Python theano 模块,ifelse() 实例源码


项目:gated_word_char_rlm    作者:nyu-dl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gate_layer(tparams, X_word, X_char, options, prefix, pretrain_mode, activ='lambda x: x', **kwargs):
    compute the forward pass for a gate layer

    tparams        : OrderedDict of theano shared variables, {parameter name: value}
    X_word         : theano 3d tensor, word input, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)
    X_char         : theano 3d tensor, char input, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)
    options        : dictionary, {hyperparameter: value}
    prefix         : string, layer name
    pretrain_mode  : theano shared scalar, 0. = word only, 1. = char only, 2. = word & char
    activ          : string, activation function: 'liner', 'tanh', or 'rectifier'

    X              : theano 3d tensor, final vector, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)

    # compute gating values, Eq.(3)
    G = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(, tparams[p_name(prefix, 'v')]) + tparams[p_name(prefix, 'b')][0])
    X = ifelse(tensor.le(pretrain_mode, numpy.float32(1.)),  
               ifelse(tensor.eq(pretrain_mode, numpy.float32(0.)), X_word, X_char),
               G[:, :, None] * X_char + (1. - G)[:, :, None] * X_word)   
    return eval(activ)(X)
项目:gated_word_char_rlm    作者:nyu-dl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def concat_layer(tparams, X_word, X_char, options, prefix, pretrain_mode, activ='lambda x: x', **kwargs):
    compute the forward pass for a concat layer

    tparams        : OrderedDict of theano shared variables, {parameter name: value}
    X_word         : theano 3d tensor, word input, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)
    X_char         : theano 3d tensor, char input, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)
    options        : dictionary, {hyperparameter: value}
    prefix         : string,  layer name
    pretrain_mode  : theano shared scalar, 0. = word only, 1. = char only, 2. = word & char
    activ          : string, activation function: 'liner', 'tanh', or 'rectifier'

    X              : theano 3d tensor, final vector, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)

    X = ifelse(tensor.le(pretrain_mode, numpy.float32(1.)),
               ifelse(tensor.eq(pretrain_mode, numpy.float32(0.)), X_word, X_char),
     [X_word, X_char], axis=2), tparams[p_name(prefix, 'W')]) + tparams[p_name(prefix, 'b')]) 
    return eval(activ)(X)
项目:Deep-Learning-with-Theano    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model(inputs, _is_training, params, batch_size, hidden_size, drop_i, drop_s, init_scale, init_H_bias, _theano_rng):
    noise_i_for_H = get_dropout_noise((batch_size, hidden_size), drop_i, _theano_rng)
    i_for_H = ifelse(_is_training, inputs * noise_i_for_H, inputs)
    i_for_H = linear.model(i_for_H, params, hidden_size, hidden_size, init_scale, bias_init=init_H_bias)

    # Dropout noise for recurrent hidden state.
    noise_s = get_dropout_noise((batch_size, hidden_size), drop_s, _theano_rng)

    def step(i_for_H_t, y_tm1, noise_s):
        s_lm1_for_H = ifelse(_is_training, y_tm1 * noise_s, y_tm1)
        return T.tanh(i_for_H_t + linear.model(s_lm1_for_H, params, hidden_size, hidden_size, init_scale))

    y_0 = shared_zeros((batch_size, hidden_size), name='h0')
    y, _ = theano.scan(step, sequences=i_for_H, outputs_info=[y_0], non_sequences = [noise_s])

    y_last = y[-1]
    sticky_state_updates = [(y_0, y_last)]

    return y, y_0, sticky_state_updates
项目:deep-motion-analysis    作者:Brimborough    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def skip_connect(self, input, layer_index):
        if ([] == self.noisy_z):
            raise ValueError('Error: noisy_z is an empty list, noisy_fprop must be run before skip_connect')

        MU = self.compute_mu(input, self.As[layer_index])
        V  = self.compute_v(input, self.As[layer_index])

        reconstruction = (self.noisy_z[-1] - MU) * V + MU

#        # Non trainable Batchnormalisation
#        mean = reconstruction.mean(0)
#        std  = reconstruction.std(0) + 1e-10
#        # Only batchnormalise for a batchsize > 1
#        mean = ifelse([0], 1), mean, T.zeros(mean.shape, dtype=mean.dtype))
#        std  = ifelse([0], 1), std, T.ones(std.shape, dtype=std.dtype))

#        reconstruction = (reconstruction - mean) / std
        self.tmp = reconstruction

        # To caluclate the reconstruction error later
        self.noisy_z = self.noisy_z[0:-1]

        return reconstruction
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x, seq):
        :param x:   (length, dim)
        :param seq: (length - 1, 3)
        # (length, dim) -> (2 * length - 1, dim)
        vector = T.concatenate([x, T.zeros_like(x)[:-1, :]], axis=0)
        # vector = theano.printing.Print()(vector)
        # scan length-1 times
        hs, _ = theano.scan(fn=self.encode,
                            outputs_info=[vector, shared_scalar(0)],
        comp_vec_init = hs[0][-1][-1]
        comp_rec_init = T.sum(hs[1])
        if self.normalize:
            hidden = x[0] / x[0].norm(2)
            hidden = x[0]
        comp_vec = ifelse(x.shape[0] > 1, comp_vec_init, hidden)
        comp_rec = ifelse(x.shape[0] > 1, comp_rec_init, shared_zero_scalar())
        return comp_vec, comp_rec
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x):
        :param x: (length, dim)
        :return: (hidden_dim, )
        if self.padding_size > 0:
            # (padding_size + length + padding_size, dim)
            x = temporal_padding_2d(x, (self.padding_size, self.padding_size))
        safe_x = temporal_padding_2d(x, (0, self.kernel_size - x.shape[0]))
        # If Kernel Size is greater than sentence length, padding at the end of sentence
        x = ifelse( - x.shape[0], 0),
        conv_result = self.forward_conv(x)
        pooling_result = get_pooling(conv_result, self.pooling)
        dropout_out = dropout_from_layer(pooling_result, self.dropout)
        return self.act.activate(dropout_out + self.b)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lazy_if(self):
        # Tests that lazy if works .. even if the two results have different
        # shapes but the same type (i.e. both vectors, or matrices or
        # whatnot of same dtype)
        x = tensor.vector('x', dtype=self.dtype)
        y = tensor.vector('y', dtype=self.dtype)
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        f = theano.function([c, x, y], ifelse(c, x, y), mode=self.mode)
        self.assertFunctionContains1(f, self.get_ifelse(1))
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())

        xlen = rng.randint(200)
        ylen = rng.randint(200)

        vx = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(xlen,)), self.dtype)
        vy = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(ylen,)), self.dtype)

        assert numpy.allclose(vx, f(1, vx, vy))
        assert numpy.allclose(vy, f(0, vx, vy))
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pushout3(self):
        raise SkipTest("Optimization temporarily disabled")
        x1 = tensor.scalar('x1')
        y1 = tensor.scalar('x2')
        y2 = tensor.scalar('y2')
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        two = numpy.asarray(2, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        x, y = ifelse(c, (x1, y1), (two, y2), name='f1')
        o3 = numpy.asarray(0.3, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        o2 = numpy.asarray(0.2, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        z = ifelse(c, o3, o2, name='f2')
        out = x * z * y

        f = theano.function([x1, y1, y2, c], out,
        assert isinstance(f.maker.fgraph.toposort()[-1].op, IfElse)
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        vx1 = rng.uniform()
        vy1 = rng.uniform()
        vy2 = rng.uniform()

        assert numpy.allclose(f(vx1, vy1, vy2, 1), vx1 * vy1 * 0.3)
        assert numpy.allclose(f(vx1, vy1, vy2, 0), 2 * vy2 * 0.2)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_c_thunks():
    a = tensor.scalars('a')
    b, c = tensor.vectors('bc')
    cases = [False]
    if theano.config.cxx:
    for c_thunks in cases:
        f = function([a, b, c], ifelse(a, a * b, b * c),
        f(1, [2], [3, 2])
        from import assert_raises
        assert_raises(ValueError, f, 0, [2], [3, 4])
        assert any([hasattr(t, 'cthunk') for t in f.fn.thunks]) == c_thunks
项目:Precise-CTC    作者:Michlong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_adjdup(x):
    Remove adjacent duplicate items of a vector
    x: vector
    return a vector with adjacent duplicate items removed, for example [1,2,2,2,3,3,4] -> [1,2,3,4]
    def update(x, nondup, idx):
        nondup = tensor.switch(tensor.eq(nondup[idx], x), nondup, tensor.set_subtensor(nondup[idx + 1], x))  # tensor.switch is much faster than ifelse
        idx = tensor.switch(tensor.eq(nondup[idx], x), idx, idx + 1)
        return nondup, idx
    nondup = x
    idx = tensor.as_tensor_variable(0)
    idx = tensor.cast(idx, 'int32')
    result, updates = theano.scan(fn = update, sequences=x, outputs_info=[nondup, idx], name='remove_adjdup')
    nondup = result[0][-1]
    idx = result[1][-1]
    return nondup[0:idx+1]
项目:Precise-CTC    作者:Michlong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _remove_adjdup(x):
        Remove adjacent duplicate items of a vector
        x: vector
        return a vector with adjacent duplicate items removed, for example [1,2,2,2,3,3,4] -> [1,2,3,4]
        def update(x, nondup, idx):
            nondup = tensor.switch(tensor.eq(nondup[idx], x), nondup, tensor.set_subtensor(nondup[idx + 1], x))  # tensor.switch is much faster than ifelse
            idx = tensor.switch(tensor.eq(nondup[idx], x), idx, idx + 1)
            return nondup, idx
        nondup = x
        idx = tensor.as_tensor_variable(0)
        idx = tensor.cast(idx, 'int32')
        result, updates = theano.scan(fn = update, sequences=x, outputs_info=[nondup, idx], name='remove_adjdup')
        nondup = result[0][-1]
        idx = result[1][-1]
        return nondup[0:idx+1]
项目:Precise-CTC    作者:Michlong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _editdist(s, t):
        Levenshtein's edit distance function
        :param s: vector, source string
        :param t: vector, target string
        :return:  edit distance, scalar
        def update(x, previous_row):
            current_row = previous_row + 1
            current_row = tensor.set_subtensor(current_row[1:], tensor.minimum(current_row[1:], tensor.add(previous_row[:-1], tensor.neq(target,x))))
            current_row = tensor.set_subtensor(current_row[1:], tensor.minimum(current_row[1:], current_row[0:-1] + 1))
            return current_row
        source, target = ifelse([0], t.shape[0]), (t, s), (s, t))
        previous_row = tensor.arange(target.size + 1, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        result, updates = theano.scan(fn=update, sequences=source, outputs_info=previous_row, name='editdist')
        return result[-1,-1]
项目:pdnn    作者:petered    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode(self, x, shape=None):
        if shape is None:
            xp = create_shared_variable(np.zeros((0, )*x.ndim), name='xp')
            delta = ifelse(xp.size>0, x-xp, x)
            xp = create_shared_variable(np.zeros(shape), name='xp{}'.format(shape))
            delta = x - xp
        add_update(xp, x)
        y =*x + self.kd*delta
        if self.quantization is None:
            return y
        elif self.quantization=='herd':
            return herd(y, shape=shape)
            raise Exception('No quantizer: {}'.format(self.quantization))
项目:pdnn    作者:petered    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def geoseries_sum(r, t_end, t_start):
    Sum of r**t from t=t_start to t=t_end, inclusive

    :param r:
    :param t_end:
    :param t_start:
    # return ifelse(tt.eq(r, 1), (t_end-t_start+1).astype(theano.config.floatX), (r**(t_end+1)-r**t_start)/(r-1))
    return ifelse(tt.eq(r, 1), (t_end-t_start+1).astype(theano.config.floatX), (r**(t_end+1)-r**t_start)/(r-1))
项目:deep_srl    作者:luheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, inputs, is_train):
    """ Trick to speed up model compiling at decoding time.
        (Avoids building a complicated CG.)
    if not self.fix_mask:
      self.generate_mask(inputs.shape, is_train)

    if self.fast_predict:
      return inputs * (1 - self.dropout_prob)

    return ifelse(is_train,
            inputs * self.dropout_mask,
            inputs * (1 - self.dropout_prob))
项目:lightML    作者:jfzhang95    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scale(X, max_norm):
    curr_norm = T.sum(T.abs_(X))
    return ifelse(, max_norm), X, max_norm * (X / curr_norm))
项目:NMT    作者:tuzhaopeng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fprop(self, x):
        if_longer = x[:self.required]
        padding = ReplicateLayer(TT.max([1, self.required - x.shape[0]]))(x[-1]).out
        if_shorter = TT.concatenate([x, padding])
        diff = x.shape[0] - self.required
        self.out = ifelse(diff < 0, if_shorter, if_longer)
        return self.out
项目:NMT    作者:tuzhaopeng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fprop(self, x):
        if_longer = x[:self.required]
        padding = ReplicateLayer(TT.max([1, self.required - x.shape[0]]))(x[-1]).out
        if_shorter = TT.concatenate([x, padding])
        diff = x.shape[0] - self.required
        self.out = ifelse(diff < 0, if_shorter, if_longer)
        return self.out
项目:RecurrentHighwayNetworks    作者:julian121266    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_dropout(self, x, noise):
    return ifelse(self._is_training, noise * x, x)
项目:pyextremelm    作者:tobifinn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y=None):
        self.n_features = y.shape[0]
        self.weights['input'] = theano.shared(value=np.zeros((
            self.n_features, X.shape[1], self.spatial[0], self.spatial[1]),
            dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='w', borrow=True)
        input = T.tensor4(name='input')
        target = T.tensor4(name='target')
        decay = T.scalar(name='decay')
        xy = T.nnet.conv2d(input.transpose(1,0,2,3), target.transpose(1,0,2,3),
                           border_mode=self.pad, subsample=self.stride)
        xx = T.sum(T.power(input, 2), axis=(0,2,3))
        k = ifelse(self.hidden_matrices['input'] is None, )

        lam = theano.shared(value=self._C, name='constrain', borrow=True)
        prediction = T.nnet.conv2d(input, self.weights['input'],
        weights, _ = theano.scan(
            fn=lambda a, k, c: a/(k+c), outputs_info=None,
                       self.hidden_matrices['K']], non_sequences=lam)
        new_weights = weights.transpose(1,0,2,3)
        updates = [(self.hidden_matrices['K'],
                    self.hidden_matrices['A'].dot(decay) + xy),
                   (self.weights['input'], new_weights)]
        self.conv_fct['train'] = theano.function([input, target, decay],
        self.conv_fct['predict'] = theano.function([input], prediction)
        return self.conv_fct['train'](X, y, 1)
项目:deepAI    作者:kaiu85    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inner_fn_sample(stm1):

    prior_stmu = T.tanh(, stm1) + bl_stmu )
    prior_stsig = T.nnet.softplus(, stm1) + bl_stsig ) + sig_min_states

    # Set explicit prior on score during last time step
    #prior_stmu = ifelse(,n_run_steps - 5),prior_stmu, T.set_subtensor(prior_stmu[0,:],0.1))
    #prior_stsig = ifelse(,n_run_steps - 5),prior_stsig, T.set_subtensor(prior_stsig[0,:],0.001))    

    st = prior_stmu + theano_rng.normal((n_s,n_samples))*prior_stsig

    ost = T.nnet.relu(,st) + bl_ost )
    ost2 = T.nnet.relu(,ost) + bl_ost2 )
    ost3 = T.nnet.relu(,ost2) + bl_ost3 )

    otmu =, ost3) + bl_otmu
    otsig = T.nnet.softplus(, ost3) + bl_otsig) + sig_min_obs

    ohtmu =, ost3) + bl_ohtmu
    ohtsig = T.nnet.softplus(, ost3) + bl_ohtsig ) + sig_min_obs

    oatmu =, ost3) + bl_oatmu
    oatsig = T.nnet.softplus(, ost3) + bl_oatsig ) + sig_min_obs

    ot = otmu + theano_rng.normal((n_o,n_samples))*otsig
    oht = ohtmu + theano_rng.normal((n_oh,n_samples))*ohtsig   
    oat = oatmu + theano_rng.normal((n_oa,n_samples))*oatsig   

    return st, ohtmu, ohtsig, ot, oht, oat, prior_stmu, prior_stsig

# Define initial state and action
项目:gelearn    作者:lookatmoon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_train_function(self):
        # specify the computational graph
        num_param_vecs = T.scalar('num_param_vecs')
        # weight = theano.shared(np.random.randn(len(self.feature_map), self.num_param_vecs), name='weight')
        weight = theano.shared(np.zeros((len(self.feature_map), self.num_param_vecs)), name='weight')
        feat_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(name='feat_mat')
        pred = T.nnet.sigmoid(, weight) ) # one-vs-rest

        o_pred = ifelse(, 1), pred / pred.sum(axis=1).reshape((pred.shape[0], 1)), T.concatenate( [pred, 1-pred], axis=1 ) )  

        f_target = T.matrix('f_target')
        f_mask_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(name='f_mask_mat')
        f_sum_pred = f_mask_mat, o_pred )
        f_pred = f_sum_pred / f_sum_pred.sum(axis=1).reshape((f_sum_pred.shape[0], 1))

        i_target = T.matrix('i_target')
        i_mask_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(name='l_mask_mat')
        i_pred = i_mask_mat, pred )

        # objective = self.param.feature_lambda * T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(f_pred, f_target).sum() + T.nnet.binary_crossentropy(i_pred, i_target).sum() + self.param.l2_lambda * (weight ** 2).sum() / 2
        objective = 0.0 * T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(f_pred, f_target).sum() + T.nnet.binary_crossentropy(i_pred, i_target).sum() + self.param.l2_lambda * (weight ** 2).sum() / 2

        grad_weight = T.grad(objective, weight)

        # print 'Compiling function ...'
        # compile the function
        train = theano.function(inputs = [feat_mat, f_mask_mat, f_target, i_mask_mat, i_target], outputs = [objective, weight], updates=[(weight, weight - 0.1*grad_weight)] )

        return train
项目:speech    作者:igul222    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Recurrence(processed_frames, h0, reset):
    processed_frames.shape: (batch size, n frames, DIM)
    h0.shape: (batch size, N_GRUS, DIM)
    reset.shape: ()
    output.shape: (batch size, n frames, DIM)

    # print "warning no recurrence"
    # return T.zeros_like(processed_frames), h0

    learned_h0 = lib.param(
        numpy.zeros((N_GRUS, DIM), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    learned_h0 = T.alloc(learned_h0, h0.shape[0], N_GRUS, DIM)
    learned_h0 = T.patternbroadcast(learned_h0, [False] * learned_h0.ndim)
    h0 = theano.ifelse.ifelse(reset, learned_h0, h0)

    gru0 = lib.ops.LowMemGRU('Recurrence.GRU0', DIM, DIM, processed_frames, h0=h0[:, 0])
    grus = [gru0]
    for i in xrange(1, N_GRUS):
        gru = lib.ops.LowMemGRU('Recurrence.GRU'+str(i), DIM, DIM, grus[-1], h0=h0[:, i])

    last_hidden = T.stack([gru[:,-1] for gru in grus], axis=1)

    return (grus[-1], last_hidden)
项目:speech    作者:igul222    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Recurrence(processed_frames, h0, reset):
    processed_frames.shape: (batch size, n frames, DIM)
    h0.shape: (batch size, N_GRUS, DIM)
    reset.shape: ()
    output.shape: (batch size, n frames, DIM)

    # print "warning no recurrence"
    # return T.zeros_like(processed_frames), h0

    learned_h0 = lib.param(
        numpy.zeros((N_GRUS, DIM), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    learned_h0 = T.alloc(learned_h0, h0.shape[0], N_GRUS, DIM)
    learned_h0 = T.patternbroadcast(learned_h0, [False] * learned_h0.ndim)
    h0 = theano.ifelse.ifelse(reset, learned_h0, h0)

    gru0 = lib.ops.LowMemGRU('Recurrence.GRU0', DIM, DIM, processed_frames, h0=h0[:, 0])
    grus = [gru0]
    for i in xrange(1, N_GRUS):
        gru = lib.ops.LowMemGRU('Recurrence.GRU'+str(i), DIM, DIM, grus[-1], h0=h0[:, i])

    last_hidden = T.stack([gru[:,-1] for gru in grus], axis=1)

    return (grus[-1], last_hidden)
项目:CNNbasedMedicalSegmentation    作者:BRML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _forward(self):
        eps = self.eps

        param_size = (1, 1, self.n_output, 1, 1)
        self.gamma = self.declare(param_size)
        self.beta = self.declare(param_size)

        mean = self.inpt.mean(axis=[0, 1, 3, 4], keepdims=False)
        std = self.inpt.std(axis=[0, 1, 3, 4], keepdims=False)

        self.running_mean.default_update = ifelse(
            (1.0 - self.alpha) * self.running_mean + self.alpha * mean,
        self.running_std.default_update = ifelse(
            (1.0 - self.alpha) * self.running_std + self.alpha * std,

        # This will be optimized away, but ensures the running mean and the running std get updated.
        # Reference:
        mean += 0 * self.running_mean
        std += 0 * self.running_std

        use_mean = ifelse(, mean, self.running_mean)
        use_std = ifelse(, std, self.running_std)

        use_mean = use_mean.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 'x', 'x')
        use_std = use_std.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 'x', 'x')
        norm_inpt = (self.inpt - use_mean) / (use_std + eps)
        self.output = self.gamma * norm_inpt + self.beta
项目:NeuralNetLibrary    作者:SeanJia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_pre_post_w(padding_arr, zeros_arr):
    argmax = T.argmax(padding_arr)
    zeros_arr = ifelse(T.eq(padding_arr[argmax], 0), zeros_arr,
                       T.set_subtensor(zeros_arr[argmax-2:argmax+3], 1.5 / (T.sum(padding_arr[argmax-2:argmax+3]))))
    return_arr = (zeros_arr * padding_arr)[2: -2]
    return return_arr
项目:deep-motion-analysis    作者:Brimborough    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, input): 
        mean = input.mean(self.axes, keepdims=True) 
        std = input.std(self.axes, keepdims=True) + self.epsilon 

        # Don't batchnoramlise a single data point
        mean = ifelse([0], 1), mean, T.zeros(mean.shape, dtype=mean.dtype))
        std  = ifelse([0], 1), std, T.ones(std.shape, dtype=std.dtype))

        return (input - mean) * T.addbroadcast((self.gamma / std) + self.beta, *self.axes)
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_batch(self, x, mask):
        :param x: (batch, length, dim)
        :param mask: (batch, length, )
        :return: (batch, length, hidden_dim)
        # conv_after_length = length - kernel + 2 * padding_size + 1
        new_x = x
        if self.padding_size > 0:
            # (padding_size + length + padding_size, dim)
            new_x = temporal_padding_3d(x, (self.padding_size, self.padding_size))
            # (batch, conv_after_length)
            mask = temporal_padding_mask(mask, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, padding_size=self.padding_size)
        elif self.padding_size == 0:
            # (batch, conv_after_length)
            mask = temporal_padding_mask(mask, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, padding_size=0)
            raise RuntimeError("Dilation Rate >= 0")
        # safe_x = temporal_padding_3d(x, (0, self.kernel_size - x.shape[1]))
        # safe_mask = T.ones((x.shape[0], ), dtype=theano.config.floatX).dimshuffle([0, 'x'])
        # !!! convert safe_mask from col to matrix
        # safe_mask = T.unbroadcast(safe_mask, 1)
        # x, mask = ifelse( - x.shape[1], 0),
        #                  (safe_x, safe_mask),
        #                  (new_x, mask))
        # (batch, conv_after_length, hidden_dim)
        conv_result = self.forward_conv_batch(new_x)
        # new_x = Print(new_x)
        # mask = Print()(mask)
        pooling_result = get_pooling_batch(conv_result, mask, self.pooling)
        dropout_out = dropout_from_layer(pooling_result, self.dropout)
        return self.act.activate(dropout_out + self.b)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_not_lazy_if_inplace(self):
        # Tests that if the outputs are scalars and the graph is big,
        # we disable the inplace opt to speed up optimization
        x = tensor.vector('x', dtype=self.dtype)
        y = tensor.vector('y', dtype=self.dtype)
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        mode = theano.compile.get_mode(self.mode).excluding(
            # Disable many opt to keep the graph big enough to disable
            # the opt.
            'fusion', 'local_add_canonizer',
            'inplace', 'constant_folding', 'constant_folding')
        y2 = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [y] + list(range(200)))
        f = theano.function([c, x, y], ifelse(c, x, y2), mode=mode)
        # For not inplace ifelse
        ifnode = [n for n in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                  if isinstance(n.op, IfElse)]
        assert len(ifnode) == 1
        assert not ifnode[0].op.as_view
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())

        xlen = rng.randint(200)
        ylen = rng.randint(200)

        vx = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(xlen,)), self.dtype)
        vy = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(ylen,)), self.dtype)

        assert numpy.allclose(vx, f(1, vx, vy))
        assert numpy.allclose(vy + sum(range(200)), f(0, vx, vy))
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mixed_dtype(self):
        x1 = tensor.vector('x1', dtype='int32')
        x2 = tensor.vector('x2', dtype=self.dtype)
        y1 = tensor.vector('y1', dtype='int32')
        y2 = tensor.vector('y2', dtype=self.dtype)
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        f = theano.function([c, x1, x2, y1, y2],
                            ifelse(c, (x1, x2), (y1, y2)), mode=self.mode)
        self.assertFunctionContains1(f, self.get_ifelse(2))
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())

        xlen = rng.randint(200)
        ylen = rng.randint(200)

        vx1 = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(xlen,)) * 3, 'int32')
        vx2 = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(xlen,)), self.dtype)
        vy1 = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(ylen,)) * 3, 'int32')
        vy2 = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(ylen,)), self.dtype)

        o1, o2 = f(1, vx1, vx2, vy1, vy2)
        assert numpy.allclose(vx1, o1)
        assert numpy.allclose(vx2, o2)

        o1, o2 = f(0, vx1, vx2, vy1, vy2)
        assert numpy.allclose(vy1, o1)
        assert numpy.allclose(vy2, o2)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lazy_if_on_generics(self):
        x = theano.generic()
        y = theano.generic()
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        f = theano.function([c, x, y], ifelse(c, x, y))

        vx = ['testX']
        vy = ['testY']
        assert f(1, vx, vy) == vx
        assert f(0, vx, vy) == vy
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_grad_lazy_if(self):
        # Tests that we can compute the gradients through lazy if
        x = tensor.vector('x', dtype=self.dtype)
        y = tensor.vector('y', dtype=self.dtype)
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        z = ifelse(c, x, y)
        gx, gy = tensor.grad(z.sum(), [x, y])

        f = theano.function([c, x, y], [self.cast_output(gx),
        # There is only 2 of the 3 ifelse that are moved on the GPU.
        # The one that stay on the CPU is for the shape.
        self.assertFunctionContains(f, self.get_ifelse(1), min=2, max=3)
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())

        xlen = rng.randint(200)
        ylen = rng.randint(200)

        vx = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(xlen,)), self.dtype)
        vy = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(ylen,)), self.dtype)
        gx0, gy0 = f(1, vx, vy)
        assert numpy.allclose(gx0.shape, vx.shape)
        assert numpy.allclose(gy0.shape, vy.shape)
        assert numpy.all(numpy.asarray(gx0) == 1.)
        assert numpy.all(numpy.asarray(gy0) == 0.)

        gx0, gy0 = f(0, vx, vy)
        assert numpy.allclose(gx0.shape, vx.shape)
        assert numpy.allclose(gy0.shape, vy.shape)
        assert numpy.all(numpy.asarray(gx0) == 0.)
        assert numpy.all(numpy.asarray(gy0) == 1.)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_multiple_out_grad(self):
        # Tests that we can compute the gradients through lazy if
        x1 = tensor.vector('x1')
        x2 = tensor.vector('x2')
        y1 = tensor.vector('y1')
        y2 = tensor.vector('y2')
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        z = ifelse(c, (x1, x2), (y1, y2))
        grads = tensor.grad(z[0].sum() + z[1].sum(),
                            [x1, x2, y1, y2])

        f = theano.function([c, x1, x2, y1, y2], grads)
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())

        lens = [rng.randint(200) for i in range(4)]
        values = [numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(l,)), theano.config.floatX)
                  for l in lens]
        outs_1 = f(1, *values)
        assert all([x.shape[0] == y for x, y in zip(outs_1, lens)])
        assert numpy.all(outs_1[0] == 1.)
        assert numpy.all(outs_1[1] == 1.)
        assert numpy.all(outs_1[2] == 0.)
        assert numpy.all(outs_1[3] == 0.)

        outs_0 = f(0, *values)
        assert all([x.shape[0] == y for x, y in zip(outs_1, lens)])
        assert numpy.all(outs_0[0] == 0.)
        assert numpy.all(outs_0[1] == 0.)
        assert numpy.all(outs_0[2] == 1.)
        assert numpy.all(outs_0[3] == 1.)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dtype_mismatch(self):
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        data = rng.rand(5).astype(self.dtype)
        x = self.shared(data)
        y = tensor.cast(x * 10, 'int8')
        cond = theano.tensor.iscalar('cond')

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ifelse, cond, x, y)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ifelse, cond, y, x)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ndim_mismatch(self):
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        data = rng.rand(5).astype(self.dtype)
        x = self.shared(data)
        y = tensor.col('y', self.dtype)
        cond = theano.tensor.iscalar('cond')

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ifelse, cond, x, y)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ifelse, cond, y, x)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_broadcast_mismatch(self):
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        data = rng.rand(5).astype(self.dtype)
        x = self.shared(data)
        # print x.broadcastable
        y = tensor.row('y', self.dtype)
        # print y.broadcastable
        cond = theano.tensor.iscalar('cond')

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ifelse, cond, x, y)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ifelse, cond, y, x)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_merge(self):
        raise SkipTest("Optimization temporarily disabled")
        x = tensor.vector('x')
        y = tensor.vector('y')
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        z1 = ifelse(c, x + 1, y + 1)
        z2 = ifelse(c, x + 2, y + 2)
        z = z1 + z2
        f = theano.function([c, x, y], z)
        assert len([n for n in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                    if isinstance(n.op, IfElse)]) == 1
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_remove_useless_inputs1(self):
        raise SkipTest("Optimization temporarily disabled")
        x = tensor.vector('x')
        y = tensor.vector('y')
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        z = ifelse(c, (x, x), (y, y))
        f = theano.function([c, x, y], z)

        ifnode = [n for n in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                  if isinstance(n.op, IfElse)][0]
        assert len(ifnode.inputs) == 3
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_remove_useless_inputs2(self):
        raise SkipTest("Optimization temporarily disabled")
        x1 = tensor.vector('x1')
        x2 = tensor.vector('x2')
        y1 = tensor.vector('y1')
        y2 = tensor.vector('y2')
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        z = ifelse(c, (x1, x1, x1, x2, x2), (y1, y1, y2, y2, y2))
        f = theano.function([c, x1, x2, y1, y2], z)

        ifnode = [x for x in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                  if isinstance(x.op, IfElse)][0]
        assert len(ifnode.outputs) == 3
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pushout1(self):
        raise SkipTest("Optimization temporarily disabled")
        x1 = tensor.scalar('x1')
        x2 = tensor.scalar('x2')
        y1 = tensor.scalar('y1')
        y2 = tensor.scalar('y2')
        w1 = tensor.scalar('w1')
        w2 = tensor.scalar('w2')
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')
        x, y = ifelse(c, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), name='f1')
        z = ifelse(c, w1, w2, name='f2')
        out = x * z * y

        f = theano.function([x1, x2, y1, y2, w1, w2, c], out,
        assert isinstance(f.maker.fgraph.toposort()[-1].op, IfElse)
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        vx1 = rng.uniform()
        vx2 = rng.uniform()
        vy1 = rng.uniform()
        vy2 = rng.uniform()
        vw1 = rng.uniform()
        vw2 = rng.uniform()

        assert numpy.allclose(f(vx1, vx2, vy1, vy2, vw1, vw2, 1),
                              vx1 * vy1 * vw1)
        assert numpy.allclose(f(vx1, vx2, vy1, vy2, vw1, vw2, 0),
                              vx2 * vy2 * vw2)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_merge_ifs_true_false(self):
        raise SkipTest("Optimization temporarily disabled")
        x1 = tensor.scalar('x1')
        x2 = tensor.scalar('x2')
        y1 = tensor.scalar('y1')
        y2 = tensor.scalar('y2')
        w1 = tensor.scalar('w1')
        w2 = tensor.scalar('w2')
        c = tensor.iscalar('c')

        out = ifelse(c,
                     ifelse(c, x1, x2) + ifelse(c, y1, y2) + w1,
                     ifelse(c, x1, x2) + ifelse(c, y1, y2) + w2)
        f = theano.function([x1, x2, y1, y2, w1, w2, c], out,
        assert len([x for x in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
                    if isinstance(x.op, IfElse)]) == 1

        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        vx1 = rng.uniform()
        vx2 = rng.uniform()
        vy1 = rng.uniform()
        vy2 = rng.uniform()
        vw1 = rng.uniform()
        vw2 = rng.uniform()
        assert numpy.allclose(f(vx1, vx2, vy1, vy2, vw1, vw2, 1),
                              vx1 + vy1 + vw1)
        assert numpy.allclose(f(vx1, vx2, vy1, vy2, vw1, vw2, 0),
                              vx2 + vy2 + vw2)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_grad_test_values(self):
        Regression test for test values of `ifelse` gradient.
        backup = theano.config.compute_test_value
        theano.config.compute_test_value = 'raise'
            x = tensor.scalar('x')
            x.tag.test_value = 1
            # Used to crash due to undefined test value.
            tensor.grad(ifelse(0, x, x), x)
            theano.config.compute_test_value = backup
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_grad_int_value(self):
        w = theano.shared(numpy.random.rand(10))
        b = theano.shared(numpy.random.rand())
        params = [w, b]

        x = tensor.vector()
        y = tensor.scalar()

        score = + b
        correct = (score * y > 0)

        loss = ifelse(correct, 0, 1)
        [(param, param - 0.5 * tensor.grad(cost=loss, wrt=param))
         for param in params]
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ifelse(self):
        config1 = theano.config.profile
        config2 = theano.config.profile_memory

            theano.config.profile = True
            theano.config.profile_memory = True

            a, b = T.scalars('a', 'b')
            x, y = T.scalars('x', 'y')

            z = ifelse(, b), x * 2, y * 2)

            p = theano.ProfileStats(False)

            if theano.config.mode in ["DebugMode", "DEBUG_MODE", "FAST_COMPILE"]:
                m = "FAST_RUN"
                m = None

            f_ifelse = theano.function([a, b, x, y], z, profile=p, name="test_ifelse",

            val1 = 0.
            val2 = 1.
            big_mat1 = 10
            big_mat2 = 11

            f_ifelse(val1, val2, big_mat1, big_mat2)

            theano.config.profile = config1
            theano.config.profile_memory = config2
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ifelse():
    a = T.scalar()
    b = generic()
    c = generic()

    notimpl = NotImplementedOp()
    lazys = [True]
    # We need lazy to end up being True for this test.
    if theano.config.vm.lazy in [True, None]:
        lazys = [True, None]
    cloops = [True, False]
    if theano.config.cxx == "":
        cloops = [False]
    for cloop in cloops:
        for lazy in lazys:
            linker = theano.gof.vm.VM_Linker(use_cloop=cloop, lazy=lazy)
            f = function([a, b, c], ifelse(a, notimpl(b), c),
                         mode=Mode(linker=linker, optimizer='fast_run'))

                # print "case 1"
                f(1, 'a', 'b')
                assert False
            except NotImplementedOp.E:
            # print "... passed"

            # print "case 2"
            # print f(0, 'a', 'b')
            assert f(0, 'a', 'b') == 'b'
            # print "... passed"
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_callback_with_ifelse(self):
        a, b, c = tensor.scalars('abc')
        f = function([a, b, c], ifelse(a, 2 * b, 2 * c),

        f(1, 2, 3)
        assert self.n_callbacks['IfElse'] == 2
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_leak_many_call_lazy():
        # Verify no memory leaks when calling a function a lot of times

        # This isn't really a unit test, you have to run it and look at top to
        # see if there's a leak

        def build_graph(x, depth=5):
            z = x
            for d in range(depth):
                z = ifelse(z.mean() > 0.5, -z, z)
            return z

        def time_linker(name, linker):
            steps_a = 10
            x = tensor.dvector()
            a = build_graph(x, steps_a)

            f_a = function([x], a,
            inp = numpy.random.rand(1000000)
            for i in xrange(100):
            if 0:  # this doesn't seem to work, prints 0 for everything
                import resource
                pre = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
                post = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
                print(pre.ru_ixrss, post.ru_ixrss)
                print(pre.ru_idrss, post.ru_idrss)
                print(pre.ru_maxrss, post.ru_maxrss)
                    lambda: vm.VM_Linker(allow_gc=False, use_cloop=True))
                    lambda: vm.VM_Linker(allow_gc=False, use_cloop=False))
项目:Hat    作者:qiuqiangkong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ifelse(condition, op1, op2):
    return theano.ifelse.ifelse(condition, op1, op2)
项目:iaf    作者:openai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def AdaMax2(w, objective, alpha=.01, beta1=.1, beta2=.001, n_accum=2):
    print 'AdaMax2', 'alpha:',alpha,'beta1:',beta1,'beta2:',beta2, 'n_accum:', n_accum
    g = T.grad(objective.sum(), w, disconnected_inputs='warn')

    new = OrderedDict()

    from theano.ifelse import ifelse
    it = G.sharedf(0.)
    new[it] = it + 1
    reset = T.eq(T.mod(new[it],n_accum), 0)
    update = T.eq(T.mod(new[it],n_accum), n_accum-1)

    for i in range(len(w)):
        mom1 = G.sharedf(w[i].get_value() * 0.)
        _max = G.sharedf(w[i].get_value() * 0.)
        g_sum = G.sharedf(w[i].get_value() * 0.)

        #gi = T.switch(T.isnan(gi),T.zeros_like(gi),gi) #remove NaN's
        new[g_sum] = ifelse(reset, g[i], g_sum + g[i])
        new[mom1] = ifelse(update, (1-beta1) * mom1 + beta1 * new[g_sum], mom1)
        new[_max] = ifelse(update, T.maximum((1-beta2)*_max, abs(new[g_sum]) + 1e-8), _max)
        new[w[i]] = ifelse(update, w[i] + alpha *  new[mom1] / new[_max], w[i])

    return new

# AdaMax that keeps running average of parameter
项目:iaf    作者:openai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def AdaMaxAvg2(ws, objective, alpha=.01, beta1=.1, beta2=.001, beta3=0.01, n_accum=1):
    if n_accum == 1:
        return AdaMaxAvg(ws, objective, alpha, beta1, beta2, beta3)
    print 'AdaMax_Avg2', 'alpha:',alpha,'beta1:',beta1,'beta2:',beta2,'beta3:',beta3,'n_accum:',n_accum

    gs = G.ndict.T_grad(objective.sum(), ws, disconnected_inputs='raise')

    new = OrderedDict()

    from theano.ifelse import ifelse
    it = G.sharedf(0.)
    new[it] = it + 1
    reset = T.eq(T.mod(it,n_accum), 0)
    update = T.eq(T.mod(it,n_accum), n_accum-1)

    ws_avg = []
    for j in range(len(ws)):
        w_avg = {}
        for i in ws[j]:
            _w = ws[j][i]
            _g = gs[j][i]
            #_g = T.switch(T.isnan(_g),T.zeros_like(_g),_g) #remove NaN's
            mom1 = G.sharedf(_w.get_value() * 0.)
            _max = G.sharedf(_w.get_value() * 0.)
            w_avg[i] = G.sharedf(_w.get_value())
            g_sum = G.sharedf(_w.get_value() * 0.)

            new[g_sum] = ifelse(reset, _g, g_sum + _g)
            new[mom1] = ifelse(update, (1-beta1) * mom1 + beta1 * new[g_sum], mom1)
            new[_max] = ifelse(update, T.maximum((1-beta2)*_max, abs(new[g_sum]) + 1e-8), _max)
            new[_w] = ifelse(update, _w + alpha *  new[mom1] / new[_max], _w)
            new[w_avg[i]] = ifelse(update, beta3 * new[_w] + (1.-beta3) * w_avg[i], w_avg[i])
        ws_avg += [w_avg]   
    return new, ws_avg