def browseFile(self): filetypes = [ ("HTML Files", "*.htm *.html", "TEXT"), ("PDF Files", "*.pdf", "TEXT"), ("Windows Help Files", "*.chm"), ("Text Files", "*.txt", "TEXT"), ("All Files", "*")] path = self.path.get() if path: dir, base = os.path.split(path) else: base = None if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'Doc') if not os.path.isdir(dir): dir = os.getcwd() else: dir = os.getcwd() opendialog = tkFileDialog.Open(parent=self, filetypes=filetypes) file = opendialog.show(initialdir=dir, initialfile=base) if file: self.path.set(file)
def askopenfile(self): dir, base = self.defaultfilename("open") if not self.opendialog: self.opendialog = tkFileDialog.Open(master=self.text, filetypes=self.filetypes) filename = self.opendialog.show(initialdir=dir, initialfile=base) return filename
def __init__(self, window_aspect_ratio = PyGramConfig.WINDOW_ASPECT_RATIO, window_width = PyGramConfig.WINDOW_WIDTH, window_height = PyGramConfig.WINDOW_HEIGHT, btngrid_rows = PyGramConfig.BTNGRID_ROWS, btngrid_cols = PyGramConfig.BTNGRID_COLS, resizable = False): self.window_size = (int(window_width), int(window_height)) self.btngrid_size = (btngrid_rows, btngrid_cols) self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title('{name} v{version}'.format( name = PyGramConfig.NAME, version = PyGramConfig.VERSION )) self.root.geometry('{width}x{height}'.format( width = window_width + 2, height = window_height )) self.root.resizable(width = resizable, height = resizable) self.frame = PyGram.Frame(self.root, window_size = self.window_size, btngrid_size = self.btngrid_size) self.frame.filemenu.add_command(label = 'Open File', command = self.on_open_file) self.frame.filemenu.add_command(label = 'Save', command = self.on_save)
def on_open_file(self): filetypes = PyGramConfig.ACCEPTED_FILES dialog = filedialog.Open(self.frame, filetypes = filetypes) filename = dialog.show() self.open_image(filename)
def open_file(self): """Opens dialog to select a file, reads data from file and plots the data""" ftypes = [('Text files', '*.txt'), ('All files', '*')] dlg = filedialog.Open(root, filetypes = ftypes) fl = dlg.show() if fl != '': # Open file for reading arch = open(fl, "r") datos_arch = arch.read() # Searches for every channel, delimited by L1, L2 and L3 tags. canal_1 = extraer_int_tag(datos_arch, 'L1') canal_2 = extraer_int_tag(datos_arch, 'L2') canal_3 = extraer_int_tag(datos_arch, 'L3') print("Amount of samples in channel 1: %s" %len(canal_1)) print("Amount of samples on channel 2: %s" %len(canal_2)) print("Amount of samples on channel 3: %s" %len(canal_3)) message_string = "Amount of samples channel 1: {0} \n".format(len(canal_1)) message_string += "Amount of samples channel 2: {0} \n".format(len(canal_2)) message_string += "Amount of samples channel 3: {0} \n".format(len(canal_3)) self.show_message(self.text_message, message_string) global g_canal_1, g_canal_2, g_canal_3 #Keep a copy of the original values g_canal_1 = canal_1[:] #Copy list by value not by reference g_canal_2 = canal_2[:] g_canal_3 = canal_3[:] self.window_var.set(1) #Option rectangular window self.plot(self.tab1, self.tab2, canal_1, canal_2, canal_3, win_var=1)
def askopenfile(self): dir, base = self.defaultfilename("open") if not self.opendialog: self.opendialog = tkFileDialog.Open(parent=self.text, filetypes=self.filetypes) filename = self.opendialog.show(initialdir=dir, initialfile=base) return filename