Python token 模块,type() 实例源码


项目:ivaochdoc    作者:ivaoch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:ivaochdoc    作者:ivaoch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def token_repr(tok_type, string):
  """Returns a human-friendly representation of a token with the given type and string."""
  # repr() prefixes unicode with 'u' on Python2 but not Python3; strip it out for consistency.
  return '%s:%s' % (token.tok_name[tok_type], repr(string).lstrip('u'))
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __str__(self):
    return token_repr(self.type, self.string)
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def match_token(token, tok_type, tok_str=None):
  """Returns true if token is of the given type and, if a string is given, has that string."""
  return token.type == tok_type and (tok_str is None or token.string == tok_str)
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expect_token(token, tok_type, tok_str=None):
  Verifies that the given token is of the expected type. If tok_str is given, the token string
  is verified too. If the token doesn't match, raises an informative ValueError.
  if not match_token(token, tok_type, tok_str):
    raise ValueError("Expected token %s, got %s on line %s col %s" % (
      token_repr(tok_type, tok_str), str(token),
      token.start[0], token.start[1] + 1))
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, obj, cls):
    Using the lowercase name of the class as node_type, returns `obj.visit_{node_type}`,
    or `obj.visit_default` if the type-specific method is not found.
    method = self._cache.get(cls)
    if not method:
      name = "visit_" + cls.__name__.lower()
      method = getattr(obj, name, obj.visit_default)
      self._cache[cls] = method
    return method
项目:news-for-good    作者:thecodinghub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:news-for-good    作者:thecodinghub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:news-for-good    作者:thecodinghub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:Tencent_Cartoon_Download    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:Tencent_Cartoon_Download    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:Tencent_Cartoon_Download    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argment, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternately, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:CloudPrint    作者:William-An    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:CloudPrint    作者:William-An    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:CloudPrint    作者:William-An    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argment, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternately, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argment, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternately, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:projeto    作者:BarmyPenguin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:projeto    作者:BarmyPenguin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:projeto    作者:BarmyPenguin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argment, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternately, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:aweasome_learning    作者:Knight-ZXW    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:aweasome_learning    作者:Knight-ZXW    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:aweasome_learning    作者:Knight-ZXW    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argment, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternately, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argment, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternately, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:MyFriend-Rob    作者:lcheniv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        annotated_type = '%d (%s)' % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
        return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)' %
项目:MyFriend-Rob    作者:lcheniv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_type(self):
        if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
            return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
            return self.type
项目:MyFriend-Rob    作者:lcheniv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    import argparse

    # Helper error handling routines
    def perror(message):
        print(message, file=sys.stderr)

    def error(message, filename=None, location=None):
        if location:
            args = (filename,) + location + (message,)
            perror("%s:%d:%d: error: %s" % args)
        elif filename:
            perror("%s: error: %s" % (filename, message))
            perror("error: %s" % message)

    # Parse the arguments and options
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='python -m tokenize')
    parser.add_argument(dest='filename', nargs='?',
                        help='the file to tokenize; defaults to stdin')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--exact', dest='exact', action='store_true',
                        help='display token names using the exact type')
    args = parser.parse_args()

        # Tokenize the input
        if args.filename:
            filename = args.filename
            with _builtin_open(filename, 'rb') as f:
                tokens = list(tokenize(f.readline))
            filename = "<stdin>"
            tokens = _tokenize(sys.stdin.readline, None)

        # Output the tokenization
        for token in tokens:
            token_type = token.type
            if args.exact:
                token_type = token.exact_type
            token_range = "%d,%d-%d,%d:" % (token.start + token.end)
            print("%-20s%-15s%-15r" %
                  (token_range, tok_name[token_type], token.string))
    except IndentationError as err:
        line, column = err.args[1][1:3]
        error(err.args[0], filename, (line, column))
    except TokenError as err:
        line, column = err.args[1]
        error(err.args[0], filename, (line, column))
    except SyntaxError as err:
        error(err, filename)
    except OSError as err:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception as err:
        perror("unexpected error: %s" % err)