def max_sentence_similarity(sentence_input, similarity_matrix): """ Parameters ---------- sentence_input: Tensor Tensor of shape (batch_size, num_sentence_words, rnn_hidden_dim). similarity_matrix: Tensor Tensor of shape (batch_size, num_sentence_words, num_sentence_words). """ # Shape: (batch_size, passage_len) def single_instance(inputs): single_sentence = inputs[0] argmax_index = inputs[1] # Shape: (num_sentence_words, rnn_hidden_dim) return tf.gather(single_sentence, argmax_index) question_index = tf.arg_max(similarity_matrix, 2) elems = (sentence_input, question_index) # Shape: (batch_size, num_sentence_words, rnn_hidden_dim) return tf.map_fn(single_instance, elems, dtype="float")
def build_inputs_and_outputs(self): if self.frame_features: serialized_examples = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=(None,)) fn = lambda x: self.build_prediction_graph(x) video_id_output, top_indices_output, top_predictions_output = ( tf.map_fn(fn, serialized_examples, dtype=(tf.string, tf.int32, tf.float32))) else: serialized_examples = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=(None,)) video_id_output, top_indices_output, top_predictions_output = ( self.build_prediction_graph(serialized_examples)) inputs = {"example_bytes": saved_model_utils.build_tensor_info(serialized_examples)} outputs = { "video_id": saved_model_utils.build_tensor_info(video_id_output), "class_indexes": saved_model_utils.build_tensor_info(top_indices_output), "predictions": saved_model_utils.build_tensor_info(top_predictions_output)} return inputs, outputs
def _get_bbox_pred(self, proposed_boxes, gt_boxes_per_class): """Computes valid bbox_pred from proposals and gt_boxes for each class. Args: proposed_boxes: Tensor with shape (num_proposals, 5). gt_boxes_per_class: Tensor holding the ground truth boxes for each class. Has shape (num_classes, num_gt_boxes_per_class, 4). Returns: A tensor with shape (num_proposals, num_classes * 4), holding the correct bbox_preds. """ def bbox_encode(gt_boxes): return encode( proposed_boxes, gt_boxes ) bbox_pred_tensor = tf.map_fn( bbox_encode, gt_boxes_per_class, dtype=tf.float32 ) # We need to explicitly unstack the tensor so that tf.concat works # properly. bbox_pred_list = tf.unstack(bbox_pred_tensor) return tf.concat(bbox_pred_list, 1)
def _build(self, X): """Build the graph of this layer.""" n_samples, input_dim = self._get_X_dims(X) W_shape, _ = self._weight_shapes(self.n_categories) n_batch = tf.shape(X)[1] # Layer weights self.pW = _make_prior(self.std, self.pW, W_shape) self.qW = _make_posterior(self.std, self.qW, W_shape, self.full) # Index into the relevant weights rather than using sparse matmul Wsamples = _sample_W(self.qW, n_samples) features = tf.map_fn(lambda wx: tf.gather(*wx, axis=0), (Wsamples, X), dtype=Wsamples.dtype) # Now concatenate the resulting features on the last axis f_dims = int(np.prod(features.shape[2:])) # need this for placeholders Net = tf.reshape(features, [n_samples, n_batch, f_dims]) # Regularizers KL = kl_sum(self.qW, self.pW) return Net, KL
def _build(self, X): """Build the graph of this layer.""" n_samples, input_shape = self._get_X_dims(X) Wdim = tuple(input_shape) + (self.output_dim,) W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=Wdim, seed=next(seedgen)), name="W_map") # We don't want to copy tf.Variable W so map over X Net = tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.matmul(x, W), X) # Regularizers penalty = self.l2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(W) + self.l1 * _l1_loss(W) # Optional Bias if self.use_bias is True: b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=(1, self.output_dim), seed=next(seedgen)), name="b_map") Net += b penalty += self.l2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(b) + self.l1 * _l1_loss(b) return Net, penalty
def run(proposals, gt, device='/cpu:0'): with tf.device(device): proposals = tf.expand_dims(proposals, axis=1) proposals = tf.tile(proposals, [1, M, 1]) gt = tf.expand_dims(gt, axis=0) gt = tf.tile(gt, [N, 1, 1]) proposals = tf.reshape(proposals, (N*M, d)) gt = tf.reshape(gt, (N*M, d)) # shape is N*M x 1 iou_metric = tf.map_fn(model.iou, tf.stack([proposals, gt], axis=1)) iou_metric = tf.reshape(iou_metric, [N, M]) with tf.Session() as sess: sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) sess.run(iou_metric) # result is 2min48s
def __call__(self, s_embed, s_src_pwr, s_mix_pwr, s_embed_flat=None): if s_embed_flat is None: s_embed_flat = tf.reshape( s_embed, [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1, hparams.EMBED_SIZE]) with tf.variable_scope(self.name): s_src_assignment = tf.argmax(s_src_pwr, axis=1) s_indices = tf.reshape( s_src_assignment, [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1]) fn_segmean = lambda _: tf.unsorted_segment_sum( _[0], _[1], hparams.MAX_N_SIGNAL) s_attractors = tf.map_fn( fn_segmean, (s_embed_flat, s_indices), hparams.FLOATX) s_attractors_wgt = tf.map_fn( fn_segmean, (tf.ones_like(s_embed_flat), s_indices), hparams.FLOATX) s_attractors /= (s_attractors_wgt + 1.) if hparams.DEBUG: self.debug_fetches = dict() # float[B, C, E] return s_attractors
def __init__(self, config, data): self.batch_size = batch_size = config['batch_size'] self.num_steps = num_steps = config['num_steps'] self.epoch_size = (data.num_examples_per_epoch() // batch_size) - 1 # input_data size: [batch_size, num_steps] # targets size: [batch_size] self.input_data, self.targets, self.filenames = distorted_inputs( data, config) # Data preprocessing: input_data # string tensor [batch_size, num_steps] => # num_steps * [batch_size, height*width*channels] self.input_data = tf.map_fn( decode_video, self.input_data, dtype=tf.float32) self.input_data = tf.reshape( self.input_data, [batch_size, num_steps, -1]) self.input_data = [tf.squeeze(input_step, [1]) for input_step in tf.split(self.input_data, num_steps, 1)]
def bbox_to_mask(bbox, region_size, output_size, dtype=tf.float32): """Creates a binary mask of size `region_size` where rectangle given by `bbox` is filled with ones and the rest is zeros. Finally, the binary mask is resized to `output_size` with bilinear interpolation. :param bbox: tensor of shape (..., 4) :param region_size: tensor of shape (..., 2) :param output_size: 2-tuple of ints :param dtype: tf.dtype :return: a tensor of shape = (..., output_size) """ shape = tf.concat(axis=0, values=(tf.shape(bbox)[:-1], output_size)) bbox = tf.reshape(bbox, (-1, 4)) region_size = tf.reshape(region_size, (-1, 2)) def create_mask(args): yy, region_size = args return _bbox_to_mask_fixed_size(yy, region_size, output_size, dtype) mask = tf.map_fn(create_mask, (bbox, region_size), dtype=dtype) return tf.reshape(mask, shape)
def vec_to_tri(vectors, N): """ Takes a D x M tensor `vectors' and maps it to a D x matrix_size X matrix_sizetensor where the where the lower triangle of each matrix_size x matrix_size matrix is constructed by unpacking each M-vector. Native TensorFlow version of Custom Op by Mark van der Wilk. def int_shape(x): return list(map(int, x.get_shape())) D, M = int_shape(vectors) N = int( np.floor( 0.5 * np.sqrt( M * 8. + 1. ) - 0.5 ) ) # Check M is a valid triangle number assert((matrix * (N + 1)) == (2 * M)) """ indices = list(zip(*np.tril_indices(N))) indices = tf.constant([list(i) for i in indices], dtype=tf.int64) def vec_to_tri_vector(vector): return tf.scatter_nd(indices=indices, shape=[N, N], updates=vector) return tf.map_fn(vec_to_tri_vector, vectors)
def mvn_mix_log_probs(samples, q, ndims, num_components=3): '''Calculate the log probabilities of a MVN mixture model. Assumes q is [batchsize,numparams]''' pi = tf.nn.softmax(q[:,:num_components]) mu = tf.reshape(q[:,num_components:num_components*(1+ndims)], [-1, num_components, ndims]) chol_q = q[:,num_components*(1+ndims):] chol = unpack_cholesky(chol_q, ndims, num_components) log_probs = [] for c in xrange(num_components): packed_params = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[mu[:,c,:],tf.reshape(chol[:,c,:,:], [-1,ndims*ndims]), samples]) log_p = tf.map_fn(lambda x: chol_mvn(x[:ndims], tf.reshape(x[ndims:ndims*(1+ndims)],[ndims,ndims])).log_prob(x[ndims*(1+ndims):]), packed_params) log_probs.append(log_p) log_probs = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.concat(axis=0, values=log_probs), [num_components, -1])) log_probs = tf.log(pi)+log_probs return log_sum_exp(log_probs) ####################################################################### ################ PixelCNN++ utils ##################################### # Some code below taken from OpenAI PixelCNN++ implementation: https://github.com/openai/pixel-cnn
def get_embedding_graph(self): data = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, None], name='data') embeddings = tf.constant( self.indexer.vectors, tf.float32, name='embeddings') vectors = tf.map_fn( lambda d: tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, d), data, tf.float32) padded = tf.pad( vectors, [[0, 0], [0, self.max_length - tf.shape(vectors)[1]], [0, 0]]) return { 'padded': padded, 'data': data }
def compute_detections_batch(segs, boxes, num_keep, seg_threshold=0.2, sigma=5e-3, step=0.2, num_iters=20, dist_threshold=20.0, iou_threshold=0.5, nms_kind='greedy'): if nms_kind == 'greedy': # TODO: rename it to CRF? _compute_frame = (lambda x: compute_detections_greedy(x[0], x[1], num_keep, seg_threshold, sigma, step, num_iters, dist_threshold)) elif nms_kind == 'nms': _compute_frame = (lambda x: compute_detections_nms(x[0], x[1], num_keep, seg_threshold, iou_threshold)) boxes, confidence = tf.map_fn(_compute_frame, (segs, boxes)) return boxes, confidence
def get_accuracy(self, x_test_home, x_test_away, y_test, keep_prop=1.0): """ The predictions from x_test_home and x_test_away are mapped to 1 or 0 depending on whether the home team wins or not. Then it is compared with y_test which is the ground truth. """ predict = tf.map_fn( lambda x: x[0] > x[1], self.sess.run( self.hypothesis, feed_dict={ self.X_home: x_test_home, self.X_away: x_test_away, self.Y: y_test, self.keep_prob: keep_prop} ), dtype=bool) real = tf.map_fn( lambda x: x[0] > x[1], y_test, dtype=bool) return self.sess.run( tf.divide( tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.equal(predict, real), dtype=tf.int32)), len(y_test)))
def process_leafs(self,emb): with tf.variable_scope("Composition",reuse=True): cU = tf.get_variable("cU",[self.emb_dim,2*self.hidden_dim]) cb = tf.get_variable("cb",[4*self.hidden_dim]) b = tf.slice(cb,[0],[2*self.hidden_dim]) def _recurseleaf(x): concat_uo = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(x,0),cU) + b u,o = tf.split(1,2,concat_uo) o=tf.nn.sigmoid(o) u=tf.nn.tanh(u) c = u#tf.squeeze(u) h = o * tf.nn.tanh(c) hc = tf.concat(1,[h,c]) hc=tf.squeeze(hc) return hc hc = tf.map_fn(_recurseleaf,emb) return hc
def process_leafs(self,emb): with tf.variable_scope("Composition",reuse=True): cUW = tf.get_variable("cUW") cb = tf.get_variable("cb") U = tf.slice(cUW,[0,0],[self.emb_dim,2*self.hidden_dim]) b = tf.slice(cb,[0],[2*self.hidden_dim]) def _recurseleaf(x): concat_uo = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(x,0),U) + b u,o = tf.split(1,2,concat_uo) o=tf.nn.sigmoid(o) u=tf.nn.tanh(u) c = u#tf.squeeze(u) h = o * tf.nn.tanh(c) hc = tf.concat(1,[h,c]) hc=tf.squeeze(hc) return hc hc = tf.map_fn(_recurseleaf,emb) return hc
def thres_search(data,label,n): res = [] for i in range(n): n_label = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(label[i]),tf.int32) temp = tf.mul(data[i],label[i]) temp = tf.reshape(tf.nn.top_k(temp,n_label +1).values,[1,1,-1,1]) thres = tf.reshape(tf.contrib.layers.avg_pool2d(temp,[1,2],[1,1]),[-1,1]) predicts = tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(data[i],x),tf.float32),thres) f1_scores = tf.map_fn(lambda x: f1(x,label[i]),predicts) thres_opt = thres[tf.cast(tf.arg_max(f1_scores,0),tf.int32)] res.append(thres_opt) # R = tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_recall(x,label[i])[0],predicts) # P = tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_precision(x,label[i])[0],predicts) #thres_opt = thres[np.argsort(map(lambda x: metrics.f1_score(x,sess.run(label[i]),average = "macro") ,predicts))[-1]] return tf.reshape(res,[-1])
def process_leafs(self,emb): #emb: [num_leaves, emd_dim] with tf.variable_scope("btp_Composition",reuse=True): cU = tf.get_variable("cU",[self.emb_dim,2*self.hidden_dim]) cb = tf.get_variable("cb",[4*self.hidden_dim]) b = tf.slice(cb,[0],[2*self.hidden_dim]) #?????????input gate??orget gate,??????utput gate ??nput value #??b??? 2*hidde_dim ? #x [emb_dim] def _recurseleaf(x): #[1, emb_dim], [emb_dim, 2*self.hidden_dim] concat_uo = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(x,0),cU) + b #??oncat_uo???? #[1*hidden_dim] [1*hidden_dim] u,o = tf.split(axis=1,num_or_size_splits=2,value=concat_uo) o=tf.nn.sigmoid(o) u=tf.nn.tanh(u) c = u#tf.squeeze(u) h = o * tf.nn.tanh(c) hc = tf.concat(axis=1,values=[h,c]) hc=tf.squeeze(hc) return hc hc = tf.map_fn(_recurseleaf,emb) #hc [num_leaves, 2*hidden_dim] return hc
def process_leafs(self,emb): #emb: [num_leaves, emd_dim] with tf.variable_scope("btp_Composition",reuse=True): cU = tf.get_variable("cU",[self.emb_dim,2*self.hidden_dim]) cb = tf.get_variable("cb",[4*self.hidden_dim]) b = tf.slice(cb,[0],[2*self.hidden_dim]) #??????input gate?forget gate,????output gate ?Input value def _recurseleaf(x): #[1, emb_dim], [emb_dim, 2*self.hidden_dim] concat_uo = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(x,0),cU) + b #?concat_uo??? #[1*hidden_dim] [1*hidden_dim] u,o = tf.split(axis=1,num_or_size_splits=2,value=concat_uo) o=tf.nn.sigmoid(o) u=tf.nn.tanh(u) c = u#tf.squeeze(u) h = o * tf.nn.tanh(c) hc = tf.concat(axis=1,values=[h,c]) hc=tf.squeeze(hc) return hc hc = tf.map_fn(_recurseleaf,emb) #hc [num_leaves, 2*hidden_dim] return hc
def standardizeImages(self): print "Standardizing Images..." self.trainingDataXStandardized = [] self.testingDataXStandardized = [] with tf.Session() as sess: for i in range(self.trainingDataX.shape[0]): print str(i)+"/"+str(self.trainingDataX.shape[0]) self.trainingDataXStandardized.append(tf.image.per_image_standardization(self.trainingDataX[i]).eval()) for i in range(self.testingDataX.shape[0]): print str(i)+"/"+str(self.testingDataX.shape[0]) self.testingDataXStandardized.append(tf.image.per_image_standardization(self.testingDataX[i]).eval()) #self.trainingDataX = tf.map_fn(lambda img:tf.image.per_image_standardization(img), self.trainingDataX, dtype=tf.float32) #self.testingDataX = tf.map_fn(lambda img:tf.image.per_image_standardization(img), self.testingDataX, dtype=tf.float32) #print self.trainingDataXStandardized[0] self.trainingDataX = np.array(self.trainingDataXStandardized) self.testingDataX = np.array(self.testingDataXStandardized) print self.testingDataX.shape print self.trainingDataX.shape #with tf.Session() as sess: # self.trainingDataX = self.trainingDataX.eval() # self.testingDataX = self.testingDataX.eval() print "Images standardized...Saving them..." self.__save("preparedDataStandardized.pkl")
def _createBatchAndStandardize(self,imageDataArray,batchSize): i = 0 standardizedImagesBatch = None standardizedImages = None totalNumImages = imageDataArray.shape[0] print "Total Number of images:"+str(totalNumImages) while i<totalNumImages: minIndx = i maxIndx = min(imageDataArray.shape[0],i+batchSize) print str(i)+"/"+str(imageDataArray.shape[0]) i = i + batchSize print i standardizedImagesBatch = tf.map_fn(lambda img:tf.image.per_image_standardization(img), imageDataArray[minIndx:maxIndx], dtype=tf.float32) if standardizedImages is None: standardizedImages = standardizedImagesBatch.eval() else: standardizedImages = np.vstack((standardizedImages,standardizedImagesBatch.eval())) return standardizedImages
def prepare_serialized_examples(self, serialized_examples): feature_map = { 'image_raw': tf.FixedLenFeature([784], tf.int64), 'label': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64), } features = tf.parse_example(serialized_examples, features=feature_map) images = tf.cast(features["image_raw"], tf.float32) * (1. / 255) labels = tf.cast(features['label'], tf.int32) def dense_to_one_hot(label_batch, num_classes): one_hot = tf.map_fn(lambda x : tf.cast(slim.one_hot_encoding(x, num_classes), tf.int32), label_batch) one_hot = tf.reshape(one_hot, [-1, num_classes]) return one_hot labels = dense_to_one_hot(labels, 10) return images, labels
def load_images(image_files, resize=True): """Load images from files and optionally resize it.""" images = [] for image_file in image_files: with file_io.FileIO(image_file, 'r') as ff: images.append(ff.read()) if resize is False: return images # To resize, run a tf session so we can reuse 'decode_and_resize()' # which is used in prediction graph. This makes sure we don't lose # any quality in prediction, while decreasing the size of the images # submitted to the model over network. image_str_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[None]) image = tf.map_fn(resize_image, image_str_tensor, back_prop=False) feed_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) feed_dict[image_str_tensor.name] = images with tf.Session() as sess: images_resized = sess.run(image, feed_dict=feed_dict) return images_resized
def decode_jpeg_original(self, image_buffer, scope=None): with tf.op_scope([image_buffer], scope, 'decode_jpeg'): # decode jpeg fn = lambda encoded: tf.image.decode_jpeg(encoded, channels=3, ratio=FLAGS.decode_downsample_factor) # TODO: change parallel iterations decoded = tf.map_fn(fn, image_buffer, dtype=tf.uint8, parallel_iterations=1, back_prop=False, swap_memory=False, infer_shape=True, name="map_decode_jpeg") # move the float convertion to GPU, to save bandwidth # to float, to the range 0.0 - 255.0 #images = tf.cast(decoded, dtype=tf.float32, name="image_to_float") decoded.set_shape([FLAGS.FRAMES_IN_SEG // FLAGS.temporal_downsample_factor, FLAGS.IM_HEIGHT / FLAGS.decode_downsample_factor, FLAGS.IM_WIDTH / FLAGS.decode_downsample_factor, 3]) return decoded
def decode_png(self, image_buffer, scope=None): with tf.op_scope([image_buffer], scope, 'decode_png'): # decode PNG fn = lambda encoded: tf.image.decode_png(encoded, channels=1) decoded = tf.map_fn(fn, image_buffer, dtype=tf.uint8, parallel_iterations=10, back_prop=False, swap_memory=False, infer_shape=True, name="map_decode_png") # to float, to the range 0.0 - 255.0 images = tf.cast(decoded, dtype=tf.int32, name="image_to_float") tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor(images, [FLAGS.IM_HEIGHT, FLAGS.IM_WIDTH], align_corners=None, name=None) images.set_shape([FLAGS.FRAMES_IN_SEG // FLAGS.temporal_downsample_factor, FLAGS.IM_HEIGHT / FLAGS.decode_downsample_factor, FLAGS.IM_WIDTH / FLAGS.decode_downsample_factor, 1]) return images
def random_crop(images, height, width): """Randomly crops an image/images to a given size. Args: images: 4-D Tensor of shape `[batch, height, width, channels]` or 3-D Tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`. height: `float`. The height to crop to. width: `float`. The width to crop to. Returns: If `images` was 4-D, a 4-D float Tensor of shape `[batch, new_height, new_width, channels]`. If `images` was 3-D, a 3-D float Tensor of shape `[new_height, new_width, channels]`. """ images_shape = get_shape(images) if len(images_shape) > 4: ValueError("'image' must have either 3 or 4 dimensions, " "received `{}`.".format(images_shape)) if len(images_shape) == 4: return tf.map_fn(lambda img: tf.random_crop(img, [height, width, images_shape[-1]]), images) return tf.random_crop(images, [height, width, images_shape[-1]])
def _sum_attentions(attentions, document): assert static_rank(attentions) == 2 and static_rank(document) == 2 num_entities = tf.reduce_max(document) + 1 @func_scope() def _sum_attention(args): attentions, document = args assert static_rank(attentions) == 1 and static_rank(document) == 1 return tf.unsorted_segment_sum(attentions, document, num_entities) attentions = tf.map_fn(_sum_attention, [attentions, document], dtype=FLAGS.float_type) return attentions[:, FLAGS.first_entity_index:FLAGS.last_entity_index + 1]
def process_leafs(self,emb): with tf.variable_scope("Composition",reuse=True): cU = tf.get_variable("cU",[self.emb_dim,2*self.hidden_dim]) cb = tf.get_variable("cb",[4*self.hidden_dim]) b = tf.slice(cb,[0],[2*self.hidden_dim]) def _recurseleaf(x): concat_uo = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(x,0),cU) + b u,o = tf.split(axis=1,num_or_size_splits=2,value=concat_uo) o=tf.nn.sigmoid(o) u=tf.nn.tanh(u) c = u#tf.squeeze(u) h = o * tf.nn.tanh(c) hc = tf.concat(axis=1,values=[h,c]) hc=tf.squeeze(hc) return hc hc = tf.map_fn(_recurseleaf,emb) return hc
def process_leafs(self,emb): with tf.variable_scope("Composition",reuse=True): cUW = tf.get_variable("cUW") cb = tf.get_variable("cb") U = tf.slice(cUW,[0,0],[self.emb_dim,2*self.hidden_dim]) b = tf.slice(cb,[0],[2*self.hidden_dim]) def _recurseleaf(x): concat_uo = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(x,0),U) + b u,o = tf.split(axis=1,num_or_size_splits=2,value=concat_uo) o=tf.nn.sigmoid(o) u=tf.nn.tanh(u) c = u#tf.squeeze(u) h = o * tf.nn.tanh(c) hc = tf.concat(axis=1,values=[h,c]) hc=tf.squeeze(hc) return hc hc = tf.map_fn(_recurseleaf,emb) return hc
def preprocess(self, inputs): """Feature-extractor specific preprocessing. See base class. Args: inputs: a [batch, height_in, width_in, channels] float tensor representing a batch of images with values between 0 and 255.0. Returns: preprocessed_inputs: a [batch, height_out, width_out, channels] float tensor representing a batch of images. Raises: ValueError: if inputs tensor does not have type tf.float32 """ if inputs.dtype is not tf.float32: raise ValueError('`preprocess` expects a tf.float32 tensor') with tf.name_scope('Preprocessor'): # TODO: revisit whether to always use batch size as the number of # parallel iterations vs allow for dynamic batching. resized_inputs = tf.map_fn(self._image_resizer_fn, elems=inputs, dtype=tf.float32) return self._feature_extractor.preprocess(resized_inputs)
def _tf_example_input_placeholder(): """Returns input that accepts a batch of strings with tf examples. Returns: a tuple of placeholder and input nodes that output decoded images. """ batch_tf_example_placeholder = tf.placeholder( tf.string, shape=[None], name='tf_example') def decode(tf_example_string_tensor): tensor_dict = tf_example_decoder.TfExampleDecoder().decode( tf_example_string_tensor) image_tensor = tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image] return image_tensor return (batch_tf_example_placeholder, tf.map_fn(decode, elems=batch_tf_example_placeholder, dtype=tf.uint8, parallel_iterations=32, back_prop=False))
def multisample_conditional(self, X, full_cov=False): if full_cov is True: # this is unlikely to be called in a performance critical application, so we use # this clear but slow implementation f = lambda a: self.conditional(a, full_cov=full_cov) mean, var = tf.map_fn(f, X, dtype=(tf.float64, tf.float64)) return tf.stack(mean), tf.stack(var) else: # this should be faster as only computes the Z_uu once, but could be made faster # still perhaps by avoiding reshaping (but need to rewrite conditional) S, N, D = shape_as_list(X) X_flat = tf.reshape(X, [S*N, D]) mean, var = self.conditional(X_flat) return [tf.reshape(m, [S, N, -1]) for m in [mean, var]]
def build_likelihood(self): Fmean, Fvar = self.build_predict(self.X, full_cov=False, S=self.num_samples) S, N, D = shape_as_list(Fmean) Y = tile_over_samples(self.Y, self.num_samples) f = lambda a: self.likelihood.variational_expectations(a[0], a[1], a[2]) var_exp = tf.map_fn(f, (Fmean, Fvar, Y), dtype=float_type) var_exp = tf.stack(var_exp) #SN var_exp = tf.reduce_mean(var_exp, 0) # S,N -> N. Average over samples L = tf.reduce_sum(var_exp) # N -> scalar. Sum over data (minibatch) KL = 0. for layer in self.layers: KL += layer.KL() scale = tf.cast(self.num_data, float_type) scale /= tf.cast(tf.shape(self.X)[0], float_type) # minibatch size return L * scale - KL
def random_image_mirror_left_right(input_layer): """ Flip each image left-right like in a mirror, randomly, even at test-time. This acts as a data augmentation technique. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39574999/tensorflow-tf-image-functions-on-an-image-batch """ return keras.layers.core.Lambda(function=lambda batch_imgs: tf.map_fn( lambda img: tf.image.random_flip_left_right(img), batch_imgs ) )(input_layer)
def postprocess_images(self, ims): def _postprocess_images(im): im = tf.decode_raw(im, np.uint8) im = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(im, dtype=tf.float32) im = tf.reshape(im, [256, 256, 3]) im = tf.random_crop(im, [self.crop_size, self.crop_size, 3]) return im return tf.map_fn(lambda im: _postprocess_images(im), ims, dtype=tf.float32)
def get_words_from_chars(characters_list: List[str], sequence_lengths: List[int], name='chars_conversion'): with tf.name_scope(name=name): def join_charcaters_fn(coords): return tf.reduce_join(characters_list[coords[0]:coords[1]]) def coords_several_sequences(): end_coords = tf.cumsum(sequence_lengths) start_coords = tf.concat([[0], end_coords[:-1]], axis=0) coords = tf.stack([start_coords, end_coords], axis=1) coords = tf.cast(coords, dtype=tf.int32) return tf.map_fn(join_charcaters_fn, coords, dtype=tf.string) def coords_single_sequence(): return tf.reduce_join(characters_list, keep_dims=True) words = tf.cond(tf.shape(sequence_lengths)[0] > 1, true_fn=lambda: coords_several_sequences(), false_fn=lambda: coords_single_sequence()) return words
def attentive_matching(input_sentence, att_matrix, weights): """ Parameters ---------- input_sentence: Tensor Tensor of shape (batch_size, num_sentence_words, rnn_hidden_dim) att_matrix: Tensor Tensor of shape (batch_size, num_sentence_words, rnn_hidden_dim) """ def single_instance(inputs): # Shapes: (num_sentence_words, rnn_hidden_dim) sentence_a_single = inputs[0] sentence_b_single_att = inputs[1] # Shapes: (num_sentence_words, multiperspective_dims, rnn_hidden_dim) expanded_sentence_a_single = multi_perspective_expand_for_2D( sentence_a_single, weights) expanded_sentence_b_single_att = multi_perspective_expand_for_2D( sentence_b_single_att, weights) # Shape: (num_sentence_words, multiperspective_dims) return cosine_distance(expanded_sentence_a_single, expanded_sentence_b_single_att) elems = (input_sentence, att_matrix) # Shape: (batch_size, num_sentence_words, multiperspective_dims) return tf.map_fn(single_instance, elems, dtype="float")
def map_fn(fn, elems, name=None): '''Map the function fn over the elements elems and return the outputs. # Arguments fn: Callable that will be called upon each element in elems elems: tensor name: A string name for the map node in the graph # Returns Tensor with first dimension equal to the elems and second depending on fn ''' return tf.map_fn(fn, elems, name=name)