def _upload_metrics(current_model): bq.upload_metrics_to_bq(test_name=current_model.test_name, total_time=current_model.total_time, epochs=current_model.epochs, batch_size=current_model.batch_size, backend_type=keras.backend.backend(), backend_version=get_backend_version(), cpu_num_cores=config['cpu_num_cores'], cpu_memory=config['cpu_memory'], cpu_memory_info=config['cpu_memory_info'], gpu_count=config['gpus'], gpu_platform=config['gpu_platform'], platform_type=config['platform_type'], platform_machine_type=config['platform_machine_type'], keras_version=keras.__version__, sample_type=current_model.sample_type) # MNIST MLP
def get_backend_version(): if keras.backend.backend() == "tensorflow": return tf.__version__ if keras.backend.backend() == "theano": return theano.__version__ if keras.backend.backend() == "cntk": return cntk.__version__ return "undefined"
def _check_modules(): """Checks whether all dependencies are installed""" try: import numpy if numpy.__version__ < "1.6.0": logger.warning("WARNING: You are using a numpy %s < 1.6.0. This " "might not work", numpy.__version__) except: raise ImportError("Numpy cannot be imported. Are you sure that it's installed?") try: import scipy if scipy.__version__ < "0.12.0": logger.warning("WARNING: You are using a scipy %s < 0.12.0. " "This might not work", scipy.__version__) except: raise ImportError("Scipy cannot be imported. Are you sure that it's installed?") try: import theano logger.debug("\tTheano: %s" % str(theano.__version__)) except ImportError: logger.warning("Theano not found. You might need this to run some " "more complex benchmarks!") if 'cuda' not in os.environ['PATH']: logger.warning("CUDA not in $PATH")
def initialize(args, data_shape, class_labels, class_num): cudnn_info=(theano.config.dnn.conv.algo_fwd, theano.config.dnn.conv.algo_bwd_data, theano.config.dnn.conv.algo_bwd_filter) logging.info("Using theano version:", theano.__version__, "(cudnn fwd=%s,bwd data=%s,bwd filter=%s)"%cudnn_info) if args.model is None: #construct convolutional model logging.info("Building convolutional model (%i classes)..."%class_num) model = ModelCNN() model.batch_size = args.batch_size model.class_labels = class_labels model.class_num = class_num #allow padding to be specified in border mode try: n = int(args.border_mode) border_mode = (n,n) except ValueError: border_mode = args.border_mode model.build(args.model_desc, data_shape, args.activation, border_mode, list(args.weight_init)) else: model = load_from_file(args.model, args.batch_size) model.class_labels = class_labels model.class_num = class_num assert data_shape == model.data_shape, "Mismatching data shapes in .mdl and data: " + str(data_shape) + "!=" + str(model.data_shape) model.skip_layer_updates = args.skip_layer_updates if len(model.skip_layer_updates) > 0: logging.info("Skipping layer updates:", model.skip_layer_updates) return model #
def _show_system_info(self): import theano print("Theano version %s" % theano.__version__) theano_dir = os.path.dirname(theano.__file__) print("theano is installed in %s" % theano_dir) super(TheanoNoseTester, self)._show_system_info()
def __init__(self, input): self.input = input if "0.9.0" in theano.__version__: self.output = T.flatten(self.input, outdim=2) # support theano 0.9.0 api elif "0.10.0" in theano.__version__: self.output = T.flatten(self.input, ndim=2) # support theano 0.10.0 api else: raise NotImplementedError("this version of theano is not supported") # I can't support all versions; I'm only human.
def print_model_settings(locals_var, path=None, sys_arg=False): """ Prints all variables in upper case in locals_var, except for T which usually stands for theano.tensor. If locals() passed as input to this method, will print all the variables in upper case defined so far, that is model settings. With `path` as an address to a directory it will _append_ it as a file named `model_settings.txt` as well. With `sys_arg` set to True, log information about Python, Numpy, and Theano and passed arguments to the script will be added too. args.pkl would be overwritten, specially in case of resuming a job. But again that wouldn't be much of a problem as all the passed args to the script except for '--resume' should be the same. With both `path` and `sys_arg` passed, dumps the theano.config. :usage: >>> import theano.tensor as T >>> import lib >>> BATCH_SIZE, DIM = 128, 512 >>> DATA_PATH = '/Path/to/dataset' >>> lib.print_model_settings(locals(), path='./') """ log = "" if sys_arg: try: log += "Python:\n" log += "\tsys.version_info\t{}\n".format(str(sys.version_info)) log += "Numpy:\n" log += "\t.__version__\t{}\n".format(numpy.__version__) log += "Theano:\n" log += "\t.__version__\t{}\n".format(theano.__version__) log += "\n\nAll passed args:\n" log += str(sys.argv) log += "\n" except: print "Something went wrong during sys_arg logging. Continue anyway!" log += "\nModel settings:" all_vars = [(k,v) for (k,v) in locals_var.items() if (k.isupper() and k != 'T')] all_vars = sorted(all_vars, key=lambda x: x[0]) for var_name, var_value in all_vars: log += ("\n\t%-20s %s" % (var_name, var_value)) print log if path is not None: ensure_dir(path) # Don't override, just append if by mistake there is something in the file. with open(os.path.join(path, __model_setting_file_name), 'a+') as f: f.write(log) if sys_arg: with open(os.path.join(path, 'th_conf.txt'), 'a+') as f: f.write(str(theano.config)) with open(os.path.join(path, 'args.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(sys.argv, f) # To load: # >>> import cPickle as pickle # >>> args = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(path, 'args.pkl'), 'rb'))