def saveBox( self, title=None, fileName=None, dirName=None, fileExt=".txt", fileTypes=None, asFile=False): self.topLevel.update_idletasks() if fileTypes is None: fileTypes = [('all files', '.*'), ('text files', '.txt')] # define options for opening options = {} options['defaultextension'] = fileExt options['filetypes'] = fileTypes options['initialdir'] = dirName options['initialfile'] = fileName options['title'] = title if asFile: return filedialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w', **options) # will return "" if cancelled else: return filedialog.asksaveasfilename(**options)
def IDT_group2svg(IDT_group): IDT_group_dir = IDT_group['IDT_group_dir'] Tk().withdraw() # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing svg_filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title='SVG export filename',defaultextension = 'svg',initialdir = IDT_group_dir); plt_bnds = [0,8000,0,8000] x0 = 40e-3 y0 = 40e-3 factor = 1e5 fig, ax = plt.subplots() for polygon in IDT_group['final_IDT']: polygon = shapely_affinity.translate(polygon, xoff=x0, yoff=y0) polygon = shapely_affinity.scale(polygon, xfact = factor, yfact= factor, origin=(0,0,0)) patch = PolygonPatch(polygon, fc=BLACK, ec=None, alpha=1.0, zorder=2) ax.add_patch(patch) for IDT_data in IDT_group['IDT']: reticule = IDT_data['reticule'] for polygon in reticule: polygon = shapely_affinity.translate(polygon, xoff=x0, yoff=y0) polygon = shapely_affinity.scale(polygon, xfact = factor, yfact= factor, origin=(0,0,0)) patch = PolygonPatch(polygon, fc=BLACK, ec='none', alpha=1.0, zorder=2) ax.add_patch(patch) ax.axis(plt_bnds) ax.set_aspect(1) #plt.show() fig.savefig(svg_filename, format='svg', dpi=1200)
def _save_crop(self): log.debug('crop bounds: %s', self._bounds) if self._bounds is None: return bounds = self.select_bounds # ext = '.%dx%d.png' % tuple(self._size) # tkFileDialog doc: http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/tkFileDialog save_to = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(**dict( initialdir=self._save_parent_dir, defaultextension=".png", filetypes=[('PNG', ".png")], title='Select file')) if not save_to: return save_to = self._fix_path(save_to) # force change extention with info (resolution and offset) save_to = os.path.splitext(save_to)[0] + self._fileext_text.get() self._save_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(save_to) log.info('Crop save to: %s', save_to) self._image.crop(bounds).save(save_to) self._genfile_name.set(os.path.basename(save_to)) self._gencode_text.set('d.click_image(r"%s")' % save_to)
def Save_As(self, app, pad): """ saves the contents in pad to file to specified filename """ save_file = asksaveasfilename(parent=app) data = pad.get('1.0', GUI.END)[:-1] f = open(save_file, 'w') f.write(data) f.close() x = save_file if platform.system() == 'Windows': x = x.replace('/', '\\') File.filename(map(str, x.split('\\'))[-1]) else: pass File.filepath(x) app.title(File.name)
def save_selection(self, mode="selection"): """ Save selection in a single file. """ # Builds the selection. selection = None if mode == "selection": selection = self.get_selected_sequences() elif mode == "all": selection = self.get_all_sequences() # Ask users if they want to include indels in the sequences to save. remove_indels_choice = False for e in selection: if "-" in e.my_sequence: remove_indels_choice = tkMessageBox.askyesno(message="Would you like to remove indels from the sequences when saving them to a file?", title="Save Selection", parent=self.main_window) break # Ask users to chose a directory where to save the files. filepath=asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("fasta","*.fasta")],parent=self.main_window) if not filepath == "": dirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath) filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] self.build_sequences_file(selection, filename, file_format="fasta", remove_indels=remove_indels_choice, use_structural_information=False, new_directory=dirpath)
def action_inject(self): """Inject metadata into a new save file.""" split_filename = os.path.splitext(ntpath.basename(self.in_file)) base_filename = split_filename[0] extension = split_filename[1] self.save_options["initialfile"] = (base_filename + "_injected" + extension) self.save_file = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(**self.save_options) if not self.save_file: return self.set_message("Saving file to %s" % ntpath.basename(self.save_file)) # Launch injection on a separate thread after disabling buttons. self.disable_state() self.master.after(100, self.action_inject_delay)
def save_grammar(self, *args): filename = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=self.GRAMMAR_FILE_TYPES, defaultextension='.cfg') if not filename: return try: if filename.endswith('.pickle'): pickle.dump((self._chart, self._tokens), open(filename, 'w')) else: file = open(filename, 'w') prods = self._grammar.productions() start = [p for p in prods if p.lhs() == self._grammar.start()] rest = [p for p in prods if p.lhs() != self._grammar.start()] for prod in start: file.write('%s\n' % prod) for prod in rest: file.write('%s\n' % prod) file.close() except Exception, e: tkMessageBox.showerror('Error Saving Grammar', 'Unable to open file: %r' % filename)
def print_to_file(self, filename=None): """ Print the contents of this C{CanvasFrame} to a postscript file. If no filename is given, then prompt the user for one. @param filename: The name of the file to print the tree to. @type filename: C{string} @rtype: C{None} """ if filename is None: from tkFileDialog import asksaveasfilename ftypes = [('Postscript files', '.ps'), ('All files', '*')] filename = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=ftypes, defaultextension='.ps') if not filename: return (x0, y0, w, h) = self.scrollregion() self._canvas.postscript(file=filename, x=x0, y=y0, width=w+2, height=h+2, pagewidth=w+2, # points = 1/72 inch pageheight=h+2, # points = 1/72 inch pagex=0, pagey=0)
def save_sigma_file(): """Brings up a file dialog box, so the user can choose a file for saving the current SIGMA diagram. Then converts the diagram to XML and saves it.""" import tkFileDialog savefile = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename( filetypes=[("SIGMA Diagram files", ".igm")], defaultextension=".igm") if savefile: dom = makeSigmaDOM() try: f = open(savefile, "w") dom.writexml(f) f.close() #global DIRTY; DIRTY = False except: print "Couldn't write the file: ", savefile raise
def onSave(self): filename = asksaveasfilename() if filename: alltext = self.gettext() open(filename, 'w').write(alltext)
def browseForFile(TkStringVar): TkStringVar.set(tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename()) # Tkinter doesn't let you send arguments to functions, so we must make wrapper functions:
def save(): output1 = textbox.get(1.0, END) str(output1) filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename() fileit = open(filename, "w") fileit.write(output1)
def saveit(): try: output1 = textbox.get(1.0, END) str(output1) filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename() entry2.insert(END, filename) fileit = open(filename, "w") fileit.write(output1) except: textbox.insert(END, "Failed Saving Data\n")
def setOutputFile(self): self.outputfile = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename() self.browseButtonText.set(self.outputfile)
def _save_screenshot(self): save_to = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(**dict( defaultextension=".png", filetypes=[('PNG', '.png')], title='Select file')) if not save_to: return log.info('Save to: %s', save_to) self._image.save(save_to)
def on_click_save_tads(self, event): tk.Tk().withdraw() # Close the root window save_path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename() if save_path is not None: with open(save_path, 'w') as o: for region in self.tad_regions: o.write("%s\t%d\t%d\n" % (region.chromosome, region.start-1, region.end))
def on_click_save_vector(self, event): tk.Tk().withdraw() # Close the root window save_path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename() if save_path is not None: da_sub = self.da[self.current_da_ix] with open(save_path, 'w') as o: for i, region in enumerate(self.regions): o.write("%s\t%d\t%d\t.\t%e\n" % (region.chromosome, region.start-1, region.end, da_sub[i]))
def on_click_save_matrix(self, event): tk.Tk().withdraw() # Close the root window save_path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename() if save_path is not None: with open(save_path, 'w') as o: # write regions for i, region in enumerate(self.regions): o.write("%s:%d-%d" % (region.chromosome, region.start-1, region.end)) if i < len(self.regions)-1: o.write("\t") else: o.write("\n") # write matrix n_rows = self.da.shape[0] n_cols = self.da.shape[1] for i in range(n_rows): window_size = self.ws[i] o.write("%d\t" % window_size) for j in range(n_cols): o.write("%e" % self.da[i, j]) if j < n_cols-1: o.write("\t") else: o.write("\n")
def save_as_ps(self,e=None): filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=self.parent,title='Choose a filename',filetypes = [('Postscript', '.ps')],initialfile=self.graph_mode.get()+' graph.ps') self.chart.postscript(file=filename, colormode='color')
def save_as_ps(self,e=None): filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=self.parent,title='Choose a filename',filetypes = [('Postscript', '.ps')],initialfile='variation_move'+str(self.move)+'.ps') self.goban.postscript(file=filename, colormode='color')
def save_left_as_ps(self,e=None): filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=self.parent,title='Choose a filename',filetypes = [('Postscript', '.ps')],initialfile='move'+str(self.current_move)+'.ps') self.goban1.postscript(file=filename, colormode='color')
def save_right_as_ps(self,e=None): filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=self.parent,title='Choose a filename',filetypes = [('Postscript', '.ps')],initialfile='move'+str(self.current_move)+'.ps') self.goban2.postscript(file=filename, colormode='color')
def _get_output_filename(self, title='Select Output File'): root, _, asksaveasfilename = self._setup_tkinter() # show an "Open" dialog box and return the path to the selected file output_file = asksaveasfilename(title=title) root.destroy() # Destroy the GUI return output_file
def _setup_tkinter(self): '''Creates a Tkinter input file dialog''' # Import Tkinter GUI widgets if sys.version_info.major == 2: from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename import Tkinter as tk else: from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename import tkinter as tk # Code below is to make sure the file dialog appears above the # terminal/browser # Based on # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3375227/how-to-give-tkinter-file-dialog-focus # Make a top-level instance and hide since it is ugly and big. root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() # Make it almost invisible - no decorations, 0 size, top left corner. root.overrideredirect(True) root.geometry('0x0+0+0') # Show window again and lift it to top so it can get focus, # otherwise dialogs will end up behind the terminal. root.deiconify() root.lift() root.focus_force() return root, askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename
def IDTgroup2svg(IDT_group): IDT_group_dir = IDT_group['IDT_group_dir'] Tk().withdraw() # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing svg_filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title='Wafer routing filename',defaultextension = 'svg',initialdir = IDT_group_dir); svg_dwg = SVGT.Init_svg(svg_filename) for IDT_data in IDT_group['IDT']: IDT2svg(IDT_data,svg_dwg) svg_dwg.save(); IDT_group['svg_route']=svg_filename
def IDT_group2gds(IDT_group): IDT_group_dir = IDT_group['IDT_group_dir'] Tk().withdraw() # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing gds_filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title='Wafer gds filename',defaultextension = 'gds',initialdir = IDT_group_dir); layout = gds.core.Layout('LIBRARY') cell = gds.core.Cell('Main') for polygon in IDT_group['final_IDT']: points_exterior = 1e6*array(polygon.exterior.coords) #best practice: dimensions in um points_interior_has_to_be_created = True for interior_ring in polygon.interiors: if points_interior_has_to_be_created: points_interior = 1e6*array(interior_ring.coords) points_interior_has_to_be_created = False else: points_interior = vstack((points_interior,1e6*array(interior_ring.coords))) if not polygon.interiors: boundaries = gds.core.Boundary(points_exterior) else: boundaries = gds.core.Boundary(vstack((points_interior,points_exterior))) cell.add(boundaries) for IDT_data in IDT_group['IDT']: reticule = IDT_data['reticule'] for polygon in reticule: points = 1e6*array(polygon.exterior.coords) boundaries = gds.core.Boundary(points) cell.add(boundaries) layout.add(cell) layout.save(gds_filename)
def export_models(self): if self._check_run(): filename = tkfile.asksaveasfilename(title = "Export models", filetypes = [ ("Pickle", ".pickle") ], defaultextension = ".pickle") if len(filename) > 0: with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.solver.models, f, protocol = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def export_fitness(self): if self._check_run(): filename = tkfile.asksaveasfilename(title = "Export fitness", filetypes = [ ("Pickle", ".pickle") ], defaultextension = ".pickle") if len(filename) > 0: with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.solver.energy, f, protocol = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def save_as(self, path=None): if path: return motion_plan.dump(path) if motion_plan.path: initialdir, initialfile = os.path.split(motion_plan.path) path = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename( parent=self.master, initialfile=initialfile, initialdir=initialdir) else: path = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=self.master) if path: motion_plan.dump(path)
def Get_Save_File(self): if self.load_filename==None: showwarning("Export G-Code", "Nothing to export!") return myFormats = [('G-Code for EMC2','*.ngc'),\ ('All File','*.*') ] (beg, ende)=os.path.split(self.load_filename) (fileBaseName, fileExtension)=os.path.splitext(ende) inidir=self.config.save_path self.save_filename = asksaveasfilename(initialdir=inidir,\ initialfile=fileBaseName +'.ngc',filetypes=myFormats)
def save(self, editor): if not editor.f: fpathname = asksaveasfilename() if not fpathname: # file not saved return False editor.open(fpathname) self.write(editor=editor) # file saved return True
def filesavebox(msg=None , title=None , default="" , filetypes=None ): """ A file to get the name of a file to save. Returns the name of a file, or None if user chose to cancel. The "default" argument should contain a filename (i.e. the current name of the file to be saved). It may also be empty, or contain a filemask that includes wildcards. The "filetypes" argument works like the "filetypes" argument to fileopenbox. """ boxRoot = Tk() boxRoot.withdraw() initialbase, initialfile, initialdir, filetypes = fileboxSetup(default,filetypes) f = tk_FileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=boxRoot , title=getFileDialogTitle(msg,title) , initialfile=initialfile , initialdir=initialdir , filetypes=filetypes ) boxRoot.destroy() if not f: return None return os.path.normpath(f) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # # fileboxSetup # #-------------------------------------------------------------------
def export_data(self): if self.canvas_plot.plots_list != []: filepath = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("csv","*.csv")],parent=self) if not filepath == "": try: output_file_handler = open(filepath,"w") print >> output_file_handler, self.canvas_plot.export_to_csv() output_file_handler.close() except: pass else: tkMessageBox.showerror("Export Error", "No data to export.", parent=self)
def save_postscript(self): filepath = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("ps","*.ps")],parent=self) if not filepath == "": try: # Lowers the stack level of the points in order to hide them in the .ps image. self.canvas_plot.tag_lower("type:point") self.canvas_plot.postscript(file=filepath, colormode='color') self.canvas_plot.set_canvas_stack() except: pass
def save_new_project_from_main_menu(self): save_project_full_path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension="", filetypes=pmdt.pymod_session_extension, parent=self.main_window) if save_project_full_path == "": return None self.save_pymod_project(save_project_full_path)
def sequence_save(self, element): """ Save a single sequence to a file. """ remove_indels_choice = False if "-" in element.my_sequence: remove_indels_choice = tkMessageBox.askyesno(message="Would you like to remove indels from the sequence when saving it to a file?", title="Save File", parent=self.main_window) filepath=asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("fasta","*.fasta")],parent=self.main_window) if not filepath == "": dirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath) filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] self.build_sequences_file([element], filename, file_format="fasta", remove_indels=remove_indels_choice, use_structural_information=False, new_directory=dirpath)
def save_full_model_to_file(self, full_model): save_file_full_path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension = "", filetypes = [("PDB","*.pdb")], parent=pymod.main_window) if save_file_full_path != "": # Moves the saved file to the path chosen by the user. try: old_path = full_model.original_file_path os.rename(old_path, save_file_full_path) except: title = "File Error" message = "Could not save the alignment file to path: %s" % (save_file_full_path) self.show_error_message(title, message)
def GetOutputPath(): filename_SaveFile = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(initialdir="C:\\", title="Select Output File Path", filetypes=(("dat files", "*dat"), ("all files", "*.*"))) ent_OutputFile.insert(0, filename_SaveFile) # Function to print status updates to the text area
def export_to_batch(self): outf = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.txt') if outf: with open(outf,'w') as f: for i in self.download_list: f.write(i[1].strip()+'\n') message.showinfo('Complete','Done exporting batch job to file')
def handleSaveAs(*args): global fname name=tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(initialfile=fname, filetypes=[('text', '.txt')]) if(name): if(name!=fname): with open(name, 'w') as f: fname=name f.write(editBox.get(START, END).encode('utf8', 'replace')) top.wm_title("Constrained Writer: "+fname)
def save(self): print('Save selected') outputFile = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.jpg') if outputFile is not None: outputImage = Image.new('RGB', (self.model.getWidth(), self.model.getHeight())) for region in self.model.getRegions(): imageFile = self.model.regionToImageFile[region] if imageFile is None: print('Warning: Region without image {0}'.format(region)) continue image = imageFile.getImageObject((region[2], region[3]), 'export') outputImage.paste(image, (region[0], region[1])) outputImage.save(outputFile)