Python token 模块,NUMBER 实例源码


项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_long(self):
        # Long integers
        self.check_tokenize("x = 0", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '0'           (1, 4) (1, 5)
        self.check_tokenize("x = 0xfffffffffff", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '0xffffffffff (1, 4) (1, 17)
        self.check_tokenize("x = 123141242151251616110", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '123141242151 (1, 4) (1, 25)
        self.check_tokenize("x = -15921590215012591", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    OP         '-'           (1, 4) (1, 5)
    NUMBER     '159215902150 (1, 5) (1, 22)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_additive(self):
        # Additive
        self.check_tokenize("x = 1 - y + 15 - 1 + 0x124 + z + a[5]", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 4) (1, 5)
    OP         '-'           (1, 6) (1, 7)
    NAME       'y'           (1, 8) (1, 9)
    OP         '+'           (1, 10) (1, 11)
    NUMBER     '15'          (1, 12) (1, 14)
    OP         '-'           (1, 15) (1, 16)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 17) (1, 18)
    OP         '+'           (1, 19) (1, 20)
    NUMBER     '0x124'       (1, 21) (1, 26)
    OP         '+'           (1, 27) (1, 28)
    NAME       'z'           (1, 29) (1, 30)
    OP         '+'           (1, 31) (1, 32)
    NAME       'a'           (1, 33) (1, 34)
    OP         '['           (1, 34) (1, 35)
    NUMBER     '5'           (1, 35) (1, 36)
    OP         ']'           (1, 36) (1, 37)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_multiplicative(self):
        # Multiplicative
        self.check_tokenize("x = 1//1*1/5*12%0x12", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 4) (1, 5)
    OP         '//'          (1, 5) (1, 7)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 7) (1, 8)
    OP         '*'           (1, 8) (1, 9)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 9) (1, 10)
    OP         '/'           (1, 10) (1, 11)
    NUMBER     '5'           (1, 11) (1, 12)
    OP         '*'           (1, 12) (1, 13)
    NUMBER     '12'          (1, 13) (1, 15)
    OP         '%'           (1, 15) (1, 16)
    NUMBER     '0x12'        (1, 16) (1, 20)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self._dispatch = {}
        for value, name in symbol.sym_name.items():
            if hasattr(self, name):
                self._dispatch[value] = getattr(self, name)
        self._dispatch[token.NEWLINE] = self.com_NEWLINE
        self._atom_dispatch = {token.LPAR: self.atom_lpar,
                               token.LSQB: self.atom_lsqb,
                               token.LBRACE: self.atom_lbrace,
                               token.BACKQUOTE: self.atom_backquote,
                               token.NUMBER: self.atom_number,
                               token.STRING: self.atom_string,
                               token.NAME: self.atom_name,
        self.encoding = None
项目:sc-controller    作者:kozec    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parse_number(self):
        t = self._next_token()
        if t.type != TokenType.NUMBER:
            raise ParseError("Expected number, got '%s'" % (t.value,))
        if "." in t.value:
            return float(t.value)
        elif "e" in t.value.lower():
            return float(t.value)
        elif t.value.lower().startswith("0x"):
            return int(t.value, 16)
        elif t.value.lower().startswith("0b"):
            return int(t.value, 2)
            return int(t.value)
项目:deb-python-pint    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_token(cls, token, use_decimal=False):
        token_type = token.type
        token_text = token.string
        if token_type == NUMBER:
                return int(token_text)
            except ValueError:
                if use_decimal:
                    return Decimal(token_text)
                return float(token_text)
        elif token_type == NAME:
            return ParserHelper.from_word(token_text)
            raise Exception('unknown token type')
项目:ipython-autoimport    作者:anntzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _report(ipython, msg):
    """Output a message prepended by a colored `Autoimport:` tag.
    # Tell prompt_toolkit to pass ANSI escapes through (PTK#187); harmless on
    # pre-PTK versions.
    sys.stdout._raw = True
    cs = PyColorize.Parser().color_table[ipython.colors].colors
    # Token.NUMBER: bright blue (cyan), looks reasonable.
    print("{}Autoimport:{} {}".format(cs[token.NUMBER], cs["normal"], msg))
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self._dispatch = {}
        for value, name in symbol.sym_name.items():
            if hasattr(self, name):
                self._dispatch[value] = getattr(self, name)
        self._dispatch[token.NEWLINE] = self.com_NEWLINE
        self._atom_dispatch = {token.LPAR: self.atom_lpar,
                               token.LSQB: self.atom_lsqb,
                               token.LBRACE: self.atom_lbrace,
                               token.BACKQUOTE: self.atom_backquote,
                               token.NUMBER: self.atom_number,
                               token.STRING: self.atom_string,
                               token.NAME: self.atom_name,
        self.encoding = None
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self._dispatch = {}
        for value, name in symbol.sym_name.items():
            if hasattr(self, name):
                self._dispatch[value] = getattr(self, name)
        self._dispatch[token.NEWLINE] = self.com_NEWLINE
        self._atom_dispatch = {token.LPAR: self.atom_lpar,
                               token.LSQB: self.atom_lsqb,
                               token.LBRACE: self.atom_lbrace,
                               token.BACKQUOTE: self.atom_backquote,
                               token.NUMBER: self.atom_number,
                               token.STRING: self.atom_string,
                               token.NAME: self.atom_name,
        self.encoding = None
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self._dispatch = {}
        for value, name in symbol.sym_name.items():
            if hasattr(self, name):
                self._dispatch[value] = getattr(self, name)
        self._dispatch[token.NEWLINE] = self.com_NEWLINE
        self._atom_dispatch = {token.LPAR: self.atom_lpar,
                               token.LSQB: self.atom_lsqb,
                               token.LBRACE: self.atom_lbrace,
                               token.BACKQUOTE: self.atom_backquote,
                               token.NUMBER: self.atom_number,
                               token.STRING: self.atom_string,
                               token.NAME: self.atom_name,
        self.encoding = None
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decistmt(s):
    """Substitute Decimals for floats in a string of statements.

    >>> from decimal import Decimal
    >>> s = 'print(+21.3e-5*-.1234/81.7)'
    >>> decistmt(s)
    "print (+Decimal ('21.3e-5')*-Decimal ('.1234')/Decimal ('81.7'))"

    The format of the exponent is inherited from the platform C library.
    Known cases are "e-007" (Windows) and "e-07" (not Windows).  Since
    we're only showing 11 digits, and the 12th isn't close to 5, the
    rest of the output should be platform-independent.

    >>> exec(s) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    Output from calculations with Decimal should be identical across all

    >>> exec(decistmt(s))
    result = []
    g = tokenize(BytesIO(s.encode('utf-8')).readline)   # tokenize the string
    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _  in g:
        if toknum == NUMBER and '.' in tokval:  # replace NUMBER tokens
                (NAME, 'Decimal'),
                (OP, '('),
                (STRING, repr(tokval)),
                (OP, ')')
            result.append((toknum, tokval))
    return untokenize(result).decode('utf-8')
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self._dispatch = {}
        for value, name in symbol.sym_name.items():
            if hasattr(self, name):
                self._dispatch[value] = getattr(self, name)
        self._dispatch[token.NEWLINE] = self.com_NEWLINE
        self._atom_dispatch = {token.LPAR: self.atom_lpar,
                               token.LSQB: self.atom_lsqb,
                               token.LBRACE: self.atom_lbrace,
                               token.BACKQUOTE: self.atom_backquote,
                               token.NUMBER: self.atom_number,
                               token.STRING: self.atom_string,
                               token.NAME: self.atom_name,
        self.encoding = None
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        self.check_tokenize("1 + 1", """\
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '+'           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 4) (1, 5)
        self.check_tokenize("if False:\n"
                            "    # NL\n"
                            "    True = False # NEWLINE\n", """\
    NAME       'if'          (1, 0) (1, 2)
    NAME       'False'       (1, 3) (1, 8)
    OP         ':'           (1, 8) (1, 9)
    NEWLINE    '\\n'          (1, 9) (1, 10)
    COMMENT    '# NL'        (2, 4) (2, 8)
    NL         '\\n'          (2, 8) (2, 9)
    INDENT     '    '        (3, 0) (3, 4)
    NAME       'True'        (3, 4) (3, 8)
    OP         '='           (3, 9) (3, 10)
    NAME       'False'       (3, 11) (3, 16)
    COMMENT    '# NEWLINE'   (3, 17) (3, 26)
    NEWLINE    '\\n'          (3, 26) (3, 27)
    DEDENT     ''            (4, 0) (4, 0)
        indent_error_file = b"""\
def k(x):
    x += 2
  x += 5
        readline = BytesIO(indent_error_file).readline
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(IndentationError,
                                    "unindent does not match any "
                                    "outer indentation level"):
            for tok in tokenize(readline):
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_float(self):
        # Floating point numbers
        self.check_tokenize("x = 3.14159", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '3.14159'     (1, 4) (1, 11)
        self.check_tokenize("x = 314159.", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '314159.'     (1, 4) (1, 11)
        self.check_tokenize("x = .314159", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '.314159'     (1, 4) (1, 11)
        self.check_tokenize("x = 3e14159", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '3e14159'     (1, 4) (1, 11)
        self.check_tokenize("x = 3E123", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '3E123'       (1, 4) (1, 9)
        self.check_tokenize("x+y = 3e-1230", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '+'           (1, 1) (1, 2)
    NAME       'y'           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    OP         '='           (1, 4) (1, 5)
    NUMBER     '3e-1230'     (1, 6) (1, 13)
        self.check_tokenize("x = 3.14e159", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '3.14e159'    (1, 4) (1, 12)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_function(self):
        self.check_tokenize("def d22(a, b, c=2, d=2, *k): pass", """\
    NAME       'def'         (1, 0) (1, 3)
    NAME       'd22'         (1, 4) (1, 7)
    OP         '('           (1, 7) (1, 8)
    NAME       'a'           (1, 8) (1, 9)
    OP         ','           (1, 9) (1, 10)
    NAME       'b'           (1, 11) (1, 12)
    OP         ','           (1, 12) (1, 13)
    NAME       'c'           (1, 14) (1, 15)
    OP         '='           (1, 15) (1, 16)
    NUMBER     '2'           (1, 16) (1, 17)
    OP         ','           (1, 17) (1, 18)
    NAME       'd'           (1, 19) (1, 20)
    OP         '='           (1, 20) (1, 21)
    NUMBER     '2'           (1, 21) (1, 22)
    OP         ','           (1, 22) (1, 23)
    OP         '*'           (1, 24) (1, 25)
    NAME       'k'           (1, 25) (1, 26)
    OP         ')'           (1, 26) (1, 27)
    OP         ':'           (1, 27) (1, 28)
    NAME       'pass'        (1, 29) (1, 33)
        self.check_tokenize("def d01v_(a=1, *k, **w): pass", """\
    NAME       'def'         (1, 0) (1, 3)
    NAME       'd01v_'       (1, 4) (1, 9)
    OP         '('           (1, 9) (1, 10)
    NAME       'a'           (1, 10) (1, 11)
    OP         '='           (1, 11) (1, 12)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 12) (1, 13)
    OP         ','           (1, 13) (1, 14)
    OP         '*'           (1, 15) (1, 16)
    NAME       'k'           (1, 16) (1, 17)
    OP         ','           (1, 17) (1, 18)
    OP         '**'          (1, 19) (1, 21)
    NAME       'w'           (1, 21) (1, 22)
    OP         ')'           (1, 22) (1, 23)
    OP         ':'           (1, 23) (1, 24)
    NAME       'pass'        (1, 25) (1, 29)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_shift(self):
        # Shift
        self.check_tokenize("x = 1 << 1 >> 5", """\
    NAME       'x'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '='           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 4) (1, 5)
    OP         '<<'          (1, 6) (1, 8)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 9) (1, 10)
    OP         '>>'          (1, 11) (1, 13)
    NUMBER     '5'           (1, 14) (1, 15)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_unary(self):
        # Unary
        self.check_tokenize("~1 ^ 1 & 1 |1 ^ -1", """\
    OP         '~'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 1) (1, 2)
    OP         '^'           (1, 3) (1, 4)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 5) (1, 6)
    OP         '&'           (1, 7) (1, 8)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 9) (1, 10)
    OP         '|'           (1, 11) (1, 12)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 12) (1, 13)
    OP         '^'           (1, 14) (1, 15)
    OP         '-'           (1, 16) (1, 17)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 17) (1, 18)
        self.check_tokenize("-1*1/1+1*1//1 - ---1**1", """\
    OP         '-'           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 1) (1, 2)
    OP         '*'           (1, 2) (1, 3)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 3) (1, 4)
    OP         '/'           (1, 4) (1, 5)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 5) (1, 6)
    OP         '+'           (1, 6) (1, 7)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 7) (1, 8)
    OP         '*'           (1, 8) (1, 9)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 9) (1, 10)
    OP         '//'          (1, 10) (1, 12)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 12) (1, 13)
    OP         '-'           (1, 14) (1, 15)
    OP         '-'           (1, 16) (1, 17)
    OP         '-'           (1, 17) (1, 18)
    OP         '-'           (1, 18) (1, 19)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 19) (1, 20)
    OP         '**'          (1, 20) (1, 22)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 22) (1, 23)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decistmt(s):
    result = []
    g = tokenize(BytesIO(s.encode('utf-8')).readline)   # tokenize the string
    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _  in g:
        if toknum == NUMBER and '.' in tokval:  # replace NUMBER tokens
                (NAME, 'Decimal'),
                (OP, '('),
                (STRING, repr(tokval)),
                (OP, ')')
            result.append((toknum, tokval))
    return untokenize(result).decode('utf-8')
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decistmt(s):
    """Substitute Decimals for floats in a string of statements.

    >>> from decimal import Decimal
    >>> s = 'print(+21.3e-5*-.1234/81.7)'
    >>> decistmt(s)
    "print (+Decimal ('21.3e-5')*-Decimal ('.1234')/Decimal ('81.7'))"

    The format of the exponent is inherited from the platform C library.
    Known cases are "e-007" (Windows) and "e-07" (not Windows).  Since
    we're only showing 11 digits, and the 12th isn't close to 5, the
    rest of the output should be platform-independent.

    >>> exec(s) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    Output from calculations with Decimal should be identical across all

    >>> exec(decistmt(s))
    result = []
    g = tokenize(BytesIO(s.encode('utf-8')).readline)   # tokenize the string
    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _  in g:
        if toknum == NUMBER and '.' in tokval:  # replace NUMBER tokens
                (NAME, 'Decimal'),
                (OP, '('),
                (STRING, repr(tokval)),
                (OP, ')')
            result.append((toknum, tokval))
    return untokenize(result).decode('utf-8')
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_exact_type(self):
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('()', token.LPAR, token.RPAR)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('[]', token.LSQB, token.RSQB)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual(':', token.COLON)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual(',', token.COMMA)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual(';', token.SEMI)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('+', token.PLUS)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('-', token.MINUS)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('*', token.STAR)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('/', token.SLASH)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('|', token.VBAR)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('&', token.AMPER)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('<', token.LESS)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('>', token.GREATER)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('=', token.EQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('.', token.DOT)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('%', token.PERCENT)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('{}', token.LBRACE, token.RBRACE)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('==', token.EQEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('!=', token.NOTEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('<=', token.LESSEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('>=', token.GREATEREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('~', token.TILDE)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('^', token.CIRCUMFLEX)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('<<', token.LEFTSHIFT)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('>>', token.RIGHTSHIFT)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('**', token.DOUBLESTAR)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('+=', token.PLUSEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('-=', token.MINEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('*=', token.STAREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('/=', token.SLASHEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('%=', token.PERCENTEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('&=', token.AMPEREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('|=', token.VBAREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('^=', token.CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('^=', token.CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('<<=', token.LEFTSHIFTEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('>>=', token.RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('**=', token.DOUBLESTAREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('//', token.DOUBLESLASH)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('//=', token.DOUBLESLASHEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('@', token.AT)

                                  NAME, token.DOUBLESTAR, NUMBER,
                                  NAME, token.DOUBLESTAR, NUMBER,
                                  NAME, token.DOUBLESTAR, NUMBER)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('{1, 2, 3}',
                                  token.NUMBER, token.COMMA,
                                  token.NUMBER, token.COMMA,
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('^(x & 0x1)',
                                  token.NAME, token.AMPER, token.NUMBER,
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_int(self):
        # Ordinary integers and binary operators
        self.check_tokenize("0xff <= 255", """\
    NUMBER     '0xff'        (1, 0) (1, 4)
    OP         '<='          (1, 5) (1, 7)
    NUMBER     '255'         (1, 8) (1, 11)
        self.check_tokenize("0b10 <= 255", """\
    NUMBER     '0b10'        (1, 0) (1, 4)
    OP         '<='          (1, 5) (1, 7)
    NUMBER     '255'         (1, 8) (1, 11)
        self.check_tokenize("0o123 <= 0O123", """\
    NUMBER     '0o123'       (1, 0) (1, 5)
    OP         '<='          (1, 6) (1, 8)
    NUMBER     '0O123'       (1, 9) (1, 14)
        self.check_tokenize("1234567 > ~0x15", """\
    NUMBER     '1234567'     (1, 0) (1, 7)
    OP         '>'           (1, 8) (1, 9)
    OP         '~'           (1, 10) (1, 11)
    NUMBER     '0x15'        (1, 11) (1, 15)
        self.check_tokenize("2134568 != 1231515", """\
    NUMBER     '2134568'     (1, 0) (1, 7)
    OP         '!='          (1, 8) (1, 10)
    NUMBER     '1231515'     (1, 11) (1, 18)
        self.check_tokenize("(-124561-1) & 200000000", """\
    OP         '('           (1, 0) (1, 1)
    OP         '-'           (1, 1) (1, 2)
    NUMBER     '124561'      (1, 2) (1, 8)
    OP         '-'           (1, 8) (1, 9)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 9) (1, 10)
    OP         ')'           (1, 10) (1, 11)
    OP         '&'           (1, 12) (1, 13)
    NUMBER     '200000000'   (1, 14) (1, 23)
        self.check_tokenize("0xdeadbeef != -1", """\
    NUMBER     '0xdeadbeef'  (1, 0) (1, 10)
    OP         '!='          (1, 11) (1, 13)
    OP         '-'           (1, 14) (1, 15)
    NUMBER     '1'           (1, 15) (1, 16)
        self.check_tokenize("0xdeadc0de & 12345", """\
    NUMBER     '0xdeadc0de'  (1, 0) (1, 10)
    OP         '&'           (1, 11) (1, 12)
    NUMBER     '12345'       (1, 13) (1, 18)
        self.check_tokenize("0xFF & 0x15 | 1234", """\
    NUMBER     '0xFF'        (1, 0) (1, 4)
    OP         '&'           (1, 5) (1, 6)
    NUMBER     '0x15'        (1, 7) (1, 11)
    OP         '|'           (1, 12) (1, 13)
    NUMBER     '1234'        (1, 14) (1, 18)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_exact_type(self):
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('()', token.LPAR, token.RPAR)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('[]', token.LSQB, token.RSQB)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual(':', token.COLON)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual(',', token.COMMA)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual(';', token.SEMI)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('+', token.PLUS)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('-', token.MINUS)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('*', token.STAR)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('/', token.SLASH)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('|', token.VBAR)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('&', token.AMPER)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('<', token.LESS)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('>', token.GREATER)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('=', token.EQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('.', token.DOT)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('%', token.PERCENT)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('{}', token.LBRACE, token.RBRACE)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('==', token.EQEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('!=', token.NOTEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('<=', token.LESSEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('>=', token.GREATEREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('~', token.TILDE)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('^', token.CIRCUMFLEX)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('<<', token.LEFTSHIFT)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('>>', token.RIGHTSHIFT)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('**', token.DOUBLESTAR)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('+=', token.PLUSEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('-=', token.MINEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('*=', token.STAREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('/=', token.SLASHEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('%=', token.PERCENTEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('&=', token.AMPEREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('|=', token.VBAREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('^=', token.CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('^=', token.CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('<<=', token.LEFTSHIFTEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('>>=', token.RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('**=', token.DOUBLESTAREQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('//', token.DOUBLESLASH)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('//=', token.DOUBLESLASHEQUAL)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('@', token.AT)

                                  NAME, token.DOUBLESTAR, NUMBER,
                                  NAME, token.DOUBLESTAR, NUMBER,
                                  NAME, token.DOUBLESTAR, NUMBER)
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('{1, 2, 3}',
                                  token.NUMBER, token.COMMA,
                                  token.NUMBER, token.COMMA,
        self.assertExactTypeEqual('^(x & 0x1)',
                                  token.NAME, token.AMPER, token.NUMBER,