Python tensorflow 模块,assert_positive() 实例源码


项目:almond-nnparser    作者:Stanford-Mobisocial-IoT-Lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_loss_op(self, result):
        logits = result.rnn_output
        with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_positive(tf.shape(logits)[1], data=[tf.shape(logits)])]):
            length_diff = tf.reshape(self.config.max_length - tf.shape(logits)[1], shape=(1,))
        padding = tf.reshape(tf.concat([[0, 0, 0], length_diff, [0, 0]], axis=0), shape=(3, 2))
        preds = tf.pad(logits, padding, mode='constant')

        # add epsilon to avoid division by 0
        preds = preds + 1e-5

        mask = tf.sequence_mask(self.output_length_placeholder, self.config.max_length, dtype=tf.float32)
        loss = tf.contrib.seq2seq.sequence_loss(preds, self.output_placeholder, mask)

        with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_non_negative(loss, data=[preds, mask], summarize=256*60*300)]):
            return tf.identity(loss)
项目:Fast-Slow-LSTM    作者:amujika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
  """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

  This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
  are drawn from these batches.

    raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
    batch_size: int, the batch size.
    num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
    name: the name of this operation (optional).

    A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
    of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

    tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
  with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
    raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

    data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
    batch_len = data_len // batch_size
    data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0 : batch_size * batch_len],
                      [batch_size, batch_len])

    epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
    assertion = tf.assert_positive(
        message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
    with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
      epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

    i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
    x = tf.slice(data, [0, i * num_steps], [batch_size, num_steps])
    y = tf.slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1], [batch_size, num_steps])
    return x, y
项目:lang2program    作者:kelvinguu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reduce_mean(seq_batch, allow_empty=False):
    """Compute the mean of each sequence in a SequenceBatch.

        seq_batch (SequenceBatch): a SequenceBatch with the following attributes:
            values (Tensor): a Tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_length, :, ..., :)
            mask (Tensor): if the mask values are arbitrary floats (rather than binary), the mean will be
            a weighted average.
        allow_empty (bool): allow computing the average of an empty sequence. In this case, we assume 0/0 == 0, rather
            than NaN. Default is False, causing an error to be thrown.

        Tensor: of shape (batch_size, :, ..., :)
    values, mask = seq_batch.values, seq_batch.mask
    # compute weights for the average
    sums = tf.reduce_sum(mask, 1, keep_dims=True)  # (batch_size, 1)

    if allow_empty:
        asserts = []  # no assertion
        sums =, 0), tf.ones(tf.shape(sums)), sums)  # replace 0's with 1's
        asserts = [tf.assert_positive(sums)]  # throw error if 0's exist

    with tf.control_dependencies(asserts):
        weights = mask / sums  # (batch_size, seq_length)
    return weighted_sum(seq_batch, weights)
项目:lang2program    作者:kelvinguu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reduce_max(seq_batch):
    sums = tf.reduce_sum(seq_batch.mask, 1, keep_dims=True)  # (batch_size, 1)
    with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_positive(sums)]):  # avoid dividing by zero
        seq_batch = seq_batch.with_pad_value(float('-inf'))  # set pad values to -inf
        result = tf.reduce_max(seq_batch.values, 1)
    return result
项目:lang2program    作者:kelvinguu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reduce_mean(seq_batch, allow_empty=False):
    """Compute the mean of each sequence in a SequenceBatch.

        seq_batch (SequenceBatch): a SequenceBatch with the following attributes:
            values (Tensor): a Tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_length, :, ..., :)
            mask (Tensor): if the mask values are arbitrary floats (rather than binary), the mean will be
            a weighted average.
        allow_empty (bool): allow computing the average of an empty sequence. In this case, we assume 0/0 == 0, rather
            than NaN. Default is False, causing an error to be thrown.

        Tensor: of shape (batch_size, :, ..., :)
    values, mask = seq_batch.values, seq_batch.mask
    # compute weights for the average
    sums = tf.reduce_sum(mask, 1, keep_dims=True)  # (batch_size, 1)

    if allow_empty:
        asserts = []  # no assertion
        sums =, 0), tf.ones(tf.shape(sums)), sums)  # replace 0's with 1's
        asserts = [tf.assert_positive(sums)]  # throw error if 0's exist

    with tf.control_dependencies(asserts):
        weights = mask / sums  # (batch_size, seq_length)
    return weighted_sum(seq_batch, weights)
项目:lang2program    作者:kelvinguu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reduce_max(seq_batch):
    sums = tf.reduce_sum(seq_batch.mask, 1, keep_dims=True)  # (batch_size, 1)
    with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_positive(sums)]):  # avoid dividing by zero
        seq_batch = seq_batch.with_pad_value(float('-inf'))  # set pad values to -inf
        result = tf.reduce_max(seq_batch.values, 1)
    return result
项目:MobileNet    作者:Zehaos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_3d_image(image, require_static=True):
  """Assert that we are working with properly shaped image.

    image: 3-D Tensor of shape [height, width, channels]
    require_static: If `True`, requires that all dimensions of `image` are
      known and non-zero.

    ValueError: if `image.shape` is not a 3-vector.

    An empty list, if `image` has fully defined dimensions. Otherwise, a list
    containing an assert op is returned.
    image_shape = image.get_shape().with_rank(3)
  except ValueError:
    raise ValueError("'image' must be three-dimensional.")
  if require_static and not image_shape.is_fully_defined():
    raise ValueError("'image' must be fully defined.")
  if any(x == 0 for x in image_shape):
    raise ValueError("all dims of 'image.shape' must be > 0: %s" %
  if not image_shape.is_fully_defined():
    return [tf.assert_positive(tf.shape(image),
                                      ["all dims of 'image.shape' "
                                       "must be > 0."])]
    return []
项目:tensor_flow    作者:eecrazy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
  """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

  This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
  are drawn from these batches.

    raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
    batch_size: int, the batch size.
    num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
    name: the name of this operation (optional).

    A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
    of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

    tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
  with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
    raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

    data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
    batch_len = data_len // batch_size
    data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0 : batch_size * batch_len],
                      [batch_size, batch_len])

    epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
    assertion = tf.assert_positive(
        message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
    with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
      epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

    i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
    x = tf.slice(data, [0, i * num_steps], [batch_size, num_steps])
    y = tf.slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1], [batch_size, num_steps])
    return x, y
项目:Tensorflow_Learn    作者:jiangweisuc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
    """Iterate on the raw PTB data.
    This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
    are drawn from these batches.
      raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
      batch_size: int, the batch size.
      num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
      name: the name of this operation (optional).
      A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
      of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.
      tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
    with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
        raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

        data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
        batch_len = data_len // batch_size
        data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0 : batch_size * batch_len],
                          [batch_size, batch_len])

        epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
        assertion = tf.assert_positive(
            message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
        with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
            epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

        i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
        x = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps],
                             [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps])
        x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        y = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1],
                             [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps + 1])
        y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        return x, y
项目:tensorflow-input-pipelines    作者:ischlag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __build_generic_data_tensor(self, raw_data):
    """Iterate on the raw PTB data.
    This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
    are drawn from these batches.
      raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
      batch_size: int, the batch size.
      num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
      name: the name of this operation (optional).
      A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
      of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.
      tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
    raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

    data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
    batch_len = data_len // self.batch_size
    data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0: self.batch_size * batch_len],
                      [self.batch_size, batch_len])

    epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // self.num_steps
    assertion = tf.assert_positive(
      message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
    with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
      epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

    i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
    x = tf.slice(data, [0, i * self.num_steps], [self.batch_size, self.num_steps])
    y = tf.slice(data, [0, i * self.num_steps + 1], [self.batch_size, self.num_steps])
    return x, y
项目:YellowFin    作者:JianGoForIt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
  """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

  This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
  are drawn from these batches.

    raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
    batch_size: int, the batch size.
    num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
    name: the name of this operation (optional).

    A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
    of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

    tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
  with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
    raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

    data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
    batch_len = data_len // batch_size
    data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0 : batch_size * batch_len],
                      [batch_size, batch_len])

    epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
    assertion = tf.assert_positive(
        message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
    with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
      epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

    i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
    x = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps])
    x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    y = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps + 1])
    y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    return x, y
项目:DeepLearningAndTensorflow    作者:azheng333    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
    """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

    This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
    are drawn from these batches.

      raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
      batch_size: int, the batch size.
      num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
      name: the name of this operation (optional).

      A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
      of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

      tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
    with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
        raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

        data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
        batch_len = data_len // batch_size
        data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0: batch_size * batch_len],
                          [batch_size, batch_len])

        epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
        assertion = tf.assert_positive(
            message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
        with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
            epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

        i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
        x = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps],
                             [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps])
        x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        y = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1],
                             [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps + 1])
        y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        return x, y
项目:ran    作者:kentonl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
  """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

  This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
  are drawn from these batches.

    raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
    batch_size: int, the batch size.
    num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
    name: the name of this operation (optional).

    A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
    of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

    tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
  with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
    raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

    data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
    batch_len = data_len // batch_size
    data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0 : batch_size * batch_len],
                      [batch_size, batch_len])

    epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
    assertion = tf.assert_positive(
        message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
    with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
      epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

    i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
    x = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps])
    x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    y = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps + 1])
    y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    return x, y
项目:gradual-learning-rnn    作者:zivaharoni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
  """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

  This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
  are drawn from these batches.

    raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
    batch_size: int, the batch size.
    num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
    name: the name of this operation (optional).

    A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
    of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

    tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
  with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
    raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

    data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
    batch_len = data_len // batch_size
    data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0: batch_size * batch_len],
                      [batch_size, batch_len])

    epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
    assertion = tf.assert_positive(
        message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
    with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
      epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

    i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
    x = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps])
    x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    y = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps + 1])
    y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    return x, y
项目:taas-examples    作者:caicloud    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
  """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

  This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
  are drawn from these batches.

    raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
    batch_size: int, the batch size.
    num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
    name: the name of this operation (optional).

    A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
    of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

    tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
  with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
    raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

    data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
    batch_len = data_len // batch_size
    data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0 : batch_size * batch_len],
                      [batch_size, batch_len])

    epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
    assertion = tf.assert_positive(
        message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
    with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
      epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

    i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
    x = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps])
    x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    y = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps + 1])
    y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    return x, y
项目:tensorflow-statereader    作者:sebastianGehrmann    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
    """Iterate on the raw data.

    This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
    are drawn from these batches.

      raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
      batch_size: int, the batch size.
      num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
      name: the name of this operation (optional).

      A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
      of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

      tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
    with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
        raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

        data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
        batch_len = data_len // batch_size
        data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0: batch_size * batch_len],
                          [batch_size, batch_len])

        epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
        assertion = tf.assert_positive(
            message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
        with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
            epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

        i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
        x = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps], [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps], [1, 1])
        x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        y = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1], [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps + 1], [1, 1])
        y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        # print(y, "label size")
        # print(x, "input size")
        return x, y
项目:TensorFlowBook    作者:DeepVisionTeam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tensorflow_code_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
    """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

    This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
    are drawn from these batches.

        raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
        batch_size: int, the batch size.
        num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
        name: the name of this operation (optional).

        A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps].
        The second element of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

        tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
    with tf.name_scope(name, "TensorflowCodeProducer",
                       [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
        raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data",

        data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
        batch_len = data_len // batch_size
        data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0: batch_size * batch_len],
                          [batch_size, batch_len])

        epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
        assertion = tf.assert_positive(
            message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
        with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
            epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

        i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
        x = tf.slice(data, [0, i * num_steps], [batch_size, num_steps])
        x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        y = tf.slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1], [batch_size, num_steps])
        y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        return x, y
项目:tf-sparql    作者:derdav3    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
  """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

  This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
  are drawn from these batches.

    raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
    batch_size: int, the batch size.
    num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
    name: the name of this operation (optional).

    A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
    of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

    tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
  with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
    raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

    data_len = tf.size(raw_data)
    batch_len = data_len // batch_size
    data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0 : batch_size * batch_len],
                      [batch_size, batch_len])

    epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
    assertion = tf.assert_positive(
        message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
    with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
      epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

    i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
    x = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps])
    x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    y = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1],
                         [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps + 1])
    y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
    return x, y
项目:ActionRecognition    作者:woodfrog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ptb_producer(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps, name=None):
    """Iterate on the raw PTB data.

    This chunks up raw_data into batches of examples and returns Tensors that
    are drawn from these batches.

      raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
      batch_size: int, the batch size.
      num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
      name: the name of this operation (optional).

      A pair of Tensors, each shaped [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element
      of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one.

      tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
    with tf.name_scope(name, "PTBProducer", [raw_data, batch_size, num_steps]):
        raw_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(raw_data, name="raw_data", dtype=tf.int32)

        data_len = tf.size(raw_data)  # number of elements

        # Separate the whole data into batch_size parts (each part has
        #  batch_len elements),
        # so that the batches retrieve one sample from every part at a time to
        # build a batch of size batch_size
        batch_len = data_len // batch_size
        data = tf.reshape(raw_data[0: batch_size * batch_len],
                          [batch_size, batch_len])

        # The size of epoch, which means the number of batches to run through the
        # whole data for once
        epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
        assertion = tf.assert_positive(
            message="epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
        with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
            epoch_size = tf.identity(epoch_size, name="epoch_size")

        # Read the document for reading data:
        #   https: // / programmers_guide / reading_data
        i = tf.train.range_input_producer(epoch_size, shuffle=False).dequeue()
        x = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps],
                             [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps])
        x.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        y = tf.strided_slice(data, [0, i * num_steps + 1],
                             [batch_size, (i + 1) * num_steps + 1])
        y.set_shape([batch_size, num_steps])
        return x, y