs(self._scale)) * array_ops.ones( self.batch_shape(), dtype=self.dtype) sqrt_log_abs_det.set_shape(self.get_batch_shape()) return sqrt_log_abs_det