def draw_canvas(state): '''Draw all the cities in the current state in a canvas. Indicate the start city with a description and the current city by the turtle pointer head ''' turtle.clear() turtle.hideturtle() turtle.up() turtle.pencolor("blue") current_city = state.current_city for city in state.cities: x = city.position[0] y = city.position[1] turtle.goto(x, y) if city.is_start: turtle.write('{}, Start'.format(city.name), align="center", font=("Arial", 12, "bold")) elif city == current_city: turtle.write('{}, Current'.format(city.name), align="center", font=("Arial", 12, "bold")) else: turtle.write('{}'.format(city.name), align="center", font=("Arial", 12, "bold")) turtle.goto(current_city.position[0], current_city.position[1])
def __init__(self, text, color, x = 0, y = 0, font_name = "Arial", font_size = 12, font_type = "normal", align = "left"): turtle.Turtle.__init__(self) self.hideturtle() self.penup() self.goto(x, y) self.color(color) self.font = (font_name, font_size, font_type) self.align = align # Attributes self.text = text # Append to master label list Game.labels.append(self)
def __init__( self, screen_width = 800, screen_height = 600, background_color = "black", title = "Simple Game Library by /u/wynand1004 AKA @TokyoEdTech", splash_time = 3): # Setup using Turtle module methods turtle.setup(width=screen_width, height=screen_height) turtle.bgcolor(background_color) turtle.title(title) turtle.tracer(0) # Stop automatic screen refresh turtle.listen() # Listen for keyboard input turtle.hideturtle() # Hides default turtle turtle.penup() # Puts pen up for defaut turtle turtle.setundobuffer(0) # Do not keep turtle history in memory turtle.onscreenclick(self.click) # Game Attributes self.FPS = 30.0 # Lower this on slower computers or with large number of sprites self.SCREEN_WIDTH = screen_width self.SCREEN_HEIGHT = screen_height self.DATAFILE = "game.dat" self.SPLASHFILE = "splash.gif" # Must be in the same folder as game file self.title = title self.gravity = 0 self.state = "showsplash" self.splash_time = splash_time self.time = time.time() # Clear the terminal and print the game title self.clear_terminal_screen() print (self.title) # Show splash self.show_splash(self.splash_time) # Pop ups
def destroy(self): # When a sprite is destoyed move it off screen, hide it, and set state to None # This is a workaround as there is no way to delete a sprite from memory in the turtle module. self.hideturtle() self.goto(10000, 10000) self.state = None
def __init__(self, shape, color, x = 0, y = 0): turtle.Turtle.__init__(self) # self.hideturtle() self.penup() # Register shape if it is a .gif file if shape.endswith(".gif"): try: turtle.register_shape(shape) except: Game.logs.append("Warning: {} file missing from disk.".format(shape)) # Set placeholder shape shape = "square" self.shape(shape) self.color(color) self.goto(x, y) #Set click binding self.onclick(self.click) # Append to master button list Game.buttons.append(self)
def plot_table(self, *gamma, colors=['red', 'green', 'blue'], draw_speed=16, scale_x=1): """Plot gamma table""" if len(gamma) == 1 and len(gamma[0]) == 3: gamma = gamma[0] if all(x == gamma[0] for x in gamma): gamma = gamma[:1] turtle.penup() turtle.tracer(0, 16) turtle.speed(0) turtle.color('black') for color, points_y in enumerate(gamma): if len(gamma) == len(colors): turtle.color(colors[color]) elif len(colors) == 1: turtle.color(colors[0]) for x, y in enumerate(points_y): trace = x and x % draw_speed == 0 if trace: turtle.tracer(1) turtle.setposition(x * scale_x, y) if trace: turtle.tracer(0) if x == 0: turtle.showturtle() turtle.pendown() turtle.penup() turtle.hideturtle() turtle.update()
def draw_final_path(state): '''Draw the TSP path given the cities in the correct order''' if not state: return None states = [] while state: states.append(state) state = state.parent cities = [state.current_city for state in states] rest = deepcopy(cities) rest = rest[1:] rest.reverse() cities = [cities[0]] + rest turtle.clear() turtle.hideturtle() turtle.up() turtle.pensize(1) for city in cities: x = city.position[0] y = city.position[1] turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pencolor("black") if city.is_start: turtle.write('{}-Start'.format(city.name), align="center", font=("Arial", 11, "bold")) else: turtle.write('{}'.format(city.name), align="center", font=("Arial", 11, "bold")) turtle.down() turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.goto(cities[0].position[0], cities[0].position[1])
def drawSootSprite(N, R): # reset direction turtle.reset() # draw star drawStar(N, R) # draw body turtle.dot(0.8*2*R) # draw right eyeball turtle.fd(0.2*R) turtle.dot(0.3*R, 'white') # draw right pupil turtle.pu() turtle.bk(0.1*R) turtle.pd() turtle.dot(0.05*R) turtle.pu() # centre turtle.setpos(0, 0) # draw left eyeball turtle.bk(0.2*R) turtle.pd() turtle.dot(0.3*R, 'white') # draw left pupil turtle.pu() turtle.fd(0.1*R) turtle.pd() turtle.dot(0.05*R) turtle.hideturtle() #drawStar(5, 200)
def tscheme_hideturtle(): """Make turtle visible.""" _tscheme_prep() turtle.hideturtle() return okay
def draw_round_world(): init() turtle.goto(0, 300) turtle.hideturtle() draw_world(5)
def draw_floor(floornum: int): global current_floor current_floor = floornum node_coords = utils.get_node_coords(utils.Direction.left) if floornum == len(full_floors): rooms = [] # All edges with rooms print('Showing everything') edges = chain.from_iterable(chain(((True, e) for e in edges[0]), ((False, e) for e in edges[1])) for _, edges in full_floors) # Edges with elevation changes #edges = set(chain.from_iterable((edge(v, n) for n in b.values() if set(['u', 'd']) & set(utils.get_graph().edgedata[edge(v, n)]['rooms'])) for v, b in enumerate(utils.get_graph().branches))) # All edges #... elif floornum >= 0 and floornum < len(full_floors): rooms, edges = full_floors[floornum] print(edges) edges = chain(((True, e) for e in edges[0]), ((False, e) for e in edges[1])) print(rooms) else: return turtle.showturtle() turtle.speed(0) turtle.clear() written_nodes = set() for edge_dir, (a, b) in edges: turtle.penup() x, y, _ = node_coords[a] turtle.goto(x / SHRINK + X_OFFSET, y / SHRINK + Y_OFFSET) if a not in written_nodes: turtle.write(a) written_nodes.add(a) turtle.pendown() if edge_dir: if edge_lengths[edge(a, b)] <= 0: turtle.pencolor('red') else: turtle.pencolor('black') else: if edge_lengths[edge(a, b)] <= 0: turtle.pencolor('blue') else: turtle.pencolor('green') x, y, _ = node_coords[b] turtle.goto(x / SHRINK + X_OFFSET, y / SHRINK + Y_OFFSET) turtle.pencolor('black') if b not in written_nodes: turtle.write(b) written_nodes.add(b) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.done()