def test_gc_stresstest(): with Storage('gs://seunglab-test/cloudvolume/connection_pool/', n_threads=0) as stor: stor.put_file('test', 'some string') n_trials = 500 pbar = tqdm(total=n_trials) @retry def create_conn(interface): # assert GC_POOL.total_connections() <= GC_POOL.max_connections * 5 bucket = GC_POOL.get_connection() blob = bucket.get_blob('cloudvolume/connection_pool/test') blob.download_as_string() GC_POOL.release_connection(bucket) pbar.update() with ThreadedQueue(n_threads=20) as tq: for _ in range(n_trials): tq.put(create_conn) pbar.close()
def action_label_counts(directory, data_loader, n_actions=18, n=None): episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(directory) label_counts = [0, 0] action_label_counts = [[0, 0] for i in range(n_actions)] if n is not None: np.random.shuffle(episode_paths) episode_paths = episode_paths[:n] for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths): try: features, labels = data_loader.load_features_and_labels([episode_path]) except: traceback.print_exc() else: for label in range(len(label_counts)): label_counts[label] += np.count_nonzero(labels == label) for action in range(n_actions): actions = np.reshape(np.array(features["action"]), [-1]) action_label_counts[action][label] += np.count_nonzero( np.logical_and(labels == label, actions == action)) return label_counts, action_label_counts
def extract_chunks(files, num_images, out_path): with tqdm(total=num_images, unit='images', ncols=80, unit_scale=True) as pbar: process = tar(cat(files, _piped=True), 'xvz', _iter=True, _cwd=out_path) def kill(): try: process.kill() except: pass atexit.register(kill) for line in process: if line.strip().endswith('.jpg'): pbar.update(1)
def test_s3_stresstest(): with Storage('s3://seunglab-test/cloudvolume/connection_pool/', n_threads=0) as stor: stor.put_file('test', 'some string') n_trials = 500 pbar = tqdm(total=n_trials) @retry def create_conn(interface): conn = S3_POOL.get_connection() # assert S3_POOL.total_connections() <= S3_POOL.max_connections * 5 bucket = conn.get_object( Bucket='seunglab-test', Key='cloudvolume/connection_pool/test', ) S3_POOL.release_connection(conn) pbar.update() with ThreadedQueue(n_threads=20) as tq: for _ in range(n_trials): tq.put(create_conn) pbar.close()
def serial_varfeatures(lclist, outdir, maxobjects=None, timecols=None, magcols=None, errcols=None, mindet=1000, lcformat='hat-sql', nworkers=None): if maxobjects: lclist = lclist[:maxobjects] tasks = [(x, outdir, timecols, magcols, errcols, mindet, lcformat) for x in lclist] for task in tqdm(tasks): result = varfeatures_worker(task)
def valid(self, batch_size = 128, weights_file = None): if weights_file is not None: self.saver.restore(self.sess, weights_file) data_size = self.x_test.shape[0] num_batches = int(data_size/batch_size) acc_vals = [] permute_idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(data_size)) for b in tqdm(np.arange(num_batches)): x_val = self.x_test[permute_idx[b*batch_size:(b+1)*batch_size]] y_val = self.y_test[permute_idx[b*batch_size:(b+1)*batch_size]] acc_val = self.sess.run(self.accuracy, feed_dict = {self.images:x_val, self.labels:y_val}) acc_vals.append(acc_val) print('validation accuracy : {}'.format(np.mean(acc_vals)))
def download_file(self, name, url, headers, filename): r = super().getSession().get( url, allow_redirects=True, headers=headers, stream=True ) if r.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError( "Failed downloading file due to non 200 return code. " "Return code was " + str(r.status_code) ) total_size = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0)) with tqdm(desc=name, total=total_size, unit='B', unit_scale=True, miniters=1) as bar: with open(filename, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(32*1024): bar.update(len(chunk)) fd.write(chunk)
def pdb_downloader_and_metadata(self, outdir=None, pdb_file_type=None, force_rerun=False): """Download ALL mapped experimental structures to each protein's structures directory. Args: outdir (str): Path to output directory, if GEM-PRO directories were not set or other output directory is desired pdb_file_type (str): Type of PDB file to download, if not already set or other format is desired force_rerun (bool): If files should be re-downloaded if they already exist """ if not pdb_file_type: pdb_file_type = self.pdb_file_type counter = 0 for g in tqdm(self.genes): pdbs = g.protein.pdb_downloader_and_metadata(outdir=outdir, pdb_file_type=pdb_file_type, force_rerun=force_rerun) if pdbs: counter += len(pdbs) log.info('Updated PDB metadata dataframe. See the "df_pdb_metadata" attribute for a summary dataframe.') log.info('Saved {} structures total'.format(counter))
def run(self, records, total=None, fast_run=True, write=True): # this shouldn't ever actually get used now raise ValueError() records = self.filter(records) for record in tqdm(records, mininterval=2, total=total): gene = self.GENE_CLASS(record, self.organism_info, self.login) try: gene.create_item(fast_run=fast_run, write=write) except Exception as e: exc_info = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(*exc_info) msg = wdi_helpers.format_msg(gene.external_ids['Entrez Gene ID'], PROPS['Entrez Gene ID'], None, str(e), msg_type=type(e)) wdi_core.WDItemEngine.log("ERROR", msg) gene.status = msg if gene.status is not True: self.failed.append(gene.entrez)
def cleanup(self, releases, last_updated): """ :param releases: :param last_updated: :param failed: list of entrez ids to skip :return: """ print(self.failed) entrez_qid = wdi_helpers.id_mapper('P351', ((PROPS['found in taxon'], self.organism_info['wdid']),)) print(len(entrez_qid)) entrez_qid = {entrez: qid for entrez, qid in entrez_qid.items() if entrez not in self.failed} print(len(entrez_qid)) filter = {PROPS['Entrez Gene ID']: '', PROPS['found in taxon']: self.organism_info['wdid']} frc = FastRunContainer(wdi_core.WDBaseDataType, wdi_core.WDItemEngine, base_filter=filter, use_refs=True) frc.clear() for qid in tqdm(entrez_qid.values()): remove_deprecated_statements(qid, frc, releases, last_updated, list(PROPS.values()), self.login)
def run(self, records, total=None, fast_run=True, write=True): records = self.filter(records) for record in tqdm(records, mininterval=2, total=total): # print(record['entrezgene']) gene = self.GENE_CLASS(record, self.organism_info, self.chr_num_wdid, self.login) try: gene.create_item(fast_run=fast_run, write=write) except Exception as e: exc_info = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(*exc_info) msg = wdi_helpers.format_msg(gene.external_ids['Entrez Gene ID'], PROPS['Entrez Gene ID'], None, str(e), msg_type=type(e)) wdi_core.WDItemEngine.log("ERROR", msg) gene.status = msg if gene.status is not True: self.failed.append(gene.entrez)
def run(self, records, total=None, fast_run=True, write=True): records = self.filter(records) for record in tqdm(records, mininterval=2, total=total): entrez_gene = str(record['entrezgene']['@value']) if entrez_gene not in self.gene_wdid_mapping: wdi_core.WDItemEngine.log("WARNING", format_msg(entrez_gene, "P351", None, "Gene item not found during protein creation", None)) continue gene_wdid = self.gene_wdid_mapping[entrez_gene] # handle multiple protiens if 'uniprot' in record and 'Swiss-Prot' in record['uniprot']['@value']: uniprots = record['uniprot']['@value']['Swiss-Prot'] for uniprot in uniprots: record['uniprot']['@value']['Swiss-Prot'] = uniprot self.run_one(record, gene_wdid, write) else: self.run_one(record, gene_wdid, write)
def lookupLabels(changes): pids = set(s.pid for s in changes) qids = set(s.qid for s in changes) values = set(s.value for s in changes if s.value and PROP_TYPE.get(s.pid) == "WikibaseItem") ref_qids = set(chain(*[ [s['value'] for s in change.ref_list if s['value'] and PROP_TYPE.get(s['prop']) == "WikibaseItem"] for change in changes])) ref_pids = set(chain(*[[s['prop'] for s in change.ref_list] for change in changes])) labels = dict() x = pids | qids | values | ref_qids | ref_pids x = set(y for y in x if y) for chunk in tqdm(chunks(x, 500), total=len(x) / 500): l = getConceptLabels(tuple(chunk)) labels.update(l) for c in changes: if c.pid and c.pid in labels: c.pid_label = labels[c.pid] if c.qid and c.qid in labels: c.qid_label = labels[c.qid] if c.value and c.value in labels: c.value_label = labels[c.value] for ref in c.ref_list: ref['value_label'] = labels.get(ref['value'], '') ref['prop_label'] = labels.get(ref['prop'], '')
def get_revisions_past_weeks(qids, weeks): """ Get the revision IDs for revisions on `qids` items in the past `weeks` weeks :param qids: set of qids :param weeks: int :return: """ revisions = set() qids_str = '"' + '","'.join(qids) + '"' for week in tqdm(range(weeks)): query = '''select rev_id, rev_page, rev_timestamp, page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_touched FROM revision inner join page on revision.rev_page = page.page_id WHERE rev_timestamp > DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL {week} WEEK), INTERVAL 1 WEEK),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') AND rev_timestamp < DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {week} WEEK),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') AND page_content_model = "wikibase-item" AND page.page_title IN({qids}); '''.format(qids=qids_str, week=week) revision_df = query_wikidata_mysql(query) print(len(revision_df)) print(revision_df.head(2)) print(revision_df.tail(2)) revisions.update(set(revision_df.rev_id)) return revisions
def main(chebi_iedb_map, log_dir="./logs", fast_run=False, write=True): login = wdi_login.WDLogin(user=WDUSER, pwd=WDPASS) wdi_core.WDItemEngine.setup_logging(log_dir=log_dir, logger_name='WD_logger', log_name=log_name, header=json.dumps(__metadata__)) chebi_qid_map = id_mapper(PROPS['ChEBI-ID']) for chebi, iedb in tqdm(chebi_iedb_map.items()): if chebi not in chebi_qid_map: msg = wdi_helpers.format_msg(iedb, PROPS['IEDB Epitope ID'], None, "ChEBI:{} not found".format(chebi), "ChEBI not found") print(msg) wdi_core.WDItemEngine.log("WARNING", msg) continue s = [wdi_core.WDExternalID(iedb, PROPS['IEDB Epitope ID'], references=create_references(iedb))] item = wdi_core.WDItemEngine(wd_item_id=chebi_qid_map[chebi], data=s, domain="drugs", fast_run=fast_run, fast_run_base_filter={PROPS['ChEBI-ID']: ''}, fast_run_use_refs=True, ref_handler=ref_handlers.update_retrieved_if_new, global_ref_mode="CUSTOM") wdi_helpers.try_write(item, iedb, PROPS['IEDB Epitope ID'], login, edit_summary="Add IEDB Epitope ID", write=write)
def create_uniprot_relationships(login, release_wdid, collection, taxon=None, write=True, run_one=False): # only do uniprot proteins that are already in wikidata # returns list of qids of items that are modified or skipped (excluding created) if taxon: uniprot2wd = wdi_helpers.id_mapper(UNIPROT, (("P703", taxon),)) fast_run_base_filter = {UNIPROT: "", "P703": taxon} else: uniprot2wd = wdi_helpers.id_mapper(UNIPROT) fast_run_base_filter = {UNIPROT: ""} cursor = collection.find({'_id': {'$in': list(uniprot2wd.keys())}}).batch_size(20) qids = [] for n, doc in tqdm(enumerate(cursor), total=cursor.count(), mininterval=10.0): wd_item = create_for_one_protein(login, doc, release_wdid, uniprot2wd, fast_run_base_filter, write=write) if wd_item and not wd_item.create_new_item: qids.append(wd_item.wd_item_id) if run_one: break return qids
def UpDataShare(): thread = [] MaxThread = 3 num=0 code = Tools().GetShareCode() for x in code: y = threading.Thread(target=ChildThead, args=(x,)) thread.append(y) try: for t in tqdm(thread): t.start() while True: time.sleep(0.05) if len(threading.enumerate()) < MaxThread: if len(code) - num < 13: t.join() num = num + 1 break except: print "1223"
def crawl_by_file(file_path, verbose, year=None): """Crawls IMDB and builds movie profiles for a movies in the given file.""" results = {res_type : 0 for res_type in _result.ALL_TYPES} titles = _titles_from_file(file_path) if verbose: print("Crawling over all {} IMDB movies in {}...".format( len(titles), file_path)) movie_pbar = tqdm(titles, miniters=1, maxinterval=0.0001, mininterval=0.00000000001, total=len(titles)) for title in movie_pbar: res = crawl_by_title(title, verbose, year, movie_pbar) results[res] += 1 print("{} IMDB movie profiles crawled.".format(len(titles))) for res_type in _result.ALL_TYPES: print('{} {}.'.format(results[res_type], res_type)) # === uniting movie profiles to csv ===
def build_united_profiles(verbose): """Build movie profiles with data from all resources.""" os.makedirs(_UNITED_DIR_PATH, exist_ok=True) prof_names = sorted(_prof_names_in_all_resources()) if verbose: print("Building movie profiles with data from all resources.") prof_names = tqdm(prof_names) for prof_name in prof_names: file_name = prof_name + '.json' imdb_prof_path = os.path.join(_IMDB_DIR_PATH, file_name) with open(imdb_prof_path, 'r') as imbd_prof_file: imdb_prof = json.load(imbd_prof_file) meta_prof_path = os.path.join(_METACRITIC_DIR_PATH, file_name) with open(meta_prof_path, 'r') as meta_prof_file: meta_prof = json.load(meta_prof_file) united_prof = {**imdb_prof, **meta_prof} united_prof_fpath = os.path.join(_UNITED_DIR_PATH, file_name) with open(united_prof_fpath, 'w+') as unite_prof_file: json.dump(united_prof, unite_prof_file, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def tqdm_callback(N, notebook=True): """ Return a :module:`tqdm` progress bar expecting *N* iterations, either suitable with jupyter if *notebook* is true and for the terminal otherwise. The progress bar includes an additional method :function:`callback` (function of one ignored parameter) meant to be past as a callback function called to update the progress bar. """ if notebook: progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm_notebook(total=N) else: progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=N) def callback(self, i): self.update() progress_bar.callback = partial(callback, progress_bar) return progress_bar
def _generate_all_features(self): """ generates all features for all mentions and frees from memory: self.embeddings and self.features pregenerate all feature vectors to increase get_batch speed """ print('DataLoader: generating all features') # self.mention_features = {m: self._make_mention_features(m) for ms in self.document_mentions for m in ms} assert self.embeddings is not None assert self.features is not None for ms in tqdm(self.document_mentions): for m in ms: self.mention_features[m] = self._make_mention_features(m) self.features_size = len(self.mention_features[m]) self.embeddings = None print('DataLoader: generating all features finished')
def add_input_info_for_external_exchanges(activities, names): """Add details on exchange inputs from other databases""" names = set(names) cache = {} for ds in tqdm(activities): for exc in ds['exchanges']: if 'input' not in exc or exc['input'][0] in names: continue if exc['input'] not in cache: cache[exc['input']] = ActivityDataset.get( ActivityDataset.database == exc['input'][0], ActivityDataset.code == exc['input'][1], ) obj = cache[exc['input']] exc['name'] = obj.name exc['product'] = obj.product exc['unit'] = obj.data['unit'] exc['location'] = obj.location if exc['type'] == 'biosphere': exc['categories'] = obj.data['categories']
def __init__(self, dirName): """ Args: dirName (string): directory where to load the corpus """ self.MAX_NUMBER_SUBDIR = 10 self.conversations = [] __dir = os.path.join(dirName, "dialogs") number_subdir = 0 for sub in tqdm(os.scandir(__dir), desc="Ubuntu dialogs subfolders", total=len(os.listdir(__dir))): if number_subdir == self.MAX_NUMBER_SUBDIR: print("WARNING: Early stoping, only extracting {} directories".format(self.MAX_NUMBER_SUBDIR)) return if sub.is_dir(): number_subdir += 1 for f in os.scandir(sub.path): if f.name.endswith(".tsv"): self.conversations.append({"lines": self.loadLines(f.path)})
def vec2bin(input_path, output_path): input_fd = open(input_path, "rb") output_fd = open(output_path, "wb") header = input_fd.readline() output_fd.write(header) vocab_size, vector_size = map(int, header.split()) for line in tqdm(range(vocab_size)): word = [] while True: ch = input_fd.read(1) output_fd.write(ch) if ch == b' ': word = b''.join(word).decode('utf-8') break if ch != b'\n': word.append(ch) vector = np.fromstring(input_fd.readline(), sep=' ', dtype='float32') output_fd.write(vector.tostring()) input_fd.close() output_fd.close()
def evaluate(input_path, n_jobs): aud, ann = zip(*crema.utils.get_ann_audio(input_path)) test_idx = set(pd.read_json('index_test.json')['id']) # drop anything not in the test set ann = [ann_i for ann_i in ann if crema.utils.base(ann_i) in test_idx] aud = [aud_i for aud_i in aud if crema.utils.base(aud_i) in test_idx] stream = tqdm(zip(ann, aud), desc='Evaluating test set', total=len(ann)) results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(track_eval)(ann_i, aud_i) for ann_i, aud_i in stream) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict(results), orient='index') print('Results') print('-------') print(df.describe()) df.to_json(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'test_scores.json'))
def train(self, dataset): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() total_loss = 0.0 indices = torch.randperm(len(dataset)) for idx in tqdm(range(len(dataset)),desc='Training epoch ' + str(self.epoch + 1) + ''): ltree, lsent, rtree, rsent, label = dataset[indices[idx]] linput, rinput = Var(lsent), Var(rsent) target = Var(map_label_to_target(label, dataset.num_classes)) if self.args.cuda: linput, rinput = linput.cuda(), rinput.cuda() target = target.cuda() output = self.model(ltree, linput, rtree, rinput) loss = self.criterion(output, target) total_loss += loss.data[0] loss.backward() if idx % self.args.batchsize == 0 and idx > 0: self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad() self.epoch += 1 return total_loss / len(dataset) # helper function for testing
def test(self, dataset): self.model.eval() total_loss = 0 predictions = torch.zeros(len(dataset)) indices = torch.arange(1, dataset.num_classes + 1) for idx in tqdm(range(len(dataset)),desc='Testing epoch ' + str(self.epoch) + ''): ltree, lsent, rtree, rsent, label = dataset[idx] linput, rinput = Var(lsent, volatile=True), Var(rsent, volatile=True) target = Var(map_label_to_target(label, dataset.num_classes), volatile=True) if self.args.cuda: linput, rinput = linput.cuda(), rinput.cuda() target = target.cuda() output = self.model(ltree, linput, rtree, rinput) loss = self.criterion(output, target) total_loss += loss.data[0] output = output.data.squeeze().cpu() predictions[idx] = torch.dot(indices, torch.exp(output)) return total_loss / len(dataset), predictions
def load_dataset(self, dataset, verbose=True): """ Load a directory of gnt files. Yields the image and label in tuples. :param dataset: The directory to load. :return: Yields (Pillow.Image.Image, label) pairs. """ assert self.get_dataset(dataset) is True, "Datasets aren't properly downloaded, " \ "rerun to try again or download datasets manually." if verbose: print("Loading %s" % dataset) dataset_path = self.base_dataset_path + dataset for path in tqdm(glob.glob(dataset_path + "/*.gnt")): for image, label in self.load_gnt_file(path): yield image, label
def __download_competition_file(self, competition, file_name, browser): url = 'https://www.kaggle.com/c/%s/download/%s' % (competition, file_name) res = browser.get(url, stream=True) total_size = int(res.headers.get('content-length', 0)); if res.status_code != 200: print('error downloading %s' % file_name) return False file_name = os.path.basename(url) pbar = tqdm(total=total_size, unit='B', unit_scale=True, desc=file_name) chunk_size = 32 * 1024 with open(file_name, 'wb') as file_handle: for data in res.iter_content(chunk_size): file_handle.write(data) pbar.update(chunk_size) return True
def frames2video(name, path): """ Merges images in path into a video :param path: path with prediction images :return: """ batch_size = 100 fnames = os.listdir(path) fnames.sort() #images = np.array([plt.imread(os.path.join(path, fname)) for fname in fnames]) # h, w, c = images[0].shape videowriter = imageio.get_writer(name + '_video.mp4', fps=25) for fname in tqdm.tqdm(fnames): videowriter.append_data(plt.imread(os.path.join(path, fname))) videowriter.close()
def _op(self, df, verbose): inter_df = df colnames = list(self._bin_map.keys()) if verbose: colnames = tqdm.tqdm(colnames) for colname in colnames: if verbose: colnames.set_description(colname) source_col = df[colname] loc = df.columns.get_loc(colname) + 1 new_name = colname + "_bin" if self._drop: inter_df = inter_df.drop(colname, axis=1) new_name = colname loc -= 1 inter_df = out_of_place_col_insert( df=inter_df, series=source_col.apply( self._get_col_binner(self._bin_map[colname])), loc=loc, column_name=new_name) return inter_df
def _op(self, df, verbose): columns_to_encode = self._columns if self._columns is None: columns_to_encode = list(set(df.select_dtypes( include=['object', 'category']).columns).difference( self._exclude_columns)) if verbose: columns_to_encode = tqdm.tqdm(columns_to_encode) inter_df = df for colname in columns_to_encode: lbl_enc = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder() source_col = df[colname] loc = df.columns.get_loc(colname) + 1 new_name = colname + "_enc" if self._drop: inter_df = inter_df.drop(colname, axis=1) new_name = colname loc -= 1 inter_df = out_of_place_col_insert( df=inter_df, series=lbl_enc.fit_transform(source_col), loc=loc, column_name=new_name) self.encoders[colname] = lbl_enc return inter_df
def segment(self, *args): """Segment one or more datasets with this subword field. Arguments: Positional arguments: Dataset objects or other indexable mutable sequences to segment. If a Dataset object is provided, all columns corresponding to this field are used; individual columns can also be provided directly. """ sources = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Dataset): sources += [getattr(arg, name) for name, field in arg.fields.items() if field is self] else: sources.append(arg) for data in sources: for x in tqdm(data, 'segmenting'): x[:] = self.vocab.segment(x)
def cbow_train(self): print("CBOW Training......") self.cbow_model.save_embedding(self.data.id2word, 'cbow_begin_embedding.txt') pos_all_pairs = self.data.get_cbow_batch_all_pairs(self.batch_size, self.context_size) pair_count = len(pos_all_pairs) process_bar = tqdm(range(int(pair_count / self.batch_size))) for _ in process_bar: pos_pairs = self.data.get_cbow_batch_pairs(self.batch_size, self.window_size) if self.using_hs: pos_pairs, neg_pairs = self.data.get_cbow_pairs_by_huffman(pos_pairs) else: pos_pairs, neg_pairs = self.data.get_cbow_pairs_by_neg_sampling(pos_pairs, self.context_size) pos_u = [pair[0] for pair in pos_pairs] pos_v = [int(pair[1]) for pair in pos_pairs] neg_u = [pair[0] for pair in neg_pairs] neg_v = [int(pair[1]) for pair in neg_pairs] self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = self.cbow_model.forward(pos_u, pos_v, neg_u, neg_v) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() print("CBOW Trained and Saving File......") self.cbow_model.save_embedding(self.data.id2word, self.output_file_name) print("CBOW Trained and Saved File.")
def load_word2emb(self, show_progress=True, batch_size=1000): fin_name = self.ensure_file(path.join('fasttext', '{}.zip'.format(self.lang)), url=self.url.format(self.lang)) seen = set() with zipfile.ZipFile(fin_name) as fin: content = fin.read('wiki.{}.vec'.format(self.lang)) lines = content.splitlines() if show_progress: lines = tqdm(lines) batch = [] for line in lines: elems = line.decode().rstrip().split() vec = [float(n) for n in elems[-self.d_emb:]] word = ' '.join(elems[:-self.d_emb]) if word in seen: continue seen.add(word) batch.append((word, vec)) if len(batch) == batch_size: self.insert_batch(batch) batch.clear() if batch: self.insert_batch(batch)
def load_word2emb(self, show_progress=True, batch_size=1000): fin_name = self.ensure_file(path.join('glove', '{}.zip'.format(self.name)), url=self.setting.url) seen = set() with zipfile.ZipFile(fin_name) as fin: fname_zipped = [fzipped.filename for fzipped in fin.filelist if str(self.d_emb) in fzipped.filename][0] content = fin.read(fname_zipped) lines = content.splitlines() if show_progress: lines = tqdm(lines, total=self.setting.size) batch = [] for line in lines: elems = line.decode().rstrip().split() vec = [float(n) for n in elems[-self.d_emb:]] word = ' '.join(elems[:-self.d_emb]) if word in seen: continue seen.add(word) batch.append((word, vec)) if len(batch) == batch_size: self.insert_batch(batch) batch.clear() if batch: self.insert_batch(batch)
def load_word2emb(self, show_progress=True, batch_size=1000): fin_name = self.ensure_file('kazuma.tar.gz', url=self.url) seen = set() with tarfile.open(fin_name, 'r:gz') as fzip: ftxt = fzip.extractfile('charNgram.txt') content = ftxt.read() ftxt.close() lines = content.splitlines() if show_progress: lines = tqdm(lines) batch = [] for line in lines: elems = line.decode().rstrip().split() vec = [float(n) for n in elems[-self.d_emb:]] word = ' '.join(elems[:-self.d_emb]) if word in seen: continue seen.add(word) batch.append((word, vec)) if len(batch) == batch_size: self.insert_batch(batch) batch.clear() if batch: self.insert_batch(batch)
def render_posts(self): """Render posts using jinja2 templates.""" for post in tqdm(self.posts, unit=' pages', miniters=1, desc="Posts"): template_name = "%s.html" % post.meta.template template = self.jinja2.get_template(template_name) html = post.html.decode("utf-8", 'ignore') rv = template.render(content=html, meta=post.meta, posts=self.posts, plugin_data=self.plugin_data, config=self.config, categories=self.posts_by_category.get_as_dict(), tags=self.posts_by_tag.get_as_dict(), templates=self.posts_by_template.get_as_dict(), microdata=self.posts_by_microdata.get_as_dict()) # Liniting linter_results = self.linter.lint(post, rv, self) # Are we stopping on linting errors? if linter_results.has_errors and self.config.linter.stop_on_error: print post.filename for error in linter_results.info: print "\t-%s:%s" % (error[0], error[1]) sys.exit(-1) path = "%s%s/" % (self.get_output_dir(), post.meta.permanent_url) path = path.replace('//', '/') files.write_file(path, 'index.html', rv) ### Templates functions ###
def read(self, file_path: str): # if `file_path` is a URL, redirect to the cache file_path = cached_path(file_path) instances = [] with open(file_path, 'r') as snli_file: logger.info("Reading SNLI instances from jsonl dataset at: %s", file_path) for line in tqdm.tqdm(snli_file): example = json.loads(line) label = example["gold_label"] if label == '-': # These were cases where the annotators disagreed; we'll just skip them. It's # like 800 out of 500k examples in the training data. continue premise = example["sentence1"] hypothesis = example["sentence2"] instances.append(self.text_to_instance(premise, hypothesis, label)) if not instances: raise ConfigurationError("No instances were read from the given filepath {}. " "Is the path correct?".format(file_path)) return Dataset(instances)
def read(self, file_path): instances = [] with open(file_path, "r") as data_file: logger.info("Reading instances from lines in file at: %s", file_path) for line_num, line in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(data_file)): line = line.strip("\n") if not line: continue line_parts = line.split('\t') if len(line_parts) != 2: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid line format: %s (line number %d)" % (line, line_num + 1)) source_sequence, target_sequence = line_parts instances.append(self.text_to_instance(source_sequence, target_sequence)) if not instances: raise ConfigurationError("No instances read!") return Dataset(instances)
def evaluate(model: Model, dataset: Dataset, iterator: DataIterator, cuda_device: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: model.eval() generator = iterator(dataset, num_epochs=1, cuda_device=cuda_device, for_training=False) logger.info("Iterating over dataset") generator_tqdm = tqdm.tqdm(generator, total=iterator.get_num_batches(dataset)) for batch in generator_tqdm: model(**batch) metrics = model.get_metrics() description = ', '.join(["%s: %.2f" % (name, value) for name, value in metrics.items()]) + " ||" generator_tqdm.set_description(description) return model.get_metrics()
def train(): rnn.train() total_loss = 0 hidden = rnn.init_hidden(args.batch_size) for data, label in tqdm(training_data, mininterval=1, desc='Train Processing', leave=False): optimizer.zero_grad() hidden = repackage_hidden(hidden) target, hidden = rnn(data, hidden) loss = criterion(target, label) loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(rnn.parameters(), args.clip) optimizer.step() total_loss += loss.data return total_loss[0]/training_data.sents_size # ############################################################################## # Save Model # ##############################################################################
def train(): rnn.train() total_loss = 0 hidden = rnn.init_hidden() for data, label in tqdm(training_data, mininterval=1, desc='Train Processing', leave=False): optimizer.zero_grad() hidden = repackage_hidden(hidden) target, hidden = rnn(data, hidden) loss = criterion(target, label) loss.backward() optimizer.step() total_loss += loss.data return total_loss[0]/training_data.sents_size # ############################################################################## # Save Model # ##############################################################################
def fit(self, data_x_train, data_x_dev=None, data_x_test=None, n_epochs=10, batch_size=10): assert n_epochs > 0 assert batch_size < data_x_train.shape[0] size_x_train = data_x_train.shape[0] n_batches = size_x_train / batch_size for e in range(n_epochs): epoch_costs = np.zeros(n_batches) bar = tqdm(range(n_batches), desc='Epoch: {:d}'.format(e)) for i in bar: batch_x = data_x_train[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] err = self.partial_fit(batch_x) epoch_costs[i] = err mean_cost = epoch_costs.mean() print 'Train error: {:.4f}'.format(mean_cost) if data_x_dev is not None: random_indices = np.random.randint(0, data_x_dev.shape[0], batch_size) batch_x = data_x_dev[random_indices] err = self.get_cost(batch_x) print 'Validation data error: {:.4f}'.format(err) if data_x_test is not None: err = self.get_cost(data_x_test) print 'Test data error: {:.4f}'.format(err)
def get_tqdm_progressbar(iterator): sys.stderr.flush() return tqdm.tqdm(iterator, bar_format='{desc}{percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}|[{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}]' , ncols=72)
def validate(args): # Setup Dataloader data_loader = get_loader(args.dataset) data_path = get_data_path(args.dataset) loader = data_loader(data_path, split=args.split, is_transform=True, img_size=(args.img_rows, args.img_cols)) n_classes = loader.n_classes valloader = data.DataLoader(loader, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=4) running_metrics = runningScore(n_classes) # Setup Model model = get_model(args.model_path[:args.model_path.find('_')], n_classes) state = convert_state_dict(torch.load(args.model_path)['model_state']) model.load_state_dict(state) model.eval() for i, (images, labels) in tqdm(enumerate(valloader)): model.cuda() images = Variable(images.cuda(), volatile=True) labels = Variable(labels.cuda(), volatile=True) outputs = model(images) pred = outputs.data.max(1)[1].cpu().numpy() gt = labels.data.cpu().numpy() running_metrics.update(gt, pred) score, class_iou = running_metrics.get_scores() for k, v in score.items(): print(k, v) for i in range(n_classes): print(i, class_iou[i])
def setup(self, pre_encode=False): sbd_path = get_data_path('sbd') voc_path = get_data_path('pascal') target_path = self.root + '/SegmentationClass/pre_encoded/' if not os.path.exists(target_path): os.makedirs(target_path) sbd_train_list = tuple(open(sbd_path + 'dataset/train.txt', 'r')) sbd_train_list = [id_.rstrip() for id_ in sbd_train_list] self.files['train_aug'] = self.files['train'] + sbd_train_list if pre_encode: print("Pre-encoding segmentation masks...") for i in tqdm(sbd_train_list): lbl_path = sbd_path + 'dataset/cls/' + i + '.mat' lbl = io.loadmat(lbl_path)['GTcls'][0]['Segmentation'][0].astype(np.int32) lbl = m.toimage(lbl, high=lbl.max(), low=lbl.min()) m.imsave(target_path + i + '.png', lbl) for i in tqdm(self.files['trainval']): lbl_path = self.root + '/SegmentationClass/' + i + '.png' lbl = self.encode_segmap(m.imread(lbl_path)) lbl = m.toimage(lbl, high=lbl.max(), low=lbl.min()) m.imsave(target_path + i + '.png', lbl)
def build_feature_files(base_directory, new_directory, data_loader, n=None, negative_example_keep_prob=1.0): os.makedirs(new_directory, exist_ok=False) episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(base_directory) label_counts = [0, 0] if n is not None: np.random.shuffle(episode_paths) episode_paths = episode_paths[:n] for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths): try: features, labels = data_loader.load_features_and_labels([episode_path]) except: traceback.print_exc() else: keep = np.logical_or(labels, (np.less( np.random.rand(len(labels)), negative_example_keep_prob))) labels = labels[keep] for i in range(len(label_counts)): label_counts[i] += np.count_nonzero(labels == i) features = {k: v[keep] for k, v in features.items()} new_path = path_relative_to_new_directory(base_directory, new_directory, episode_path, ".features") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_path), exist_ok=True) with open(new_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((features, labels), f) return label_counts
def copy_episodes(indir, outdir, n): episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(indir) np.random.shuffle(episode_paths) episode_paths = episode_paths[:n] start = len(indir) for p in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths): assert p.startswith(indir), p outfile = outdir + p[start:] os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfile), exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(p, outfile)
def label_episodes(directory, classifier): episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(directory) data_loader = DataLoader(hparams=classifier.hparams) for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths): try: data_loader.predict_episodes(classifier, [episode_path], prefix="frame/classifier_") except EOFError as e: traceback.print_exception(e) print("Error reading {}".format(episode_path)) os.remove(episode_path)