def toggle_tabs_event(self, event): if self.askyesno( "Toggle tabs", "Turn tabs " + ("on", "off")[self.usetabs] + "?\nIndent width " + ("will be", "remains at")[self.usetabs] + " 8." + "\n Note: a tab is always 8 columns", parent=self.text): self.usetabs = not self.usetabs # Try to prevent inconsistent indentation. # User must change indent width manually after using tabs. self.indentwidth = 8 return "break" # XXX this isn't bound to anything -- see tabwidth comments ## def change_tabwidth_event(self, event): ## new = self._asktabwidth() ## if new != self.tabwidth: ## self.tabwidth = new ## self.set_indentation_params(0, guess=0) ## return "break"
def menu_saveThemeAs(self): """ callback for saveAs menu item """ newTheme = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(mustexist=True, initialdir=self.themeRootPath, title='Open Theme') if newTheme and os.path.isdir(newTheme): if os.path.isfile(newTheme+os.path.sep+'theme.json'): if not tkMessageBox.askyesno(title='Save theme', message='Theme exists. Overwrite?'): return self.saveTheme(newTheme)
def yesno(self, heading, line1, line2=None, line3=None, nolabel=None, yeslabel=None): """Show a dialog 'YES/NO'. heading: string or unicode - dialog heading. line1: string or unicode - line #1 text. line2: string or unicode - line #2 text. line3: string or unicode - line #3 text. nolabel: label to put on the no button. yeslabel: label to put on the yes button. Note: Returns True if 'Yes' was pressed, else False. Example: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ret = dialog.yesno('XBMC', 'Do you want to exit this script?') """ root = self.root prompt = [elem for elem in [line1, line2, line3] if elem] message = '\n'.join(prompt) ans = tkMessageBox.askyesno(heading, message, parent=root) root.destroy() return ans[0]
def on_exit(self): #When you click to exit, this function is called if tkMessageBox.askyesno("Exit", "Do you want to quit the application?"): self.store_para(gui_vars.saveParaPath, gui_vars.configName) print 'Close Main Thread...' self.main_run_judge= False self.ArdMntr.exit= True self.scanning_judge= False #self.CamMntr.stop_clean_buffer() #del(self.thread_main) self.thread_main.exit() print 'Close Arduino Thread...' #del(self.CamMntr.thread_clean_buffer) #print 'Close Scanning Thread...' #del(self.thread_scanning) print self.MaxSpeed self.CamMntr.release_cap() self.root.destroy()
def ss_choose_outdir(self): Paths.ss_outpath = P3F.ig_choose_output_folder( self.page3, self.outdir_entry ) if Paths.ss_outpath != "": rly = tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Warning", "All files in "+Paths.ss_outpath+" will be deleted. Continue?" ) if rly is True: self.autoscore_button.configure(state="normal") self.simulation_button.configure(state="normal") else: self.outdir_entry.configure(entry_state="normal") self.autoscore_button.configure(state="disabled") self.simulation_button.configure(state="disabled") Paths.ss_outpath = "" else: self.outdir_entry.configure(entry_state="normal") Paths.ss_outpath = "" self.autoscore_button.configure(state="disabled") self.simulation_button.configure(state="disabled")
def yesNoBox(self, title, message): self.topLevel.update_idletasks() return MessageBox.askyesno(title, message)
def deleteSSL(self): resposnse = messagebox.askyesno(title="Do you want to continue?", message="Are you sure that you want to delete " + self.certsList.get(ACTIVE)) if resposnse == True: try: self.iamClient.delete_server_certificate(ServerCertificateName=self.certsList.get(ACTIVE)) self.message.info("Deleting SSL", "SSL deleted") self.getSSLList() except: self.message.error("Something happened", "There was an error\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) # Function to set the AWS profile from input box
def MsgBox(title, text, style): box = [ msg.showinfo, msg.showwarning, msg.showerror, msg.askquestion, msg.askyesno, msg.askokcancel, msg.askretrycancel, ]; tk.Tk().withdraw(); #Hide Main Window. if style in range(7): return box[style](title, text)
def ask_yes_no(self, title, message): return messagebox.askyesno(title, message)
def saveit(self): doit = tkMessageBox.askyesno("save gamma curve", "overwrite?") if doit: keys = [ [self.gamma_red[x][0], (self.gamma_red[x][1], self.gamma_green[x][1], self.gamma_blue[x][1])] for x in range(self.num_ctrl)] grad = { 'gamma':keys} with open('gamma_grad.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(grad, outfile) print 'written.'
def menu_overrideTheme(self): """ callback for save menu item """ if self.themePath == "": self.menu_saveThemeAs() return themebase, themename = os.path.split(self.themePath) if not tkMessageBox.askyesno(title='Save theme', message='Overwrite existing theme "%s"?'%themename): return self.saveTheme(self.themePath)
def close_window(self): yes = tkmessage.askyesno("Exit", "Do you really want to quit?") if yes: self.close()
def DeleteCustomKeys(self): keySetName=self.customKeys.get() delmsg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the key set %r ?' if not tkMessageBox.askyesno( 'Delete Key Set', delmsg % keySetName, parent=self): return self.DeactivateCurrentConfig() #remove key set from config idleConf.userCfg['keys'].remove_section(keySetName) if keySetName in self.changedItems['keys']: del(self.changedItems['keys'][keySetName]) #write changes idleConf.userCfg['keys'].Save() #reload user key set list itemList = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys') itemList.sort() if not itemList: self.radioKeysCustom.config(state=DISABLED) self.optMenuKeysCustom.SetMenu(itemList, '- no custom keys -') else: self.optMenuKeysCustom.SetMenu(itemList, itemList[0]) #revert to default key set self.keysAreBuiltin.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys', 'default')) self.builtinKeys.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys', 'name')) #user can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now self.SaveAllChangedConfigs() self.ActivateConfigChanges() self.SetKeysType()
def DeleteCustomTheme(self): themeName = self.customTheme.get() delmsg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the theme %r ?' if not tkMessageBox.askyesno( 'Delete Theme', delmsg % themeName, parent=self): return self.DeactivateCurrentConfig() #remove theme from config idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].remove_section(themeName) if themeName in self.changedItems['highlight']: del(self.changedItems['highlight'][themeName]) #write changes idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].Save() #reload user theme list itemList = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight') itemList.sort() if not itemList: self.radioThemeCustom.config(state=DISABLED) self.optMenuThemeCustom.SetMenu(itemList, '- no custom themes -') else: self.optMenuThemeCustom.SetMenu(itemList, itemList[0]) #revert to default theme self.themeIsBuiltin.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme', 'default')) self.builtinTheme.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme', 'name')) #user can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now self.SaveAllChangedConfigs() self.ActivateConfigChanges() self.SetThemeType()
def issuedMatch(self): info = self.host.pool.queue[0] ok = askyesno('Challenge', 'There is a challenge %s!' % str(info)) if ok: self.acceptMatch() else: self.refuseMatch()
def issuedTakeOneBack(self): info = self.host.pool.queue[0] ok = askyesno('Challenge', 'Your opponent requested a take one back ! Accept it?') if ok: self.acceptTakeOneBack() else: self.refuseTakeOneBack()
def issuedTakeTwoBack(self): info = self.host.pool.queue[0] ok = askyesno('Challenge', 'Your opponent requested a take two back ! Accept it?') if ok: self.acceptTakeTwoBack() else: self.refuseTakeTwoBack()
def launch_pymod_update(self): # Gets the latest release number from network. try: update_found = pmup.check_for_updates(self.pymod_version, self.pymod_revision) except Exception, e: self.show_error_message("Connection Error", "Can not obtain the latest PyMod version number beacause of the following error: '%s'" % e) return False if not update_found: self.show_warning_message("Update Canceled", "Your PyMod version (%s.%s) is already up to date." % (self.pymod_version, self.pymod_revision)) return False # Ask for update confirmation. title = "Update PyMod?" message = "Would you like to update your current PyMod version (%s.%s) to the latest stable one available online (%s)? You will need to restart PyMOL in order to use the new version." % (self.pymod_version, self.pymod_revision, update_found) answer = tkMessageBox.askyesno(title, message, parent=self.main_window) if not answer: return False # Fetches the latest stable version files of PyMod. try: plugin_zipfile_temp_name = pmup.fetch_plugin_zipfile() except Exception, e: self.show_error_message("Connection Error", "Can not fetch the latest PyMod files beacause of the following error: '%s'" % e) return False if not plugin_zipfile_temp_name: return False # Installs the new PyMod version. pymod_plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) update_results = pmup.update_pymod(plugin_zipfile_temp_name, pymod_plugin_dir) if update_results[0]: self.show_info_message("Update Successful", "PyMod has been updated to version %s. Please restart PyMOL in order to use the updated PyMod version." % (update_found)) else: self.show_error_message("Update Failed", update_results[1])
def confirm_close(self, parent=None): """ Asks confirmation when the main window is closed by the user. """ parent_window = None if parent == None: parent_window = self.main_window else: parent_window = parent answer = tkMessageBox.askyesno(message="Are you really sure you want to exit PyMod?", title="Exit PyMod?", parent=parent_window) if answer: self.main_window.destroy()
def begin_new_project_from_main_menu(self): answer = tkMessageBox.askyesno(message="Are you really sure you want to begin a new PyMod project? If you do not save your current project, its data will be permanently lost.", title="Begin New Project?", parent=self.main_window) if not answer: return None self.start_new_project() ################## # Save projects. # ##################
def sequence_save(self, element): """ Save a single sequence to a file. """ remove_indels_choice = False if "-" in element.my_sequence: remove_indels_choice = tkMessageBox.askyesno(message="Would you like to remove indels from the sequence when saving it to a file?", title="Save File", parent=self.main_window) filepath=asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("fasta","*.fasta")],parent=self.main_window) if not filepath == "": dirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath) filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] self.build_sequences_file([element], filename, file_format="fasta", remove_indels=remove_indels_choice, use_structural_information=False, new_directory=dirpath)
def delete_alignment_from_the_left_pane(self): title = "Delete Cluster?" message = "Are you sure you want to delete %s?" % (self.get_cluster().my_header) choice = tkMessageBox.askyesno(message=message, title=title, parent=pymod.main_window) if choice: pymod.delete_alignment(self.get_cluster()) pymod.gridder()
def AskReplace(): if tkMessageBox.askyesno("Replace save file?", "Do you want to replace your existing save file?\nBackup of original will be created.") == True: replace_path = "%s_%d" % (ent_SaveFile.get(), int(time.time())) os.rename(ent_SaveFile.get(), replace_path) DebugPrint(" + Backed up save file to %s" % (replace_path)) os.rename(ent_OutputFile.get(), ent_SaveFile.get()) DebugPrint(" + Replace old save file with new save file") # Function to alphabetize wrestler list
def DeleteCustomKeys(self): keySetName=self.customKeys.get() if not tkMessageBox.askyesno('Delete Key Set','Are you sure you wish '+ 'to delete the key set %r ?' % (keySetName), parent=self): return #remove key set from config idleConf.userCfg['keys'].remove_section(keySetName) if keySetName in self.changedItems['keys']: del(self.changedItems['keys'][keySetName]) #write changes idleConf.userCfg['keys'].Save() #reload user key set list itemList=idleConf.GetSectionList('user','keys') itemList.sort() if not itemList: self.radioKeysCustom.config(state=DISABLED) self.optMenuKeysCustom.SetMenu(itemList,'- no custom keys -') else: self.optMenuKeysCustom.SetMenu(itemList,itemList[0]) #revert to default key set self.keysAreBuiltin.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys','default')) self.builtinKeys.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys','name')) #user can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now self.Apply() self.SetKeysType()
def DeleteCustomTheme(self): themeName=self.customTheme.get() if not tkMessageBox.askyesno('Delete Theme','Are you sure you wish '+ 'to delete the theme %r ?' % (themeName,), parent=self): return #remove theme from config idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].remove_section(themeName) if themeName in self.changedItems['highlight']: del(self.changedItems['highlight'][themeName]) #write changes idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].Save() #reload user theme list itemList=idleConf.GetSectionList('user','highlight') itemList.sort() if not itemList: self.radioThemeCustom.config(state=DISABLED) self.optMenuThemeCustom.SetMenu(itemList,'- no custom themes -') else: self.optMenuThemeCustom.SetMenu(itemList,itemList[0]) #revert to default theme self.themeIsBuiltin.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme','default')) self.builtinTheme.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme','name')) #user can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now self.Apply() self.SetThemeType()
def find_updates(self, verbose=True): """ Run check_update and as user whether to update. """ if self.check_update(): if tkMessageBox.askyesno('Download update', 'An updated version of PIEFACE exists, do you want to download it?'): webbrowser.open('https://github.com/jcumby/PIEFACE/releases/latest') else: if verbose: tkMessageBox.showinfo('Update','PIEFACE is up to date')
def decide_who_plays(self): if tkMessageBox.askyesno(" White ?", "Engine plays White ?"): self.playerMovesFirst = True self.draw_player_move_first()
def check_dir(self, dire): if not os.path.exists(dire): os.makedirs(dire) else: def go_ahead_then(dire): shutil.rmtree(dire) os.makedirs(dire) wte = tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Warning", "All files in\n" + dire + "\nwill be deleted. Continue?" ) if wte: wtd = tkMessageBox.askyesno("Warning", "Are you sure?") if wtd: go_ahead_then(dire) print "Files erased. Continuing." return 1 else: tkMessageBox.showinfo( "PyRy3D info", "Choose a different directory \n\ and try again." ) return 0 else: tkMessageBox.showinfo( "PyRy3D info", "Choose a different directory \n and try again." ) return 0
def new_session(self): rly = tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Warning", "This will close all opened models. Continue?" ) if rly is True: self.clear() self.clear_button.configure(state="normal") self.open_button.configure(state="normal") self.dens_button.configure(state="normal") self.comp_button.configure(state="normal") self.new_session_button.configure("disabled") chimera.runCommand("close all")
def openandsaveall(self): if len(self.complist) <= 1: tkMessageBox.showinfo( "PyRy3D info", "You must add at least two structures." ) else: rly1 = True if Paths.mappath == "" or Paths.mappath == (): rly1 = tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Warning", "No shape descriptor provided. Continue?" ) if rly1 is True: rly2 = tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Warning", "This will close all opened models before loading new data. Continue?" ) if rly2 is True: runCommand("close all") P1F.opencommand(Paths.mappath, self.complist) P1F.writeAllPDBs(Paths.temppath, Paths.mappath) runCommand("windowsize 9999 9999") self.open_button.configure(state="disabled") self.dens_button.configure(state="disabled") self.comp_button.configure(state="disabled") self.clear_button.configure(state="disabled") self.new_session_button.configure(state="normal") self.notebook.tab(1).configure(state="normal") self.notebook.tab(2).configure(state="normal") self.notebook.tab(3).configure(state="normal") self.notebook.tab(3).configure(state="normal") # ----- FUNCTIONS TRIGGERED BY WIDGETS ON THE --- SECOND PAGE ---
def zero_cal(): ok = tkMessageBox.askyesno("Zero power sensor", "Perform zero level adjust? (Disconnect sensor from the signal source)") if ok: sensor.cal_zero() sensor.send_OPC() print("Zeroing sensor. Please wait.") wait_on_queue_progress_bar(sensor.event_queue, 6) tkMessageBox.showinfo("Zero power sensor", "Zero cal complete. Reconnect the power sensor to the signal source.")
def delete(self): if askyesno(title='Deletion', message='Are you sure you wish to delete this ' 'conversation?'): self.peer.delete_conversation(self.conversation.contact.name) self.destroy()
def _on_upload_btn_clicked(self): selected_rows = self.runresultsview.get_selection() if len(selected_rows) == 0: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'No tests selected.') return selected_qc_dir = self.qcdir_tree.selection() if len(selected_qc_dir) != 1: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Destination not selected.') return qcdir = self.dir_dict[selected_qc_dir[0]] if not qcdir: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'path is blank') return assert qcdir.startswith('Root\\'), qcdir # remove "Root\" qcdir = qcdir[5:] results = self.results.copy() results['tests'] = [self.runresultsview.tests[row] for row in selected_rows] result = messagebox.askyesno( 'Confirm', ('Are you sure you want to upload to the following ' 'location?\n\n{}'.format(qcdir))) if not result: return work_in_background( self, lambda: importer.import_results( self.qcc, qcdir, results, self.attach_report.get()), lambda: messagebox.showinfo('Success', 'Import complete.'))
def runcode(self, code): "Override base class method" if self.tkconsole.executing: self.interp.restart_subprocess() self.checklinecache() if self.save_warnings_filters is not None: warnings.filters[:] = self.save_warnings_filters self.save_warnings_filters = None debugger = self.debugger try: self.tkconsole.beginexecuting() if not debugger and self.rpcclt is not None: self.active_seq = self.rpcclt.asyncqueue("exec", "runcode", (code,), {}) elif debugger: debugger.run(code, self.locals) else: exec code in self.locals except SystemExit: if not self.tkconsole.closing: if tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Exit?", "Do you want to exit altogether?", default="yes", parent=self.tkconsole.text): raise else: self.showtraceback() else: raise except: if use_subprocess: print("IDLE internal error in runcode()", file=self.tkconsole.stderr) self.showtraceback() self.tkconsole.endexecuting() else: if self.tkconsole.canceled: self.tkconsole.canceled = False print("KeyboardInterrupt", file=self.tkconsole.stderr) else: self.showtraceback() finally: if not use_subprocess: try: self.tkconsole.endexecuting() except AttributeError: # shell may have closed pass
def start_new_project(self): """ Starts up a new job. """ self.initialize_project_data() # Cheks for PyMod configuration file. self.configuration_file_error = False # If it is not found, then treat this session as the first one and asks the user to input # the 'PyMod Directory' path before beginning the first PyMod job. if not os.path.isfile(self.cfg_file_path): self.show_first_time_usage_message() self.show_pymod_directory_selection_window() # The configuration file is found. else: try: # Check if there is 'pymod_temp_directory' left by the PyMod installer script. if not self.check_installer_script_temp_directory(): # Get values options for each PyMod tool and start a new PyMod job. self.initialize_session() # If there is a 'pymod_temp_directory' (the installer script has been used before # this last PyMod session). else: # The installer script was run before configuring PyMod for the first time (it # left an empty configuratio file). if self.check_empty_configuration_file(): self.show_first_time_usage_message() self.show_pymod_directory_selection_window() # The installer script was run after the first PyMod session (in order to # install some missing tools). else: self.initialize_session() except Exception, e: self.show_configuration_file_error(e, "read") title = 'Configuration file repair' message = "Would you like to delete PyMod configuration file and build a new functional copy of it?" repair_choice = tkMessageBox.askyesno(title, message) self.configuration_file_error = True if repair_choice: self.show_pymod_directory_selection_window() else: self.main_window.destroy()
def check_sequences_level(self): """ This method is used to ask the user a confirmation before performing an alignment in certain situations (for example when building an alignment only with sequences belonging to the same cluster). """ proceed_with_alignment = False self.clusters_are_involved = False # --- # For regular alignments. # --- if self.alignment_strategy == "regular-alignment": self.rebuild_single_alignment_choice = False self.extract_siblings_choice = False if len(self.involved_clusters_mi_list) == 1 and len(self.childless_mothers_mi_list) == 0: # If there is only one cluster selected with all its elements: the user might want to # rebuild an alignment with all its elements, ask confirmation. if self.involved_clusters_mi_list == self.selected_clusters_mi_list: title = "Rebuild alignment?" message = "Would you like to rebuild the alignment with all its sequences?" proceed_with_alignment = tkMessageBox.askyesno(title, message, parent=self.main_window) self.rebuild_single_alignment_choice = proceed_with_alignment else: title = "Extract children?" message = "Would you like to extract the selected children and build a new alignment?" proceed_with_alignment = tkMessageBox.askyesno(title, message, parent=self.main_window) self.extract_siblings_choice = proceed_with_alignment elif len(self.involved_clusters_mi_list) > 0: self.clusters_are_involved = True proceed_with_alignment = True elif len(self.involved_clusters_mi_list) == 0: proceed_with_alignment = True # --- # For profile alignments. # --- elif self.alignment_strategy == "profile-alignment": proceed_with_alignment = True self.clusters_are_involved = True return proceed_with_alignment
def dope_from_main_menu(self): """ Called when users decide calculate DOPE of a structure loaded in PyMod. """ # Checks if the DOPE profiles can be computed. selection = self.get_selected_sequences() if not self.modeller.can_be_launched(): self.show_error_message("MODELLER Error", "MODELLER is missing. In order to compute DOPE scores of a structure, MODELLER has to be installed.") return False if len(selection) == 0: self.show_error_message("Selection Error", "Please select at least one structure to assess.") return False if not self.all_sequences_have_structure(): self.show_error_message("Selection Error", "Please select only elements that have a 3D structure currently loaded in PyMOL.") return False if len(set([seq.mother_index for seq in selection])) != 1: self.show_error_message("Selection Error", "You can assess multiple structures DOPE only if they are aligned in the same cluster.") return False # Ask users if they would like to color the sequences according to their DOPE values. title = "Color Option" message = "Would you like to color the selected sequences by their DOPE values, once they have been calculated?" color_by_dope_choice = tkMessageBox.askyesno(message=message, title=title, parent=pymod.main_window) # Initializes MODELLER. if self.modeller.run_internally(): env = modeller.environ() env.io.atom_files_directory = [] env.io.atom_files_directory.append(".") env.io.hetatm = True env.io.water = True env.libs.topology.read(file='$(LIB)/top_heav.lib') env.libs.parameters.read(file='$(LIB)/par.lib') else: env = None # Actually computes the DOPE scores of the polypeptide chains in the user selection. for element in selection: self.compute_dope(element,env=env) # Assigns to each residue of the selected chains a correspoding color according to its DOPE. self.assign_dope_items(selection) # Color the elements. if color_by_dope_choice: for element in selection: element.color_element_by_dope() self.gridder() # Shows the DOPE profiles plot. dope_graph_mode = None if len(selection) == 1: dope_graph_mode = "single" elif len(selection) >= 2: dope_graph_mode = "multiple" # Prepares the data to show in the plot. dope_plot_data = self.prepare_dope_plot_data(selection, mode = dope_graph_mode) # Shows the plot. self.show_dope_plot(dope_plot_data)
def runcode(self, code): "Override base class method" if self.tkconsole.executing: self.interp.restart_subprocess() self.checklinecache() if self.save_warnings_filters is not None: warnings.filters[:] = self.save_warnings_filters self.save_warnings_filters = None debugger = self.debugger try: self.tkconsole.beginexecuting() if not debugger and self.rpcclt is not None: self.active_seq = self.rpcclt.asyncqueue("exec", "runcode", (code,), {}) elif debugger: debugger.run(code, self.locals) else: exec code in self.locals except SystemExit: if not self.tkconsole.closing: if tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Exit?", "Do you want to exit altogether?", default="yes", master=self.tkconsole.text): raise else: self.showtraceback() else: raise except: if use_subprocess: print >>self.tkconsole.stderr, \ "IDLE internal error in runcode()" self.showtraceback() self.tkconsole.endexecuting() else: if self.tkconsole.canceled: self.tkconsole.canceled = False print >>self.tkconsole.stderr, "KeyboardInterrupt" else: self.showtraceback() finally: if not use_subprocess: try: self.tkconsole.endexecuting() except AttributeError: # shell may have closed pass