def strftime(config, context, arg, now=time.gmtime()): """ strftime returns the current time (in UTC) converted to the format specified by the first argument. The format is specified using Python's time.strftime format ( https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.strftime). Example: {"CFPP::Strftime": "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"} ==> 20060102_220405 Note: use special care when using this function with CloudFormation's "update" functionality. The output of this function will change each time cfpp is run. """ _raise_unless_string(context, arg) return time.strftime(arg, now)
def DatetimeToUTCMicros(date): """Converts a datetime object to microseconds since the epoch in UTC. Args: date: A datetime to convert. Returns: The number of microseconds since the epoch, in UTC, represented by the input datetime. """ # Using this guide: http://wiki.python.org/moin/WorkingWithTime # And this conversion guide: http://docs.python.org/library/time.html # Turn the date parameter into a tuple (struct_time) that can then be # manipulated into a long value of seconds. During the conversion from # struct_time to long, the source date in UTC, and so it follows that the # correct transformation is calendar.timegm() micros = calendar.timegm(date.utctimetuple()) * _MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND return micros + date.microsecond
def posts_add(self, url, description, extended="", tags="", dt="", replace="no", shared="yes", **kwds): """Add a post to del.icio.us. Returns a `result` message or raises an ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``. &url (required) the url of the item. &description (required) the description of the item. &extended (optional) notes for the item. &tags (optional) tags for the item (space delimited). &dt (optional) datestamp of the item (format "CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"). Requires a LITERAL "T" and "Z" like in ISO8601 at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html for example: "1984-09-01T14:21:31Z" &replace=no (optional) - don't replace post if given url has already been posted. &shared=no (optional) - make the item private """ return self.request("posts/add", url=url, description=description, extended=extended, tags=tags, dt=dt, replace=replace, shared=shared, **kwds)
def formatOutputVars(self): """create output variable object for insertion into template.""" self.outputVars={"title":self.agencyName,"headerTitle":self.agencyName,"generationDate":email.utils.formatdate(localtime=True)} routeSelect="" tableTemplate="\t<section id='{0}'>\n\t\t<h1>{1}</h1>\n{2}\t</section>\n" activeTemplate="\t\t<table><caption>{0}</caption><thead></thead><tbody></tbody></table>\n" tables="" for routename in self.selectedRoutes if len(self.selectedRoutes)>0 else self.routesByName.keys(): route=self.routesByName[routename] routeSelect+="\t<input type='radio' name='line' value='{1}' id='radio-{1}'/><label for='radio-{1}'>{0}</label>\n".format(route.shortname,route.id) routetables="" for line in sorted(route.stops.keys()): routetables+=activeTemplate.format(line) tables+=tableTemplate.format(route.id,route.longname,routetables) self.outputVars["ttimesettings"]=removeSpaces(json.dumps({"selectedRoutes":self.selectedRoutes,"excludeStops":self.excludeStops,"_12hourClock":self._12hourClock})) self.outputVars["html"]=routeSelect+tables self.outputVars["javascript"]="const dates={0};\nconst routes={1};\nconst _12hourClock={2};\n".format(removeSpaces(self.dates.__str__()),removeSpaces(self.routes.__str__().replace("'\\x00'","null")),str(self._12hourClock).lower())
def readHtmlTemplate(self,templateFilename="t-time.html"): """read entire HTML template and optionally insert CSS arguments: templateFilename -- optional, if template is different than t-time.html """ template="" try: with open(templateFilename,"r",encoding="utf-8") as templatefile: for line in templatefile: template+=line except (FileNotFoundError,BaseException) as ex: handleException(ex, "File "+ex.filename+" does not exist. This is the HTML template to export the data.", "There was a problem opening "+ex.filename+". This is the HTML template to export the data.") if self.css is not None: template=template.replace('<link rel="stylesheet" href="t-time.css" />',self.css,1) self.template=Template(template)
def timezone(temp_tz): """Sets the timezone, yields, then resets the timezone. Args: temp_tz: See https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.tzset """ original_tz = get_timezone_environ() set_timezone_environ(temp_tz) try: yield finally: set_timezone_environ(original_tz)
def strftime(string_format, second=None): ''' return a date string using string. See https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.strftime for format ''' if second is not None: try: second = int(second) except: raise errors.AnsibleFilterError('Invalid value for epoch value (%s)' % second) return time.strftime(string_format, time.localtime(second))
def es_get_timestamp_filer(since=None): # @see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/2.3/query-dsl-range-query.html return { "range": { "@timestamp": { "gt": since, } } } if since is not None else {}
def format_timestamp(ts): """ Format the UTC timestamp for Elasticsearch eg. 2014-07-09T08:37:18.000Z @see https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.strftime """ tz_info = tz.tzutc() return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=tz_info).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
def get_log_aggregate(query, group_by, stats_field): # @see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/2.0/search-aggregations.html # @see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/2.0/search-aggregations-metrics-stats-aggregation.html # @see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/2.0/search-aggregations-bucket-terms-aggregation.html aggs = { "aggregations": { "group_by_agg": { "terms": { "field": group_by }, }, "aggregations": { "stats" : { "field" : stats_field } } } } res = get_log_messages(query, extra=aggs, limit=0, batch=0, return_raw=True) res = list(res)[0] aggs = res['aggregations'] # print(aggs) # build stats buckets = {} for agg in aggs['group_by_agg']['buckets']: buckets[agg['key']] = agg['doc_count'] stats = aggs['aggregations'] return buckets, stats
def __init__(self): """extends html.parser.HTMLParser.__init__""" html.parser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.tag=None self.foundTag=False self.settings=None self.agencyName=None
def handle_starttag(self,tag,attrs): """overides html.parser.HTMLParser.handle_starttag""" self.tag=tag if "script"==tag and len(attrs)==1 and "type"==attrs[0][0] and "application/x-t-time-settings"==attrs[0][1]: self.foundTag=True elif "title"==tag: self.foundTag=True
def handle_data(self,data): """overides html.parser.HTMLParser.handle_data""" if self.foundTag: if "script"==self.tag: self.settings=data elif "title"==self.tag: self.agencyName=data
def handle_endtag(self,tag): """overides html.parser.HTMLParser.handle_endtag""" self.foundTag=False
def __init__(self,outputName=None,agencyName=None,inputZip=None,_12hourClock=True): """initialize some variables. can specify a zip file that contains the feed, otherwise will read files from cwd. can set a few things here.""" self.outputName=outputName self.agencyName=agencyName # <title> in html output self.inputZip=inputZip self._12hourClock=_12hourClock # TODO: Automatically determine this based on current locale (python makes this unclear) self.selectedRoutes=() # tuple of route IDs self.excludeStops={} # dictionary of route IDs to lists of stop IDs