Python tensorflow 模块,logging() 实例源码


项目:tfs    作者:geevi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sequential(x, net, defaults = {}, name = '', reuse = None, var = {}, layers = {}):
    layers = dict(list(layers.items()) + list(predefined_layers.items()))
    y = x'Building Sequential Network : %s', name)

    with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse = reuse):
        for i in range(len(net)):
            ltype   = net[i][0]
            lcfg    = net[i][1] if len(net[i]) == 2 else {}
            lname   = lcfg.get('name', ltype + str(i))
            ldefs   = defaults.get(ltype, {})
            lcfg    = dict(list(ldefs.items()) + list(lcfg.items()))
            for k, v in list(lcfg.items()):
                if isinstance(v, basestring) and v[0] == '$':
                    # print var, v
                    lcfg[k] = var[v[1:]]
            y  = layers[ltype](y, lname, **lcfg)
  '\t %s \t %s', lname, y.get_shape().as_list())
        return y
项目:sonnet    作者:deepmind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _module_info_from_proto_safe(module_info_def, import_scope=None):
  """Deserializes the `module_info_def` proto without raising exceptions.

    module_info_def: An instance of `module_pb2.SonnetModule`.
    import_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to use.

    An instance of `ModuleInfo`.
    return _module_info_from_proto(module_info_def, import_scope)
  except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        "Error encountered when deserializing sonnet ModuleInfo:\n%s", str(e))
    return None

# `to_proto` is already wrapped into a try...except externally but
# `from_proto` isn't. In order to minimize disruption, catch all the exceptions
# happening during `from_proto` and just log them.
项目:num-seq-recognizer    作者:gmlove    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(unused_args):
  g = tf.Graph()
  with g.as_default(), tf.device('/cpu:0'):
    # Build the model for evaluation.
    model = create_model(FLAGS, 'eval')

    with tf.Session() as sess:
      # Start the queue runners.
      coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
      threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord)

      # Run evaluation on the latest checkpoint.
        for i in range(FLAGS.total_steps):
      except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        tf.logging.error("Evaluation failed.")

      coord.join(threads, stop_grace_period_secs=1)
项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_priming_melodies(self):
    """Runs a batch of training data through MelodyRNN model.

    If the priming mode is 'random_midi', priming the q-network requires a
    random training melody. Therefore this function runs a batch of data from
    the training directory through the internal model, and the resulting
    internal states of the LSTM are stored in a list. The next note in each
    training melody is also stored in a corresponding list called
    'priming_notes'. Therefore, to prime the model with a random melody, it is
    only necessary to select a random index from 0 to batch_size-1 and use the
    hidden states and note at that index as input to the model.
     self.priming_states, lengths) = self.q_network.run_training_batch()

    # Get the next note that was predicted for each priming melody to be used
    # in priming.
    self.priming_notes = [0] * len(lengths)
    for i in range(len(lengths)):
      # Each melody has TRAIN_SEQUENCE_LENGTH outputs, but the last note is
      # actually stored at lengths[i]. The rest is padding.
      start_i = i * TRAIN_SEQUENCE_LENGTH
      end_i = start_i + lengths[i] - 1
      end_softmax = next_note_softmax[end_i, :]
      self.priming_notes[i] = np.argmax(end_softmax)'Stored priming notes: %s', self.priming_notes)
项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prime_internal_model(self, model):
    """Prime an internal model such as the q_network based on priming mode.

      model: The internal model that should be primed.

      The first observation to feed into the model.
    model.state_value = model.get_zero_state()

    if self.priming_mode == 'random_midi':
      priming_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self.priming_states))
      model.state_value = np.reshape(
          self.priming_states[priming_idx, :],
          (1, model.cell.state_size))
      priming_note = self.priming_notes[priming_idx]
      next_obs = np.array(
          rl_tuner_ops.make_onehot([priming_note], self.num_actions)).flatten()
          'Feeding priming state for midi file %s and corresponding note %s',
          priming_idx, priming_note)
    elif self.priming_mode == 'single_midi':
      next_obs = model.priming_note
    elif self.priming_mode == 'random_note':
      next_obs = self.get_random_note()
      tf.logging.warn('Error! Invalid priming mode. Priming with random note')
      next_obs = self.get_random_note()

    return next_obs
项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reward_leap_up_back(self, action, resolving_leap_bonus=5.0,
    """Applies punishment and reward based on the principle leap up leap back.

    Large interval jumps (more than a fifth) should be followed by moving back
    in the same direction.

      action: One-hot encoding of the chosen action.
      resolving_leap_bonus: Amount of reward dispensed for resolving a previous
      leaping_twice_punishment: Amount of reward received for leaping twice in
        the same direction.
      Float reward value.

    leap_outcome = self.detect_leap_up_back(action)
    if leap_outcome == rl_tuner_ops.LEAP_RESOLVED:
      tf.logging.debug('Leap resolved, awarding %s', resolving_leap_bonus)
      return resolving_leap_bonus
    elif leap_outcome == rl_tuner_ops.LEAP_DOUBLED:
      tf.logging.debug('Leap doubled, awarding %s', leaping_twice_punishment)
      return leaping_twice_punishment
      return 0.0
项目:sonnet    作者:deepmind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testFinalCoreHasNoSizeWarning(self):
    cores = [snt.LSTM(hidden_size=10), snt.Linear(output_size=42), tf.nn.relu]
    rnn = snt.DeepRNN(cores, skip_connections=False)

    with mock.patch.object(tf.logging, "warning") as mocked_logging_warning:
      # This will produce a warning.
      unused_output_size = rnn.output_size
      first_call_args = mocked_logging_warning.call_args[0]
      self.assertTrue("final core %s does not have the "
                      ".output_size field" in first_call_args[0])
      self.assertEqual(first_call_args[2], 42)
项目:sonnet    作者:deepmind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testNoSizeButAlreadyConnected(self):
    batch_size = 16
    cores = [snt.LSTM(hidden_size=10), snt.Linear(output_size=42), tf.nn.relu]
    rnn = snt.DeepRNN(cores, skip_connections=False)
    unused_output = rnn(tf.zeros((batch_size, 128)),

    with mock.patch.object(tf.logging, "warning") as mocked_logging_warning:
      output_size = rnn.output_size
      # Correct size is automatically inferred.
      self.assertEqual(output_size, tf.TensorShape([42]))
      first_call_args = mocked_logging_warning.call_args[0]
      self.assertTrue("DeepRNN has been connected into the graph, "
                      "so inferred output size" in first_call_args[0])
项目:sonnet    作者:deepmind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWarning(self):
    seq = snt.Sequential([snt.Linear(output_size=23),
    seq(tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[2, 3]))
    with mock.patch.object(tf.logging, "warning") as mocked_logging_warning:
      self.assertEqual((), seq.get_variables())

      first_call_args = mocked_logging_warning.call_args[0]
      self.assertTrue("will always return an empty tuple" in first_call_args[0])
项目:tensorboard    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testExpiredDataDiscardedAfterRestartForFileVersionLessThan2(self):
    """Tests that events are discarded after a restart is detected.

    If a step value is observed to be lower than what was previously seen,
    this should force a discard of all previous items with the same tag
    that are outdated.

    Only file versions < 2 use this out-of-order discard logic. Later versions
    discard events based on the step value of SessionLog.START.
    warnings = []
    self.stubs.Set(tf.logging, 'warn', warnings.append)

    gen = _EventGenerator(self)
    acc = ea.EventAccumulator(gen)

    gen.AddEvent(tf.Event(wall_time=0, step=0, file_version='brain.Event:1'))
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=100, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=200, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=300, value=20)
    ## Check that number of items are what they should be
    self.assertEqual([x.step for x in acc.Tensors('s1')], [100, 200, 300])

    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=101, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=201, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=301, value=20)
    ## Check that we have discarded 200 and 300 from s1
    self.assertEqual([x.step for x in acc.Tensors('s1')], [100, 101, 201, 301])
项目:tensorboard    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testEventsDiscardedPerTagAfterRestartForFileVersionLessThan2(self):
    """Tests that event discards after restart, only affect the misordered tag.

    If a step value is observed to be lower than what was previously seen,
    this should force a discard of all previous items that are outdated, but
    only for the out of order tag. Other tags should remain unaffected.

    Only file versions < 2 use this out-of-order discard logic. Later versions
    discard events based on the step value of SessionLog.START.
    warnings = []
    self.stubs.Set(tf.logging, 'warn', warnings.append)

    gen = _EventGenerator(self)
    acc = ea.EventAccumulator(gen)

    gen.AddEvent(tf.Event(wall_time=0, step=0, file_version='brain.Event:1'))
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=100, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s2', wall_time=1, step=101, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=200, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s2', wall_time=1, step=201, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=300, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s2', wall_time=1, step=301, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=101, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s3', wall_time=1, step=101, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=201, value=20)
    gen.AddScalarTensor('s1', wall_time=1, step=301, value=20)

    ## Check that we have discarded 200 and 300 for s1
    self.assertEqual([x.step for x in acc.Tensors('s1')], [100, 101, 201, 301])

    ## Check that s1 discards do not affect s2 (written before out-of-order)
    ## or s3 (written after out-of-order).
    ## i.e. check that only events from the out of order tag are discarded
    self.assertEqual([x.step for x in acc.Tensors('s2')], [101, 201, 301])
    self.assertEqual([x.step for x in acc.Tensors('s3')], [101])
项目:tensorboard    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testExpiredDataDiscardedAfterRestartForFileVersionLessThan2(self):
    """Tests that events are discarded after a restart is detected.

    If a step value is observed to be lower than what was previously seen,
    this should force a discard of all previous items with the same tag
    that are outdated.

    Only file versions < 2 use this out-of-order discard logic. Later versions
    discard events based on the step value of SessionLog.START.
    warnings = []
    self.stubs.Set(tf.logging, 'warn', warnings.append)

    gen = _EventGenerator(self)
    acc = ea.EventAccumulator(gen)

    gen.AddEvent(tf.Event(wall_time=0, step=0, file_version='brain.Event:1'))
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=100, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=200, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=300, value=20)
    ## Check that number of items are what they should be
    self.assertEqual([x.step for x in acc.Scalars('s1')], [100, 200, 300])

    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=101, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=201, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=301, value=20)
    ## Check that we have discarded 200 and 300 from s1
    self.assertEqual([x.step for x in acc.Scalars('s1')], [100, 101, 201, 301])
项目:tensorboard    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testEventsDiscardedPerTagAfterRestartForFileVersionLessThan2(self):
    """Tests that event discards after restart, only affect the misordered tag.

    If a step value is observed to be lower than what was previously seen,
    this should force a discard of all previous items that are outdated, but
    only for the out of order tag. Other tags should remain unaffected.

    Only file versions < 2 use this out-of-order discard logic. Later versions
    discard events based on the step value of SessionLog.START.
    warnings = []
    self.stubs.Set(tf.logging, 'warn', warnings.append)

    gen = _EventGenerator(self)
    acc = ea.EventAccumulator(gen)

    gen.AddEvent(tf.Event(wall_time=0, step=0, file_version='brain.Event:1'))
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=100, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=200, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=300, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=101, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=201, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s1', wall_time=1, step=301, value=20)

    gen.AddScalar('s2', wall_time=1, step=101, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s2', wall_time=1, step=201, value=20)
    gen.AddScalar('s2', wall_time=1, step=301, value=20)

    ## Check that we have discarded 200 and 300
    self.assertEqual([x.step for x in acc.Scalars('s1')], [100, 101, 201, 301])

    ## Check that s1 discards do not affect s2
    ## i.e. check that only events from the out of order tag are discarded
    self.assertEqual([x.step for x in acc.Scalars('s2')], [101, 201, 301])
项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reward_music_theory(self, action):
    """Computes cumulative reward for all music theory functions.

      action: A one-hot encoding of the chosen action.
      Float reward value.
    reward = self.reward_key(action)
    tf.logging.debug('Key: %s', reward)
    prev_reward = reward

    reward += self.reward_tonic(action)
    if reward != prev_reward:
      tf.logging.debug('Tonic: %s', reward)
    prev_reward = reward

    reward += self.reward_penalize_repeating(action)
    if reward != prev_reward:
      tf.logging.debug('Penalize repeating: %s', reward)
    prev_reward = reward

    reward += self.reward_penalize_autocorrelation(action)
    if reward != prev_reward:
      tf.logging.debug('Penalize autocorr: %s', reward)
    prev_reward = reward

    reward += self.reward_motif(action)
    if reward != prev_reward:
      tf.logging.debug('Reward motif: %s', reward)
    prev_reward = reward

    reward += self.reward_repeated_motif(action)
    if reward != prev_reward:
      tf.logging.debug('Reward repeated motif: %s', reward)
    prev_reward = reward

    # New rewards based on Gauldin's book, "A Practical Approach to Eighteenth
    # Century Counterpoint"
    reward += self.reward_preferred_intervals(action)
    if reward != prev_reward:
      tf.logging.debug('Reward preferred_intervals: %s', reward)
    prev_reward = reward

    reward += self.reward_leap_up_back(action)
    if reward != prev_reward:
      tf.logging.debug('Reward leap up back: %s', reward)
    prev_reward = reward

    reward += self.reward_high_low_unique(action)
    if reward != prev_reward:
      tf.logging.debug('Reward high low unique: %s', reward)

    return reward
项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def restore_from_directory(self, directory=None, checkpoint_name=None,
    """Restores this model from a saved checkpoint.

      directory: Path to directory where checkpoint is located. If
        None, defaults to self.output_dir.
      checkpoint_name: The name of the checkpoint within the
      reward_file_name: The name of the .npz file where the stored
        rewards are saved. If None, will not attempt to load stored
    if directory is None:
      directory = self.output_dir

    if checkpoint_name is not None:
      checkpoint_file = os.path.join(directory, checkpoint_name)
    else:'Directory %s.', directory)
      checkpoint_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(directory)

    if checkpoint_file is None:
      tf.logging.fatal('Error! Cannot locate checkpoint in the directory')
    # TODO(natashamjaques): Remove print statement once tf.logging outputs
    # to Jupyter notebooks (once the following issue is resolved:
    print('Attempting to restore from checkpoint', checkpoint_file)'Attempting to restore from checkpoint %s', checkpoint_file)

    self.saver.restore(self.session, checkpoint_file)

    if reward_file_name is not None:
      npz_file_name = os.path.join(directory, reward_file_name)
      # TODO(natashamjaques): Remove print statement once tf.logging outputs
      # to Jupyter notebooks (once the following issue is resolved:
      print('Attempting to load saved reward values from file', npz_file_name)'Attempting to load saved reward values from file %s',
      npz_file = np.load(npz_file_name)

      self.rewards_batched = npz_file['train_rewards']
      self.music_theory_rewards_batched = npz_file['train_music_theory_rewards']
      self.note_rnn_rewards_batched = npz_file['train_note_rnn_rewards']
      self.eval_avg_reward = npz_file['eval_rewards']
      self.eval_avg_music_theory_reward = npz_file['eval_music_theory_rewards']
      self.eval_avg_note_rnn_reward = npz_file['eval_note_rnn_rewards']
      self.target_val_list = npz_file['target_val_list']
项目:wip-lambada-lm    作者:brain-research    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_epoch(session, config, graph, iterator, ops=None,
              summary_writer=None, summary_prefix=None, saver=None):
  """Runs the model on the given data."""
  if not ops:
    ops = []

  def should_monitor(step):
    return step and c['monitoring_frequency'] and (step + 1) % c['monitoring_frequency'] == 0
  def should_save(step):
    return step and c['saving_frequency'] and (step + 1) % c['saving_frequency'] == 0

  # Shortcuts, ugly but still increase readability
  c = config
  g = graph
  m = Monitor(summary_writer, summary_prefix)

  while g['step_number'].eval() < FLAGS.task * c['next_worker_delay']:

  # Statistics
  for step, (inputs, lengths) in enumerate(iterator):
    # Define what we feed
    feed_dict = {g['inputs']: inputs,
                 g['input_lengths']: lengths}

    # Define what we fetch
    fetch = dict(g['observed'])
    fetch['total_neg_loglikelihood'] = g['total_neg_loglikelihood']
    fetch['total_correct'] = g['total_correct']
    fetch['_ops'] = ops

    # RUN!!!
    r =, feed_dict)

    # Update the monitor accumulators
    m.total_neg_loglikelihood += r['total_neg_loglikelihood']
    m.total_correct += r['total_correct']
    # We do not predict the first words, that's why
    # batch_size has to subtracted from the total
    m.steps += 1
    m.words += sum(lengths) - c['batch_size']
    m.sentences += c['batch_size']
    m.words_including_padding += c['batch_size'] * len(inputs[0])
    m.step_number = g['step_number'].eval()
    m.learning_rate = float(g['learning_rate'].eval())
    for key in g['observed']:
      m.observed[key] += r[key]

    if should_monitor(step):'monitor')
      result = m.monitor()
    if saver and should_save(step):
      print("saved"), os.path.join(FLAGS.train_path, 'model'))

  if not should_monitor(step):
    result = m.monitor()
  if saver:, os.path.join(FLAGS.train_path, 'model'))
  return result
项目:learning-to-learn    作者:deepmind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(_):
  # Configuration.
  num_unrolls = FLAGS.num_steps

  if FLAGS.seed:

  # Problem.
  problem, net_config, net_assignments = util.get_config(FLAGS.problem,

  # Optimizer setup.
  if FLAGS.optimizer == "Adam":
    cost_op = problem()
    problem_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)
    problem_reset = tf.variables_initializer(problem_vars)

    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(FLAGS.learning_rate)
    optimizer_reset = tf.variables_initializer(optimizer.get_slot_names())
    update = optimizer.minimize(cost_op)
    reset = [problem_reset, optimizer_reset]
  elif FLAGS.optimizer == "L2L":
    if FLAGS.path is None:
      logging.warning("Evaluating untrained L2L optimizer")
    optimizer = meta.MetaOptimizer(**net_config)
    meta_loss = optimizer.meta_loss(problem, 1, net_assignments=net_assignments)
    _, update, reset, cost_op, _ = meta_loss
    raise ValueError("{} is not a valid optimizer".format(FLAGS.optimizer))

  with ms.MonitoredSession() as sess:
    # Prevent accidental changes to the graph.

    total_time = 0
    total_cost = 0
    for _ in xrange(FLAGS.num_epochs):
      # Training.
      time, cost = util.run_epoch(sess, cost_op, [update], reset,
      total_time += time
      total_cost += cost

    # Results.
    util.print_stats("Epoch {}".format(FLAGS.num_epochs), total_cost,
                     total_time, FLAGS.num_epochs)
项目:Image-Captioning    作者:zsdonghao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evaluate_model(sess, target_cross_entropy_losses, target_cross_entropy_loss_weights, global_step, summary_writer, summary_op):
  """Computes perplexity-per-word over the evaluation dataset.

  Summaries and perplexity-per-word are written out to the eval directory.

    sess: Session object.
    model: Instance of ShowAndTellModel; the model to evaluate.
    global_step: Integer; global step of the model checkpoint.
    summary_writer: Instance of SummaryWriter.
    summary_op: Op for generating model summaries.
  # Log model summaries on a single batch.
  summary_str =
  summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step)

  # Compute perplexity over the entire dataset.
  num_eval_batches = int(
      math.ceil(num_eval_examples / batch_size))

  start_time = time.time()
  sum_losses = 0.
  sum_weights = 0.
  for i in xrange(num_eval_batches):
    cross_entropy_losses, weights =[
    sum_losses += np.sum(cross_entropy_losses * weights)
    sum_weights += np.sum(weights)
    if not i % 100:"Computed losses for %d of %d batches.", i + 1,
  eval_time = time.time() - start_time

  perplexity = math.exp(sum_losses / sum_weights)"Perplexity = %f (%.2g sec)", perplexity, eval_time)

  # Log perplexity to the SummaryWriter.
  summary = tf.Summary()
  value = summary.value.add()
  value.simple_value = perplexity
  value.tag = "Perplexity"
  summary_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step)

  # Write the Events file to the eval directory.
  summary_writer.flush()"Finished processing evaluation at global step %d.",
项目:Image-Captioning    作者:zsdonghao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_once(global_step, target_cross_entropy_losses, target_cross_entropy_loss_weights, saver, summary_writer, summary_op):
  """Evaluates the latest model checkpoint.

    model: Instance of ShowAndTellModel; the model to evaluate.
    saver: Instance of tf.train.Saver for restoring model Variables.
    summary_writer: Instance of SummaryWriter.
    summary_op: Op for generating model summaries.
  # The lastest ckpt
  model_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir)
  # print(model_path)   # /home/dsigpu4/Samba/im2txt/model/train_tl/model.ckpt-20000
  # exit()
  if not model_path:"Skipping evaluation. No checkpoint found in: %s",

  with tf.Session() as sess:
    # Load model from checkpoint."Loading model from checkpoint: %s", model_path)
    saver.restore(sess, model_path)
    # global_step = tf.train.global_step(sess,
    step = tf.train.global_step(sess,"Successfully loaded %s at global step = %d.",
                    # os.path.basename(model_path), global_step)
                    os.path.basename(model_path), step)
    # if global_step < min_global_step:
    if step < min_global_step:
    #"Skipping evaluation. Global step = %d < %d", global_step,"Skipping evaluation. Global step = %d < %d", step,

    # Start the queue runners.
    coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
    threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord)

    # Run evaluation on the latest checkpoint.
    except Exception, e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
      tf.logging.error("Evaluation failed.")

    coord.join(threads, stop_grace_period_secs=10)
项目:Image-Captioning    作者:zsdonghao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run():
  """Runs evaluation in a loop, and logs summaries to TensorBoard."""
  # Create the evaluation directory if it doesn't exist.
  if not tf.gfile.IsDirectory(eval_dir):"Creating eval directory: %s", eval_dir)

  g = tf.Graph()
  with g.as_default():
    images, input_seqs, target_seqs, input_mask = Build_Inputs(mode, input_file_pattern)
    net_image_embeddings = Build_Image_Embeddings(mode, images, train_inception)
    net_seq_embeddings = Build_Seq_Embeddings(input_seqs)
    _, target_cross_entropy_losses, target_cross_entropy_loss_weights, network = \
            Build_Model(mode, net_image_embeddings, net_seq_embeddings, target_seqs, input_mask)

    global_step = tf.Variable(
        collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP, tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES])

    # Create the Saver to restore model Variables.
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    # Create the summary operation and the summary writer.
    summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries()
    summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(eval_dir)


    # Run a new evaluation run every eval_interval_secs.
    while True:
      start = time.time()"Starting evaluation at " + time.strftime(
          "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
      run_once(global_step, target_cross_entropy_losses,
                        saver, summary_writer,
      time_to_next_eval = start + eval_interval_secs - time.time()
      if time_to_next_eval > 0:
项目:tf-tutorial    作者:zchen0211    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(_):
  # Configuration.
  num_unrolls = FLAGS.num_steps

  if FLAGS.seed:

  # Problem.
  problem, net_config, net_assignments = util.get_config(FLAGS.problem,

  # Optimizer setup.
  if FLAGS.optimizer == "Adam":
    cost_op = problem()
    problem_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)
    problem_reset = tf.variables_initializer(problem_vars)

    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(FLAGS.learning_rate)
    optimizer_reset = tf.variables_initializer(optimizer.get_slot_names())
    update = optimizer.minimize(cost_op)
    reset = [problem_reset, optimizer_reset]
  elif FLAGS.optimizer == "L2L":
    if FLAGS.path is None:
      logging.warning("Evaluating untrained L2L optimizer")
    optimizer = meta.MetaOptimizer(**net_config)
    meta_loss = optimizer.meta_loss(problem, 1, net_assignments=net_assignments)
    _, update, reset, cost_op, _ = meta_loss
    raise ValueError("{} is not a valid optimizer".format(FLAGS.optimizer))

  with ms.MonitoredSession() as sess:
    # Prevent accidental changes to the graph.

    total_time = 0
    total_cost = 0
    for _ in xrange(FLAGS.num_epochs):
      # Training.
      time, cost = util.run_epoch(sess, cost_op, [update], reset,
      total_time += time
      total_cost += cost

    # Results.
    util.print_stats("Epoch {}".format(FLAGS.num_epochs), total_cost,
                     total_time, FLAGS.num_epochs)
项目:cloudml-examples    作者:googlegenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_input_fn(input_file_pattern, batch_size, mode):
  """Build input function.

    input_file_pattern: The file patter for examples
    batch_size: Batch size
    mode: The execution mode, as defined in tf.contrib.learn.ModeKeys.

    Tuple, dictionary of feature column name to tensor and labels.
  def _input_fn():
    """Supplies the input to the model.

      A tuple consisting of 1) a dictionary of tensors whose keys are
      the feature names, and 2) a tensor of target labels if the mode
      is not INFER (and None, otherwise).
    """"Reading files from %s", input_file_pattern)
    input_files = sorted(list(tf.gfile.Glob(input_file_pattern)))"Reading files from %s", input_files)
    include_target_column = (mode != tf.contrib.learn.ModeKeys.INFER)
    features_spec = tf.contrib.layers.create_feature_spec_for_parsing(

    if FLAGS.use_gzip:
      def gzip_reader():
        return tf.TFRecordReader(
      reader_fn = gzip_reader
      reader_fn = tf.TFRecordReader

    features =
        randomize_input=mode == tf.contrib.learn.ModeKeys.TRAIN,
    target = None
    if include_target_column:
      target = features.pop(FLAGS.target_field)
    return features, target

  return _input_fn