def loadTheme(self, folderpath): print("Loading theme: {}".format(folderpath)) self.observer.unschedule_all() if os.path.isdir(folderpath): self.app_config['theme_folder'] = folderpath self.loadConfig(self.text_config, os.path.join(folderpath,'textcolor.cfg'), argb_check=True) failed_to_load = [] for key in self.i: failed_filename = self.loadImage(folderpath, key) if failed_filename: failed_to_load.append("{}.png".format(failed_filename)) if failed_to_load: failed_to_load.sort() messagebox.showwarning("Error", 'Failed to load {}/{} image(s):\n{}'.format(len(failed_to_load), len(self.i)-3, "\n".join(failed_to_load))) self.observer.schedule(FSEventHandler(self), folderpath, recursive=False) else: messagebox.showwarning("Error", 'Theme path not found:\n{}'.format(folderpath))
def loadTheme(self, folderpath): print("Loading theme: {}".format(folderpath)) self.observer.unschedule_all() if os.path.isdir(folderpath): self.app_config['theme_folder'] = folderpath self.loadConfig(self.text_config, os.path.join(folderpath,'textcolor.cfg'), argb_check=True) failed_to_load = [] for key in self.i: failed_filename = self.loadImage(folderpath, key) if failed_filename: failed_to_load.append("{}.png".format(failed_filename)) if failed_to_load: failed_to_load.sort() messagebox.showwarning("Error", 'Failed to load {}/{} image(s):\n{}'.format(len(failed_to_load), len(self.i)-3, "\n".join(failed_to_load))) self.observer.schedule(FSEventHandler(self), folderpath, recursive=False) self.rebuildCache() else: messagebox.showwarning("Error", 'Theme path not found:\n{}'.format(folderpath))
def main(): # ?????????,?????Tkinter????????Tk??.??????withdraw()?????? tk = tkinter.Tk() tk.withdraw() # ????? print(dir(mb)) # ??,?????????,??ok,????????????.??????????????,??????????. # ??,???Cancel?,??????None mb.showinfo("Title", "Your message here") mb.showerror("An Error", "Oops!") mb.showwarning("Title", "This may not work...") mb.askyesno("Title", "Do you love me?") mb.askokcancel("Title", "Are you well?") mb.askquestion("Title", "How are you?") mb.askretrycancel("Title", "Go again?") mb.askyesnocancel("Title", "Are you well?")
def operatorButtonClicked(self): username = self.username.get() password = self.password.get() if not username: messagebox.showwarning("Username input is empty", "Please enter username.") return False if not password: messagebox.showwarning("Password input is empty", "Please enter password") return False isAnOperatorUsername = self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM operatorowner WHERE username = %s", username) if not isAnOperatorUsername: messagebox.showwarning("Username is not an operator\'s username", "The username you entered is not an operator\'s username.") return False usernameAndPasswordMatch = self.cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM registereduser WHERE (username = %s AND password = %s)", (username, password)) if not usernameAndPasswordMatch: messagebox.showwarning("Username and password don\'t match", "Sorry, the username and password you entered" + " do not match.") return False self.loginWindow.withdraw() operator = Operator(username) return True
def inspectorButtonClicked(self): username = self.username.get() password = self.password.get() if not username: messagebox.showwarning("Username input is empty", "Please enter username.") return False if not password: messagebox.showwarning("Password input is empty", "Please enter password") return False isAnInspectorUsername = self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM inspector WHERE username = %s", username) if not isAnInspectorUsername: messagebox.showwarning("Username is not an inspector\'s username", "The username you entered is not an inspector\'s username.") return False usernameAndPasswordMatch = self.cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM registereduser WHERE (username = %s AND password = %s)", (username, password)) if not usernameAndPasswordMatch: messagebox.showwarning("Username and password don\'t match", "Sorry, the username and password you entered" + " do not match.") return False self.loginWindow.withdraw() inspector = Inspector() return True
def _searchCity(self): self.info.delete(u'1.0', tk.END) _cityName = self.cityName.get() if len(_cityName) == 0: messagebox.showwarning(u'Please input a city name', u'Please input a city name for search.') return cities = self.api.queryCityInfo(_cityName) # print(cities) if len(cities) == 0: messagebox.showerror(u'???????', u'??????????????') return elif len(cities) == 1: self._showWeather(cities[0]) else: self._askForSelect(cities)
def processMessages(self): try: while True: type, args = self._queue.get_nowait() if type == _MSG_UPDATE: text, progress = args self.lbl_info.config(text=text) if self.determinate: self.pb_progress.config(value=progress) elif type == _MSG_CLOSE: self.destroy() elif type == _MSG_NOTIFY: title, message = args messagebox.showwarning(title, message, parent=self) except queue.Empty: pass self.after(100, self.processMessages)
def check_click1(self, controller, w): """ This function pass the user choosed time as parameters to method combined_function1 and call the combined_function1 method. Parameters: w: tk.Listbox() controller Execptions: catch IndexError exceptions to let user choose some stuff in the listbox """ try: if (not w.curselection()): raise IndexError if w.get(w.curselection()) == 'Tight': self.combined_function1(1, controller) elif w.get(w.curselection()) == 'Moderate': self.combined_function1(2, controller) elif w.get(w.curselection()) == 'Adequate': self.combined_function1(3, controller) except IndexError: messagebox.showwarning("Error", "Please select one of the items in the listbox")
def check_click2(self, w): """ This function choose the last paramter, and then call the trip_planer function to design the travel route for users automatically including the attractions, hotels and restaurant recommendations based on their prefenrances, and output the results in a txt file. Parameters: w: tk.Listbox() Execptions: catch IndexError exceptions to let user choose some stuff in the listbox """ try: if (not w.curselection()): raise IndexError elif w.get(w.curselection()) == 'Tight Schedule': t = trip_plan(Time, Bugdet, 2) t.trip_planer() elif w.get(w.curselection()) == 'Flexible Schedule': t = trip_plan(Time, Bugdet, 1) t.trip_planer() except IndexError: messagebox.showwarning("Error", "Please select one of the items in the listbox")
def check_click4(self, w, controller): """ This function let user choose what they want to overview from 'Restaurant', 'hotel', 'museum', 'attraction', and plot their heatmap in a html file, and open it automaticlly. Parameters: w: tk.Listbox() Execptions: catch IndexError exceptions to let user choose some stuff in the listbox """ try: if (not w.curselection()): raise IndexError if w.get(w.curselection()) == 'Restaurant': controller.show_frame(Overview_restaurant, lat, logi) elif w.get(w.curselection()) == 'Hotel': controller.show_frame(Overview_hotel, lat, logi) elif w.get(w.curselection()) == 'Attraction': controller.show_frame(Overview_attractions, lat, logi) elif w.get(w.curselection()) == 'Museum': controller.show_frame(Overview_museums, lat, logi) except IndexError: messagebox.showwarning("Error", "Please select one of the items in the listbox")
def warningBox(self, title, message): self.topLevel.update_idletasks() MessageBox.showwarning(title, message) self.__bringToFront()
def _msgBox(): # msg.showinfo('Python Message Info Box', 'A Python GUI created using tkinter:' # '\nThe year is 2017.') msg.showwarning('Python Message Warning Box', 'A Python GUI created using tkinter:' '\nWarning: There might be a bug in this code.') # Add another Menu to the Menu Bar and an item
def _msgBox(): # msg.showinfo('Python Message Info Box', 'A Python GUI created using tkinter:\nThe year is 2017.') # msg.showwarning('Python Message Warning Box', 'A Python GUI created using tkinter:' # '\nWarning: There might be a bug in this code.') msg.showerror('Python Message Error Box', 'A Python GUI created using tkinter:' '\nError: Houston ~ we DO have a serious PROBLEM!') # Add another Menu to the Menu Bar and an item
def load_properties(self): try: with open("properties.json", "r") as file: self.properties = json.loads(jsonesque.process(file.read())) file.close() except FileNotFoundError: # print("{} | FileNotFoundError: 'properties.json' not found.".format(datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"))) messagebox.showwarning(title="Warning", message="Could not find 'properties.json'.")
def write_properties(self, key, value): try: with open("properties.json", "w+") as file: self.properties[key] = value # print(self.properties) file.write(json.dumps(self.properties, sort_keys=False, indent=2)) file.close() except FileNotFoundError: # print("{} | FileNotFoundError: 'properties.json' not found.".format(datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"))) messagebox.showwarning(title="Warning", message="Could not find 'properties.json'.")
def validate(self): try: result = self.getresult() except ValueError: messagebox.showwarning( "Illegal value", self.errormessage + "\nPlease try again", parent = self ) return 0 if self.minvalue is not None and result < self.minvalue: messagebox.showwarning( "Too small", "The allowed minimum value is %s. " "Please try again." % self.minvalue, parent = self ) return 0 if self.maxvalue is not None and result > self.maxvalue: messagebox.showwarning( "Too large", "The allowed maximum value is %s. " "Please try again." % self.maxvalue, parent = self ) return 0 self.result = result return 1
def show_warning(self, title, message): return messagebox.showwarning(title, message)
def hit_me(): #tk.messagebox.showinfo(title='Hi',message='hahaha')????????????? #????????? # msgbox.showinfo(title='Hi',message='hahaha') #????????? msgbox.showwarning(title='Hi',message='Fuck!') #????????? msgbox.showerror(title='Hi',message='ERROR!!') #???????,????YES?NO msgbox.askquestion(title='Hi',message='ERROR!!')
def confirm(self): port_1 = 'https://api.47ks.com/webcloud/?v=' port_2 = 'http://www.wmxz.wang/video.php?url=' port_3 = 'http://www.vipjiexi.com/yun.php?url=' #?????????????? if re.match(r'^https?:/{2}\w.+$', self.url.get()): #????????????? if (self.b1.get() + self.b2.get() + self.b3.get()) !=1: msgbox.showwarning(title='??',message='????????') elif self.b1.get() == True: webbrowser.open(port_1 + self.url.get()) elif self.b2.get() == True: webbrowser.open(port_2 + self.url.get()) else: self.b3.get() == True webbrowser.open(port_2 + self.url.get()) else: msgbox.showerror(title='??',message='?????????!')
def lookResult(): GlobalVal.username = GlobalVal.root.usernameInput.get() if not os.path.exists(GlobalVal.username): m_title = "????" m = '??? \' %s \' ?????'% GlobalVal.username messagebox.showwarning(m_title, m) else: def sub_lookResult(): subprocess.call('explorer %s' % GlobalVal.username) t_lookResult = threading.Thread(target=sub_lookResult, name='sub_lookResult') t_lookResult.start() # ??????
def notify_messagebox(self, _title, _message, _kind=None): """Override as this is the top class, default is error.""" if self.suppress_errors is None: if _kind == "message": messagebox.showinfo(_title, _message) elif _kind == "warning": messagebox.showwarning(_title, _message) else: messagebox.showerror(_title, _message)
def button_load_learning_result_clicked(self): global episode initialdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) while True: if platform.system() == 'Darwin': q_index_path = askopenfilename(initialdir=initialdir, message='Choose q_index', filetypes=[('pickle files', '*.pickle'), ("All files", "*.*") ]) else: q_index_path = askopenfilename(initialdir=initialdir, title='Choose q_index', filetypes=[('pickle files', '*.pickle'), ("All files", "*.*") ]) if 'q_index' not in q_index_path: messagebox.showwarning(message='Wrong file.') else: break while True: if platform.system() == 'Darwin': q_table_path = askopenfilename(initialdir=initialdir, message='Choose q_table', filetypes=[('pickle files', '*.pickle'), ("All files", "*.*") ]) else: q_table_path = askopenfilename(initialdir=initialdir, title='Choose q_table', filetypes=[('pickle files', '*.pickle'), ("All files", "*.*") ]) if 'q_table' not in q_table_path: messagebox.showwarning(message='Wrong file.') else: break try: hunter.q_table = pd.read_pickle(q_table_path) hunter.q_index = pd.read_pickle(q_index_path) episode = [int(d) for d in q_table_path.split('_') if d.isdigit()][0] self.label_episode_v.set('Episode: %s' % episode) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror(message=e)
def loadConfig(self, config_dict, filename, argb_check=False): print("Loading config: {}".format(filename)) if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename) as f: config_content = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f] malformed_color = [] for key in config_dict: for line in config_content: value = line.split("=")[1] if key == line.split("=")[0]: if argb_check: argbstring = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{8}$') if argbstring.match(value): A = value[:2] RGB = swapRGBBGR(value[2:]) config_dict.update({key : {'rgb' : RGB, 'alpha' : A} }) else: malformed_color.append(line) else: if key == "screen_gap" or key == "anim_duration": try: value = int(value) except: value = config_dict[key] config_dict.update({key : value}) if malformed_color: malformed_color.sort() messagebox.showwarning("Error", "Malformed text color (ABGR):\n{}".format('\n'.join(malformed_color)))
def loadConfig(self, config_dict, filename, argb_check=False): print("Loading config: {}".format(filename)) if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename) as f: config_content = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f] malformed_color = [] for key in config_dict: for line in config_content: value = line.split("=")[1] if key == line.split("=")[0]: if argb_check: argbstring = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{8}$') if argbstring.match(value): a, b, g, r = tuple([value[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(value), 2)]) config_dict.update({key : (int(r, 16), int(g, 16), int(b, 16), int(a, 16)) }) self.sliders[key][0].set(int(a, 16)) else: malformed_color.append(line) else: if key == "screen_gap" or key == "anim_duration": try: value = int(value) except: value = config_dict[key] config_dict.update({key : value}) if malformed_color: malformed_color.sort() messagebox.showwarning("Error", "Malformed text color (ABGR):\n{}".format('\n'.join(malformed_color)))
def DisplayError(errorMsg): messagebox.showwarning(PROGRAM_TITLE,errorMsg)
def monkey_app(): status_shebei=huoqushebeizhuangtai() if status_shebei =='device': try: packname=baoming_t1.get('0.0',END).split()[0] zhongzi=zhongzi_t.get('0.0',END).split()[0] time=time_t.get().split()[0] touch=touch_t.get('0.0',END).split()[0] huadong=huadong_t.get('0.0',END).split()[0] guiji=guiji_t.get('0.0',END).split()[0] xitong=xitong_t.get('0.0',END).split()[0] acti=acti_t.get('0.0',END).split()[0] event=event_t.get('0.0',END).split()[0] log=log_t.get('0.0',END).split()[0] danghang=danghang_t.get('0.0',END).split()[0] if len(packname)<=5: LOG.info('???????') messagebox.showwarning('??','???????') if int(touch)+int(huadong)+int(guiji)+int(danghang)+int(xitong)+int(acti) >100: messagebox.showerror('??','?????????????????100%') LOG.info('?????????????????100') adb_monkey(packagename=packname,s_num=zhongzi,throttle=time,pct_touch=touch,pct_motion=huadong,pct_trackball=guiji,pct_nav=danghang,pct_syskeys=xitong,pct_appswitch=acti,num=event,logfilepath=log) except : messagebox.showwarning('??','????monkey????') LOG.info('monkey ???????:%s'%Exception) else: LOG.info('?????? ???????!') messagebox.showwarning('??','?????? ???????!')
def onWarn(self,message): messagebox.showwarning("Warning", message)
def submitReportButtonClicked(self): for i in range(0, 15): if not self.itemScoreList[i].get(): messagebox.showwarning("Empty input", "Please enter a score for each item.") return False for i in range(0, 8): if not (int(self.itemScoreList[i].get()) in range(0, 10)): messagebox.showwarning("Input out of range", "For items 1-8, the score must be 0-9. You entered " + self.itemScoreList[i].get() + " for item " + str(i + 1) + ".") return False for i in range(8, 15): if not (int(self.itemScoreList[i].get()) in range(0, 5)): messagebox.showwarning("Input out of range", "For items 9-15, the score must be 0-4. You entered " + self.itemScoreList[i].get() + " for item " + str(i + 1) + ".") return False result = self.cursor.execute("SELECT iid FROM inspector WHERE iid = %s", self.inspectorID.get()) if not result: messagebox.showwarning("Inspector ID is not exist") return False result = self.cursor.execute("SELECT rid FROM restaurant WHERE rid = %s", self.restaurantID.get()) if not result: messagebox.showwarning("Restaurant ID is not exist") return False self.submitReportToDatabase() messagebox.showwarning("Submission successful", "Your report has been submitted.") self.insertReportWindow.withdraw() self.inspectorMenuWindow.deiconify() return True #----------DATABASE INTERACTION METHODS---------------------------------------------
def connect(self): try: db = pymysql.connect(host = 'academic-mysql.cc.gatech.edu', db = 'cs4400_Group_24', user = 'cs4400_Group_24', passwd = 'jGZgXJfO') return db except: messagebox.showwarning('Error!','Cannot connect. Please check your internet connection.') return False
def submitComplaintButtonClicked(self): #submit the complaint to database restaurant = self.complaintInfoList[0].get().split(',')[0] self.cursor.execute("SELECT rid FROM restaurant WHERE name = %s", restaurant) restaurantID = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] phone = self.complaintInfoList[4].get() cdate = self.complaintInfoList[1].get() customerFirstName = self.complaintInfoList[2].get() customerLastName = self.complaintInfoList[3].get() ''' address = self.complaintInfoList[0].get().split(', ', 1)[1] print("address: " + address) self.cursor.execute("SELECT email FROM restaurant WHERE name = %s", restaurant) operatorEmail = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] print("email: " + operatorEmail) self.cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM operatorowner WHERE email = %s", operatorEmail) nameTuple = self.cursor.fetchall() operatorName = nameTuple[0][0] + ' ' + nameTuple[0][1] print(operatorName) self.cursor.execute("SELECT totalscore FROM inspection WHERE rid = %s ORDER BY idate DESC", restaurantID) score = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] print("score: " + str(score)) ''' complaint = self.complaintInfoList[-1].get() result = self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE phone = %s", phone) if not result: self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO customer (phone, firstname, lastname) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (phone, customerFirstName, customerLastName)) self.db.commit() self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO complaint (rid, phone, cdate, description) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (restaurantID, phone, cdate, complaint)) self.db.commit() messagebox.showwarning("Submission Successful!", "Your complaint has been submitted.") self.fileComplaintWindow.withdraw() self.guestMenuWindow.deiconify()
def searchButtonClicked(self): if not self.restaurantIDChoice.get(): messagebox.showwarning("Empty restaurant ID input", "Please select restaurant ID.") return False if not self.restaurantNameChoice.get(): messagebox.showwarning("Empty restaurant name input", "Please select restaurant name.") return False if not self.addressChoice.get(): messagebox.showwarning("Empty address input", "Please select restaurant address.") return False # Check if the choices match (as one restaurant) street = self.addressChoice.get().split(",")[0] result = self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM restaurant WHERE (rid = %s AND name = %s AND street = %s AND email = %s)", (int(self.restaurantIDChoice.get()), self.restaurantNameChoice.get(), street, self.email)) if not result: messagebox.showwarning("Error", "The restaurant ID, name and address you selected do not match.") return False self.displayReportWindow.withdraw() self.buildGenerateReportWindow(self.restaurantIDChoice.get(), self.restaurantNameChoice.get(), self.addressChoice.get(), self.generateReportWindow) self.generateReportWindow.deiconify() #------------------------------------BUILD WINDOW METHODS------------------------------------------------
def fileopen(self): try: self.v = self.fileName.get() with open(self.v, "r") as r: content = r.read() self.contents.insert(INSERT, content) except: messagebox.showwarning("error", "file not found")
def save(self): try: self.v = self.fileName.get() with open(self.v, "a") as w: w.write(self.contents.get(1.0, END)) except: messagebox.showwarning("error", "file not found")
def clearfile(self): try: self.v = self.fileName.get() with open(self.v, "w+") as w: w.write("") self.contents.insert(INSERT, "") except: messagebox.showwarning("file not found")
def overwrite(self): try: self.v = self.fileName.get() with open(self.v, "w") as w: w.write(self.contents.get(1.0, END)) except: messagebox.showwarning("error", "file not found")
def webview(self): try: self.v = self.fileName.get() with open(self.v, "r") as r: webbrowser.open_new(self.v) except: messagebox.showwarning("error", "file not found")
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): tkMessageBox.showwarning('TkConch','Connection Failed, Reason:\n %s: %s' % (reason.type, reason.value))
def init_warn(self): warnings = '' if not len(cm.rates): warnings += 'Currency information is empty because the server returned no data. ' \ 'Currency rates will be 0 unless set manually.\n' if not len(fm.autoFilters): warnings += 'Filters were not generated because the server returned no data.\n' if warnings: warnings += '\nYou can either continue in this mode or restart the application if you wish to try again.' messagebox.showwarning('Warning', warnings, parent=self)
def stop_scan(self): self.btn_toggle.config(text="Stopping..", state=DISABLED) ls = LoadingScreen(self, determinate=False) threading.Thread(target=self._stop_scan, args=(ls,)).start() self.wait_window(ls) if self.stop_error: self.update_started() messagebox.showwarning('Operation timed out', "Stop request timed out. If the issue persists, restart the application.", parent=self) else: self.update_stopped()