def __getitem__(self, index): """ Args: index (int): Index Returns: tuple: Tuple (image, target). target is the object returned by ``coco.loadAnns``. """ coco = self.coco img_id = self.ids[index] ann_ids = coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=img_id) target = coco.loadAnns(ann_ids) target = torch.unsqueeze(torch.Tensor(target[0]['bbox']), -1) path = coco.loadImgs(img_id)[0]['file_name'] img = Image.open(os.path.join(self.root, path)).convert('RGB') if self.transform is not None: img = self.transform(img) if self.target_transform is not None: target = self.target_transform(target) return img, target
def query(self, images): if self.pool_size == 0: return images return_images = [] for image in images.data: image = torch.unsqueeze(image, 0) if self.num_imgs < self.pool_size: self.num_imgs = self.num_imgs + 1 self.images.append(image) return_images.append(image) else: p = random.uniform(0, 1) if p > 0.5: random_id = random.randint(0, self.pool_size-1) tmp = self.images[random_id].clone() self.images[random_id] = image return_images.append(tmp) else: return_images.append(image) return_images = Variable(torch.cat(return_images, 0)) return return_images
def clampT(self, Tin): x_s = Tin.select(1, 0) x_r = Tin.select(1, 1) x_t = Tin.select(1, 2) y_r = Tin.select(1, 3) y_s = Tin.select(1, 4) y_t = Tin.select(1, 5) x_s_clamp = torch.unsqueeze(x_s.clamp(opt.maxobjscale, 2 * opt.maxobjscale), 1) x_r_clmap = torch.unsqueeze(x_r.clamp(-rot, rot), 1) x_t_clmap = torch.unsqueeze(x_t.clamp(-1.0, 1.0), 1) y_r_clamp = torch.unsqueeze(y_r.clamp(-rot, rot), 1) y_s_clamp = torch.unsqueeze(y_s.clamp(opt.maxobjscale, 2 * opt.maxobjscale), 1) y_t_clamp = torch.unsqueeze(y_t.clamp(-1.0, 1.0), 1) Tout = torch.cat([x_s_clamp, x_r_clmap, x_t_clmap, y_r_clamp, y_s_clamp, y_t_clamp], 1) return Tout
def query(self, images): if self.pool_size == 0: return images return_images = [] for image in images.data: image = torch.unsqueeze(image, 0) if self.num_imgs < self.pool_size: self.num_imgs = self.num_imgs + 1 self.images.append(image) return_images.append(image) else: p = random.uniform(0, 1) if p > 0.5: random_id = random.randint(0, self.pool_size-1) tmp = self.images[random_id].clone() self.images[random_id] = image return_images.append(tmp) else: return_images.append(image) return_images = Variable(torch.cat(return_images, 0)) return return_images # Initialize fake image pools
def query(self, images): if self.pool_size == 0: return Variable(images) return_images = [] for image in images: image = torch.unsqueeze(image, 0) if self.num_imgs < self.pool_size: self.num_imgs = self.num_imgs + 1 self.images.append(image) return_images.append(image) else: p = random.uniform(0, 1) if p > 0.5: random_id = random.randint(0, self.pool_size-1) tmp = self.images[random_id].clone() self.images[random_id] = image return_images.append(tmp) else: return_images.append(image) return_images = Variable(torch.cat(return_images, 0)) return return_images
def query(self, images): if self.pool_size == 0: return images return_images = [] for image in images.data: image = torch.unsqueeze(image, 0) if self.num_imgs < self.pool_size: self.num_imgs = self.num_imgs + 1 self.images.append(image) return_images.append(image) else: p = random.uniform(0, 1) if p > 0.5: random_id = random.randint(0, self.pool_size - 1) tmp = self.images[random_id].clone() self.images[random_id] = image return_images.append(tmp) else: return_images.append(image) return_images = Variable(torch.cat(return_images, 0)) return return_images
def m_ggnn(self, h_v, h_w, e_vw, opt={}): m = Variable(torch.zeros(h_w.size(0), h_w.size(1), self.args['out']).type_as(h_w.data)) for w in range(h_w.size(1)): if torch.nonzero(e_vw[:, w, :].data).size(): for i, el in enumerate(self.args['e_label']): ind = (el == e_vw[:,w,:]).type_as(self.learn_args[0][i]) parameter_mat = self.learn_args[0][i][None, ...].expand(h_w.size(0), self.learn_args[0][i].size(0), self.learn_args[0][i].size(1)) m_w = torch.transpose(torch.bmm(torch.transpose(parameter_mat, 1, 2), torch.transpose(torch.unsqueeze(h_w[:, w, :], 1), 1, 2)), 1, 2) m_w = torch.squeeze(m_w) m[:,w,:] = ind.expand_as(m_w)*m_w return m
def pdist(x: T.FloatTensor, y: T.FloatTensor) -> T.FloatTensor: """ Compute the pairwise distance matrix between the rows of x and y. Args: x (tensor (num_samples_1, num_units)) y (tensor (num_samples_2, num_units)) Returns: tensor (num_samples_1, num_samples_2) """ inner = dot(x, transpose(y)) x_mag = norm(x, axis=1) ** 2 y_mag = norm(y, axis=1) ** 2 squared = add(unsqueeze(y_mag, axis=0), add(unsqueeze(x_mag, axis=1), -2*inner)) return torch.sqrt(clip(squared, a_min=0))
def colorize(x): ''' Converts a one-channel grayscale image to a color heatmap image ''' if x.dim() == 2: torch.unsqueeze(x, 0, out=x) if x.dim() == 3: cl = torch.zeros([3, x.size(1), x.size(2)]) cl[0] = gauss(x,.5,.6,.2) + gauss(x,1,.8,.3) cl[1] = gauss(x,1,.5,.3) cl[2] = gauss(x,1,.2,.3) cl[cl.gt(1)] = 1 elif x.dim() == 4: cl = torch.zeros([x.size(0), 3, x.size(2), x.size(3)]) cl[:,0,:,:] = gauss(x,.5,.6,.2) + gauss(x,1,.8,.3) cl[:,1,:,:] = gauss(x,1,.5,.3) cl[:,2,:,:] = gauss(x,1,.2,.3) return cl
def bootstrapped_cross_entropy2d(input, target, K, weight=None, size_average=True): batch_size = input.size()[0] def _bootstrap_xentropy_single(input, target, K, weight=None, size_average=True): n, c, h, w = input.size() log_p = F.log_softmax(input, dim=1) log_p = log_p.transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3).contiguous().view(-1, c) log_p = log_p[target.view(n * h * w, 1).repeat(1, c) >= 0] log_p = log_p.view(-1, c) mask = target >= 0 target = target[mask] loss = F.nll_loss(log_p, target, weight=weight, reduce=False, size_average=False) topk_loss, _ = loss.topk(K) reduced_topk_loss = topk_loss.sum() / K return reduced_topk_loss loss = 0.0 # Bootstrap from each image not entire batch for i in range(batch_size): loss += _bootstrap_xentropy_single(input=torch.unsqueeze(input[i], 0), target=torch.unsqueeze(target[i], 0), K=K, weight=weight, size_average=size_average) return loss / float(batch_size)
def query(self, elements): if self.capacity == 0: return elements choices = [] for element in elements.data: element = torch.unsqueeze(element, 0) if self.size < self.capacity: self.size += 1 self.elements.append(element) choices.append(element) else: if random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5: index = random.randint(0, self.capacity - 1) candidate = self.elements[index].clone() self.elements[index] = element choices.append(candidate) else: choices.append(element) choices = Variable(torch.cat(choices, 0)) return choices
def pairwise_ranking_loss(margin, x, v): zero = torch.zeros(1) diag_margin = margin * torch.eye(x.size(0)) if not args.no_cuda: zero, diag_margin = zero.cuda(), diag_margin.cuda() zero, diag_margin = Variable(zero), Variable(diag_margin) x = x / torch.norm(x, 2, 1, keepdim=True) v = v / torch.norm(v, 2, 1, keepdim=True) prod = torch.matmul(x, v.transpose(0, 1)) diag = torch.diag(prod) for_x = torch.max(zero, margin - torch.unsqueeze(diag, 1) + prod) - diag_margin for_v = torch.max(zero, margin - torch.unsqueeze(diag, 0) + prod) - diag_margin return (torch.sum(for_x) + torch.sum(for_v)) / x.size(0)
def forward(self, x): h_relu = self.linear1(x).clamp(min=0) h_relu = torch.unsqueeze(torch.unsqueeze(h_relu, 2), 3) # -> N x H x 1 x 1 h_expand = h_relu.expand(64, H, h, w).contiguous().view(64, -1) # -> N x H x h x w y_pred = self.linear2(h_expand) # -> N x D_out return y_pred # N is batch size; D_in is input dimension; # H is hidden dimension; D_out is output dimension.
def _span_sums(self, p_lens, stt, end, max_p_len, batch_size, dim, max_ans_len): # stt (max_p_len, batch_size, dim) # end (max_p_len, batch_size, dim) # p_lens (batch_size,) max_ans_len_range = torch.from_numpy(np.arange(max_ans_len)) max_ans_len_range = max_ans_len_range.unsqueeze(0) # (1, max_ans_len) is a vector like [0,1,2,3,4....,max_ans_len-1] offsets = torch.from_numpy(np.arange(max_p_len)) offsets = offsets.unsqueeze(0) # (1, max_p_len) is a vector like (0,1,2,3,4....max_p_len-1) offsets = offsets.transpose(0, 1) # (max_p_len, 1) is row vector now like [0/1/2/3...max_p_len-1] end_idxs = max_ans_len_range.expand(offsets.size(0), max_ans_len_range.size(1)) + offsets.expand(offsets.size(0), max_ans_len_range.size(1)) #pdb.set_trace() end_idxs_flat = end_idxs.view(-1, 1).squeeze(1) # (max_p_len*max_ans_len, ) # note: this is not modeled as tensor of size (SZ, 1) but vector of SZ size zero_t = torch.zeros(max_ans_len - 1, batch_size, dim) if torch.cuda.is_available(): zero_t = zero_t.cuda(0) end_idxs_flat = end_idxs_flat.cuda(0) end_padded = torch.cat((end, Variable(zero_t)), 0) end_structed = end_padded[end_idxs_flat] # (max_p_len*max_ans_len, batch_size, dim) end_structed = end_structed.view(max_p_len, max_ans_len, batch_size, dim) stt_shuffled = stt.unsqueeze(1) # stt (max_p_len, 1, batch_size, dim) # since the FFNN(h_a) * W we expand h_a as [p_start, p_end]*[w_1 w_2] so this reduces to p_start*w_1 + p_end*w_2 # now we can reuse the operations, we compute only once span_sums = stt_shuffled.expand(max_p_len, max_ans_len, batch_size, dim) + end_structed # (max_p_len, max_ans_len, batch_size, dim) span_sums_reshapped = span_sums.permute(2, 0, 1, 3).contiguous().view(batch_size, max_ans_len * max_p_len, dim) p_lens_shuffled = p_lens.unsqueeze(1) end_idxs_flat_shuffled = end_idxs_flat.unsqueeze(0) span_masks_reshaped = Variable(end_idxs_flat_shuffled.expand(p_lens_shuffled.size(0), end_idxs_flat_shuffled.size(1))) < p_lens_shuffled.expand(p_lens_shuffled.size(0), end_idxs_flat_shuffled.size(1)) span_masks_reshaped = span_masks_reshaped.float() return span_sums_reshapped, span_masks_reshaped #q_align_weights = self.softmax(q_align_mask_scores) # (batch_size, max_p_len, max_q_len)
def predict_on_test(net, test_x): print("Predict...") pred_y = [] for idx in range(len(test_x)): x = test_x[idx, :] x = Variable(torch.unsqueeze(torch.Tensor(x), dim=0)).cuda() y_p = net(x) _y = float(y_p.cpu().data.numpy()[0]) # print("pred %d: %f | true y: %f" % (idx, _y, test_y[idx])) pred_y.append(_y) return pred_y
def main(): waveforms, magnitudes = load_data() loader = make_dataloader(waveforms, magnitudes) rnn = RNN(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers) print(rnn) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(rnn.parameters(), lr=LR) loss_func = nn.MSELoss() for epoch in range(3): loss_epoch = [] for step, (batch_x, batch_y) in enumerate(loader): x = torch.unsqueeze(batch_x[0, :, :].t(), dim=1) print('Epoch: ', epoch, '| Step: ', step, '| x: ', x.size(), '| y: ', batch_y.numpy()) x = Variable(x) y = Variable(torch.Tensor([batch_y.numpy(), ])) prediction = rnn(x) loss = loss_func(prediction, y) optimizer.zero_grad() # clear gradients for this training step loss.backward() # backpropagation, compute gradients optimizer.step() loss_epoch.append(loss.data[0]) print("Current loss: %e --- loss mean: %f" % (loss.data[0], np.mean(loss_epoch)))
def predict_on_test(rnn, test_x): print("Predict...") pred_y = [] for idx in range(len(test_x)): x = test_x[idx, :, :] x = Variable(torch.unsqueeze(torch.Tensor(x).t(), dim=1)).cuda() y_p = rnn(x) _y = float(y_p.cpu().data.numpy()[0]) # print("pred %d: %f | true y: %f" % (idx, _y, test_y[idx])) pred_y.append(_y) return pred_y
def forward(self, q_input, a_input): qw = torch.mm(q_input, self.W.view(self.input_size, -1)).view(-1, self.dim, self.input_size) qwa = torch.bmm(qw, torch.unsqueeze(a_input, 2)) qa_vec = qwa.view(-1, self.dim) return qa_vec
def forward(self, q_input, a_input, drop_rate): """ input -> embedding_layer -> multi_cnn_layer -> interact_layer -> batchnorm_layer -> mlp_layer :param q_input: question sentence vec :param a_input: answer sentence vec :param: drop_rate: dropout rate :return: """ q_input_emb = torch.unsqueeze(self.embedding(q_input), dim=1) a_input_emb = torch.unsqueeze(self.embedding(a_input), dim=1) q_vec, a_vec = self.inception_module_layers(q_input_emb, a_input_emb) qa_vec = self.interact_layer(q_vec, a_vec) bn_vec = self.bn_layer(qa_vec) prop, cate = self.mlp(bn_vec, drop_rate) return prop, cate
def _modReLU(self, h, bias): """ sign(z)*relu(z) """ batch_size = h.size(0) sign = torch.sign(h) bias_batch = (bias.unsqueeze(0) .expand(batch_size, *bias.size())) return sign * functional.relu(torch.abs(h) + bias_batch)
def _forward_rnn(cell, input_, length, hx): max_time = input_.size(0) output = [] for time in range(max_time): h_next = cell(input_=input_[time], hx=hx) # mask = (time < length).float().unsqueeze(1).expand_as(h_next) # h_next = h_next*mask + hx*(1 - mask) output.append(h_next) output = torch.stack(output, 0) return output, h_next
def u_ggnn(self, h_v, m_v, opt={}): h_v.contiguous() m_v.contiguous() h_new = self.learn_modules[0](torch.transpose(m_v, 0, 1), torch.unsqueeze(h_v, 0))[0] # 0 or 1??? return torch.transpose(h_new, 0, 1)
def forward(self, g, h_in, e): h = [] # Padding to some larger dimension d h_t = torch.cat([h_in, Variable( torch.zeros(h_in.size(0), h_in.size(1), self.args['out'] - h_in.size(2)).type_as(h_in.data))], 2) h.append(h_t.clone()) # Layer for t in range(0, self.n_layers): e_aux = e.view(-1, e.size(3)) h_aux = h[t].view(-1, h[t].size(2)) m = self.m[0].forward(h[t], h_aux, e_aux) m = m.view(h[0].size(0), h[0].size(1), -1, m.size(1)) # Nodes without edge set message to 0 m = torch.unsqueeze(g, 3).expand_as(m) * m m = torch.squeeze(torch.sum(m, 1)) h_t = self.u[0].forward(h[t], m) # Delete virtual nodes h_t = (torch.sum(h_in, 2).expand_as(h_t) > 0).type_as(h_t) * h_t h.append(h_t) # Readout res = self.r.forward(h) if self.type == 'classification': res = nn.LogSoftmax()(res) return res
def m_mpnn(self, h_v, h_w, e_vw, opt={}): # Matrices for each edge edge_output = self.learn_modules[0](e_vw) edge_output = edge_output.view(-1, self.args['out'], self.args['in']) h_w_rows = h_w[..., None].expand(h_w.size(0), h_v.size(1), h_w.size(1)).contiguous() h_w_rows = h_w_rows.view(-1, self.args['in']) h_multiply = torch.bmm(edge_output, torch.unsqueeze(h_w_rows,2)) m_new = torch.squeeze(h_multiply) return m_new
def batch_dot(x, y, axes=None): if type(axes) is int: axes = (axes, axes) def _dot(X): x, y = X x_shape = x.size() y_shape = y.size() x_ndim = len(x_shape) y_ndim = len(y_shape) if x_ndim <= 3 and y_ndim <= 3: if x_ndim < 3: x_diff = 3 - x_ndim for i in range(diff): x = torch.unsqueeze(x, x_ndim + i) else: x_diff = 0 if y_ndim < 3: y_diff = 3 - y_ndim for i in range(diff): y = torch.unsqueeze(y, y_ndim + i) else: y_diff = 0 if axes[0] == 1: x = torch.transpose(x, 1, 2) elif axes[0] == 2: pass else: raise Exception('Invalid axis : ' + str(axes[0])) if axes[1] == 2: x = torch.transpose(x, 1, 2) # -------TODO--------------#
def expand_dims(x, axis=-1): def _expand_dims(x, axis=axis): return torch.unsqueeze(x, axis) def _compute_output_shape(x, axis=axis): shape = list(_get_shape(x)) shape.insert(axis, 1) return shape return get_op(_expand_dims, output_shape=_compute_output_shape, arguments=[axis])(x)
def scatter_(mat: T.Tensor, inds: T.LongTensor, val: T.Scalar) -> T.Tensor: """ Assign a value a specific points in a matrix. Iterates along the rows of mat, successively assigning val to column indices given by inds. Note: Modifies mat in place. Args: mat: A tensor. inds: The indices val: The value to insert """ return mat.scatter_(1, inds.unsqueeze(1), val)
def unsqueeze(tensor: T.Tensor, axis: int) -> T.Tensor: """ Return tensor with a new axis inserted. Args: tensor: A tensor. axis: The desired axis. Returns: tensor: A tensor with the new axis inserted. """ return torch.unsqueeze(tensor, axis)
def broadcast(vec: T.FloatTensor, matrix: T.FloatTensor) -> T.FloatTensor: """ Broadcasts vec into the shape of matrix following numpy rules: vec ~ (N, 1) broadcasts to matrix ~ (N, M) vec ~ (1, N) and (N,) broadcast to matrix ~ (M, N) Args: vec: A vector (either flat, row, or column). matrix: A matrix (i.e., a 2D tensor). Returns: tensor: A tensor of the same size as matrix containing the elements of the vector. Raises: BroadcastError """ try: if ndim(vec) == 1: if ndim(matrix) == 1: return vec return vec.unsqueeze(0).expand(matrix.size(0), matrix.size(1)) else: return vec.expand(matrix.size(0), matrix.size(1)) except ValueError: raise BroadcastError('cannot broadcast vector of dimension {} \ onto matrix of dimension {}'.format(shape(vec), shape(matrix)))
def repeat(tensor: T.FloatTensor, n: int) -> T.FloatTensor: """ Repeat tensor n times along specified axis. Args: tensor: A vector (i.e., 1D tensor). n: The number of repeats. Returns: tensor: A vector created from many repeats of the input tensor. """ # current implementation only works for vectors assert ndim(tensor) == 1 return flatten(tensor.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, n))
def query(self, images): # images: torch.Variable of size [batch_size, channel * 2, w, h] if self.pool_size == 0: return images return_images = [] for image in images.data: # traverse data in batch dimension image = torch.unsqueeze(image, 0) if self.num_imgs < self.pool_size: self.num_imgs = self.num_imgs + 1 self.images.append(image) return_images.append(image) else: p = random.uniform(0, 1) # randomly substitute if p > 0.5: random_id = random.randint(0, self.pool_size-1) tmp = self.images[random_id].clone() self.images[random_id] = image return_images.append(tmp) else: return_images.append(image) return_images = Variable(torch.cat(return_images, 0)) return return_images
def index(batch_size, x): idx = torch.arange(0, batch_size).long() idx = torch.unsqueeze(idx, -1) return torch.cat((idx, x), dim=1)
def update(self, query, y, y_hat, y_hat_indices): batch_size, dims = query.size() # 1) Untouched: Increment memory by 1 self.age += 1 # Divide batch by correctness result = torch.squeeze(torch.eq(y_hat, torch.unsqueeze(y.data, dim=1))).float() incorrect_examples = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(1-result)) correct_examples = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(result)) incorrect = len(incorrect_examples.size()) > 0 correct = len(correct_examples.size()) > 0 # 2) Correct: if V[n1] = v # Update Key k[n1] <- normalize(q + K[n1]), Reset Age A[n1] <- 0 if correct: correct_indices = y_hat_indices[correct_examples] correct_keys = self.keys[correct_indices] correct_query = query.data[correct_examples] new_correct_keys = F.normalize(correct_keys + correct_query, dim=1) self.keys[correct_indices] = new_correct_keys self.age[correct_indices] = 0 # 3) Incorrect: if V[n1] != v # Select item with oldest age, Add random offset - n' = argmax_i(A[i]) + r_i # K[n'] <- q, V[n'] <- v, A[n'] <- 0 if incorrect: incorrect_size = incorrect_examples.size()[0] incorrect_query = query.data[incorrect_examples] incorrect_values = y.data[incorrect_examples] age_with_noise = self.age + random_uniform((self.memory_size, 1), -self.age_noise, self.age_noise, cuda=True) topk_values, topk_indices = torch.topk(age_with_noise, incorrect_size, dim=0) oldest_indices = torch.squeeze(topk_indices) self.keys[oldest_indices] = incorrect_query self.values[oldest_indices] = incorrect_values self.age[oldest_indices] = 0
def shape_transform(x): """ Tranform the size of the tensors to fit for conv input. """ return torch.unsqueeze(torch.transpose(x, 1, 2), 3)
def forward(self, img, qst): x = self.conv(img) ## x = (64 x 24 x 5 x 5) """g""" mb = x.size()[0] n_channels = x.size()[1] d = x.size()[2] # x_flat = (64 x 25 x 24) x_flat = x.view(mb,n_channels,d*d).permute(0,2,1) # add coordinates x_flat = torch.cat([x_flat, self.coord_tensor],2) # add question everywhere qst = torch.unsqueeze(qst, 1) qst = qst.repeat(1,25,1) qst = torch.unsqueeze(qst, 2) # cast all pairs against each other x_i = torch.unsqueeze(x_flat,1) # (64x1x25x26+11) x_i = x_i.repeat(1,25,1,1) # (64x25x25x26+11) x_j = torch.unsqueeze(x_flat,2) # (64x25x1x26+11) x_j = torch.cat([x_j,qst],3) x_j = x_j.repeat(1,1,25,1) # (64x25x25x26+11) # concatenate all together x_full = torch.cat([x_i,x_j],3) # (64x25x25x2*26+11) # reshape for passing through network x_ = x_full.view(mb*d*d*d*d,63) x_ = self.g_fc1(x_) x_ = F.relu(x_) x_ = self.g_fc2(x_) x_ = F.relu(x_) x_ = self.g_fc3(x_) x_ = F.relu(x_) x_ = self.g_fc4(x_) x_ = F.relu(x_) # reshape again and sum x_g = x_.view(mb,d*d*d*d,256) x_g = x_g.sum(1).squeeze() """f""" x_f = self.f_fc1(x_g) x_f = F.relu(x_f) return self.fcout(x_f)
def run_validation_epoch(self): """ Runs one validation epoch :param total_val_batches: Number of batches to train on :return: mean_validation_categorical_crossentropy_loss and mean_validation_accuracy """ total_val_c_loss = 0. total_val_accuracy = 0. total_val_batches = len(self.val_loader) pbar = tqdm(enumerate(self.val_loader)) for batch_idx, (x_support_set, y_support_set, x_target, target_y) in pbar: x_support_set = Variable(x_support_set).float() y_support_set = Variable(y_support_set,requires_grad=False).long() x_target = Variable(x_target.squeeze()).float() y_target = Variable(target_y.squeeze(),requires_grad=False).long() # y_support_set: Add extra dimension for the one_hot y_support_set = torch.unsqueeze(y_support_set, 2) sequence_length = y_support_set.size()[1] batch_size = y_support_set.size()[0] y_support_set_one_hot = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, sequence_length, self.classes_per_set).zero_() y_support_set_one_hot.scatter_(2, y_support_set.data, 1) y_support_set_one_hot = Variable(y_support_set_one_hot) if self.isCudaAvailable: acc, c_loss_value = self.matchingNet(x_support_set.cuda(), y_support_set_one_hot.cuda(), x_target.cuda(), y_target.cuda()) else: acc, c_loss_value = self.matchingNet(x_support_set, y_support_set_one_hot, x_target, y_target) iter_out = "val_loss: {}, val_accuracy: {}".format(c_loss_value.data[0], acc.data[0]) pbar.set_description(iter_out) pbar.update(1) total_val_c_loss += c_loss_value.data[0] total_val_accuracy += acc.data[0] total_val_c_loss = total_val_c_loss / total_val_batches total_val_accuracy = total_val_accuracy / total_val_batches return total_val_c_loss, total_val_accuracy
def run_testing_epoch(self): """ Runs one testing epoch :param total_test_batches: Number of batches to train on :param sess: Session object :return: mean_testing_categorical_crossentropy_loss and mean_testing_accuracy """ total_test_c_loss = 0. total_test_accuracy = 0. total_test_batches = len(self.test_loader) pbar = tqdm(enumerate(self.test_loader)) for batch_idx, (x_support_set, y_support_set, x_target, target_y) in pbar: x_support_set = Variable(x_support_set).float() y_support_set = Variable(y_support_set,requires_grad=False).long() x_target = Variable(x_target.squeeze()).float() y_target = Variable(target_y.squeeze(),requires_grad=False).long() # y_support_set: Add extra dimension for the one_hot y_support_set = torch.unsqueeze(y_support_set, 2) sequence_length = y_support_set.size()[1] batch_size = y_support_set.size()[0] y_support_set_one_hot = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, sequence_length, self.classes_per_set).zero_() y_support_set_one_hot.scatter_(2, y_support_set.data, 1) y_support_set_one_hot = Variable(y_support_set_one_hot) if self.isCudaAvailable: acc, c_loss_value = self.matchingNet(x_support_set.cuda(), y_support_set_one_hot.cuda(), x_target.cuda(), y_target.cuda()) else: acc, c_loss_value = self.matchingNet(x_support_set, y_support_set_one_hot, x_target, y_target) iter_out = "test_loss: {}, test_accuracy: {}".format(c_loss_value.data[0], acc.data[0]) pbar.set_description(iter_out) pbar.update(1) total_test_c_loss += c_loss_value.data[0] total_test_accuracy += acc.data[0] total_test_c_loss = total_test_c_loss / total_test_batches total_test_accuracy = total_test_accuracy / total_test_batches return total_test_c_loss, total_test_accuracy
def run_validation_epoch(self, total_val_batches): """ Runs one validation epoch :param total_val_batches: Number of batches to train on :return: mean_validation_categorical_crossentropy_loss and mean_validation_accuracy """ total_val_c_loss = 0. total_val_accuracy = 0. with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_val_batches) as pbar: for i in range(total_val_batches): # validation epoch x_support_set, y_support_set, x_target, y_target = \ self.data.get_batch(str_type='val', rotate_flag=False) x_support_set = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_support_set), volatile=True).float() y_support_set = Variable(torch.from_numpy(y_support_set), volatile=True).long() x_target = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_target), volatile=True).float() y_target = Variable(torch.from_numpy(y_target), volatile=True).long() # y_support_set: Add extra dimension for the one_hot y_support_set = torch.unsqueeze(y_support_set, 2) sequence_length = y_support_set.size()[1] batch_size = y_support_set.size()[0] y_support_set_one_hot = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, sequence_length, self.classes_per_set).zero_() y_support_set_one_hot.scatter_(2, y_support_set.data, 1) y_support_set_one_hot = Variable(y_support_set_one_hot) # Reshape channels size = x_support_set.size() x_support_set = x_support_set.view(size[0], size[1], size[4], size[2], size[3]) size = x_target.size() x_target = x_target.view(size[0],size[1],size[4],size[2],size[3]) if self.isCudaAvailable: acc, c_loss_value = self.matchingNet(x_support_set.cuda(), y_support_set_one_hot.cuda(), x_target.cuda(), y_target.cuda()) else: acc, c_loss_value = self.matchingNet(x_support_set, y_support_set_one_hot, x_target, y_target) iter_out = "val_loss: {}, val_accuracy: {}".format(c_loss_value.data[0], acc.data[0]) pbar.set_description(iter_out) pbar.update(1) total_val_c_loss += c_loss_value.data[0] total_val_accuracy += acc.data[0] total_val_c_loss = total_val_c_loss / total_val_batches total_val_accuracy = total_val_accuracy / total_val_batches return total_val_c_loss, total_val_accuracy
def run_testing_epoch(self, total_test_batches): """ Runs one testing epoch :param total_test_batches: Number of batches to train on :param sess: Session object :return: mean_testing_categorical_crossentropy_loss and mean_testing_accuracy """ total_test_c_loss = 0. total_test_accuracy = 0. with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_test_batches) as pbar: for i in range(total_test_batches): x_support_set, y_support_set, x_target, y_target = \ self.data.get_batch(str_type='test', rotate_flag=False) x_support_set = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_support_set), volatile=True).float() y_support_set = Variable(torch.from_numpy(y_support_set), volatile=True).long() x_target = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_target), volatile=True).float() y_target = Variable(torch.from_numpy(y_target), volatile=True).long() # y_support_set: Add extra dimension for the one_hot y_support_set = torch.unsqueeze(y_support_set, 2) sequence_length = y_support_set.size()[1] batch_size = y_support_set.size()[0] y_support_set_one_hot = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, sequence_length, self.classes_per_set).zero_() y_support_set_one_hot.scatter_(2, y_support_set.data, 1) y_support_set_one_hot = Variable(y_support_set_one_hot) # Reshape channels size = x_support_set.size() x_support_set = x_support_set.view(size[0], size[1], size[4], size[2], size[3]) size = x_target.size() x_target = x_target.view(size[0],size[1],size[4],size[2],size[3]) if self.isCudaAvailable: acc, c_loss_value = self.matchingNet(x_support_set.cuda(), y_support_set_one_hot.cuda(), x_target.cuda(), y_target.cuda()) else: acc, c_loss_value = self.matchingNet(x_support_set, y_support_set_one_hot, x_target, y_target) iter_out = "test_loss: {}, test_accuracy: {}".format(c_loss_value.data[0], acc.data[0]) pbar.set_description(iter_out) pbar.update(1) total_test_c_loss += c_loss_value.data[0] total_test_accuracy += acc.data[0] total_test_c_loss = total_test_c_loss / total_test_batches total_test_accuracy = total_test_accuracy / total_test_batches return total_test_c_loss, total_test_accuracy
def main(): outputdir = "output.disp.abs" if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.makedirs(outputdir) waveforms, magnitudes = load_data() data_split = split_data(waveforms, magnitudes, train_percentage=0.9) print("dimension of train x and y: ", data_split["train_x"].shape, data_split["train_y"].shape) print("dimension of test x and y: ", data_split["test_x"].shape, data_split["test_y"].shape) train_loader = make_dataloader(data_split["train_x"], data_split["train_y"]) rnn = RNN(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers) rnn.cuda() print(rnn) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(rnn.parameters(), lr=LR) loss_func = nn.MSELoss() # train ntest = data_split["train_x"].shape[0] all_loss = {} for epoch in range(3): loss_epoch = [] for step, (batch_x, batch_y) in enumerate(train_loader): x = torch.unsqueeze(batch_x[0, :, :].t(), dim=1) if step % int((ntest/100) + 1) == 1: print('Epoch: ', epoch, '| Step: %d/%d' % (step, ntest), "| Loss: %f" % np.mean(loss_epoch)) if CUDA_FLAG: x = Variable(x).cuda() y = Variable(torch.Tensor([batch_y.numpy(), ])).cuda() else: x = Variable(x) y = Variable(torch.Tensor([batch_y.numpy(), ])) prediction = rnn(x) loss = loss_func(prediction, y) optimizer.zero_grad() # clear gradients for this training step loss.backward() # backpropagation, compute gradients optimizer.step() loss_epoch.append(loss.data[0]) all_loss["epoch_%d" % epoch] = loss_epoch outputfn = os.path.join(outputdir, "loss.epoch_%d.json" % epoch) print("epoch loss file: %s" % outputfn) dump_json(loss_epoch, outputfn) # test pred_y = predict_on_test(rnn, data_split["test_x"]) test_y = data_split["test_y"] _mse = mean_squared_error(test_y, pred_y) _std = np.std(test_y - pred_y) print("MSE and error std: %f, %f" % (_mse, _std)) outputfn = os.path.join(outputdir, "prediction.json") print("output file: %s" % outputfn) data = {"test_y": list(test_y), "test_y_pred": list(pred_y), "epoch_loss": all_loss, "mse": _mse, "err_std": _std} dump_json(data, outputfn)
def _EUNN(self, hx, thetaA, thetaB): L = self.capacity N = self.hidden_size sinA = torch.sin(self.thetaA) cosA = torch.cos(self.thetaA) sinB = torch.sin(self.thetaB) cosB = torch.cos(self.thetaB) I = Variable(torch.ones((L/2, 1))) O = Variable(torch.zeros((L/2, 1))) diagA = torch.stack((cosA, cosA), 2) offA = torch.stack((-sinA, sinA), 2) diagB = torch.stack((cosB, cosB), 2) offB = torch.stack((-sinB, sinB), 2) diagA = diagA.view(L/2, N) offA = offA.view(L/2, N) diagB = diagB.view(L/2, N-2) offB = offB.view(L/2, N-2) diagB = torch.cat((I, diagB, I), 1) offB = torch.cat((O, offB, O), 1) batch_size = hx.size()[0] x = hx for i in range(L/2): # # A y = x.view(batch_size, N/2, 2) y = torch.stack((y[:,:,1], y[:,:,0]), 2) y = y.view(batch_size, N) x = torch.mul(x, diagA[i].expand_as(x)) y = torch.mul(y, offA[i].expand_as(x)) x = x + y # B x_top = x[:,0] x_mid = x[:,1:-1].contiguous() x_bot = x[:,-1] y = x_mid.view(batch_size, N/2-1, 2) y = torch.stack((y[:, :, 1], y[:, :, 0]), 1) y = y.view(batch_size, N-2) x_top = torch.unsqueeze(x_top, 1) x_bot = torch.unsqueeze(x_bot, 1) # print x_top.size(), y.size(), x_bot.size() y = torch.cat((x_top, y, x_bot), 1) x = x * diagB[i].expand(batch_size, N) y = y * offB[i].expand(batch_size, N) x = x + y return x
def _EUNN(self, hx, thetaA, thetaB): L = self.capacity N = self.hidden_size sinA = torch.sin(self.thetaA) cosA = torch.cos(self.thetaA) sinB = torch.sin(self.thetaB) cosB = torch.cos(self.thetaB) I = Variable(torch.ones((L//2, 1))) O = Variable(torch.zeros((L//2, 1))) diagA = torch.stack((cosA, cosA), 2) offA = torch.stack((-sinA, sinA), 2) diagB = torch.stack((cosB, cosB), 2) offB = torch.stack((-sinB, sinB), 2) diagA = diagA.view(L//2, N) offA = offA.view(L//2, N) diagB = diagB.view(L//2, N-2) offB = offB.view(L//2, N-2) diagB = torch.cat((I, diagB, I), 1) offB = torch.cat((O, offB, O), 1) batch_size = hx.size()[0] x = hx for i in range(L//2): # # A y = x.view(batch_size, N//2, 2) y = torch.stack((y[:,:,1], y[:,:,0]), 2) y = y.view(batch_size, N) x = torch.mul(x, diagA[i].expand_as(x)) y = torch.mul(y, offA[i].expand_as(x)) x = x + y # B x_top = x[:,0] x_mid = x[:,1:-1].contiguous() x_bot = x[:,-1] y = x_mid.view(batch_size, N//2-1, 2) y = torch.stack((y[:, :, 1], y[:, :, 0]), 1) y = y.view(batch_size, N-2) x_top = torch.unsqueeze(x_top, 1) x_bot = torch.unsqueeze(x_bot, 1) # print x_top.size(), y.size(), x_bot.size() y = torch.cat((x_top, y, x_bot), 1) x = x * diagB[i].expand(batch_size, N) y = y * offB[i].expand(batch_size, N) x = x + y return x