def _spec_op_init(scalar_op, nfunc, nin, nout): def construct(symbol): symbolname = symbol.__name__ msg = "no_inplace" n = "Elemwise{%s,%s}" % (symbolname, msg) rval = Elemwise(scalar_op, name=n, nfunc_spec=(nfunc and (nfunc, nin, nout))) if getattr(symbol, '__doc__', False): rval.__doc__ = symbol.__doc__ + '\n' + rval.__doc__ # for the meaning of this see the ./epydoc script # it makes epydoc display rval as if it were a function, not an object rval.__epydoc_asRoutine = symbol rval.__module__ = 'tensor' pprint.assign(rval, printing.FunctionPrinter(symbolname)) return rval return construct
def get_output(self, train=False): print(len(self.layers)) u=self.layers[0].get_output(train) t=self.layers[1].get_output(train) #tp=t[0] #tn=t[1] #un=T.dot(u,u) #return [T.dot(u,tp)/(un*T.dot(tp,tp)) ,T.dot(u,tn)/(un*T.dot(tn,tn))] #theano.printing.pprint('vals') #x=T.dvector() #printed_u = hello_world_op(x) #f = theano.function([x], printed_u) #f(['here']) #T.reshape(u,[2,1]) #T.reshape(t,[1,2,2]) #d=T.dot(t.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2), u) #u1=self.activation(u) #t.reshape([2,2,2]) return (([u ,u]*t.dimshuffle(1,0,2)).dimshuffle(1,0,2))#.reshape([2,2]) #return d.dimshuffle(1,0,2) #just dot product
def get_output(self, train=False): print(len(self.layers)) u=self.layers[0].get_output(train) t=self.layers[1].get_output(train) #tp=t[0] #tn=t[1] #un=T.dot(u,u) #return [T.dot(u,tp)/(un*T.dot(tp,tp)) ,T.dot(u,tn)/(un*T.dot(tn,tn))] #theano.printing.pprint('vals') #x=T.dvector() #printed_u = hello_world_op(x) #f = theano.function([x], printed_u) #f(['here']) #T.reshape(u,[2,1]) #T.reshape(t,[1,2,2]) #d=T.dot(t.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2), u) #u1=self.activation(u) #t.reshape([2,2,2]) return T.max( (([u ,u]*t.dimshuffle(1,0,2)).dimshuffle(1,0,2)),2)#.reshape([2,2]) #return d.dimshuffle(1,0,2) #just dot product
def get_output(self, train=False): print(len(self.layers)) u=self.layers[0].get_output(train) t=self.layers[1].get_output(train) #tp=t[0] #tn=t[1] #un=T.dot(u,u) #return [T.dot(u,tp)/(un*T.dot(tp,tp)) ,T.dot(u,tn)/(un*T.dot(tn,tn))] #theano.printing.pprint('vals') #x=T.dvector() #printed_u = hello_world_op(x) #f = theano.function([x], printed_u) #f(['here']) #T.reshape(u,[2,1]) #T.reshape(t,[1,2,2]) #d=T.dot(t.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2), u) #u1=self.activation(u) #t.reshape([2,2,2]) return T.sum( (([u ,u,u,u,u]*t.dimshuffle(1,0,2)).dimshuffle(1,0,2)),2)#.reshape([2,2]) #return d.dimshuffle(1,0,2) #just dot product
def get_output(self, train=False): print(len(self.layers)) u=self.layers[0].get_output(train) t=self.layers[1].get_output(train) #tp=t[0] #tn=t[1] #un=T.dot(u,u) #return [T.dot(u,tp)/(un*T.dot(tp,tp)) ,T.dot(u,tn)/(un*T.dot(tn,tn))] #theano.printing.pprint('vals') #x=T.dvector() #printed_u = hello_world_op(x) #f = theano.function([x], printed_u) #f(['here']) #T.reshape(u,[2,1]) #T.reshape(t,[1,2,2]) #d=T.dot(t.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2), u) #u1=self.activation(u) #t.reshape([2,2,2]) return T.sum( (([u ,u]*t.dimshuffle(1,0,2)).dimshuffle(1,0,2)),2)#.reshape([2,2]) #return d.dimshuffle(1,0,2) #just dot product
def forward_conv_batch(self, x): """ :param x: (batch, length, dim) :return: (batch, length - kernel + 2*padding_size + 1, hidden_dim) """ # T.nn.conv2d (batch size, input channels, input rows, input columns) # dl4nlp (batch size, 1, length, in_dim) x = x.dimshuffle([0, 'x', 1, 2]) # T.nn.conv2d (output channels, input channels, filter rows, filter columns) # dl4nlp (hidden_dim, 1, kernel_size, in_dim) filter_w = self.W.dimshuffle([1, 'x', 0, 2]) # T.nn.conv2d (batch size, output channels, output rows, output columns) # dl4nlp (batch size, hidden_dim, length+kernel-1, 1) conv_result = T.nnet.conv2d(x, filter_w, border_mode='valid',) # from theano.printing import Print # conv_result = Print()(conv_result) # (batch size, hidden_dim, length - kernel + 2*padding_size + 1, 1) # -> (batch, length - kernel + 2*padding_size + 1, hidden_dim) conv_result = T.transpose(conv_result[:, :, :, 0], (0, 2, 1)) return conv_result
def test_pydotprint_long_name(): """This is a REALLY PARTIAL TEST. It prints a graph where there are variable and apply nodes whose long names are different, but not the shortened names. We should not merge those nodes in the dot graph. """ # Skip test if pydot is not available. if not theano.printing.pydot_imported: raise SkipTest('pydot not available') x = tensor.dvector() mode = theano.compile.mode.get_default_mode().excluding("fusion") f = theano.function([x], [x * 2, x + x], mode=mode) f([1, 2, 3, 4]) theano.printing.pydotprint(f, max_label_size=5, print_output_file=False) theano.printing.pydotprint([x * 2, x + x], max_label_size=5, print_output_file=False)
def test_printing_scan(): # Skip test if pydot is not available. if not theano.printing.pydot_imported: raise SkipTest('pydot not available') def f_pow2(x_tm1): return 2 * x_tm1 state = theano.tensor.scalar('state') n_steps = theano.tensor.iscalar('nsteps') output, updates = theano.scan(f_pow2, [], state, [], n_steps=n_steps, truncate_gradient=-1, go_backwards=False) f = theano.function([state, n_steps], output, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True) theano.printing.pydotprint(output, scan_graphs=True) theano.printing.pydotprint(f, scan_graphs=True)
def test_inplace0(): # should fail to insert gemm_inplace because gemm_inplace would # create cycles X, Y, Z, a, b = T.matrix('X'), T.matrix('Y'), T.matrix('Z'), T.scalar( 'a'), T.scalar('b') R, S, c = T.matrix('R'), T.matrix('S'), T.scalar('c') f = inplace_func([Z, b, R, S], [Z * (Z + b * T.dot(R, S).T)], mode='FAST_RUN') if (gemm_inplace in [n.op for n in f.maker.fgraph.apply_nodes]): print(pp(f.maker.fgraph.outputs[0])) raise Failure('gemm_inplace in graph') assert gemm_no_inplace in [n.op for n in f.maker.fgraph.apply_nodes] # gemm_inplace should be inserted here, to work in-place on Z*c f = inplace_func([X, Y, Z, a, b, R, S, c], [Z * (c * Z + a * T.dot(X, Y) + b * T.dot(R, S).T)], mode='FAST_RUN') if (not gemm_inplace in [n.op for n in f.maker.fgraph.apply_nodes]): theano.printing.debugprint(f) raise Failure('no gemm_inplace in graph')
def dbg_hook(hook, x): if not isinstance(x, TT.TensorVariable): x.out = theano.printing.Print(global_fn=hook)(x.out) return x else: return theano.printing.Print(global_fn=hook)(x)
def test_pydotprint_cond_highlight(): """ This is a REALLY PARTIAL TEST. I did them to help debug stuff. """ # Skip test if pydot is not available. if not theano.printing.pydot_imported: raise SkipTest('pydot not available') x = tensor.dvector() f = theano.function([x], x * 2) f([1, 2, 3, 4]) s = StringIO() new_handler = logging.StreamHandler(s) new_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) orig_handler = theano.logging_default_handler theano.theano_logger.removeHandler(orig_handler) theano.theano_logger.addHandler(new_handler) try: theano.printing.pydotprint(f, cond_highlight=True, print_output_file=False) finally: theano.theano_logger.addHandler(orig_handler) theano.theano_logger.removeHandler(new_handler) assert (s.getvalue() == 'pydotprint: cond_highlight is set but there' ' is no IfElse node in the graph\n')
def test_pydotprint_return_image(): # Skip test if pydot is not available. if not theano.printing.pydot_imported: raise SkipTest('pydot not available') x = tensor.dvector() ret = theano.printing.pydotprint(x * 2, return_image=True) assert isinstance(ret, (str, bytes))
def test_pydotprint_variables(): """ This is a REALLY PARTIAL TEST. I did them to help debug stuff. It make sure the code run. """ # Skip test if pydot is not available. if not theano.printing.pydot_imported: raise SkipTest('pydot not available') x = tensor.dvector() s = StringIO() new_handler = logging.StreamHandler(s) new_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) orig_handler = theano.logging_default_handler theano.theano_logger.removeHandler(orig_handler) theano.theano_logger.addHandler(new_handler) try: theano.printing.pydotprint(x * 2) if not theano.printing.pd.__name__ == "pydot_ng": theano.printing.pydotprint_variables(x * 2) finally: theano.theano_logger.addHandler(orig_handler) theano.theano_logger.removeHandler(new_handler)
def test_pydotprint_profile(): """Just check that pydotprint does not crash with profile.""" # Skip test if pydot is not available. if not theano.printing.pydot_imported: raise SkipTest('pydot not available') A = tensor.matrix() prof = theano.compile.ProfileStats(atexit_print=False) f = theano.function([A], A + 1, profile=prof) theano.printing.pydotprint(f, print_output_file=False) f([[1]]) theano.printing.pydotprint(f, print_output_file=False)
def test_upcasting_scalar_nogemm(): # Test that the optimization does not crash when the scale has an incorrect # dtype, and forces upcasting of the result v = T.fmatrix('v') w = T.fmatrix('w') t = T.fmatrix('t') alpha = T.dscalar('a') rval = T.dot(w, v) * alpha + t f = theano.function([w, v, t, alpha], rval) t = f.maker.fgraph.toposort() assert numpy.sum([isinstance(n.op, Gemm) for n in t]) == 0 #theano.printing.debugprint(f, print_type=True) v = T.fmatrix('v') w = T.fmatrix('w') t = T.fmatrix('t') alpha = T.cscalar('a') on_opt_error = config.on_opt_error try: config.on_opt_error = 'raise' rval = T.dot(w, v) * alpha + t f = theano.function([w, v, t, alpha], rval) finally: config.on_opt_error = on_opt_error t = f.maker.fgraph.toposort() assert numpy.sum([isinstance(n.op, Gemm) for n in t]) == 0 #theano.printing.debugprint(f, print_type=True)
def test_inplace1(): X, Y, Z, a, b = XYZab() # with > 2 terms in the overall addition f = inplace_func([X, Y, Z], [Z + Z + T.dot(X, Y)], mode='FAST_RUN') # theano.printing.debugprint(f) # it doesn't work inplace because we didn't mark Z as mutable input assert [n.op for n in f.maker.fgraph.apply_nodes] == [gemm_no_inplace]
def _conversion(real_value, name): __oplist_tag(real_value, 'casting') real_value.__module__ = 'tensor.basic' pprint.assign(real_value, printing.FunctionPrinter(name)) return real_value # These _conver_to_<type> functions have leading underscores to indicate that # they should not be called directly. They do not perform sanity checks about # what types you are casting to what. That logic is implemented by the # `cast()` function below.
def apply(self, fgraph): import theano.printing print("PrintCurrentFunctionGraph:", self.header) theano.printing.debugprint(fgraph.outputs)
def just_gemm(i, o, ishapes=[(4, 3), (3, 5), (4, 5), (), ()], max_graphlen=0, expected_nb_gemm=1): try: f = inplace_func( [In(ii, mutable=True, allow_downcast=True) for ii in i], o, mode='FAST_RUN', on_unused_input='ignore') nb_gemm = 0 for node in f.maker.fgraph.apply_nodes: if isinstance(node.op, T.Dot): raise Failure('dot not changed to gemm_inplace in graph') if node.op == _dot22: raise Failure('_dot22 not changed to gemm_inplace in graph') if node.op == gemm_inplace: nb_gemm += 1 assert nb_gemm == expected_nb_gemm, (nb_gemm, expected_nb_gemm) g = inplace_func(i, o, mode=compile.Mode(linker='py', optimizer=None), allow_input_downcast=True, on_unused_input='ignore') for node in g.maker.fgraph.apply_nodes: if node.op == gemm_inplace: raise Exception('gemm_inplace in original graph') graphlen = len(f.maker.fgraph.toposort()) if max_graphlen and (graphlen <= max_graphlen): # theano.printing.debugprint(f) assert False, 'graphlen=%i>%i' % (graphlen, max_graphlen) rng = numpy.random.RandomState(unittest_tools.fetch_seed(234)) r0 = f(*[numpy.asarray(rng.randn(*sh), config.floatX) for sh in ishapes]) rng = numpy.random.RandomState(unittest_tools.fetch_seed(234)) r1 = g(*[numpy.asarray(rng.randn(*sh), config.floatX) for sh in ishapes]) max_abs_err = numpy.max(numpy.abs(r0[0] - r1[0])) eps = 1.0e-8 if config.floatX == 'float32': eps = 1.0e-6 if max_abs_err > eps: raise Failure('GEMM is computing the wrong output. max_rel_err =', max_abs_err) except Failure: for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort(): print('GRAPH', node) raise
def cmp_dot22(self, b_shp, c_shp): av = numpy.zeros((0, 0), dtype=self.dtype) bv = self.rand(*b_shp) cv = self.rand(*c_shp) a = self.shared(av, 'a') b = self.shared(bv, 'b') c = self.shared(cv, 'c') b_t = self.shared(bv.T, 'b.T') c_t = self.shared(cv.T, 'c.T') b_dev = b.get_value(borrow=False, return_internal_type=True) c_dev = c.get_value(borrow=False, return_internal_type=True) bt_dev = b_t.get_value(borrow=False, return_internal_type=True) ct_dev = c_t.get_value(borrow=False, return_internal_type=True) f_nn = theano.function([], [], updates=[(a, tensor.dot(b, c))], mode=self.mode) # print 'class name:', self.__class__.__name__ # theano.printing.debugprint(f_nn) f_nt = theano.function([], [], updates=[(a, tensor.dot(b, c_t.T))], mode=self.mode) f_tn = theano.function([], [], updates=[(a, tensor.dot(b_t.T, c))], mode=self.mode) f_tt = theano.function([], [], updates=[(a, tensor.dot(b_t.T, c_t.T))], mode=self.mode) # Try with all stride patterns, and all transposed pattern for step_signs in itertools_product((-1, 1), repeat=4): for step in (1, 2): b_step1, b_step2, c_step1, c_step2 = (s * step for s in step_signs) b.set_value(b_dev.copy()[::b_step1, ::b_step2], borrow=True) c.set_value(c_dev.copy()[::c_step1, ::c_step2], borrow=True) b_t.set_value(bt_dev.copy()[::b_step2, ::b_step1], borrow=True) c_t.set_value(ct_dev.copy()[::c_step2, ::c_step1], borrow=True) # Numpy result a_n = numpy.dot(bv[::b_step1, ::b_step2], cv[::c_step1, ::c_step2]) f_nn() assert numpy.allclose(a.get_value(), a_n) f_nt() assert numpy.allclose(a.get_value(), a_n) f_tn() assert numpy.allclose(a.get_value(), a_n) f_tt() assert numpy.allclose(a.get_value(), a_n)
def _scal_elemwise_with_nfunc(nfunc, nin, nout): """ Replace a symbol definition with an elementwise version of the corresponding scalar Op. If it is not None, the nfunc argument should be a string such that getattr(numpy, nfunc) implements a vectorized version of the elemwise operation. nin is the number of inputs expected by that function, and nout is the number of **destination** inputs it takes. That is, the function should take nin+nout inputs. nout == 0 means that the numpy function does not take a numpy array argument to put its result in. """ def construct(symbol): symbolname = symbol.__name__ inplace = symbolname.endswith('_inplace') if inplace: msg = "inplace" else: msg = "no_inplace" n = "Elemwise{%s,%s}" % (symbolname, msg) if inplace: scalar_op = getattr(scal, symbolname[:-len('_inplace')]) inplace_scalar_op = scalar_op.__class__(scal.transfer_type(0)) rval = elemwise.Elemwise(inplace_scalar_op, {0: 0}, name=n, nfunc_spec=(nfunc and (nfunc, nin, nout))) else: scalar_op = getattr(scal, symbolname) rval = elemwise.Elemwise(scalar_op, name=n, nfunc_spec=(nfunc and (nfunc, nin, nout))) if getattr(symbol, '__doc__', False): rval.__doc__ = symbol.__doc__ + '\n' + rval.__doc__ # for the meaning of this see the ./epydoc script # it makes epydoc display rval as if it were a function, not an object rval.__epydoc_asRoutine = symbol rval.__module__ = 'tensor' pprint.assign(rval, printing.FunctionPrinter(symbolname)) return rval return construct