def _grad_sparsity(self): """Gradient sparsity.""" # If the sparse minibatch gradient has 10 percent of its entries # non-zero, its sparsity is 0.1. # The norm of dense gradient averaged from full dataset # are roughly estimated norm of minibatch # sparse gradient norm * sqrt(sparsity) # An extension maybe only correct the sparse blob. non_zero_cnt = tf.add_n([tf.count_nonzero(g) for g in self._grad]) all_entry_cnt = tf.add_n([tf.size(g) for g in self._grad]) self._sparsity = tf.cast(non_zero_cnt, self._grad[0].dtype) self._sparsity /= tf.cast(all_entry_cnt, self._grad[0].dtype) avg_op = self._moving_averager.apply([self._sparsity, ]) with tf.control_dependencies([avg_op]): self._sparsity_avg = self._moving_averager.average(self._sparsity) return avg_op
def _grad_sparsity(self): """Gradient sparsity.""" # If the sparse minibatch gradient has 10 percent of its entries # non-zero, its sparsity is 0.1. # The norm of dense gradient averaged from full dataset # are roughly estimated norm of minibatch # sparse gradient norm * sqrt(sparsity) # An extension maybe only correct the sparse blob. non_zero_cnt = tf.add_n([tf.count_nonzero(g) for g in self._grad]) all_entry_cnt = tf.add_n([tf.size(g) for g in self._grad]) self._sparsity = tf.cast(non_zero_cnt, self._grad[0].dtype) self._sparsity /= tf.cast(all_entry_cnt, self._grad[0].dtype) avg_op = self._moving_averager.apply([self._sparsity,]) with tf.control_dependencies([avg_op]): self._sparsity_avg = self._moving_averager.average(self._sparsity) return avg_op
def _get_testing(rnn_logits,sequence_length,label,label_length): """Create ops for testing (all scalars): loss: CTC loss function value, label_error: Batch-normalized edit distance on beam search max sequence_error: Batch-normalized sequence error rate """ with tf.name_scope("train"): loss = model.ctc_loss_layer(rnn_logits,label,sequence_length) with tf.name_scope("test"): predictions,_ = tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder(rnn_logits, sequence_length, beam_width=128, top_paths=1, merge_repeated=True) hypothesis = tf.cast(predictions[0], tf.int32) # for edit_distance label_errors = tf.edit_distance(hypothesis, label, normalize=False) sequence_errors = tf.count_nonzero(label_errors,axis=0) total_label_error = tf.reduce_sum( label_errors ) total_labels = tf.reduce_sum( label_length ) label_error = tf.truediv( total_label_error, tf.cast(total_labels, tf.float32 ), name='label_error') sequence_error = tf.truediv( tf.cast( sequence_errors, tf.int32 ), tf.shape(label_length)[0], name='sequence_error') tf.summary.scalar( 'loss', loss ) tf.summary.scalar( 'label_error', label_error ) tf.summary.scalar( 'sequence_error', sequence_error ) return loss, label_error, sequence_error
def grad_sparsity(self): # If the sparse minibatch gradient has 10 percent of its entries # non-zero, its sparsity is 0.1. # The norm of dense gradient averaged from full dataset # are roughly estimated norm of minibatch # sparse gradient norm * sqrt(sparsity) # An extension maybe only correct the sparse blob. non_zero_cnt = tf.add_n([tf.count_nonzero(g) for g in self._grads]) all_entry_cnt = tf.add_n([tf.size(g) for g in self._grads]) self._sparsity = tf.cast(non_zero_cnt, self._grads[0].dtype) \ / tf.cast(all_entry_cnt, self._grads[0].dtype) avg_op = self._moving_averager.apply([self._sparsity, ]) with tf.control_dependencies([avg_op]): self._sparsity_avg = self._moving_averager.average(self._sparsity) return avg_op
def tf_apply(self, x, update): if self.name == 'elu': x = tf.nn.elu(features=x) elif self.name == 'none': x = tf.identity(input=x) elif self.name == 'relu': x = tf.nn.relu(features=x) if 'relu' in self.summary_labels: non_zero = tf.cast(x=tf.count_nonzero(input_tensor=x), dtype=tf.float32) size = tf.cast(x=tf.reduce_prod(input_tensor=tf.shape(input=x)), dtype=tf.float32) summary = tf.summary.scalar(name='relu', tensor=(non_zero / size)) self.summaries.append(summary) elif self.name == 'selu': # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.02515.pdf alpha = 1.6732632423543772848170429916717 scale = 1.0507009873554804934193349852946 negative = alpha * tf.nn.elu(features=x) x = scale * tf.where(condition=(x >= 0.0), x=x, y=negative) elif self.name == 'sigmoid': x = tf.sigmoid(x=x) elif self.name == 'softmax': x = tf.nn.softmax(logits=x) elif self.name == 'softplus': x = tf.nn.softplus(features=x) elif self.name == 'tanh': x = tf.nn.tanh(x=x) else: raise TensorForceError('Invalid non-linearity: {}'.format(self.name)) return x
def f1_score(logits, targets_pl, one_hot=False): targets = tf.to_int64(targets_pl) y_predicted = tf.arg_max(logits, 1) if one_hot: y_true = tf.arg_max(targets, 1) else: y_true = logits # get true positives (by multiplying the predicted and actual labels we will only get a 1 if both labels are 1) tp = tf.count_nonzero(y_predicted * y_true) # get true negatives (basically the same as tp only the inverse) tn = tf.count_nonzero((y_predicted - 1) * (y_true - 1)) fp = tf.count_nonzero(y_predicted * (y_true - 1)) fn = tf.count_nonzero((y_predicted - 1) * y_true) # Calculate accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score. accuracy = (tp + tn) / (tp + fp + fn + tn) precision = tp / (tp + fp) recall = tp / (tp + fn) f1_score = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy) tf.summary.scalar('precision', precision) tf.summary.scalar('recall', recall) tf.summary.scalar('f1-score', f1_score) f1_score = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(f1_score, 'float32'), name='f1_score_reduce_mean') return f1_score
def eta_r(children, t_coef): """Compute weight matrix for how much each vector belogs to the 'right'""" with tf.name_scope('coef_r'): # children is shape (batch_size x max_tree_size x max_children) children = tf.cast(children, tf.float32) batch_size = tf.shape(children)[0] max_tree_size = tf.shape(children)[1] max_children = tf.shape(children)[2] # num_siblings is shape (batch_size x max_tree_size x 1) num_siblings = tf.cast( tf.count_nonzero(children, axis=2, keep_dims=True), dtype=tf.float32 ) # num_siblings is shape (batch_size x max_tree_size x max_children + 1) num_siblings = tf.tile( num_siblings, [1, 1, max_children + 1], name='num_siblings' ) # creates a mask of 1's and 0's where 1 means there is a child there # has shape (batch_size x max_tree_size x max_children + 1) mask = tf.concat( [tf.zeros((batch_size, max_tree_size, 1)), tf.minimum(children, tf.ones(tf.shape(children)))], axis=2, name='mask' ) # child indices for every tree (batch_size x max_tree_size x max_children + 1) child_indices = tf.multiply(tf.tile( tf.expand_dims( tf.expand_dims( tf.range(-1.0, tf.cast(max_children, tf.float32), 1.0, dtype=tf.float32), axis=0 ), axis=0 ), [batch_size, max_tree_size, 1] ), mask, name='child_indices') # weights for every tree node in the case that num_siblings = 0 # shape is (batch_size x max_tree_size x max_children + 1) singles = tf.concat( [tf.zeros((batch_size, max_tree_size, 1)), tf.fill((batch_size, max_tree_size, 1), 0.5), tf.zeros((batch_size, max_tree_size, max_children - 1))], axis=2, name='singles') # eta_r is shape (batch_size x max_tree_size x max_children + 1) return tf.where( tf.equal(num_siblings, 1.0), # avoid division by 0 when num_siblings == 1 singles, # the normal case where num_siblings != 1 tf.multiply((1.0 - t_coef), tf.divide(child_indices, num_siblings - 1.0)), name='coef_r' )
def build_reward(self): with tf.name_scope('permutations'): # Reorder input % tour self.permutations = tf.stack([tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(self.batch_size,dtype=tf.int32),1),[1,self.max_length+2]),self.positions],2) self.ordered_input_ = tf.gather_nd(self.input_,self.permutations) self.ordered_input_ = tf.transpose(self.ordered_input_,[2,1,0]) # [batch size, seq length +1 , features] to [features, seq length +1, batch_size] Rq: +1 because end = start = depot # Ordered coordinates ordered_x_ = self.ordered_input_[0] # [seq length +1, batch_size] delta_x2 = tf.transpose(tf.square(ordered_x_[1:]-ordered_x_[:-1]),[1,0]) # [batch_size, seq length] delta_x**2 ordered_y_ = self.ordered_input_[1] # [seq length +1, batch_size] delta_y2 = tf.transpose(tf.square(ordered_y_[1:]-ordered_y_[:-1]),[1,0]) # [batch_size, seq length] delta_y**2 # Ordered TW constraints self.ordered_tw_mean_ = tf.transpose(self.ordered_input_[2][:-1],[1,0]) # [seq length, batch_size] to [batch_size, seq length] self.ordered_tw_width_ = tf.transpose(self.ordered_input_[3][:-1],[1,0]) # [seq length, batch_size] to [batch_size, seq length] self.ordered_tw_open_ = self.ordered_tw_mean_ - self.ordered_tw_width_/2 self.ordered_tw_close_ = self.ordered_tw_mean_ + self.ordered_tw_width_/2 with tf.name_scope('environment'): # Get tour length (euclidean distance) inter_city_distances = tf.sqrt(delta_x2+delta_y2) # sqrt(delta_x**2 + delta_y**2) this is the euclidean distance between each city: depot --> ... ---> depot [batch_size, seq length] self.distances = tf.reduce_sum(inter_city_distances, axis=1) # [batch_size] variable_summaries('tour_length',self.distances, with_max_min = True) # Get time at each city if no constraint self.time_at_cities = (1/self.speed)*tf.cumsum(inter_city_distances, axis=1, exclusive=True)-10 # [batch size, seq length] # Rq: -10 to be on time at depot (t_mean centered) # Apply constraints to each city self.constrained_delivery_time = [] cumul_lateness = 0 for time_open, delivery_time in zip(tf.unstack(self.ordered_tw_open_,axis=1), tf.unstack(self.time_at_cities,axis=1)): # Unstack % seq length delayed_delivery = delivery_time + cumul_lateness cumul_lateness += tf.maximum(time_open-delayed_delivery,tf.zeros([self.batch_size])) # if you have to wait... wait (impacts further states) self.constrained_delivery_time.append(delivery_time+cumul_lateness) self.constrained_delivery_time = tf.stack(self.constrained_delivery_time,1) # Define delay from lateness self.delay = tf.maximum(self.constrained_delivery_time-self.ordered_tw_close_-0.0001, tf.zeros([self.batch_size,self.max_length+1])) # Delay perceived by the client (doesn't care if the deliver waits..) self.delay = tf.count_nonzero(self.delay,1) variable_summaries('delay',tf.cast(self.delay,tf.float32), with_max_min = True) # Define reward from tour length & delay self.reward = tf.cast(self.distances,tf.float32)+self.beta*tf.sqrt(tf.cast(self.delay,tf.float32)) variable_summaries('reward',self.reward, with_max_min = True)
def lstm_context_encoder( input_with_embedding, mask, utterence_level_state_size, utterence_level_keep_proba, utterence_level_num_layers, context_level_state_size, context_level_keep_proba, context_level_num_layers, utterence_level_forget_bias=1.0, utterence_level_activation=tf.tanh, context_level_forget_bias=1.0, context_level_activation=tf.tanh, scope_name=None, **kwargs): if scope_name is None: scope_name = 'lstm_context_encoder' with tf.variable_scope(scope_name, reuse=None): # context = several utterences (1 or more) # two level encoder input_shape = tf.shape(input_with_embedding, ) # utterence level encoder utterence_outputs, utterence_states = multi_lstms( input_with_embedding=input_with_embedding, mask=mask, forget_bias=utterence_level_forget_bias, activation=utterence_level_activation, batch_size=input_shape[0], state_size=utterence_level_state_size, keep_prob=utterence_level_keep_proba, num_layers=utterence_level_num_layers, scope_name='utterence_level_lstm', init_state=None) final_utterence_output = get_last_effective_result(utterence_outputs, mask) # context level encoder utt_output_shape = tf.shape(final_utterence_output, ) context_input = tf.reshape( final_utterence_output, shape=tf.concat([[1], utt_output_shape], axis=0)) context_mask = tf.count_nonzero([mask], axis=1) context_outputs, context_states = multi_lstms( input_with_embedding=context_input, mask=context_mask, forget_bias=context_level_forget_bias, activation=context_level_activation, batch_size=1, state_size=context_level_state_size, keep_prob=context_level_keep_proba, num_layers=context_level_num_layers, scope_name='context_level_lstm', init_state=None) final_context_output = get_last_effective_result( context_outputs, context_mask) return final_context_output