def device_inclusion(Button): zwareGlobals.debugData.insert(INSERT,"Including device to the network....\n") Button['state'] = 'disabled' result = messagebox.askokcancel("Include Device","Initiate your device and select \"OK\" to add it to the network\n") if result == 1: zwareGlobals.debugData.focus_force() r = zware.zw_add_remove(2) zware.zw_net_comp(2) zwareGlobals.debugData.insert(INSERT,"Device has been successfully added to the network\n") poll_node_list(True) enable_disable_binary_switch() else: zwareGlobals.debugData.focus_force() zwareGlobals.debugData.insert(INSERT,"Device Inclusion cancelled\n") zwareGlobals.debugData.see(END) Button['state'] = 'normal'
def close(self): "Extend EditorWindow.close()" if self.executing: response = tkMessageBox.askokcancel( "Kill?", "The program is still running!\n Do you want to kill it?", default="ok", parent=self.text) if response is False: return "cancel" if self.reading: self.top.quit() self.canceled = True self.closing = True # Wait for poll_subprocess() rescheduling to stop self.text.after(2 * self.pollinterval, self.close2)
def main(): # ?????????,?????Tkinter????????Tk??.??????withdraw()?????? tk = tkinter.Tk() tk.withdraw() # ????? print(dir(mb)) # ??,?????????,??ok,????????????.??????????????,??????????. # ??,???Cancel?,??????None mb.showinfo("Title", "Your message here") mb.showerror("An Error", "Oops!") mb.showwarning("Title", "This may not work...") mb.askyesno("Title", "Do you love me?") mb.askokcancel("Title", "Are you well?") mb.askquestion("Title", "How are you?") mb.askretrycancel("Title", "Go again?") mb.askyesnocancel("Title", "Are you well?")
def okBox(self, title, message): self.topLevel.update_idletasks() return MessageBox.askokcancel(title, message)
def device_exclusion(Button): zwareGlobals.debugData.insert(INSERT,"Excluding device from the network....\n") Button['state'] = 'disabled' result = messagebox.askokcancel("Exclude Device","Initiate your device and select \"OK\" to remove it from the network\n") if result == 1: zwareGlobals.debugData.focus_force() r = zware.zw_add_remove(3) zware.zw_net_comp(3) zwareGlobals.debugData.insert(INSERT,"Device has been successfully removed from the network\n") poll_node_list(True) enable_disable_binary_switch() else: zwareGlobals.debugData.focus_force() zwareGlobals.debugData.insert(INSERT,"Device Exclusion cancelled\n") zwareGlobals.debugData.see(END) Button['state'] = 'normal' ## #\addtogroup poll_network #@{ #\section polling Network Polling #The client polls the network both automatically in the background as well as on user prompt with the "Node Details" button. On polling succesfully the client displays a list of nodes along with all available endpoints connected to them. It also displays a list of all the Command Classes supported by each endpoint. This is achieved using:<br>1. The Client queries for available nodes using the <b>zwnet_get_node_list</b> web api.<br>2. On succesfully retrieving the node list the client queries for available endpoints for each node using the <b>zwnet_get_ep_list</b> web api.<br>3. Subsequently for each endpoint it will query for the supporting command classes using the <b>zwnet_get_if_list</b> web api. Once all data has been retrieved it will either be a:)Be displayed to the user if they had clicked on the "Node Details" button or b:)Be used for further background polling of devices. #\section tracking Tracking Devices #The client will constantly be polling the network for tracking devices and their state values. In the present version this support is provided for Binary Switches, Binary Sensors and Multilevel Sensors. For example whenever a binary switch is added or removed from a network the client will display this information to the user. This is achieved using the polling web-apis mentioned above along with identifying the binary switch using it's interface id. #@}
def __init__(self, response=str, text="", title=None, accept=0, **options): if response is bool: self.dialog = [askyesno, askokcancel, askretrycancel][accept] else: self.dialog = {None:showinfo, str:askstring, int:askinteger, float:askfloat, 0:askopenfilename, 1:asksaveasfilename, 2:askdirectory}[response] self.options = options.copy() if "initialdir" in options: self.options["initialdir"] = abspath(options["initialdir"]) if type(response) is int: self.args = tuple() if title: self.options["title"] = title else: if title is None: title = "Info" if response is None else "Confirm" if response is bool else "Input" self.args = title, text
def quit(self): if askokcancel('Verify exit', 'Really quit?'): self._root().destroy() ################################################################################
def submit(self, chosen, chosen2): new_bodies, dims, num, mass_r = [], self.dims, self.num.get(), self.findEntries('mass_r') if chosen == "Gradient": colors = (self.color1ValTrue, self.color2ValTrue) if chosen2 == "Density": densities = self.findEntries('densities') new_bodies = Gradient(dims, num, mass_r, colors).preset('Density', densities) else: new_bodies = Gradient(dims, num, mass_r, colors).preset('Diffusion') else: dist_r, density = self.findEntries('dist_r'), self.density.get() if chosen2 == "Cluster": new_bodies = System(dims, num, mass_r, dist_r, density).preset('Cluster') else: star_density, star_mass = self.star_density.get(), self.star_mass.get() if chosen2 == "Binary": star_mass2 = self.star_mass2.get() new_bodies = System(dims, num, mass_r, dist_r, density).preset('Binary', (star_mass, star_mass2), star_density) else: circular = self.circular.get() new_bodies = System(dims, num, mass_r, dist_r, density).preset('Unary', star_mass, star_density, circular) if not self.bodies or messagebox.askokcancel("Discard Changes", "Are you sure you want to discard changes?"): self.bodies[:] = new_bodies for window in self.parent.properties_windows: window.destroy() self.parent.properties_windows = [] self.parent.name.set("Unnamed Simulation") self.parent.filename = ''
def open_file(self): filename = filedialog.askopenfilename() if filename and ( not self.bodies or messagebox.askokcancel("Discard Changes", "Are you sure you want to discard changes?")): self.filename = filename self.name.set(os.path.split(filename)[-1]) for window in self.properties_windows: window.destroy() self.properties_windows = [] with open(filename) as file: self.bodies[:] = generate_bodies(load_save(self, file))
def delete_body(self): if messagebox.askokcancel("Delete Body", 'Are you sure you want to delete "{}"?'.format(self.body.name)): self.bodies.remove(self.body) self.destroy()
def on_closing(app): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): app.cleanup() sleep(0.2) print("exit") os._exit(1)
def startup_end(self): self.name = self.charactername['Character Name?'] self.container.title(self.name) path = 'character/' + h.clean(self.name) + '.character' self.filename = iface.JSONInterface.OBJECTSPATH + path if (os.path.exists(iface.JSONInterface.OBJECTSPATH + path)): ok = messagebox.askokcancel(message='You are overwriting an ' 'existing file. Continue?') if (not ok): self.container.destroy() f = open(self.filename, 'w') f.close() ###### self.basic = BasicInfoSelector(self.f, self.race_features, self.class_features) self.abils = AbilitySelector(self.f) self.skills = SkillSelector(self.f) ###### self.draw_static() self.container.deiconify() # def select_features(self): # self.data['name'] = self.name # self.data.update(self.basic.export()) # classes = cm.ClassMap(self.data['level']) # classjf = classes[0].record # self.features = FeaturesAtLevel(self.f, classjf, 1) # self.draw_dynamic()
def ask_ok_cancel(self, title, message): return messagebox.askokcancel(title, message)
def on_closing(): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): root.destroy() sys.exit()
def TwoPlayerMood(): global turn c = board() def on_closing(): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): board.root.destroy() sys.exit() board.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) def make(): global v v = Taw(turn,c) make() def right(event): v.moveRight() c.root.bind('<KeyPress-Right>',right) def left(event): v.moveLeft() c.root.bind('<KeyPress-Left>',left) def down(event): if v.row==0: v.moveDown() if v.done == 1: v.done= 0 make() else : pass c.root.bind('<KeyPress-Down>',down) #************************artificial intelligence*************************************************************
def SinglePlayerMood(): global turn if turn == 1: c = board() def on_closing(): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): board.root.destroy() sys.exit() board.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) make(c) def right(event): v.moveRight() c.root.bind('<KeyPress-Right>',right) def left(event): v.moveLeft() c.root.bind('<KeyPress-Left>',left) def down(event): if v.row==0: v.moveDown() if v.done == 1: v.done= 0 make(c) ai=AI(c,v) else : pass c.root.bind('<KeyPress-Down>',down)
def ask_save_dialog(self): msg = "Source Must Be Saved\n" + 5*' ' + "OK to Save?" confirm = tkMessageBox.askokcancel(title="Save Before Run or Check", message=msg, default=tkMessageBox.OK, master=self.editwin.text) return confirm
def on_closing(): if start_flag == False: if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit??"): root.destroy() else: print("please stop gateway") ## Gateway Process
def on_commit_merge(self, *args): if askokcancel(title="Warning: committing merge", message="This will commit actual changes to the destination, " "do you want to proceed?") is True: self.do_merge(_commit=True)
def on_closing(self): if (self.f_saved==False): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Sampled data not saved. Do you wanto to quit?"): root.destroy() else: root.destroy()
def close(self): "Extend EditorWindow.close()" if self.executing: response = tkMessageBox.askokcancel( "Kill?", "Your program is still running!\n Do you want to kill it?", default="ok", parent=self.text) if response is False: return "cancel" self.stop_readline() self.canceled = True self.closing = True return EditorWindow.close(self)
def ask_save_dialog(self): msg = "Source Must Be Saved\n" + 5*' ' + "OK to Save?" confirm = tkMessageBox.askokcancel(title="Save Before Run or Check", message=msg, default=tkMessageBox.OK, parent=self.editwin.text) return confirm
def save_file_cmd(puzzle_frame, parent): """ Input's save to file button click handler puzzle_frame : The puzzle frame which it's puzzle will be saved to file parent : The parent window of the puzzle_frame This is used for showing the 'save as file' dialog so it can be showed on top of the window. """ # Check if puzzle frame has a valid input, and if not, ask the user if he's sure he wants to save the puzzle lst = is_input_puzzle_valid(puzzle_frame) if not lst: if not messagebox.askokcancel("Input not valid", "Input puzzle is not valid, are you sure to save it as a file?", parent=parent): return # Open the 'save as file' dialog file_name = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(title="Choose a file to save puzzle", parent=parent) # Check if user has selected a file if not file_name: return # Generate file's content len_sqrt = int(math.sqrt(len(lst))) file_lines = [] for i in range(0, len(lst), 3): line_nums = [] for j in range(0, len_sqrt): line_nums.append(str(lst[i + j])) file_lines.append(' '.join(line_nums)) try: with open(file_name, 'w') as file: file.write('\n'.join(file_lines)) except: messagebox.showerror("Error saving to file", "Some problem happened while saving puzzle to the file.", parent=parent) # Save to file button widgget
def button_clicked(self, event): if self.getting_psk: messagebox.showerror("Running", "A pairing attempt is already im progress.") return number = str(event.widget.number) LoggerGui.debug("A suit button was clicked") # Don't log numbers as the code can be derived from that code = self.entry_pair_code.get() code += number self.set_code_text(code) wii_u_interface = self.dropdown_wii_u.get() if not wii_u_interface: messagebox.showerror("No Interface", "An interface must be selected.") self.activate() return try: InterfaceUtil.get_mac(wii_u_interface) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror("Interface Error", "The selected Interface is no longer available.") self.activate() return if InterfaceUtil.is_managed_by_network_manager(wii_u_interface): set_unmanaged = messagebox.askokcancel( "Managed Interface", "This interface is managed by Network Manager. To use it with DRC Sim it needs " "to be set to unmanaged. Network Manager will not be able to control the interface" " after this.\nSet %s to unmanaged?" % wii_u_interface) if set_unmanaged: InterfaceUtil.set_unmanaged_by_network_manager(wii_u_interface) else: messagebox.showerror("Managed Interface", "Selected Wii U interface is managed by Network Manager.") self.activate() return if len(code) == 4: self.getting_psk = True self.set_code_text("") self.get_psk(code, wii_u_interface)
def close(self): "Extend EditorWindow.close()" if self.executing: response = tkMessageBox.askokcancel( "Kill?", "The program is still running!\n Do you want to kill it?", default="ok", parent=self.text) if response is False: return "cancel" self.stop_readline() self.canceled = True self.closing = True return EditorWindow.close(self)
def install_examples(): # pragma: no cover """ Pops up windows to allow the user to choose a directory for installation of sfc_models examples. Uses tkinter, which is installed in base Python (modern versions). :return: """ if not mbox.askokcancel(title='sfc_models Example Installation', message=validate_str): return target = fdog.askdirectory(title='Choose directory to for sfc_models examples installation') if target == () or target == '': return install_example_scripts.install(target)
def onClosing(self): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit","do you want to Quit?"): self.master.destroy() self.master.quit()
def onClosing(self): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit","do you want to Quit?"): for child in multiprocessing.active_children(): kill_proc_tree(child.pid) if self.running: killFCEUX() self.master.destroy() self.master.quit()
def canceltrade(): global privapi global orders if len(orders) > 0: if window.lstorders.curselection(): selectedorder = window.lstorders.get(window.lstorders.curselection()) orderid = str(orders[selectedorder].OrderId) warning = messagebox.askokcancel("############ WARNING!! ############", "You have requested a cancel on order no: " + orderid) if warning: ttype = "Trade" debugout("Requesting Cancellation of order no. " + orderid) response = privapi.canceltrade(ttype, orderid) if isinstance(response, str): debugout(response) else: orderstr = "Cancel Order ID: " + orderid + " Submitted! " if len(response) > 0: orderstr = orderstr + "Cancelled Order ID's: " for corder in response: orderstr = orderstr + str(corder) + ", " debugout(orderstr) getorders() else: debugout("User cancelled order: " + orderid + " cancellation after warning.") else: debugout("ERROR! - No Order Selected!") else: debugout("ERROR! - No Orders Found! Please try again.") getorders() # Cancel All trades for a TradePair via TradePairId
def canceltradepair(): global privapi global orders if len(orders) > 0: if window.lstorders.curselection(): selectedorder = window.lstorders.get(window.lstorders.curselection()) tradepairid = str(orders[selectedorder].TradePairId) marketname = orders[selectedorder].Market warning = messagebox.askokcancel("############ WARNING!! ############", "You have requested a cancel on ALL " + marketname + " orders.") if warning: ttype = "TradePair" debugout("Requesting Cancellation of all " + marketname + " trades...") response = privapi.canceltrade(ttype, tradepairid) if isinstance(response, str): debugout(response) else: orderstr = marketname + " TradePair Cancel Submitted! " if len(response) > 0: orderstr = orderstr + "Cancelled Order ID's: " for corder in response: orderstr = orderstr + str(corder) + ", " debugout(orderstr) getorders() else: debugout("User cancelled All " + tradepairid + " cancellation after warning.") else: debugout("ERROR! - No Order Selected!") else: debugout("ERROR! - No Orders Found! Please try again.") getorders() # Cancel ALL trades
def cancelalltrades(): global privapi global orders if len(orders) > 0: warning = messagebox.askokcancel("############ WARNING!! ############", "You have requested a cancel on ALL trades!") if warning: ttype = "All" response = privapi.canceltrade(ttype) if isinstance(response, str): debugout(response) else: orderstr = "All Trade Cancel Submitted! " if len(response) > 0: orderstr = orderstr + "Cancelled Order ID's: " for corder in response: orderstr = orderstr + str(corder) + ", " debugout(orderstr) getorders() else: debugout("User Cancelled All Trade Cancellation after warning.") else: debugout("ERROR! - No Orders Found! Please try again.") getorders() # Just a way to use 2 button handlers to start the trade with a binary choice
def tip(): global privapi currency = simpledialog.askstring("Currency Required", "Please provide the currency to tip in (eg. 'DOT' or '2')") if currency == "": debugout("ERROR! - Cannot tip without a currency!") else: amount = simpledialog.askfloat("Amount Required", "Please provide an amount of " + currency + " to tip") activeusers = simpledialog.askinteger("Number of Users Required", "Please provide a number of active users to tip (2-100):", initialvalue=2) formattedamount = "{0:.8f}".format(amount) activeusers = str(activeusers) confirm = messagebox.askokcancel("Confirm Tip", "Please confirm that you want to tip the trollbox\r\n" + "Tip Details:\r\nCurrency: " + currency + "\r\nAmount: " + formattedamount + "\r\nActive Users receiving: " + activeusers) if confirm: debugout("User confirmed " + formattedamount + " " + currency + " tip, to " + activeusers + " users.") response = privapi.submittip(currency, amount, activeusers) # The API is supposed to return a string in any event, it doesn't appear to be at the moment. # Just as well I coded my own confirmation!! if isinstance(response, str): # In this case, the response is always a string. debugout(response) else: # This next line is me getting over the fact that the API returns a Nonetype!! pass # debugout(str(response) + " is a " + str(type(response))) else: debugout("User Cancelled Tip after warning.")
def on_closing(self): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): self.pfr.init_board( { 'value': 0, 'direction': 0, 'pullup': 0}, { 'value': 0, 'direction': 0, # Makes all pins outputs outputs 'pullup': 0}) self.root.destroy()
def on_closing(self): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): self.root.destroy()
def print_window(self, event): confirm = tkMessageBox.askokcancel( title="Print", message="Print to Default Printer", default=tkMessageBox.OK, master=self.text) if not confirm: self.text.focus_set() return "break" tempfilename = None saved = self.get_saved() if saved: filename = self.filename # shell undo is reset after every prompt, looks saved, probably isn't if not saved or filename is None: (tfd, tempfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='IDLE_tmp_') filename = tempfilename os.close(tfd) if not self.writefile(tempfilename): os.unlink(tempfilename) return "break" platform = os.name printPlatform = True if platform == 'posix': #posix platform command = idleConf.GetOption('main','General', 'print-command-posix') command = command + " 2>&1" elif platform == 'nt': #win32 platform command = idleConf.GetOption('main','General','print-command-win') else: #no printing for this platform printPlatform = False if printPlatform: #we can try to print for this platform command = command % filename pipe = os.popen(command, "r") # things can get ugly on NT if there is no printer available. output = pipe.read().strip() status = pipe.close() if status: output = "Printing failed (exit status 0x%x)\n" % \ status + output if output: output = "Printing command: %s\n" % repr(command) + output tkMessageBox.showerror("Print status", output, master=self.text) else: #no printing for this platform message = "Printing is not enabled for this platform: %s" % platform tkMessageBox.showinfo("Print status", message, master=self.text) if tempfilename: os.unlink(tempfilename) return "break"
def print_window(self, event): confirm = tkMessageBox.askokcancel( title="Print", message="Print to Default Printer", default=tkMessageBox.OK, parent=self.text) if not confirm: self.text.focus_set() return "break" tempfilename = None saved = self.get_saved() if saved: filename = self.filename # shell undo is reset after every prompt, looks saved, probably isn't if not saved or filename is None: (tfd, tempfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='IDLE_tmp_') filename = tempfilename os.close(tfd) if not self.writefile(tempfilename): os.unlink(tempfilename) return "break" platform = os.name printPlatform = True if platform == 'posix': #posix platform command = idleConf.GetOption('main','General', 'print-command-posix') command = command + " 2>&1" elif platform == 'nt': #win32 platform command = idleConf.GetOption('main','General','print-command-win') else: #no printing for this platform printPlatform = False if printPlatform: #we can try to print for this platform command = command % shlex.quote(filename) pipe = os.popen(command, "r") # things can get ugly on NT if there is no printer available. output = pipe.read().strip() status = pipe.close() if status: output = "Printing failed (exit status 0x%x)\n" % \ status + output if output: output = "Printing command: %s\n" % repr(command) + output tkMessageBox.showerror("Print status", output, parent=self.text) else: #no printing for this platform message = "Printing is not enabled for this platform: %s" % platform tkMessageBox.showinfo("Print status", message, parent=self.text) if tempfilename: os.unlink(tempfilename) return "break"
def start_server(self, event=None): """ Try to start wpa_supplicant and connect to a Wii U. :param event: Determines if this was a user initiated start. :return: None """ if event: LoggerGui.debug("User clicked start server button") LoggerGui.debug("Start server called") if self.label_backend_status["text"] != DrcSimC.STOPPED and \ (self.label_wpa_status["text"] not in (WpaSupplicant.DISCONNECTED, WpaSupplicant.TERMINATED)): messagebox.showerror("Running", "Server is already running") return if not os.path.exists(constants.PATH_CONF_CONNECT): messagebox.showerror("Auth Error", "No auth details found. Use the \"Get Key\" tab to pair with a Wii U.") self.activate() return self.normal_interface = self.dropdown_normal_interface.get() self.wii_u_interface = self.dropdown_wiiu_interface.get() if not self.normal_interface or not self.wii_u_interface: messagebox.showerror("Interface Error", "Two interfaces need to be selected.") self.activate() return if self.normal_interface == self.wii_u_interface: messagebox.showerror("Interface Error", "The selected normal and Wii U interfaces must be different.") self.activate() return try: InterfaceUtil.get_mac(self.normal_interface) InterfaceUtil.get_mac(self.wii_u_interface) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror("Interface Error", "The selected Interface is no longer available.") self.activate() return if InterfaceUtil.is_managed_by_network_manager(self.wii_u_interface): set_unmanaged = messagebox.askokcancel( "Managed Interface", "This interface is managed by Network Manager. To use it with DRC Sim it needs " "to be set to unmanaged. Network Manager will not be able to control the interface" " after this.\nSet %s to unmanaged?" % self.wii_u_interface) if set_unmanaged: InterfaceUtil.set_unmanaged_by_network_manager(self.wii_u_interface) else: messagebox.showerror("Managed Interface", "Selected Wii U interface is managed by Network Manager.") self.activate() return LoggerGui.debug("Starting wpa supplicant") self.wpa_supplicant = WpaSupplicant() self.wpa_supplicant.add_status_change_listener(self.wpa_status_changed) self.wpa_supplicant.connect(constants.PATH_CONF_CONNECT, self.wii_u_interface) self.label_backend_status.config(text="WAITING")
def print_window(self, event): confirm = tkMessageBox.askokcancel( title="Print", message="Print to Default Printer", default=tkMessageBox.OK, master=self.text) if not confirm: self.text.focus_set() return "break" tempfilename = None saved = self.get_saved() if saved: filename = self.filename # shell undo is reset after every prompt, looks saved, probably isn't if not saved or filename is None: (tfd, tempfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='IDLE_tmp_') filename = tempfilename os.close(tfd) if not self.writefile(tempfilename): os.unlink(tempfilename) return "break" platform = os.name printPlatform = True if platform == 'posix': #posix platform command = idleConf.GetOption('main','General', 'print-command-posix') command = command + " 2>&1" elif platform == 'nt': #win32 platform command = idleConf.GetOption('main','General','print-command-win') else: #no printing for this platform printPlatform = False if printPlatform: #we can try to print for this platform command = command % shlex.quote(filename) pipe = os.popen(command, "r") # things can get ugly on NT if there is no printer available. output = pipe.read().strip() status = pipe.close() if status: output = "Printing failed (exit status 0x%x)\n" % \ status + output if output: output = "Printing command: %s\n" % repr(command) + output tkMessageBox.showerror("Print status", output, master=self.text) else: #no printing for this platform message = "Printing is not enabled for this platform: %s" % platform tkMessageBox.showinfo("Print status", message, master=self.text) if tempfilename: os.unlink(tempfilename) return "break"