def kwiatek(r): numPow = 1 turtle.colormode(255) turtle.fillcolor(238, 255, 0) ustDoKolka(r) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.circle(r) turtle.end_fill() ustDoPlatkow(r) while numPow <= 12: turtle.pu() turtle.fd(r) turtle.pd() trojkat(r) turtle.pu() turtle.fd(r) turtle.rt(180) turtle.rt(360/12) numPow = numPow + 1
def tscheme_circle(r, extent=None): """Draw a circle with center R units to the left of the turtle (i.e., right if N is negative. If EXTENT is not None, then draw EXTENT degrees of the circle only. Draws in the clockwise direction if R is negative, and otherwise counterclockwise, leaving the turtle facing along the arc at its end.""" if extent is None: _check_nums(r) else: _check_nums(r, extent) _tscheme_prep() turtle.circle(r, extent and extent) return okay
def tscheme_circle(r, extent = None): """Draw a circle with center R units to the left of the turtle (i.e., right if N is negative. If EXTENT is not None, then draw EXTENT degrees of the circle only. Draws in the clockwise direction if R is negative, and otherwise counterclockwise, leaving the turtle facing along the arc at its end.""" if extent is None: _check_nums(r) else: _check_nums(r, extent) _tscheme_prep() turtle.circle(r, extent and extent) return okay
def glowaWonsza(bok, bokPrzekatna, kat): turtle.colormode(255) szesciokat(bok, bokPrzekatna, kat) turtle.pu() ##Start turtle.lt(180) turtle.pd() naGoreWielokata(bok, bokPrzekatna, kat) turtle.pu() turtle.lt(180) turtle.fd(bok) turtle.fillcolor(206, 136, 22) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.rt(90) turtle.circle(5) turtle.lt(90) turtle.end_fill() turtle.fillcolor(251, 255, 135) turtle.bk(bok) turtle.pd() naGoreWielokata(bok, bokPrzekatna, kat) turtle.pu() turtle.lt(90) turtle.pd() ##Koniec szesciokat(bok, bokPrzekatna, kat) turtle.rt(180) naGoreWielokata(bok, bokPrzekatna, kat) turtle.rt(90)