def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None ): zero_initer = tf.constant_initializer(0.) with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__): #nick there are these two matrix multiplications and they are used to convert regular input sizes to complex outputs -- makes sense -- we can further modify this for lstm configurations mat_in = tf.get_variable('W_in', [self.input_size, self.state_size*2]) mat_out = tf.get_variable('W_out', [self.state_size*2, self.output_size]) in_proj = tf.matmul(inputs, mat_in) in_proj_c = tf.complex( in_proj[:, :self.state_size], in_proj[:, self.state_size:] ) out_state = modrelu_c( in_proj_c + ulinear_c(state,transform=self.transform), tf.get_variable(name='B', dtype=tf.float32, shape=[self.state_size], initializer=zero_initer) ) out_bias = tf.get_variable(name='B_out', dtype=tf.float32, shape=[self.output_size], initializer = zero_initer) out = tf.matmul( tf.concat(1,[tf.real(out_state), tf.imag(out_state)] ), mat_out ) + out_bias return out, out_state
def get_mu_tensor(self): const_fact = self._dist_to_opt_avg**2 * self._h_min**2 / 2 / self._grad_var coef = tf.Variable([-1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=tf.float32, name="cubic_solver_coef") coef = tf.scatter_update(coef, tf.constant(2), -(3 + const_fact) ) roots = tf.py_func(np.roots, [coef], Tout=tf.complex64, stateful=False) # filter out the correct root root_idx = tf.logical_and(tf.logical_and(tf.greater(tf.real(roots), tf.constant(0.0) ), tf.less(tf.real(roots), tf.constant(1.0) ) ), tf.less(tf.abs(tf.imag(roots) ), 1e-5) ) # in case there are two duplicated roots satisfying the above condition root = tf.reshape(tf.gather(tf.gather(roots, tf.where(root_idx) ), tf.constant(0) ), shape=[] ) tf.assert_equal(tf.size(root), tf.constant(1) ) dr = self._h_max / self._h_min mu = tf.maximum(tf.real(root)**2, ( (tf.sqrt(dr) - 1)/(tf.sqrt(dr) + 1) )**2) return mu
def create_spectrogram_from_audio(data): global setting spectrogram = librosa.stft(data, n_fft=Config.n_fft, hop_length=Config.hop_length).transpose() # divide the real and imaginary components of each element # concatenate the matrix with the real components and the matrix with imaginary components # (DataCorruptionError when saving complex numbers in TFRecords) # concatenated = np.concatenate([np.real(spectrogram), np.imag(spectrogram)], axis=1) return spectrogram # [num_time_frames, num_freq_bins]
def spectrogram_split_real_imag(spec): return np.concatenate([np.real(spec), np.imag(spec)], axis=1)
def get_phase(spec): return tf.imag(tf.log(spec)) ############################################################################ ## Vector Product Functions ############################################################################
def normalize(z): norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(z)**2)) factor = (norm + 1e-6) return tf.complex(tf.real(z) / factor, tf.imag(z) / factor) # z: complex[batch_sz, num_units] # bias: real[num_units]
def modReLU(z, bias): # relu(|z|+b) * (z / |z|) norm = tf.abs(z) scale = tf.nn.relu(norm + bias) / (norm + 1e-6) scaled = tf.complex(tf.real(z)*scale, tf.imag(z)*scale) return scaled ###################################################################################################333 # 4k / 7k trainable params
def bound(x): bound = tf.maximum(tf.sqrt(tf.mul(tf.real(x), tf.real(x)) \ + tf.mul(tf.imag(x), tf.imag(x))), 1.0) return tf.complex(tf.real(x) / bound, tf.imag(x) / bound)
def unsplit_from_complex_ri(x): return tf.concat(1, [tf.real(x), tf.imag(x)])
def unsplit_from_complex_ir(x): #return tf.concat(1, [tf.imag(x), tf.abs(tf.real(x))]) return tf.abs(tf.concat(1, [tf.imag(x), tf.real(x)])) #mag = tf.maximum(1.0, tf.complex_abs(x)) #x = tf.complex(tf.real(x) / (mag + 1e-10), tf.imag(x) / (mag + 1e-10)) # real = tf.concat(1, [tf.imag(x), tf.real(x)]) # return tf.abs(HolographicMemory.normalize_real_by_complex_abs([real])[0])
def sparse_dot_product0(emb, tuples, use_matmul=True, output_type='real'): """ Compute the dot product of complex vectors. It uses complex vectors but tensorflow does not optimize in the complex space (or there is a bug in the gradient propagation with complex numbers...) :param emb: embeddings :param tuples: indices at which we compute dot products :return: scores (dot products) """ n_t = tuples.get_shape()[0].value rk = emb.get_shape()[1].value emb_sel_a = tf.gather(emb, tuples[:, 0]) emb_sel_b = tf.gather(emb, tuples[:, 1]) if use_matmul: pred_cplx = tf.squeeze(tf.batch_matmul( tf.reshape(emb_sel_a, [n_t, rk, 1]), tf.reshape(emb_sel_b, [n_t, rk, 1]), adj_x=True)) else: pred_cplx = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(tf.conj(emb_sel_a), emb_sel_b), 1) if output_type == 'complex': return pred_cplx elif output_type == 'real': return tf.real(pred_cplx) + tf.imag(pred_cplx) elif output_type == 'real': return tf.abs(pred_cplx) elif output_type == 'angle': raise NotImplementedError('No argument or inverse-tanh function for complex number in Tensorflow') else: raise NotImplementedError()
def abs2_c(z): return tf.real(z)*tf.real(z)+tf.imag(z)*tf.imag(z)
def complex_mul_real( z, r ): return tf.complex(tf.real(z)*r, tf.imag(z)*r)
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None ): with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__): unitary_hidden_state, secondary_cell_hidden_state = tf.split(1,2,state) mat_in = tf.get_variable('mat_in', [self.input_size, self.state_size*2]) mat_out = tf.get_variable('mat_out', [self.state_size*2, self.output_size]) in_proj = tf.matmul(inputs, mat_in) in_proj_c = tf.complex(tf.split(1,2,in_proj)) out_state = modReLU( in_proj_c + ulinear(unitary_hidden_state, self.state_size), tf.get_variable(name='bias', dtype=tf.float32, shape=tf.shape(unitary_hidden_state), initializer = tf.constant_initalizer(0.)), scope=scope) with tf.variable_scope('unitary_output'): '''computes data linear, unitary linear and summation -- TODO: should be complex output''' unitary_linear_output_real = linear.linear([tf.real(out_state), tf.imag(out_state), inputs], True, 0.0) with tf.variable_scope('scale_nonlinearity'): modulus = tf.complex_abs(unitary_linear_output_real) rescale = tf.maximum(modulus + hidden_bias, 0.) / (modulus + 1e-7) #transition to data shortcut connection #out_ = tf.matmul(tf.concat(1,[tf.real(out_state), tf.imag(out_state), ] ), mat_out) + out_bias #hidden state is complex but output is completely real return out_, out_state #complex
def test_Imag(self): t = tf.imag(tf.Variable(self.random(3, 4, complex=True))) self.check(t)
def call(self, inputs, state): """The most basic URNN cell. Args: inputs (Tensor - batch_sz x num_in): One batch of cell input. state (Tensor - batch_sz x num_units): Previous cell state: COMPLEX Returns: A tuple (outputs, state): outputs (Tensor - batch_sz x num_units*2): Cell outputs on the whole batch. state (Tensor - batch_sz x num_units): New state of the cell. """ #print("cell.call inputs:", inputs.shape, inputs.dtype) #print("cell.call state:", state.shape, state.dtype) # prepare input linear combination inputs_mul = tf.matmul(inputs, tf.transpose(self.w_ih)) # [batch_sz, 2*num_units] inputs_mul_c = tf.complex( inputs_mul[:, :self._num_units], inputs_mul[:, self._num_units:] ) # [batch_sz, num_units] # prepare state linear combination (always complex!) state_c = tf.complex( state[:, :self._num_units], state[:, self._num_units:] ) state_mul = self.D1.mul(state_c) state_mul = FFT(state_mul) state_mul = self.R1.mul(state_mul) state_mul = self.P.mul(state_mul) state_mul = self.D2.mul(state_mul) state_mul = IFFT(state_mul) state_mul = self.R2.mul(state_mul) state_mul = self.D3.mul(state_mul) # [batch_sz, num_units] # calculate preactivation preact = inputs_mul_c + state_mul # [batch_sz, num_units] new_state_c = modReLU(preact, self.b_h) # [batch_sz, num_units] C new_state = tf.concat([tf.real(new_state_c), tf.imag(new_state_c)], 1) # [batch_sz, 2*num_units] R # outside network (last dense layer) is ready for 2*num_units -> num_out output = new_state # print("cell.call output:", output.shape, output.dtype) # print("cell.call new_state:", new_state.shape, new_state.dtype) return output, new_state
def create_network(): dp = tflearn.data_preprocessing.DataPreprocessing() dp.add_featurewise_zero_center() dp.add_featurewise_stdnorm() #dp.add_samplewise_zero_center() #dp.add_samplewise_stdnorm() network = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, chunk_size])#, data_preprocessing=dp) # input is a real signal network = tf.complex(network, 0.0) # fft the input input_fft = tf.fft(network) input_orig_fft = input_fft input_fft = tf.stack([tf.real(input_fft), tf.imag(input_fft)], axis=2) fft_size = int(input_fft.shape[1]) network = input_fft print("fft shape: " + str(input_fft.get_shape())) omg = fft_size nn_reg = None mask = network mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg*2, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg/2, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) #mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg/4, activation="tanh") mask = tflearn.reshape(mask, [-1, 1, omg/2]) mask = tflearn.layers.recurrent.lstm(mask, omg/4) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg/2, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg*2, activation="tanh", regularizer=nn_reg) mask = tflearn.layers.normalization.batch_normalization(mask) mask = tflearn.layers.fully_connected(mask, omg, activation="sigmoid", regularizer=nn_reg) real = tf.multiply(tf.real(input_orig_fft), mask) imag = tf.multiply(tf.imag(input_orig_fft), mask) network = tf.real(tf.ifft(tf.complex(real, imag))) print("final shape: " + str(network.get_shape())) network = tflearn.regression(network, optimizer="adam", learning_rate=learning_rate, loss="mean_square") return network