def toggle_tabs_event(self, event): if self.askyesno( "Toggle tabs", "Turn tabs " + ("on", "off")[self.usetabs] + "?\nIndent width " + ("will be", "remains at")[self.usetabs] + " 8." + "\n Note: a tab is always 8 columns", parent=self.text): self.usetabs = not self.usetabs # Try to prevent inconsistent indentation. # User must change indent width manually after using tabs. self.indentwidth = 8 return "break" # XXX this isn't bound to anything -- see tabwidth comments ## def change_tabwidth_event(self, event): ## new = self._asktabwidth() ## if new != self.tabwidth: ## self.tabwidth = new ## self.set_indentation_params(0, guess=0) ## return "break"
def next_match(self, event=None): try: current_target, current_target_end = self.match_coordinates[self.current_match] self.main_text.tag_remove("sel", current_target, current_target_end) self.main_text.tag_add("findmatch", current_target, current_target_end) except IndexError: pass try: self.current_match = self.current_match + 1 next_target, target_end = self.match_coordinates[self.current_match] except IndexError: if len(self.match_coordinates) == 0: msg.showinfo("No Matches", "No Matches Found") else: if msg.askyesno("Wrap Search?", "Reached end of file. Continue from the top?"): self.current_match = -1 self.next_match() else: self.main_text.mark_set(tk.INSERT, next_target) self.main_text.tag_remove("findmatch", next_target, target_end) self.main_text.tag_add("sel", next_target, target_end) self.main_text.see(next_target)
def saveConfig(self, config_type): print("Saving config: {}".format(config_type)) if config_type == "config": filepath = "config" config_dict = self.app_config ordered = ['theme_folder', 'theme_title', 'theme_desc', 'theme_author', 'theme_version', 'meta_icon', 'screen_gap', 'anim_duration', 'overwrite', 'language'] elif config_type == "textcolor": theme_folder = self.app_config['theme_folder'] os.makedirs(theme_folder, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(theme_folder,'textcolor.cfg') config_dict={} for key in self.text_config: value = "{}{}".format(self.text_config[key]['alpha'], swapRGBBGR(self.text_config[key]['rgb'])[1:]) config_dict.update({key: value}) ordered = ['text', 'nand', 'sd', 'gamecard', 'dstitle', 'file', 'directory', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'installed', 'notinstalled', 'ticketinuse', 'ticketnotinuse'] if os.path.isfile(filepath) and not self.app_config['overwrite'] in ['always', 'textcolor']: if not messagebox.askyesno("Warning", "A textcolor.cfg already exists, do you want to overwrite?", icon='warning'): return with open(filepath, 'w') as f: for key in ordered: f.write("{}={}\n".format(key, config_dict[key])) f.truncate(f.tell() - len(os.linesep))
def savePreview(self): print("Generating preview image...") x1 = self.winfo_rootx()+self.canvas.winfo_x() y1 = self.winfo_rooty()+self.canvas.winfo_y() x2 = x1+self.canvas.winfo_width() y2 = y1+self.canvas.winfo_height() coords = [x1, y1, x2, y2] if os.path.isfile("preview.png") and not self.app_config['overwrite'] in ['always', 'preview']: if not messagebox.askyesno("Warning", "Preview image already exists, do you want to overwrite?", icon='warning'): return self.attributes("-topmost", 1) self.attributes("-topmost", 0) self.canvas.delete('toolbar') self.canvas.update_idletasks() ImageGrab.grab().crop((x1,y1,x2,y2)).save("preview.png") self.updateCanvas()
def saveConfig(self, config_type): print("Saving config: {}".format(config_type)) if config_type == "config": filepath = "config" config_dict = self.app_config ordered = ['theme_folder', 'theme_title', 'theme_desc', 'theme_author', 'theme_version', 'meta_icon', 'screen_gap', 'anim_duration', 'overwrite', 'language'] elif config_type == "textcolor": theme_folder = self.app_config['theme_folder'] os.makedirs(theme_folder, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(theme_folder,'textcolor.cfg') config_dict={} for key in self.text_config: r,g,b,a = self.text_config[key] value = "{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(a,b,g,r).upper() config_dict.update({key: value}) ordered = ['text', 'nand', 'sd', 'gamecard', 'dstitle', 'file', 'directory', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'installed', 'notinstalled', 'ticketinuse', 'ticketnotinuse'] if os.path.isfile(filepath) and not self.app_config['overwrite'] in ['always', 'textcolor']: if not messagebox.askyesno("Warning", "A textcolor.cfg already exists, do you want to overwrite?", icon='warning'): return with open(filepath, 'w') as f: for key in ordered: f.write("{}={}\n".format(key, config_dict[key])) f.truncate(f.tell() - len(os.linesep))
def savePreview(self): print("Generating preview image...") x1 = self.winfo_rootx()+self.canvas.winfo_x() y1 = self.winfo_rooty()+self.canvas.winfo_y() x2 = x1+self.canvas.winfo_width() y2 = y1+self.canvas.winfo_height() coords = [x1, y1, x2, y2] if os.path.isfile("preview.png") and not self.app_config['overwrite'] in ['always', 'preview']: if not messagebox.askyesno("Warning", "Preview image already exists, do you want to overwrite?", icon='warning'): return self.attributes("-topmost", 1) self.attributes("-topmost", 0) self.canvas.delete('toolbar') self.canvas.update_idletasks() ImageGrab.grab().crop((x1,y1,x2,y2)).save("preview.png") #self.v['canvas_image'].save("preview.png") self.updateCanvas()
def DeleteItem(): # ??? ??? ?? rawSelectedItems = tree.selection() pageIndexList = tree.get_children() [tree.selection_add(tree.get_children(r)) for r in rawSelectedItems if r in pageIndexList] [tree.selection_add(tree.parent(r)) for r in rawSelectedItems if r not in pageIndexList and tree.next(r) == '' and tree.prev(r) == ''] selectedItems = tree.selection() numberOfSelection = len(selectedItems) if numberOfSelection == 0: return 0 displayMessage = '? ' + str(len(selectedItems)) + ' ? ??? ?????????' if messagebox.askyesno('?? ??', displayMessage): for s in selectedItems: if not tree.exists(s): continue elif tree.parent(s) == '': tree.delete(s) elif tree.parent(s) in selectedItems: continue else: itspage = tree.parent(s) origVal = tree.set(itspage) tree.item(itspage, value=[origVal['#1'], origVal['#2'], int(origVal['#3'])-1, origVal['#4']]) tree.delete(s) root.lift()
def main(): # ?????????,?????Tkinter????????Tk??.??????withdraw()?????? tk = tkinter.Tk() tk.withdraw() # ????? print(dir(mb)) # ??,?????????,??ok,????????????.??????????????,??????????. # ??,???Cancel?,??????None mb.showinfo("Title", "Your message here") mb.showerror("An Error", "Oops!") mb.showwarning("Title", "This may not work...") mb.askyesno("Title", "Do you love me?") mb.askokcancel("Title", "Are you well?") mb.askquestion("Title", "How are you?") mb.askretrycancel("Title", "Go again?") mb.askyesnocancel("Title", "Are you well?")
def _do_reset(): if not _needs_reset: messagebox.showinfo("Reset Settings", "You are already using the default settings.") return if not messagebox.askyesno( "Reset Settings", "Are you sure you want to reset all settings?", parent=_dialog): return for section in _sections.values(): for key, info in section._infos.items(): if info.reset: section[key] = info.default messagebox.showinfo( "Reset Settings", "All settings were reset to defaults.", parent=_dialog)
def yesNoBox(self, title, message): self.topLevel.update_idletasks() return MessageBox.askyesno(title, message)
def __init__(self, response=str, text="", title=None, accept=0, **options): if response is bool: self.dialog = [askyesno, askokcancel, askretrycancel][accept] else: self.dialog = {None:showinfo, str:askstring, int:askinteger, float:askfloat, 0:askopenfilename, 1:asksaveasfilename, 2:askdirectory}[response] self.options = options.copy() if "initialdir" in options: self.options["initialdir"] = abspath(options["initialdir"]) if type(response) is int: self.args = tuple() if title: self.options["title"] = title else: if title is None: title = "Info" if response is None else "Confirm" if response is bool else "Input" self.args = title, text
def cancel(self, event=None, force=False): title = 'Warning' message = 'Are you sure you want\nto stop taking this test?' if force or messagebox.askyesno(title, message, master=self): if self.parent is not None: self.parent.focus_set() self.destroy() ################################################################################
def isHuman(self, number): ''' Function to choose wether the player is human or not. ''' msg = 'Is Player {} a human?'.format(number) return messagebox.askyesno('Human or PC', msg) #|22th.|
def playAgain(self, number): msg = 'Player {} is the winner! \nDo you want to play again?'.format(number) return messagebox.askyesno('Play again', msg) #|20th.|
def quitter(self, event=None): """ Fonction appelé pour finir le programme, une confirmation est demandée avant """ reponse = askyesno("Quitter le programme ?", "Voulez-vous réellement terminer ? \n cliquer <<oui>> pour finir") if reponse: self.fenetre.destroy()
def load_file(self): base = iface.JSONInterface.OBJECTSPATH # filename = 'monster/' + h.clean(self.filequery.get().casefold()) + '.monster' filename = self.filename # if (os.path.isfile(base + filename)): if (os.path.isfile(filename)): interface = iface.JSONInterface(filename, isabsolute=True) self.data.update(interface.get('/')) # self.data.update({'average': self.av.get()}) av = messagebox.askyesno(message='Take average HP?') self.data.update({'average': av}) self.finish(fromfile=True) else: gui.ErrorMessage('That file does not exist. Check your spelling.')
def ask_yes_no(self, title, message): return messagebox.askyesno(title, message)
def start(self) -> None: rs = self.rolling_shutter = RollingShutter(self.files, self.tk_speed_val.get(), self.file_output) lines_covered = rs.frame_count * self.tk_speed_val.get() if lines_covered < rs.height: m = ('The number of iterations ({}) is lower than the height' ' of the resulting image ({}px).\n\nMissing spots ({} lines)' ' will be filled with black.\n\n' 'Do you want to continue?') message = m.format(lines_covered, rs.height, rs.height-lines_covered) choice = askyesno('Proceed?', message) if not choice: return None self.disable_buttons() self.progress_bar.config(maximum=lines_covered) self.progress_bar.state(['!disabled']) t1 = Thread(target=rs.thread, args=(self,)) t1.setDaemon(True) t1.start()
def DeleteCustomKeys(self): keySetName=self.customKeys.get() if not tkMessageBox.askyesno('Delete Key Set','Are you sure you wish '+ 'to delete the key set %r ?' % (keySetName), parent=self): return #remove key set from config idleConf.userCfg['keys'].remove_section(keySetName) if keySetName in self.changedItems['keys']: del(self.changedItems['keys'][keySetName]) #write changes idleConf.userCfg['keys'].Save() #reload user key set list itemList=idleConf.GetSectionList('user','keys') itemList.sort() if not itemList: self.radioKeysCustom.config(state=DISABLED) self.optMenuKeysCustom.SetMenu(itemList,'- no custom keys -') else: self.optMenuKeysCustom.SetMenu(itemList,itemList[0]) #revert to default key set self.keysAreBuiltin.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys','default')) self.builtinKeys.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys','name')) #user can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now self.Apply() self.SetKeysType()
def DeleteCustomTheme(self): themeName=self.customTheme.get() if not tkMessageBox.askyesno('Delete Theme','Are you sure you wish '+ 'to delete the theme %r ?' % (themeName,), parent=self): return #remove theme from config idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].remove_section(themeName) if themeName in self.changedItems['highlight']: del(self.changedItems['highlight'][themeName]) #write changes idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].Save() #reload user theme list itemList=idleConf.GetSectionList('user','highlight') itemList.sort() if not itemList: self.radioThemeCustom.config(state=DISABLED) self.optMenuThemeCustom.SetMenu(itemList,'- no custom themes -') else: self.optMenuThemeCustom.SetMenu(itemList,itemList[0]) #revert to default theme self.themeIsBuiltin.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme','default')) self.builtinTheme.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme','name')) #user can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now self.Apply() self.SetThemeType()
def close_window(self): yes = tkmessage.askyesno("Exit", "Do you really want to quit?") if yes: self.close()
def remove_task(self, event): task = event.widget if msg.askyesno("Really Delete?", "Delete " + task.cget("text") + "?"): self.tasks.remove(event.widget) event.widget.destroy() self.recolour_tasks()
def remove_task(self, event): task = event.widget if msg.askyesno("Really Delete?", "Delete " + task.cget("text") + "?"): self.tasks.remove(event.widget) delete_task_query = "DELETE FROM tasks WHERE task=?" delete_task_data = (task.cget("text"),) self.runQuery(delete_task_query, delete_task_data) event.widget.destroy() self.recolour_tasks()
def confirm_delete(self, event=None): current_tab = self.notebook.tab(self.notebook.select(), "text") tree = self.tab_trees[current_tab] selected_item_id = tree.selection() selected_item = tree.item(selected_item_id) if msg.askyesno("Delete Item?", "Delete " + selected_item["values"][0] + "?", parent=self): task_name = selected_item["values"][0] task_time = selected_item["values"][2] task_date = " ".join([current_tab, task_time]) self.master.delete_task(task_name, task_date) tree.delete(selected_item_id)
def _show_confirm_window(self, message, title): logger.debug('Window feedback: "{}"'.format(message)) yes_pressed = messagebox.askyesno( message=message, title=title, icon='question', default='yes', parent=self.root, ) # TODO(amin): Bind KP_Enter in all dialogs return yes_pressed
def wanna_quit(): if messagebox.askyesno("Quit", "Do you really want to quit?"): # the user clicked yes, let's close the window root.destroy()
def button_save_learning_result_clicked(self): global episode if os.path.exists('q_table_trained_{}_episode.pickle'.format(episode)) \ and os.path.exists('q_index_trained_{}_episode.pickle'.format(episode)): answer = messagebox.askyesno(message="Hunter's experience has already saved,\nSave again?") if answer == True: hunter.q_table.to_pickle('q_table_trained_{}_episode.pickle'.format(episode)) hunter.q_index.to_pickle('q_index_trained_{}_episode.pickle'.format(episode)) messagebox.showinfo(message="Hunter's experience has been saved") else: hunter.q_table.to_pickle('q_table_trained_{}_episode.pickle'.format(episode)) hunter.q_index.to_pickle('q_index_trained_{}_episode.pickle'.format(episode)) messagebox.showinfo(message="Hunter's experience has been saved")
def AskYesNo(questionMsg): res = messagebox.askyesno(PROGRAM_TITLE,questionMsg) return res ######################################################### ################ MAIN GUI WINDOW BUTTONS ################ #########################################################
def pick_naturfreq(self): """ Pick auto detect frequency natural or manual """ naturfreq, naturfreq_mag = self.get_natural_freq() prompt = "Natural Frequency found at " + str(naturfreq) + FREQ_UNIT_HZ + "\n" \ + str(naturfreq_mag) + FREQ_MAG_UNIT + "\nDo you want to use this frequency?" if messagebox.askyesno("Autodetect Natural Frequency", \ prompt): self.kayu_naturfreq = naturfreq else: messagebox.showinfo("Warning!", \ "You need to input the desired natural frequency manually!")
def play_game(game): result = "" while not result: print_game(game) choice = input("Cell[1-9 or q to quit]: ") if choice.lower()[0] == "q": save = mb.askyesno("Save game", "Save game before quitting?") if save: oxo_logic.save_game(game) quit_game() else: try: cell = int(choice) - 1 if not (0 <= cell <= 8): # check range raise ValueError except ValueError: print("Choose a number between 1 and 9 or 'q' to quit ") continue try: result = oxo_logic.user_move(game, cell) except ValueError: mb.showerror("Invalid cell", "Choose an empty cell") continue if not result: result = oxo_logic.computer_move(game) if not result: continue elif result == "D": print_game(game) mb.showinfo("Result", "It's a draw") else: print_game(game) mb.showinfo("Result", "Winner is {}".format(result))
def ev_exit(): global status if status["text"] == "Playing game": if mb.askyesno("Quitting", "Do you want to save the game before quitting?"): ev_save() top.quit()
def DeleteCustomKeys(self): keySetName=self.customKeys.get() delmsg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the key set %r ?' if not tkMessageBox.askyesno( 'Delete Key Set', delmsg % keySetName, parent=self): return #remove key set from config idleConf.userCfg['keys'].remove_section(keySetName) if keySetName in self.changedItems['keys']: del(self.changedItems['keys'][keySetName]) #write changes idleConf.userCfg['keys'].Save() #reload user key set list itemList = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys') itemList.sort() if not itemList: self.radioKeysCustom.config(state=DISABLED) self.optMenuKeysCustom.SetMenu(itemList, '- no custom keys -') else: self.optMenuKeysCustom.SetMenu(itemList, itemList[0]) #revert to default key set self.keysAreBuiltin.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys', 'default')) self.builtinKeys.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys', 'name')) #user can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now self.Apply() self.SetKeysType()
def DeleteCustomTheme(self): themeName = self.customTheme.get() delmsg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the theme %r ?' if not tkMessageBox.askyesno( 'Delete Theme', delmsg % themeName, parent=self): return #remove theme from config idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].remove_section(themeName) if themeName in self.changedItems['highlight']: del(self.changedItems['highlight'][themeName]) #write changes idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].Save() #reload user theme list itemList = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight') itemList.sort() if not itemList: self.radioThemeCustom.config(state=DISABLED) self.optMenuThemeCustom.SetMenu(itemList, '- no custom themes -') else: self.optMenuThemeCustom.SetMenu(itemList, itemList[0]) #revert to default theme self.themeIsBuiltin.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme', 'default')) self.builtinTheme.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme', 'name')) #user can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now self.Apply() self.SetThemeType()
def try_open_user_id(self, id, name, username): for i in range(0, len(self.pack_objs)): frame = self.pack_objs[i] if frame.item['id'] == id and frame.item['type'] == 0: self.on_frame_click(self.my_event(frame)) return result = messagebox.askyesno("?????", name + "????????????????") if result: self.sc.send(MessageType.add_friend, username)
def _show_exit_dialog(self): answer = messagebox.askyesno(title='Leave', message='Do you really want to quit?') if answer: self.logger.info('Exiting...') self.destroy()
def _on_upload_btn_clicked(self): selected_rows = self.runresultsview.get_selection() if len(selected_rows) == 0: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'No tests selected.') return selected_qc_dir = self.qcdir_tree.selection() if len(selected_qc_dir) != 1: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Destination not selected.') return qcdir = self.dir_dict[selected_qc_dir[0]] if not qcdir: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'path is blank') return assert qcdir.startswith('Root\\'), qcdir # remove "Root\" qcdir = qcdir[5:] results = self.results.copy() results['tests'] = [self.runresultsview.tests[row] for row in selected_rows] result = messagebox.askyesno( 'Confirm', ('Are you sure you want to upload to the following ' 'location?\n\n{}'.format(qcdir))) if not result: return work_in_background( self, lambda: importer.import_results( self.qcc, qcdir, results, self.attach_report.get()), lambda: messagebox.showinfo('Success', 'Import complete.'))
def withdraw(): global privapi currency = simpledialog.askstring("Currency Required", "Please provide the currency to withdraw(eg. 'DOT' or '2')") if currency == "" or not currency: debugout("ERROR! - Cannot withdraw without a currency.") else: currency = currency.upper() address = simpledialog.askstring("Withdrawal Address Required", "Please provide the address to withdraw the " + currency + " to") if address == "" or not address: debugout("ERROR! - Withdrawal Address not provided.") else: amount = simpledialog.askfloat("Amount Required", "Please provide an amount of " + currency + " to send to: " + address) if not amount: debugout("ERROR! - Cannot Withdraw without an amount.") else: amount = "{0:.8f}".format(amount) payidreq = messagebox.askyesno("PaymentID for CryptoNote currencies", "Would you like to provide a Payment ID?\r\n" + "Only required for CryptoNote.") if payidreq: payid = simpledialog.askstring("PaymentID Entry", "You have requested Payment ID Entry please provide it.") if payid == "" or not payid: debugout("ERROR! - User requested a Payment ID but failed to provide it.") else: debugout(amount + " " + currency + " withdrawal requested to: " + address + " with PaymentID: " + payid) response = privapi.submitwithdraw(currency, address, amount, payid) if isinstance(response, str): debugout("Withdrawal submitted under ID: " + response) else: debugout(str(response) + " is a " + str(type(response))) gettransactions() else: debugout(amount + " " + currency + " withdrawal requested to: " + address) response = privapi.submitwithdraw(currency, address, amount) # API returns an int ID for the transaction debugout("Withdrawal submitted under ID: " + str(response)) gettransactions()
def runcode(self, code): "Override base class method" if self.tkconsole.executing: self.interp.restart_subprocess() self.checklinecache() if self.save_warnings_filters is not None: warnings.filters[:] = self.save_warnings_filters self.save_warnings_filters = None debugger = self.debugger try: self.tkconsole.beginexecuting() if not debugger and self.rpcclt is not None: self.active_seq = self.rpcclt.asyncqueue("exec", "runcode", (code,), {}) elif debugger: debugger.run(code, self.locals) else: exec(code, self.locals) except SystemExit: if not self.tkconsole.closing: if tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Exit?", "Do you want to exit altogether?", default="yes", master=self.tkconsole.text): raise else: self.showtraceback() else: raise except: if use_subprocess: print("IDLE internal error in runcode()", file=self.tkconsole.stderr) self.showtraceback() self.tkconsole.endexecuting() else: if self.tkconsole.canceled: self.tkconsole.canceled = False print("KeyboardInterrupt", file=self.tkconsole.stderr) else: self.showtraceback() finally: if not use_subprocess: try: self.tkconsole.endexecuting() except AttributeError: # shell may have closed pass
def main(): top = tix.Tk() nb = tix.NoteBook(top, width=300, height=200) nb.pack(expand=True, fill="both") nb.add("page1", label="text") f1 = tix.Frame(nb.subwidget("page1")) st = tix.ScrolledText(f1) st.subwidget("text").insert("1.0", "Here is where the text goes...") st.pack(expand=True) f1.pack() nb.add("page2", label="Message Boxes") f2 = tix.Frame(nb.subwidget("page2")) # ??????expand,fill?anchor??????????????????????? tix.Button(f2, text="error", bg="lightblue", command=lambda t="error", m="This is bad!": mb.showerror(t, m)).pack(fill="x", expand=True) tix.Button(f2, text="info", bg="pink", command=lambda t="info", m="Information": mb.showinfo(t, m)).pack(fill="x", expand=True) tix.Button(f2, text="warning", bg="yellow", command=lambda t="warning", m="Don't do it!": mb.showwarning(t, m)).pack(fill="x", expand=True) tix.Button(f2, text="question", bg="green", command=lambda t="question", m="Will I?": mb.askquestion(t, m)).pack(fill="x", expand=True) tix.Button(f2, text="yes - no", bg="lightgrey", command=lambda t="yes - no", m="Are you sure?": mb.askyesno(t, m)).pack( fill="x", expand=True) tix.Button(f2, text="yes - no - cancel", bg="black", fg="white", command=lambda t="yes - not - cancel", m="Last chance...": mb.askyesnocancel(t, m)).pack(fill="x", expand=True) f2.pack(side="top", fill="x") top.mainloop()
def runcode(self, code): "Override base class method" if self.tkconsole.executing: self.interp.restart_subprocess() self.checklinecache() if self.save_warnings_filters is not None: warnings.filters[:] = self.save_warnings_filters self.save_warnings_filters = None debugger = self.debugger try: self.tkconsole.beginexecuting() if not debugger and self.rpcclt is not None: self.active_seq = self.rpcclt.asyncqueue("exec", "runcode", (code,), {}) elif debugger: debugger.run(code, self.locals) else: exec(code, self.locals) except SystemExit: if not self.tkconsole.closing: if tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Exit?", "Do you want to exit altogether?", default="yes", parent=self.tkconsole.text): raise else: self.showtraceback() else: raise except: if use_subprocess: print("IDLE internal error in runcode()", file=self.tkconsole.stderr) self.showtraceback() self.tkconsole.endexecuting() else: if self.tkconsole.canceled: self.tkconsole.canceled = False print("KeyboardInterrupt", file=self.tkconsole.stderr) else: self.showtraceback() finally: if not use_subprocess: try: self.tkconsole.endexecuting() except AttributeError: # shell may have closed pass