Python torch.backends.cudnn 模块,version() 实例源码


项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _update_output(self, input, weight, bias):
        self.use_cudnn = cudnn.is_acceptable(input)
        if self.use_cudnn and cudnn.version() < 6000:
            self.use_cudnn = not self.is_dilated()
        if self.use_cudnn:
            output =*self._output_size(input, weight))
            if self.transposed:
                self._cudnn_info = (
                        input, weight, bias, output, self.padding, self.stride, self.dilation,
                        self.groups, cudnn.benchmark))
                self._cudnn_info = torch._C._cudnn_convolution_full_forward(
                    input, weight, bias, output, self.padding, self.stride, self.dilation,
                    self.groups, cudnn.benchmark)
            if not self.requires_grad:
                del self._cudnn_info
            return output

        self._bufs = [[] for g in range(self.groups)]
        output = self._thnn('update_output', input, weight, bias)
        if not self.requires_grad:
            del self._bufs
        return output
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _update_output(self, input, weight, bias):
        self.use_cudnn = cudnn.is_acceptable(input)
        if self.use_cudnn and cudnn.version() < 6000:
            self.use_cudnn = not self.is_dilated()
        if self.use_cudnn:
            output =*self._output_size(input, weight))
            if self.transposed:
                self._cudnn_info = (
                        input, weight, bias, output, self.padding, self.stride, self.dilation,
                        self.groups, cudnn.benchmark))
                self._cudnn_info = torch._C._cudnn_convolution_full_forward(
                    input, weight, bias, output, self.padding, self.stride, self.dilation,
                    self.groups, cudnn.benchmark)
            if not self.requires_grad:
                del self._cudnn_info
            return output

        self._bufs = [[] for g in range(self.groups)]
        output = self._thnn('update_output', input, weight, bias)
        if not self.requires_grad:
            del self._bufs
        return output
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward_weight(fn, input, hx, output, weight, grad_weight):
    with torch.cuda.device_of(input):
        is_input_packed = fn.batch_sizes is not None
        handle = cudnn.get_handle()

        if fn.mode == cudnn.CUDNN_LSTM:
            hx, cx = hx
            cx = None

        if fn.batch_first and not is_input_packed:
            input = input.transpose(0, 1)
            output = output.transpose(0, 1)
        input_size = _input_size(fn, input)
        hidden_size = _hidden_size(fn)
        if not fn.requires_grad:
            raise RuntimeError('backward_weight can only be called when the function requires grad!')
        if fn.dropout != 0 and cudnn.version() < 5103:
            raise RuntimeError('dropout supported only in cudnn v 5.1 and above')
        if tuple(input.size()) != input_size:
            raise RuntimeError('Expected input size {}, got {}'.format(
                input_size, tuple(input.size())))
        if tuple(hx.size()) != hidden_size:
            raise RuntimeError('Expected input size {}, got {}'.format(
                hidden_size, hx.size()))

        assert hx.is_contiguous()
        assert cx is None or cx.is_contiguous()
        x = input.contiguous()
        y = output
        dw =

            fn.x_descs, ctypes.c_void_p(x.data_ptr()),
            fn.hx_desc, ctypes.c_void_p(hx.data_ptr()),
            fn.y_descs, ctypes.c_void_p(y.data_ptr()),
            ctypes.c_void_p(fn.workspace.data_ptr()), fn.workspace.size(0),
            fn.w_desc, ctypes.c_void_p(dw.data_ptr()),
            ctypes.c_void_p(fn.reserve.data_ptr()), fn.reserve.size(0)

        # copy the weights from the weight_buf into grad_weight
        grad_params = get_parameters(fn, handle, dw)
        _copyParams(grad_params, grad_weight)
        return grad_weight
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward_weight(fn, input, hx, output, weight, grad_weight):
    with torch.cuda.device_of(input):
        is_input_packed = fn.batch_sizes is not None
        handle = cudnn.get_handle()

        if fn.mode == cudnn.CUDNN_LSTM:
            hx, cx = hx
            cx = None

        if fn.batch_first and not is_input_packed:
            input = input.transpose(0, 1)
            output = output.transpose(0, 1)
        input_size = _input_size(fn, input)
        hidden_size = _hidden_size(fn)
        if not fn.requires_grad:
            raise RuntimeError('backward_weight can only be called when the function requires grad!')
        if fn.dropout != 0 and cudnn.version() < 5103:
            raise RuntimeError('dropout supported only in cudnn v 5.1 and above')
        if tuple(input.size()) != input_size:
            raise RuntimeError('Expected input size {}, got {}'.format(
                input_size, tuple(input.size())))
        if tuple(hx.size()) != hidden_size:
            raise RuntimeError('Expected input size {}, got {}'.format(
                hidden_size, hx.size()))

        assert hx.is_contiguous()
        assert cx is None or cx.is_contiguous()
        x = input.contiguous()
        y = output
        dw =

            fn.x_descs, ctypes.c_void_p(x.data_ptr()),
            fn.hx_desc, ctypes.c_void_p(hx.data_ptr()),
            fn.y_descs, ctypes.c_void_p(y.data_ptr()),
            ctypes.c_void_p(fn.workspace.data_ptr()), fn.workspace.size(0),
            fn.w_desc, ctypes.c_void_p(dw.data_ptr()),
            ctypes.c_void_p(fn.reserve.data_ptr()), fn.reserve.size(0)

        # copy the weights from the weight_buf into grad_weight
        grad_params = get_parameters(fn, handle, dw)
        _copyParams(grad_params, grad_weight)
        return grad_weight
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward_weight(fn, input, hx, output, weight, grad_weight):
    with torch.cuda.device_of(input):
        is_input_packed = fn.batch_sizes is not None
        handle = cudnn.get_handle()

        if fn.mode == cudnn.CUDNN_LSTM:
            hx, cx = hx
            cx = None

        if fn.batch_first and not is_input_packed:
            input = input.transpose(0, 1)
            output = output.transpose(0, 1)
        input_size = _input_size(fn, input)
        hidden_size = _hidden_size(fn)
        if not fn.requires_grad:
            raise RuntimeError('backward_weight can only be called when the function requires grad!')
        if fn.dropout != 0 and cudnn.version() < 5103:
            raise RuntimeError('dropout supported only in cudnn v 5.1 and above')
        if tuple(input.size()) != input_size:
            raise RuntimeError('Expected input size {}, got {}'.format(
                input_size, tuple(input.size())))
        if tuple(hx.size()) != hidden_size:
            raise RuntimeError('Expected input size {}, got {}'.format(
                hidden_size, hx.size()))

        assert hx.is_contiguous()
        assert cx is None or cx.is_contiguous()
        x = input.contiguous()
        y = output
        dw =

        with torch.cuda.device_of(input):
            workspace = torch.cuda.ByteTensor(fn.workspace_size)
            fn.x_descs, ctypes.c_void_p(x.data_ptr()),
            fn.hx_desc, ctypes.c_void_p(hx.data_ptr()),
            fn.y_descs, ctypes.c_void_p(y.data_ptr()),
            ctypes.c_void_p(workspace.data_ptr()), workspace.size(0),
            fn.w_desc, ctypes.c_void_p(dw.data_ptr()),
            ctypes.c_void_p(fn.reserve.data_ptr()), fn.reserve.size(0)

        # copy the weights from the weight_buf into grad_weight
        grad_params = get_parameters(fn, handle, dw)
        _copyParams(grad_params, grad_weight)
        return grad_weight
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward_weight(fn, input, hx, output, weight, grad_weight):
    with torch.cuda.device_of(input):
        is_input_packed = fn.batch_sizes is not None
        handle = cudnn.get_handle()

        if fn.mode == cudnn.CUDNN_LSTM:
            hx, cx = hx
            cx = None

        if fn.batch_first and not is_input_packed:
            input = input.transpose(0, 1)
            output = output.transpose(0, 1)
        input_size = _input_size(fn, input)
        hidden_size = _hidden_size(fn)
        if not fn.requires_grad:
            raise RuntimeError('backward_weight can only be called when the function requires grad!')
        if fn.dropout != 0 and cudnn.version() < 5103:
            raise RuntimeError('dropout supported only in cudnn v 5.1 and above')
        if tuple(input.size()) != input_size:
            raise RuntimeError('Expected input size {}, got {}'.format(
                input_size, tuple(input.size())))
        if tuple(hx.size()) != hidden_size:
            raise RuntimeError('Expected input size {}, got {}'.format(
                hidden_size, hx.size()))

        assert hx.is_contiguous()
        assert cx is None or cx.is_contiguous()
        x = input.contiguous()
        y = output
        dw =

        with torch.cuda.device_of(input):
            workspace = torch.cuda.ByteTensor(fn.workspace_size)
            fn.x_descs, ctypes.c_void_p(x.data_ptr()),
            fn.hx_desc, ctypes.c_void_p(hx.data_ptr()),
            fn.y_descs, ctypes.c_void_p(y.data_ptr()),
            ctypes.c_void_p(workspace.data_ptr()), workspace.size(0),
            fn.w_desc, ctypes.c_void_p(dw.data_ptr()),
            ctypes.c_void_p(fn.reserve.data_ptr()), fn.reserve.size(0)

        # copy the weights from the weight_buf into grad_weight
        grad_params = get_parameters(fn, handle, dw)
        _copyParams(grad_params, grad_weight)
        return grad_weight