def get_supervisor(model): saver = tf.train.Saver() summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.model_dir) supervisor = tf.train.Supervisor( logdir=FLAGS.model_dir, is_chief=True, saver=saver, init_op=set_initial_ops(), summary_op=tf.summary.merge_all(), summary_writer=summary_writer, save_summaries_secs=100, # TODO: add as flags save_model_secs=1000, global_step=model.global_step, ) return supervisor
def register_dataset_flags(): logging.info("Registering Dataset flags") flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 128, "Size of the batch of the dataset iterator.") flags.DEFINE_integer("buffer_size", 512, "Size of the buffer of the dataset iterator.") flags.DEFINE_integer("take_count", -1, "Creates a `Dataset` with at most `count` batches from this dataset.") flags.DEFINE_string("train_subdir", "train", "Location of training TFRecords, with the training set dir.") flags.DEFINE_string("eval_subdir", "eval", "Location of eval TFRecords, with the training set dir.")
def get_sess_config(): # gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions( # per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=self.gpu_memory_fraction, # allow_growth=True) # seems to be not working sess_config = tf.ConfigProto( # log_device_placement=True, inter_op_parallelism_threads=8, # TODO: add as flags # allow_soft_placement=True, # gpu_options=gpu_options) ) return sess_config
def run_benchmark_distributed(): ops = create_graph("/job:worker/task:0", "/job:worker/task:1") queues = [create_done_queue(0), create_done_queue(1)] # launch distributed service port0, port1 = [portpicker.pick_unused_port() for _ in range(2)] flags = " ".join(sys.argv) # pass parent flags to children def run_worker(w): my_env = os.environ.copy() if not FLAGS.verbose: my_env["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "" my_env["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "2" if FLAGS.profile: my_env["LD_PRELOAD"]="/usr/lib/libtcmalloc_and_profiler.so.4" my_env["CPUPROFILE"]="/tmp/profile.out.%s"%(w) cmd = "python %s --task=%d --port0=%s --port1=%s"%(flags, w, port0, port1) subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=my_env) run_worker(0) run_worker(1) sess = tf.Session("grpc://%s:%s"%(host, port0), config=session_config()) rate = run_benchmark(sess, *ops) # bring down workers if FLAGS.verbose: print("Killing workers.") sess.run(queues[1].enqueue(1)) sess.run(queues[0].enqueue(1)) # bring down master last return rate
def run_benchmark_distributed(): ops = create_graph("/job:worker/task:0", "/job:worker/task:1") queues = [create_done_queue(0), create_done_queue(1)] # launch distributed service port0, port1 = [portpicker.pick_unused_port() for _ in range(2)] flags = " ".join(sys.argv) # pass parent flags to children def run_worker(w): my_env = os.environ.copy() if not FLAGS.verbose: my_env["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "" my_env["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "2" if FLAGS.profile: my_env["LD_PRELOAD"]="/usr/lib/libtcmalloc_and_profiler.so.4" my_env["CPUPROFILE"]="/tmp/profile.out.%s"%(w) cmd = "python %s --task=%d --port0=%s --port1=%s"%(flags, w, port0, port1) subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=my_env) run_worker(0) run_worker(1) sess = tf.Session("grpc://%s:%s"%(host, port0), config=session_config()) rate = run_benchmark(sess, *ops) # bring down workers if FLAGS.verbose: print("Killing workers.") sess.run(queues[1].enqueue(1)) # todo: sleep to avoid killing master too early? sess.run(queues[0].enqueue(1)) # bring down master last return rate
def register_core_flags(): logging.info("Registering core spotify-tensorflow flags") flags.DEFINE_string("training_set", None, "Location of the training set") flags.DEFINE_string("job-dir", None, "Where to write data")
def restore_config(config_file): with open(config_file) as f: flags = pickle.load(f) for k, v in flags.iteritems(): setattr(FLAGS, k, v)
def save_config(config_file): with open(config_file, 'w') as f: flags = get_flags() saved_flags = {} for k in _SAVE_FLAGS: saved_flags[k] = flags[k] pickle.dump(saved_flags, f)
def vocab_size(self): return self._vocab_size # Define flags from the t2t binaries
def __init__(self, data_dir, model_dir): """Creates the Transformer estimator. Args: data_dir: The training data directory. model_dir: The trained model directory. """ # Do the pre-setup tensor2tensor requires for flags and configurations. FLAGS.output_dir = model_dir FLAGS.data_dir = data_dir usr_dir.import_usr_dir(FLAGS.t2t_usr_dir) data_dir = os.path.expanduser(data_dir) # Create the basic hyper parameters. self.hparams = tpu_trainer_lib.create_hparams( FLAGS.hparams_set, FLAGS.hparams, data_dir=data_dir, problem_name=FLAGS.problems) decode_hp = decoding.decode_hparams(FLAGS.decode_hparams) decode_hp.add_hparam("shards", 1) decode_hp.add_hparam("shard_id", 0) # Create the estimator and final hyper parameters. self.estimator = tpu_trainer_lib.create_estimator( FLAGS.model, self.hparams, tpu_trainer.create_run_config(), decode_hp, use_tpu=False) # Fetch the vocabulary and other helpful variables for decoding. self.source_vocab = self.hparams.problems[0].vocabulary["inputs"] self.targets_vocab = self.hparams.problems[0].vocabulary["targets"] self.const_array_size = 10000 # Prepare the Transformer's debug data directory. run_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join("/tmp/t2t_server_dump", "run_*"))) for run_dir in run_dirs: shutil.rmtree(run_dir)