def __generate_output(self,output_list): ''' ???? ??????? ''' if self.output: if self.terminal_table: #table=AsciiTable(output_list) table=AsciiTable(output_list) print(table.table) else: for output in output_list: for output_sub in output: output_sub=output_sub.replace('\n', ',') print("[%s]"%output_sub,end=" ") print() print("sum: ",len(output_list[1:]))
def start_test(ping_count=10, file_size="10mb", udp=False): results = {key: [] for key in REGIONS} # Latency testing pbar = tqdm(total=(len(REGIONS) * ping_count), desc=PADDING_FORMAT.format("Latency testing"), bar_format=BAR_FORMAT, leave=True) for region, host in six.iteritems(REGIONS): pbar.set_description(PADDING_FORMAT.format("Latency testing ({})".format(region))) results[region].append(do_ping(host, count=ping_count, udp=udp, hook=lambda: pbar.update(1))) pbar.close() # Download speed testing pbar = tqdm(total=(len(REGIONS) * 100), desc=PADDING_FORMAT.format("Download speed testing"), bar_format=BAR_FORMAT, leave=True, disable=False) for region, host in six.iteritems(REGIONS): pbar.set_description(PADDING_FORMAT.format("Download speed testing ({})".format(region))) url = "http://{}/{}.test".format(host, file_size) results[region].append(do_download(url, lambda progress: pbar.update(progress))) # Output sorted by latency results as table table_data = [[key] + value for key, value in six.iteritems(results)] table_data.sort(key=lambda row: float(row[1])) table_data.insert(0, ["Region", "Latency (ms)", "Download speed (mbps)"]) table = AsciiTable(table_data) print("\n\n{}\n".format( table.table))
def scan(): get_gateway() scan = os.popen("nmap " + gateway + "/24 -n -sP ").read() f = open(os.getcwd()+'/scanlog.txt','w') f.write(scan) f.close() devices = os.popen(" grep report "+os.getcwd()+"/scanlog.txt | awk '{print $5}'").read() devices_mac = os.popen("grep MAC "+os.getcwd()+"/scanlog.txt | awk '{print $3}'").read() + os.popen("ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A1 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/'").read().upper()# get devices mac and localhost mac address devices_name = os.popen("grep MAC "+os.getcwd()+"/scanlog.txt | awk '{print $4 ,S$5 $6}'").read() + "\033[1;32m(Bu Cihaz)\033[0m" table_data = [ ['IP Adres', 'Mac Adres','Uretici'], [devices, devices_mac,devices_name] ] table = AsciiTable(table_data) print("[+]------------------[Aginizda Bulunan Cihazlar ]----------------[+]\n") print(table.table)
def main(): check_if_first_run() getform() if first_run: print("\n\n\tlutfen bir sonraki sayfada\n\tcinsiyetinizi belirtiniz\n\tdevam etmek icin bir tusa basin.") input("") getgender(first_run) saveload(first_run) definehitap() table_data = [['Kulanici adi','Assistan'], [user.isim+' '+hitap,user.assistant]] table = AsciiTable(table_data) print(G+table.table+W) yazi1 = 'Hos geldiniz {} {}' print(user.assistant, ": ", yazi1.format(user.isim, hitap)) shell.shellinit() shell.shell() #ctrl c de hata vermemesi icin
def print_top_available_players(self, position='QB', n=15): valid_positions = Player.POSITION_CHOICES # reduce tuples to single element valid_positions = map(lambda x: x[0], valid_positions) if position and position not in valid_positions: raise ValueError("{} must be one of {}".format(position, valid_positions)) table_data = [ ['ID', 'Player', 'Position', 'Points'], ] players = self.available_players.all() if position: players = players.filter(position=position) top_players = sorted(players, key=lambda x: x.draft_bot_score, reverse=True) for player in top_players[:n]: table_data.append([player.playerid, player.full_name, player.position, int(player.draft_bot_score)]) table = AsciiTable(table_data) print(table.table)
def summary(self, name="Model Summary"): # Print model name print (AsciiTable([[name]]).table) # Network input shape (first layer's input shape) print ("Input Shape: %s" % str(self.layers[0].input_shape)) # Iterate through network and get each layer's configuration table_data = [["Layer Type", "Parameters", "Output Shape"]] tot_params = 0 for layer in self.layers: layer_name = layer.layer_name() params = layer.parameters() out_shape = layer.output_shape() table_data.append([layer_name, str(params), str(out_shape)]) tot_params += params # Print network configuration table print (AsciiTable(table_data).table) print ("Total Parameters: %d\n" % tot_params)
def show_analyzed_info(self): summary_table = [["Filename", "md5", "status"]] for path, name in self.files: av_found_threat = 0 details = [["Engine", "Threat", "Def. time"]] res = self.metascan.scan_file_and_get_results(path, name, self.workflow) jres = res.json() for engine, scan_details in jres["scan_results"]["scan_details"].iteritems(): if scan_details.get("scan_result_i"): av_found_threat += 1 def_time = parser.parse(scan_details["def_time"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") details.append([engine, scan_details["threat_found"], def_time]) status = "%d/%d" % (av_found_threat, jres["scan_results"]["total_avs"]) summary_table.append([name, jres["file_info"]["md5"], status]) table = AsciiTable(details, name) print table.table return summary_table
def display_full_users(users): """Display the list of users with all information.""" data = [['Login', 'Home', 'State', 'Ssh', 'Primary account']] # Sort the list of users by login users = sorted(users, key=lambda k: k['login']) for user in users: data.append([ user['login'], user['home'], user['state'], user['sshState'], user['isPrimaryAccount'] ]) table = AsciiTable(data) return table.table
def display_config(configs): """Display the .ovhconfig file information.""" data = [['#ID', 'Environment', 'Engine version', 'Container', 'Path', 'Engine', 'Firewall']] for config in configs: data.append([ config['id'], config['environment'], config['engineVersion'], config['container'], config['path'], config['engineName'], config['httpFirewall'] ]) table = AsciiTable(data) return table.table
def iter_plain(self, data): """Iterate over a plain data.""" def get_value(value): if not value and not isinstance(value, bool): return '' elif (isinstance(value, list)) and len(value) == 0: return '' elif isinstance(value, list): return value elif isinstance(value, dict): return json.dumps(value, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) return str(value) d = [[k, get_value(v)] for k, v in sorted(data.items()) if k not in self.exclude] d.insert(0, ['Property', 'Value']) table = AsciiTable(d) return table.table
def adapter(data, headers, table_format=None, **kwargs): """Wrap terminaltables inside a function for TabularOutputFormatter.""" keys = ('title', ) table_format_handler = { 'ascii': terminaltables.AsciiTable, 'double': terminaltables.DoubleTable, 'github': terminaltables.GithubFlavoredMarkdownTable, } table = table_format_handler[table_format] t = table([headers] + list(data), **filter_dict_by_key(kwargs, keys)) dimensions = terminaltables.width_and_alignment.max_dimensions( t.table_data, t.padding_left, t.padding_right)[:3] for r in t.gen_table(*dimensions): yield u''.join(r)
def get_scanning_result(self, iface): indent = ' ' * 1 flagExec = self.exec_iwlist(iface) if flagExec: header = indent + 'Scanning WiFi networks using interface \'' + iface + '\'\n' network_table = [['SSID', 'AP Address', 'Channel', 'Encryption', 'Quality']] for dict_network in self.parsed_cells: network_table.append([ dict_network['Name'], dict_network['Address'], dict_network['Channel'], dict_network['Encryption'], dict_network['Quality'] ]) table = AsciiTable(network_table) print (Fore.YELLOW + Style.DIM + header + table.table) return True else: return False
def print_ifaces_wireless_table(self): indent = ' ' * 1 header = indent + 'Wireless interfaces information:\n' self.wireless_table = [['Interface', 'Status', 'IP Address', 'Mask', 'Mode', 'SSID', 'AP Address', 'Wireless Type']] for data in self.ifaces_wireless: self.wireless_table.append([ data, self.dict_status[data], self.dict_ipaddr[data], self.dict_mask[data], self.dict_mode[data], self.dict_ssid[data], self.dict_apaddr[data], self.dict_wname[data] ]) table = AsciiTable(self.wireless_table) print (Fore.YELLOW + Style.DIM + header + table.table)
def searchSong(key): url = uapi.search_api data = {'s': key, 'offset': 0, 'limit': 20, 'type': "1"} req = requests.post(url, headers=uapi.header, data=data, timeout=10) if req.json()["result"]['songCount'] == 0: pylog.log.warn("??? {} ???????".format(key)) return songs = req.json()["result"]['songs'] song_table = AsciiTable([["ID", "??", "??", "??"]]) for item in songs: id = item['id'] name = (item['name']).encode("utf-8") album = (item['album']['name']).encode("utf-8") artist = [] for a in item['artists']: artist.append(a['name'].encode("utf-8")) song_table.table_data.append([str(id), name, album, ",".join(artist)]) print(pylog.Blue("? \"{}\" ?????".format(key))) print(song_table.table)
def searchAlbum(key): url = uapi.search_api data = {'s': key, 'offset': 0, 'limit': 20, 'type': "10"} req = requests.post(url, headers=uapi.header, data=data, timeout=10) if req.json()["result"]['albumCount'] == 0: pylog.log.warn("??? {} ???????".format(key)) return albums = req.json()["result"]['albums'] song_table = AsciiTable([["ID", "??", "??","???"]]) for item in albums: id = item['id'] name = item['name'].encode("utf-8") company = "" if item['company'] != None: company = item['company'].encode("utf-8") artist = [] for a in item['artists']: artist.append(a['name'].encode("utf-8")) song_table.table_data.append([str(id), name, ",".join(artist), company]) print(pylog.Blue("? \"{}\" ?????".format(key))) print(song_table.table)
def searchSinger(key): url = uapi.search_api data = {'s': key, 'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'type': "100"} req = requests.post(url, headers=uapi.header, data=data, timeout=10) if req.json()["result"]['artistCount'] == 0: pylog.log.warn("??? {} ????????".format(key)) return artists = req.json()["result"]['artists'] song_table = AsciiTable([["ID", "??", "????", "MV??"]]) for item in artists: id = str(item['id']) name = item['name'].encode("utf-8") acount = str(item['albumSize']) mcount = str(item['mvSize']) song_table.table_data.append([id, name, acount, mcount]) print(pylog.Blue("? \"{}\" ?????".format(key))) print(song_table.table)
def searchPlaylist(key): url = uapi.search_api data = {'s': key, 'offset': 0, 'limit': 5, 'type': "1000"} req = requests.post(url, headers=uapi.header, data=data, timeout=10) if req.json()["result"]['playlistCount'] == 0: pylog.log.warn("??? {} ???????".format(key)) return playlists = req.json()["result"]['playlists'] song_table = AsciiTable([["ID", "??", "???", "????", "????"]]) for item in playlists: id = str(item['id']) name = item['name'].encode("utf-8") creator = item['creator']['nickname'].encode("utf-8") pcount = str(item['playCount']) bcount = str(item['bookCount']) song_table.table_data.append([id, name, creator, pcount, bcount]) print(pylog.Blue("? \"{}\" ?????".format(key))) print(song_table.table)
def print_ts_aggregation(name, histograms): header_names = ["start", "end", "count"] data = [header_names] if histograms is not None: interval = histograms["bucketSizeInSeconds"] title = name + "(interval = {})".format(hms_string(interval)) table = AsciiTable(data, title) buckets = histograms["histogramBuckets"] for bucket in buckets: start = format_time_value(bucket["timeInSec"]) end = format_time_value(bucket["timeInSec"] + interval) count = "{:,}".format(bucket["count"]) data_array = [start, end, count] data.append(data_array) else: table = AsciiTable(data, name) print(table.table)
def print_tsa_aggregation(name, tsa, sub_req): header_names = ["start", "end", "bucket"] data = [header_names] if tsa is not None: interval = tsa["bucketSizeInSeconds"] title = name + "(interval = {})".format(hms_string(interval)) table = AsciiTable(data, title) buckets = tsa["buckets"] for bucket in buckets: start = format_time_value(bucket["timeInSec"]) end = format_time_value(bucket["timeInSec"] + interval) agg_str = draw_agg_resp(bucket["response"], sub_req) if agg_str is None: agg_str = "n/a" data_array = [start, end, agg_str] data.append(data_array) else: table = AsciiTable(data, name) print(table.table)
def print_table_info(name, table_info): metrics_info = table_info["metrics"] metrics_data = [["type", "time unit", "volume"]] indexing_info = metrics_info["indexing"] metrics_data.append(["bytes", "per second", sizeof_fmt(indexing_info["numBytesPerSecond"])]) metrics_data.append(["bytes", "per day", sizeof_fmt(indexing_info["numBytesPerDay"])]) metrics_data.append(["events", "per second", "{:,}".format(indexing_info["numEventsPerSecond"])]) metrics_data.append(["events", "per day", "{:,}".format(indexing_info["numEventsPerDay"])]) metrics_table = AsciiTable(metrics_data, name + ": ingestion") print(metrics_table.table) cluster_info = table_info["info"] partitions_data = [["partition", "hosts"]] partitions_table = AsciiTable(partitions_data, name + ": partitions") for partition in cluster_info.keys(): host_list = cluster_info[partition] partitions_data.append([partition, "\r".join(host_list)]) print(partitions_table.table)
def print_summary(summary): print('The output is valid.') print('It contained {} messages for {} streams.'.format( summary.num_messages(), len(summary.streams))) print('') print('{:7} schema messages'.format(summary.num_schemas())) print('{:7} record messages'.format(summary.num_records())) print('{:7} state messages'.format(summary.num_states)) print('') print('Details by stream:') headers = [['stream', 'records', 'schemas']] rows = [[s.name, s.num_records, s.num_schemas] for s in summary.streams.values()] data = headers + rows table = AsciiTable(data) print(table.table)
def fancy_table(table_headers, *table_rows): """Creates a fancy table string from the given data :param table_headers: Iterable contains the table's headers :param table_rows: Iterable elements contain the table rows (body) :return: Formatted string represents the newly created table """ # coloring class degrates gracefully if output is redirected so we will # not endup with ANSI escapes if we redirect console. table_data = [[c for c in table_headers]] table_data.extend(table_rows) table = AsciiTable(table_data=table_data) table.inner_row_border = True return table.table
def pretty_print_stations(stations=[], search=None): """ prints all the radio stations in a table """ from terminaltables import AsciiTable data = [['S.N.', 'NAME', 'LOCATION', 'FREQUENCY']] data.extend([[v['count'], v['name'], v['location'], v['frequency']] for v in stations if search and search.lower() in v['name'].lower() or not search]) print(AsciiTable(data).table)
def pretty_print(stations, search=None): from terminaltables import AsciiTable datas = [['S.N.', 'NAME', 'LOCATION', 'FREQUENCY'],] for counter, station in enumerate(stations): if search and search in station['name'] or not search: datas.append([counter + 1, station['name'], station['location'], station['frequency']]) table = AsciiTable(datas) print(table.table)
def table(self, headers, data): data = [headers] + data table = AsciiTable(data) table.inner_row_border = False self.tables.append(table.table) self.tables.append('\n\n') return self
def runl(): column1 = 'Figlet\nAndroidpy' column2 = ' ' + figlet + '\n' + ' ' + androidpy column3 = '[0]\n[1]' tabledata = [ ['Modul', 'Su Anki Ayari', 'Index'], [column1, column2, column3]] table = AsciiTable(tabledata) print(shell.textmain, "lutfen degistirmek istediginiz ayarin yanindaki Index degerini giriniz menu icin " + C + "\"ctrl + c\""+ W + " tuslarina basiniz.") print("\t", table.table)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): images = self.list_images() table = AsciiTable(images) print(table.table)
def to_table(self, with_names=False): """Return the policy as an ascii tables Args: with_names (bool): Include object names """ table_header = self.table_header() table_row = self.table_row(with_names=with_names) table = AsciiTable([table_header, table_row]) table.title = "Policy: " + self.name return table.table
def source_table(self, service_focus=True): table_header = ["Dst Zones", "Dst Addresses", "Services", "Action"] table_data = [table_header] + self._table_rows(self.source_lookup_object, True, service_focus) table = AsciiTable(table_data) table.title = "Effective Policy: " + self.target + " as source" return table.table
def destination_table(self, service_focus=True): table_header = ["Src Zones", "Src Addresses", "Services", "Action"] table_data = [table_header] + self._table_rows(self.destination_lookup_object, False, service_focus) table = AsciiTable(table_data) table.title = "Effective Policy: " + self.target + " as destination" return table.table
def user_credentials(ctx,app_name,stage_name): result = Zops(app_name,stage_name, profile_name=ctx.obj['profile_name']).user_stack_outputs() try: table_data = [ [i['OutputKey'], i['OutputValue']] for i in result ] except TypeError: click.echo('User creds not ready yet.') return table_data.insert(0, ['Attribute','Value']) table = terminaltables.AsciiTable(table_data) click.echo(table.table)
def show_top_players(cls, position="RB", n=15): """ Displays top x players given position. """ valid_positions = cls.POSITION_CHOICES # reduce tuples to single element valid_positions = map(lambda x: x[0], valid_positions) if position not in valid_positions: raise ValueError("{} must be one of {}".format(position, valid_positions)) table_data = [ ['Player', 'Position', 'Points'], ] players = Player.objects.all() if position: players = players.filter(position=position) top_players = sorted(players, key=lambda x: x.draft_bot_score, reverse=True) for player in top_players[:n]: table_data.append([player.full_name, player.position, int(player.draft_bot_score)]) table = AsciiTable(table_data) print(table.table)
def show_analyzed_info(self): summary_table = [["Filename", "md5", "status"]] for path, name in self.files: av_found_threat = 0 details = [["Engine", "Threat", "Def. time"]] res = self.metascan.scan_file_and_get_results(path, name) try: res.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as err: self.log('error', err) return jres = res.json() if jres.get("process_info", {}).get("result") == "Blocked": details = [["Blocked", "Reason: %s " % jres["process_info"]["blocked_reason"]]] status = "blocked" else: for engine, scan_details in jres["scan_results"]["scan_details"].iteritems(): if scan_details.get("scan_result_i"): av_found_threat += 1 def_time = parser.parse(scan_details["def_time"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") details.append([engine, scan_details["threat_found"], def_time]) status = "%d/%d" % (av_found_threat, jres["scan_results"]["total_avs"]) summary_table.append([name, jres["file_info"]["md5"], status]) table = AsciiTable(details, name) print table.table return summary_table
def show_summary(self, summary_table): sum_table = AsciiTable(summary_table, "Summary") print sum_table.table
def show_engines(self): details = [["Engine name", "Engine version", "Def time", "Active"]] engines = self.metascan.get_engines() try: engines.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as err: self.log('error', err) return for eng in engines.json(): def_time = parser.parse(eng["def_time"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") active = "Y" if eng["active"] else "N" details.append([eng["eng_name"], eng["eng_ver"], def_time, active]) table = AsciiTable(details, "Engines") print table.table
def show_summary(summary_table): sum_table = AsciiTable(summary_table, "Summary") print sum_table.table
def show_workflows(self): details = [] workflows = self.metascan.get_workflows() for wf in workflows.json(): details.append([wf["name"]]) table = AsciiTable(details, "Workflows") table.inner_heading_row_border = False print table.table
def show_license(self): licenses = self.metascan.get_license() details = [] for lic in licenses.json().iteritems(): details.append([str(lic[0]), str(lic[1])]) table = AsciiTable(details, "Licenses") table.inner_heading_row_border = False print table.table
def display_services(services): """Display the user services.""" data = [['Services']] for service in sorted(services): data.append([service]) table = AsciiTable(data) return table.table
def display_quota(quota): """Display the quota for a service.""" used = '{} {}'.format( "%.2f" % quota['used']['value'], quota['used']['unit'] ) size = '{} {}'.format( "%.2f" % quota['size']['value'], quota['size']['unit'] ) table = AsciiTable([["Used", used], ["Size", size]]) return table.table
def display_users(users): """Display the list of users by their username.""" data = [['Users']] for user in sorted(users): data.append([user]) table = AsciiTable(data) return table.table
def _print_table(self, data): """Print table to stdout.""" max_width = 45 wrapped_data = \ [["\n".join(wrap(col, max_width)) if ((type(col) is str or type(col) is unicode) and len(col) > max_width) else col for col in row] for row in data] table = AsciiTable(wrapped_data) table.inner_row_border = True print table.table
def get_ascii_table(self, table): return AsciiTable(table).table
def show_profile(self): indent = ' ' header = indent + 'List of profiles saved by system:\n' table = [['Profile name', 'Connection type', 'SSID', 'Passphrase']] list_profile = os.listdir(self.profile_path) for fileconf in list_profile: of_file = open(self.profile_path + fileconf, 'r') of = of_file.read().split('\n') if of[0][1::] == 'Open': table.append([fileconf[:-5:], 'Open', of[2][7:-1:], '-']) elif of[0][1::] == 'WPA': table.append([fileconf[:-5:], 'WPA', of[2][7:-1:], of[3][7:-1:]]) of_file.close() print (Fore.YELLOW + Style.DIM + header + AsciiTable(table).table)
def print_ifaces_ethernet_table(self): indent = ' ' * 1 header = indent + 'Ethernet interfaces information:\n' self.ethernet_table = [['Interface', 'Status', 'IP Address', 'Mask']] for data in self.ifaces_ethernet: self.ethernet_table.append([ data, self.dict_status[data], self.dict_ipaddr[data], self.dict_mask[data] ]) table = AsciiTable(self.ethernet_table) print (Fore.YELLOW + Style.DIM + header + table.table)
def print_ifaces_localhost_table(self): indent = ' ' * 1 header = indent + 'Localhost interfaces information:\n' self.localhost_table = [['Interface', 'Status', 'IP Address', 'Mask']] for data in self.ifaces_localhost: self.localhost_table.append([ data, self.dict_status[data], self.dict_ipaddr[data], self.dict_mask[data] ]) table = AsciiTable(self.localhost_table) print (Fore.YELLOW + Style.DIM + header + table.table)
def colorize_value(value): if value < 0: return colored(value, "red") else: return colored(value, "green") # def render_signal_details(signals): # out = [["Indicator", "Signal", "Details"]] # for s in signals: # out.append([s, signals[s].value, signals[s].details]) # table = AsciiTable(out).table # return "\n".join(["\nSignal:", table])
def render_bot_statistic(stat): out = [["", stat["start"], stat["end"], "CHANGE %"]] out.append(["COINTRADER", stat["trader_start_value"], stat["trader_end_value"], "{}".format(colorize_value(round(stat["profit_cointrader"], 4)))]) out.append(["MARKET", stat["market_start_value"], stat["market_end_value"], "{}".format(colorize_value(round(stat["profit_chart"], 4)))]) table = AsciiTable(out).table return "\n".join(["\nStatistic:", table])
def render_bot_tradelog(trades): out = [["DATE", "TYPE", "RATE", "COINS", "COINS'", "BTC", "BTC'"]] for trade in trades: values = [] values.append(trade.date) values.append(trade.order_type) values.append(trade.rate) if trade.order_type == "BUY": values.append("--") values.append(trade.amount_taxed) values.append(trade.btc) values.append("--") elif trade.order_type == "SELL": values.append(trade.amount) values.append("--") values.append("--") values.append(trade.btc_taxed) else: values.append(trade.amount) values.append("--") values.append(trade.btc) values.append("--") out.append(values) table = AsciiTable(out).table return "\n".join(["\nTradelog:", table])
def get_playlist(self, playlist_id): self.view_capture(int(playlist_id)) url = uapi.playlist_api.format(playlist_id) s = requests.session() s = BeautifulSoup(s.get(url, headers=self.__headers).content, "html.parser") playlist = json.loads(s.text)['result'] print("?" + playlist['name'].encode('utf-8') + "?") author = playlist['creator']['nickname'].encode('utf-8') pc = str(playlist['playCount']) sc = str(playlist['subscribedCount']) rc = str(playlist['shareCount']) cc = str(playlist['commentCount']) print("????{} ???{} ???{} ???{} ???{}".format(author, pc, sc, rc, cc)) print("???{}".format(playlist['description'].encode('utf-8'))) print("???{}".format(",".join(playlist['tags']).encode("utf-8"))) tb = [["ID", "????", "???", "??"]] for music in playlist['tracks']: artists = [] for s in music['ar']: artists.append(s['name']) ms = music['name'].encode("utf-8") ar = ",".join(artists).encode("utf-8") ab = music['album']['name'].encode("utf-8") id = music['id'] tb.append([id, ms, ar, ab]) print(AsciiTable(tb).table)