def chooseDialogFiles(self): filenames = filedialog.askopenfilenames( defaultextension = '.SPE', filetypes = [('WinViewer Documents', '.SPE'), ('all files', '.*'),], parent = self, title = "Select .SPE files", multiple = True, ) print(filenames) if len(filenames) == 0: return self.chooseFilePath = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(filenames[0]) ) print("select:", self.chooseFilePath) self.chooseFileOutDir = filedialog.askdirectory( initialdir = self.chooseFilePath, parent = self, title = "Select output Directory", mustexist = False, ) print("out:", self.chooseFileOutDir) if not self.checkDir(self.chooseFileOutDir): return self.convertFiles(filenames, self.chooseFileOutDir)
def openFileChooser(self): sel_file = filedialog.askopenfilenames(parent=self, initialdir=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), filetypes=(("Save files", "*.sav"), ("All files", "*.*"))) if sel_file: sel_file = sel_file[0] # print(sel_file) if os.path.isfile(sel_file): self.saveFilePathTxt.set(sel_file) self.saveFilePath = sel_file self.saveFileDir = os.path.dirname(sel_file) self.saveFileName = os.path.basename(sel_file) # print(self.saveFileName) # Reset Info self.clearMCSelSkillInfo() self.mcSkillListBox.select_clear(0, tk.END) self.clearDeStats() self.clearDeSelSkillInfo() self.deSkillListBox.select_clear(0, tk.END) self.processSaveFile()
def Combine_Files_with_Network(self): #, Gel_db): """Select one or more Gellish files in a dialog and import files into the database tables, after syntactic verification, but without consistency verification. """ # Select one or more files to be imported file_path_names = filedialog.askopenfilenames(filetypes=[("CSV files","*.csv"),("JSON files","*.json"),\ ("All files","*.*")], title="Select file") #print('Selected file(s):',modelFiles) if file_path_names == '': Message(self.Gel_net.GUI_lang_index, \ '\nThe file name is blank or the inclusion is cancelled. There is no file read.',\ '\nDe file naam is blanco of het inlezen is gecancelled. Er is geen file ingelezen.') return # Read file(s) for file_path_and_name in file_path_names: # Split file_path_and_name in file path and file name path_name = file_path_and_name.rsplit('/', maxsplit=1) if len(path_name) == 2: Message(self.Gel_net.GUI_lang_index, \ '\nReading file <{}> from directory {}.'.format(path_name[1], path_name[0]),\ '\nLees file <{}> van directory {}.'.format(path_name[1], path_name[0])) file_name = path_name[1] file_path = path_name[0] else: Message(self.Gel_net.GUI_lang_index, \ '\nReading file <{}> from current directory.'.format(file_path_and_name),\ '\nLees file <{}> van actuele directory.'.format(file_path_and_name)) file_name = file_path_and_name file_path = '' # Create file object file = Gellish_file(file_path_and_name, self.Gel_net) # Import expressions from file self.Import_Gellish_from_file(file) #, Gel_db) self.files_read.append(file) ## Message(self.Gel_net.GUI_lang_index, \ ## '\nRead file : %s is added to list of read files.' % (file.path_and_name),\ ## '\nGelezen file: %s is toegevoegd aan lijst van gelezen files.\n' % (file.path_and_name))
def file_location(): root = tkinter.Tk() files = filedialog.askopenfilenames(parent=root,title='Choose files') files = root.tk.splitlist(files) return files
def get_filenames(): Tk().withdraw() print("Initializing Dialogue... \nPlease select a file.") tk_filenames = askopenfilenames(initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Please select one or more files') filenames = list(tk_filenames) return filenames
def import_map(self): filepath = tk.filedialog.askopenfilenames(title='Import shapefile') if not filepath: return else: self.filepath ,= filepath self.draw_map()
def import_nodes(self): filepath = filedialog.askopenfilenames(filetypes = (('xls files','*.xls'),)) if not filepath: return else: filepath ,= filepath book = xlrd.open_workbook(filepath) try: sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) # if the sheet cannot be found, there's nothing to import except xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: warnings.warn('the excel file is empty: import failed') for row_index in range(1, sheet.nrows): x, y = self.to_canvas_coordinates(*sheet.row_values(row_index)) self.create_object(x, y)
def _dialog(action, last_path): # pygments supports so many different kinds of file types that # showing them all would be insane # TODO: allow configuring which file types are shown options = {'filetypes': [("All files", "*")]} # the mro thing is there to avoid import cycles (lol) tab = porcupine.get_tab_manager().current_tab if any(cls.__name__ == 'FileTab' for cls in type(tab).__mro__): if tab.filetype.patterns: options['filetypes'].insert( 0, ("%s files" % tab.filetype.name, tab.filetype.patterns)) elif 'filetypes' in last_options: options['filetypes'] = last_options['filetypes'] if tab.path is not None: options['initialdir'] = os.path.dirname(tab.path) elif 'initialdir' in last_options: options['initialdir'] = last_options['initialdir'] last_options.clear() last_options.update(options) if action == 'open': assert last_path is None options['title'] = "Open Files" filenames = [os.path.abspath(file) for file in filedialog.askopenfilenames(**options)] if filenames: last_options['initialdir'] = os.path.dirname(filenames[0]) return filenames assert action == 'save' options['title'] = "Save As" if last_path is not None: options['initialdir'] = os.path.dirname(last_path) options['initialfile'] = os.path.basename(last_path) # filename can be '' if the user cancelled filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(**options) if filename: filename = os.path.abspath(filename) last_options['defaultdir'] = os.path.dirname(filename) return filename return None