Python torch 模块,exp() 实例源码


项目:MMD-GAN    作者:OctoberChang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mix_rbf_kernel(X, Y, sigma_list):
    assert(X.size(0) == Y.size(0))
    m = X.size(0)

    Z =, Y), 0)
    ZZT =, Z.t())
    diag_ZZT = torch.diag(ZZT).unsqueeze(1)
    Z_norm_sqr = diag_ZZT.expand_as(ZZT)
    exponent = Z_norm_sqr - 2 * ZZT + Z_norm_sqr.t()

    K = 0.0
    for sigma in sigma_list:
        gamma = 1.0 / (2 * sigma**2)
        K += torch.exp(-gamma * exponent)

    return K[:m, :m], K[:m, m:], K[m:, m:], len(sigma_list)
项目:treelstm.pytorch    作者:dasguptar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(self, dataset):
        total_loss = 0
        predictions = torch.zeros(len(dataset))
        indices = torch.arange(1, dataset.num_classes + 1)
        for idx in tqdm(range(len(dataset)),desc='Testing epoch  ' + str(self.epoch) + ''):
            ltree, lsent, rtree, rsent, label = dataset[idx]
            linput, rinput = Var(lsent, volatile=True), Var(rsent, volatile=True)
            target = Var(map_label_to_target(label, dataset.num_classes), volatile=True)
            if self.args.cuda:
                linput, rinput = linput.cuda(), rinput.cuda()
                target = target.cuda()
            output = self.model(ltree, linput, rtree, rinput)
            loss = self.criterion(output, target)
            total_loss +=[0]
            output =
            predictions[idx] =, torch.exp(output))
        return total_loss / len(dataset), predictions
项目:ssd.pytorch    作者:amdegroot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(loc, priors, variances):
    """Decode locations from predictions using priors to undo
    the encoding we did for offset regression at train time.
        loc (tensor): location predictions for loc layers,
            Shape: [num_priors,4]
        priors (tensor): Prior boxes in center-offset form.
            Shape: [num_priors,4].
        variances: (list[float]) Variances of priorboxes
        decoded bounding box predictions

    boxes =
        priors[:, :2] + loc[:, :2] * variances[0] * priors[:, 2:],
        priors[:, 2:] * torch.exp(loc[:, 2:] * variances[1])), 1)
    boxes[:, :2] -= boxes[:, 2:] / 2
    boxes[:, 2:] += boxes[:, :2]
    return boxes
项目:allennlp    作者:allenai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self,  # type: ignore
                 logits: torch.Tensor,
                 mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
        logits : ``torch.Tensor``, required.
            A tensor of unnormalized log probabilities of shape (batch_size, ..., num_classes).
        mask: ``torch.Tensor``, optional (default = None).
            A masking tensor of shape (batch_size, ...).
        # Get the data from the Variables.
        logits, mask = self.unwrap_to_tensors(logits, mask)

        if mask is None:
            mask = torch.ones(logits.size()[:-1])

        log_probs = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(Variable(logits), dim=-1).data
        probabilities = torch.exp(log_probs) * mask.unsqueeze(-1)
        weighted_negative_likelihood = - log_probs * probabilities
        entropy = weighted_negative_likelihood.sum(-1)

        self._entropy += entropy.sum() / mask.sum()
        self._count += 1
项目:allennlp    作者:allenai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logsumexp(tensor: torch.Tensor,
              dim: int = -1,
              keepdim: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
    A numerically stable computation of logsumexp. This is mathematically equivalent to
    `tensor.exp().sum(dim, keep=keepdim).log()`.  This function is typically used for summing log

    tensor : torch.FloatTensor, required.
        A tensor of arbitrary size.
    dim : int, optional (default = -1)
        The dimension of the tensor to apply the logsumexp to.
    keepdim: bool, optional (default = False)
        Whether to retain a dimension of size one at the dimension we reduce over.
    max_score, _ = tensor.max(dim, keepdim=keepdim)
    if keepdim:
        stable_vec = tensor - max_score
        stable_vec = tensor - max_score.unsqueeze(dim)
    return max_score + (stable_vec.exp().sum(dim, keepdim=keepdim)).log()
项目:torch_light    作者:ne7ermore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gaussian(self, enc_output):
        def latent_loss(mu, sigma):
            pow_mu = mu * mu
            pow_sigma = sigma * sigma
            return 0.5 * torch.mean(pow_mu + pow_sigma - torch.log(pow_sigma) - 1)

        mu = self._enc_mu(enc_output)
        sigma = torch.exp(.5 * self._enc_log_sigma(enc_output))
        self.latent_loss = latent_loss(mu, sigma)

        weight = next(self.parameters()).data
        std_z = Variable(*sigma.size()), requires_grad=False)

        return mu + sigma * std_z
项目:Pytorch-Sketch-RNN    作者:alexis-jacq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, inputs, batch_size, hidden_cell=None):
        if hidden_cell is None:
            # then must init with zeros
            if use_cuda:
                hidden = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, hp.enc_hidden_size).cuda())
                cell = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, hp.enc_hidden_size).cuda())
                hidden = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, hp.enc_hidden_size))
                cell = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, hp.enc_hidden_size))
            hidden_cell = (hidden, cell)
        _, (hidden,cell) = self.lstm(inputs.float(), hidden_cell)
        # hidden is (2, batch_size, hidden_size), we want (batch_size, 2*hidden_size):
        hidden_forward, hidden_backward = torch.split(hidden,1,0)
        hidden_cat =[hidden_forward.squeeze(0), hidden_backward.squeeze(0)],1)
        # mu and sigma:
        mu = self.fc_mu(hidden_cat)
        sigma_hat = self.fc_sigma(hidden_cat)
        sigma = torch.exp(sigma_hat/2.)
        # N ~ N(0,1)
        z_size = mu.size()
        if use_cuda:
            N = Variable(torch.normal(torch.zeros(z_size),torch.ones(z_size)).cuda())
            N = Variable(torch.normal(torch.zeros(z_size),torch.ones(z_size)))
        z = mu + sigma*N
        # mu and sigma_hat are needed for LKL loss
        return z, mu, sigma_hat
项目:audio    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x_mu):

            x_mu (FloatTensor/LongTensor or ndarray)

            x (FloatTensor or ndarray)

        mu = self.qc - 1.
        if isinstance(x_mu, np.ndarray):
            x = ((x_mu) / mu) * 2 - 1.
            x = np.sign(x) * (np.exp(np.abs(x) * np.log1p(mu)) - 1.) / mu
        elif isinstance(x_mu, (torch.Tensor, torch.LongTensor)):
            if isinstance(x_mu, torch.LongTensor):
                x_mu = x_mu.float()
            mu = torch.FloatTensor([mu])
            x = ((x_mu) / mu) * 2 - 1.
            x = torch.sign(x) * (torch.exp(torch.abs(x) * torch.log1p(mu)) - 1.) / mu
        return x
项目:pyro    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_do_propagation(self):

        def model():
            z = pyro.sample("z", Normal(10.0 * ng_ones(1), 0.0001 * ng_ones(1)))
            latent_prob = torch.exp(z) / (torch.exp(z) + ng_ones(1))
            flip = pyro.sample("flip", Bernoulli(latent_prob))
            return flip

        sample_from_model = model()
        z_data = {"z": -10.0 * ng_ones(1)}
        # under model flip = 1 with high probability; so do indirect DO surgery to make flip = 0
        sample_from_do_model = poutine.trace(, data=z_data))()

        assert eq(sample_from_model, ng_ones(1))
        assert eq(sample_from_do_model, ng_zeros(1))
项目:textobjdetection    作者:andfoy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(loc, priors, variances):
    """Decode locations from predictions using priors to undo
    the encoding we did for offset regression at train time.
        loc (tensor): location predictions for loc layers,
            Shape: [num_priors,4]
        priors (tensor): Prior boxes in center-offset form.
            Shape: [num_priors,4].
        variances: (list[float]) Variances of priorboxes
        decoded bounding box predictions

    boxes =
        priors[:, :2] + loc[:, :2] * variances[0] * priors[:, 2:],
        priors[:, 2:] * torch.exp(loc[:, 2:] * variances[1])), 1)
    boxes[:, :2] -= boxes[:, 2:] / 2
    boxes[:, 2:] += boxes[:, :2]
    return boxes
项目:realtime-action-detection    作者:gurkirt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(loc, priors, variances):
    """Decode locations from predictions using priors to undo
    the encoding we did for offset regression at train time.
        loc (tensor): location predictions for loc layers,
            Shape: [num_priors,4]
        priors (tensor): Prior boxes in center-offset form.
            Shape: [num_priors,4].
        variances: (list[float]) Variances of priorboxes
        decoded bounding box predictions

    boxes =
        priors[:, :2] + loc[:, :2] * variances[0] * priors[:, 2:],
        priors[:, 2:] * torch.exp(loc[:, 2:] * variances[1])), 1)
    boxes[:, :2] -= boxes[:, 2:] / 2
    boxes[:, 2:] += boxes[:, :2]
    return boxes
项目:treehopper    作者:tomekkorbak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(self, dataset):
        loss = 0
        accuracies = torch.zeros(len(dataset))

        output_trees = []
        outputs = []
        for idx in tqdm(range(len(dataset)), desc='Testing epoch  '+str(self.epoch)+''):
            tree, sent, label = dataset[idx]
            input = Var(sent, volatile=True)
            target = Var(torch.LongTensor([int(label)]), volatile=True)
            if self.args.cuda:
                input = input.cuda()
                target = target.cuda()
            emb = F.torch.unsqueeze(self.embedding_model(input),1)
            output, _, acc, tree = self.model(tree, emb)
            err = self.criterion(output, target)
            loss +=[0]
            accuracies[idx] = acc
            # predictions[idx] =,torch.exp(
        return loss/len(dataset), accuracies, outputs, output_trees
项目:pytorch-nlp    作者:endymecy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _forward_alg(self, feats):
        # calculate in log domain
        # feats is len(sentence) * tagset_size
        # initialize alpha with a Tensor with values all equal to -10000.
        init_alphas = torch.Tensor(1, self.tagset_size).fill_(-10000.)
        init_alphas[0][self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]] = 0.
        forward_var = autograd.Variable(init_alphas)
        if self.use_gpu:
            forward_var = forward_var.cuda()
        for feat in feats:
            emit_score = feat.view(-1, 1)
            tag_var = forward_var + self.transitions + emit_score
            max_tag_var, _ = torch.max(tag_var, dim=1)
            tag_var = tag_var - max_tag_var.view(-1, 1)
            forward_var = max_tag_var + torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(tag_var), dim=1)).view(1, -1) # ).view(1, -1)
        terminal_var = (forward_var + self.transitions[self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]]).view(1, -1)
        alpha = log_sum_exp(terminal_var)
        # Z(x)
        return alpha
项目:yolo2-pytorch    作者:longcw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_target(self, bbox_pred_np, gt_boxes, gt_classes, dontcare, iou_pred_np):
        :param bbox_pred: shape: (bsize, h x w, num_anchors, 4) : (sig(tx), sig(ty), exp(tw), exp(th))

        bsize = bbox_pred_np.shape[0]

        targets =, ((bbox_pred_np[b], gt_boxes[b], gt_classes[b], dontcare[b], iou_pred_np[b]) for b in range(bsize)))

        _boxes = np.stack(tuple((row[0] for row in targets)))
        _ious = np.stack(tuple((row[1] for row in targets)))
        _classes = np.stack(tuple((row[2] for row in targets)))
        _box_mask = np.stack(tuple((row[3] for row in targets)))
        _iou_mask = np.stack(tuple((row[4] for row in targets)))
        _class_mask = np.stack(tuple((row[5] for row in targets)))

        return _boxes, _ious, _classes, _box_mask, _iou_mask, _class_mask
项目:pyprob    作者:probprog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loss(self, x, samples):
        _, proposal_output = self.forward(x, samples)
        batch_size = len(samples)
        means = proposal_output[:,0:self.mixture_components]
        stds = proposal_output[:,self.mixture_components:2*self.mixture_components]
        coeffs = proposal_output[:,2*self.mixture_components:3*self.mixture_components]
        l = 0
        for b in range(batch_size):
            value = samples[b].value[0]
            prior_min = samples[b].distribution.prior_min
            prior_max = samples[b].distribution.prior_max
            ll = 0
            for c in range(self.mixture_components):
                mean = means[b,c]
                std = stds[b,c]
                coeff = coeffs[b,c]
                xi = (value - mean) / std
                phi_min = 0.5 * (1 + util.erf(((prior_min - mean) / std) * util.one_over_sqrt_two))
                phi_max = 0.5 * (1 + util.erf(((prior_max - mean) / std) * util.one_over_sqrt_two))
                ll += coeff * util.one_over_sqrt_two_pi * torch.exp(-0.5 * xi * xi) / (std * (phi_max - phi_min))
            l -= torch.log(ll + util.epsilon)
        return l
项目:ssd_pytorch    作者:miraclebiu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(loc, priors, variances):
    """Decode locations from predictions using priors to undo
    the encoding we did for offset regression at train time.
        loc (tensor): location predictions for loc layers,
            Shape: [num_priors,4]
        priors (tensor): Prior boxes in center-offset form.
            Shape: [num_priors,4].
        variances: (list[float]) Variances of priorboxes
        decoded bounding box predictions

    boxes =
        priors[:, :2] + loc[:, :2] * variances[0] * priors[:, 2:],
        priors[:, 2:] * torch.exp(loc[:, 2:] * variances[1])), 1)
    boxes[:, :2] -= boxes[:, 2:] / 2
    boxes[:, 2:] += boxes[:, :2]
    return boxes
项目:yolov2    作者:zhangkaij    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generate_pred_bbox(self, bbox_delta, anchors):
        """get predictions boxes from bbox_delta and anchors.

            bbox_delta: (dcx, dcy, dw, dh)
                shape:(H*W*num_anchor, 4)
            anchor: (cx, cy, h, w)
                shape:(H*W*num_anchor, 4)
            output: (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)

        assert bbox_delta.dim() == anchors.dim(), "dim is not equal"

        pred_xy = torch.sigmoid(bbox_delta[:, :2]) + anchors[:, :2]
        pred_wh = torch.exp(bbox_delta[:, 2:]) * anchors[:, 2:]
        pred_bbox =, pred_wh), dim=1).contiguous()

        # change (cx, xy, h, w) to (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
        pred_bbox[:, 0:2] = pred_bbox[:, 0:2] - pred_bbox[:, 2:4] / 2
        pred_bbox[:, 2:4] = pred_bbox[:, 0:2] + pred_bbox[:, 2:4]
        pred_bbox[:, 0::2] = pred_bbox[:, 0::2] / self.W
        pred_bbox[:, 1::2] = pred_bbox[:, 1::2] / self.H

        return pred_bbox
项目:yolov2    作者:zhangkaij    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(loc, priors, variances):
    """Decode locations from predictions using priors to undo
    the encoding we did for offset regression at train time.
        loc (tensor): location predictions for loc layers,
            Shape: [num_priors,4]
        priors (tensor): Prior boxes in center-offset form.
            Shape: [num_priors,4].
        variances: (list[float]) Variances of priorboxes
        decoded bounding box predictions

    boxes =
        priors[:, :2] + loc[:, :2] * variances[0] * priors[:, 2:],
        priors[:, 2:] * torch.exp(loc[:, 2:] * variances[1])), 1)
    boxes[:, :2] -= boxes[:, 2:] / 2
    boxes[:, 2:] += boxes[:, :2]
    return boxes
项目:gpytorch    作者:jrg365    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward(self, grad_output):
        z, log_phi_z = self.saved_tensors
        log_phi_z_grad =

        z_is_small =
        z_is_not_small = 1 - z_is_small

        if z_is_small.sum() > 0:
            log_phi_z_grad[z_is_small] = torch.abs(self.denominator.div(self.numerator)).mul(math.sqrt(2 / math.pi))

        exp = z[z_is_not_small].pow(2) \
                               .div(-2) \
                               .sub(log_phi_z[z_is_not_small]) \

        log_phi_z_grad[z_is_not_small] = torch.exp(exp).mul(math.sqrt(2 / math.pi))

        return log_phi_z_grad.mul(grad_output)
项目:NeuroNLP2    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logsumexp(x, dim=None):

        x: A pytorch tensor (any dimension will do)
        dim: int or None, over which to perform the summation. `None`, the
             default, performs over all axes.

    Returns: The result of the log(sum(exp(...))) operation.

    if dim is None:
        xmax = x.max()
        xmax_ = x.max()
        return xmax_ + numpy.log(torch.exp(x - xmax).sum())
        xmax, _ = x.max(dim, keepdim=True)
        xmax_, _ = x.max(dim)
        return xmax_ + torch.log(torch.exp(x - xmax).sum(dim))
项目:treelstm-pytorch    作者:pklfz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(self, dataset):
        loss = 0
        predictions = torch.zeros(len(dataset))
        indices = torch.arange(1, dataset.num_classes + 1)
        for idx in tqdm(range(len(dataset)), desc='Testing epoch  ' + str(self.epoch) + ''):
            ltree, lsent, rtree, rsent, label = dataset[idx]
            linput, rinput = Var(lsent, volatile=True), Var(rsent, volatile=True)
            target = Var(map_label_to_target(label, dataset.num_classes), volatile=True)
            if self.args.cuda:
                linput, rinput = linput.cuda(), rinput.cuda()
                target = target.cuda()
            output = self.model(ltree, linput, rtree, rinput)
            err = self.criterion(output, target)
            loss +=[0]
            predictions[idx] =, torch.exp(
        return loss / len(dataset), predictions
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax(input, dim=None, _stacklevel=3):
    r"""Applies a softmax function.

    Softmax is defined as:

    :math:`softmax(x) = \frac{exp(x_i)}{\sum_j exp(x_j)}`

    It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements
    lie in the range `(0, 1)` and sum to 1.

    See :class:`~torch.nn.Softmax` for more details.

        input (Variable): input
        dim (int): A dimension along which softmax will be computed.

    .. note::
        This function doesn't work directly with NLLLoss,
        which expects the Log to be computed between the Softmax and itself.
        Use log_softmax instead (it's faster and has better numerical properties).

    if dim is None:
        dim = _get_softmax_dim('softmax', input.dim(), _stacklevel)
    return torch._C._nn.softmax(input, dim)
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_gamma_shape(self):
        alpha = Variable(torch.exp(torch.randn(2, 3)), requires_grad=True)
        beta = Variable(torch.exp(torch.randn(2, 3)), requires_grad=True)
        alpha_1d = Variable(torch.exp(torch.randn(1)), requires_grad=True)
        beta_1d = Variable(torch.exp(torch.randn(1)), requires_grad=True)
        self.assertEqual(Gamma(alpha, beta).sample().size(), (2, 3))
        self.assertEqual(Gamma(alpha, beta).sample_n(5).size(), (5, 2, 3))
        self.assertEqual(Gamma(alpha_1d, beta_1d).sample_n(1).size(), (1, 1))
        self.assertEqual(Gamma(alpha_1d, beta_1d).sample().size(), (1,))
        self.assertEqual(Gamma(0.5, 0.5).sample().size(), (1,))
        self.assertEqual(Gamma(0.5, 0.5).sample_n(1).size(), (1,))

        def ref_log_prob(idx, x, log_prob):
            a =[idx]
            b =[idx]
            expected = scipy.stats.gamma.logpdf(x, a, scale=1 / b)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(log_prob, expected, places=3)

        self._check_log_prob(Gamma(alpha, beta), ref_log_prob)

    # This is a randomized test.
项目:keita    作者:iwasaki-kenta    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x):
        A model for non-linear data that works off of mixing multiple Gaussian
        distributions together. Uses linear projections of a given input to generate
        a set of N Gaussian models' mixture components, means and standard deviations.

        :param x: (num. samples, input dim.)
        :return: Mixture components, means, and standard deviations
            in the form (num. samples, num. mixtures)
        x = F.tanh(self.projection(x))

        weights = F.softmax(self.weights_projection(x))
        means = self.mean_projection(x)
        stds = torch.exp(self.std_projection(x))

        return weights, means, stds
项目:keita    作者:iwasaki-kenta    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, y, weights, mean, std):
        Presents a maximum a-priori objective for a set of predicted means, mixture components,
        and standard deviations to model a given ground-truth 'y'. Modeled using negative log

        :param y: Non-linear target.
        :param weights: Predicted mixture components.
        :param mean: Predicted mixture means.
        :param std: Predicted mixture standard deviations.
        normalization = 1.0 / ((2.0 * math.pi) ** 0.5)
        gaussian_sample = (y.expand_as(mean) - mean) * torch.reciprocal(std)
        gaussian_sample = normalization * torch.reciprocal(std) * torch.exp(-0.5 * gaussian_sample ** 2)

        return -torch.mean(torch.log(torch.sum(weights * gaussian_sample, dim=1)))
项目:keita    作者:iwasaki-kenta    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, last_state, states):
        if len(states.size()) == 2: states = states.unsqueeze(0)

        sequence_length, batch_size, state_dim = states.size()

        transformed_last_state = last_state @ self.projection
        transformed_last_state = transformed_last_state.expand(sequence_length, batch_size, self.encoder_dim)
        transformed_last_state = transformed_last_state.transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
        transformed_last_state = transformed_last_state.view(batch_size, -1)

        states = states.transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
        states = states.view(batch_size, -1)

        energies = transformed_last_state * states
        energies = energies.sum(dim=1)

        if self.encoder_dim is not None:
            attention_weights =[torch.exp(energies[0]), F.softmax(energies[1:])], dim=0)
            attention_weights = F.softmax(energies)

        return attention_weights
项目:ktorch    作者:farizrahman4u    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    def _logsumexp(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims):
        y = torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(x), axis))
        return y if keepdims else torch.squeeze(y, axis)

    def _compute_output_shape(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims):
        if axis is None:
            return ()

        shape = list(_get_shape(x))
        if keepdims:
            shape[axis] = 1
            del shape[axis]

        return tuple(shape)

    return get_op(_logsumexp, output_shape=_compute_output_shape, arguments=[axis, keepdims])(x)
项目:SeqGAN-PyTorch    作者:ZiJianZhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train_epoch(model, data_iter, criterion, optimizer):
    total_loss = 0.
    total_words = 0.
    for (data, target) in data_iter:#tqdm(
        #data_iter, mininterval=2, desc=' - Training', leave=False):
        data = Variable(data)
        target = Variable(target)
        if opt.cuda:
            data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda()
        target = target.contiguous().view(-1)
        pred = model.forward(data)
        loss = criterion(pred, target)
        total_loss +=[0]
        total_words += data.size(0) * data.size(1)
    return math.exp(total_loss / total_words)
项目:SeqGAN-PyTorch    作者:ZiJianZhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_epoch(model, data_iter, criterion):
    total_loss = 0.
    total_words = 0.
    for (data, target) in data_iter:#tqdm(
        #data_iter, mininterval=2, desc=' - Training', leave=False):
        data = Variable(data, volatile=True)
        target = Variable(target, volatile=True)
        if opt.cuda:
            data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda()
        target = target.contiguous().view(-1)
        pred = model.forward(data)
        loss = criterion(pred, target)
        total_loss +=[0]
        total_words += data.size(0) * data.size(1)
    return math.exp(total_loss / total_words)
项目:draw_pytorch    作者:chenzhaomin123    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def attn_window(self,h_dec):
        params = self.dec_linear(h_dec)
        gx_,gy_,log_sigma_2,log_delta,log_gamma = params.split(1,1)  #21

        # gx_ = Variable(torch.ones(4,1))
        # gy_ = Variable(torch.ones(4, 1) * 2)
        # log_sigma_2 = Variable(torch.ones(4, 1) * 3)
        # log_delta = Variable(torch.ones(4, 1) * 4)
        # log_gamma = Variable(torch.ones(4, 1) * 5)

        gx = (self.A + 1) / 2 * (gx_ + 1)    # 22
        gy = (self.B + 1) / 2 * (gy_ + 1)    # 23
        delta = (max(self.A,self.B) - 1) / (self.N - 1) * torch.exp(log_delta)  # 24
        sigma2 = torch.exp(log_sigma_2)
        gamma = torch.exp(log_gamma)

        return self.filterbank(gx,gy,sigma2,delta),gamma
    # correct
项目:paysage    作者:drckf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax(x: T.Tensor) -> T.Tensor:
    Softmax function on a tensor.
    Exponentiaties the tensor elementwise and divides
        by the sum along axis=1.

        x: A tensor.

        tensor: Softmax of the tensor.

    xreg = matrix.subtract(matrix.tmax(x, axis=1, keepdims=True), x)
    y = torch.exp(xreg)
    return matrix.divide(matrix.tsum(y, axis=1, keepdims=True), y)
项目:paysage    作者:drckf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logaddexp(x1: T.FloatTensor, x2: T.FloatTensor) -> T.FloatTensor:
    Elementwise logaddexp function: log(exp(x1) + exp(x2))

        x1: A tensor.
        x2: A tensor.

        tensor: Elementwise logaddexp.

    # log(exp(x1) + exp(x2))
    # = log( exp(x1) (1 + exp(x2 - x1))) = x1 + log(1 + exp(x2 - x1))
    # = log( exp(x2) (exp(x1 - x2) + 1)) = x2 + log(1 + exp(x1 - x2))
    diff = torch.min(x2 - x1, x1 - x2)
    return torch.max(x1, x2) + torch.log1p(exp(diff))
项目:DSOD-Pytorch-Implementation    作者:Ellinier    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cross_entropy_loss(self, x, y):
        '''Cross entropy loss w/o averaging across all samples.

          x: (tensor) sized [N,D].
          y: (tensor) sized [N,].

          (tensor) cross entroy loss, sized [N,].
        # print(x.size()) # [8732, 16]
        xmax =
        # print( # [8732, 16]
        # print(xmax.size()) # max--float object
        log_sum_exp = torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(x-xmax), 1)) + xmax
        # print(log_sum_exp.size()) # [8732,]
        # print(x.gather(1, y.view(-1,1)).size()) # [8732, 1]
        # print((log_sum_exp.view(-1, 1) - x.gather(1, y.view(-1,1))).size())
        return log_sum_exp.view(-1, 1) - x.gather(1, y.view(-1,1))
项目:DSOD-Pytorch-Implementation    作者:Ellinier    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, loc, conf):
        '''Transform predicted loc/conf back to real bbox locations and class labels.

          loc: (tensor) predicted loc, sized [8732,4].
          conf: (tensor) predicted conf, sized [8732,21].

          boxes: (tensor) bbox locations, sized [#obj, 4].
          labels: (tensor) class labels, sized [#obj,1].
        variances = self.variances
        wh = torch.exp(loc[:,2:]*variances[1]) * self.default_boxes[:,2:]
        cxcy = loc[:,:2] * variances[0] * self.default_boxes[:,2:] + self.default_boxes[:,:2]
        boxes =[cxcy-wh/2, cxcy+wh/2], 1)  # [8732,4]

        max_conf, labels = conf.max(1)  # [8732,1]
        ids = labels.squeeze(1).nonzero()
    if ids.numel() == 0:
        return None, None, None
        ids.squeeze_(1)  # [#boxes,]

        keep = self.nms(boxes[ids], max_conf[ids].squeeze(1), threshold=0.3)
        return boxes[ids][keep], labels[ids][keep]-1, max_conf[ids][keep]
项目:TreeLSTMSentiment    作者:ttpro1995    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(self, dataset):
        loss = 0
        predictions = torch.zeros(len(dataset))
        predictions = predictions
        indices = torch.range(1,dataset.num_classes)
        for idx in tqdm(xrange(len(dataset)),desc='Testing epoch  '+str(self.epoch)+''):
            tree, sent, label = dataset[idx]
            input = Var(sent, volatile=True)
            target = Var(map_label_to_target_sentiment(label,dataset.num_classes, fine_grain=self.args.fine_grain), volatile=True)
            if self.args.cuda:
                input = input.cuda()
                target = target.cuda()
            emb = F.torch.unsqueeze(self.embedding_model(input),1)
            output, _ = self.model(tree, emb) # size(1,5)
            err = self.criterion(output, target)
            loss +=[0]
            output[:,1] = -9999 # no need middle (neutral) value
            val, pred = torch.max(output, 1)
            predictions[idx] =[0][0]
            # predictions[idx] =,torch.exp(
        return loss/len(dataset), predictions
项目:TreeLSTMSentiment    作者:ttpro1995    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(self, dataset):
        loss = 0
        predictions = torch.zeros(len(dataset))
        indices = torch.range(1,dataset.num_classes)
        for idx in tqdm(xrange(len(dataset)),desc='Testing epoch  '+str(self.epoch)+''):
            ltree,lsent,rtree,rsent,label = dataset[idx]
            linput, rinput = Var(lsent, volatile=True), Var(rsent, volatile=True)
            target = Var(map_label_to_target(label,dataset.num_classes), volatile=True)
            if self.args.cuda:
                linput, rinput = linput.cuda(), rinput.cuda()
                target = target.cuda()
            output = self.model(ltree,linput,rtree,rinput)
            err = self.criterion(output, target)
            loss +=[0]
            predictions[idx] =,torch.exp(
        return loss/len(dataset), predictions
项目:drl.pth    作者:seba-1511    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gauss_log_prob(means, logstds, x):
    var = th.exp(2 * logstds)
    top = (-(x - means)**2)
    bottom = (2 * var) - 0.5 * LOG2PI - logstds
    gp = top / bottom 
    return th.sum(gp, dim=1)
项目:pytorch.rl.learning    作者:moskomule    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax(self):
        numers = torch.exp(Tensor([self.weight @ self.feature(self.state, a) for a in range(self.action_size)]))
        return numers / sum(numers)
项目:pytorch.rl.learning    作者:moskomule    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax(self):
        numers = torch.exp(Tensor([self.weight @ self.feature(self.state, a) for a in range(self.action_size)]))
        return numers / sum(numers)
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        return torch.exp(self.output, input)
项目:ssd.pytorch    作者:amdegroot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_sum_exp(x):
    """Utility function for computing log_sum_exp while determining
    This will be used to determine unaveraged confidence loss across
    all examples in a batch.
        x (Variable(tensor)): conf_preds from conf layers
    x_max =
    return torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(x-x_max), 1, keepdim=True)) + x_max

# Original author: Francisco Massa:
# Ported to PyTorch by Max deGroot (02/01/2017)
项目:sef    作者:passalis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def symbolic_kernel(self, X):
        if self.kernel_type == 'linear':
            K = self.alpha *, self.X_kernel.transpose(0, 1)) + self.c
        elif self.kernel_type == 'poly':
            K = (self.alpha *, self.X_kernel.transpose(0, 1)) + self.c) **
        elif self.kernel_type == 'rbf':
            D = sym_distance_matrix(X, self.X_kernel, self_similarity=False)
            K = torch.exp(-D ** 2 / (self.sigma_kernel ** 2))
            raise Exception('Unknown kernel type: ', self.kernel_type)
        return K
项目:sef    作者:passalis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sym_heat_similarity_matrix(X, sigma):
    Defines the self similarity matrix using the heat kernel
    :param X:
    :param sigma:
    D = sym_distance_matrix(X, X, self_similarity=True)
    return torch.exp(-D ** 2 / (sigma ** 2))
项目:torch_light    作者:ne7ermore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_sum_exp(input, keepdim=False):
    assert input.dim() == 2
    max_scores, _ = input.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
    output = input - max_scores.expand_as(input)
    return max_scores + torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(output), dim=-1, keepdim=keepdim))
项目:Pytorch-Sketch-RNN    作者:alexis-jacq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, inputs, z, hidden_cell=None):
        if hidden_cell is None:
            # then we must init from z
            hidden,cell = torch.split(F.tanh(self.fc_hc(z)),hp.dec_hidden_size,1)
            hidden_cell = (hidden.unsqueeze(0).contiguous(), cell.unsqueeze(0).contiguous())
        outputs,(hidden,cell) = self.lstm(inputs, hidden_cell)
        # in training we feed the lstm with the whole input in one shot
        # and use all outputs contained in 'outputs', while in generate
        # mode we just feed with the last generated sample:
            y = self.fc_params(outputs.view(-1, hp.dec_hidden_size))
            y = self.fc_params(hidden.view(-1, hp.dec_hidden_size))
        # separate pen and mixture params:
        params = torch.split(y,6,1)
        params_mixture = torch.stack(params[:-1]) # trajectory
        params_pen = params[-1] # pen up/down
        # identify mixture params:
        pi,mu_x,mu_y,sigma_x,sigma_y,rho_xy = torch.split(params_mixture,1,2)
        # preprocess params::
            len_out = Nmax+1
            len_out = 1
        pi = F.softmax(pi.t().squeeze()).view(len_out,-1,hp.M)
        sigma_x = torch.exp(sigma_x.t().squeeze()).view(len_out,-1,hp.M)
        sigma_y = torch.exp(sigma_y.t().squeeze()).view(len_out,-1,hp.M)
        rho_xy = torch.tanh(rho_xy.t().squeeze()).view(len_out,-1,hp.M)
        mu_x = mu_x.t().squeeze().contiguous().view(len_out,-1,hp.M)
        mu_y = mu_y.t().squeeze().contiguous().view(len_out,-1,hp.M)
        q = F.softmax(params_pen).view(len_out,-1,3)
        return pi,mu_x,mu_y,sigma_x,sigma_y,rho_xy,q,hidden,cell
项目:Pytorch-Sketch-RNN    作者:alexis-jacq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bivariate_normal_pdf(self, dx, dy):
        z_x = ((dx-self.mu_x)/self.sigma_x)**2
        z_y = ((dy-self.mu_y)/self.sigma_y)**2
        z_xy = (dx-self.mu_x)*(dy-self.mu_y)/(self.sigma_x*self.sigma_y)
        z = z_x + z_y -2*self.rho_xy*z_xy
        exp = torch.exp(-z/(2*(1-self.rho_xy**2)))
        norm = 2*np.pi*self.sigma_x*self.sigma_y*torch.sqrt(1-self.rho_xy**2)
        return exp/norm
项目:Pytorch-Sketch-RNN    作者:alexis-jacq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kullback_leibler_loss(self):
        LKL = -0.5*torch.sum(**2-torch.exp(self.sigma))\
        if use_cuda:
            KL_min = Variable(torch.Tensor([hp.KL_min]).cuda()).detach()
            KL_min = Variable(torch.Tensor([hp.KL_min])).detach()
        return hp.wKL*self.eta_step * torch.max(LKL,KL_min)
项目:Pytorch-Sketch-RNN    作者:alexis-jacq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample_next_state(self):

        def adjust_temp(pi_pdf):
            pi_pdf = np.log(pi_pdf)/hp.temperature
            pi_pdf -= pi_pdf.max()
            pi_pdf = np.exp(pi_pdf)
            pi_pdf /= pi_pdf.sum()
            return pi_pdf

        # get mixture indice:
        pi =[0,0,:].cpu().numpy()
        pi = adjust_temp(pi)
        pi_idx = np.random.choice(hp.M, p=pi)
        # get pen state:
        q =[0,0,:].cpu().numpy()
        q = adjust_temp(q)
        q_idx = np.random.choice(3, p=q)
        # get mixture params:
        mu_x =[0,0,pi_idx]
        mu_y =[0,0,pi_idx]
        sigma_x =[0,0,pi_idx]
        sigma_y =[0,0,pi_idx]
        rho_xy =[0,0,pi_idx]
        x,y = sample_bivariate_normal(mu_x,mu_y,sigma_x,sigma_y,rho_xy,greedy=False)
        next_state = torch.zeros(5)
        next_state[0] = x
        next_state[1] = y
        next_state[q_idx+2] = 1
        if use_cuda:
            return Variable(next_state.cuda()).view(1,1,-1),x,y,q_idx==1,q_idx==2
            return Variable(next_state).view(1,1,-1),x,y,q_idx==1,q_idx==2
项目:pyro    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x):
        # define the forward computation on the image x
        # first shape the mini-batch to have pixels in the rightmost dimension
        x = x.view(-1, 784)
        # then compute the hidden units
        hidden = self.softplus(self.fc1(x))
        # then return a mean vector and a (positive) square root covariance
        # each of size batch_size x z_dim
        z_mu = self.fc21(hidden)
        z_sigma = torch.exp(self.fc22(hidden))
        return z_mu, z_sigma

# define the PyTorch module that parameterizes the
# observation likelihood p(x|z)
项目:pyro    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x):
        x = x.view(-1, 784)
        h1 = self.relu(self.fc1(x))
        return self.fc21(h1), torch.exp(self.fc22(h1))

# VAE Decoder network