def watime(inp, bot=None): """time <area> -- Gets the time in <area>""" query = "current time in {}".format(inp) api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("wolframalpha", None) if not api_key: return "error: no wolfram alpha api key set" request = http.get_xml(api_url, input=query, appid=api_key) time = " ".join(request.xpath("//pod[@title='Result']/subpod/plaintext/text()")) time = time.replace(" | ", ", ") if time: # nice place name for UNIX time if inp.lower() == "unix": place = "Unix Epoch" else: place = capitalize_first(" ".join(request.xpath("//pod[@" "title='Input interpretation']/subpod/plaintext/text()"))[ 16:]) return "{} - \x02{}\x02".format(time, place) else: return u"Could not get the time for '{}'.".format(inp)
def UpateEvent(self, after_values, befor_values): _set = [] _where = [] if self._is_pri: _where.append(self.__join(self._is_pri[0][0], after_values[self._is_pri[0][1]])) else: for i, column in enumerate(self.column_list): _where.append(self.__join(column[0], after_values[i])) for i, column in enumerate(self.column_list): _set.append(self.__join(column[0], befor_values[i])) sql = 'update {}.{} set {} where {}'.format(_rollback.database, _rollback.table, ','.join(_set).replace(" ", ""), ','.join(_where)) if _remote_filed._rollback_status: print '{: >21}{}{}'.format('', '-- ', sql) else: self.__tmppack(sql, 2)
def UpateEvent(self,after_values,befor_values): _set = [] _where = [] if self._is_pri: _where.append(self.__join(self._is_pri[0][0],after_values[self._is_pri[0][1]])) else: for i,column in enumerate(self.column_list): _where.append(self.__join(column[0],after_values[i])) for i,column in enumerate(self.column_list): _set.append(self.__join(column[0],befor_values[i])) sql = 'update {}.{} set {} where {}'.format(_rollback.database, _rollback.table, ','.join(_set).replace(" ",""), ','.join(_where)) if _remote_filed._rollback_status: print '{: >21}{}{}'.format('', '-- ',sql) else: self.__tmppack(sql, 2)
def get_latest_fragments(zoomlv=zoom_level): res = safe_urlopen(latest_json_url) jsonstr = res.read() # like this: {"date":"2017-02-27 01:20:00","file":"PI_H08_20170227_0120_TRC_FLDK_R10_PGPFD.png"} try: datadict = json.loads(jsonstr) except Exception as e: print "ERROR:\nbad response, maybe you are behind of firewall.\nplease test you network and retry." raw_input("anykey to quit") sys.exit(1) datestr = datadict.get("date", "") if datestr == "": print "bad date string" sys.exit(1) date, time = datestr.split(" ")#"2017-02-27 22:20:00".split(" ")# date, time = date.replace("-", "/"), time.replace(":", "") return get_fragments_by_date(date, time, zoomlv)
def format(self, value, property, context): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): if value.tzinfo: # DST ? ???? ???. value = value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) - value.utcoffset() return int(calendar.timegm(value.timetuple())) + (value.microsecond / 1000000.0) elif isinstance(value, datetime.time): seconds = value.hour * 3600 + value.minute * 60 + value.second if value.tzinfo: # DST ? ???? ???. seconds -= value.utcoffset().total_seconds() return seconds % 86400 + (value.microsecond / 1000000.0) elif isinstance(value, datetime.date): return calendar.timegm(value.timetuple()) else: raise ValueError()
def historical_price(request): fiat = request.GET['fiat'].upper() crypto = request.GET['currency'].upper() try: time = arrow.get(request.GET['time']).datetime except: return http.JsonResponse({'error': "Invalid Time argument"}, status=400) try: price = PriceTick.nearest(crypto, fiat, time) except PriceTick.DoesNotExist: return http.JsonResponse( {'error': "Can't get historical price for %s->%s" % (fiat, crypto)}, status=400 ) try: naive_time = time.replace(tzinfo=None) price['estimated_supply'] = SupplyEstimator(crypto).calculate_supply(at_time=naive_time) except NotImplementedError: pass price['currency'] = crypto return http.JsonResponse(price)
def timefunction(inp, nick="", reply=None, db=None, notice=None): "time [location] [dontsave] | [@ nick] -- Gets time for <location>." save = True if '@' in inp: nick = inp.split('@')[1].strip() location = database.get(db,'users','location','nick',nick) if not location: return "No location stored for {}.".format(nick.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) else: location = database.get(db,'users','location','nick',nick) if not inp: if not location: notice(time.__doc__) return else: # if not location: save = True if " dontsave" in inp: save = False location = inp.split()[0] # now, to get the actual time try: url = "https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=time+in+{}".format(location.replace(' ','+').replace(' save','')) request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers) page = urllib2.urlopen(request).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml') soup = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': re.compile('ires')}) time = filter(None, http.strip_html(soup.find('div', attrs={'class': re.compile('vk_gy')}).renderContents().strip()).split(' ')) prefix = ' '.join(time[6:]) curtime = time[0] day = time[1] date = ' '.join(time[2:4]) except IndexError: return "Could not get time for that location." if location and save: database.set(db,'users','location',location,'nick',nick) return formatting.output('Time', [u'{} is \x02{}\x02 [{} {}]'.format(prefix, curtime, day, date)])
def timefunction2(inp, nick="", reply=None, db=None, notice=None): "time [location] [dontsave] | [@ nick] -- Gets time for <location>." save = True if '@' in inp: nick = inp.split('@')[1].strip() location = database.get(db,'users','location','nick',nick) if not location: return "No location stored for {}.".format(nick.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) else: location = database.get(db,'users','location','nick',nick) if not inp: if not location: notice(time.__doc__) return else: # if not location: save = True if " dontsave" in inp: save = False location = inp.split()[0] url = "https://time.is/%s" % location.replace(' ','+').replace(' save','') html = http.get_html(url) prefix = html.xpath("//div[@id='msgdiv']/h1/a/text()")[0].strip() curtime = html.xpath("//div[contains(@id,'twd')]/text()")[0].strip() ampm = html.xpath("//div[contains(@id,'twd')]/span/text()")[0].strip() date = html.xpath("//h2[contains(@id,'dd')]/text()")[0].strip() # now, to get the actual time try: url = "https://time.is/%s" % location.replace(' ','+').replace(' save','') html = http.get_html(url) prefix = html.xpath("//div[@id='msgdiv']/h1/a/text()")[0].strip() curtime = html.xpath("//div[contains(@id,'twd')]/text()")[0].strip() ampm = html.xpath("//div[contains(@id,'twd')]/span/text()")[0].strip() date = html.xpath("//h2[contains(@id,'dd')]/text()")[0].strip() except IndexError: return "Could not get time for that location." if location and save: database.set(db,'users','location',location,'nick',nick) print(prefix, curtime, ampm, date) return u'Time in {} is \x02{} {}\x02 [{}]'.format(prefix, curtime, ampm.upper(), date)
def getUnstructuredTime (log, patern, dateFormat): # Fuction to extrat timestamp from an unstructured source p = re.search(patern,log) try: date_string = p.group(0) d = datetime.strptime(date_string,dateFormat) d = d.replace(second = 00) return d.strftime(dateFormat) except: return None
def getStructuredTime(line, pos, dateFormat): valueList = line.split(',') rawTime = valueList[pos].split('.')[0] time = datetime.strptime(rawTime, dateFormat) time = time.replace(second = 00) return time
def __add_fsp_to_time(self, time, column): """Read and add the fractional part of time For more details about new date format: """ microsecond, read = self.__read_fsp(column) if microsecond > 0: time = time.replace(microsecond=microsecond) return time, read
def __add_fsp_to_time(self, time, column): """Read and add the fractional part of time For more details about new date format: """ microsecond,read = self.__read_fsp(column) if microsecond > 0: time = time.replace(microsecond=microsecond) return time,read
def parse(self, value, property, context): if not isinstance(value, (integer_types, float)): raise ValueError() decoded = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value) if issubclass(property, Time): return decoded.time().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) elif issubclass(property, Date): return decoded.date() return decoded.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
def format(self, value, property, context): if isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime, datetime.time)): if value.tzinfo and value.utcoffset() == datetime.timedelta(): return value.replace(tzinfo=None).isoformat() + 'Z' return value.isoformat() elif isinstance(value, datetime.date): return value.isoformat() else: raise ValueError()
def _format(self, value, property, context, gmt): if isinstance(value, datetime.time): value = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date.fromtimestamp(0), value) elif not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = datetime.datetime.combine(value, datetime.time()) if gmt: if value.tzinfo and value.utcoffset() != datetime.timedelta(): value = value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) - value.utcoffset() format = '%s, %%d %s %%Y %%H:%%M:%%S GMT' else: TZ = (' %%z' if value.utcoffset() != datetime.timedelta() else ' GMT') if value.tzinfo else '' format = '%s, %%d %s %%Y %%H:%%M:%%S' + TZ format = format % (self.WDAY[value.weekday()], self.MON[value.month - 1]) return value.strftime(format)
def saylua_time(time): from_zone = tz.gettz('UTC') to_zone = tz.gettz('America/New_York') time = time.replace(tzinfo=from_zone) return time.astimezone(to_zone)
def log(): import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) print logger.name # log() # from scrapy.selector import Selector # import requests # url = 'http://cuiqingcai.com/2621.html' # body = requests.get(url).content # s = Selector(text=body) # se = s.xpath("//h1[@class='article-title']/a") # for i in se: # print i.xpath("./@href").extract_first() # print i.xpath("./text()").extract() # s = ["\n\n\n\rddfd\n\r\n\ndfdf", '\n\n\ndfdfd', 'fdf'] # print ''.join(s).replace("\n", '') # from scrapy.selector import Selector # body = Selector(text=body) # body.xpath("").extract_first() #!/usr/bin/env python # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ # import requests # # from scrapy import Selector # # url = 'https://book.douban.com/top250' # respones = requests.get(url=url).content # selector = Selector(text=respones) # infos = selector.xpath('//tr[@class="item"]') # for info in infos: # bookname = info.xpath('td/div/a/@title').extract_first() # url = info.xpath('td/div/a/@href').extract_first() # author_info = info.xpath('td/p/text()').extract_first() # print(bookname) # print(url) # print(author_info)
def getMAC(separeate = None, capitalization=False): mac = hex(uuid.getnode()).replace('0x', '') if capitalization is not False: mac = mac.upper() return "".join(mac[i:i+2] for i in range(0, 11, 2)) if separeate is None \ else separeate.join(mac[i:i+2] for i in range(0, 11, 2))
def reformatDateTimeString(dateString, timeString = None): def normaliseDate(date): return date.replace(".", "-").replace("_", "-") def normaliseTime(time): return time.replace(".", ":").replace("-", ":") if dateString.find("_") >= 0: # Format "2012-11-12_12:13:14" dVal = dateString.split("_") return normaliseDate(dVal[0]), normaliseTime(dVal[1]) else: if timeString is not None: return normaliseDate(dateString), normaliseTime(timeString) else: return normaliseDate(dateString), ""
def parse(self, value, property, context): value = value.strip() m = self.PATTERN1.match(value) if m is None: if issubclass(property, Time): m = self.PATTERN2.match(value) if m is None: raise ValueError() else: raise ValueError() if m.groupdict().get('Y'): date = datetime.date(*map(lambda x: 1 if x is None else int(x), m.group('Y', 'm', 'd'))) else: date = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(0) if issubclass(property, Date): return date if m.group('H'): hour, min, sec = m.group('H', 'M', 'S') hour = int(hour) min = int(min) if min else 0 sec = float(sec) if sec else 0.0 time = datetime.time(hour, min, int(sec), int((sec % 1.0) * 1000000)) else: time = datetime.time() if m.group('tzd'): if m.group('tzd') in ('Z', '+00:00', '-00:00'): tzinfo = timezone.utc else: offset = int(m.group('tzh')) * 60 + int(m.group('tzm')) if m.group('tzd').startswith('-'): offset = -offset tzinfo = timezone(datetime.timedelta(minutes=offset)) time = time.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) if issubclass(property, Time): return time return datetime.datetime.combine(date, time)