def apply(self, is_train, inputs, mask=None): inputs = tf.transpose(inputs, [1, 0, 2]) # to time first with tf.variable_scope("forward"): cell = LSTMBlockFusedCell(self.n_units, use_peephole=self.use_peepholes) fw = cell(inputs, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=mask)[0] with tf.variable_scope("backward"): cell = LSTMBlockFusedCell(self.n_units, use_peephole=self.use_peepholes) inputs = tf.reverse_sequence(inputs, mask, seq_axis=0, batch_axis=1) bw = cell(inputs, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=mask)[0] bw = tf.reverse_sequence(bw, mask, seq_axis=0, batch_axis=1) out = tf.concat([fw, bw], axis=2) out = tf.transpose(out, [1, 0, 2]) # back to batch first return out
def _create_position_embedding(self, lengths, maxlen): # Slice to size of current sequence pe_slice = self.pos_embed[2:maxlen+2, :] # Replicate encodings for each element in the batch batch_size = tf.shape(lengths)[0] pe_batch = tf.tile([pe_slice], [batch_size, 1, 1]) # Mask out positions that are padded positions_mask = tf.sequence_mask( lengths=lengths, maxlen=maxlen, dtype=tf.float32) positions_embed = pe_batch * tf.expand_dims(positions_mask, 2) positions_embed = tf.reverse_sequence(positions_embed, lengths, batch_dim=0, seq_dim=1) # [[1,2,3,4,PAD,PAD,PAD],[2,3,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD]] [4,2] positions_embed = tf.reverse(positions_embed,[1]) # --> [[4,3,2,1,PAD,PAD,PAD],[3,2,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD]] --> [[PAD,PAD,PAD,1,2,3,4],[PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD,2,3]] return positions_embed
def bw_dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, sequence_length=None, initial_state=None, dtype=None, parallel_iterations=None, swap_memory=False, time_major=False, scope=None): assert not time_major # TODO : to be implemented later! flat_inputs = flatten(inputs, 2) # [-1, J, d] flat_len = None if sequence_length is None else tf.cast(flatten(sequence_length, 0), 'int64') flat_inputs = tf.reverse(flat_inputs, 1) if sequence_length is None \ else tf.reverse_sequence(flat_inputs, sequence_length, 1) flat_outputs, final_state = _dynamic_rnn(cell, flat_inputs, sequence_length=flat_len, initial_state=initial_state, dtype=dtype, parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, swap_memory=swap_memory, time_major=time_major, scope=scope) flat_outputs = tf.reverse(flat_outputs, 1) if sequence_length is None \ else tf.reverse_sequence(flat_outputs, sequence_length, 1) outputs = reconstruct(flat_outputs, inputs, 2) return outputs, final_state
def bidirectional_rnn(forward_cell, backward_cell, inputs, seq_lens_mask, concatenate=True): seq_lens = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(seq_lens_mask, 1), tf.int32) # Reverse inputs (batch x time x embedding_dim); takes care of variable seq_len reverse_inputs = tf.reverse_sequence(inputs, seq_lens, seq_dim=1, batch_dim=0) # Run forwards and backwards RNN forward_outputs, forward_last_state = \ rnn(forward_cell, inputs, seq_lens_mask) backward_outputs_reversed, backward_last_state = \ rnn(backward_cell, reverse_inputs, seq_lens_mask) backward_outputs = tf.reverse_sequence(backward_outputs_reversed, seq_lens, seq_dim=1, batch_dim=0) if concatenate: # last_state dimensions: batch x hidden_size last_state = tf.concat(1, [forward_last_state, backward_last_state]) # outputs dimensions: batch x time x hidden_size outputs = tf.concat(2, [forward_outputs, backward_outputs]) # Dimensions: outputs (batch x time x hidden_size*2); last_state (batch x hidden_size*2) return (outputs, last_state) # Dimensions: outputs (batch x time x hidden_size); last_state (batch x hidden_size) return (forward_outputs, forward_last_state, backward_outputs, backward_last_state)
def flip_randomly(inputs, horizontally, vertically, is_training, name=None): """Flip images randomly. Make separate flipping decision for each image. Args: inputs (4-D tensor): Input images (batch size, height, width, channels). horizontally (bool): If True, flip horizontally with 50% probability. Otherwise, don't. vertically (bool): If True, flip vertically with 50% probability. Otherwise, don't. is_training (bool): If False, no flip is performed. scope: A name for the operation. """ with tf.name_scope(name, "flip_randomly") as scope: batch_size, height, width, _ = tf.unstack(tf.shape(inputs)) vertical_choices = (tf.random_uniform([batch_size], 0, 2, tf.int32) * tf.to_int32(vertically) * tf.to_int32(is_training)) horizontal_choices = (tf.random_uniform([batch_size], 0, 2, tf.int32) * tf.to_int32(horizontally) * tf.to_int32(is_training)) vertically_flipped = tf.reverse_sequence(inputs, vertical_choices * height, 1) both_flipped = tf.reverse_sequence(vertically_flipped, horizontal_choices * width, 2) return tf.identity(both_flipped, name=scope)
def map(self, is_train, x, mask=None): x = tf.transpose(x, [1, 0, 2]) if self.bidirectional: with tf.variable_scope("forward"): fw = self._apply_transposed(is_train, x)[0] with tf.variable_scope("backward"): bw = self._apply_transposed(is_train, tf.reverse_sequence(x, mask, 0, 1))[0] bw = tf.reverse_sequence(bw, mask, 0, 1) out = tf.concat([fw, bw], axis=2) else: out = self._apply_transposed(is_train, x)[0] out = tf.transpose(out, [1, 0, 2]) if mask is not None: out *= tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(tf.sequence_mask(mask, tf.shape(out)[1]), tf.float32), 2) return out
def reverse_seq(input_seq, lengths): """Reverse a list of Tensors up to specified lengths. Args: input_seq: Sequence of seq_len tensors of dimension (batch_size, depth) lengths: A tensor of dimension batch_size, containing lengths for each sequence in the batch. If "None" is specified, simply reverses the list. Returns: time-reversed sequence """ for input_ in input_seq: input_.set_shape(input_.get_shape().with_rank(2)) # Join into (time, batch_size, depth) s_joined = tf.pack(input_seq) # Reverse along dimension 0 s_reversed = tf.reverse_sequence(s_joined, lengths, 0, 1) # Split again into list result = tf.unpack(s_reversed) return result
def birnn(cell, inputs, sequence_length, initial_state_fw=None, initial_state_bw=None, ff_keep_prob=1., recur_keep_prob=1., dtype=tf.float32, scope=None): """""" # Forward direction with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'BiRNN_FW') as fw_scope: output_fw, output_state_fw = rnn(cell, inputs, sequence_length, initial_state_fw, ff_keep_prob, recur_keep_prob, dtype, scope=fw_scope) # Backward direction rev_inputs = tf.reverse_sequence(inputs, sequence_length, 1, 0) with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'BiRNN_BW') as bw_scope: output_bw, output_state_bw = rnn(cell, rev_inputs, sequence_length, initial_state_bw, ff_keep_prob, recur_keep_prob, dtype, scope=bw_scope) output_bw = tf.reverse_sequence(output_bw, sequence_length, 1, 0) # Concat each of the forward/backward outputs outputs = tf.concat([output_fw, output_bw], 2) return outputs, tf.tuple([output_state_fw, output_state_bw]) #===============================================================
def step(self, time_, inputs, state, name=None): cell_output, cell_state = self.cell(inputs, state) cell_output_new, logits, attention_scores, attention_context = \ self.compute_output(cell_output) if self.reverse_scores_lengths is not None: attention_scores = tf.reverse_sequence( input=attention_scores, seq_lengths=self.reverse_scores_lengths, seq_dim=1, batch_dim=0) sample_ids = self.helper.sample( time=time_, outputs=logits, state=cell_state) outputs = AttentionDecoderOutput( logits=logits, predicted_ids=sample_ids, cell_output=cell_output_new, attention_scores=attention_scores, attention_context=attention_context) finished, next_inputs, next_state = self.helper.next_inputs( time=time_, outputs=outputs, state=cell_state, sample_ids=sample_ids) return (outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)
def fused_rnn_backward(fused_rnn, inputs, sequence_length, initial_state=None, dtype=None, scope=None, time_major=True): if not time_major: inputs = tf.transpose(inputs, [1, 0, 2]) # assumes that time dim is 0 and batch is 1 rev_inputs = tf.reverse_sequence(inputs, sequence_length, 0, 1) rev_outputs, last_state = fused_rnn(rev_inputs, sequence_length=sequence_length, initial_state=initial_state, dtype=dtype, scope=scope) outputs = tf.reverse_sequence(rev_outputs, sequence_length, 0, 1) if not time_major: outputs = tf.transpose(outputs, [1, 0, 2]) return outputs, last_state
def encode(self, features, labels): features["source_ids"] = tf.reverse_sequence(features["source_ids"], features["source_len"], batch_dim=0, seq_dim=1) # [[1,2,3,4,PAD,PAD,PAD],[2,3,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD]] [4,2] features["source_ids"] = tf.reverse(features["source_ids"],[1]) # --> [[4,3,2,1,PAD,PAD,PAD],[3,2,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD]] --> [[PAD,PAD,PAD,1,2,3,4],[PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD,PAD,2,3]] source_embedded = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.source_embedding_fairseq(), features["source_ids"]) encoder_fn = self.encoder_class(self.params["encoder.params"], self.mode, self.source_pos_embedding_fairseq()) return encoder_fn(source_embedded, features["source_len"])
def _encoder(cell_fw, cell_bw, inputs, sequence_length, dtype=None, scope=None): with tf.variable_scope(scope or "encoder", values=[inputs, sequence_length]): inputs_fw = inputs inputs_bw = tf.reverse_sequence(inputs, sequence_length, batch_axis=0, seq_axis=1) with tf.variable_scope("forward"): output_fw, state_fw = _gru_encoder(cell_fw, inputs_fw, sequence_length, None, dtype=dtype) with tf.variable_scope("backward"): output_bw, state_bw = _gru_encoder(cell_bw, inputs_bw, sequence_length, None, dtype=dtype) output_bw = tf.reverse_sequence(output_bw, sequence_length, batch_axis=0, seq_axis=1) results = { "annotation": tf.concat([output_fw, output_bw], axis=2), "outputs": { "forward": output_fw, "backward": output_bw }, "final_states": { "forward": state_fw, "backward": state_bw } } return results
def _reverse_seq(input_seq, lengths): """Reverse a list of Tensors up to specified lengths. Args: input_seq: Sequence of seq_len tensors of dimension (batch_size, depth) lengths: A tensor of dimension batch_size, containing lengths for each sequence in the batch. If "None" is specified, simply reverses the list. Returns: time-reversed sequence """ if lengths is None: return list(reversed(input_seq)) input_shape = tensor_shape.matrix(None, None) for input_ in input_seq: input_shape.merge_with(input_.get_shape()) input_.set_shape(input_shape) # Join into (time, batch_size, depth) s_joined = tf.stack(input_seq) if lengths is not None: lengths = tf.to_int64(lengths) # Reverse along dimension 0 s_reversed = tf.reverse_sequence(s_joined, lengths, 0, 1) # Split again into list result = tf.unstack(s_reversed) for r in result: r.set_shape(input_shape) return result
def encode_sentences(self, text_emb, text_len, text_len_mask): num_sentences = tf.shape(text_emb)[0] max_sentence_length = tf.shape(text_emb)[1] # Transpose before and after for efficiency. inputs = tf.transpose(text_emb, [1, 0, 2]) # [max_sentence_length, num_sentences, emb] with tf.variable_scope("fw_cell"): cell_fw = util.CustomLSTMCell(self.config["lstm_size"], num_sentences, self.dropout) preprocessed_inputs_fw = cell_fw.preprocess_input(inputs) with tf.variable_scope("bw_cell"): cell_bw = util.CustomLSTMCell(self.config["lstm_size"], num_sentences, self.dropout) preprocessed_inputs_bw = cell_bw.preprocess_input(inputs) preprocessed_inputs_bw = tf.reverse_sequence(preprocessed_inputs_bw, seq_lengths=text_len, seq_dim=0, batch_dim=1) state_fw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(tf.tile(cell_fw.initial_state.c, [num_sentences, 1]), tf.tile(cell_fw.initial_state.h, [num_sentences, 1])) state_bw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(tf.tile(cell_bw.initial_state.c, [num_sentences, 1]), tf.tile(cell_bw.initial_state.h, [num_sentences, 1])) with tf.variable_scope("lstm"): with tf.variable_scope("fw_lstm"): fw_outputs, fw_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=cell_fw, inputs=preprocessed_inputs_fw, sequence_length=text_len, initial_state=state_fw, time_major=True) with tf.variable_scope("bw_lstm"): bw_outputs, bw_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=cell_bw, inputs=preprocessed_inputs_bw, sequence_length=text_len, initial_state=state_bw, time_major=True) bw_outputs = tf.reverse_sequence(bw_outputs, seq_lengths=text_len, seq_dim=0, batch_dim=1) text_outputs = tf.concat([fw_outputs, bw_outputs], 2) text_outputs = tf.transpose(text_outputs, [1, 0, 2]) # [num_sentences, max_sentence_length, emb] return self.flatten_emb_by_sentence(text_outputs, text_len_mask)
def rnn_layer(rnn_input: tf.Tensor, lengths: tf.Tensor, rnn_spec: RNNSpec) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Construct a RNN layer given its inputs and specs. Arguments: rnn_inputs: The input sequence to the RNN. lengths: Lengths of input sequences. rnn_spec: A valid RNNSpec tuple specifying the network architecture. """ if rnn_spec.direction == "bidirectional": fw_cell = _make_rnn_cell(rnn_spec) bw_cell = _make_rnn_cell(rnn_spec) outputs_tup, states_tup = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn( fw_cell, bw_cell, rnn_input, sequence_length=lengths, dtype=tf.float32) outputs = tf.concat(outputs_tup, 2) if rnn_spec.cell_type == "LSTM": states_tup = (state.h for state in states_tup) final_state = tf.concat(list(states_tup), 1) else: if rnn_spec.direction == "backward": rnn_input = tf.reverse_sequence(rnn_input, lengths, seq_axis=1) cell = _make_rnn_cell(rnn_spec) outputs, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( cell, rnn_input, sequence_length=lengths, dtype=tf.float32) if rnn_spec.direction == "backward": outputs = tf.reverse_sequence(outputs, lengths, seq_axis=1) if rnn_spec.cell_type == "LSTM": final_state = final_state.h return outputs, final_state
def test_ReverseSequence(self): x = self.random(3, 4, 10) t = tf.reverse_sequence(x, [5, 0, 0, 8], seq_dim=2, batch_dim=1) self.check(t)
def encode_sentences(self, text_emb, text_len, text_len_mask): """ Passes the input tensor through bi_LSTM. Args: text_emb: [num_sentences, max_sentence_length, emb], text code in tensor text_len: tf.int32, [Amount of sentences] text_len_mask: boolean mask for text_emb Returns: [num_sentences, max_sentence_length, emb], output of bi-LSTM after boolean mask application """ num_sentences = tf.shape(text_emb)[0] max_sentence_length = tf.shape(text_emb)[1] # Transpose before and after for efficiency. inputs = tf.transpose(text_emb, [1, 0, 2]) # [max_sentence_length, num_sentences, emb] with tf.variable_scope("fw_cell"): cell_fw = utils.CustomLSTMCell(self.opt["lstm_size"], num_sentences, self.dropout) preprocessed_inputs_fw = cell_fw.preprocess_input(inputs) with tf.variable_scope("bw_cell"): cell_bw = utils.CustomLSTMCell(self.opt["lstm_size"], num_sentences, self.dropout) preprocessed_inputs_bw = cell_bw.preprocess_input(inputs) preprocessed_inputs_bw = tf.reverse_sequence(preprocessed_inputs_bw, seq_lengths=text_len, seq_dim=0, batch_dim=1) state_fw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(tf.tile(cell_fw.initial_state.c, [num_sentences, 1]), tf.tile(cell_fw.initial_state.h, [num_sentences, 1])) state_bw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(tf.tile(cell_bw.initial_state.c, [num_sentences, 1]), tf.tile(cell_bw.initial_state.h, [num_sentences, 1])) with tf.variable_scope("lstm"): with tf.variable_scope("fw_lstm"): fw_outputs, fw_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=cell_fw, inputs=preprocessed_inputs_fw, sequence_length=text_len, initial_state=state_fw, time_major=True) with tf.variable_scope("bw_lstm"): bw_outputs, bw_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=cell_bw, inputs=preprocessed_inputs_bw, sequence_length=text_len, initial_state=state_bw, time_major=True) bw_outputs = tf.reverse_sequence(bw_outputs, seq_lengths=text_len, seq_dim=0, batch_dim=1) text_outputs = tf.concat([fw_outputs, bw_outputs], 2) text_outputs = tf.transpose(text_outputs, [1, 0, 2]) # [num_sentences, max_sentence_length, emb] return self.flatten_emb_by_sentence(text_outputs, text_len_mask)
def create_model(self, model_input, vocab_size, num_frames, is_training=True, **unused_params): """Creates a model which uses a stack of LSTMs to represent the video. Args: model_input: A 'batch_size' x 'max_frames' x 'num_features' matrix of input features. vocab_size: The number of classes in the dataset. num_frames: A vector of length 'batch' which indicates the number of frames for each video (before padding). Returns: A dictionary with a tensor containing the probability predictions of the model in the 'predictions' key. The dimensions of the tensor are 'batch_size' x 'num_classes'. """ lstm_size = FLAGS.lstm_cells number_of_layers = FLAGS.lstm_layers random_frames = FLAGS.lstm_random_sequence iterations = FLAGS.iterations backward = FLAGS.lstm_backward if random_frames: num_frames_2 = tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(num_frames, 1), tf.float32) model_input = utils.SampleRandomFrames(model_input, num_frames_2, iterations) if backward: model_input = tf.reverse_sequence(model_input, num_frames, seq_axis=1) stacked_lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [ tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell( lstm_size, forget_bias=1.0, state_is_tuple=False) for _ in range(number_of_layers) ], state_is_tuple=False) loss = 0.0 with tf.variable_scope("RNN"): outputs, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(stacked_lstm, model_input, sequence_length=num_frames, dtype=tf.float32) aggregated_model = getattr(video_level_models, FLAGS.video_level_classifier_model) return aggregated_model().create_model( model_input=state, vocab_size=vocab_size, is_training=is_training, **unused_params)
def create_model(self, model_input, vocab_size, num_frames, is_training=True, **unused_params): """Creates a model which uses a stack of GRUs to represent the video. Args: model_input: A 'batch_size' x 'max_frames' x 'num_features' matrix of input features. vocab_size: The number of classes in the dataset. num_frames: A vector of length 'batch' which indicates the number of frames for each video (before padding). Returns: A dictionary with a tensor containing the probability predictions of the model in the 'predictions' key. The dimensions of the tensor are 'batch_size' x 'num_classes'. """ gru_size = FLAGS.gru_cells number_of_layers = FLAGS.gru_layers backward = FLAGS.gru_backward random_frames = FLAGS.gru_random_sequence iterations = FLAGS.iterations if random_frames: num_frames_2 = tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(num_frames, 1), tf.float32) model_input = utils.SampleRandomFrames(model_input, num_frames_2, iterations) if backward: model_input = tf.reverse_sequence(model_input, num_frames, seq_axis=1) stacked_GRU = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [ tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(gru_size) for _ in range(number_of_layers) ], state_is_tuple=False) loss = 0.0 with tf.variable_scope("RNN"): outputs, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(stacked_GRU, model_input, sequence_length=num_frames, dtype=tf.float32) aggregated_model = getattr(video_level_models, FLAGS.video_level_classifier_model) return aggregated_model().create_model( model_input=state, vocab_size=vocab_size, is_training=is_training, **unused_params)
def inference(X, weights, bias, reuse = None, trainMode = True): word_vectors = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(WORDS, X) # [batch_size, 80, 50] length = GetLength(X) length_64 = tf.cast(length, tf.int64) reuse = None if trainMode else True #if trainMode: # word_vectors = tf.nn.dropout(word_vectors, 0.5) with tf.variable_scope("rnn_fwbw", reuse = reuse) as scope: forward_output, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(FLAGS.num_hidden, reuse = reuse), word_vectors, dtype = tf.float32, sequence_length = length, scope = "RNN_forward") backward_output_, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(FLAGS.num_hidden, reuse = reuse), inputs = tf.reverse_sequence(word_vectors, length_64, seq_dim = 1), dtype = tf.float32, sequence_length = length, scope = "RNN_backword") backward_output = tf.reverse_sequence(backward_output_, length_64, seq_dim = 1) output = tf.concat([forward_output, backward_output], 2) # [batch_size, 80, 200] output = tf.reshape(output, [-1, FLAGS.num_hidden * 2]) if trainMode: output = tf.nn.dropout(output, 0.5) matricized_unary_scores = tf.matmul(output, weights) + bias # [batch_size, 80, 4] unary_scores = tf.reshape( matricized_unary_scores, [-1, FLAGS.max_sentence_len, FLAGS.num_tags]) return unary_scores, length
def inference(self, X, reuse=None, trainMode=True): word_vectors = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.words, X) length = self.length(X) length_64 = tf.cast(length, tf.int64) reuse = None if trainMode else True if FLAGS.embedding_size_2 > 0: word_vectors2 = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.words2, X) word_vectors = tf.concat(2, [word_vectors, word_vectors2]) #if trainMode: # word_vectors = tf.nn.dropout(word_vectors, 0.5) with tf.variable_scope("rnn_fwbw", reuse=reuse) as scope: forward_output, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(self.numHidden, reuse=reuse), word_vectors, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=length, scope="RNN_forward") backward_output_, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(self.numHidden, reuse=reuse), inputs=tf.reverse_sequence(word_vectors, length_64, seq_dim=1), dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=length, scope="RNN_backword") backward_output = tf.reverse_sequence(backward_output_, length_64, seq_dim=1) output = tf.concat([forward_output, backward_output], 2) output = tf.reshape(output, [-1, self.numHidden * 2]) if trainMode: output = tf.nn.dropout(output, 0.5) matricized_unary_scores = tf.matmul(output, self.W) + self.b # matricized_unary_scores = tf.nn.log_softmax(matricized_unary_scores) unary_scores = tf.reshape( matricized_unary_scores, [-1, FLAGS.max_sentence_len, self.distinctTagNum]) return unary_scores, length
def deep_birnn(hps, inputs, sequence_length, num_layers=1): """Efficient deep bidirectional rnn. Args: hps: bag of hyperparameters. inputs: [batch, steps, units] tensor of input embeddings for RNN. sequence_length: number of steps for each inputs. num_layers: depth of RNN. Returns: Outputs of RNN. """ sequence_length = sequence_length sequence_length_mask = tf.expand_dims( create_mask(sequence_length, hps.num_art_steps), 2) for j in xrange(num_layers): with tf.variable_scope("birnn_fwd_%d" % j): w = tf.get_variable( "w", [hps.word_embedding_size + hps.hidden_size, 4 * hps.hidden_size]) b = tf.get_variable("b", [4 * hps.hidden_size]) split_inputs = [tf.reshape(t, [hps.batch_size, -1]) for t in tf.split(1, hps.num_art_steps, inputs)] (_, _, _, _, _, _, h) = block_lstm( tf.to_int64(hps.num_art_steps), split_inputs, w, b, forget_bias=1.0) fwd_outs = h fwd_outs = tf.concat(1, [tf.expand_dims(fwdo, 1) for fwdo in fwd_outs]) fwd_outs *= sequence_length_mask with tf.variable_scope("birnn_bwd_%d" % j): w = tf.get_variable( "w", [hps.word_embedding_size + hps.hidden_size, 4 * hps.hidden_size]) b = tf.get_variable("b", [4 * hps.hidden_size]) if sequence_length is not None: rev_inputs = tf.reverse_sequence(inputs, tf.to_int64(sequence_length), 1) else: rev_inputs = tf.reverse(inputs, 1) split_rev_inputs = [tf.reshape(t, [hps.batch_size, -1]) for t in tf.split(1, hps.num_art_steps, rev_inputs)] (_, _, _, _, _, _, h) = block_lstm( tf.to_int64(hps.num_art_steps), split_rev_inputs, w, b, forget_bias=1.0) bwd_outs = h bwd_outs = tf.concat(1, [tf.expand_dims(bwdo, 1) for bwdo in bwd_outs]) bwd_outs *= sequence_length_mask if sequence_length is not None: rev_bwd_outs = tf.reverse_sequence(bwd_outs, tf.to_int64(sequence_length), 1) else: rev_bwd_outs = tf.reverse(bwd_outs, 1) inputs = tf.concat(2, [fwd_outs, rev_bwd_outs]) return inputs