Python torch 模块,index_select() 实例源码


项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, indices, weight):
        assert indices.dim() <= 2
        assert not self.needs_input_grad[0], "Embedding doesn't " \
            "compute the gradient w.r.t. the indices"
        self._backend = type2backend[type(weight)]
        self._weight_size = weight.size()

        if not indices.is_contiguous():
            self._indices = indices.contiguous()
            indices = self._indices

        if self.max_norm is not None:
            self._renorm(indices, weight)

        output =
        if indices.dim() == 1:
            torch.index_select(output, weight, 0, indices)
            torch.index_select(output, weight, 0, indices.view(-1))
            output = output.view(indices.size(0), indices.size(1), weight.size(1))

        return output
项目:pyro    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expand_z_where(z_where):
    # Take a batch of three-vectors, and massages them into a batch of
    # 2x3 matrices with elements like so:
    # [s,x,y] -> [[s,0,x],
    #             [0,s,y]]
    n = z_where.size(0)
    out =[1, 1]).type_as(z_where).expand(n, 1), z_where), 1)
    ix = Variable(expansion_indices)
    if z_where.is_cuda:
        ix = ix.cuda()
    out = torch.index_select(out, 1, ix)
    out = out.view(n, 2, 3)
    return out

# Scaling by `1/scale` here is unsatisfactory, as `scale` could be
# zero.
项目:pyro    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):

        # simple Gaussian-emission HMM
        def model():
            p_latent = pyro.param("p1", Variable(torch.Tensor([[0.7], [0.3]])))
            p_obs = pyro.param("p2", Variable(torch.Tensor([[0.9], [0.1]])))

            latents = [Variable(torch.ones(1, 1))]
            observes = []
            for t in range(self.model_steps):

                                Bernoulli(torch.index_select(p_latent, 0, latents[-1].view(-1).long()))))

                                 Bernoulli(torch.index_select(p_obs, 0, latents[-1].view(-1).long())),
            return torch.sum(

        self.model_steps = 3 = [pyro.ones(1, 1) for _ in range(self.model_steps)]
        self.model = model
项目:jack    作者:uclmr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward(ctx, grad_outputs):
        size = grad_outputs.size(1)
        segm_sorted = torch.sort(ctx.rev_segm_sorted)[1]
        grad_outputs = torch.index_select(grad_outputs, 0, segm_sorted)

        offset = [ctx.num_zeros]

        def backward_segment(l, n):
            segment_grad = grad_outputs.narrow(0, offset[0], n // l)
            if l > 1:
                segment_grad = _MyMax.backward(ctx.maxes[l], segment_grad)[0].view(n, size)
            offset[0] += n // l
            return segment_grad

        segment_grads = [backward_segment(l, n) for l, n in enumerate(ctx.num_lengths) if n > 0]
        grads =, 0)
        rev_length_sorted = torch.sort(ctx.lengths_sorted)[1]
        grads = torch.index_select(grads, 0, rev_length_sorted)

        return grads, None, None, None
项目:pytorch-skipthoughts    作者:kaniblu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vectorize(self, x, x_lens):
        x, x_lens, r_idx = self.prepare_batch(x, x_lens)

        if len(x.size()) == 2:
            vectors = self.model.encode(x, x_lens)
        elif len(x.size()) == 3:
            vectors = self.model.encode_embed(x, x_lens)
            raise Exception()

        vectors = torch.index_select(vectors, 0, r_idx)

        if self.is_cuda:
            vectors = vectors.cpu()

项目:faster_rcnn_pytorch    作者:longcw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_loss(self, rpn_cls_score_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_data):
        # classification loss
        rpn_cls_score = rpn_cls_score_reshape.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(-1, 2)
        rpn_label = rpn_data[0].view(-1)

        rpn_keep = Variable(
        rpn_cls_score = torch.index_select(rpn_cls_score, 0, rpn_keep)
        rpn_label = torch.index_select(rpn_label, 0, rpn_keep)

        fg_cnt = torch.sum(

        rpn_cross_entropy = F.cross_entropy(rpn_cls_score, rpn_label)

        # box loss
        rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights, rpn_bbox_outside_weights = rpn_data[1:]
        rpn_bbox_targets = torch.mul(rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights)
        rpn_bbox_pred = torch.mul(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_inside_weights)

        rpn_loss_box = F.smooth_l1_loss(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_targets, size_average=False) / (fg_cnt + 1e-4)

        return rpn_cross_entropy, rpn_loss_box
项目:MSDN    作者:yikang-li    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare_message(self, target_features, source_features, select_mat, gate_module):
        feature_data = []

        transfer_list = np.where(select_mat > 0)
        source_indices = Variable(torch.from_numpy(transfer_list[1]).type(torch.LongTensor)).cuda()
        target_indices = Variable(torch.from_numpy(transfer_list[0]).type(torch.LongTensor)).cuda()
        source_f = torch.index_select(source_features, 0, source_indices)
        target_f = torch.index_select(target_features, 0, target_indices)
        transferred_features = gate_module(target_f, source_f)

        for f_id in range(target_features.size()[0]):
            if len(np.where(select_mat[f_id, :] > 0)[0]) > 0:
                feature_indices = np.where(transfer_list[0] == f_id)[0]
                indices = Variable(torch.from_numpy(feature_indices).type(torch.LongTensor)).cuda()
                features = torch.index_select(transferred_features, 0, indices).mean(0).view(-1)
                temp = Variable(torch.zeros(target_features.size()[1:]), requires_grad=True).type(torch.FloatTensor).cuda()
        return torch.stack(feature_data, 0)
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, indices, weight):
        assert indices.dim() <= 2
        assert not self.needs_input_grad[0], "Embedding doesn't " \
            "compute the gradient w.r.t. the indices"

        self._backend = type2backend[type(weight)]
        self._weight_size = weight.size()

        if not indices.is_contiguous():
            self._indices = indices.contiguous()
            indices = self._indices

        output =
        if self.max_norm is not None:
            self._renorm(indices, weight)

        if indices.dim() == 1:
            output = torch.index_select(weight, 0, indices)
            output = torch.index_select(weight, 0, indices.view(-1))
            output = output.view(indices.size(0), indices.size(1), weight.size(1))

        return output
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, indices, weight):
        assert indices.dim() <= 2
        assert not self.needs_input_grad[0], "Embedding doesn't " \
            "compute the gradient w.r.t. the indices"

        self._backend = type2backend[type(weight)]
        self._weight_size = weight.size()

        if not indices.is_contiguous():
            self._indices = indices.contiguous()
            indices = self._indices

        output =
        if self.max_norm is not None:
            self._renorm(indices, weight)

        if indices.dim() == 1:
            output = torch.index_select(weight, 0, indices)
            output = torch.index_select(weight, 0, indices.view(-1))
            output = output.view(indices.size(0), indices.size(1), weight.size(1))

        return output
项目:gpytorch    作者:jrg365    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def left_interp(interp_indices, interp_values, rhs):
    is_vector = rhs.ndimension() == 1

    if is_vector:
        res = rhs.index_select(0, interp_indices.view(-1)).view(*interp_values.size())
        res = res.mul(interp_values)
        return res.sum(-1)

        interp_size = list(interp_indices.size()) + [rhs.size(-1)]
        rhs_size = deepcopy(interp_size)
        rhs_size[-3] = rhs.size()[-2]
        interp_indices_expanded = interp_indices.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*interp_size)
        res = rhs.unsqueeze(-2).expand(*rhs_size).gather(-3, interp_indices_expanded)
        res = res.mul(interp_values.unsqueeze(-1).expand(interp_size))
        return res.sum(-2)
项目:pytorch_RFCN    作者:PureDiors    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_loss(self, rpn_cls_score_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_data):
        # classification loss
        rpn_cls_score = rpn_cls_score_reshape.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(-1, 2)
        rpn_label = rpn_data[0].view(-1)

        rpn_keep = Variable(
        rpn_cls_score = torch.index_select(rpn_cls_score, 0, rpn_keep)
        rpn_label = torch.index_select(rpn_label, 0, rpn_keep)

        fg_cnt = torch.sum(

        rpn_cross_entropy = F.cross_entropy(rpn_cls_score, rpn_label)

        # box loss
        rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights, rpn_bbox_outside_weights = rpn_data[1:]
        rpn_bbox_targets = torch.mul(rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights)
        rpn_bbox_pred = torch.mul(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_inside_weights)

        rpn_loss_box = F.smooth_l1_loss(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_targets, size_average=False) / (fg_cnt + 1e-4)

        return rpn_cross_entropy, rpn_loss_box
项目:pytorch_RFCN    作者:PureDiors    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_loss(self, rpn_cls_score_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_data):
        # classification loss
        rpn_cls_score = rpn_cls_score_reshape.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(-1, 2)
        rpn_label = rpn_data[0].view(-1)

        rpn_keep = Variable(
        rpn_cls_score = torch.index_select(rpn_cls_score, 0, rpn_keep)
        rpn_label = torch.index_select(rpn_label, 0, rpn_keep)

        fg_cnt = torch.sum(

        rpn_cross_entropy = F.cross_entropy(rpn_cls_score, rpn_label)

        # box loss
        rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights, rpn_bbox_outside_weights = rpn_data[1:]
        rpn_bbox_targets = torch.mul(rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights)
        rpn_bbox_pred = torch.mul(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_inside_weights)

        rpn_loss_box = F.smooth_l1_loss(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_targets, size_average=False) / (fg_cnt + 1e-4)

        return rpn_cross_entropy, rpn_loss_box
项目:kdnet.pytorch    作者:fxia22    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_ps(point_set):
    #print point_set.size()
    num_points = point_set.size()[0]/2
    diff = point_set.max(dim=0)[0] - point_set.min(dim=0)[0]
    dim = torch.max(diff, dim = 1)[1][0,0]
    cut = torch.median(point_set[:,dim])[0][0]
    left_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] > cut))
    right_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] < cut))
    middle_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] == cut))

    if torch.numel(left_idx) < num_points:
        left_idx =[left_idx, middle_idx[0:1].repeat(num_points - torch.numel(left_idx))], 0)
    if torch.numel(right_idx) < num_points:
        right_idx =[right_idx, middle_idx[0:1].repeat(num_points - torch.numel(right_idx))], 0)

    left_ps = torch.index_select(point_set, dim = 0, index = left_idx)
    right_ps = torch.index_select(point_set, dim = 0, index = right_idx)
    return left_ps, right_ps, dim
项目:kdnet.pytorch    作者:fxia22    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_ps(point_set):
    #print point_set.size()
    num_points = point_set.size()[0]/2
    diff = point_set.max(dim=0, keepdim = True)[0] - point_set.min(dim=0, keepdim = True)[0]
    dim = torch.max(diff, dim = 1, keepdim = True)[1][0,0]
    cut = torch.median(point_set[:,dim], keepdim = True)[0][0]
    left_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] > cut))
    right_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] < cut))
    middle_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] == cut))

    if torch.numel(left_idx) < num_points:
        left_idx =[left_idx, middle_idx[0:1].repeat(num_points - torch.numel(left_idx))], 0)
    if torch.numel(right_idx) < num_points:
        right_idx =[right_idx, middle_idx[0:1].repeat(num_points - torch.numel(right_idx))], 0)

    left_ps = torch.index_select(point_set, dim = 0, index = left_idx)
    right_ps = torch.index_select(point_set, dim = 0, index = right_idx)
    return left_ps, right_ps, dim
项目:kdnet.pytorch    作者:fxia22    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_ps(point_set):
    #print point_set.size()
    num_points = point_set.size()[0]/2
    diff = point_set.max(dim=0)[0] - point_set.min(dim=0)[0]
    diff = diff[:3]
    dim = torch.max(diff, dim = 1)[1][0,0]
    cut = torch.median(point_set[:,dim])[0][0]
    left_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] > cut))
    right_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] < cut))
    middle_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] == cut))

    if torch.numel(left_idx) < num_points:
        left_idx =[left_idx, middle_idx[0:1].repeat(num_points - torch.numel(left_idx))], 0)
    if torch.numel(right_idx) < num_points:
        right_idx =[right_idx, middle_idx[0:1].repeat(num_points - torch.numel(right_idx))], 0)

    left_ps = torch.index_select(point_set, dim = 0, index = left_idx)
    right_ps = torch.index_select(point_set, dim = 0, index = right_idx)
    return left_ps, right_ps, dim
项目:kdnet.pytorch    作者:fxia22    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_ps(point_set):
    #print point_set.size()
    num_points = point_set.size()[0]/2
    diff = point_set.max(dim=0)[0] - point_set.min(dim=0)[0] 
    dim = torch.max(diff, dim = 1)[1][0,0]
    cut = torch.median(point_set[:,dim])[0][0]  
    left_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] > cut))
    right_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] < cut))
    middle_idx = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(point_set[:,dim] == cut))

    if torch.numel(left_idx) < num_points:
        left_idx =[left_idx, middle_idx[0:1].repeat(num_points - torch.numel(left_idx))], 0)
    if torch.numel(right_idx) < num_points:
        right_idx =[right_idx, middle_idx[0:1].repeat(num_points - torch.numel(right_idx))], 0)

    left_ps = torch.index_select(point_set, dim = 0, index = left_idx)
    right_ps = torch.index_select(point_set, dim = 0, index = right_idx)
    return left_ps, right_ps, dim
项目:intel-cervical-cancer    作者:wangg12    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_loss(self, rpn_cls_score_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_data):
        # classification loss
        rpn_cls_score = rpn_cls_score_reshape.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(-1, 2)
        rpn_label = rpn_data[0].view(-1)

        rpn_keep = Variable(
        rpn_cls_score = torch.index_select(rpn_cls_score, 0, rpn_keep)
        rpn_label = torch.index_select(rpn_label, 0, rpn_keep)

        fg_cnt = torch.sum(

        rpn_cross_entropy = F.cross_entropy(rpn_cls_score, rpn_label)

        # box loss
        rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights, rpn_bbox_outside_weights = rpn_data[1:]
        rpn_bbox_targets = torch.mul(rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights)
        rpn_bbox_pred = torch.mul(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_inside_weights)

        rpn_loss_box = F.smooth_l1_loss(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_targets, size_average=False) / (fg_cnt + 1e-4)

        return rpn_cross_entropy, rpn_loss_box
项目:paysage    作者:drckf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index_select(mat: T.Tensor, index: T.LongTensor, dim: int = 0) -> T.Tensor:
    Select the specified indices of a tensor along dimension dim.
    For example, dim = 1 is equivalent to mat[:, index] in numpy.

        mat (tensor (num_samples, num_units))
        index (tensor; 1 -dimensional)
        dim (int)

        if dim == 0:
            mat[index, :]
        if dim == 1:
            mat[:, index]

    return torch.index_select(mat, dim, index)
项目:pytorch-bilstmcrf    作者:kaniblu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare_val_texts(model, batch_xs, batch_y, batch_lens,
                     logits, preds, n_previews):
    idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(batch_lens.size(0)))[:n_previews]
    idx_v = Variable(torch.LongTensor(idx), volatile=True)

    if model.is_cuda:
        idx_v = idx_v.cuda()

    logits = torch.index_select(logits, 0, idx_v)
    bilstm_preds = logits.cpu().max(2)[1].squeeze(-1).data.numpy()
    crf_preds = preds.cpu().data.numpy()[idx]
    xs = batch_xs.cpu().data.numpy()[:, idx]
    y = batch_y.cpu().data.numpy()[idx]
    lens = batch_lens.cpu().data.numpy()[idx]

    sents = val_sents(model.word_vocabs, model.label_vocab,
                      xs, y, bilstm_preds, crf_preds, lens)
    texts = val_texts(*sents)

    return texts
项目:SGAN    作者:YuhangSong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_batch(self):
        indexs = self.indexs_selector.random_(0,self.dataset.size()[0]).cuda()
        return torch.index_select(self.dataset,0,indexs)
项目:SGAN    作者:YuhangSong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_batch(self):
        indexs = self.indexs_selector.random_(0,self.dataset.size()[0]).cuda()
        return torch.index_select(self.dataset,0,indexs)
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input = self._makeInputContiguous(input)
        if input.dim() == 1:
           torch.index_select(self.output, self.weight, 0, input)
        elif input.dim() == 2:
           torch.index_select(self.output, self.weight, 0, input.view(-1))
           self.output = self.output.view(input.size(0), input.size(1), self.weight.size(1))
           raise RuntimeError("input must be a vector or matrix")

        return self.output
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
         t = input[0]
         index = input[1]
         torch.index_select(self.output, t, self.dimension, index)
         return self.output
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        self.output.set_([input, self.partition]))
        if self.bias:
            self.output.add_(torch.index_select(self.bias, 1, self.partition).expand_as(self.output))
            self.addBuffer = self.addBuffer or
            if self.addBuffer.nelement() != input.size(0):

        return self.output
项目:pyro    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reverse_sequences_torch(mini_batch, seq_lengths):
    reversed_mini_batch = ng_zeros(mini_batch.size(),
    for b in range(mini_batch.size(0)):
        T = seq_lengths[b]
        time_slice = np.arange(T - 1, -1, -1)
        time_slice = Variable(torch.cuda.LongTensor(time_slice)) if 'cuda' in \
            else Variable(torch.LongTensor(time_slice))
        reversed_sequence = torch.index_select(mini_batch[b, :, :], 0, time_slice)
        reversed_mini_batch[b, 0:T, :] = reversed_sequence
    return reversed_mini_batch

# this function takes the hidden state as output by the PyTorch rnn and
# unpacks it it; it also reverses each sequence temporally
项目:pyro    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_sum_exp(vecs):
    n = len(vecs.size())
    if n == 1:
        vecs = vecs.view(1, -1)
    _, idx = torch.max(vecs, 1)
    max_score = torch.index_select(vecs, 1, idx.view(-1))
    ret = max_score + torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(vecs - max_score.expand_as(vecs))))
    if n == 1:
        return ret.view(-1)
    return ret
项目:jack    作者:uclmr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, inputs, lengths=None, start_state=None):
        if not self._start_state_given:
            batch_size = inputs.size(0)
            start_hidden = self._lstm_start_hidden.unsqueeze(1).expand(2, batch_size, self._size).contiguous()
            start_state = self._lstm_start_state.unsqueeze(1).expand(2, batch_size, self._size).contiguous()
            start_state = (start_hidden, start_state)

        if lengths is not None:
            new_lengths, indices = torch.sort(lengths, dim=0, descending=True)
            inputs = torch.index_select(inputs, 0, indices)
            if self._start_state_given:
                start_state = (torch.index_select(start_state[0], 1, indices),
                               torch.index_select(start_state[1], 1, indices))
            new_lengths = [[0] for l in new_lengths]
            inputs = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(inputs, new_lengths, batch_first=True)

        output, (h_n, c_n) = self._bilstm(inputs, start_state)

        if lengths is not None:
            output = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(output, batch_first=True)[0]
            _, back_indices = torch.sort(indices, dim=0)
            output = torch.index_select(output, 0, back_indices)
            h_n = torch.index_select(h_n, 1, back_indices)
            c_n = torch.index_select(c_n, 1, back_indices)

        return output, (h_n, c_n)
项目:jack    作者:uclmr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def segment_max(inputs, segment_ids, num_segments=None, default=0.0):
    # highly optimized to decrease the amount of actual invocation of pytorch calls
    # assumes that most segments have 1 or 0 elements
    segment_ids, indices = torch.sort(segment_ids)
    inputs = torch.index_select(inputs, 0, indices)
    output = SegmentMax.apply(inputs, segment_ids, num_segments, default)
    return output
项目:jack    作者:uclmr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, start_scores, end_scores, answer_span, answer_to_question):
        """very common XQA loss function."""
        long_tensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor if torch.cuda.device_count() > 0 else torch.LongTensor
        answer_span = answer_span.type(long_tensor)
        start, end = answer_span[:, 0], answer_span[:, 1]

        batch_size1 =[0]
        batch_size2 =[0]
        is_aligned = batch_size1 == batch_size2

        start_scores = start_scores if is_aligned else torch.index_select(start_scores, 0, answer_to_question)
        end_scores = end_scores if is_aligned else torch.index_select(end_scores, 0, answer_to_question)

        partitioned_loss = []
        for i, j in enumerate(answer_to_question):
            j =[0]
            while j >= len(partitioned_loss):
            loss = -torch.index_select(F.log_softmax(start_scores[i]), 0, start[i])
            loss -= torch.index_select(F.log_softmax(end_scores[i]), 0, end[i])

        for j, l in enumerate(partitioned_loss):
            partitioned_loss[j] = torch.stack(l).min()

        loss = torch.stack(partitioned_loss).mean()
        return loss
项目:pytorch-skipthoughts    作者:kaniblu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x, x_lens, ys, ys_lens, xys_idx):
        x = self.embeddings(x)
        h = self._encode_embed(x, x_lens)

        if self.batch_first:
            ys = ys.transpose(1, 0)
            ys_lens = ys_lens.transpose(1, 0)
            xys_idx = xys_idx.transpose(1, 0)

        logits_list = []

        for dec_idx, (y, y_lens, xy_idx) in enumerate(
                zip(ys, ys_lens, xys_idx)):
            h_dec = torch.index_select(h, 0, xy_idx)
            logits = self._decode(dec_idx, h_dec, y, y_lens)

            nil_batches = len(h_dec) - len(logits)
            if nil_batches:
                logits = pad_batch(logits, nil_batches, True)


        logits =

        if self.batch_first:
            logits = logits.transpose(1, 0)

        return logits, h
项目:Tacotron_pytorch    作者:root20    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mask_prev_h(self, prev_h):
        if self.len_wave_mask is not None:
            if self.use_gpu:
                self.len_wave_mask = self.len_wave_mask.cuda()

            h_att, h_dec1, h_dec2 = prev_h
            h_att = torch.index_select(, 1, self.len_wave_mask)  # batch idx is
            h_dec1 = torch.index_select(, 1, self.len_wave_mask)
            h_dec2 = torch.index_select(, 1, self.len_wave_mask)
            prev_h = (Variable(h_att), Variable(h_dec1), Variable(h_dec2))
            prev_h = prev_h

        return prev_h
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input = self._makeInputContiguous(input)
        if input.dim() == 1:
            torch.index_select(self.weight, 0, input, out=self.output)
        elif input.dim() == 2:
            torch.index_select(self.weight, 0, input.view(-1), out=self.output)
            self.output = self.output.view(input.size(0), input.size(1), self.weight.size(1))
            raise RuntimeError("input must be a vector or matrix")

        return self.output
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        t = input[0]
        index = input[1]
        torch.index_select(t, self.dimension, index, out=self.output)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        self.output.set_([input, self.partition]))
        if self.bias is not None:
            self.output.add_(torch.index_select(self.bias, 1, self.partition).expand_as(self.output))
            if self.addBuffer is None:
                self.addBuffer =
            if self.addBuffer.nelement() != input.size(0):

        return self.output
项目:pytorch-deform-conv    作者:oeway    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def th_gather_2d(input, coords):
    inds = coords[:, 0]*input.size(1) + coords[:, 1]
    x = torch.index_select(th_flatten(input), 0, inds)
    return x.view(coords.size(0))
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input = self._makeInputContiguous(input)
        if input.dim() == 1:
            torch.index_select(self.weight, 0, input, out=self.output)
        elif input.dim() == 2:
            torch.index_select(self.weight, 0, input.view(-1), out=self.output)
            self.output = self.output.view(input.size(0), input.size(1), self.weight.size(1))
            raise RuntimeError("input must be a vector or matrix")

        return self.output
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        t = input[0]
        index = input[1]
        torch.index_select(t, self.dimension, index, out=self.output)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        self.output.set_([input, self.partition]))
        if self.bias is not None:
            self.output.add_(torch.index_select(self.bias, 1, self.partition).expand_as(self.output))
            if self.addBuffer is None:
                self.addBuffer =
            if self.addBuffer.nelement() != input.size(0):

        return self.output
项目:spotlight    作者:maciejkula    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_hashed_indices(self, original_indices):

        def _hash(x, seed):

            # TODO: integrate with padding index
            result = murmurhash3_32(x, seed=seed)
            result[self.padding_idx] = 0

            return result % self.compressed_num_embeddings

        if self._hashes is None:
            indices = np.arange(self.num_embeddings, dtype=np.int32)
            hashes = np.stack([_hash(indices, seed)
                               for seed in self._masks],
            assert hashes[self.padding_idx].sum() == 0

            self._hashes = torch.from_numpy(hashes)

            if original_indices.is_cuda:
                self._hashes = self._hashes.cuda()

        hashed_indices = torch.index_select(self._hashes,

        return hashed_indices
项目:pytorch-geometric-gan    作者:lim0606    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exp6(num_data=1000):
    if num_data < 2:
        raise ValueError('num_data should be larger than 2. (num_data = {})'.format(num_data))

    center = -5 
    sigma_x = 7 
    sigma_y = 7 

    n1 = num_data 

    # init data 
    d1x = torch.FloatTensor(n1, 1)
    d1y = torch.FloatTensor(n1, 1)
    d1x.normal_(center, sigma_x)
    d1y.normal_(center, sigma_y)

    d1 =, d1y), 1)

    d = d1 

    # label
    label = torch.IntTensor(num_data).zero_()
    label[:] = 0 

    # shuffle
    #shuffle = torch.randperm(d.size()[0])
    #d = torch.index_select(d, 0, shuffle)
    #label = torch.index_select(label, 0, shuffle)

    # pdf
    rv1 = multivariate_normal([ center,  center], [[math.pow(sigma_x, 2), 0.0], [0.0, math.pow(sigma_y, 2)]])

    def pdf(x):
        prob = (float(n1) / float(num_data)) * rv1.pdf(x)
        return prob

    def sumloglikelihood(x):
        return np.sum(np.log((pdf(x) + 1e-10)))

    return d, label, sumloglikelihood
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(cls, ctx, indices, weight, padding_idx, max_norm, norm_type, scale_grad_by_freq,

        ctx.padding_idx = padding_idx
        ctx.scale_grad_by_freq = scale_grad_by_freq
        ctx._indices = None
        ctx.sparse = sparse

        assert indices.dim() <= 2
        assert not ctx.needs_input_grad[0], "Embedding doesn't " \
            "compute the gradient w.r.t. the indices"

        ctx._backend = type2backend[type(weight)]
        ctx._weight_size = weight.size()

        if not indices.is_contiguous():
            ctx._indices = indices.contiguous()
            indices = ctx._indices

        output =
        if max_norm is not None:
            cls._renorm(ctx, indices, weight, max_norm, norm_type)

        if indices.dim() == 1:
            output = torch.index_select(weight, 0, indices)
            output = torch.index_select(weight, 0, indices.view(-1))
            output = output.view(indices.size(0), indices.size(1), weight.size(1))

        return output
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input = self._makeInputContiguous(input)
        if input.dim() == 1:
            torch.index_select(self.weight, 0, input, out=self.output)
        elif input.dim() == 2:
            torch.index_select(self.weight, 0, input.view(-1), out=self.output)
            self.output = self.output.view(input.size(0), input.size(1), self.weight.size(1))
            raise RuntimeError("input must be a vector or matrix")

        return self.output
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        t = input[0]
        index = input[1]
        torch.index_select(t, self.dimension, index, out=self.output)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        self.output.set_([input, self.partition]))
        if self.bias is not None:
            self.output.add_(torch.index_select(self.bias, 1, self.partition).expand_as(self.output))
            if self.addBuffer is None:
                self.addBuffer =
            if self.addBuffer.nelement() != input.size(0):

        return self.output
项目:gpytorch    作者:jrg365    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reverse(input, dim=0):
    Reverses a tensor
        - input: tensor to reverse
        - dim: dimension to reverse on
        - reversed input
    reverse_index =
    torch.arange(1 - input.size(dim), 1, out=reverse_index)
    return input.index_select(dim, reverse_index)
项目:gpytorch    作者:jrg365    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rcumsum(input, dim=0):
    Computes a reverse cumulative sum
        - input: tensor
        - dim: dimension to reverse on
        - rcumsum on input
    reverse_index = torch.LongTensor(list(range(input.size(dim))[::-1]))
    return torch.index_select(input, dim, reverse_index).cumsum(dim).index_select(dim, reverse_index)
项目:sourceseparation_misc    作者:ycemsubakan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def form_mixtures(digit1, digit2, loader, arguments): 
    dataset1, dataset2 = [], []
    for i, (ft, tar) in enumerate(loader):   
        # digit 1
        mask = torch.eq(tar, digit1)
        inds = torch.nonzero(mask).squeeze()
        ft1 = torch.index_select(ft, dim=0, index=inds)

        # digit 2
        mask = torch.eq(tar, digit2)
        inds = torch.nonzero(mask).squeeze()
        ft2 = torch.index_select(ft, dim=0, index=inds)

    dataset1 =, dim=0)
    dataset2 =, dim=0)

    if arguments.input_type == 'noise':
        inp1 = torch.randn(dataset1.size(0), arguments.L1) 
        inp2 = torch.randn(dataset2.size(0), arguments.L1) 
    elif arguments.input_type == 'autoenc':
        inp1 = dataset1
        inp2 = dataset2
        raise ValueError('Whaaaaaat input_type?')

    N1, N2 = dataset1.size(0), dataset2.size(0)
    Nmix = min([N1, N2])

    dataset_mix = dataset1[:Nmix] + dataset2[:Nmix]

    dataset1 = TensorDataset(data_tensor=inp1,
    dataset2 = data_utils.TensorDataset(data_tensor=inp2,
    dataset_mix = data_utils.TensorDataset(data_tensor=dataset_mix,

    kwargs = {'num_workers': 1, 'pin_memory': True} if arguments.cuda else {}
    loader1 = data_utils.DataLoader(dataset1, batch_size=arguments.batch_size, shuffle=False, **kwargs)
    loader2 = data_utils.DataLoader(dataset2, batch_size=arguments.batch_size, shuffle=False, **kwargs)
    loader_mix = data_utils.DataLoader(dataset_mix, batch_size=arguments.batch_size, shuffle=False, **kwargs)

    return loader1, loader2, loader_mix
项目:torchsample    作者:ncullen93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def th_gather_nd(x, coords):
    x = x.contiguous()
    inds =
    x_gather = th.index_select(th_flatten(x), 0, inds)
    return x_gather
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(cls, ctx, indices, weight, padding_idx, max_norm, norm_type, scale_grad_by_freq,

        ctx.padding_idx = padding_idx
        ctx.scale_grad_by_freq = scale_grad_by_freq
        ctx._indices = None
        ctx.sparse = sparse

        assert indices.dim() <= 2
        assert not ctx.needs_input_grad[0], "Embedding doesn't " \
            "compute the gradient w.r.t. the indices"

        ctx._backend = type2backend[type(weight)]
        ctx._weight_size = weight.size()

        if not indices.is_contiguous():
            ctx._indices = indices.contiguous()
            indices = ctx._indices

        output =
        if max_norm is not None:
            cls._renorm(ctx, indices, weight, max_norm, norm_type)

        if indices.dim() == 1:
            output = torch.index_select(weight, 0, indices)
            output = torch.index_select(weight, 0, indices.view(-1))
            output = output.view(indices.size(0), indices.size(1), weight.size(1))

        return output
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input = self._makeInputContiguous(input)
        if input.dim() == 1:
            torch.index_select(self.weight, 0, input, out=self.output)
        elif input.dim() == 2:
            torch.index_select(self.weight, 0, input.view(-1), out=self.output)
            self.output = self.output.view(input.size(0), input.size(1), self.weight.size(1))
            raise RuntimeError("input must be a vector or matrix")

        return self.output