Python torch 模块,gt() 实例源码


项目:FewShotLearning    作者:gitabcworld    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preProc2(x):
    # Access the global variables
    global P, expP, negExpP
    P = P.type_as(x)
    expP = expP.type_as(x)
    negExpP = negExpP.type_as(x)

    # Create a variable filled with -1. Second part of the condition
    z = Variable(torch.zeros(x.size())).type_as(x)
    absX = torch.abs(x)
    cond1 =, negExpP)
    cond2 = torch.le(absX, negExpP)
    if (torch.sum(cond1) > 0).data.all():
        x1 = torch.sign(x[cond1])
        z[cond1] = x1
    if (torch.sum(cond2) > 0).data.all():
        x2 = x[cond2]*expP
        z[cond2] = x2
    return z
项目:YellowFin_Pytorch    作者:JianGoForIt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_accuracy_mini_batch(tokens, features, labels, word_attn, sent_attn):
    y_pred = get_predictions(tokens, features, word_attn, sent_attn)
    y_pred =, 0.5)
    correct = np.ndarray.flatten(
    labels =, 0.5)
    labels = np.ndarray.flatten(

    num_correct = sum(correct == labels)

    return float(num_correct) / len(correct)
项目:YellowFin_Pytorch    作者:JianGoForIt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_accuracy_mini_batch(tokens, features, labels, word_attn, sent_attn):
    y_pred = get_predictions(tokens, features, word_attn, sent_attn)
    y_pred =, 0.5)
    correct = np.ndarray.flatten(
    labels =, 0.5)
    labels = np.ndarray.flatten(

    num_correct = sum(correct == labels)

    return float(num_correct) / len(correct)
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward(self, grad_output):
        input, target = self.saved_tensors
        grad_input =
        grad_input[torch.mul(torch.eq(target, -1),, self.margin))] = 0

        if self.size_average:
            grad_input.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        if grad_output[0] != 1:

        return grad_input, None
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, y):
        self.gradInput[torch.mul(torch.eq(y, -1),, self.margin))] = 0

        if self.sizeAverage:
            self.gradInput.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        return self.gradInput
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_renorm(self):
        m1 = torch.randn(10,5)
        res1 = torch.Tensor()

        def renorm(matrix, value, dim, max_norm):
            m1 = matrix.transpose(dim, 0).contiguous()
            # collapse non-dim dimensions.
            m2 = m1.clone().resize_(m1.size(0), int(math.floor(m1.nelement() / m1.size(0))))
            norms = m2.norm(value, 1)
            # clip
            new_norms = norms.clone()
            new_norms[, max_norm)] = max_norm
            # renormalize
            return m1.transpose(dim, 0)

        # note that the axis fed to torch.renorm is different (2~=1)
        maxnorm = m1.norm(2, 1).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m1, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        self.assertEqual(m1, m2, 1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(m1.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0), 1e-5)

        m1 = torch.randn(3, 4, 5)
        m2 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        maxnorm = m2.norm(2, 0).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m2, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        m3 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        self.assertEqual(m3, m2)
        self.assertEqual(m3.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0))
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_logical(self):
        x = torch.rand(100, 100) * 2 - 1
        xx = x.clone()

        xgt =, 1)
        xlt =, 1)

        xeq = torch.eq(x, 1)
        xne =, 1)

        neqs = xgt + xlt
        all = neqs + xeq
        self.assertEqual(neqs.sum(), xne.sum(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(x.nelement(), all.sum())
项目:torch_light    作者:ne7ermore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, enc_outputs, enc_input, dec_input, dec_pos):
        dec_output = self.dec_ebd(dec_input) + self.pos_ebd(dec_pos)

        dec_slf_attn_mask =
            get_attn_padding_mask(dec_input, dec_input) + get_attn_subsequent_mask(dec_input), 0)
        dec_enc_attn_pad_mask = get_attn_padding_mask(dec_input, enc_input)

        for layer, enc_output in zip(self.decodes, enc_outputs):
            dec_output = layer(dec_output, enc_output,
                dec_slf_attn_mask, dec_enc_attn_pad_mask)

        return dec_output
项目:attention-is-all-you-need-pytorch    作者:jadore801120    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, tgt_seq, tgt_pos, src_seq, enc_output, return_attns=False):
        # Word embedding look up
        dec_input = self.tgt_word_emb(tgt_seq)

        # Position Encoding addition
        dec_input += self.position_enc(tgt_pos)

        # Decode
        dec_slf_attn_pad_mask = get_attn_padding_mask(tgt_seq, tgt_seq)
        dec_slf_attn_sub_mask = get_attn_subsequent_mask(tgt_seq)
        dec_slf_attn_mask = + dec_slf_attn_sub_mask, 0)

        dec_enc_attn_pad_mask = get_attn_padding_mask(tgt_seq, src_seq)

        if return_attns:
            dec_slf_attns, dec_enc_attns = [], []

        dec_output = dec_input
        for dec_layer in self.layer_stack:
            dec_output, dec_slf_attn, dec_enc_attn = dec_layer(
                dec_output, enc_output,

            if return_attns:
                dec_slf_attns += [dec_slf_attn]
                dec_enc_attns += [dec_enc_attn]

        if return_attns:
            return dec_output, dec_slf_attns, dec_enc_attns
            return dec_output,
项目:FewShotLearning    作者:gitabcworld    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preProc1(x):
    # Access the global variables
    global P,expP,negExpP
    P = P.type_as(x)
    expP = expP.type_as(x)
    negExpP = negExpP.type_as(x)

    # Create a variable filled with -1. Second part of the condition
    z = Variable(torch.zeros(x.size()).fill_(-1)).type_as(x)
    absX = torch.abs(x)
    cond1 =, negExpP)
    if (torch.sum(cond1) > 0).data.all():
        x1 = torch.log(torch.abs(x[cond1]))/P
        z[cond1] = x1
    return z
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward(self, grad_output):
        input, target = self.saved_tensors
        grad_input =
        grad_input[torch.mul(torch.eq(target, -1),, self.margin))] = 0

        if self.size_average:
            grad_input.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        if grad_output[0] != 1:

        return grad_input, None
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, y):
        self.gradInput[torch.mul(torch.eq(y, -1),, self.margin))] = 0

        if self.sizeAverage:
            self.gradInput.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        return self.gradInput
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_renorm(self):
        m1 = torch.randn(10, 5)
        res1 = torch.Tensor()

        def renorm(matrix, value, dim, max_norm):
            m1 = matrix.transpose(dim, 0).contiguous()
            # collapse non-dim dimensions.
            m2 = m1.clone().resize_(m1.size(0), int(math.floor(m1.nelement() / m1.size(0))))
            norms = m2.norm(value, 1)
            # clip
            new_norms = norms.clone()
            new_norms[, max_norm)] = max_norm
            # renormalize
            return m1.transpose(dim, 0)

        # note that the axis fed to torch.renorm is different (2~=1)
        maxnorm = m1.norm(2, 1).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m1, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        self.assertEqual(m1, m2, 1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(m1.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0), 1e-5)

        m1 = torch.randn(3, 4, 5)
        m2 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        maxnorm = m2.norm(2, 0).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m2, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        m3 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        self.assertEqual(m3, m2)
        self.assertEqual(m3.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0))
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_logical(self):
        x = torch.rand(100, 100) * 2 - 1
        xx = x.clone()

        xgt =, 1)
        xlt =, 1)

        xeq = torch.eq(x, 1)
        xne =, 1)

        neqs = xgt + xlt
        all = neqs + xeq
        self.assertEqual(neqs.sum(), xne.sum(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(x.nelement(), all.sum())
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_comparison_ops(self):
        x = torch.randn(5, 5)
        y = torch.randn(5, 5)

        eq = x == y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] == y[idx], eq[idx] == 1)

        ne = x != y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] != y[idx], ne[idx] == 1)

        lt = x < y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] < y[idx], lt[idx] == 1)

        le = x <= y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] <= y[idx], le[idx] == 1)

        gt = x > y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] > y[idx], gt[idx] == 1)

        ge = x >= y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] >= y[idx], ge[idx] == 1)
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward(self, grad_output):
        input, target = self.saved_tensors
        grad_input =
        grad_input[torch.mul(torch.eq(target, -1),, self.margin))] = 0

        if self.size_average:
            grad_input.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        if grad_output[0] != 1:

        return grad_input, None
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, y):
        self.gradInput[torch.mul(torch.eq(y, -1),, self.margin))] = 0

        if self.sizeAverage:
            self.gradInput.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        return self.gradInput
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_renorm(self):
        m1 = torch.randn(10, 5)
        res1 = torch.Tensor()

        def renorm(matrix, value, dim, max_norm):
            m1 = matrix.transpose(dim, 0).contiguous()
            # collapse non-dim dimensions.
            m2 = m1.clone().resize_(m1.size(0), int(math.floor(m1.nelement() / m1.size(0))))
            norms = m2.norm(value, 1, True)
            # clip
            new_norms = norms.clone()
            new_norms[, max_norm)] = max_norm
            # renormalize
            return m1.transpose(dim, 0)

        # note that the axis fed to torch.renorm is different (2~=1)
        maxnorm = m1.norm(2, 1).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m1, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        self.assertEqual(m1, m2, 1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(m1.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0), 1e-5)

        m1 = torch.randn(3, 4, 5)
        m2 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        maxnorm = m2.norm(2, 0).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m2, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        m3 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        self.assertEqual(m3, m2)
        self.assertEqual(m3.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0))
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_logical(self):
        x = torch.rand(100, 100) * 2 - 1
        xx = x.clone()

        xgt =, 1)
        xlt =, 1)

        xeq = torch.eq(x, 1)
        xne =, 1)

        neqs = xgt + xlt
        all = neqs + xeq
        self.assertEqual(neqs.sum(), xne.sum(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(x.nelement(), all.sum())
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_comparison_ops(self):
        x = torch.randn(5, 5)
        y = torch.randn(5, 5)

        eq = x == y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] == y[idx], eq[idx] == 1)

        ne = x != y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] != y[idx], ne[idx] == 1)

        lt = x < y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] < y[idx], lt[idx] == 1)

        le = x <= y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] <= y[idx], le[idx] == 1)

        gt = x > y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] > y[idx], gt[idx] == 1)

        ge = x >= y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] >= y[idx], ge[idx] == 1)
项目:pytorch-geometric-gan    作者:lim0606    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input, target):
        input = input.view(-1)

        assert input.dim() == target.dim()
        for i in range(input.dim()): 
            assert input.size(i) == target.size(i)

        output = self.margin - torch.mul(target, input)

        if 'cuda' in
            mask = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(input.size()).zero_()
            mask = torch.FloatTensor(input.size()).zero_()
        mask = Variable(mask)
        mask[, 0.0)] = 1.0

        output = torch.mul(output, mask)

        # size average
        if self.size_average:
            output = torch.mul(output, 1.0 / input.nelement())

        # sum
        output = output.sum()

        # apply sign
        output = torch.mul(output, self.sign)
        return output
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(ctx, input, target, grad_output, margin, size_average):
        ctx.margin = margin
        ctx.size_average = size_average
        ctx.save_for_backward(input, target, grad_output)
        grad_input =
        grad_input[torch.mul(torch.eq(target, -1),, ctx.margin))] = 0

        if ctx.size_average:
            grad_input.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        if grad_output[0] != 1:

        return grad_input
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, y):
        self.gradInput[torch.mul(torch.eq(y, -1),, self.margin))] = 0

        if self.sizeAverage:
            self.gradInput.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        return self.gradInput
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_renorm(self):
        m1 = torch.randn(10, 5)
        res1 = torch.Tensor()

        def renorm(matrix, value, dim, max_norm):
            m1 = matrix.transpose(dim, 0).contiguous()
            # collapse non-dim dimensions.
            m2 = m1.clone().resize_(m1.size(0), int(math.floor(m1.nelement() / m1.size(0))))
            norms = m2.norm(value, 1, True)
            # clip
            new_norms = norms.clone()
            new_norms[, max_norm)] = max_norm
            # renormalize
            return m1.transpose(dim, 0)

        # note that the axis fed to torch.renorm is different (2~=1)
        maxnorm = m1.norm(2, 1).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m1, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        self.assertEqual(m1, m2, 1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(m1.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0), 1e-5)

        m1 = torch.randn(3, 4, 5)
        m2 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        maxnorm = m2.norm(2, 0).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m2, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        m3 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        self.assertEqual(m3, m2)
        self.assertEqual(m3.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0))
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_logical(self):
        x = torch.rand(100, 100) * 2 - 1
        xx = x.clone()

        xgt =, 1)
        xlt =, 1)

        xeq = torch.eq(x, 1)
        xne =, 1)

        neqs = xgt + xlt
        all = neqs + xeq
        self.assertEqual(neqs.sum(), xne.sum(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(x.nelement(), all.sum())
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_comparison_ops(self):
        x = torch.randn(5, 5)
        y = torch.randn(5, 5)

        eq = x == y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] == y[idx], eq[idx] == 1)

        ne = x != y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] != y[idx], ne[idx] == 1)

        lt = x < y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] < y[idx], lt[idx] == 1)

        le = x <= y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] <= y[idx], le[idx] == 1)

        gt = x > y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] > y[idx], gt[idx] == 1)

        ge = x >= y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] >= y[idx], ge[idx] == 1)
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(ctx, input, target, grad_output, margin, size_average):
        ctx.margin = margin
        ctx.size_average = size_average
        ctx.save_for_backward(input, target, grad_output)
        grad_input =
        grad_input[torch.mul(torch.eq(target, -1),, ctx.margin))] = 0

        if ctx.size_average:
            grad_input.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        if grad_output[0] != 1:

        return grad_input
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, y):
        self.gradInput[torch.mul(torch.eq(y, -1),, self.margin))] = 0

        if self.sizeAverage:
            self.gradInput.mul_(1. / input.nelement())

        return self.gradInput
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_renorm(self):
        m1 = torch.randn(10, 5)
        res1 = torch.Tensor()

        def renorm(matrix, value, dim, max_norm):
            m1 = matrix.transpose(dim, 0).contiguous()
            # collapse non-dim dimensions.
            m2 = m1.clone().resize_(m1.size(0), int(math.floor(m1.nelement() / m1.size(0))))
            norms = m2.norm(value, 1, True)
            # clip
            new_norms = norms.clone()
            new_norms[, max_norm)] = max_norm
            # renormalize
            return m1.transpose(dim, 0)

        # note that the axis fed to torch.renorm is different (2~=1)
        maxnorm = m1.norm(2, 1).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m1, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        self.assertEqual(m1, m2, 1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(m1.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0), 1e-5)

        m1 = torch.randn(3, 4, 5)
        m2 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        maxnorm = m2.norm(2, 0).mean()
        m2 = renorm(m2, 2, 1, maxnorm)
        m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
        m3 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
        self.assertEqual(m3, m2)
        self.assertEqual(m3.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0))
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_logical(self):
        x = torch.rand(100, 100) * 2 - 1
        xx = x.clone()

        xgt =, 1)
        xlt =, 1)

        xeq = torch.eq(x, 1)
        xne =, 1)

        neqs = xgt + xlt
        all = neqs + xeq
        self.assertEqual(neqs.sum(), xne.sum(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(x.nelement(), all.sum())
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_comparison_ops(self):
        x = torch.randn(5, 5)
        y = torch.randn(5, 5)

        eq = x == y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] == y[idx], eq[idx] == 1)

        ne = x != y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] != y[idx], ne[idx] == 1)

        lt = x < y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] < y[idx], lt[idx] == 1)

        le = x <= y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] <= y[idx], le[idx] == 1)

        gt = x > y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] > y[idx], gt[idx] == 1)

        ge = x >= y
        for idx in iter_indices(x):
            self.assertIs(x[idx] >= y[idx], ge[idx] == 1)
项目:paysage    作者:drckf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def greater(x: T.FloatTensor, y: T.FloatTensor) -> T.ByteTensor:
    Elementwise test if x > y.

        x: A tensor.
        y: A tensor.

        tensor (of bools): Elementwise test of x > y.

    return, y)
项目:OpenNMT-py    作者:OpenNMT    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input, context, src_pad_mask, tgt_pad_mask):
        # Args Checks
        input_batch, input_len, _ = input.size()
        contxt_batch, contxt_len, _ = context.size()
        aeq(input_batch, contxt_batch)

        src_batch, t_len, s_len = src_pad_mask.size()
        tgt_batch, t_len_, t_len__ = tgt_pad_mask.size()
        aeq(input_batch, contxt_batch, src_batch, tgt_batch)
        aeq(t_len, t_len_, t_len__, input_len)
        aeq(s_len, contxt_len)
        # END Args Checks

        dec_mask = + self.mask[:, :tgt_pad_mask.size(1),
                            .expand_as(tgt_pad_mask), 0)
        input_norm = self.layer_norm_1(input)
        query, attn = self.self_attn(input_norm, input_norm, input_norm,
        query_norm = self.layer_norm_2(query+input)
        mid, attn = self.context_attn(context, context, query_norm,
        output = self.feed_forward(mid+query+input)

        # CHECKS
        output_batch, output_len, _ = output.size()
        aeq(input_len, output_len)
        aeq(contxt_batch, output_batch)

        n_batch_, t_len_, s_len_ = attn.size()
        aeq(input_batch, n_batch_)
        aeq(contxt_len, s_len_)
        aeq(input_len, t_len_)
        # END CHECKS

        return output, attn
项目:neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch    作者:pemami4911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reward(sample_solution, USE_CUDA=False):
    The reward for the sorting task is defined as the
    length of the longest sorted consecutive subsequence.

    Input sequences must all be the same length.


    input       | output
    [1 4 3 5 2] | [5 1 2 3 4]

    The output gets a reward of 4/5, or 0.8

    The range is [1/sourceL, 1]

        sample_solution: list of len sourceL of [batch_size]
        [batch_size] containing trajectory rewards
    batch_size = sample_solution[0].size(0)
    sourceL = len(sample_solution)

    longest = Variable(torch.ones(batch_size), requires_grad=False)
    current = Variable(torch.ones(batch_size), requires_grad=False)

    if USE_CUDA:
        longest = longest.cuda()
        current = current.cuda()

    for i in range(1, sourceL):
        # compare solution[i-1] < solution[i] 
        res =[i-1], sample_solution[i]) 
        # if res[i,j] == 1, increment length of current sorted subsequence
        current += res.float()  
        # else, reset current to 1
        current[torch.eq(res, 0)] = 1
        #current[torch.eq(res, 0)] -= 1
        # if, for any, current > longest, update longest
        mask =, longest)
        longest[mask] = current[mask]
    return -torch.div(longest, sourceL)