Python tensorflow 模块,unsorted_segment_sum() 实例源码


项目:jack    作者:uclmr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def segment_softmax(scores, segment_ids):
    """Given scores and a partition, converts scores to probs by performing
    softmax over all rows within a partition."""

    # Subtract max
    num_segments = tf.reduce_max(segment_ids) + 1
    if len(scores.get_shape()) == 2:
        max_per_partition = tf.unsorted_segment_max(tf.reduce_max(scores, axis=1), segment_ids, num_segments)
        scores -= tf.expand_dims(tf.gather(max_per_partition, segment_ids), axis=1)
        max_per_partition = tf.unsorted_segment_max(scores, segment_ids, num_segments)
        scores -= tf.gather(max_per_partition, segment_ids)

    # Compute probs
    scores_exp = tf.exp(scores)
    if len(scores.get_shape()) == 2:
        scores_exp_sum_per_partition = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(tf.reduce_sum(scores_exp, axis=1), segment_ids,
        probs = scores_exp / tf.expand_dims(tf.gather(scores_exp_sum_per_partition, segment_ids), axis=1)
        scores_exp_sum_per_partition = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(scores_exp, segment_ids, num_segments)
        probs = scores_exp / tf.gather(scores_exp_sum_per_partition, segment_ids)

    return probs
项目:py-noisemaker    作者:aayars    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def density_map(tensor, shape):

    height, width, channels = shape

    bins = max(height, width)

    # values = value_map(tensor, shape, keep_dims=True)
    # values = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(tensor, 0.0), 1.0)  # TODO: Get this to work with HDR data
    values = tensor

    binned_values = tf.cast(tf.reshape(values * (bins - 1), [-1]), tf.int32)
    ones = tf.ones_like(binned_values, dtype=tf.int32)
    counts = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(ones, binned_values, bins)

    out = tf.gather(counts, tf.cast(values[:, :] * (bins - 1), tf.int32))

    return tf.ones(shape) * normalize(tf.cast(out, tf.float32))
项目:DaNet-Tensorflow    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, s_embed, s_src_pwr, s_mix_pwr, s_embed_flat=None):
        if s_embed_flat is None:
            s_embed_flat = tf.reshape(
                [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1, hparams.EMBED_SIZE])
        with tf.variable_scope(
            s_src_assignment = tf.argmax(s_src_pwr, axis=1)
            s_indices = tf.reshape(
                [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1])
            fn_segmean = lambda _: tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
                _[0], _[1], hparams.MAX_N_SIGNAL)
            s_attractors = tf.map_fn(
                fn_segmean, (s_embed_flat, s_indices), hparams.FLOATX)
            s_attractors_wgt = tf.map_fn(
                fn_segmean, (tf.ones_like(s_embed_flat), s_indices),
            s_attractors /= (s_attractors_wgt + 1.)

        if hparams.DEBUG:
            self.debug_fetches = dict()
        # float[B, C, E]
        return s_attractors
项目:MobileNet    作者:Zehaos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_dup(a):
  """ Find the duplicated elements in 1-D a tensor.
    a: 1-D tensor.

    more_than_one_vals: duplicated value in a.
    indexes_in_a: duplicated value's index in a.
    dups_in_a: duplicated value with duplicate in a.
  unique_a_vals, unique_idx = tf.unique(a)
  count_a_unique = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(tf.ones_like(a),

  more_than_one = tf.greater(count_a_unique, 1)
  more_than_one_idx = tf.squeeze(tf.where(more_than_one))
  more_than_one_vals = tf.squeeze(tf.gather(unique_a_vals, more_than_one_idx))

  not_duplicated, _ = tf.setdiff1d(a, more_than_one_vals)
  dups_in_a, indexes_in_a = tf.setdiff1d(a, not_duplicated)

  return more_than_one_vals, indexes_in_a, dups_in_a
项目:tensor2tensor    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def combine(self, expert_out, multiply_by_gates=True):
    """Sum together the expert output, weighted by the gates.

    The slice corresponding to a particular batch element `b` is computed
    as the sum over all experts `i` of the expert output, weighted by the
    corresponding gate values.  If `multiply_by_gates` is set to False, the
    gate values are ignored.

      expert_out: a list of `num_experts` `Tensor`s, each with shape
        `[expert_batch_size_i, <extra_output_dims>]`.
      multiply_by_gates: a boolean

      a `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size, <extra_output_dims>]`.
    # see comments on convert_gradient_to_tensor
    stitched = convert_gradient_to_tensor(tf.concat(expert_out, 0))
    if multiply_by_gates:
      stitched *= tf.expand_dims(self._nonzero_gates, 1)
    combined = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(stitched, self._batch_index,
    return combined
项目:tensor2tensor    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def combine(self, x):
    """Return the output from the experts.

    When one example goes to multiple experts, the outputs are summed.

      x: a Tensor with shape [batch, num_experts, expert_capacity, depth]

      a `Tensor` with shape `[batch, length, depth]
    depth = tf.shape(x)[-1]
    x *= tf.expand_dims(self._nonpadding, -1)
    ret = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
        x, self._flat_indices, num_segments=self._batch * self._length)
    ret = tf.reshape(ret, [self._batch, self._length, depth])
    return ret
项目:deep_parsimonious    作者:lrjconan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_mean(cluster_center, x, label, K, eta):
    """ Compute Mean

        x: embedding of size N x D
        label: cluster label of size N X 1
        K: number of clusters
        tf_eps: small constant

        cluster_center: cluster center of size K x D
    tf_eps = tf.constant(1.0e-16)
    cluster_size = tf.expand_dims(tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
        tf.ones(label.get_shape()), label, K), 1)
    cluster_center_new = (1 - eta) * tf.unsorted_segment_sum(x,
                                                             label, K) / (cluster_size + tf_eps) + eta * cluster_center
    return cluster_center.assign(cluster_center_new)
项目:tensorflow-extenteten    作者:raviqqe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sum_attentions(attentions, document):
    assert static_rank(attentions) == 2 and static_rank(document) == 2

    num_entities = tf.reduce_max(document) + 1

    def _sum_attention(args):
        attentions, document = args
        assert static_rank(attentions) == 1 and static_rank(document) == 1
        return tf.unsorted_segment_sum(attentions, document, num_entities)

    attentions = tf.map_fn(_sum_attention,
                           [attentions, document],

    return attentions[:, FLAGS.first_entity_index:FLAGS.last_entity_index + 1]
项目:jack    作者:uclmr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xqa_crossentropy_loss(start_scores, end_scores, answer_span, answer2support, support2question, use_sum=True):
    """Very common XQA loss function."""
    num_questions = tf.reduce_max(support2question) + 1

    start, end = answer_span[:, 0], answer_span[:, 1]

    start_probs = segment_softmax(start_scores, support2question)
    start_probs = tf.gather_nd(start_probs, tf.stack([answer2support, start], 1))

    # only start probs are normalized on multi-paragraph, end probs conditioned on start only on per support level
    num_answers = tf.shape(answer_span)[0]
    is_aligned = tf.equal(tf.shape(end_scores)[0], num_answers)
    end_probs = tf.cond(
        lambda: tf.gather_nd(tf.nn.softmax(end_scores), tf.stack([tf.range(num_answers, dtype=tf.int32), end], 1)),
        lambda: tf.gather_nd(segment_softmax(end_scores, support2question), tf.stack([answer2support, end], 1))

    answer2question = tf.gather(support2question, answer2support)
    # compute losses individually
    if use_sum:
        span_probs = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
            start_probs, answer2question, num_questions) * tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
            end_probs, answer2question, num_questions)
        span_probs = tf.unsorted_segment_max(
            start_probs, answer2question, num_questions) * tf.unsorted_segment_max(
            end_probs, answer2question, num_questions)

    return -tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(tf.maximum(1e-6, span_probs + 1e-6)))
项目:TensorFlow-Machine-Learning-Cookbook    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_group_avg(group_ids, data):
    # Sum each group
    sum_total = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(data, group_ids, 3)
    # Count each group
    num_total = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(tf.ones_like(data), group_ids, 3)
    # Calculate average
    avg_by_group = sum_total/num_total
项目:DaNet-Tensorflow    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_segment_mean(s_data, s_indices, n):
    s_data_shp = tf.shape(s_data)
    s_data_flat = tf.reshape(
        s_data, [[:-1]), s_data_shp[-1]])
    s_indices_flat = tf.reshape(s_indices, [-1])
    s_results = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(s_data_flat, s_indices_flat, n)
    s_weights = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
        s_indices_flat, n)
    return s_results / tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(s_weights, -1), hparams.FLOATX)
项目:DaNet-Tensorflow    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, s_embed, s_src_pwr, s_mix_pwr, s_embed_flat=None):
        if s_embed_flat is None:
            s_embed_flat = tf.reshape(
                [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1, hparams.EMBED_SIZE])
        with tf.variable_scope(
            s_wgt = tf.reshape(
                s_mix_pwr, [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1, 1])
            s_wgt = tf.cast(
                tf.less(5., s_wgt), hparams.FLOATX)
            s_src_assignment = tf.argmax(s_src_pwr, axis=1)
            s_indices = tf.reshape(
                [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1])
            fn_segmean = lambda _: tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
                _[0], _[1], hparams.MAX_N_SIGNAL)
            s_attractors = tf.map_fn(fn_segmean, (
                s_embed_flat * s_wgt, s_indices),
            s_attractors_wgt = tf.map_fn(fn_segmean, (
                s_wgt, s_indices),
            s_attractors /= (s_attractors_wgt + hparams.EPS)

        # float[B, C, E]
        return s_attractors
项目:DaNet-Tensorflow    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, s_embed, s_src_pwr, s_mix_pwr, s_embed_flat=None):
        if s_embed_flat is None:
            s_embed_flat = tf.reshape(
                [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1, hparams.EMBED_SIZE])
        with tf.variable_scope(
            s_wgt = tf.reshape(
                s_mix_pwr, [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1, 1])
            s_src_assignment = tf.argmax(s_src_pwr, axis=1)
            s_indices = tf.reshape(
                [hparams.BATCH_SIZE, -1])
            fn_segmean = lambda _: tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
                _[0], _[1], hparams.MAX_N_SIGNAL)
            s_attractors = tf.map_fn(fn_segmean, (
                s_embed_flat * s_wgt, s_indices),
            s_attractors_wgt = tf.map_fn(fn_segmean, (
                s_wgt, s_indices),
            s_attractors /= (s_attractors_wgt + hparams.EPS)

        if hparams.DEBUG:
            self.debug_fetches = dict()
        # float[B, C, E]
        return s_attractors
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _full_batch_training_op(self, inputs, cluster_idx_list, cluster_centers):
    """Creates an op for training for full batch case.

      inputs: list of input Tensors.
      cluster_idx_list: A vector (or list of vectors). Each element in the
        vector corresponds to an input row in 'inp' and specifies the cluster id
        corresponding to the input.
      cluster_centers: Tensor Ref of cluster centers.

      An op for doing an update of mini-batch k-means.
    cluster_sums = []
    cluster_counts = []
    epsilon = tf.constant(1e-6, dtype=inputs[0].dtype)
    for inp, cluster_idx in zip(inputs, cluster_idx_list):
      with ops.colocate_with(inp):
            tf.reshape(tf.ones(tf.reshape(tf.shape(inp)[0], [-1])), [-1, 1]),
    with ops.colocate_with(cluster_centers):
      new_clusters_centers = tf.add_n(cluster_sums) / (
          tf.cast(tf.add_n(cluster_counts), cluster_sums[0].dtype) + epsilon)
      if self._clusters_l2_normalized():
        new_clusters_centers = tf.nn.l2_normalize(new_clusters_centers, dim=1)
    return tf.assign(cluster_centers, new_clusters_centers)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _full_batch_training_op(self, inputs, cluster_idx_list, cluster_centers):
    """Creates an op for training for full batch case.

      inputs: list of input Tensors.
      cluster_idx_list: A vector (or list of vectors). Each element in the
        vector corresponds to an input row in 'inp' and specifies the cluster id
        corresponding to the input.
      cluster_centers: Tensor Ref of cluster centers.

      An op for doing an update of mini-batch k-means.
    cluster_sums = []
    cluster_counts = []
    epsilon = tf.constant(1e-6, dtype=inputs[0].dtype)
    for inp, cluster_idx in zip(inputs, cluster_idx_list):
      with ops.colocate_with(inp):
            tf.reshape(tf.ones(tf.reshape(tf.shape(inp)[0], [-1])), [-1, 1]),
    with ops.colocate_with(cluster_centers):
      new_clusters_centers = tf.add_n(cluster_sums) / (
          tf.cast(tf.add_n(cluster_counts), cluster_sums[0].dtype) + epsilon)
      if self._clusters_l2_normalized():
        new_clusters_centers = tf.nn.l2_normalize(new_clusters_centers, dim=1)
    return tf.assign(cluster_centers, new_clusters_centers)
项目:Sing_Par    作者:wanghm92    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_sparse(self, cache):

    x_tm1, g_t, idxs = cache['x_tm1'], cache['g_t'], cache['idxs']
    idxs, idxs_ = tf.unique(idxs)
    g_t_ = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(g_t, idxs_, tf.size(idxs))
    updates = cache['updates']

    if > 0:
      m_t, t_m = self._sparse_moving_average(x_tm1, idxs, g_t_, 'm',
      m_t_ = tf.gather(m_t, idxs)
      m_bar_t_ = (1-self.gamma) * m_t_ + self.gamma * g_t_
      updates.extend([m_t, t_m])
      m_bar_t_ = g_t_

    if > 0:
      v_t, t_v = self._sparse_moving_average(x_tm1, idxs, g_t_**2, 'v',
      v_t_ = tf.gather(v_t, idxs)
      v_bar_t_ = tf.sqrt(v_t_ + self.epsilon)
      updates.extend([v_t, t_v])
      v_bar_t_ = 1

    s_t_ = self.learning_rate * m_bar_t_ / v_bar_t_
    cache['s_t'] = s_t_
    cache['g_t'] = g_t_
    cache['idxs'] = idxs
    return cache
项目:Sing_Par    作者:wanghm92    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_sparse(self, cache):

    g_t, idxs = cache['g_t'], cache['idxs']
    idxs, idxs_ = tf.unique(idxs)
    g_t_ = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(g_t, idxs_, tf.size(idxs))

    cache['g_t'] = g_t_
    cache['idxs'] = idxs
    cache['s_t'] = self.learning_rate * g_t_

    return cache
项目:Parser-v1    作者:tdozat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_sparse(self, cache):

    x_tm1, g_t, idxs = cache['x_tm1'], cache['g_t'], cache['idxs']
    idxs, idxs_ = tf.unique(idxs)
    g_t_ = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(g_t, idxs_, tf.size(idxs))
    updates = cache['updates']

    if > 0:
      m_t, t_m = self._sparse_moving_average(x_tm1, idxs, g_t_, 'm',
      m_t_ = tf.gather(m_t, idxs)
      m_bar_t_ = (1-self.gamma) * m_t_ + self.gamma * g_t_
      updates.extend([m_t, t_m])
      m_bar_t_ = g_t_

    if > 0:
      v_t, t_v = self._sparse_moving_average(x_tm1, idxs, g_t_**2, 'v',
      v_t_ = tf.gather(v_t, idxs)
      v_bar_t_ = tf.sqrt(v_t_ + self.epsilon)
      updates.extend([v_t, t_v])
      v_bar_t_ = 1

    s_t_ = self.learning_rate * m_bar_t_ / v_bar_t_
    cache['s_t'] = s_t_
    cache['g_t'] = g_t_
    cache['idxs'] = idxs
    return cache
项目:Parser-v1    作者:tdozat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_sparse(self, cache):

    g_t, idxs = cache['g_t'], cache['idxs']
    idxs, idxs_ = tf.unique(idxs)
    g_t_ = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(g_t, idxs_, tf.size(idxs))

    cache['g_t'] = g_t_
    cache['idxs'] = idxs
    cache['s_t'] = self.learning_rate * g_t_

    return cache
项目:tensor2tensor    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rowwise_unsorted_segment_sum(values, indices, n):
  """UnsortedSegmentSum on each row.

    values: a `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size, k]`.
    indices: an integer `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size, k]`.
    n: an integer.
    A `Tensor` with the same type as `values` and shape `[batch_size, n]`.
  batch, k = tf.unstack(tf.shape(indices), num=2)
  indices_flat = tf.reshape(indices, [-1]) + tf.div(tf.range(batch * k), k) * n
  ret_flat = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
      tf.reshape(values, [-1]), indices_flat, batch * n)
  return tf.reshape(ret_flat, [batch, n])
项目:Tensorflow-Turitors    作者:Xls1994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bucket_mean(data, bucket_ids, num_buckets):
    total = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(data, bucket_ids, num_buckets)
    count = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(tf.ones_like(data), bucket_ids, num_buckets)
    return total / count
项目:UnstableParser    作者:tdozat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_sparse(self, cache):

    x_tm1, g_t, idxs = cache['x_tm1'], cache['g_t'], cache['idxs']
    idxs, idxs_ = tf.unique(idxs)
    g_t_ = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(g_t, idxs_, tf.size(idxs))
    updates = cache['updates']

    if > 0:
      m_t, t_m = self._sparse_moving_average(x_tm1, idxs, g_t_, 'm',
      m_t_ = tf.gather(m_t, idxs)
      m_bar_t_ = (1-self.gamma) * m_t_ + self.gamma * g_t_
      updates.extend([m_t, t_m])
      m_bar_t_ = g_t_

    if > 0:
      v_t, t_v = self._sparse_moving_average(x_tm1, idxs, g_t_**2, 'v',
      v_t_ = tf.gather(v_t, idxs)
      v_bar_t_ = tf.sqrt(v_t_ + self.epsilon)
      updates.extend([v_t, t_v])
      v_bar_t_ = 1

    s_t_ = self.learning_rate * m_bar_t_ / v_bar_t_
    cache['s_t'] = tf.where(tf.is_finite(s_t_), s_t_, tf.zeros_like(s_t_))
    cache['g_t'] = g_t_
    cache['idxs'] = idxs
    return cache
项目:UnstableParser    作者:tdozat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_sparse(self, cache):

    g_t, idxs = cache['g_t'], cache['idxs']
    idxs, idxs_ = tf.unique(idxs)
    g_t_ = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(g_t, idxs_, tf.size(idxs))

    cache['g_t'] = g_t_
    cache['idxs'] = idxs
    cache['s_t'] = self.learning_rate * g_t_

    return cache
项目:tfdeploy    作者:riga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_UnsortedSegmentSum(self):
        t = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(self.random(4, 2, 3), np.array([0, 2, 2, 1]), 3)
项目:section-detection    作者:gulfaraz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kMeans(iterations, labelledSet, columnPrefix="cluster"):
    X = labelledSet.as_matrix()

    start_pos = tf.Variable(X[np.random.randint(X.shape[0], size=iterations),:], dtype=tf.float32)
    centroids = tf.Variable(start_pos.initialized_value(), "S", dtype=tf.float32)

    points           = tf.Variable(X, 'X', dtype=tf.float32)
    ones_like        = tf.ones((points.get_shape()[0], 1))
    prev_assignments = tf.Variable(tf.zeros((points.get_shape()[0], ), dtype=tf.int64))

    p1 = tf.matmul(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(points), 1), 1),
        tf.ones(shape=(1, iterations))
    p2 = tf.transpose(tf.matmul(
        tf.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(centroids), 1), shape=[-1, 1]),
    distance = tf.sqrt(tf.add(p1, p2) - 2 * tf.matmul(points, centroids, transpose_b=True))

    point_to_centroid_assignment = tf.argmin(distance, axis=1)

    total = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(points, point_to_centroid_assignment, iterations)
    count = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(ones_like, point_to_centroid_assignment, iterations)
    means = total / count

    is_continue = tf.reduce_any(tf.not_equal(point_to_centroid_assignment, prev_assignments))

    with tf.control_dependencies([is_continue]):
        loop =, prev_assignments.assign(point_to_centroid_assignment))

    sess = tf.Session()

    has_changed, cnt = True, 0
    while has_changed and cnt < 300:
        cnt += 1
        has_changed, _ =[is_continue, loop])

    res =

    return pandas.DataFrame(res, columns=[columnPrefix + "_" + str(iterations)])
项目:TerpreT    作者:51alg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_factor(tensor, *args, **kwargs):
    scope = kwargs.pop("scope", "")
    with tf.name_scope(scope):
        n_args = len(args)

        if n_args is 0:
            tensor, output_size, error_symbol = tensor
            return one_hot(tensor, output_size, scope=scope)
            tensor, args = slice_out_int_literals(tensor, list(args))
            args, is_batched = make_batch_consistent(args)
            tensor, output_size, error_symbol = tensor

            # handle the case where all arguments were int literals
            tensor_dim_sizes = [dim.value for dim in tensor.get_shape()]
            if not tensor_dim_sizes:
                return one_hot(tensor, output_size, scope=scope)

            # Each arg is batch size x arg dim. Add dimensions to enable broadcasting.
            for i, arg in enumerate(args):
                for j in xrange(n_args):
                    if j == i: continue
                    args[i] = tf.expand_dims(args[i], j + 1)

            # compute joint before tensor is applied
            joint = 1
            for arg in args:
                joint = joint * arg

            # prepare for unsorted_segment_sum
            joint = tf.reshape(joint, (-1,
            joint = tf.transpose(joint, [1, 0])  # |tensor| x batch_size

            if error_symbol is not None:
                result = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(joint, tf.reshape(tensor, [-1]), output_size + 1)
                # assume error bin is last bin
                result = result[:output_size, :]
                result = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(joint, tf.reshape(tensor, [-1]), output_size)

            result = tf.transpose(result, [1, 0])
            if not is_batched: result = tf.squeeze(result)
            return result
项目:mist-rnns    作者:rdipietro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, layer_type, input_size, target_size, num_hidden_units, activation_type,

    self.input_size = input_size
    self.target_size = target_size
    self.num_hidden_units = num_hidden_units
    self.square_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(0.0, np.sqrt(1.0 / num_hidden_units))
    self.non_square_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(0.0, np.sqrt(1.0 / num_hidden_units))
    self.bias_initializer = tf.constant_initializer(0.0)
    Layer = getattr(layers, layer_type)
    activation = getattr(tf.nn, activation_type)

    self.inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, input_size], name='inputs')
    self.targets = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, target_size], name='targets')
    self.batch_size = tf.shape(self.inputs)[0]
    self.length = tf.shape(self.inputs)[1]

    valid_mask_incl_invalid_seqs = tf.logical_not(tf.is_nan(self.targets[0:, 0:, 0]))
    target_step_counts = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(valid_mask_incl_invalid_seqs), axis=[1],
    valid_seq_mask = tf.greater(target_step_counts, 0, name='valid_seq_mask')
    self.valid_split_ind = tf.identity(tf.cumsum(target_step_counts)[:-1], name='valid_split_ind')
    valid_seq_ids_incl_invalid_seqs = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, self.batch_size), 1), [1, self.length])
    valid_seq_ids = tf.boolean_mask(valid_seq_ids_incl_invalid_seqs, valid_mask_incl_invalid_seqs,
    self.valid_targets = tf.boolean_mask(self.targets, valid_mask_incl_invalid_seqs, name='valid_targets')

    with tf.variable_scope('rnn') as rnn_scope:
      inputs = self.inputs
      self._rnn_layer = Layer(inputs, self.num_hidden_units, activation, self.square_initializer,
                              self.non_square_initializer, self.bias_initializer, **kwargs)
      self.initial_rnn_states = self._rnn_layer.initial_states
      self.final_rnn_states = self._rnn_layer.final_states

    with tf.variable_scope('predictions') as predictions_scope:
      W = tf.get_variable('W', shape=[self.num_hidden_units, self.target_size], initializer=self.non_square_initializer)
      b = tf.get_variable('b', shape=[self.target_size], initializer=self.bias_initializer)
      valid_rnn_outputs = tf.boolean_mask(self._rnn_layer.outputs, valid_mask_incl_invalid_seqs)
      self.valid_predictions = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(valid_rnn_outputs, W, b, name = 'valid_predictions')

    with tf.variable_scope('loss'):

      num_valid_seqs = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(valid_seq_mask))

      stepwise_losses = self._compute_stepwise_losses()
      self.valid_stepwise_loss = tf.reduce_mean(stepwise_losses, name='stepwise_loss')
      self.valid_stepwise_loss_for_opt = tf.identity(num_valid_seqs * self.valid_stepwise_loss,

      time_counts = tf.to_float(tf.expand_dims(target_step_counts, 1)) * tf.to_float(valid_mask_incl_invalid_seqs)
      valid_time_counts = tf.boolean_mask(time_counts, valid_mask_incl_invalid_seqs)
      seq_losses = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(stepwise_losses / valid_time_counts, valid_seq_ids, self.batch_size)
      self.valid_seq_losses = tf.boolean_mask(seq_losses, valid_seq_mask, name='valid_seq_losses')
      self.valid_seqwise_loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.valid_seq_losses, name='valid_seqwise_loss')
      self.valid_seqwise_loss_for_opt = tf.identity(num_valid_seqs * self.valid_seqwise_loss,
项目:attention-over-attention-tf-QA    作者:lc222    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inference(documents, doc_mask, query, query_mask):

  embedding = tf.get_variable('embedding',
              [FLAGS.vocab_size, FLAGS.embedding_size],
              initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.05, maxval=0.05))

  regularizer = tf.nn.l2_loss(embedding)

  doc_emb = tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, documents), FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob)
  doc_emb.set_shape([None, None, FLAGS.embedding_size])

  query_emb = tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, query), FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob)
  query_emb.set_shape([None, None, FLAGS.embedding_size])

  with tf.variable_scope('document', initializer=orthogonal_initializer()):
    fwd_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(FLAGS.hidden_size)
    back_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(FLAGS.hidden_size)

    doc_len = tf.reduce_sum(doc_mask, reduction_indices=1)
    h, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(
        fwd_cell, back_cell, doc_emb, sequence_length=tf.to_int64(doc_len), dtype=tf.float32)
    #h_doc = tf.nn.dropout(tf.concat(2, h), FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob)
    h_doc = tf.concat(h, 2)

  with tf.variable_scope('query', initializer=orthogonal_initializer()):
    fwd_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(FLAGS.hidden_size)
    back_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(FLAGS.hidden_size)

    query_len = tf.reduce_sum(query_mask, reduction_indices=1)
    h, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(
        fwd_cell, back_cell, query_emb, sequence_length=tf.to_int64(query_len), dtype=tf.float32)
    #h_query = tf.nn.dropout(tf.concat(2, h), FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob)
    h_query = tf.concat(h, 2)

  M = tf.matmul(h_doc, h_query, adjoint_b=True)
  M_mask = tf.to_float(tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(doc_mask, -1), tf.expand_dims(query_mask, 1)))

  alpha = softmax(M, 1, M_mask)
  beta = softmax(M, 2, M_mask)

  #query_importance = tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_mean(beta, reduction_indices=1), -1)
  query_importance = tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(beta, 1) / tf.to_float(tf.expand_dims(doc_len, -1)), -1)

  s = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(alpha, query_importance), [2])

  unpacked_s = zip(tf.unstack(s, FLAGS.batch_size), tf.unstack(documents, FLAGS.batch_size))
  y_hat = tf.stack([tf.unsorted_segment_sum(attentions, sentence_ids, FLAGS.vocab_size) for (attentions, sentence_ids) in unpacked_s])

  return y_hat, regularizer
项目:tensor2tensor    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, requests, expert_capacity):
    """Create a TruncatingDispatcher.

      requests: a boolean `Tensor` of shape `[batch, length, num_experts]`.
        Alternatively, a float or int Tensor containing zeros and ones.
      expert_capacity: a Scalar - maximum number of examples per expert per
        batch element.

      a TruncatingDispatcher
    self._requests = tf.to_float(requests)
    self._expert_capacity = expert_capacity
    expert_capacity_f = tf.to_float(expert_capacity)
    self._batch, self._length, self._num_experts = tf.unstack(
        tf.shape(self._requests), num=3)

    # [batch, length, num_experts]
    position_in_expert = tf.cumsum(self._requests, axis=1, exclusive=True)
    # [batch, length, num_experts]
    self._gates = self._requests * tf.to_float(
        tf.less(position_in_expert, expert_capacity_f))
    batch_index = tf.reshape(
        tf.to_float(tf.range(self._batch)), [self._batch, 1, 1])
    length_index = tf.reshape(
        tf.to_float(tf.range(self._length)), [1, self._length, 1])
    expert_index = tf.reshape(
        tf.to_float(tf.range(self._num_experts)), [1, 1, self._num_experts])
    # position in a Tensor with shape [batch * num_experts * expert_capacity]
    flat_position = (
        position_in_expert +
        batch_index * (tf.to_float(self._num_experts) * expert_capacity_f) +
        expert_index * expert_capacity_f)
    # Tensor of shape [batch * num_experts * expert_capacity].
    # each element is an integer in [0, length)
    self._indices = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
        data=tf.reshape((length_index + 1.0) * self._gates, [-1]),
        segment_ids=tf.to_int32(tf.reshape(flat_position, [-1])),
        num_segments=self._batch * self._num_experts * expert_capacity)
    self._indices = tf.reshape(
        [self._batch, self._num_experts, expert_capacity])
    # Tensors of shape [batch, num_experts, expert_capacity].
    # each element is 0.0 or 1.0
    self._nonpadding = tf.minimum(self._indices, 1.0)
    # each element is an integer in [0, length)
    self._indices = tf.nn.relu(self._indices - 1.0)
    # self._flat_indices is [batch, num_experts, expert_capacity], with values
    # in [0, batch * length)
    self._flat_indices = tf.to_int32(
        self._indices +
        (tf.reshape(tf.to_float(tf.range(self._batch)), [-1, 1, 1])
         * tf.to_float(self._length)))
    self._indices = tf.to_int32(self._indices)