def main(): window = turtle.Screen() # creat a screen window.bgcolor("blue") lucy = turtle.Turtle() lucy.shape("turtle") lucy.color("red") lucy.width(5) lucy.speed(0) # Drawing flower flower(lucy, 10, 40, 100, 360) # Drawing pedicel lucy.color("brown") lucy.rt(90) lucy.fd(200) # Drawing leaf lucy.rt(270) lucy.color("green") leaf(lucy, 40, 80, 180) lucy.ht() window.exitonclick() # call the main function to start!
def duzyKwadrat(dlBokMalKw): numPow = 1 wnd = turtle.Screen() wnd.colormode(255) turtle.fillcolor(255, 255, 0) turtle.pu() turtle.bk(225) turtle.lt(90) turtle.bk(225 - dlBokMalKw) turtle.pd() turtle.begin_fill() while(numPow <= 4): turtle.fd(450 - dlBokMalKw * 2 - 15) turtle.rt(90) numPow = numPow + 1 turtle.end_fill() turtle.pu() turtle.setx(0) turtle.sety(0) turtle.pd() turtle.rt(90)
def main(): windows = turtle.Screen()#???? windows.bgcolor('blue')#???? bran = turtle.Turtle()#???? bran.shape('turtle') bran.color('yellow') bran.speed(2)#???? for i in range(1,5):#???? bran.forward(100) bran.right(45) bran.forward(100) bran.right(45) bran.forward(100) bran.right(45) bran.forward(100) bran.right(45)
def main(): #?????? windows=turtle.Screen() #???? windows.bgcolor('pink') #??????? bran=turtle.Turtle()#???T????? bran.shape('turtle') bran.color('purple') #???? bran.speed(1) for i in range(1,20): bran.forward(100) bran.left(72) bran.forward(100) bran.right(144)
def main(): #?????? windows = turtle.Screen() #???? windows.bgcolor('blue') #???????? bran = turtle.Turtle() bran.shape('turtle') bran.color('yellow') #???? bran.speed(1) #??? for i in range(1,10): bran.forward(100) bran.right(90) bran.forward(150) bran.right(90) bran.forward(100) bran.right(90) bran.forward(150) bran.right(90) #???
def main(): global screen, red, green, blue screen = Screen() screen.delay(0) screen.setworldcoordinates(-1, -0.3, 3, 1.3) red = ColorTurtle(0, .5) green = ColorTurtle(1, .5) blue = ColorTurtle(2, .5) setbgcolor() writer = Turtle() writer.ht() writer.pu() writer.goto(1,1.15) writer.write("DRAG!",align="center",font=("Arial",30,("bold","italic"))) return "EVENTLOOP"
def main(): s = Screen() s.bgcolor("black") p=Turtle() p.speed(0) p.hideturtle() p.pencolor("red") p.pensize(3) s.tracer(36,0) at = clock() mn_eck(p, 36, 19) et = clock() z1 = et-at sleep(1) at = clock() while any([t.undobufferentries() for t in s.turtles()]): for t in s.turtles(): t.undo() et = clock() return "runtime: %.3f sec" % (z1+et-at)
def main(): s = Screen() s.bgcolor("black") p=Turtle() p.speed(0) p.hideturtle() p.pencolor("red") p.pensize(3) s.tracer(36,0) at = clock() mn_eck(p, 36, 19) et = clock() z1 = et-at sleep(1) at = clock() while any([t.undobufferentries() for t in s.turtles()]): for t in s.turtles(): t.undo() et = clock() return "Laufzeit: %.3f sec" % (z1+et-at)
def draw_square(): window = turtle.Screen() window.bgcolor("red") brad = turtle.Turtle() brad.shape("turtle") brad.color("yellow") brad.speed(5) counter = 0 while counter < 36: brad.forward(100) brad.right(90) brad.forward(100) brad.right(90) brad.forward(100) brad.right(90) brad.forward(100) brad.right(100) counter += 1 window.exitonclick()
def main(): tList = [] head = 0 numTurtles = 10 wn = turtle.Screen() wn.setup(500,500) for i in range(numTurtles): nt = turtle.Turtle() # Make a new turtle, initialize values nt.setheading(head) nt.pensize(2) nt.color(random.randrange(256),random.randrange(256),random.randrange(256)) nt.speed(10) wn.tracer(30,0) tList.append(nt) # Add the new turtle to the list head = head + 360/numTurtles for i in range(100): moveTurtles(tList,15,i) w = tList[0] w.up() w.goto(0,40) w.write("How to Think Like a ",True,"center","40pt Bold") w.goto(0,-35) w.write("Computer Scientist",True,"center","40pt Bold")
def main(): #?????? windows = turtle.Screen() # windows.onclick(get) #???? windows.bgcolor('blue') #???????? bran.shape('turtle') bran.color('black') bran.onclick(turn) #?????? while True: # bran.stamp() bran.backward(60) # bran.undo() bran.right(90) # hitTurtle(100,0,1,60,50,0,"yellow")
def main(): # windows=turtle.Screen() # windows.bgcolor('blue') bran=turtle.Turtle() bran.shape('classic') bran.color('black') bran.speed(2) while True: # bran.forward(10) bran.down() bran.right(60) bran.circle(80) # bran.forward(10) # bran2.left(30) # bran2.goto(0,0) # bran2.forward(10)
def runTurtle(): windows=turtle.Screen() windows.bgcolor("blue") tu=[] i=0 hit(i) for i in range(10): bran=turtle.Turtle() bran.hideturtle() bran.color("yellow") bran.shape("turtle") bran.shapesize(1,1) bran.onclick(turn) bran.up() bran.goto(i*30,0) tu.append(bran) while 1: n=(int)(random.uniform(0, 10)) for i in range(10): tu[i].hideturtle() tu[n].showturtle() time.sleep(1)
def myInitialize(): #wn = turtle.Screen() alex = turtle.Turtle() alex.forward(150) alex.right(200) alex.write("Initialization done.") print ("Initialization done.")
def Turtle_Mini_Project_KC(): window = turtle.Screen() window.bgcolor("white") brad = turtle.Turtle() brad.shape("turtle") brad.color("blue") brad.speed(1) draw_K(brad) draw_C(brad) window.exitonclick()
def main(): #?????? windows = turtle.Screen() #???? windows.bgcolor('blue') #???????? bran = turtle.Turtle() bran.shape('turtle') bran.color('yellow') #?????? for i in range(1,3): bran.setposition(300,300) bran.setheading(90) bran.setposition(300,0) bran.setheading(90) bran.setposition(0,0) bran.setheading(90) bran.dot(60,'red') bran.color('black') bran.stamp() bran.forward(-300) bran.right(90) bran.forward(300) bran.left(90) bran.forward(300) bran.clearstamps() for i in range(5): bran.undo()
def main(): #?????? windows = turtle.Screen() #???? windows.bgcolor('blue') #???????? bran = turtle.Turtle() bran.shape('turtle') bran.color('yellow') #??????
def square(): win = turtle.Screen() win.bgcolor("white") jack = turtle.Turtle() for x in range(1,5): jack.forward(100) jack.right(90) win.exitonclick()
def main(): wnd = turtle.Screen() wnd.colormode(255) kwiatek()
def main(): wnd = turtle.Screen() wnd.colormode(255) wiatrak(6)
def main(): mainscreen = turtle.Screen() mainscreen.mode("standard") mainscreen.setup(SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT) nim = Nim(mainscreen) return "EVENTLOOP!"
def makeGraphFrame(self, root): turtle._Screen._root = root self.canvwidth = 1000 self.canvheight = 800 turtle._Screen._canvas = self._canvas = canvas = turtle.ScrolledCanvas( root, 800, 600, self.canvwidth, self.canvheight) canvas.adjustScrolls() canvas._rootwindow.bind('<Configure>', self.onResize) canvas._canvas['borderwidth'] = 0 self.screen = _s_ = turtle.Screen() turtle.TurtleScreen.__init__(_s_, _s_._canvas) self.scanvas = _s_._canvas turtle.RawTurtle.screens = [_s_] return canvas
def main(): my_turtle = turtle.Turtle() my_win = turtle.Screen() my_points = [[-100, -50], [0, 100], [100, -50]] sierpinski(my_points, 3, my_turtle) my_win.exitonclick()
def visualize(lines): import turtle wn = turtle.Screen() t = turtle.Turtle() t.speed(0) t.pencolor('red') t.pd() for i in range(0,len(lines)): for p in lines[i]: t.goto(p[0]*640/1024-320,-(p[1]*640/1024-320)) t.pencolor('black') t.pencolor('red') turtle.mainloop()
def start(): if not start.started: turtle.Screen().title("Nustack Turtle Graphics") start.started = True
def Screen(env) -> "( -- screen)": 'Returns the Screen used by the turtles.' start() "Returns the Screen used by turtles" s = Token("lit_screen", turtle.Screen()) env.stack.push(s)
def main(): myTurtle = turtle.Turtle() myWin = turtle.Screen() myTurtle.penup() myTurtle.backward(250) myTurtle.pendown() koch ( myTurtle, 4, 500 ) myWin.exitonclick()
def main(): myTurtle = turtle.Turtle() myWin = turtle.Screen() myPoints = [[-100,-50],[0,100],[100,-50]] sierpinski(myPoints,3,myTurtle) myWin.exitonclick()
def main(): mainscreen = turtle.Screen() mainscreen.mode("standard") mainscreen.setup(SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT) nim = Nim(mainscreen) return "EVENTLOOP"
def main(): #?????? windows = turtle.Screen() #???? windows.bgcolor('blue') #???????? bran = turtle.Turtle() bran.shape('turtle') bran.color('yellow') #???? bran.speed(5) i=0; bran.write(i) i=i+1 bran.circle(120, 720) bran.write(i) # #??? # for i in range(1,10): # bran.forward(100) # bran.right(90) # bran.forward(150) # bran.right(90) # bran.forward(100) # bran.right(90) # bran.forward(150) # bran.right(90) # #???
def __init__(self): #Creates display for visualization. self.window = turtle.Screen() turtle.setworldcoordinates(-5, -5, 5, 5) turtle.speed(0) #Initializes ROS and subscribes to particle filter. rospy.init_node('particle_visualizer', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber('particle_filter', Particle_vector, self.update) #Initializes list of particles. self.particles = []
def kwScRog(dlBokKw): wnd = turtle.Screen() wnd.colormode(255) turtle.fillcolor(102, 51, 0) numPow = 1 bokMalKw = math.floor((dlBokKw - (dlBokKw / 5) * 2)) scBok = math.sqrt(((dlBokKw / 5) ** 2) * 2) turtle.begin_fill() while(numPow <= 4): turtle.fd(bokMalKw) turtle.lt(45) turtle.fd(scBok) turtle.lt(45) numPow = numPow + 1 turtle.end_fill()
def play(move_player): window = turtle.Screen() window.bgcolor('black') window.tracer(0) player = turtle.Turtle() player.penup() player.setposition(-PLAYGROUND_SIDE, 0) player.speed(0) player.color('white') play_game = True def quit_game(): play_game = False window.listen() window.onkey(quit_game, 'q') drow_border() place_enemies() while play_game: start_time = time.clock() old_x, old_y = player.xcor(), player.ycor() move_player(player) x, y = player.xcor(), player.ycor() if 1 < abs(old_x - x) or 1 < abs(old_y - y): play_game = False elif not can_move(x, y): play_game = False elif player.xcor() == PLAYGROUND_SIDE: play_game = False window.update() elapsed = time.clock() - start_time if elapsed < FRAME_PERIOD: time.sleep(FRAME_PERIOD - elapsed) window.bye()