Python tensorflow 模块,boolean_mask() 实例源码


项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_overlap(labels, bboxes,
                          threshold=0.5, assign_negative=False,
    """Filter out bounding boxes based on (relative )overlap with reference
    box [0, 0, 1, 1].  Remove completely bounding boxes, or assign negative
    labels to the one outside (useful for latter processing...).

      labels, bboxes: Filtered (or newly assigned) elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        scores = bboxes_intersection(tf.constant([0, 0, 1, 1], bboxes.dtype),
        mask = scores > threshold
        if assign_negative:
            labels = tf.where(mask, labels, -labels)
            # bboxes = tf.where(mask, bboxes, bboxes)
            labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
            bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:attend_infer_repeat    作者:akosiorek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def masked_apply(tensor, op, mask):
    """Applies `op` to tensor only at locations indicated by `mask` and sets the rest to zero.

    Similar to doing `tensor = tf.where(mask, op(tensor), tf.zeros_like(tensor))` but it behaves correctly
    when `op(tensor)` is NaN or inf while tf.where does not.

    :param tensor: tf.Tensor
    :param op: tf.Op
    :param mask: tf.Tensor with dtype == bool
    :return: tf.Tensor
    chosen = tf.boolean_mask(tensor, mask)
    applied = op(chosen)
    idx = tf.to_int32(tf.where(mask))
    result = tf.scatter_nd(idx, applied, tf.shape(tensor))
    return result
项目:Keras-FCN    作者:theduynguyen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mean_acc(y_true, y_pred):
    s = K.shape(y_true)

    # reshape such that w and h dim are multiplied together
    y_true_reshaped = K.reshape( y_true, tf.stack( [-1, s[1]*s[2], s[-1]] ) )
    y_pred_reshaped = K.reshape( y_pred, tf.stack( [-1, s[1]*s[2], s[-1]] ) )

    # correctly classified
    clf_pred = K.one_hot( K.argmax(y_pred_reshaped), nb_classes = s[-1])
    equal_entries = K.cast(K.equal(clf_pred,y_true_reshaped), dtype='float32') * y_true_reshaped

    correct_pixels_per_class = K.sum(equal_entries, axis=1)
    n_pixels_per_class = K.sum(y_true_reshaped,axis=1)

    acc = correct_pixels_per_class / n_pixels_per_class
    acc_mask = tf.is_finite(acc)
    acc_masked = tf.boolean_mask(acc,acc_mask)

    return K.mean(acc_masked)
项目:tf-image-interpreter    作者:ThoughtWorksInc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generate_labels(self, overlaps):
    labels = tf.Variable(tf.ones(shape=(tf.shape(overlaps)[0],), dtype=tf.float32) * -1, trainable=False,
    gt_max_overlaps = tf.arg_max(overlaps, dimension=0)
    anchor_max_overlaps = tf.arg_max(overlaps, dimension=1)
    mask = tf.one_hot(anchor_max_overlaps, tf.shape(overlaps)[1], on_value=True, off_value=False)
    max_overlaps = tf.boolean_mask(overlaps, mask)
    if self._debug:
      max_overlaps = tf.Print(max_overlaps, [max_overlaps])
    labels = tf.scatter_update(labels, gt_max_overlaps, tf.ones((tf.shape(gt_max_overlaps)[0],)))
    # TODO: extract config object
    over_threshold_mask = tf.reshape(tf.where(max_overlaps > 0.5), (-1,))
    if self._debug:
      over_threshold_mask = tf.Print(over_threshold_mask, [over_threshold_mask], message='over threshold index : ')
    labels = tf.scatter_update(labels, over_threshold_mask, tf.ones((tf.shape(over_threshold_mask)[0],)))
    # TODO: support clobber positive in the origin implement
    below_threshold_mask = tf.reshape(tf.where(max_overlaps < 0.3), (-1,))
    if self._debug:
      below_threshold_mask = tf.Print(below_threshold_mask, [below_threshold_mask], message='below threshold index : ')
    labels = tf.scatter_update(labels, below_threshold_mask, tf.zeros((tf.shape(below_threshold_mask)[0],)))
    return labels
项目:deeppavlov    作者:deepmipt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def flatten_emb_by_sentence(self, emb, text_len_mask):
        Create boolean mask for emb tensor.
            emb: Some embeddings tensor with rank 2 or 3
            text_len_mask: A mask tensor representing the first N positions of each row.

        Returns: emb tensor after mask applications.

        num_sentences = tf.shape(emb)[0]
        max_sentence_length = tf.shape(emb)[1]

        emb_rank = len(emb.get_shape())
        if emb_rank == 2:
            flattened_emb = tf.reshape(emb, [num_sentences * max_sentence_length])
        elif emb_rank == 3:
            flattened_emb = tf.reshape(emb, [num_sentences * max_sentence_length, utils.shape(emb, 2)])
            raise ValueError("Unsupported rank: {}".format(emb_rank))
        return tf.boolean_mask(flattened_emb, text_len_mask)
项目:traffic_detection_yolo2    作者:wAuner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def yolo_loss(labels, predictions, mask):
    masked_labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
    masked_predictions = tf.boolean_mask(predictions, mask)

    # ious = tensor_iou(masked_predictions[..., 1:5], masked_labels[..., 1:5])
    # ious = tf.expand_dims(ious, axis=-1)

    xy_loss = tf.reduce_sum((masked_labels[..., :2] - masked_predictions[..., 1:3]) ** 2)
    wh_loss = tf.reduce_sum((tf.sqrt(masked_predictions[..., 3:5]) - tf.sqrt(masked_labels[..., 2:4])) ** 2)

    #     conf_loss = tf.reduce_sum((masked_predictions[..., 0] - ious) ** 2)

    conf_loss = tf.reduce_sum((1 - masked_predictions[..., 0]) ** 2)

    no_obj_loss = tf.reduce_sum((tf.boolean_mask(predictions, ~mask)[..., 0] ** 2))

    class_loss = tf.reduce_sum((masked_predictions[..., 5:] - masked_labels[..., 4:]) ** 2)

    loss = 5 * (xy_loss + wh_loss) + conf_loss + no_obj_loss + class_loss

    return loss
项目:keras-image-captioning    作者:danieljl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def categorical_accuracy_with_variable_timestep(y_true, y_pred):
    # Actually discarding is not needed if the dummy is an all-zeros array
    # (It is indeed encoded in an all-zeros array by
    # CaptionPreprocessing.preprocess_batch)
    y_true = y_true[:, :-1, :]  # Discard the last timestep/word (dummy)
    y_pred = y_pred[:, :-1, :]  # Discard the last timestep/word (dummy)

    # Flatten the timestep dimension
    shape = tf.shape(y_true)
    y_true = tf.reshape(y_true, [-1, shape[-1]])
    y_pred = tf.reshape(y_pred, [-1, shape[-1]])

    # Discard rows that are all zeros as they represent dummy or padding words.
    is_zero_y_true = tf.equal(y_true, 0)
    is_zero_row_y_true = tf.reduce_all(is_zero_y_true, axis=-1)
    y_true = tf.boolean_mask(y_true, ~is_zero_row_y_true)
    y_pred = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, ~is_zero_row_y_true)

    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_true, axis=1),
                                               tf.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)),
    return accuracy

# As Keras stores a function's name as its metric's name
项目:tensorflow_ocr    作者:BowieHsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def OHNM_single_image(scores, n_pos, neg_mask):
    """Online Hard Negative Mining.
    scores: the scores of being predicted as negative cls
    n_pos: the number of positive samples 
    neg_mask: mask of negative samples
    the mask of selected negative samples.
    if n_pos == 0, no negative samples will be selected.
    def has_pos():
        n_neg = n_pos * 3
        max_neg_entries = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(neg_mask, tf.int32))
        n_neg = tf.minimum(n_neg, max_neg_entries)
        n_neg = tf.cast(n_neg, tf.int32)
        neg_conf = tf.boolean_mask(scores, neg_mask)
        vals, _ = tf.nn.top_k(-neg_conf, k=n_neg)
        threshold = vals[-1]# a negtive value
        selected_neg_mask = tf.logical_and(neg_mask, scores <= -threshold)
        return tf.cast(selected_neg_mask, tf.float32)

    def no_pos():
        return tf.zeros_like(neg_mask, tf.float32)

    return tf.cond(n_pos > 0, has_pos, no_pos)
项目:IntelAct-Vizdoom    作者:chendagui16    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __make_net(self, input_images, input_measure, input_actions, reuse=False):
        if reuse:
        fc_val_params = copy.deepcopy(self.__fc_joint_params)
        fc_val_params[-1]['out_dims'] = self.__target_dim

        fc_adv_params = copy.deepcopy(self.__fc_joint_params)
        fc_adv_params[-1]['out_dims'] = len(self.__net_discrete_actions) * self.__target_dim

        if self.verbose:
            print 'fc_val_params:', fc_val_params
            print 'fc_adv_params:', fc_adv_params

        p_img_conv = ly.conv_encoder(input_images, self.__conv_params, 'p_img_conv', msra_coeff=0.9)
        p_img_fc = ly.fc_net(ly.flatten(p_img_conv), self.__fc_img_params, 'p_img_fc', msra_coeff=0.9)
        p_meas_fc = ly.fc_net(input_measure, self.__fc_measure_params, 'p_meas_fc', msra_coeff=0.9)
        p_val_fc = ly.fc_net(tf.concat([p_img_fc, p_meas_fc], 1),
                             fc_val_params, 'p_val_fc', last_linear=True, msra_coeff=0.9)
        p_adv_fc = ly.fc_net(tf.concat([p_img_fc, p_meas_fc], 1),
                             fc_adv_params, 'p_adv_fc', last_linear=True, msra_coeff=0.9)
        p_adv_fc_nomean = p_adv_fc - tf.reduce_mean(p_adv_fc, reduction_indices=1, keep_dims=True)

        self.__pred_all_nomean = tf.reshape(p_adv_fc_nomean, [-1, len(self.__net_discrete_actions), self.__target_dim])
        self.__pred_all = self.__pred_all_nomean + tf.reshape(p_val_fc, [-1, 1, self.__target_dim])
        self.__pred_relevant = tf.boolean_mask(self.__pred_all, tf.cast(input_actions, tf.bool))
项目:DirectFuturePrediction    作者:IntelVCL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_net(self, input_images, input_measurements, input_actions, input_objectives, reuse=False):
        if reuse:

        self.fc_joint_params['out_dims'][-1] = len(self.net_discrete_actions) * self.target_dim
        p_img_conv = my_ops.conv_encoder(input_images, self.conv_params, 'p_img_conv', msra_coeff=0.9)
        p_img_fc = my_ops.fc_net(my_ops.flatten(p_img_conv), self.fc_img_params, 'p_img_fc', msra_coeff=0.9)
        p_meas_fc = my_ops.fc_net(input_measurements, self.fc_meas_params, 'p_meas_fc', msra_coeff=0.9)
        if isinstance(self.fc_obj_params, np.ndarray):
            p_obj_fc = my_ops.fc_net(input_objectives, self.fc_obj_params, 'p_obj_fc', msra_coeff=0.9)
            p_concat_fc = tf.concat([p_img_fc,p_meas_fc,p_obj_fc], 1)
            p_concat_fc = tf.concat([p_img_fc,p_meas_fc], 1)
            if self.random_objective_coeffs:
                raise Exception('Need fc_obj_params with randomized objectives')

        p_joint_fc = my_ops.fc_net(p_concat_fc, self.fc_joint_params, 'p_joint_fc', last_linear=True, msra_coeff=0.9)
        pred_all = tf.reshape(p_joint_fc, [-1, len(self.net_discrete_actions), self.target_dim])
        pred_relevant = tf.boolean_mask(pred_all, tf.cast(input_actions, tf.bool))

        return pred_all, pred_relevant
项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_center(labels, bboxes, margins=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
    """Filter out bounding boxes whose center are not in
    the rectangle [0, 0, 1, 1] + margins. The margin Tensor
    can be used to enforce or loosen this condition.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        cy = (bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2.
        cx = (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2.
        mask = tf.greater(cy, margins[0])
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(cx, margins[1]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[2]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[3]))
        # Boolean masking...
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_labels(labels, bboxes,
                         out_labels=[], num_classes=np.inf,
    """Filter out labels from a collection. Typically used to get
    of DontCare elements. Also remove elements based on the number of classes.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter_labels', [labels, bboxes]):
        mask = tf.greater_equal(labels, num_classes)
        for l in labels:
            mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.not_equal(labels, l))
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes

# =========================================================================== #
# Standard boxes computation.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def average_precision_voc07(precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute (interpolated) average precision from precision and recall Tensors.

    The implementation follows Pascal 2007 guidelines.
    See also:
    with tf.name_scope(name, 'average_precision_voc07', [precision, recall]):
        # Convert to float64 to decrease error on cumulated sums.
        precision = tf.cast(precision, dtype=tf.float64)
        recall = tf.cast(recall, dtype=tf.float64)
        # Add zero-limit value to avoid any boundary problem...
        precision = tf.concat([precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([recall, [np.inf]], axis=0)

        # Split the integral into 10 bins.
        l_aps = []
        for t in np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.1):
            mask = tf.greater_equal(recall, t)
            v = tf.reduce_max(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
            l_aps.append(v / 11.)
        ap = tf.add_n(l_aps)
        return ap
项目:Keras-FCN    作者:theduynguyen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mean_IoU(y_true, y_pred):
    s = K.shape(y_true)

    # reshape such that w and h dim are multiplied together
    y_true_reshaped = K.reshape( y_true, tf.stack( [-1, s[1]*s[2], s[-1]] ) )
    y_pred_reshaped = K.reshape( y_pred, tf.stack( [-1, s[1]*s[2], s[-1]] ) )

    # correctly classified
    clf_pred = K.one_hot( K.argmax(y_pred_reshaped), nb_classes = s[-1])
    equal_entries = K.cast(K.equal(clf_pred,y_true_reshaped), dtype='float32') * y_true_reshaped

    intersection = K.sum(equal_entries, axis=1)
    union_per_class = K.sum(y_true_reshaped,axis=1) + K.sum(y_pred_reshaped,axis=1)

    iou = intersection / (union_per_class - intersection)
    iou_mask = tf.is_finite(iou)
    iou_masked = tf.boolean_mask(iou,iou_mask)

    return K.mean( iou_masked )
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_center(labels, bboxes, margins=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
    """Filter out bounding boxes whose center are not in
    the rectangle [0, 0, 1, 1] + margins. The margin Tensor
    can be used to enforce or loosen this condition.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        cy = (bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2.
        cx = (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2.
        mask = tf.greater(cy, margins[0])
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(cx, margins[1]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[2]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[3]))
        # Boolean masking...
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_labels(labels, bboxes,
                         out_labels=[], num_classes=np.inf,
    """Filter out labels from a collection. Typically used to get
    of DontCare elements. Also remove elements based on the number of classes.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter_labels', [labels, bboxes]):
        mask = tf.greater_equal(labels, num_classes)
        for l in labels:
            mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.not_equal(labels, l))
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes

# =========================================================================== #
# Standard boxes computation.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def average_precision_voc07(precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute (interpolated) average precision from precision and recall Tensors.

    The implementation follows Pascal 2007 guidelines.
    See also:
    with tf.name_scope(name, 'average_precision_voc07', [precision, recall]):
        # Convert to float64 to decrease error on cumulated sums.
        precision = tf.cast(precision, dtype=tf.float64)
        recall = tf.cast(recall, dtype=tf.float64)
        # Add zero-limit value to avoid any boundary problem...
        precision = tf.concat([precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([recall, [np.inf]], axis=0)

        # Split the integral into 10 bins.
        l_aps = []
        for t in np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.1):
            mask = tf.greater_equal(recall, t)
            v = tf.reduce_max(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
            l_aps.append(v / 11.)
        ap = tf.add_n(l_aps)
        return ap
项目:mean-teacher    作者:CuriousAI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def errors(logits, labels, name=None):
    """Compute error mean and whether each unlabeled example is erroneous

    Assume unlabeled examples have label == -1.
    Compute the mean error over unlabeled examples.
    Mean error is NaN if there are no unlabeled examples.
    Note that unlabeled examples are treated differently in cost calculation.
    with tf.name_scope(name, "errors") as scope:
        applicable = tf.not_equal(labels, -1)
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, applicable)
        logits = tf.boolean_mask(logits, applicable)
        predictions = tf.argmax(logits, -1)
        labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int64)
        per_sample = tf.to_float(tf.not_equal(predictions, labels))
        mean = tf.reduce_mean(per_sample, name=scope)
        return mean, per_sample
项目:neural-chat    作者:henriblancke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sparse_boolean_mask(tensor, mask):
    Creates a sparse tensor from masked elements of `tensor`

      tensor: a 2-D tensor, [batch_size, T]
      mask: a 2-D mask, [batch_size, T]

    Output: a 2-D sparse tensor
    mask_lens = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(mask, tf.int32), -1, keep_dims=True)
    mask_shape = tf.shape(mask)
    left_shifted_mask = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.range(mask_shape[1]), 0),
        [mask_shape[0], 1]
    ) < mask_lens
    return tf.SparseTensor(
        values=tf.boolean_mask(tensor, mask),
        shape=tf.cast(tf.pack([mask_shape[0], tf.reduce_max(mask_lens)]), tf.int64)  # For 2D only
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, ids, scores):
    """Insert the ids and scores into the TopN."""
    with tf.control_dependencies(self.last_ops):
      scatter_op = tf.scatter_update(self.id_to_score, ids, scores)
      larger_scores = tf.greater(scores, self.sl_scores[0])

      def shortlist_insert():
        larger_ids = tf.boolean_mask(tf.to_int64(ids), larger_scores)
        larger_score_values = tf.boolean_mask(scores, larger_scores)
        shortlist_ids, new_ids, new_scores = self.ops.top_n_insert(
            self.sl_ids, self.sl_scores, larger_ids, larger_score_values)
        u1 = tf.scatter_update(self.sl_ids, shortlist_ids, new_ids)
        u2 = tf.scatter_update(self.sl_scores, shortlist_ids, new_scores)
        return, u2)

      # We only need to insert into the shortlist if there are any
      # scores larger than the threshold.
      cond_op = tf.cond(
          tf.reduce_any(larger_scores), shortlist_insert, tf.no_op)
      with tf.control_dependencies([cond_op]):
        self.last_ops = [scatter_op, cond_op]
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, ids, scores):
    """Insert the ids and scores into the TopN."""
    with tf.control_dependencies(self.last_ops):
      scatter_op = tf.scatter_update(self.id_to_score, ids, scores)
      larger_scores = tf.greater(scores, self.sl_scores[0])

      def shortlist_insert():
        larger_ids = tf.boolean_mask(tf.to_int64(ids), larger_scores)
        larger_score_values = tf.boolean_mask(scores, larger_scores)
        shortlist_ids, new_ids, new_scores = self.ops.top_n_insert(
            self.sl_ids, self.sl_scores, larger_ids, larger_score_values)
        u1 = tf.scatter_update(self.sl_ids, shortlist_ids, new_ids)
        u2 = tf.scatter_update(self.sl_scores, shortlist_ids, new_scores)
        return, u2)

      # We only need to insert into the shortlist if there are any
      # scores larger than the threshold.
      cond_op = tf.cond(
          tf.reduce_any(larger_scores), shortlist_insert, tf.no_op)
      with tf.control_dependencies([cond_op]):
        self.last_ops = [scatter_op, cond_op]
项目:sequence_tagging    作者:guillaumegenthial    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_loss_op(self):
        """Defines the loss"""
        if self.config.use_crf:
            log_likelihood, trans_params = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood(
                    self.logits, self.labels, self.sequence_lengths)
            self.trans_params = trans_params # need to evaluate it for decoding
            self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(-log_likelihood)
            losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
                    logits=self.logits, labels=self.labels)
            mask = tf.sequence_mask(self.sequence_lengths)
            losses = tf.boolean_mask(losses, mask)
            self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)

        # for tensorboard
        tf.summary.scalar("loss", self.loss)
项目:fathom    作者:rdadolf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ctc_label_dense_to_sparse( self, labels, label_lengths ):
    """Mike Henry's implementation, with some minor modifications."""
    with self.G.as_default():
      label_shape = tf.shape( labels )
      num_batches_tns = tf.stack( [label_shape[0]] )
      max_num_labels_tns = tf.stack( [label_shape[1]] )

      def range_less_than(previous_state, current_input):
        return tf.expand_dims( tf.range( label_shape[1] ), 0 ) < current_input

      init = tf.cast( tf.fill( max_num_labels_tns, 0 ), tf.bool )
      init = tf.expand_dims( init, 0 )
      dense_mask = functional_ops.scan(range_less_than, label_lengths , initializer=init, parallel_iterations=1)
      dense_mask = dense_mask[ :, 0, : ]

      label_array = tf.reshape( tf.tile( tf.range( 0, label_shape[1] ), num_batches_tns ), label_shape )
      label_ind = tf.boolean_mask( label_array, dense_mask )

      batch_array = tf.transpose( tf.reshape( tf.tile( tf.range( 0,  label_shape[0] ), max_num_labels_tns ), tf.reverse( label_shape,[0]) ) )
      batch_ind = tf.boolean_mask( batch_array, dense_mask )

      indices = tf.transpose( tf.reshape( tf.concat( axis=0, values=[batch_ind, label_ind] ), [2,-1] ) )
      vals_sparse = tf.gather_nd( labels, indices )
      return tf.SparseTensor( tf.to_int64(indices), vals_sparse, tf.to_int64( label_shape ) )
项目:tf_tagging    作者:Slyne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_loss_op(self):
        Adds loss to self
        if self.config.crf:
            log_likelihood, self.transition_params = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood(
                self.logits, self.labels, self.sequence_lengths)
            self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(-log_likelihood)
            losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.logits, labels=self.labels)
            mask = tf.sequence_mask(self.sequence_lengths)
            losses = tf.boolean_mask(losses, mask)
            self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)

        # for tensorboard
        tf.summary.scalar("loss", self.loss)
项目:TextGAN    作者:ankitkv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sparse_boolean_mask(tensor, mask):
    Creates a sparse tensor from masked elements of `tensor`

      tensor: a 2-D tensor, [batch_size, T]
      mask: a 2-D mask, [batch_size, T]

    Output: a 2-D sparse tensor
    mask_lens = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(mask, tf.int32), -1, keep_dims=True)
    mask_shape = tf.shape(mask)
    left_shifted_mask = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.range(mask_shape[1]), 0),
        [mask_shape[0], 1]
    ) < mask_lens
    return tf.SparseTensor(
        values=tf.boolean_mask(tensor, mask),
        shape=tf.cast(tf.pack([mask_shape[0], tf.reduce_max(mask_lens)]),
                      tf.int64)  # For 2D only
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_center(labels, bboxes, margins=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
    """Filter out bounding boxes whose center are not in
    the rectangle [0, 0, 1, 1] + margins. The margin Tensor
    can be used to enforce or loosen this condition.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        cy = (bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2.
        cx = (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2.
        mask = tf.greater(cy, margins[0])
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(cx, margins[1]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[2]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[3]))
        # Boolean masking...
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_overlap(labels, bboxes,
                          threshold=0.5, assign_negative=False,
    """Filter out bounding boxes based on (relative )overlap with reference
    box [0, 0, 1, 1].  Remove completely bounding boxes, or assign negative
    labels to the one outside (useful for latter processing...).

      labels, bboxes: Filtered (or newly assigned) elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        scores = bboxes_intersection(tf.constant([0, 0, 1, 1], bboxes.dtype),
        mask = scores > threshold
        if assign_negative:
            labels = tf.where(mask, labels, -labels)
            # bboxes = tf.where(mask, bboxes, bboxes)
            labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
            bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_labels(labels, bboxes,
                         out_labels=[], num_classes=np.inf,
    """Filter out labels from a collection. Typically used to get
    of DontCare elements. Also remove elements based on the number of classes.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter_labels', [labels, bboxes]):
        mask = tf.greater_equal(labels, num_classes)
        for l in labels:
            mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.not_equal(labels, l))
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes

# =========================================================================== #
# Standard boxes computation.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def average_precision_voc07(precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute (interpolated) average precision from precision and recall Tensors.

    The implementation follows Pascal 2007 guidelines.
    See also:
    with tf.name_scope(name, 'average_precision_voc07', [precision, recall]):
        # Convert to float64 to decrease error on cumulated sums.
        precision = tf.cast(precision, dtype=tf.float64)
        recall = tf.cast(recall, dtype=tf.float64)
        # Add zero-limit value to avoid any boundary problem...
        precision = tf.concat([precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([recall, [np.inf]], axis=0)

        # Split the integral into 10 bins.
        l_aps = []
        for t in np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.1):
            mask = tf.greater_equal(recall, t)
            v = tf.reduce_max(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
            l_aps.append(v / 11.)
        ap = tf.add_n(l_aps)
        return ap
项目:skp_edu_docker    作者:TensorMSA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_loss_op(self):
        Adds loss to self
        if self.crf:
            log_likelihood, self.transition_params = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood(
            self.logits, self.labels, self.sequence_lengths)
            self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(-log_likelihood)
            losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.logits, labels=self.labels)
            mask = tf.sequence_mask(self.sequence_lengths)
            losses = tf.boolean_mask(losses, mask)
            self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)

        # for tensorboard
        tf.summary.scalar("loss", self.loss)
项目:dspp-keras    作者:PeptoneInc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chi2(exp, obs):
        Compute CHI^2 statistics of non-zero expected elements
    zero = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)
    mask = tf.not_equal(exp, zero)

    def masking(tensor, mask):
        return tf.boolean_mask(tensor, mask)

    stat = tf.reduce_sum(
                tf.subtract(masking(obs, mask), masking(exp, mask)),
            masking(exp, mask)),

    return stat
项目:Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-for-Dialogue-Generation-in-tensorflow    作者:liuyuemaicha    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sparse_boolean_mask(tensor, mask):
    Creates a sparse tensor from masked elements of `tensor`

      tensor: a 2-D tensor, [batch_size, T]
      mask: a 2-D mask, [batch_size, T]

    Output: a 2-D sparse tensor
    mask_lens = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(mask, tf.int32), -1, keep_dims=True)
    mask_shape = tf.shape(mask)
    left_shifted_mask = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.range(mask_shape[1]), 0),
        [mask_shape[0], 1]
    ) < mask_lens
    return tf.SparseTensor(
        values=tf.boolean_mask(tensor, mask),
        shape=tf.cast(tf.pack([mask_shape[0], tf.reduce_max(mask_lens)]), tf.int64)  # For 2D only
项目:CS224n    作者:akash9182    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_loss_op(self, preds):
        """Adds Ops for the loss function to the computational graph.

        TODO: Compute averaged cross entropy loss for the predictions.
        Importantly, you must ignore the loss for any masked tokens.

        Hint: You might find tf.boolean_mask useful to mask the losses on masked tokens.
        Hint: You can use tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits to simplify your
                    implementation. You might find tf.reduce_mean useful.
            pred: A tensor of shape (batch_size, max_length, n_classes) containing the output of the neural
                  network before the softmax layer.
            loss: A 0-d tensor (scalar)
        ### YOUR CODE HERE (~2-4 lines)
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.boolean_mask(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels = self.labels_placeholder,
                                                                            logits = preds), self.mask_placeholder)) 

        ### END YOUR CODE
        return loss
项目:seglink    作者:dengdan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_overlap(labels, bboxes,xs, ys, threshold, scope=None, assign_negative = False):
    """Filter out bounding boxes based on (relative )overlap with reference
    box [0, 0, 1, 1].  Remove completely bounding boxes, or assign negative
    labels to the one outside (useful for latter processing...).

      labels, bboxes: Filtered (or newly assigned) elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        scores = bboxes_intersection(tf.constant([0, 0, 1, 1], bboxes.dtype),bboxes)

        mask = scores > threshold
        if assign_negative:
            labels = tf.where(mask, labels, -labels)
            labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
            bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
            scores = bboxes_intersection(tf.constant([0, 0, 1, 1], bboxes.dtype),bboxes)
            xs = tf.boolean_mask(xs, mask);
            ys = tf.boolean_mask(ys, mask);
        return labels, bboxes, xs, ys
项目:DAVIS-2016-Chanllege-Solution    作者:tangyuhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_center(labels, bboxes, margins=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
    """Filter out bounding boxes whose center are not in
    the rectangle [0, 0, 1, 1] + margins. The margin Tensor
    can be used to enforce or loosen this condition.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        cy = (bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2.
        cx = (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2.
        mask = tf.greater(cy, margins[0])
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(cx, margins[1]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[2]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[3]))
        # Boolean masking...
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:DAVIS-2016-Chanllege-Solution    作者:tangyuhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_labels(labels, bboxes,
                         out_labels=[], num_classes=np.inf,
    """Filter out labels from a collection. Typically used to get
    of DontCare elements. Also remove elements based on the number of classes.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter_labels', [labels, bboxes]):
        mask = tf.greater_equal(labels, num_classes)
        for l in labels:
            mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.not_equal(labels, l))
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes

# =========================================================================== #
# Standard boxes computation.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:DAVIS-2016-Chanllege-Solution    作者:tangyuhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def average_precision_voc07(precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute (interpolated) average precision from precision and recall Tensors.

    The implementation follows Pascal 2007 guidelines.
    See also:
    with tf.name_scope(name, 'average_precision_voc07', [precision, recall]):
        # Convert to float64 to decrease error on cumulated sums.
        precision = tf.cast(precision, dtype=tf.float64)
        recall = tf.cast(recall, dtype=tf.float64)
        # Add zero-limit value to avoid any boundary problem...
        precision = tf.concat([precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([recall, [np.inf]], axis=0)

        # Split the integral into 10 bins.
        l_aps = []
        for t in np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.1):
            mask = tf.greater_equal(recall, t)
            v = tf.reduce_max(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
            l_aps.append(v / 11.)
        ap = tf.add_n(l_aps)
        return ap
项目:dcsp_segmentation    作者:arslan-chaudhry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def image_mirroring(img, label, seed):
    Randomly mirrors the images.

      img: Training image to mirror.
      label: Segmentation mask to mirror.
      seed: Random seed.

    distort_left_right_random = tf.random_uniform([1], 0, 1.0, dtype=tf.float32, seed=seed)[0]
    mirror = tf.less(tf.stack([1.0, distort_left_right_random, 1.0]), 0.5)
    mirror = tf.boolean_mask([0, 1, 2], mirror)
    img = tf.reverse(img, mirror)
    label = tf.reverse(label, mirror)
    return img, label
项目:triplet-reid    作者:VisualComputingInstitute    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample_k_fids_for_pid(pid, all_fids, all_pids, batch_k):
    """ Given a PID, select K FIDs of that specific PID. """
    possible_fids = tf.boolean_mask(all_fids, tf.equal(all_pids, pid))

    # The following simply uses a subset of K of the possible FIDs
    # if more than, or exactly K are available. Otherwise, we first
    # create a padded list of indices which contain a multiple of the
    # original FID count such that all of them will be sampled equally likely.
    count = tf.shape(possible_fids)[0]
    padded_count = tf.cast(tf.ceil(batch_k / count), tf.int32) * count
    full_range = tf.mod(tf.range(padded_count), count)

    # Sampling is always performed by shuffling and taking the first k.
    shuffled = tf.random_shuffle(full_range)
    selected_fids = tf.gather(possible_fids, shuffled[:batch_k])

    return selected_fids, tf.fill([batch_k], pid)
项目:tensorrec    作者:jfkirk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def separation_loss(tf_prediction_serial, tf_interactions_serial, **kwargs):
    This loss function models the explicit positive and negative interaction predictions as normal distributions and
    returns the probability of overlap between the two distributions.
    :param tf_prediction_serial:
    :param tf_interactions_serial:

    tf_positive_mask = tf.greater(tf_interactions_serial, 0.0)
    tf_negative_mask = tf.less_equal(tf_interactions_serial, 0.0)

    tf_positive_predictions = tf.boolean_mask(tf_prediction_serial, tf_positive_mask)
    tf_negative_predictions = tf.boolean_mask(tf_prediction_serial, tf_negative_mask)

    tf_pos_mean, tf_pos_var = tf.nn.moments(tf_positive_predictions, axes=[0])
    tf_neg_mean, tf_neg_var = tf.nn.moments(tf_negative_predictions, axes=[0])

    tf_overlap_distribution = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(loc=(tf_neg_mean - tf_pos_mean),
                                                              scale=tf.sqrt(tf_neg_var + tf_pos_var))

    loss = 1.0 - tf_overlap_distribution.cdf(0.0)
    return loss
项目:AVSR-Deep-Speech    作者:pandeydivesh15    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ctc_label_dense_to_sparse(labels, label_lengths, batch_size):
    # The second dimension of labels must be equal to the longest label length in the batch
    correct_shape_assert = tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(labels)[1], tf.reduce_max(label_lengths))
    with tf.control_dependencies([correct_shape_assert]):
        labels = tf.identity(labels)

    label_shape = tf.shape(labels)
    num_batches_tns = tf.stack([label_shape[0]])
    max_num_labels_tns = tf.stack([label_shape[1]])
    def range_less_than(previous_state, current_input):
        return tf.expand_dims(tf.range(label_shape[1]), 0) < current_input

    init = tf.cast(tf.fill(max_num_labels_tns, 0), tf.bool)
    init = tf.expand_dims(init, 0)
    dense_mask = tf.scan(range_less_than, label_lengths, initializer=init, parallel_iterations=1)
    dense_mask = dense_mask[:, 0, :]

    label_array = tf.reshape(tf.tile(tf.range(0, label_shape[1]), num_batches_tns),
    label_ind = tf.boolean_mask(label_array, dense_mask)

    batch_array = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.tile(tf.range(0, label_shape[0]), max_num_labels_tns), tf.reverse(label_shape, [0])))
    batch_ind = tf.boolean_mask(batch_array, dense_mask)

    indices = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.concat([batch_ind, label_ind], 0), [2, -1]))
    shape = [batch_size, tf.reduce_max(label_lengths)]
    vals_sparse = gather_nd(labels, indices, shape)

    return tf.SparseTensor(tf.to_int64(indices), vals_sparse, tf.to_int64(label_shape))

# Validate and normalize transcriptions. Returns a cleaned version of the label
# or None if it's invalid.
项目:AVSR-Deep-Speech    作者:pandeydivesh15    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ctc_label_dense_to_sparse(labels, label_lengths, batch_size):
    # The second dimension of labels must be equal to the longest label length in the batch
    correct_shape_assert = tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(labels)[1], tf.reduce_max(label_lengths))
    with tf.control_dependencies([correct_shape_assert]):
        labels = tf.identity(labels)

    label_shape = tf.shape(labels)
    num_batches_tns = tf.stack([label_shape[0]])
    max_num_labels_tns = tf.stack([label_shape[1]])
    def range_less_than(previous_state, current_input):
        return tf.expand_dims(tf.range(label_shape[1]), 0) < current_input

    init = tf.cast(tf.fill(max_num_labels_tns, 0), tf.bool)
    init = tf.expand_dims(init, 0)
    dense_mask = tf.scan(range_less_than, label_lengths, initializer=init, parallel_iterations=1)
    dense_mask = dense_mask[:, 0, :]

    label_array = tf.reshape(tf.tile(tf.range(0, label_shape[1]), num_batches_tns),
    label_ind = tf.boolean_mask(label_array, dense_mask)

    batch_array = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.tile(tf.range(0, label_shape[0]), max_num_labels_tns), tf.reverse(label_shape, [0])))
    batch_ind = tf.boolean_mask(batch_array, dense_mask)

    indices = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.concat([batch_ind, label_ind], 0), [2, -1]))
    shape = [batch_size, tf.reduce_max(label_lengths)]
    vals_sparse = gather_nd(labels, indices, shape)

    return tf.SparseTensor(tf.to_int64(indices), vals_sparse, tf.to_int64(label_shape))

# Validate and normalize transcriptions. Returns a cleaned version of the label
# or None if it's invalid.
项目:DeepPath    作者:xwhan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, scope = 'policy_network', learning_rate = 0.001):
        self.initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()
        with tf.variable_scope(scope):
            self.state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, state_dim], name = 'state')
            self.action = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name = 'action')
   = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = 'target')
            self.action_prob = policy_nn(self.state, state_dim, action_space, self.initializer)

            action_mask = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(self.action, depth = action_space), tf.bool)
            self.picked_action_prob = tf.boolean_mask(self.action_prob, action_mask)

            self.loss = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.log(self.picked_action_prob)* + sum(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, scope=scope))
            self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate)
            self.train_op = self.optimizer.minimize(self.loss)
项目:DeepPath    作者:xwhan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, learning_rate = 0.001):
        self.initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()
        with tf.variable_scope('supervised_policy'):
            self.state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, state_dim], name = 'state')
            self.action = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name = 'action')
            self.action_prob = policy_nn(self.state, state_dim, action_space, self.initializer)

            action_mask = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(self.action, depth = action_space), tf.bool)
            self.picked_action_prob = tf.boolean_mask(self.action_prob, action_mask)

            self.loss = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.log(self.picked_action_prob)) + sum(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, scope = 'supervised_policy'))
            self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate)
            self.train_op = self.optimizer.minimize(self.loss)
项目:seglink    作者:bgshih    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _cls_mining(self, scores, status, hard_neg_ratio=3.0, scope=None):
    Positive classification loss and hard negative classificatin loss
      scores: [n, n_classes]
      status: int [n] node or link matching status
      pos_loss: []
      n_pos: int []
      hard_neg_loss: []
      n_hard_neg: []
    with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'cls_mining'):
      # positive classification loss
      pos_mask = tf.equal(status, MATCH_STATUS_POS)
      pos_scores = tf.boolean_mask(scores, pos_mask)
      n_pos = tf.shape(pos_scores)[0]
      pos_labels = tf.fill([n_pos], POS_LABEL)
      pos_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
        logits=pos_scores, labels=pos_labels))

      # hard negative classification loss
      neg_mask = tf.equal(status, MATCH_STATUS_NEG)
      neg_scores = tf.boolean_mask(scores, neg_mask)
      n_neg = tf.shape(neg_scores)[0]
      n_hard_neg = tf.cast(n_pos, tf.float32) * hard_neg_ratio
      n_hard_neg = tf.minimum(n_hard_neg, tf.cast(n_neg, tf.float32))
      n_hard_neg = tf.cast(n_hard_neg, tf.int32)
      neg_prob = tf.nn.softmax(neg_scores)[:, NEG_LABEL]
      # find the k examples with the least negative probabilities
      _, hard_neg_indices = tf.nn.top_k(-neg_prob, k=n_hard_neg)
      hard_neg_scores = tf.gather(neg_scores, hard_neg_indices)
      hard_neg_labels = tf.fill([n_hard_neg], NEG_LABEL)
      hard_neg_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
        logits=hard_neg_scores, labels=hard_neg_labels))

      return pos_loss, n_pos, hard_neg_loss, n_hard_neg
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ctc_label_dense_to_sparse(labels, label_lengths):
    # undocumented feature soon to be made public
    from tensorflow.python.ops import functional_ops
    label_shape = tf.shape(labels)
    num_batches_tns = tf.pack([label_shape[0]])
    max_num_labels_tns = tf.pack([label_shape[1]])

    def range_less_than(previous_state, current_input):
        return tf.expand_dims(tf.range(label_shape[1]), 0) < tf.fill(max_num_labels_tns, current_input)

    init = tf.cast(tf.fill([1, label_shape[1]], 0), tf.bool)
    dense_mask = functional_ops.scan(range_less_than, label_lengths,
                                     initializer=init, parallel_iterations=1)
    dense_mask = dense_mask[:, 0, :]

    label_array = tf.reshape(tf.tile(tf.range(0, label_shape[1]), num_batches_tns),
    label_ind = tf.boolean_mask(label_array, dense_mask)

    batch_array = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.tile(tf.range(0, label_shape[0]),
                                                  max_num_labels_tns), tf.reverse(label_shape, [True])))
    batch_ind = tf.boolean_mask(batch_array, dense_mask)
    indices = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.concat(0, [batch_ind, label_ind]), [2, -1]))

    vals_sparse = tf.gather_nd(labels, indices)

    return tf.SparseTensor(tf.to_int64(indices), vals_sparse, tf.to_int64(label_shape))
项目:blitznet    作者:dvornikita    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_small_gt(gt_bboxes, gt_cats, min_size):
    mask = tf.logical_and(gt_bboxes[:, 2] >= min_size,
                          gt_bboxes[:, 3] >= min_size)
    return tf.boolean_mask(gt_bboxes, mask), tf.boolean_mask(gt_cats, mask)
项目:blitznet    作者:dvornikita    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nms(self, localization, confidence, tiling):
        good_bboxes = decode_bboxes(localization, tiling)

        not_crap_mask = tf.reduce_max(confidence[:, 1:], axis=-1) >= args.conf_thresh
        good_bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(good_bboxes, not_crap_mask)
        confidence = tf.boolean_mask(confidence, not_crap_mask)

        self.detection_list = []
        self.score_list = []
        for i in range(1, self.loader.num_classes):
            class_mask = tf.greater(confidence[:, i], args.conf_thresh)
            class_scores = tf.boolean_mask(confidence[:, i], class_mask)
            class_bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(good_bboxes, class_mask)

            K = tf.minimum(tf.size(class_scores), args.top_k_nms)
            _, top_k_inds = tf.nn.top_k(class_scores, K)
            top_class_scores = tf.gather(class_scores, top_k_inds)
            top_class_bboxes = tf.gather(class_bboxes, top_k_inds)

            final_inds = tf.image.non_max_suppression(top_class_bboxes,

            final_class_bboxes = tf.gather(top_class_bboxes, final_inds)
            final_scores = tf.gather(top_class_scores, final_inds)
项目:blitznet    作者:dvornikita    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_detector(self):
        img_size = self.config['image_size']
        self.image_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, None, 3],
                                       dtype=tf.float32, name='img_ph')
        self.seg_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, None], dtype=tf.int32, name='seg_ph')

        img = tf.image.resize_bilinear(tf.expand_dims(self.image_ph, 0),
                                       (img_size, img_size))

        if args.detect:
            confidence = tf.nn.softmax(tf.squeeze(['confidence']))
            location = tf.squeeze(['location'])
            self.nms(location, confidence, self.bboxer.tiling)

        if args.segment:
            self.segmentation =['segmentation']
            seg_shape = tf.shape(self.image_ph)[:2]
            self.segmentation = tf.image.resize_bilinear(self.segmentation, seg_shape)

            self.segmentation = tf.cast(tf.argmax(tf.squeeze(self.segmentation), axis=-1), tf.int32)
            self.segmentation = tf.reshape(self.segmentation, seg_shape)
            self.segmentation.set_shape([None, None])

            if not self.no_gt:
                easy_mask = self.seg_ph <= self.loader.num_classes
                predictions = tf.boolean_mask(self.segmentation, easy_mask)
                labels = tf.boolean_mask(self.seg_ph, easy_mask)
                self.mean_iou, self.iou_update = mean_iou(predictions, labels, self.loader.num_classes)
                self.mean_iou = tf.constant(0)
                self.iou_update = tf.constant(0)
项目:tflearn    作者:tflearn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def roc_auc_score(y_pred, y_true):
    """ ROC AUC Score.

    Approximates the Area Under Curve score, using approximation based on
    the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U statistic.

    Yan, L., Dodier, R., Mozer, M. C., & Wolniewicz, R. (2003).
    Optimizing Classifier Performance via an Approximation to the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Statistic.

    Measures overall performance for a full range of threshold levels.

        y_pred: `Tensor`. Predicted values.
        y_true: `Tensor` . Targets (labels), a probability distribution.

    with tf.name_scope("RocAucScore"):

        pos = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, tf.cast(y_true, tf.bool))
        neg = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, ~tf.cast(y_true, tf.bool))

        pos = tf.expand_dims(pos, 0)
        neg = tf.expand_dims(neg, 1)

        # original paper suggests performance is robust to exact parameter choice
        gamma = 0.2
        p     = 3

        difference = tf.zeros_like(pos * neg) + pos - neg - gamma

        masked = tf.boolean_mask(difference, difference < 0.0)

        return tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(-masked, p))