def sparse_hermitian_product(emb, tuples): """ Compute the Hermitian inner product between selected complex embeddings This corresponds to the usual dot product applied on the conjugate of the first vector: <conj(x), y> where conj is the complex conjugate (obtained by inverting the imaginary part) We consider that the embedding dimension is twice the rank, where the first part is in embeddings[:,:rk] and the imaginary part is in embeddings[:,rk:]. It computes S[i] = <conj(E[I[i,1]], E[I[i,2]]> Usage: S = sparse_hermitian_product(E, I): :param emb: embedding matrix of size [n_emb, 2 * r] containing float numbers where r is the complex rank :param tuples: tuple matrix of size [n_t, 2] containing integers that correspond to the indices of the embeddings :return: a pair containing the real and imaginary parts of the Hermitian dot products """ rk = emb.get_shape()[1].value // 2 emb_re = emb[:, :rk] emb_im = emb[:, rk:] emb_sel_a_re = tf.gather(emb_re, tuples[:, 0]) emb_sel_a_im = tf.gather(emb_im, tuples[:, 0]) emb_sel_b_re = tf.gather(emb_re, tuples[:, 1]) emb_sel_b_im = tf.gather(emb_im, tuples[:, 1]) pred_re = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(emb_sel_a_re, emb_sel_b_re) + tf.mul(emb_sel_a_im, emb_sel_b_im), 1) pred_im = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(emb_sel_a_re, emb_sel_b_im) - tf.mul(emb_sel_a_im, emb_sel_b_re), 1) return pred_re, pred_im
def hermitian_dot(u, v): """ Hermitian dot product between multiple embeddings given by rows. :param u: first matrix of n embeddings :param v: second matrix of m embeddings :param alpha: weight of the real part in the response :return: a pair of n * m matrix of Hermitian inner products between all vector combinations: - Re(<u_i, v_j>) for the first output - Im(<u_i, v_j>) for the second output >>> embeddings = np.array([[1., 1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0, 1], [-1, 1, 1, 5]]) >>> print(hermitian_dot(embeddings, embeddings.T)) (array([[ 11., 4., 15.], [ 4., 2., 6.], [ 15., 6., 28.]]), array([[ 0., -2., 3.], [ 2., 0., 4.], [-3., -4., 0.]])) """ rk = u.shape[1] // 2 u_re = u[:, :rk] u_im = u[:, rk:] v_re = v[:rk, :] v_im = v[rk:, :] return np.dot(u_re, v_re) + np.dot(u_im, v_im), np.dot(u_re, v_im) - np.dot(u_im, v_re)
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None ): zero_initer = tf.constant_initializer(0.) with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__): #nick there are these two matrix multiplications and they are used to convert regular input sizes to complex outputs -- makes sense -- we can further modify this for lstm configurations mat_in = tf.get_variable('W_in', [self.input_size, self.state_size*2]) mat_out = tf.get_variable('W_out', [self.state_size*2, self.output_size]) in_proj = tf.matmul(inputs, mat_in) in_proj_c = tf.complex( in_proj[:, :self.state_size], in_proj[:, self.state_size:] ) out_state = modrelu_c( in_proj_c + ulinear_c(state,transform=self.transform), tf.get_variable(name='B', dtype=tf.float32, shape=[self.state_size], initializer=zero_initer) ) out_bias = tf.get_variable(name='B_out', dtype=tf.float32, shape=[self.output_size], initializer = zero_initer) out = tf.matmul( tf.concat(1,[tf.real(out_state), tf.imag(out_state)] ), mat_out ) + out_bias return out, out_state
def normalize(z): norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(z)**2)) factor = (norm + 1e-6) return tf.complex(tf.real(z) / factor, tf.imag(z) / factor) # z: complex[batch_sz, num_units] # bias: real[num_units]
def modReLU(z, bias): # relu(|z|+b) * (z / |z|) norm = tf.abs(z) scale = tf.nn.relu(norm + bias) / (norm + 1e-6) scaled = tf.complex(tf.real(z)*scale, tf.imag(z)*scale) return scaled ###################################################################################################333 # 4k / 7k trainable params
def bound(x): bound = tf.maximum(tf.sqrt(tf.mul(tf.real(x), tf.real(x)) \ + tf.mul(tf.imag(x), tf.imag(x))), 1.0) return tf.complex(tf.real(x) / bound, tf.imag(x) / bound)
def unsplit_from_complex_ri(x): return tf.concat(1, [tf.real(x), tf.imag(x)])
def unsplit_from_complex_ir(x): #return tf.concat(1, [tf.imag(x), tf.abs(tf.real(x))]) return tf.abs(tf.concat(1, [tf.imag(x), tf.real(x)])) #mag = tf.maximum(1.0, tf.complex_abs(x)) #x = tf.complex(tf.real(x) / (mag + 1e-10), tf.imag(x) / (mag + 1e-10)) # real = tf.concat(1, [tf.imag(x), tf.real(x)]) # return tf.abs(HolographicMemory.normalize_real_by_complex_abs([real])[0])
def hermitian_tuple_scorer(tuples_var, rank=None, n_emb=None, emb0=None, symmetry_coef=(1.0, 1.0), learn_symmetry_coef=True): """ The Hermitian Scorer can learn embeddings for non-symmetric relations :param tuples_var: TensorFlow variable that encodes the tuples as inputs :param rank: size of the embeddings, including real and imaginary parts. The complex rank is half of it. not needed if emb0 is given :param n_emb: number of embeddings (not needed if initial embeddings are given) :param emb0: initial embeddings (optional) :param symmetry_coef: symmetry coefficient that equals np.inf for symmetric matrices, -np.inf for anti-symmetric matrices and a real scalar for other cases. :param learn_symmetry_coef: False if the symmetry coefficient is not learned [True by default] :return: a pair (scoring TensorFlow graph, parameters). The parameters have the form ([n_emd*rank] float matrix, symmetry coef) >>> embeddings = [[1., 1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0, 1], [-1, 1, 1, 5]] >>> tuples_var = tf.Variable([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]]) >>> (g, params) = hermitian_tuple_scorer(tuples_var, emb0=embeddings, symmetry_coef=(1.0, 0.0)) >>> print(tf_eval(g)) # symmetric form [ 4. 4. 15. 15. 6. 6.] >>> (g, params) = hermitian_tuple_scorer(tuples_var, emb0=embeddings, symmetry_coef=(0.0, 1.0)) >>> print(tf_eval(g)) # skewed (anti-symmetric) form [-2. 2. 3. -3. 4. -4.] >>> (g, params) = hermitian_tuple_scorer(tuples_var, emb0=embeddings, symmetry_coef=(1.0, 1.0)) >>> print(tf_eval(g)) # combination of the previous two forms [ 2. 6. 18. 12. 10. 2.] >>> (g, params) = hermitian_tuple_scorer(tuples_var, emb0=embeddings, symmetry_coef=(0.9, 0.1)) >>> print(tf_eval(g)) # close to symmetric [ 3.39999986 3.79999995 13.80000019 13.19999981 5.79999971 4.99999952] """ emb0 = emb0 if emb0 is not None else np.random.normal(size=(n_emb, rank)) embeddings = tf.Variable(tf.cast(emb0, 'float32'), 'embeddings') symmetry_coef = tf.Variable(symmetry_coef, name='symmetry_coef', trainable=learn_symmetry_coef) params = (embeddings, symmetry_coef) return sparse_hermitian_scoring(params, tuples_var), params
def sparse_hermitian_scoring(params, tuples): """ TensorFlow operator that scores tuples by the dot product of their complex embeddings. It is the same a the multilinear function, but uses complex embeddings instead. The complex embeddings are of size 2 * R where R is the complex dimension. They are encoded such that the first columns correspond to the real part, and the last R correspond to the imaginary part. The result of this function is a length-N vector with values: S[i] = alpha_0 * Re(sum_j E[I[i,1],j] * E[I[i,2],j]) + alpha_1 * Im(sum_j E[I[i,1],j] * E[I[i,2],j])) Where: - I is the tuple tensor of integers with shape (T, 2) - E is the N * 2R tensor of complex embeddings (R first columns: real part, the last R columsn: imaginary part) - alpha_0 and alpha_1 are the symmetry coefficients :param params: tuple (embeddings, symm_coef) containing: - embeddings: a real tensor of size [N, 2*R] containing the N rank-R embeddings by row (real part in the rank first R columns, imaginary part in the last R columns) - the 2-tuple (s0, s1) of symmetry coefficients (or complex-to-real projection coefficients) that are used to transform the complex result of the dot product into a real number, as used by most statistical models (e.g. mean of a Gaussian or Poisson distributions, natural parameter of a Bernouilli distribution). The conversion from complexto real is a simple weighted sum: results = s0 * Re(<e_i, e_j>) + s1 * Im(<e_i, e_j> :param tuples: tuple matrix of size [T, 2] containing T pairs of integers corresponding to the indices of the embeddings. :return: Hermitian dot products of selected embeddings >>> embeddings = (tf.Variable([[1., 1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0, 1], [-1, 1, 1, 5]]), (0.0, 1.0)) >>> idx = tf.Variable([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]]) >>> g = sparse_hermitian_scoring(embeddings, idx) >>> print(tf_eval(g)) [-2. 2. 3. -3. 4. -4.] """ emb, symmetry = params pred_re, pred_im = sparse_hermitian_product(emb, tuples) return symmetry[0] * pred_re + symmetry[1] * pred_im
def abs2_c(z): return tf.real(z)*tf.real(z)+tf.imag(z)*tf.imag(z)
def complex_mul_real( z, r ): return tf.complex(tf.real(z)*r, tf.imag(z)*r)
def modrelu_c(in_c, bias): if not in_c.dtype.is_complex: raise(ValueError('modrelu_c: Argument in_c must be complex type')) if bias.dtype.is_complex: raise(ValueError('modrelu_c: Argument bias must be real type')) n = tf.complex_abs(in_c) scale = 1./(n+1e-5) return complex_mul_real(in_c, ( tf.nn.relu(n+bias)*scale ))
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None ): with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__): unitary_hidden_state, secondary_cell_hidden_state = tf.split(1,2,state) mat_in = tf.get_variable('mat_in', [self.input_size, self.state_size*2]) mat_out = tf.get_variable('mat_out', [self.state_size*2, self.output_size]) in_proj = tf.matmul(inputs, mat_in) in_proj_c = tf.complex(tf.split(1,2,in_proj)) out_state = modReLU( in_proj_c + ulinear(unitary_hidden_state, self.state_size), tf.get_variable(name='bias', dtype=tf.float32, shape=tf.shape(unitary_hidden_state), initializer = tf.constant_initalizer(0.)), scope=scope) with tf.variable_scope('unitary_output'): '''computes data linear, unitary linear and summation -- TODO: should be complex output''' unitary_linear_output_real = linear.linear([tf.real(out_state), tf.imag(out_state), inputs], True, 0.0) with tf.variable_scope('scale_nonlinearity'): modulus = tf.complex_abs(unitary_linear_output_real) rescale = tf.maximum(modulus + hidden_bias, 0.) / (modulus + 1e-7) #transition to data shortcut connection #out_ = tf.matmul(tf.concat(1,[tf.real(out_state), tf.imag(out_state), ] ), mat_out) + out_bias #hidden state is complex but output is completely real return out_, out_state #complex
def s_binary_crossentropy(self, y_true, y_pred): if self.p: y_pred = undo_normcentererr(y_pred, self.p) y_true = undo_normcentererr(y_true, self.p) s_true = K.dot(y_true, K.transpose(self.H))%2 twopminusone = 2*y_pred-1 s_pred = ( 1 - tf.real(K.exp(K.dot(K.log(tf.cast(twopminusone, tf.complex64)), tf.cast(K.transpose(self.H), tf.complex64)))) ) / 2 return K.mean(K.binary_crossentropy(s_pred, s_true), axis=-1)
def test_Real(self): t = tf.real(tf.Variable(self.random(3, 4, complex=True))) self.check(t) # # Fourier transform ops #
def call(self, inputs, state): """The most basic URNN cell. Args: inputs (Tensor - batch_sz x num_in): One batch of cell input. state (Tensor - batch_sz x num_units): Previous cell state: COMPLEX Returns: A tuple (outputs, state): outputs (Tensor - batch_sz x num_units*2): Cell outputs on the whole batch. state (Tensor - batch_sz x num_units): New state of the cell. """ #print("cell.call inputs:", inputs.shape, inputs.dtype) #print("cell.call state:", state.shape, state.dtype) # prepare input linear combination inputs_mul = tf.matmul(inputs, tf.transpose(self.w_ih)) # [batch_sz, 2*num_units] inputs_mul_c = tf.complex( inputs_mul[:, :self._num_units], inputs_mul[:, self._num_units:] ) # [batch_sz, num_units] # prepare state linear combination (always complex!) state_c = tf.complex( state[:, :self._num_units], state[:, self._num_units:] ) state_mul = self.D1.mul(state_c) state_mul = FFT(state_mul) state_mul = self.R1.mul(state_mul) state_mul = self.P.mul(state_mul) state_mul = self.D2.mul(state_mul) state_mul = IFFT(state_mul) state_mul = self.R2.mul(state_mul) state_mul = self.D3.mul(state_mul) # [batch_sz, num_units] # calculate preactivation preact = inputs_mul_c + state_mul # [batch_sz, num_units] new_state_c = modReLU(preact, self.b_h) # [batch_sz, num_units] C new_state = tf.concat([tf.real(new_state_c), tf.imag(new_state_c)], 1) # [batch_sz, 2*num_units] R # outside network (last dense layer) is ready for 2*num_units -> num_out output = new_state # print("cell.call output:", output.shape, output.dtype) # print("cell.call new_state:", new_state.shape, new_state.dtype) return output, new_state
def fft_circ_conv1d(X, keys, batch_size, num_copies, num_keys=None, conj=False): if conj: keys = HolographicMemory.conj_real_by_complex(keys) # Get our original shapes xshp = X.get_shape().as_list() kshp = keys.get_shape().as_list() kshp[0] = num_keys if num_keys is not None else kshp[0] kshp[1] = xshp[1] if kshp[1] is None else kshp[1] print 'X : ', xshp, ' | keys : ', kshp, ' | batch_size = ', batch_size # duplicate out input data by the ratio: number_keys / batch_size # eg: |input| = [2, 784] ; |keys| = 3*[2, 784] ; (3 is the num_copies) # |new_input| = 6/2 |input| = [input; input; input] # # At test: |memories| = [3, 784] ; |keys| = 3*[n, 784] ; # |new_input| = 3n / 3 = n [where n is the number of desired parallel retrievals] num_dupes = kshp[0] / batch_size print 'num dupes = ', num_dupes xcplx = HolographicMemory.split_to_complex(tf.tile(X, [num_dupes, 1]) \ if num_dupes > 1 else X) xshp = xcplx.get_shape().as_list() kcplx = HolographicMemory.split_to_complex(keys, kshp) # Convolve & re-cast to a real valued function unsplit_func = HolographicMemory.unsplit_from_complex_ri if not conj \ else HolographicMemory.unsplit_from_complex_ir #fft_mul = HolographicMemory.bound(tf.mul(tf.fft(xcplx), tf.fft(kcplx))) fft_mul = tf.mul(tf.fft(xcplx), tf.fft(kcplx)) conv = unsplit_func(tf.ifft(fft_mul)) print 'full conv = ', conv.get_shape().as_list() batch_iter = min(batch_size, xshp[0]) if xshp[0] is not None else batch_size print 'batch = ', batch_size, ' | num_copies = ', num_copies, '| num_keys = ', num_keys, \ '| xshp[0] = ', xshp[0], ' | len(keys) = ', kshp[0], ' | batch iter = ', batch_iter conv_concat = [tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_mean(conv[begin:end], 0), 0) for begin, end in zip(range(0, kshp[0], batch_iter), range(batch_iter, kshp[0]+1, batch_iter))] print 'conv concat = ', len(conv_concat), ' x ', conv_concat[0].get_shape().as_list() # return a single concatenated tensor: # C = [c0; c1; ...] C = tf.concat(0, conv_concat) return C #C = tf_mean_std_normalize(C) #return C / tf.maximum(tf.reduce_max(C), 1e-20) #return tf.nn.sigmoid(C) #return tf_mean_std_normalize(C)
def sparse_relational_hermitian_scoring(emb, tuples): """ TensorFlow operator that scores triples where relations are defined by a complex vector w It is the same a the multilinear function, but uses complex embeddings instead. The complex embeddings are of size 2 * R where R is the complex dimension. They are encoded such that the first columns correspond to the real part, and the last R correspond to the imaginary part. The result of this function is a length-N vector with values: S[i] = sum(Re(E[I[i,2],j]) * (Re(E[I[i,1],j]) * Re(E[I[i,3],j]) + Im(E[I[i,1],j]) * Im(E[I[i,3],j])) + Im(E[I[i,2],j]) * (Re(E[I[i,1],j]) * Im(E[I[i,3],j]) - Im(E[I[i,1],j]) * Re(E[I[i,3],j])) ) Where: - I is the tuple tensor of integers with shape (T, 2) - E is the N * 2R tensor of complex embeddings (R first columns: real part, the last R columsn: imaginary part) - alpha_0 and alpha_1 are the symmetry coefficients :param params: tuple (embeddings, symm_coef) containing: - embeddings: a real tensor of size [N, 2*R] containing the N rank-R embeddings by row (real part in the rank first R columns, imaginary part in the last R columns) - the 2-tuple (s0, s1) of symmetry coefficients (or complex-to-real projection coefficients) that are used to transform the complex result of the dot product into a real number, as used by most statistical models (e.g. mean of a Gaussian or Poisson distributions, natural parameter of a Bernouilli distribution). The conversion from complexto real is a simple weighted sum: results = s0 * Re(<e_i, e_j>) + s1 * Im(<e_i, e_j> :param tuples: tuple matrix of size [T, 2] containing T pairs of integers corresponding to the indices of the embeddings. :return: Hermitian dot products of selected embeddings >>> embeddings = tf.Variable([[1., 1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0, 1], [-1, 1, 1, 5], [-3, 1, 0, 2], [-1, 2, -1, -5]]) >>> idx = tf.Variable([[0, 3, 1], [1, 3, 0], [0, 3, 2], [2, 4, 0], [1, 4, 2], [2, 4, 1]]) >>> g = sparse_relational_hermitian_scoring(embeddings, idx) >>> print(tf_eval(g)) [ 0. 8. 23. 44. -8. 32.] """ rk = emb.get_shape()[1].value // 2 emb_re = emb[:, :rk] emb_im = emb[:, rk:] emb_sel_a_re = tf.gather(emb_re, tuples[:, 0]) emb_sel_a_im = tf.gather(emb_im, tuples[:, 0]) emb_sel_b_re = tf.gather(emb_re, tuples[:, 2]) emb_sel_b_im = tf.gather(emb_im, tuples[:, 2]) emb_rel_re = tf.gather(emb_re, tuples[:, 1]) emb_rel_im = tf.gather(emb_im, tuples[:, 1]) pred_re = tf.mul(emb_sel_a_re, emb_sel_b_re) + tf.mul(emb_sel_a_im, emb_sel_b_im) pred_im = tf.mul(emb_sel_a_re, emb_sel_b_im) - tf.mul(emb_sel_a_im, emb_sel_b_re) tmp = emb_rel_re * pred_re + emb_rel_im * pred_im return tf.reduce_sum(tmp, 1)
def create_network(): dp = tflearn.data_preprocessing.DataPreprocessing() dp.add_featurewise_zero_center() dp.add_featurewise_stdnorm() #dp.add_samplewise_zero_center() #dp.add_samplewise_stdnorm() network = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, chunk_size])#, data_preprocessing=dp) # input is a real signal network = tf.complex(network, 0.0) # fft the input input_fft = tf.fft(network) input_orig_fft = input_fft input_fft = tf.stack([tf.real(input_fft), tf.imag(input_fft)], axis=2) fft_size = int(input_fft.shape[1]) network = input_fft print("fft shape: " + str(input_fft.get_shape())) omg = fft_size nn_reg = None mask = network mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg*2, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg/2, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) #mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg/4, activation="tanh") mask = tflearn.reshape(mask, [-1, 1, omg/2]) mask = tflearn.layers.recurrent.lstm(mask, omg/4) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg/2, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg*2, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg, activation="sigmoid", regularizer=nn_reg) real = tf.multiply(tf.real(input_orig_fft), mask) imag = tf.multiply(tf.imag(input_orig_fft), mask) network = tf.real(tf.ifft(tf.complex(real, imag))) print("final shape: " + str(network.get_shape())) network = tflearn.regression(network, optimizer="adam", learning_rate=learning_rate, loss="mean_square") return network