def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=-1): """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield lock.acquire()'. """ if not blocking and self._owner is not None: raise StopIteration(False) if not self._scheduler: self._scheduler = Pycos.scheduler() task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler) if timeout < 0: timeout = None while self._owner is not None: if timeout is not None: if timeout <= 0: raise StopIteration(False) start = _time() self._waitlist.append(task) if (yield task._await_(timeout)) is None: try: self._waitlist.remove(task) except ValueError: pass if timeout is not None: timeout -= (_time() - start) self._owner = task raise StopIteration(True)
def SendMessage(self, message, main_thread = True): global connections, in_pipe, out_pipe message_sent = False now = time.clock() if message['message'] == 'closed': message['time'] = now else: message['time'] = time.clock() + self.latency message['size'] = .0 if 'data' in message: message['size'] = float(len(message['data'])) try: connection_id = message['connection'] # Send messages directly, bypassing the queues is throttling is disabled and we are on the main thread if main_thread and connection_id in connections and self.peer in connections[connection_id]and self.latency == 0 and self.kbps == .0: message_sent = self.SendPeerMessage(message) except: pass if not message_sent: try: self.queue.put(message) except: pass
def SendPeerMessage(self, message): global last_activity last_activity = time.clock() message_sent = False connection_id = message['connection'] if connection_id in connections: if self.peer in connections[connection_id]: try: connections[connection_id][self.peer].handle_message(message) message_sent = True except: # Clean up any disconnected connections try: connections[connection_id]['server'].close() except: pass try: connections[connection_id]['client'].close() except: pass del connections[connection_id] return message_sent
def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg): timer = self.timer t = timer() t = t[0] + t[1] - self.t - self.bias if event == "c_call": self.c_func_name = arg.__name__ if self.dispatch[event](self, frame,t): t = timer() self.t = t[0] + t[1] else: r = timer() self.t = r[0] + r[1] - t # put back unrecorded delta # Dispatch routine for best timer program (return = scalar, fastest if # an integer but float works too -- and time.clock() relies on that).
def process_sample(self, signal_frame, sample_time, main_thread_id): if self.profile: start = time.clock() current_frames = sys._current_frames() items = current_frames.items() for thread_id, thread_frame in items: if thread_id == main_thread_id: thread_frame = signal_frame stack = self.recover_stack(thread_frame) if stack: current_node = self.profile for frame in reversed(stack): current_node = current_node.find_or_add_child(str(frame)) current_node.increment(sample_time, 1) thread_id, thread_frame, stack = None, None, None items = None current_frames = None self.profile._overhead += (time.clock() - start)
def build_graph(): # Build GUI environment. global frame_handle, y, x, start, sec, timer_text, clock_handle frame_handle = graph.after(1000 / FRAMES_PER_SEC, update) graph.bind('<1>', change) graph['background'] = GAME_COLOR # Draw environment. y = HEIGHT - WALL + BALL_RADIUS + 2 graph.create_rectangle((0, 0, WALL - BALL_RADIUS, y), fill=FORCE_COLOR) graph.create_rectangle((WIDTH - WALL + BALL_RADIUS, 0, WIDTH, y), fill=FORCE_COLOR) graph.create_line((0, y, WIDTH, y), fill=FLOOR_COLOR, width=3) # Prepare timer data. x = (WALL - BALL_RADIUS) / 2 y = (y + HEIGHT) / 2 start = time.clock() sec = 0 timer_text = graph.create_text(x, y, text=f_time(TIME_LIMIT)) clock_handle = graph.after(1000, update_clock) ################################################################################ # ANIMATION LOOP FUNCTIONS
def update(): 'Run physics and update screen.' global frame try: for mutate in wall, floor, gravity, friction, governor: for ball in balls: mutate(ball) for index, ball_1 in enumerate(balls[:-1]): for ball_2 in balls[index+1:]: ball_1.crash(ball_2) for ball in balls: ball.move(FPS) screen.delete('animate') for ball in balls: x1 = ball.pos.x - ball.rad y1 = ball.pos.y - ball.rad x2 = ball.pos.x + ball.rad y2 = ball.pos.y + ball.rad screen.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=BALL_COLOR, tag='animate') frame += 1 screen.after(int((start + frame / FPS - time.clock()) * 1000), update) except: screen.delete(Tkinter.ALL) screen.create_text(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, text=traceback.format_exc(), font='Courier 10', fill='red', tag='animate')
def print_status(progress, file_size, start): """ This function - when passed as `on_progress` to `Video.download` - prints out the current download progress. :params progress: The lenght of the currently downloaded bytes. :params file_size: The total size of the video. :params start: The time when started """ percent_done = int(progress) * 100. / file_size done = int(50 * progress / int(file_size)) dt = (clock() - start) if dt > 0: stdout.write("\r [%s%s][%3.2f%%] %s at %s/s " % ('=' * done, ' ' * (50 - done), percent_done, sizeof(file_size), sizeof(progress // dt))) stdout.flush()
def score(train_labels, train_features, test_labels, test_features, save_file, use_tree=False): if use_tree: train_clf = Classifier(tree.DecisionTreeClassifier()) else: train_clf = Classifier() print train_clf.clf print '' t_start = time.clock() train_clf.learn(train_features, train_labels) t_end = time.clock() if save_file: train_clf.save_to_file(open(save_file, 'w')) p_start = time.clock() predicted = train_clf.clf.predict(test_features) p_end = time.clock() test_labels_t = train_clf.labels.transform(test_labels) print classification_report(test_labels_t, predicted, target_names=train_clf.labels.classes_) print 'Training time: %fs' % (t_end - t_start) print 'Predicting time: %fs' % (p_end - p_start) print 'Mean squared error: %f' % mean_squared_error(test_labels_t, predicted) return train_clf.score(test_features, test_labels)
def _create_check_retry(self, **kwargs): """ Check the mon service is started and responding with time out. On heavily overloaded hardware it can takes a while for the mon service to start """ # Number of seconds before a time out. timeout = 60 time_start = time.clock() time_end = time_start + timeout if self._create_check_responding(**kwargs): return True while time.clock() < time_end: log.info("Mon service did not start up, waiting.") time.sleep(5) log.info("Retrying mon service.") if self._create_check_responding(**kwargs): return True log.error("Timed out starting mon service") raise Error("Failed to get mon service status after '%s' seconds." % (timeout))
def __call__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): '''Used to process callbacks in throughput-limiting thread through queue. Args: func (:obj:`callable`): the actual function (or any callable) that is processed through queue. *args: variable-length `func` arguments. **kwargs: arbitrary keyword-arguments to `func`. Returns: None ''' if not self.is_alive() or self.__exit_req: raise DelayQueueError('Could not process callback in stopped thread') self._queue.put((func, args, kwargs)) # The most straightforward way to implement this is to use 2 sequenital delay # queues, like on classic delay chain schematics in electronics. # So, message path is: # msg --> group delay if group msg, else no delay --> normal msg delay --> out # This way OS threading scheduler cares of timings accuracy. # (see time.time, time.clock, time.perf_counter, time.sleep @ docs.python.org)
def validate(beam_searcher, dataset, logger=None, res_file=None): if logger is None: logger = Logger(None) # generating captions all_candidates = [] tic = time.clock() for i in xrange(dataset.n_image): data = dataset.iterate_batch() # data: id, img, scene... sent = beam_searcher.generate(data[1:]) cap = ' '.join([dataset.vocab[word] for word in sent]) print '[{}], id={}, \t\t {}'.format(i, data[0], cap) all_candidates.append({'image_id': data[0], 'caption': cap}) toc = time.clock() - tic running_time = toc / 5000.0 if res_file is None: res_file = 'tmp.json' json.dump(all_candidates, open(res_file, 'w')) gt_file = osp.join(dataset.data_dir, 'captions_'+dataset.data_split+'.json') scores = evaluate(gt_file, res_file, logger) if res_file == 'tmp.json': os.system('rm -rf %s' % res_file) return scores, running_time
def calc_latency(self, node_to_calc): """ calculate latency of given node, remove if node is not connected """ start = time.clock() success = False try: for i in range(5): node_to_calc.client.ping() node_to_calc.latency = ((time.clock() - start) / 5) * 1000 # converting to ms success = True except: # node not connected print(str(sys.exc_info())) logger().warning("error attempting to ping an unregistered node: disconnecting node") if node_to_calc in self.connections: # if a registered node disconnects self.connections.remove(node_to_calc) self.remove_from_peer_dict(node_to_calc) try: net_dao.update_failed_ping(node_to_calc) except Exception as ex: template = "An exception of type {0} occurred. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) logger().warning(message) return success
def extract(sentences, ignore_entities=get_ignore_entities()): tic = time.clock() nlp = pycorenlp.corenlp.StanfordCoreNLP("http://{0}:{1}/".format(get_ner_host(), get_ner_port())) extraction = [] for s in sentences: output = nlp.annotate(s, properties={"annotators": "ner", "outputFormat": "json"}) locations_found = [(t['originalText']) for t in output["sentences"][0]["tokens"] for item in output if t['ner'] in ['LOCATION', 'PERSON'] and t[ 'originalText'].lower() not in ignore_entities] if len(locations_found) > 0: extraction.append(({'text': s, 'entities': locations_found})) tac = time.clock() logger.info('NER extraction took {time}ms'.format(time=tac - tic)) return extraction # Perform natural language processing to text, get annotated entities and entities relations
def extract_ner(sentences, ignore_entities=get_ignore_entities()): try: tagger = Ner(host=get_ner_host(), port=get_ner_port()) tic = time.clock() extraction = [] for s, file in sentences: output = tagger.get_entities(s.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '')) locations_found = [text for text, tag in output if tag in ['LOCATION', 'PERSON'] and text.lower() not in ignore_entities] if len(locations_found) > 0: extraction.append(({'text': {'text': s, 'file': file}, 'entities': locations_found})) tac = time.clock() logger.info('NER extraction took {time}ms'.format(time=tac - tic)) return extraction except Exception as detail: logger.error('Error during ner extraction {}'.format(detail)) raise
def main(): startTime = time.clock() start = getMaxAvId() if start == None: # ????????av? start = 1 # print(start) print ("av start: ", start) stop = int(input("av stop: ")) # print(123) for i in range(start+1, stop+1): saveDanmu(i) # print(i) stopTime = time.clock() print ((stopTime - startTime)/60,) print ("mins")
def download_file(self) -> None: req = requests.get(self.download_link, stream=True, proxies=self.proxy) filesize = int(req.headers['Content-Length']) filename = os.path.basename(self.download_path) downloadedChunk = 0 blockSize = 8192 start = time.clock() with open(self.download_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=blockSize): if self.cancel_download or not chunk: req.close() break f.write(chunk) downloadedChunk += len(chunk) progress = float(downloadedChunk) / filesize self.dlProgress.emit(progress * 100) dlspeed = downloadedChunk//(time.clock() - start) / 1000 progressTxt = '<b>Downloading {0}</b>:<br/>{1} of <b>{3}</b> [{2:.2%}] [{4} kbps]' \ .format(filename, downloadedChunk, progress, size(filesize, system=alternative), dlspeed) self.dlProgressTxt.emit(progressTxt) self.dlComplete.emit()
def nextFrame(self, arg): # (arg is the frame number, which we don't need) self.frame_c += 1 print("computed frame:" + str(self.frame_c)) if WindSim.performanceData and (arg % 30 == 0) and (arg > 0): endTime = clock() print ("Took {0} seconds".format(endTime - self.startTime)) print ("%1.1f" % (30 / (endTime - self.startTime)), 'frames per second') self.startTime = endTime if (WindSim.save): frameName = 'output/frame%04d.png' % arg plt.savefig(frameName) self.frameList.write(frameName + '\n') for step in range(WindSim.step_range): self.stream() self.collide() self.fluidImage.set_array(self.curl(WindSim.ux, WindSim.uy)) return (self.fluidImage, self.barrierImage)
def TestConnection(dbname): # Create the ADO connection object, and link the event # handlers into it c = DispatchWithEvents("ADODB.Connection", ADOEvents) # Initiate the asynchronous open dsn = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=%s" % dbname user = "system" pw = "manager" c.Open(dsn, user, pw, constants.adAsyncConnect) # Sit in a loop, until our event handler (above) sets the # "finished" flag or we time out. end_time = time.clock() + 10 while time.clock() < end_time: # Pump messages so that COM gets a look in pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages() if not finished: print "XXX - Failed to connect!"
def WaitWhileProcessingMessages(event, timeout = 2): start = time.clock() while True: # Wake 4 times a second - we can't just specify the # full timeout here, as then it would reset for every # message we process. rc = win32event.MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( (event,), 0, 250, win32event.QS_ALLEVENTS) if rc == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0: # event signalled - stop now! return True if (time.clock() - start) > timeout: # Timeout expired. return False # must be a message. pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages()
def WaitUntil(predicate, timeout_seconds=1): """Blocks until the provided predicate (function) is true. Returns: Whether the provided predicate was satisfied once (before the timeout). """ start_time = time.clock() sleep_time_sec = 0.025 while True: if predicate(): return True if time.clock() - start_time > timeout_seconds: return False time.sleep(sleep_time_sec) sleep_time_sec = min(1, sleep_time_sec * 2) # Don't wait more than 1 sec. # Implementation of chrome_test_server_spawner.PortForwarder that doesn't # forward ports. Instead the tests are expected to connect to the host IP # address inside the virtual network provided by qemu. qemu will forward # these connections to the corresponding localhost ports.
def __init__(self, video_src = 0, interactive = True, video = 'chess.avi', fallback = 'synth:bg=./data/hi.jpg:noise=0.05', nFrames = 500): cam = create_capture(video_src, fallback=fallback) if not cam: print("Problem initialising cam") vwriter = VideoWriter(video) run = True t = clock() frameCounter = nFrames while frameCounter>0: ret, img = cam.read() vwriter.addFrame(img, width=1920) frameCounter-=1 print("%d" % frameCounter) print("Created chessboard video : saved %d frames to %s" % (nFrames, video)) vwriter.finalise() ##################################################################################################################### # Tutorials ##################################################################################################################### # Placeholder for snippets used in development taken from the tutorials.
def seed(self, seed=None): """Resets the state of the random number generator with a seed. .. seealso:: :func:`cupy.random.seed` for full documentation, :meth:`numpy.random.RandomState.seed` """ if seed is None: try: seed_str = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(8)) seed = numpy.uint64(int(seed_str, 16)) except NotImplementedError: seed = numpy.uint64(time.clock() * 1000000) else: seed = numpy.asarray(seed).astype(numpy.uint64, casting='safe') curand.setPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed(self._generator, seed) curand.setGeneratorOffset(self._generator, 0)
def seed(seed=None): """Resets the state of the random number generator with a seed. This function resets the state of the global random number generator for the current device. Be careful that generators for other devices are not affected. Args: seed (None or int): Seed for the random number generator. If ``None``, it uses :func:`os.urandom` if available or :func:`time.clock` otherwise. Note that this function does not support seeding by an integer array. """ get_random_state().seed(seed) # CuPy specific functions
def flatwrite(me, uvs, matimage = False) : #t = clock() newuvs = [] #print('uv funcinput : %s'%(len(uvs))) # uvi : uvlayer id uvlist : uv coordinates list for uvi, uvlist in enumerate(uvs) : #print('uvlist input : %s'%(len(uvlist))) #print(uvlist[0:5]) uv = me.uv_textures.new() uv.name = 'UV%s'%uvi uvlayer = me.uv_layers[-1].data # flatuv = awaited uvlist length #flatuv = list( range(len(uvlayer) * 2) ) #print('uvlist need : %s'%(len(flatuv))) uvlayer.foreach_set('uv',uvlist) newuvs.append(uv) #print('uvs in ',clock() - t) return newuvs # face are squared or rectangular, # any orientation # vert order width then height 01 and 23 = x 12 and 03 = y # normal default when face has been built
def BENCH(): debug_prints(func="BENCH", text="BEGIN BENCHMARK") bt0 = time.clock() # make a big list tsize = 25 tlist = [] for x in range(tsize): for y in range(tsize): for z in range(tsize): tlist.append((x, y, z)) tlist.append((x, y, z)) # function to test bt1 = time.clock() bt2 = time.clock() btRUNb = bt2 - bt1 btRUNa = bt1 - bt0 debug_prints(func="BENCH", text="SETUP TIME", var=btRUNa) debug_prints(func="BENCH", text="BENCHMARK TIME", var=btRUNb) debug_print_vars( "\n[BENCH]\n", "GRIDSIZE: ", tsize, ' - ', tsize * tsize * tsize )
def _ingest_pairs(self, pairs, oid2nid, frame_size, limit, single_sided): oid2nid_v = np.vectorize(oid2nid.get) # whole pairs set does not fit in memory, so split it in frames with `frame_size` number of pairs. for start in range(0, limit, frame_size): stop = frame_size + start t1 = process_time() six.print_('Fetching pairs {0}:{1} of {2} ... '.format(start, stop, limit), end='', flush=True) raw_frame = pairs.read(start=start, stop=stop) t2 = process_time() six.print_('{0}s, Parsing ... '.format(int(t2 - t1)), flush=True) frame = self._translate_frame(raw_frame, oid2nid_v, single_sided) t3 = process_time() six.print_('Writing ... '.format(int(t3 - t2)), flush=True) # alternate direction, to make use of cached chunks of prev frame self._ingest_pairs_frame(frame) del frame t4 = process_time() six.print_('{0}s, Done with {1}:{2} in {3}s'.format(int(t4 - t3), start, stop, int(t4 - t1)), flush=True)
def parallel_cosine_similarity(self,x,y): pool = mp.Pool(processes= 16) s = time.clock() nums = pool.starmap(self.multplierr, zip(x,y)) numerator = sum(nums) #x_sqr = pool.starmap( self.multplierr, zip(x,x)) #y_sqr = pool.starmap( self.multplierr, zip(y,y)) #denominator = round(sqrt(sum(x_sqr))) * round(sqrt(sum(y_sqr))) denominator = self.square_rooted(x)*self.square_rooted(y) e = time.clock() print("Parallel Cosine Exec Time: ", e-s) return round(numerator/float(denominator),3) #JACCARD SIMILARITY #Serial Jaccard Similarity
def parallel_jaccard_similarity(self,x,y): p = 16 pool = mp.Pool(processes= p) chunk_X = [] chunk_Y = [] for i in range(0, len(x), p): chunk_X.append(x[int(i):int((i+1)*p)]) chunk_Y.append(y[int(i):int((i+1)*p)]) s = time.clock() intersection_cardinality = sum(pool.starmap(self.interc_card_locl, zip(chunk_X,chunk_Y))) union_cardinality = sum(pool.starmap(self.union_card_locl, zip(chunk_X,chunk_Y))) print(intersection_cardinality, union_cardinality) e = time.clock() print("Parallel Jaccard Exec Time: ", e-s) return intersection_cardinality/float(union_cardinality)
def wolframalpha(inp, bot=None): """wa <query> -- Computes <query> using Wolfram Alpha.""" server = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query.jsp' api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("wolframalpha", None) if not api_key: return formatting.output('WolframAlpha', ['error: missing api key']) import time start = time.clock() scantimeout = '3.0' podtimeout = '4.0' formattimeout = '8.0' async = 'True' waeo = WolframAlphaEngine(api_key, server) waeo.ScanTimeout = scantimeout waeo.PodTimeout = podtimeout waeo.FormatTimeout = formattimeout waeo.Async = async
def greenlet_profiler(event, args): if event in ('switch', 'throw'): # both events are in the target context now = clock() try: # we need to account the time for the user function frame = sys._getframe(1) except ValueError: # the first greenlet.switch() and when the greenlet is being # destroied there is nothing more in the stack, so this function is # the first function called frame = sys._getframe(0) origin, target = args origin_state = _state[origin] target_state = ensure_thread_state(target, frame) origin_state.switch_enter(now) # origin is entering the "sleep" state target_state.switch_exit(now) # target might be leaving the "sleep"
def write_file_update_progress(self, cmd: str, callback: Callable, filesize: int=0, blocksize: int=8192, rest: bool=None) -> str: self.ftps.voidcmd('TYPE I') # type: ignore with self.ftps.transfercmd(cmd, rest) as conn: # type: ignore self.current_download['filesize'] = filesize self.current_download['downloaded'] = 0 self.current_download['filename'] = cmd.replace('RETR ', '') start = time.clock() while 1: data = conn.recv(blocksize) if not data: break downloaded = len(data) self.current_download['downloaded'] += downloaded current = time.clock() if current > start: self.current_download['speed'] = self.current_download['downloaded'] / ((current - start) * 1024) callback(data) self.current_download['filename'] = '' self.current_download['speed'] = 0 self.current_download['filesize'] = 0 # shutdown ssl layer if _SSLSocket is not None and isinstance(conn, _SSLSocket): conn.unwrap() return self.ftps.voidresp() # type: ignore
def _add_timeout(self, fd): if fd._timeout: self._lock.acquire() fd._timeout_id = _time() + fd._timeout + 0.0001 i = bisect_left(self._timeouts, (fd._timeout_id, fd)) self._timeouts.insert(i, (fd._timeout_id, fd)) if self._polling: self.interrupt() self._lock.release() else: fd._timeout_id = None
def _add_timeout(self, fd): if fd._timeout: fd._timeout_id = _time() + fd._timeout + 0.0001 i = bisect_left(self._timeouts, (fd._timeout_id, fd)) self._timeouts.insert(i, (fd._timeout_id, fd)) else: fd._timeout_id = None
def wait(self, timeout=None): """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield cv.wait()'. """ task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler) if self._owner != task: raise RuntimeError('"%s"/%s: invalid lock release - owned by "%s"/%s' % (task._name, task._id, self._owner._name, self._owner._id)) assert self._depth > 0 depth = self._depth self._depth = 0 self._owner = None if self._waitlist: wake = self._waitlist.pop(0) wake._proceed_(True) self._notifylist.append(task) start = _time() if (yield task._await_(timeout)) is None: try: self._notifylist.remove(task) except ValueError: pass raise StopIteration(False) while self._owner is not None: self._waitlist.insert(0, task) if timeout is not None: timeout -= (_time() - start) if timeout <= 0: raise StopIteration(False) start = _time() if (yield task._await_(timeout)) is None: try: self._waitlist.remove(task) except ValueError: pass raise StopIteration(False) assert self._depth == 0 self._owner = task self._depth = depth raise StopIteration(True)
def _suspend(self, task, timeout, alarm_value, state): """Internal use only. See sleep/suspend in Task. """ self._lock.acquire() if self.__cur_task != task: self._lock.release() logger.warning('invalid "suspend" - "%s" != "%s"', task, self.__cur_task) return -1 tid = task._id if state == Pycos._AwaitMsg_ and task._msgs: s, update = task._msgs[0] if s == state: task._msgs.popleft() self._lock.release() return update if timeout is None: task._timeout = None else: if not isinstance(timeout, (float, int)): logger.warning('invalid timeout %s', timeout) self._lock.release() return -1 if timeout <= 0: self._lock.release() return alarm_value else: task._timeout = _time() + timeout + 0.0001 heappush(self._timeouts, (task._timeout, tid, alarm_value)) self._scheduled.discard(tid) self._suspended.add(tid) task._state = state self._lock.release() return 0
def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=-1): """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield rlock.acquire()'. """ if not self._scheduler: self._scheduler = Pycos.scheduler() task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler) if self._owner == task: assert self._depth > 0 self._depth += 1 raise StopIteration(True) if not blocking and self._owner is not None: raise StopIteration(False) if timeout < 0: timeout = None while self._owner is not None: if timeout is not None: if timeout <= 0: raise StopIteration(False) start = _time() self._waitlist.append(task) if (yield task._await_(timeout)) is None: try: self._waitlist.remove(task) except ValueError: pass if timeout is not None: timeout -= (_time() - start) assert self._depth == 0 self._owner = task self._depth = 1 raise StopIteration(True)
def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=-1): """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield cv.acquire()'. """ if not self._scheduler: self._scheduler = Pycos.scheduler() task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler) if self._owner == task: self._depth += 1 raise StopIteration(True) if not blocking and self._owner is not None: raise StopIteration(False) if timeout < 0: timeout = None while self._owner is not None: if timeout is not None: if timeout <= 0: raise StopIteration(False) start = _time() self._waitlist.append(task) if (yield task._await_(timeout)) is None: try: self._waitlist.remove(task) except ValueError: pass if timeout is not None: timeout -= (_time() - start) assert self._depth == 0 self._owner = task self._depth = 1 raise StopIteration(True)
def receive(self, category=None, timeout=None, alarm_value=None): """Similar to 'receive' of Task, except it retrieves (waiting, if necessary) messages in given 'category'. """ # assert Pycos.cur_task() == self._task c = self._categories.get(category, None) if c: msg = c.popleft() raise StopIteration(msg) if timeout: start = _time() while 1: msg = yield self._task.receive(timeout=timeout, alarm_value=alarm_value) if msg == alarm_value: raise StopIteration(msg) for categorize in self._categorize: c = categorize(msg) if c == category: raise StopIteration(msg) if c is not None: bucket = self._categories.get(c, None) if not bucket: bucket = self._categories[c] = collections.deque() bucket.append(msg) break else: self._categories[None].append(msg) if timeout: now = _time() timeout -= now - start start = now
def __init__(self, direction, latency, kbps): self.direction = direction self.latency = latency self.kbps = kbps self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.last_tick = time.clock() self.next_message = None self.available_bytes = .0 self.peer = 'server' if self.direction == self.PIPE_IN: self.peer = 'client'
def tick(self): global connections global flush_pipes processed_messages = False now = time.clock() try: if self.next_message is None: self.next_message = self.queue.get_nowait() # Accumulate bandwidth if an available packet/message was waiting since our last tick if self.next_message is not None and self.kbps > .0 and self.next_message['time'] <= now: elapsed = now - self.last_tick accumulated_bytes = elapsed * self.kbps * 1000.0 / 8.0 self.available_bytes += accumulated_bytes # process messages as long as the next message is sendable (latency or available bytes) while (self.next_message is not None) and\ (flush_pipes or ((self.next_message['time'] <= now) and (self.kbps <= .0 or self.next_message['size'] <= self.available_bytes))): self.queue.task_done() processed_messages = True if self.kbps > .0: self.available_bytes -= self.next_message['size'] self.SendPeerMessage(self.next_message) self.next_message = None self.next_message = self.queue.get_nowait() except: pass # Only accumulate bytes while we have messages that are ready to send if self.next_message is None or self.next_message['time'] > now: self.available_bytes = .0 self.last_tick = now return processed_messages ######################################################################################################################## # Threaded DNS resolver ########################################################################################################################
def tic(self): # using time.time instead of time.clock because time time.clock # does not normalize for multithreading self.start_time = time.time()
def test_module(module,url,times): timelist = [] for index in range(times): try : start = time.clock() obj = module.urlopen(url) timelist.append((time.clock()-start)) except: continue #if isinstance(obj,httpx.ResponseHandler): # print(obj.http_header('statuscode')) return timelist
def _get_time_times(timer=os.times): t = timer() return t[0] + t[1] # Using getrusage(3) is better than clock(3) if available: # on some systems (e.g. FreeBSD), getrusage has a higher resolution # Furthermore, on a POSIX system, returns microseconds, which # wrap around after 36min.
def process_sample(self, signal_frame): if self.profile: start = time.clock() if signal_frame: stack = self.recover_stack(signal_frame) if stack: self.update_profile(self.profile, stack) stack = None self.profile._overhead += (time.clock() - start)
def process_queue(self, ticks_per_sec): """Process the entire queue while taking periodic breaks. This allows the game loop to run smoothly. The queue contains calls to _show_block() and _hide_block() so this method should be called if add_block() or remove_block() was called with immediate=False """ start = time.clock() while self.show_hide_queue and time.clock() - start < 1.0 / ticks_per_sec: self._dequeue()