def create_data_list(image_dir): if not gfile.Exists(image_dir): print("Image director '" + image_dir + "' not found.") return None extensions = ['jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG'] print("Looking for images in '" + image_dir + "'") file_list = [] for extension in extensions: file_glob = os.path.join(image_dir, '*.' + extension) file_list.extend(gfile.Glob(file_glob)) if not file_list: print("No files found in '" + image_dir + "'") return None images = [] labels = [] for file_name in file_list: image = Image.open(file_name) image_gray = image.convert('L') image_resize = image_gray.resize(size=(IMAGE_WIDTH,IMAGE_HEIGHT)) input_img = np.array(image_resize, dtype='int16') image.close() label_name = os.path.basename(file_name).split('_')[0] images.append(input_img) labels.append(label_name) return zip(images, labels)
def test_read_text_lines_multifile(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filenames = self._create_sorted_temp_files(["ABC\n", "DEF\nGHK\n"]) batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: inputs = tf.contrib.learn.io.read_batch_examples( filenames, batch_size, reader=tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) session.run(tf.initialize_local_variables()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"ABC"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"DEF"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"GHK"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop()
def test_batch_text_lines(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file("A\nB\nC\nD\nE\n") batch_size = 3 queue_capacity = 10 name = "my_batch" with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: inputs = tf.contrib.learn.io.read_batch_examples( [filename], batch_size, reader=tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, read_batch_size=10, name=name) session.run(tf.initialize_local_variables()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"A", b"B", b"C"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"D", b"E"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop()
def restore(self, sess, save_path): """Restores previously saved variables. This method runs the ops added by the constructor for restoring variables. It requires a session in which the graph was launched. The variables to restore do not have to have been initialized, as restoring is itself a way to initialize variables. The `save_path` argument is typically a value previously returned from a `save()` call, or a call to `latest_checkpoint()`. Args: sess: A `Session` to use to restore the parameters. save_path: Path where parameters were previously saved. Raises: ValueError: If the given `save_path` does not point to a file. """ if not gfile.Glob(save_path): raise ValueError("Restore called with invalid save path %s" % save_path) sess.run(self.saver_def.restore_op_name, {self.saver_def.filename_tensor_name: save_path})
def latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir, latest_filename=None): """Finds the filename of latest saved checkpoint file. Args: checkpoint_dir: Directory where the variables were saved. latest_filename: Optional name for the protocol buffer file that contains the list of most recent checkpoint filenames. See the corresponding argument to `Saver.save()`. Returns: The full path to the latest checkpoint or `None` if no checkpoint was found. """ # Pick the latest checkpoint based on checkpoint state. ckpt = get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir, latest_filename) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: if gfile.Glob(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path): return ckpt.model_checkpoint_path return None
def input_data(image_dir): if not gfile.Exists(image_dir): print(">> Image director '" + image_dir + "' not found.") return None extensions = ['jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG'] print(">> Looking for images in '" + image_dir + "'") file_list = [] for extension in extensions: file_glob = os.path.join(image_dir, '*.' + extension) file_list.extend(gfile.Glob(file_glob)) if not file_list: print(">> No files found in '" + image_dir + "'") return None batch_size = len(file_list) images = np.zeros([batch_size, IMAGE_HEIGHT*IMAGE_WIDTH], dtype='float32') files = [] i = 0 for file_name in file_list: image = Image.open(file_name) image_gray = image.convert('L') image_resize = image_gray.resize(size=(IMAGE_WIDTH,IMAGE_HEIGHT)) image.close() input_img = np.array(image_resize, dtype='float32') input_img = np.multiply(input_img.flatten(), 1./255) - 0.5 images[i,:] = input_img base_name = os.path.basename(file_name) files.append(base_name) i += 1 return images, files
def get_data(data_path, data_usedfor, data_lvl, feature_type="rgb", preprocess=None, shuffle=True, num_epochs=1): files_pattern = data_usedfor+"*.tfrecord" data_files = gfile.Glob(data_path + files_pattern) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(data_files, num_epochs=num_epochs, shuffle=shuffle) tfrecord_list = tfrecord_reader(filename_queue, data_lvl) vids = np.array([tfrecord_list[i][GLOBAL_FEAT_NAMES[0]] for i, _ in enumerate(tfrecord_list)]) labels = np.array([tfrecord_list[i][GLOBAL_FEAT_NAMES[1]] for i, _ in enumerate(tfrecord_list)]) if data_lvl == "video": if feature_type == "rgb": X = [tfrecord_list[i][VID_LVL_FEAT_NAMES[0]] for i, _ in enumerate(tfrecord_list)] elif feature_type == "audio": X = [tfrecord_list[i][VID_LVL_FEAT_NAMES[1]] for i, _ in enumerate(tfrecord_list)] elif data_lvl == "frame": if feature_type == "rgb": X = [tfrecord_list[i][FRM_LVL_FEAT_NAMES[0]] for i, _ in enumerate(tfrecord_list)] #X = [np.concatenate((tfrecord_list[i][FRM_LVL_FEAT_NAMES[0]], # get_framediff(tfrecord_list[i][FRM_LVL_FEAT_NAMES[0]]))) # for i, _ in enumerate(tfrecord_list)] elif feature_type == "audio": X = [tfrecord_list[i][FRM_LVL_FEAT_NAMES[1]] for i, _ in enumerate(tfrecord_list)] Y = to_multi_categorical(labels, NUM_CLASSES) print "get_data done." return X, Y
def read_batch_record_features(file_pattern, batch_size, features, randomize_input=True, num_epochs=None, queue_capacity=10000, reader_num_threads=1, parser_num_threads=1, name='dequeue_record_examples'): """Reads TFRecord, queues, batches and parses `Example` proto. See more detailed description in `read_examples`. Args: file_pattern: List of files or pattern of file paths containing `Example` records. See `tf.gfile.Glob` for pattern rules. batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the batch size to use. features: A `dict` mapping feature keys to `FixedLenFeature` or `VarLenFeature` values. randomize_input: Whether the input should be randomized. num_epochs: Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If None, cycles through the dataset forever. NOTE - If specified, creates a variable that must be initialized, so call tf.initialize_local_variables() as shown in the tests. queue_capacity: Capacity for input queue. reader_num_threads: The number of threads to read examples. parser_num_threads: The number of threads to parse examples. name: Name of resulting op. Returns: A dict of `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` objects for each in `features`. Raises: ValueError: for invalid inputs. """ return read_batch_features( file_pattern=file_pattern, batch_size=batch_size, features=features, reader=io_ops.TFRecordReader, randomize_input=randomize_input, num_epochs=num_epochs, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, reader_num_threads=reader_num_threads, parser_num_threads=parser_num_threads, name=name)
def setUp(self): super(GraphIOTest, self).setUp() random.seed(42) self._orig_glob = gfile.Glob gfile.Glob = self._mock_glob
def tearDown(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob super(GraphIOTest, self).tearDown()
def test_keyed_read_text_lines(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file("ABC\nDEF\nGHK\n") batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: keys, inputs = tf.contrib.learn.io.read_keyed_batch_examples( filename, batch_size, reader=tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) session.run(tf.initialize_local_variables()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertAllEqual(session.run([keys, inputs]), [[filename.encode("utf-8") + b":1"], [b"ABC"]]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run([keys, inputs]), [[filename.encode("utf-8") + b":2"], [b"DEF"]]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run([keys, inputs]), [[filename.encode("utf-8") + b":3"], [b"GHK"]]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop()
def test_keyed_parse_json(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file( '{"features": {"feature": {"age": {"int64_list": {"value": [0]}}}}}\n' '{"features": {"feature": {"age": {"int64_list": {"value": [1]}}}}}\n' '{"features": {"feature": {"age": {"int64_list": {"value": [2]}}}}}\n' ) batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: dtypes = {"age": tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.int64)} parse_fn = lambda example: tf.parse_single_example( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda tf.decode_json_example(example), dtypes) keys, inputs = tf.contrib.learn.io.read_keyed_batch_examples( filename, batch_size, reader=tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, parse_fn=parse_fn, name=name) session.run(tf.initialize_local_variables()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) key, age = session.run([keys, inputs["age"]]) self.assertAllEqual(age, [[0]]) self.assertAllEqual(key, [filename.encode("utf-8") + b":1"]) key, age = session.run([keys, inputs["age"]]) self.assertAllEqual(age, [[1]]) self.assertAllEqual(key, [filename.encode("utf-8") + b":2"]) key, age = session.run([keys, inputs["age"]]) self.assertAllEqual(age, [[2]]) self.assertAllEqual(key, [filename.encode("utf-8") + b":3"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop()
def _expand_file_names(filepatterns): """Takes a list of file patterns and returns a list of resolved file names.""" if not isinstance(filepatterns, (list, tuple, set)): filepatterns = [filepatterns] filenames = set() for filepattern in filepatterns: names = set(gfile.Glob(filepattern)) filenames |= names return list(filenames)
def _get_file_names(file_pattern, randomize_input): """Parse list of file names from pattern, optionally shuffled. Args: file_pattern: File glob pattern, or list of strings. randomize_input: Whether to shuffle the order of file names. Returns: List of file names matching `file_pattern`. Raises: ValueError: If `file_pattern` is empty, or pattern matches no files. """ if isinstance(file_pattern, list): file_names = file_pattern if not file_names: raise ValueError('No files given to dequeue_examples.') else: file_names = list(gfile.Glob(file_pattern)) if not file_names: raise ValueError('No files match %s.' % file_pattern) # Sort files so it will be deterministic for unit tests. They'll be shuffled # in `string_input_producer` if `randomize_input` is enabled. if not randomize_input: file_names = sorted(file_names) return file_names
def read_batch_record_features(file_pattern, batch_size, features, randomize_input=True, num_epochs=None, queue_capacity=10000, reader_num_threads=1, name='dequeue_record_examples'): """Reads TFRecord, queues, batches and parses `Example` proto. See more detailed description in `read_examples`. Args: file_pattern: List of files or pattern of file paths containing `Example` records. See `tf.gfile.Glob` for pattern rules. batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the batch size to use. features: A `dict` mapping feature keys to `FixedLenFeature` or `VarLenFeature` values. randomize_input: Whether the input should be randomized. num_epochs: Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If None, cycles through the dataset forever. NOTE - If specified, creates a variable that must be initialized, so call tf.local_variables_initializer() as shown in the tests. queue_capacity: Capacity for input queue. reader_num_threads: The number of threads to read examples. name: Name of resulting op. Returns: A dict of `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` objects for each in `features`. Raises: ValueError: for invalid inputs. """ return read_batch_features( file_pattern=file_pattern, batch_size=batch_size, features=features, reader=io_ops.TFRecordReader, randomize_input=randomize_input, num_epochs=num_epochs, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, reader_num_threads=reader_num_threads, name=name)
def test_read_text_lines(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file("ABC\nDEF\nGHK\n") batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: inputs = tf.contrib.learn.io.read_batch_examples( filename, batch_size, reader=tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), inputs.get_shape().as_list()) session.run(tf.local_variables_initializer()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"ABC"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"DEF"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"GHK"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test_read_text_lines_multifile(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filenames = self._create_sorted_temp_files(["ABC\n", "DEF\nGHK\n"]) batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: inputs = tf.contrib.learn.io.read_batch_examples( filenames, batch_size, reader=tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), inputs.get_shape().as_list()) session.run(tf.local_variables_initializer()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertEqual("%s:1" % name, inputs.name) file_name_queue_name = "%s/file_name_queue" % name file_names_name = "%s/input" % file_name_queue_name example_queue_name = "%s/fifo_queue" % name test_util.assert_ops_in_graph({ file_names_name: "Const", file_name_queue_name: "FIFOQueue", "%s/read/TextLineReader" % name: "TextLineReader", example_queue_name: "FIFOQueue", name: "QueueDequeueUpTo" }, g) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"ABC"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"DEF"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"GHK"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test_keyed_read_text_lines(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file("ABC\nDEF\nGHK\n") batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: keys, inputs = tf.contrib.learn.io.read_keyed_batch_examples( filename, batch_size, reader=tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), keys.get_shape().as_list()) self.assertAllEqual((None,), inputs.get_shape().as_list()) session.run(tf.local_variables_initializer()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertAllEqual(session.run([keys, inputs]), [[filename.encode("utf-8") + b":1"], [b"ABC"]]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run([keys, inputs]), [[filename.encode("utf-8") + b":2"], [b"DEF"]]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run([keys, inputs]), [[filename.encode("utf-8") + b":3"], [b"GHK"]]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test_read_text_lines(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file("ABC\nDEF\nGHK\n") batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: inputs = graph_io.read_batch_examples( filename, batch_size, reader=io_ops.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), inputs.get_shape().as_list()) session.run(variables.local_variables_initializer()) coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"ABC"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"DEF"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"GHK"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test_batch_text_lines(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file("A\nB\nC\nD\nE\n") batch_size = 3 queue_capacity = 10 name = "my_batch" with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: inputs = graph_io.read_batch_examples( [filename], batch_size, reader=io_ops.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, read_batch_size=10, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), inputs.get_shape().as_list()) session.run(variables.local_variables_initializer()) coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"A", b"B", b"C"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"D", b"E"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test_keyed_read_text_lines(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file("ABC\nDEF\nGHK\n") batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: keys, inputs = graph_io.read_keyed_batch_examples( filename, batch_size, reader=io_ops.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), keys.get_shape().as_list()) self.assertAllEqual((None,), inputs.get_shape().as_list()) session.run(variables.local_variables_initializer()) coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertAllEqual( session.run([keys, inputs]), [[filename.encode("utf-8") + b":1"], [b"ABC"]]) self.assertAllEqual( session.run([keys, inputs]), [[filename.encode("utf-8") + b":2"], [b"DEF"]]) self.assertAllEqual( session.run([keys, inputs]), [[filename.encode("utf-8") + b":3"], [b"GHK"]]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def createImageLists(imageDir, testingPercentage, validationPercventage): if not gfile.Exists(imageDir): print("Image dir'" + imageDir +"'not found.'") return None result = {} subDirs = [x[0] for x in gfile.Walk(imageDir)] isRootDir = True for subDir in subDirs: if isRootDir: isRootDir = False continue extensions = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'JPG', 'JPEG'] fileList = [] dirName = os.path.basename(subDir) if dirName == imageDir: continue print("Looking for images in '" + dirName + "'") for extension in extensions: fileGlob = os.path.join(imageDir, dirName, '*.' + extension) fileList.extend(gfile.Glob(fileGlob)) if not fileList: print('No file found') continue labelName = re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9]+', ' ', dirName.lower()) trainingImages = [] testingImages =[] validationImages = [] for fileName in fileList: baseName = os.path.basename(fileName) hashName = re.sub(r'_nohash_.*$', '', fileName) hashNameHased = hashlib.sha1(compat.as_bytes(hashName)).hexdigest() percentHash = ((int(hashNameHased, 16) % (MAX_NUM_IMAGES_PER_CLASS + 1)) * (100.0 / MAX_NUM_IMAGES_PER_CLASS)) if percentHash < validationPercventage: validationImages.append(baseName) elif percentHash < (testingPercentage + validationPercventage): testingImages.append(baseName) else: trainingImages.append(baseName) result[labelName] = { 'dir': dirName, 'training': trainingImages, 'testing': testingImages, 'validation': validationImages, } return result
def read_batch_examples(file_pattern, batch_size, reader, randomize_input=True, num_epochs=None, queue_capacity=10000, num_threads=1, read_batch_size=1, parse_fn=None, name=None): """Adds operations to read, queue, batch `Example` protos. Given file pattern (or list of files), will setup a queue for file names, read `Example` proto using provided `reader`, use batch queue to create batches of examples of size `batch_size`. All queue runners are added to the queue runners collection, and may be started via `start_queue_runners`. All ops are added to the default graph. Use `parse_fn` if you need to do parsing / processing on single examples. Args: file_pattern: List of files or pattern of file paths containing `Example` records. See `tf.gfile.Glob` for pattern rules. batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the batch size to use. reader: A function or class that returns an object with `read` method, (filename tensor) -> (example tensor). randomize_input: Whether the input should be randomized. num_epochs: Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If `None`, cycles through the dataset forever. NOTE - If specified, creates a variable that must be initialized, so call `tf.initialize_all_variables()` as shown in the tests. queue_capacity: Capacity for input queue. num_threads: The number of threads enqueuing examples. read_batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the number of records to read at once parse_fn: Parsing function, takes `Example` Tensor returns parsed representation. If `None`, no parsing is done. name: Name of resulting op. Returns: String `Tensor` of batched `Example` proto. Raises: ValueError: for invalid inputs. """ _, examples = read_keyed_batch_examples( file_pattern=file_pattern, batch_size=batch_size, reader=reader, randomize_input=randomize_input, num_epochs=num_epochs, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, num_threads=num_threads, read_batch_size=read_batch_size, parse_fn=parse_fn, name=name) return examples
def read_batch_features(file_pattern, batch_size, features, reader, randomize_input=True, num_epochs=None, queue_capacity=10000, feature_queue_capacity=100, reader_num_threads=1, parser_num_threads=1, parse_fn=None, name=None): """Adds operations to read, queue, batch and parse `Example` protos. Given file pattern (or list of files), will setup a queue for file names, read `Example` proto using provided `reader`, use batch queue to create batches of examples of size `batch_size` and parse example given `features` specification. All queue runners are added to the queue runners collection, and may be started via `start_queue_runners`. All ops are added to the default graph. Args: file_pattern: List of files or pattern of file paths containing `Example` records. See `tf.gfile.Glob` for pattern rules. batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the batch size to use. features: A `dict` mapping feature keys to `FixedLenFeature` or `VarLenFeature` values. reader: A function or class that returns an object with `read` method, (filename tensor) -> (example tensor). randomize_input: Whether the input should be randomized. num_epochs: Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If None, cycles through the dataset forever. NOTE - If specified, creates a variable that must be initialized, so call tf.initialize_local_variables() as shown in the tests. queue_capacity: Capacity for input queue. feature_queue_capacity: Capacity of the parsed features queue. Set this value to a small number, for example 5 if the parsed features are large. reader_num_threads: The number of threads to read examples. parser_num_threads: The number of threads to parse examples. records to read at once parse_fn: Parsing function, takes `Example` Tensor returns parsed representation. If `None`, no parsing is done. name: Name of resulting op. Returns: A dict of `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` objects for each in `features`. Raises: ValueError: for invalid inputs. """ _, features = read_keyed_batch_features( file_pattern, batch_size, features, reader, randomize_input=randomize_input, num_epochs=num_epochs, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, feature_queue_capacity=feature_queue_capacity, reader_num_threads=reader_num_threads, parser_num_threads=parser_num_threads, parse_fn=parse_fn, name=name) return features
def read_batch_examples(file_pattern, batch_size, reader, randomize_input=True, num_epochs=None, queue_capacity=10000, num_threads=1, read_batch_size=1, parse_fn=None, name=None): """Adds operations to read, queue, batch `Example` protos. Given file pattern (or list of files), will setup a queue for file names, read `Example` proto using provided `reader`, use batch queue to create batches of examples of size `batch_size`. All queue runners are added to the queue runners collection, and may be started via `start_queue_runners`. All ops are added to the default graph. Use `parse_fn` if you need to do parsing / processing on single examples. Args: file_pattern: List of files or pattern of file paths containing `Example` records. See `tf.gfile.Glob` for pattern rules. batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the batch size to use. reader: A function or class that returns an object with `read` method, (filename tensor) -> (example tensor). randomize_input: Whether the input should be randomized. num_epochs: Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If `None`, cycles through the dataset forever. NOTE - If specified, creates a variable that must be initialized, so call `tf.global_variables_initializer()` as shown in the tests. queue_capacity: Capacity for input queue. num_threads: The number of threads enqueuing examples. read_batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the number of records to read at once parse_fn: Parsing function, takes `Example` Tensor returns parsed representation. If `None`, no parsing is done. name: Name of resulting op. Returns: String `Tensor` of batched `Example` proto. Raises: ValueError: for invalid inputs. """ _, examples = read_keyed_batch_examples( file_pattern=file_pattern, batch_size=batch_size, reader=reader, randomize_input=randomize_input, num_epochs=num_epochs, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, num_threads=num_threads, read_batch_size=read_batch_size, parse_fn=parse_fn, name=name) return examples
def read_keyed_batch_examples( file_pattern, batch_size, reader, randomize_input=True, num_epochs=None, queue_capacity=10000, num_threads=1, read_batch_size=1, parse_fn=None, name=None): """Adds operations to read, queue, batch `Example` protos. Given file pattern (or list of files), will setup a queue for file names, read `Example` proto using provided `reader`, use batch queue to create batches of examples of size `batch_size`. All queue runners are added to the queue runners collection, and may be started via `start_queue_runners`. All ops are added to the default graph. Use `parse_fn` if you need to do parsing / processing on single examples. Args: file_pattern: List of files or pattern of file paths containing `Example` records. See `tf.gfile.Glob` for pattern rules. batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the batch size to use. reader: A function or class that returns an object with `read` method, (filename tensor) -> (example tensor). randomize_input: Whether the input should be randomized. num_epochs: Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If `None`, cycles through the dataset forever. NOTE - If specified, creates a variable that must be initialized, so call `tf.global_variables_initializer()` as shown in the tests. queue_capacity: Capacity for input queue. num_threads: The number of threads enqueuing examples. read_batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the number of records to read at once parse_fn: Parsing function, takes `Example` Tensor returns parsed representation. If `None`, no parsing is done. name: Name of resulting op. Returns: Returns tuple of: - `Tensor` of string keys. - String `Tensor` of batched `Example` proto. Raises: ValueError: for invalid inputs. """ return _read_keyed_batch_examples_helper( file_pattern, batch_size, reader, randomize_input, num_epochs, queue_capacity, num_threads, read_batch_size, parse_fn, setup_shared_queue=False, name=name)
def read_batch_features(file_pattern, batch_size, features, reader, randomize_input=True, num_epochs=None, queue_capacity=10000, feature_queue_capacity=100, reader_num_threads=1, parse_fn=None, name=None): """Adds operations to read, queue, batch and parse `Example` protos. Given file pattern (or list of files), will setup a queue for file names, read `Example` proto using provided `reader`, use batch queue to create batches of examples of size `batch_size` and parse example given `features` specification. All queue runners are added to the queue runners collection, and may be started via `start_queue_runners`. All ops are added to the default graph. Args: file_pattern: List of files or pattern of file paths containing `Example` records. See `tf.gfile.Glob` for pattern rules. batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the batch size to use. features: A `dict` mapping feature keys to `FixedLenFeature` or `VarLenFeature` values. reader: A function or class that returns an object with `read` method, (filename tensor) -> (example tensor). randomize_input: Whether the input should be randomized. num_epochs: Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If None, cycles through the dataset forever. NOTE - If specified, creates a variable that must be initialized, so call tf.local_variables_initializer() as shown in the tests. queue_capacity: Capacity for input queue. feature_queue_capacity: Capacity of the parsed features queue. Set this value to a small number, for example 5 if the parsed features are large. reader_num_threads: The number of threads to read examples. parse_fn: Parsing function, takes `Example` Tensor returns parsed representation. If `None`, no parsing is done. name: Name of resulting op. Returns: A dict of `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` objects for each in `features`. Raises: ValueError: for invalid inputs. """ _, features = read_keyed_batch_features( file_pattern, batch_size, features, reader, randomize_input=randomize_input, num_epochs=num_epochs, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, feature_queue_capacity=feature_queue_capacity, reader_num_threads=reader_num_threads, parse_fn=parse_fn, name=name) return features
def test_read_text_lines_large(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob sequence_prefix = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789" num_records = 49999 lines = ["".join([sequence_prefix, str(l)]).encode("ascii") for l in xrange(num_records)] json_lines = ["".join(['{"features": { "feature": { "sequence": {', '"bytes_list": { "value": ["', base64.b64encode(l).decode("ascii"), '"]}}}}}\n']) for l in lines] filename = self._create_temp_file("".join(json_lines)) batch_size = 10000 queue_capacity = 10000 name = "my_large_batch" features = {"sequence": tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string)} with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: keys, result = tf.contrib.learn.read_keyed_batch_features( filename, batch_size, features, tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, num_enqueue_threads=2, parse_fn=tf.decode_json_example, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), keys.get_shape().as_list()) self.assertEqual(1, len(result)) self.assertAllEqual((None,), result["sequence"].get_shape().as_list()) session.run(tf.local_variables_initializer()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) data = [] try: while not coord.should_stop(): data.append(session.run(result)) except errors.OutOfRangeError: pass finally: coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) parsed_records = [item for sublist in [d["sequence"] for d in data] for item in sublist] # Check that the number of records matches expected and all records # are present. self.assertEqual(len(parsed_records), num_records) self.assertEqual(set(parsed_records), set(lines))
def test_read_text_lines_multifile_with_shared_queue(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filenames = self._create_sorted_temp_files(["ABC\n", "DEF\nGHK\n"]) batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: keys, inputs = _read_keyed_batch_examples_shared_queue( filenames, batch_size, reader=tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), keys.get_shape().as_list()) self.assertAllEqual((None,), inputs.get_shape().as_list()) session.run(tf.local_variables_initializer()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertEqual("%s:1" % name, inputs.name) shared_file_name_queue_name = "%s/file_name_queue" % name file_names_name = "%s/input" % shared_file_name_queue_name example_queue_name = "%s/fifo_queue" % name worker_file_name_queue_name = "%s/file_name_queue/fifo_queue" % name test_util.assert_ops_in_graph({ file_names_name: "Const", shared_file_name_queue_name: "FIFOQueue", "%s/read/TextLineReader" % name: "TextLineReader", example_queue_name: "FIFOQueue", worker_file_name_queue_name: "FIFOQueue", name: "QueueDequeueUpTo" }, g) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"ABC"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"DEF"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"GHK"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test_keyed_parse_json(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file( '{"features": {"feature": {"age": {"int64_list": {"value": [0]}}}}}\n' '{"features": {"feature": {"age": {"int64_list": {"value": [1]}}}}}\n' '{"features": {"feature": {"age": {"int64_list": {"value": [2]}}}}}\n' ) batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with tf.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: dtypes = {"age": tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.int64)} parse_fn = lambda example: tf.parse_single_example( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda tf.decode_json_example(example), dtypes) keys, inputs = tf.contrib.learn.io.read_keyed_batch_examples( filename, batch_size, reader=tf.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, parse_fn=parse_fn, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), keys.get_shape().as_list()) self.assertEqual(1, len(inputs)) self.assertAllEqual((None, 1), inputs["age"].get_shape().as_list()) session.run(tf.local_variables_initializer()) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) key, age = session.run([keys, inputs["age"]]) self.assertAllEqual(age, [[0]]) self.assertAllEqual(key, [filename.encode("utf-8") + b":1"]) key, age = session.run([keys, inputs["age"]]) self.assertAllEqual(age, [[1]]) self.assertAllEqual(key, [filename.encode("utf-8") + b":2"]) key, age = session.run([keys, inputs["age"]]) self.assertAllEqual(age, [[2]]) self.assertAllEqual(key, [filename.encode("utf-8") + b":3"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def _MaybeDeleteOldCheckpoints(self, latest_save_path, meta_graph_suffix="meta"): """Deletes old checkpoints if necessary. Always keep the last `max_to_keep` checkpoints. If `keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours` was specified, keep an additional checkpoint every `N` hours. For example, if `N` is 0.5, an additional checkpoint is kept for every 0.5 hours of training; if `N` is 10, an additional checkpoint is kept for every 10 hours of training. Args: latest_save_path: Name including path of checkpoint file to save. meta_graph_suffix: Suffix for `MetaGraphDef` file. Defaults to 'meta'. """ if not self.saver_def.max_to_keep: return # Remove first from list if the same name was used before. for p in self._last_checkpoints: if latest_save_path == self._CheckpointFilename(p): self._last_checkpoints.remove(p) # Append new path to list self._last_checkpoints.append((latest_save_path, time.time())) # If more than max_to_keep, remove oldest. if len(self._last_checkpoints) > self.saver_def.max_to_keep: p = self._last_checkpoints.pop(0) # Do not delete the file if we keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours is set and we # have reached N hours of training. should_keep = p[1] > self._next_checkpoint_time if should_keep: self._next_checkpoint_time += ( self.saver_def.keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours * 3600) return # Otherwise delete the files. for f in gfile.Glob(self._CheckpointFilename(p)): try: gfile.Remove(f) meta_graph_filename = self._MetaGraphFilename( f, meta_graph_suffix=meta_graph_suffix) if gfile.Exists(meta_graph_filename): gfile.Remove(meta_graph_filename) except OSError as e: logging.warning("Ignoring: %s", str(e))
def read_batch_record_features(file_pattern, batch_size, features, randomize_input=True, num_epochs=None, queue_capacity=10000, reader_num_threads=1, name='dequeue_record_examples'): """Reads TFRecord, queues, batches and parses `Example` proto. See more detailed description in `read_examples`. Args: file_pattern: List of files or pattern of file paths containing `Example` records. See `tf.gfile.Glob` for pattern rules. batch_size: An int or scalar `Tensor` specifying the batch size to use. features: A `dict` mapping feature keys to `FixedLenFeature` or `VarLenFeature` values. randomize_input: Whether the input should be randomized. num_epochs: Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If None, cycles through the dataset forever. NOTE - If specified, creates a variable that must be initialized, so call tf.local_variables_initializer() and run the op in a session. queue_capacity: Capacity for input queue. reader_num_threads: The number of threads to read examples. name: Name of resulting op. Returns: A dict of `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` objects for each in `features`. Raises: ValueError: for invalid inputs. """ return read_batch_features( file_pattern=file_pattern, batch_size=batch_size, features=features, reader=io_ops.TFRecordReader, randomize_input=randomize_input, num_epochs=num_epochs, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, reader_num_threads=reader_num_threads, name=name)
def test_read_text_lines_multifile(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filenames = self._create_sorted_temp_files(["ABC\n", "DEF\nGHK\n"]) batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: inputs = graph_io.read_batch_examples( filenames, batch_size, reader=io_ops.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), inputs.get_shape().as_list()) session.run(variables.local_variables_initializer()) coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertEqual("%s:1" % name, inputs.name) file_name_queue_name = "%s/file_name_queue" % name file_names_name = "%s/input" % file_name_queue_name example_queue_name = "%s/fifo_queue" % name test_util.assert_ops_in_graph({ file_names_name: "Const", file_name_queue_name: "FIFOQueueV2", "%s/read/TextLineReaderV2" % name: "TextLineReaderV2", example_queue_name: "FIFOQueueV2", name: "QueueDequeueUpToV2" }, g) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"ABC"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"DEF"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"GHK"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test_read_text_lines_multifile_with_shared_queue(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filenames = self._create_sorted_temp_files(["ABC\n", "DEF\nGHK\n"]) batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: keys, inputs = _read_keyed_batch_examples_shared_queue( filenames, batch_size, reader=io_ops.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), keys.get_shape().as_list()) self.assertAllEqual((None,), inputs.get_shape().as_list()) session.run([ variables.local_variables_initializer(), variables.global_variables_initializer() ]) coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) self.assertEqual("%s:1" % name, inputs.name) example_queue_name = "%s/fifo_queue" % name worker_file_name_queue_name = "%s/file_name_queue/fifo_queue" % name test_util.assert_ops_in_graph({ "%s/read/TextLineReaderV2" % name: "TextLineReaderV2", example_queue_name: "FIFOQueueV2", worker_file_name_queue_name: "FIFOQueueV2", name: "QueueDequeueUpToV2" }, g) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"ABC"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"DEF"]) self.assertAllEqual(session.run(inputs), [b"GHK"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test_keyed_parse_json(self): gfile.Glob = self._orig_glob filename = self._create_temp_file( '{"features": {"feature": {"age": {"int64_list": {"value": [0]}}}}}\n' '{"features": {"feature": {"age": {"int64_list": {"value": [1]}}}}}\n' '{"features": {"feature": {"age": {"int64_list": {"value": [2]}}}}}\n') batch_size = 1 queue_capacity = 5 name = "my_batch" with ops.Graph().as_default() as g, self.test_session(graph=g) as session: dtypes = {"age": parsing_ops.FixedLenFeature([1], dtypes_lib.int64)} parse_fn = lambda example: parsing_ops.parse_single_example( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda parsing_ops.decode_json_example(example), dtypes) keys, inputs = graph_io.read_keyed_batch_examples( filename, batch_size, reader=io_ops.TextLineReader, randomize_input=False, num_epochs=1, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, parse_fn=parse_fn, name=name) self.assertAllEqual((None,), keys.get_shape().as_list()) self.assertEqual(1, len(inputs)) self.assertAllEqual((None, 1), inputs["age"].get_shape().as_list()) session.run(variables.local_variables_initializer()) coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(session, coord=coord) key, age = session.run([keys, inputs["age"]]) self.assertAllEqual(age, [[0]]) self.assertAllEqual(key, [filename.encode("utf-8") + b":1"]) key, age = session.run([keys, inputs["age"]]) self.assertAllEqual(age, [[1]]) self.assertAllEqual(key, [filename.encode("utf-8") + b":2"]) key, age = session.run([keys, inputs["age"]]) self.assertAllEqual(age, [[2]]) self.assertAllEqual(key, [filename.encode("utf-8") + b":3"]) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): session.run(inputs) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)